DC :: Volume #32

#3150: odd/surplus evil of snake( new month asked monthly ticket to work as cat grain)

In the hall, female martial God and fight of god of city medicine blade of not extinguishing is continuing as before. However unlike before, facing the attack of god city medicine, female martial Shenmen is actually retreating in defeat again and again at this moment. 在大厅之中,不灭之刃的女武神与神城医药的战斗依旧在继续。然而与之前不同,此刻面对神城医药的攻击,女武神们却是在节节败退。 how did this come about?” 这是怎么回事?” Stands in the balconies in two buildings, looks at the following battlefield, Fang Zheng blew a whistling. 站在二楼的阳台上,看着下面的战场,方正不由的吹了声口哨。 Has not really thought that the female military god of blade of not extinguishing does walk dragging a lame leg? Machine does armor of even/including Shencheng medicine and transform warrior not to handle?” “真没想到不灭之刃的女武神这么拉跨?连神城医药的机甲和改造战士都搞不定?” Initially when the abyssal sea city hit the counter entropy, obviously two very fierce. 当初在海渊城打逆熵的时候,明明一个两个都挺猛的啊。 How to wither to here? 怎么到了这里就萎了? Situation some are not right.” “情况有些不对。” Bro Niya frowns, carefully is observing these female martial God of resistance machine armor. 布洛妮娅皱起眉头,仔细观察着那些正在抵抗机甲的女武神。 They simply have not displayed the female martial God strength ......... “她们根本没有发挥出女武神的力量………” We come up quickly the help!” “我们快上去帮忙!” Help? They are not the rebel army ......... “帮忙?她们不是叛军………” Fang Zheng does not care about these female martial God actually, after all the opposite party is his enemy is coming, but saw that Qi Ya Na and thunder and lightning bud clothes to the vision of hope oneself cast, Fang Zheng is also helpless shrugging the shoulders. 方正倒是不怎么在乎这些女武神,毕竟对方算是他的敌人来着,不过看到琪亚娜和雷电芽衣向自己投来的祈求的目光,方正也是无奈的耸耸肩膀。 Good good, in any case is not the matter at the worst, fights a battle to force a quick decision.” “好吧好吧,反正也不是什么大不了的事情,速战速决吧。” Finishes speaking, sees only the young girls to jump down in abundance, rushes over toward the battlefield, but Fang Zheng also sighed, fished out Frostmourne to bring to follow slightly secretly, with. 话音刚落,只见少女们就纷纷一跃而下,朝着战场冲了过去,而方正也是叹了口气,摸出霜之哀伤带着小暗紧随其后,跟了上去。 Copes with the god city medicine machine armor and transforms the soldier not to spend people too many times, in a while, besieged female martial God machine armor to be swept away by the people. But female martial Shenmen of Qi Ya Na and that side talked the moment, later then led female martial God to arrive at at Fang Zheng’s side. 对付神城医药的机甲和改造士兵并没有花众人太多的工夫,没过多久,原本围攻女武神的机甲就被众人一扫而空。而琪亚娜和那边的女武神们交谈了片刻,随后便带着一个女武神走到了方正的身边 Mr. Yuki, they present Riitta's order, gives support. Heard Riitta as if in this god city medicine underground discovered the appearance of what secret.” 结城先生,她们是奉丽塔的命令,前来支援的。听说丽塔似乎在这个神城医药的地下发现了什么秘密的样子。” „Does Riitta ............... that want to kidnap the Lala result by the fellow who tramples flies?” “丽塔……………那个想要绑架菈菈结果被一脚踹飞的家伙?” Hears this name, Fang Zheng raised his brows, has saying that he may have no favorable impression to this name. If the opposite party were taken away to make what flesh weapon, Fang Zheng will also only cut her conveniently. 听到这个名字,方正挑了下眉头,不得不说,他对这个名字可没什么好感。如果对方被拿去做成了什么人肉兵器,方正也只会顺手砍了她。 at this moment that female martial God also looks to Fang Zheng, requested to him. 这会儿那个女武神也是望向方正,向他请求道。 Asked you, rescued Riitta vice- captain, she also below ......... “求求你,救救丽塔副队长,她还在下面………” That said that who knows that this is ruse of inflicting an injury on oneself that you jointly develop?” “话是这么说,谁知道这是不是你们联手演的苦肉计?” Facing the female martial God request, Fang Zheng frowns. 