DC :: Volume #31

#3005: The event investigates( this meow felt oneself must nap)

With a day of end of course, to being on vacation from school time, perhaps is the Fang Zheng’s warning had the function, this Kushida Kikyou has not invited Fang Zheng to go home like before again together, but after is only and he said goodbye, hastily left the school. 伴随着一天的课程结束,又到了放学时间,或许是方正的警告产生了作用,这一次栉田桔梗再也没有像之前那样邀请方正一起回家,而只是和他道别之后就匆匆离开了学校。 Therefore , some people are yielding to compulsion or hard sell but not to persuasion, you did not give a color to have a look at her to want the best room to strip off roof tiles. Deals with this person to tidy up well, she knew the fierce relations. 所以说,有些人就是吃硬不吃软,你不给点儿颜色看看她就要上房揭瓦了。对付这种人就得好好收拾一顿,她就知道厉害关系了。 Then tidies up, the preparation goes home to eat meal ......... “那么收拾收拾,准备回家吃饭吧………” Is having the yawn, Fang Zheng left the classroom, but at this time, his cell phone resounded suddenly. Fang Zheng puts out the cell phone, the glanced over above message content, later frowns. 一面打着哈欠,方正一面走出了教室,而就在这个时候,他的手机忽然响起。方正拿出手机,扫了一眼上面的短信内容,随后皱起眉头。 Request search? This may really be strange.” “委托搜查?这可真是奇怪。” Looks at the message content, Fang Zheng many somewhat surprised, because of generally speaking, what the monetary reward hunter is responsible for is hunting dog work, after discovering criminal, its arrest. However search this matter, gives the public security or the police generally processes, after all their status are relatively special, searches crime matter, is not one's turn them to do right ......... 看着短信内容,方正多少有些诧异,因为一般来说,赏金猎人负责的是“猎犬”的工作,也就是在发现犯人之后,将其逮捕。但是搜查这种事情,一般还是交给公安或者警察去处理的,毕竟他们的身份相对特殊,搜查犯罪这种事情,也轮不到他们来做才对……… Thinks till here, Fang Zheng picks up the phone, dialed a number, quick, in the microphone broadcast a and light sound of pleasant to hear. 想到这里,方正拿起电话,拨了一个号码,很快,话筒之中传来了一个好听而平淡的声音。 Hello, F, I know that you will contact me.” “你好,F,我就知道你会联络我。” how did this come about? I do not remember that the monetary reward hunter also held concurrent jobs to do to spy.” 这是怎么回事?我不记得赏金猎人还兼职做侦探了。” This is from the above recommendation.” “这是来自上面的推荐。” That sound also understands Fang Zheng’s meaning obviously, gave the explanation quickly. 那个声音显然也明白方正的意思,很快做出了解释。 During the terror attack of G20 summit meeting, because of your liveliness, enabling various countries even more to attach great importance to the monetary reward hunter, therefore the jurisdiction of monetary reward hunter association has also expanded. Moreover, these entrusted time your is the police department ......... can regard as the official to entrust, was invested by us. The opposite party assign you , because considered that you are remarkable facing the score of apostle of star, they need to deal with the person who certain ......... has specially to assist like you.” “在二十国集团峰会的恐怖袭击之中,因为你的活跃,使得各国对于赏金猎人越发重视,所以赏金猎人协会的权限也有所扩大。而且,这一次委托你的是警视厅………可以视为官方委托,由我们出资。对方之所以指定你,是因为考虑到你面对星之使徒的战绩卓越,他们非常需要像你这样能够对付某些………特殊存在的人进行协助。” My goodness, gathers Laozi to install to compel also to Laozi handle finally? 好家伙,合着老子装个逼最后还得老子来搞定? Good, what entrusted?” “好吧,什么委托?” Fang Zheng how many somewhat is also curious, after all the opposite party said fight that assigns own reason because of the him and star apostle, in other words ......... added on again is the police department ......... also has what superpower to commit a crime? 