DC :: Volume #31

#3020: It is not two sickness!( A way elected only to open files mistakenly meow)

Has saying that arrival of Lala, but makes Fang Zheng have a headache awfully. 不得不说,菈菈的到来,可是让方正头疼的要命。 Especially in the morning gets out of bed, sees Lala stark naked lying down in own side, makes him speechless simply. Although said that the Lala character and Ram are not quite same, but this active temper phase difference is similar actually. 特别是早上一起床,就看到菈菈一丝不挂的躺在自己身边,简直都让他无语。虽然说菈菈的性格和拉姆还不太一样,不过这个积极主动的性子倒是相差仿佛。 However Fang Zheng was obviously impossible to comply, therefore he also said much to Lala about oneself matter. 不过方正显然不可能就这么答应了,于是他也是给菈菈讲了不少关于自己的事情。 I must tell you, I am not the ordinary earthman, I come from Tendoukyuu, that is huge existences of dominant innumerable planet. Because although some reason reincarnations arrived in this world, but I have the girlfriend, moreover there are many ......... “我要告诉你,我可不是普通的地球人,我来自天道宫,那是一个统治无数星球的庞大存在。虽然因为一些原因转生到了这个世界,但是我也是有女朋友的,而且还有很多………” haah ......... the Elder Brother came.” 哈啊………哥哥又来了。” Sits on the table, is eating meal listens to Fang Zheng’s words, Mikan also to sigh. In fact is small the time from her starts, in the Mikan memory the Elder Brother has told this story to her, told her own actually existence from another world, but was the soul reincarnation arrived in this world, moreover said had the nose to be perforated. 坐在餐桌上,一面吃着饭一面听着方正的说话,美柑也是叹了口气。事实上从她小的时候开始,美柑记忆里哥哥就一直给她讲这个故事,告诉她自己其实是来自另外一个世界的存在,只不过是灵魂转生到了这个世界,而且还说的有鼻子有眼的。 Childhood Mikan also really a little believes that but increased along with her age, looked like these in Mikan is Fang Zheng’s fantasy. Vowing solemnly that after all although Fang Zheng said that but Mikan said each time must see these people time, he said that the opposite party cannot come at present, but later will definitely appear ......... 小时候的美柑还真的有点儿相信,不过伴随着她年龄增大,在美柑看来这些都是方正的幻想。毕竟虽然方正说的信誓旦旦,但是每次美柑说要见那些人的时候,他都表示对方目前过不来,但是以后肯定会出现的……… To be honest, Mikan also somewhat was even worried that own Elder Brother can overstate, she remembers that this did call ......... two to get sick probably? 说实话,美柑甚至还有些担心自己的哥哥会不会走火入魔,她记得这好像是叫………中二病来着? But the words of human, what perhaps said is real.” “但是人类的话,说不定说的是真的呢。” Suiseiseki also curious looks at that side, simultaneously is mumbling in a low voice, she has gone in the Fang Zheng’s dreamland, knows there terrifyingly. Words that wanted Suiseiseki to speak, there not probably ordinary human should be have the dreamland that but if really looked like such that Fang Zheng said that then she can accept actually. 翠星石也是好奇的看着那边,同时低声嘟囔着,她可是进去过方正的梦境的,知道那里有多恐怖。要翠星石说的话,那里根本就不像是普通人类应该会有的梦境,但是如果真像方正说的那样,那么她倒是能够接受。 How do you see? Superior?” “你怎么看?优?” Shinku drank a black tea silently, looks to sitting in opposite superior, the latter puts down the bread in hand, the ponder moment. 真红默默的喝了口红茶,望向坐在对面的优,后者则放下手中的面包,思考片刻。 Indeed, the performance of Yuuki-kun and does not seem like ordinary Earth human, moreover he is skilled in regarding the magics and many aspects very much . Moreover the multiple world also exist, but ......... we have not heard a Tendoukyuu such influence.” “的确,结城君的表现并不像是普通的地球人类,而且他对于魔法和很多方面都很精通,而且多重世界也真实存在,可是………我们并没有听说过天道宫这么一个势力。” Moreover, the view of Master is also very strange.” “而且,主人的说法也很奇怪啊。” Also raised hand at this time. 拉碧丝这时候也举起手来。 „If the reincarnation, why wants the reincarnation to come here? Here is only the ordinary families.” “如果说是转生的话,为什么要转生到这里?