面对女武神的请求,方正皱起眉头。 Your so many people, even these ordinary machine armor and transformation people do not handle, but also wants us to come the helper? Moreover Riitta that fellow is not weak, what thing can tie down her?” “你们这么多人,连这些普普通通的机甲和改造人都搞不定,还要我们来帮手?而且丽塔那家伙也不弱吧,什么东西能够缠住她?” This is also Fang Zheng is suspicious the reason, must know that him is counted itself and small dark also on five people, opposite party so many female martial God, even if the average strength were inferior that Qi Ya Na they are powerful, is still insufficient to hit these machine armor also to spend such a long time, therefore Fang Zheng suspected very much, these fellows are acting in a play, gives itself under to wrap/sets of intentionally. 这也是方正心生疑惑的原因,要知道他这边算上自己和小暗也就五个人,对方那么多女武神,就算平均实力不如琪亚娜她们强大,也不至于打这些机甲还花这么长时间,所以方正很怀疑,这些家伙是不是在演戏,故意给自己下套。 We ......... we were the ambush ......... they used a strange smoke shell, then we felt that our strength started to drain ......... “我们………我们是中了埋伏………他们使用了一种奇怪的烟雾弹,然后我们就感觉自己的力量开始流失了………” oh? This matter? Let me have a look.” 呵?还有这种事?让我看看。” Fang Zheng so will not be certainly easy to believe that the words of opposite party, he opens individual terminal, conducted the scanning to these female martial God ........., however the conclusion also seems like such that they said that the collapses of these female military god within the body can the density obviously be lower than the normal level, even with vanishing almost. 方正当然不会这么容易相信对方的话,他打开个人终端,对这些女武神进行了扫描………然而结论也像是她们说的那样,这些女武神体内的崩坏能浓度明显低于正常水平,甚至和消失了差不多。 This may be really interesting. 这可真有意思。 Good, I know the situation now, what to do do you then plan?” “好吧,现在我知道情况了,你们接下来打算怎么办?” Communication shut off by the opposite party, we must hurry back to contact orchid Dell captain now immediately ......... “通讯被对方切断了,我们现在要立刻赶回去联络幽兰戴尔队长………” Said till here, the opposite party seems like discovered oneself spoke incorrectly anything, immediately quickly covered the mouth, but Fang Zheng is rolled their eyes. 说道这里,对方似乎发现自己说错了什么,顿时急忙捂住了嘴巴,而方正则是翻了个白眼 Don't worry, I am not the person of destiny, did you betray the destiny to be needless with me saying that had the words to ask Lisa to say. Although I regarding saving that woman have no interest, but I am interested ......... you to pray that in the secret of god city medicine very much your vice- captain can support to us saves her.” “不用担心,我不是天命的人,你们背叛不背叛天命也不用和我说,有话去找德丽莎说去。虽然我对于救那个女人没什么兴趣,但是我对于神城医药的秘密很感兴趣………你就祈祷你们的副队长能够支撑到我们去救她吧。” Although has no favorable impression to this woman, but Fang Zheng never blade of squad there extinguishing obtained the exact location of that underground secret base, therefore then leads the people to ride the elevator, arrived at god city medicine most below kernel range. 虽然对这个女人没什么好感,但方正还是从不灭之刃小队那里得到了那个地下秘密基地的确切位置,于是便带着众人乘坐电梯,来到了神城医药最下方的核心区。 Opens the door, Riitta who who warrior pursued Fang Zheng saw to be transformed everywhere sways back and forth by one pile. Obviously, this woman has no power and prestige now, looks actually distressed is not good. 一开门,方正就看见了正在被一堆改造战士追的满地打滚的丽塔。显然,这个女人现在没什么威风了,看起来倒是狼狈的不行。 Cuts ......... is also living, if she were caught to transform me actually by Polish SS to deliver her to go to the western heaven.” “切………还活着啊,她要是被波SS抓了改造掉的话我倒是可以送她上西天来着。” Sees here, Fang Zheng curls the lip, but does not need to say anything again, because this moment Qi Ya Na three people have copied the fellow to rush, the transformation soldier and machine armor that will besiege Riitta sweep away. 