方正多少也有些好奇,毕竟对方说了指定自己的原因是因为他和星之使徒的战斗,也就是说………再加上是警视厅………难道又有什么超能力者作案了? Special details, please go to the police department to inquire the Shinohara search officer.” “具体情况,请去警视厅询问筱原搜查官。” ............... Good, I have a look.” “……………好吧,我去看看。” Helpless sighing, Fang Zheng hangs the power failure words, then discovered the Mikan name from the address book. 无奈的叹了口气,方正挂掉电话,接着从通讯簿中找出了美柑的名字。 Today estimated that was goes back to have the dinner hopelessly. 今天估计是没指望回去吃晚饭了。 After this, Fang Zheng went to the police department, then here saw the Shinohara search officer. 在这之后,方正来到了警视厅,然后在这里见到了筱原搜查官。 „Are you F in that legend? Has not thought such young.” “你就是那个传说中的F?没想到这么年轻。” Present Shinohara search officer about over 30 years old is, young and vigorous, looks has the makings of elite police officer actually. 眼前的筱原搜查官大约三十多岁,年轻力壮,看起来倒是颇有精英警官的气质。 Pleasantries do not say much, we connect the subject, I am also very curious, having anything was your police cannot solve also to entrust the monetary reward hunter.” “客套话不要多说了,我们直接入正题吧,我也很好奇,有什么事情是你们警察解决不了还要委托赏金猎人的。” Fang Zheng has not planned and opposite party obviously exchanges greetings, but the opposite party also nods, then turned around to go out of the room. 方正显然没打算和对方寒暄,而对方也是点了点头,接着转身走出了房间。 Comes with me.” “跟我来。” Follows the Shinohara search officer to enter the elevator, the former pressed down the floor button, the elevator door closes, until this time, the Shinohara search officer said. 跟着筱原搜查官走进电梯,前者按下了楼层按钮,紧接着电梯门关起,直到这个时候,筱原搜查官才开口说道。 Reason that asks you to come , because we met the thorny case.” “之所以找你来,是因为我们遇到了棘手的案子。” Thorny case?” “棘手的案子?” Yes.” “是的。” The Shinohara search officer nods. 筱原搜查官点了点头。 To be honest with you, before more than one year, had many homicide cases in our areas of jurisdiction, according to conducting an inquest of scene, we judges these cases for the same murderer behavior. However we are actually not able to make clear the true colors of opposite party. In fact, we also once strengthened the patrol deployment, but does not have the progress.” “不瞒你说,在一年多之前,在我们的辖区里发生了多起命案,根据现场的勘验来看,我们判断这些案件为同一凶手所为。但是我们却无法搞清楚对方的真面目。事实上,我们也曾经加强巡逻部署,但是却毫无进展。” I have not seen the news, was blocked by the media?” “我并没有看到消息,是被媒体封锁了?” Right.” “没错。” The police officer sighed. 警官叹了口气。 Although said that is not quite good, however in Tokyo of 13 million population, dying several people are not the important matter. So long as blocks off the flow of news, was not reported by the media, will not cause the tumult and trouble.” “虽然这么说不太好,但是在一千三百万人口的东京,死几个人并不是什么大事。只要封锁消息,不被媒体报道的话,就不会引起骚动和麻烦。” Regarding this Fang Zheng also shrugs the shoulders, has not said anything, he also knows that this is the fact. Actually do not look that the Japanese public security also calculates to pass, however every year missing population also has many, in these people have many also to live is also being an unknown. If the police have a mind to block off the flow of news, pours cannot achieve. In fact, even reported that most criminal cases are still brief period of enthusiasm, only if looks like on the subway puts the toxic gas or kills people in the station randomly this matter, will be reported continuously. 对此方正也是耸耸肩膀,没有多说什么,他也知道这是事实。其实别看日本治安还算过得去,但是每年的失踪人口同样有不少,这些人之中有多少还活着也是个未知数。所以如果警方有心想要封锁消息的话,倒也并不是做不到。事实上,即便报道了,大部分的犯罪案件也就是三分钟热度,除非是像在地铁放毒气或者在车站随机杀人这种事情,才会被连续报道。 However this also made Fang Zheng have the curiosity, after all generally speaking, the police will rarely block the media to the report of case, especially Japanese Police. Only if this case is fearful or easy to cause the social panic, they will choose this. 