这里只是普通人家吧。” Un, we are also very ordinary family ......... “嗯,我们也是很普通的家庭啊………” This is also Mikan thinks not the clear another part, if according to the Fang Zheng’s view, why he does not go to the reincarnation to what rich people, can actually come to oneself here? 这也是美柑想不明白的另外一个部分,如果按照方正的说法,那么他为什么不去转生到什么大户人家,却要来自己这里? Naturally, wants the Fang Zheng reply the words is ......... I do not know that the world establishes, what means can I have? 当然,要方正回答的话就是………我也不知道啊,世界是这么设定的,我能有什么办法呢? That is really a little means does not have! 那是真的一点儿办法没有啊! Is listening to young girls' discussion, has a look to Lala told story Fang Zheng, Mikan was slightly somewhat is also anxious. To be honest, she has regarded the story to listen Fang Zheng’s these things from infancy to maturity, has saying that if pure treats as the story, Mikan likes very much. 听着身边少女们的讨论,又看看正在给菈菈“讲故事”的方正,美柑也是略微有些不安。说实话,她从小到大一直都是把方正的那些事情当成故事听,不得不说,如果单纯只是当做故事的话,美柑还是很喜欢的。 For example what human destruction, by the animal rule world, but also there is a city of what superpower, the big dragon and magician in probably adventure story world, these Fang Zheng lectures is rationally, but Mikan also listens with great interest, but she has not thought all these real. 比如什么人类毁灭,由动物统治的世界啊,还有什么超能力者的城市啊,还有像是冒险小说里的巨龙与魔法师的世界啊,这些方正讲的都是头头是道,而美柑也是听的津津有味,但是她可从来没有想过这一切都是真的。 However now, Mikan world had changed. 不过现在,美柑身边的世界已经发生了转变。 Like Shinku, Suiseiseki and Hinaichigo will speak doll that can move to appear, but also presented undead mage, even presents ............... this to let some Mikan many doubts alien now. 真红,翠星石雏莓这样会说话会活动的人偶都出现了,还出现了死灵法师,甚至现在连外星人都出现了……………这让美柑多少有些疑惑了。 The Elder Brother said real? 难道哥哥说的都是真的? Mikan knows certainly that own Elder Brother since childhood seems unusual, with the same age children not too, she also very agreed that in fact appraisal of Toriumi Sakura, that is own Elder Brother seemingly is self-important, completely not likely youngster. Has every so often, Mikan works as the Elder Brother Fang Zheng, might as well said him, when the father regards. 美柑当然知道自己的哥哥从小就显得与众不同,和同龄的孩子都不太一样,事实上她也挺同意鸟海樱花的评价,那就是自己的哥哥看起来老气横秋的,完全不像个少年。有很多时候,美柑与其说把方正当哥哥,还不如说把他当父亲来看待。 Although two people ages differ also several years old, however in the impression of Mikan, almost without the issue that oneself Elder Brother cannot solve. Especially after others compare, this contrast even more is obvious. Mikan has also seen the elder brother sisters of the schoolmate and friend, with them, as soon as contrasts, felt that own Elder Brother mature steady from the start not likely child, even if sluggish time, feels does not seem like the child to be loaf, instead is more like Mikan to rest in these grandfathers who shopping street sees frequently. 虽然两人的年龄相差也就几岁,但是在美柑的印象里,几乎没有自己的哥哥解决不了的问题。特别是和其他人进行对比之后,这种反差就越发明显。美柑也见过自己同学和朋友的兄长姐妹,和他们一对比,感觉自己的哥哥成熟稳重的压根不像个孩子,哪怕懒懒散散的时候,给人的感觉也不像是孩子偷懒,反而更像是美柑经常在商店街看到的那些老爷爷小憩似的。 at this moment looks at Fang Zheng, Mikan is suddenly is anxious. 这会儿看着方正,美柑却是忽然紧张起来。 If by some chance oneself Elder Brother said real? 万一自己哥哥说的都是真的呢? How can that? 那会怎么样? Can he one day leave behind itself, leaves here? Mikan remembers, in childhood when Elder Brother oneself told these stories, she to story in some people had also had the interest, at that time the Elder Brother also tells her, waited for the time mature to lead her to go to and these people meets, when the time comes ate meal to chat to sing KTV not to have the issue. 他会不会有一天留下自己,离开这里?美柑可是记得,小时候哥哥给自己讲这些故事时,她也曾经对故事里的一些人产生过兴趣,当时哥哥也是告诉她,等时机成熟了就带她去和那些人见面,到时候吃饭聊天唱ktv都没问题。 