看到这里,方正撇了撇嘴,不过也没必要再说什么,因为此刻琪亚娜三人已经抄家伙冲了上去,将围攻丽塔的改造士兵和机甲一扫而空。 Miss Riitta, you are all right!” “丽塔小姐,你没事吧!” You are ............... “你们是……………” Sees Qi Ya Na and the others appearances suddenly, Riitta obviously is also quite surprised. 看到琪亚娜等人的忽然出现,丽塔显然也是相当吃惊。 How can you here?” “你们怎么会在这里?” „It is not you to the destiny reported the god city medicine is up to mischief? Therefore Lisa asked me to lead the person to take a look at the situation.” “不是你们向天命报告神城医药在搞鬼的吗?于是德丽莎就拜托我带人来看看情况。” At this time, Fang Zheng also walked gradually, he narrows the eye, took a fast look around the people ready dead and mutants in a glance all around these culture dishes, coldly snorted. 就在这个时候,方正也缓步走了过来,他眯起眼睛,扫视了一眼四周那些培养皿之中的死士和突变体,冷哼一声 I also think this is what schemes and tricks that and is you goes for, now seems like also is really a little thing.” “我原本还以为这是不是又是你们搞的什么阴谋诡计呢,现在看起来还真是有点儿东西啊。” It seems like ......... Mr. Yuki as if there is very big opinion to us.” “看来………结城先生似乎对我们有很大的意见。” Although the Riitta whole body at this moment is the wound, an appearance in an extremely difficult situation, but she smiles bitterly as before wear a look, responded in a low voice. 虽然此刻的丽塔浑身是伤,一副狼狈不堪的样子,但是她依旧面带苦笑,低声回应道。 Nonsense, depends on you to dare to kidnap Lala unexpectedly, I should kill your 10,000 times, without, when just met reduced your head is I shows mercy especially.” “废话,就凭你居然胆敢绑架菈菈,我就应该弄死你一万次,没有在刚见面的时候就砍掉你的脑袋已经算是我格外开恩了。” Fang Zheng glanced over Riitta, then takes back the vision, looks a whole body to the screen wraps the woman in black cape. 方正扫了一眼丽塔,然后收回目光,望向屏幕上一个全身包裹在黑斗篷里的女人。 Therefore, this is the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator?” “所以,这就是幕后黑手?” Is ......... this god city medicine ......... is actually stronghold of the world snake, they using the vaccine as the camouflage, conduct the artificial engraving activation experiment here ......... “是的………这座神城医药………其实是世界蛇的一个据点,她们在这里利用疫苗作为伪装,进行人为的刻印激活实验………” This I know.” “这个我知道。” Fang Zheng beckons with the hand, interrupted Riitta's explanation, later he narrows the eye, is looking steadily at the woman on screen. 方正摆了摆手,打断了丽塔的说明,随后他眯起眼睛,盯视着屏幕上的女人。 Stigma plan? Kevin that old thing was given to kill by me, you return unwilling unexpectedly.” 圣痕计划?凯文那老东西都被我给弄死了,你们居然还不死心啊。” Cannot you say reveres the main given name.” “不许你直呼尊主的名讳。” Black cape female hearing this, the complexion sinks. 黑斗篷女子听到这里,面色一沉。 Reveres main could die? You do not know that he is ............... “尊主怎么可能会死?你根本不知道他是……………” What's the big deal?” “那又如何?” Is looking at the black cape on screen, Fang Zheng chuckled, raises hand. 望着屏幕上的黑斗篷,方正呵呵一笑,举起手来。 Fuses warrior, the residual that last century left behind? Also is this, although I do not know how your world snake organization to regard that idiot, however in the into the sea|nautical mile of quantum, I already homicide cannot die again. His soul is withstanding eternal suffering in the hell of cold ice now, you are not perhaps able to imagine, revering of your wise supernatural might main, what suffering now is bearing and pain ......... hahahaha!!” “融合战士,上个世纪遗留的残渣?也不过就是这样罢了,虽然我不知道你们世界蛇组织内部是如何看待那个白痴的,但是在量子之海里,我已经把他杀的不能再死了。