不过这也让方正产生了好奇心,毕竟一般来说,警方很少会封锁媒体对案件的报道,特别是日本警方。除非这个案件非常可怕又或者容易引起社会恐慌,他们才会选择这样做。 But this case will even involve itself ......... 而这个案件甚至会牵扯到自己……… Ding.” “叮。” The elevator shook slightly, stopped, later the elevator door opened. Fang Zheng goes out of the elevator, arrived at the morgue with the search officer. But here, a corpse that is hoodwinking the plain white cloth lying down is one of them. 电梯微微一震,停了下来,随后电梯门打开。方正走出电梯,跟着搜查官来到了停尸间。而在这里,一具蒙着白布的尸体正躺在其中。 This was yesterday our newly discovered another case victim.” “这是昨天我们新发现的又一起案件受害者。” The search officer arrives by the corpse, then gave a hand signal to Fang Zheng, then lifted the plain white cloth. 搜查官走到尸体旁边,然后对方正做了个手势,接着一把掀开了白布。 the next moment, entire had the corpse to show in front of Fang Zheng like this. 下一刻,整具尸体就这样展现在了方正面前。 ............... Did the lion of zoo run?” “……………动物园的狮子跑出来了?” The looked at corpse, the Fang Zheng only feelings were also this. 看了一眼尸体,方正唯一的感想也就是这个了。 I have never thought that you can think so unexpectedly quickly.” “真没想到,你居然能够这么快就看出来。” At this time searched the officer to look to Fang Zheng’s expression in the eyes were many several points of surprise. 这时搜查官望向方正的眼神多了几分诧异。 Right, just like you see, according to the medical examiner appraises, this corpse has suffered the gnawing food of some large animal.” “没错,正如你所见,根据法医鉴定,这具尸体遭受过某种大型动物的啃食。” What animal?” “什么动物?” Does not know, at present only knows its linking strength is quite powerful, can easy rips open the human body, then gnaws the food flesh. Fortunately, it never has to appear in the presence of everyone, the corpse that we discover was also basically abandoned in the unvisited place.” “不知道,目前只知道它的咬合力相当强大,能够轻而易举的把人体撕开,然后啃食血肉。幸运的是,它从来没有当众出现过,我们发现的尸体也基本都是被遗弃在人迹罕至的地方。” Therefore you suspected that this is not the animal, but is the monster dry/does right.” “所以你们怀疑这不是动物,而是怪物干的对吧。” Fang Zheng understands immediately why will look for itself. According to the truth, can tear and bite the animal that swallows human, then the build will not be definitely small. So long as such thing appears in the Tokyo street, where no matter definitely will cause the tumult to be right. However listens to the view of search officer, it had killed several people continuously, but has not brought to the attention, this was very strange. 方正顿时明白为什么会找自己了。按照道理来说,能够撕咬吞食人类的动物,那么体型肯定不会小。这样的东西只要出现在东京街头,不管什么地方都必然会引起骚动才对。但是听搜查官的说法,它已经连续杀害了好几个人,但是都没有引起注意,这本身就很奇怪了。 Although sounds somewhat strange, but ......... at present seems like also only then this possibility.” “虽然听起来有些怪异,但是………目前看来似乎也只有这个可能性。” I understood.” “我明白了。” Fang Zheng is looking steadily at the wound on corpse, the silent moment, then nods. 方正盯视着尸体上的伤口,沉默片刻,然后点了点头。 I will try the investigation to have a look, but I need all materials about this case, while convenient, I not to guarantee oneself can certainly find the criminal.” “我会试着调查看看,不过我需要关于这个案件的所有资料,顺便,我不保证自己一定能够找到犯人。” Naturally does not have the issue.” “当然没有问题。” The search officer as if did not count on Fang Zheng fell the next day to grasp a monster to report on accomplishments on the divine armament day suddenly, after hearing Fang Zheng’s request, he also nods. 搜查官似乎也并不指望方正忽然就神兵天降第二天抓了个怪物来交差,听到方正的要求之后他也是点了点头。 I will give you a material.” “我会给你一份资料的。” When Fang Zheng goes home, is night, Mikan, Eve and went to the room to rest. Therefore Fang Zheng also returned to own room directly, then opens the door ......... 方正回到家时,已经是深夜时分,美柑,伊芙和拉碧丝都已经回房间休息了。