At that time Mikan this, when the story listened ......... has not cared. 当时美柑只是把这当故事听的………并没有放在心上。 But now ............... 可是现在…………… ............... In brief, is this, did you understand?” “……………总之,就是这样,你明白了吗?” Fang Zheng was not clear actually own imouto is thinking anything at heart, his at this moment also in doing best to convince explained own situation to Lala. In this world, Fang Zheng has not concealed own matter, basically lives at home, he gives with the opposite party has spoken these, although Fang Zheng also knows, like Mikan and the others, basically regards two sickness fantasy stories to listen this, it is estimated that also on Suiseiseki and Eve these experiences the doubtfulness of his skill, Fang Zheng could not have produced what evidence to come after all, the light was the idle talk vernacular said that there is no confidence level. 方正倒是不清楚自己的妹妹心里在想什么,他这会儿还在苦口婆心的对菈菈说明自己的情况。在这个世界,方正并没有隐瞒自己的事情,基本上住在家里的,他都给和对方讲过这些,虽然方正也知道,像美柑等人,基本把这当成中二病的幻想故事来听,估计也就翠星石伊芙这些见识过他本事的半信半疑,毕竟方正也拿不出什么证据来,光是空口白话的说没什么信任度可言啊。 No matter you do believe that good and evil Fang Zheng was also conducts to explain to them ahead of time, so as to avoid Kuro-chan they walked when the time comes, here was also confused does not know that what happened. 但是不管你信不信,好歹方正也是提前给她们进行说明了,免得到时候小黑她们过来找上门,这边还一头雾水不知道发生了什么事呢。 I must be your girlfriend!” “那我也要做你的女朋友!” However pitifully Fang Zheng said so many, is basically equal to a little without. Lala visits him as before jubilantly, or the look was warmer than before. 然而可惜方正说了这么多,基本等于一点儿用没有。菈菈依旧兴高采烈的看着他,或者说眼神比之前还热烈了。 Since some of your so many girlfriends, then does not care are many my!” “既然你都有那么多女朋友了,那么也不在乎再多我一个吧!” Is this issue? I must explain that everything always has first come first served, even if you want to get married with me, is my bride, still after must wait till others first marry, is good, do you want?” “是这个问题吗?我要说明啊,凡事总有先来后到,就算你想要和我结婚,做我的新娘子,也得等到其他人先结婚之后才行,你愿意?” Fang Zheng does not think Lala has this idea, after all in his opinion, the Lala good and evil is also Princess alien, has own acting with constraint. Like «Lucky star brat» in Ram, although mounts tight that various Xingdang mounts, but looked that other woman will be jealous the electric discharge close to her. 方正可不认为菈菈有这种想法,毕竟在他看来,菈菈好歹也是外星公主,也是有自己的矜持的。就像《福星小子》里的拉姆一样,虽然黏诸星当黏的紧,但是看别的女人靠近她可是会吃醋放电的。 I want, everyone marries together lively good.” “我愿意,大家一起结婚热热闹闹的多好啊。” ..................... “…………………” You must duplicate/restores carve, cannot duplicate/restores carve exactly the same?! 你丫要复刻,就不能够复刻的一模一样吗?! Can Ram in the past like this, «Lucky star brat» can publish more than 20 books? 拉姆当年要这样,《福星小子》能出二十多本? In brief the situation is this ......... you thinks well, the marriage after all is the matter of lifetime importance ......... “总之情况就是这样………你好好想想,结婚毕竟是终身大事………” Fang Zheng urged several, discovered that could not convince also no longer to urge, he does not understand why the opposite party recognized himself whole-heartedly, now can only wait for the Lala father to come, can look chat with him, making him drop oneself daughter's idea. After all according to the view of that Zastin, Lala is a planet princess, can give others to be the concubine? 方正劝了几句,发现劝不动也就不再劝了,他是不明白为啥对方死心塌地的认准了自己,现在只能够等菈菈的父亲来了,看看能不能和他谈谈,让他打消自己女儿的想法。毕竟按照那个扎斯汀的说法,菈菈可是一个星球的公主呢,要去给别人做小老婆? Fang Zheng thought that traded is own words, will not accept daughter request absolutely. 方正觉得换了是自己的话,绝对不会答应女儿这种要求的。 Now does not know that the opposite party is good to speak, no matter is good to speak, at least must suspend to be good the imposing manner. 