他的灵魂现在正在寒冰的地狱里承受着永恒的折磨,你们恐怕根本无法想象,你们那位英明神武的尊主,现在承受着什么样的煎熬与痛苦吧………哈哈哈哈哈!!” eh ............... ……………” Looked that focuses on the front belt/bring smiling fiercely, twists the mouth sidewise the mouth, as if big villain same Fang Zheng, Qi Ya Na and thunder and lightning bud clothes retroceded several steps. 看着眼前面带狰狞微笑,咧开嘴巴,仿佛大反派一样的方正,琪亚娜和雷电芽衣都不由的后退了好几步。 „Is Mr. Yuki ......... such person?” 结城先生………是这样的人吗?” Qi Ya Na drew quietly under small dark, in a low voice asked, but small dark responded in a low voice. 琪亚娜悄悄拉了下小暗,低声开口询问道,而小暗则只是低声回应道。 Listened to Miss Leander saying that Yuki he indeed was relentless regarding the enemy.” “听利安德小姐说,结城他对于敌人的确是毫不留情的。” This is not relentless.” “这根本就不是毫不留情吧。” The at this moment thunder and lightning bud clothes also complained. 这会儿雷电芽衣也吐槽了起来。 How I felt we probably are villain ......... “我怎么感觉我们好像才是反面人物似的………” ..................... Utter nonsense.” “…………………一派胡言。” Hears Fang Zheng’s words, the black cape female complexion changes. 听到方正的说话,黑斗篷女子面色微变。 But, since you came, then do not walk!” “不过,既然你们来了,那么就不要走了!” With the speech of black cape, suddenly, all around passes ventilation duct to open suddenly, later, the white mist sprays. But sees this, Riitta is startled immediately. 伴随着黑斗篷的说话,忽然,四周的通风管道猛然打开,随后,白色的雾气从中喷射而出。而看到这一幕,丽塔顿时一惊。 „It is not good, leaves here a bit faster, this is ......... “不好,快点儿离开这里,这是………” „Huh?” “哎?” Hears Riitta's reminder, the young girls stare, but the next moment, they felt immediately the whole body lost the strength, one by one sitting to the place. 听到丽塔的提醒,少女们不由一愣,但是下一刻,她们顿时感觉浑身失去了力气,一个个不由的坐到在地。 This, how did this come about?” “这,这是怎么回事?” Why I felt that the whole body is incapable ......... “为什么我感觉浑身无力………” hahahaha!!” “啊哈哈哈哈!!” Looks at present Qi Ya Na, the thunder and lightning bud clothes and Bro Niya appearance, the black cape laughs immediately. 看着眼前琪亚娜,雷电芽衣和布洛妮娅的样子,黑斗篷顿时大笑起来。 How feels? This is not the hypnosis gas, but is the HSN-B 46 blood serum, lets blood serum that the collapse in organism can the rapid deactivation also disperse, this is masterpiece oh of some destiny scientist. Moreover this is to make ready especially the edition of mixture for your female military god, does not need through the breath, so long as contacts the flesh to enter the circulatory system, making the female military idol average person same not have the strength to hit back!” “感觉如何?这可不是什么催眠瓦斯,而是HSN-B46血清,让生物体内的崩坏能迅速失活并且发散的血清,这可是天命某位科学家的杰作。而且这还是为了你们女武神特备调制的版本,不需要通过呼吸,只要接触肌肤就能进入循环系统,让女武神像普通人一样毫无还手之力!” This but actually is really an interesting gadget.” “这倒真是个有趣的玩意儿。” Looks to fall down the young girls, Fang Zheng touches the chin, at this time, saw only the Qi Ya Na two eyes to flash suddenly, emitted the golden light. 看着瘫倒在地的少女们,方正摸了摸下巴,就在这个时候,只见琪亚娜猛然两眼一闪,放出了金光。 Wait, human, what did you make? Gives me, making me come ...............!!” “等等,人类,你做了什么?交给我,让我来……………!!” Is yelling, law of emptying raised hand to aim at the ceiling, however the next moment, she grasped the head to scream suddenly. 一面喊叫着,空之律者一面举起手来对准了天花板,然而下一刻,她猛然抱住脑袋尖叫起来。 ahhhhhh!!!!” 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!” With the squeal of law of emptying, the collapse of her within the body can erupt spraying rapidly, then dissipates in the air. But law of emptying also falls down, restored Qi Ya Na, remained unconscious. 伴随着空之律者的尖叫声,她的体内的崩坏能迅速爆发喷射,接着在空气之中消散。而紧接着空之律者也倒在地上,重新恢复成了琪亚娜,昏迷不醒。 Qi, Qi Ya Na ............... “琪,琪亚娜……………” oh? Including the law of move emptying?” 呵?连空之律者都中招了?” Sees here, Fang Zheng a bright, black cape at this moment is also laughs at present. 看到这里,方正眼前一亮,此刻的黑斗篷也是大笑起来。 What's wrong? Even law, still irresistibly the effect of this blood serum! Relax, I will not kill your, I will catch completely you, conducts the experiment ............... to make us have a look well, the law outcome and human have anything differently ......... to hold them!!” “如何?就算是律者,也无法抵抗这种血清的效果!放心吧,我不会杀死你们的,我会把你们全部抓起来,好好进行试验……………让我们看看,律者究竟和人类有什么不同………抓住她们!!” With the black cape female's order, the next moment sees only all around culture dish to explode suddenly, later, several strange shadows leap, dropped from the clouds to fall in the ground. They seem like the blended body of human young girl and spider, the upper part is the body of human, but their both legs the segmental appendage fusion with similar spider in one, were full of a fierce feeling. 伴随着黑斗篷女子的命令,下一刻只见四周的培养皿骤然爆炸,随后,数个诡异的黑影从中飞跃而出,从天而降落在了地面上。她们看起来像是人类少女与蜘蛛的融合体,上半身是人类的身体,而她们的双腿则与类似蜘蛛的节肢融合在了一起,充满了一种凶恶的感觉。 This is we death weaver who specially to hunt and kill female martial God prepares, happen, made us have a look, they can display anything to affect regarding law.” “这是我们专门为了猎杀女武神准备的死亡编织者,正好,就让我们看看,它们对于律者能够发挥什么作用吧。” On this gadget?” “就这玩意儿?” Fang Zheng contemptuously took a fast look around these monsters, coldly snorted. 方正轻蔑的扫视了一圈那些怪物,冷哼一声 You really think that this type of thing can beat law?” “你真以为这种东西就能够击败律者?” Naturally, if merely is only this, then I will not have said ............... “当然,如果仅仅只是这样的话,那么我还不会这么说……………” When the black cape complacent plan also said anything, suddenly a breathless sound appeared, interrupted her words. 就在黑斗篷洋洋得意的还打算说点儿什么的时候,忽然一个气急败坏的声音出现,打断了她的话。 what are you doing! Raven!” 你在干什么!渡鸦!” Dieb?” “胡狼?” Hears this voice, the black cape gawked. 听到这个声音,黑斗篷愣了一下。 I am training the mousie that these fall into a trap, you look, three law ............ “我正在调教那些落入陷阱的小老鼠,你看,三个律者…………” Your this idiot! They have followed your communications circuit to enter the world snake black the core center! Immediately shuts off the connection!!!” “你这个白痴!他们已经顺着你的通讯线路黑入世界蛇的核心中枢了!立刻切断连接!!!” Yeah? How ............... “哎?怎么……………” This time, the words of black cape have not said, then the communication is stopped immediately forcefully, but Fang Zheng shakes the head, put down the individual terminal in hand. 这一次,黑斗篷的话还没有说完,接着通讯就立刻被强行中止,而方正则摇了摇头,放下了手中的个人终端。 Really pitifully, almost can dig up thoroughly the snake skin of this snake.” “真可惜,差一点儿就能够把这条蛇的蛇皮彻底扒下来了。” Right, a moment ago Fang Zheng was not pure in the idle talk, he shifted the attention of that black cape using Qi Ya Na and the others, entered the network of the world snake through the communications circuit of black cape secretly black, checked them upside down. Originally Fang Zheng also plans to fall this network thoroughly black, but its network center seems like some lifeform integration, finally was discovered by the opposite party. 没错,刚才方正可不是单纯在废话,他一面利用琪亚娜等人转移那个黑斗篷的注意力,一面偷偷通过黑斗篷的通讯线路黑入了世界蛇的网络,把他们查了个底朝天。本来方正还打算将这个网络彻底黑掉,但是其网络中枢似乎是某种生物集成的,结果被对方发现了。 However these clues are also enough. 不过这些线索也已经足够了。 Thinks till here, the Fang Zheng glanced over individual terminal, takes back the vision to look to at present these transformation apparatus armor. 想到这里,方正扫了一眼个人终端,收回目光望向眼前这些改造机甲。 Small dark, prepares, we first cleaned cleanly here say again.” “小暗,准备一下,我们先把这里打扫干净再说吧。”
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