现在就是不知道对方好不好说话,但是不管好不好说话,起码自己这边要把气势摆出来才行。 Fang Zheng is considering these, then went out to go to school. Made her keep in the home as for Lala, in any case Shinku, Suiseiseki and Hinaichigo are accompanying her, should not have an accident. 方正考虑着这些,然后就出门上学去了。至于菈菈则让她留在了家里,反正还有真红,翠星石雏莓陪着她呢,应该不会出什么事吧。 But on road of going to school, Fang Zheng naturally and bumped into Sairenji Haruna. 而在上学的路上,方正自然而然的又碰到了西连寺春菜 Good morning, Yuuki-kun.” “早上好,结城君。” Good morning, Sairenji.” “早上好,西连寺。” Two people greet, then turns toward the school to walk together, for these years basically is this, two people have also been used. 两人打了声招呼,接着一起向着学校走去,这么多年来基本都是这样,两人也早就习惯了。 Right, Sairenji.” “对了,西连寺。” At this time, Fang Zheng thinks that suddenly this issue, decides to ask Sairenji Haruna & fucking ash ; Own family/home that group of girls feared that was the soap opera looks, said again, one group of doll baby and undead mage idea was also normal not. However Sairenji Haruna is actually the recognized normal person, should have the different views. 就在这个时候,方正忽然想到这个问题,决定问问西连寺春菜—自己家那群丫头怕是电视剧看多了,再说了,一群人偶娃娃和死灵法师的想法也正常不到哪儿去。但是西连寺春菜却是公认的正常人,应该会有不同的看法吧。 How do you to falling in love see?” “你对一见钟情怎么看?” Falls in love?” “一见钟情?” Yes, meets for example, finally both sides are together are less than one hour, the in high spirits request marriage ......... do you feel this normal?” “是啊,比如说和人见面,结果双方相处不到一个小时,就兴高采烈的要求结婚………你觉得这正常吗?” I felt , if falling in love, pouring is not strange.” “我觉得如果是一见钟情的话,倒也不奇怪吧。” ..................... “…………………” The idea this appearance of woman? 女人的想法都这个样子吗? But marries is not the contact is so simple, the matter that must consider may be many.” “但是结婚可不是交往这么简单吧,要考虑的事情可很多呢。” Is this right.” “是这样没错。” These facing Fang Zheng’s words, Sairenji Haruna nods time actually. 这一次面对方正的说话,西连寺春菜倒是点了点头。 After all regarding the girl, the marriage is matter for a lifetime, cannot casual complies ......... after all, who hopes the put on airs who looks for one dashing to sympathize gently accompanies ............... “毕竟对于女孩子来说,结婚是一辈子的事情呢,可不能够随随便便的就答应………毕竟,谁都希望找一个英俊潇洒又温柔体贴的白马王子陪伴……………” You did not worry that put on airs does have oneself Snow White?” “你就不担心那白马王子早就有自己的白雪公主了?” Fang Zheng helpless shaking the head , the problem of it seems like that this woman is also like the man, the man wants to look for heart good pretty Snow White, the woman wants to look for dashing put on airs & fucking ash ; However in fact in this world no one is a blind person, you can see, others can't see? 方正无奈的摇了摇头,看来这女人的毛病也和男人一样,男人希望找心善貌美的白雪公主,女人希望找英俊潇洒的白马王子—然而事实上这个世界里谁也不是瞎子啊,你能够看到,别人就都看不到吗? Although is this, but ............... “虽然是这样,但是……………” Said till here, Sairenji Haruna hesitant, later looks to Fang Zheng. 说道这里,西连寺春菜犹豫了一下,随后望向方正 Yuuki-kun, that ............... 结城君,那个……………” Un?” “嗯?” Hears the speech of Sairenji Haruna, the Fang Zheng curious stopping footsteps turns the head to look to her, but the latter hesitates the moment, finally lowers the head. 听到西连寺春菜的说话,方正好奇的停下脚步转头望向她,而后者则犹豫片刻,最终低下头去。 It‘s nothing, we walk.” “没什么,我们走吧。” oh ......... ………” Although does not know that Sairenji Haruna wanted to say anything, Fang Zheng also nods, turns around to continue to turn toward the school to walk. 虽然不知道西连寺春菜想要说什么,方正也是点了点头,转身继续向着学校走去。 But Sairenji Haruna with behind Fang Zheng, has several points of complex look, is looking steadily at his back. 而西连寺春菜则跟在方正的身后,带着几分复杂的眼神,盯视着他的背影。 Did not say a word. 一言不发。
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