于是方正也是径直回到了自己的房间,然后打开房门……… How to come back to say late?” “怎么这么晚才回来的说?” Suiseiseki?” 翠星石?” Looks to stand on the table, air/Qi hū hū looked at own Suiseiseki, Fang Zheng was gawking. 看着站在桌子上,气呼呼的望着自己的翠星石,方正愣了一下。 „Haven't you slept?” “你还没有睡觉?” After all you have not come back late, naturally will be worried that said.” “毕竟你这么晚都没回来,当然会担心的说啊。” Facing Fang Zheng’s inquiry, Suiseiseki face slightly one red, then she lightly snorted has turned the head. 面对方正的询问,翠星石脸微微一红,接着她轻哼一声转过头去。 Said again, I may be different from that ruthless Shinku, I care about Master very much good.” “再说了,我可和那个无情无义的真红不一样,我可是很关心主人的好吧。” Was is ......... my family Suiseiseki is most obedient.” “是是是………我家翠星石最听话了。” Fang Zheng is saying, sat on the bed, simultaneously looked at placed nearby box. Shinku basically is the daily unshakeable nine points sleeps, according to her view is to stay up late is the archenemy of cosmetology ......... Fang Zheng wants to complain doll that your wood/blockhead makes also to understand the maintenance skin regarding this? Was inferior how I do give on you a wax? 方正一面说着,一面坐在了床上,同时看了一眼放在旁边的箱子。真红基本是每天雷打不动的九点就睡觉,按照她的说法就是熬夜是美容的大敌………对此方正就想吐槽你丫一个木头做的人偶还懂保养皮肤?不如我给你上个蜡怎么样? The innermost feelings are complaining, Fang Zheng opens the case material that the police department brought, examined carefully. 一面内心吐槽着,方正一面翻开了警视厅拿来的案件资料,仔细的查看了起来。 According to this information, this strange homicide incident five months ago starts, basically every month the same place, died one to two people each time, the main sphere of action of criminal centralized in lively metropolis area. But the majority of being killed are the vagrant or the tramp, even is the student of leaving home ........., no wonder the police department will have the question, if after all is not that strange murder way, how this sees how seems like the human behavior. 根据这份情报,这起诡异的杀人事件是从五个月之前开始的,基本上每个月一起,每次死亡一到两人,犯人的主要行动范围集中在繁华的都市区。而被害的大多数都是无业游民或者流浪汉,甚至是离家出走的学生………嗯,难怪警视厅会对此产生疑问,毕竟如果不是那个诡异的杀人方式的话,这怎么看怎么像是人类所为。 The choice to avoid bringing to others 's attention in the crowded place that the stranger comes and goes out specially, killed is the crowd that some will be missing will not cause too pays attention to greatly, moreover every month a time ............... 特意选择在陌生人出入的密集场所以避免引起他人的注意,杀死的都是一些失踪也不会引起太大关注的人群,而且每个月一次…………… Who should not be will raise the monster, every month brings it to come out to look for food? 该不会是什么人养了怪物,每个月带它出来觅食吧? Human, what are you looking at?” “人类,你在看什么呢?” at this moment Suiseiseki also collected curiously, sees in the file the covered with blood picture, her instantaneous face paled, draws back backward. 这会儿翠星石也好奇的凑了过来,看到档案里血肉模糊的照片,她瞬间面色发白,向后退开。 „This this this is anything!!!” “这这这这这是什么啊!!!” This is the material of my this time work.” “这是我这次工作的资料。” Fang Zheng gathers the file, looks to Suiseiseki. 方正合起档案,看向翠星石 Labor, work? Human, you are really doing the work of what danger! Ok, you were not short of money said! Although does not know that is anything, but the too dangerous matter should not be done said!” “工,工作?人类,你真的在做什么危险的工作啊!还是算了吧,你又不缺钱的说!虽然不知道那是什么,但是太危险的事情可不要做的说!” Un, although I do not want to do ............... “嗯,虽然我也是不太想做……………” Just like Suiseiseki said that Fang Zheng was not short of money, but if this case were mission that he then must complete? After all then Fang Zheng, so long as completes mission, should be able to make Kuro-chan bring the fleet to support. By that time, handled other anything to be many on the convenience again. 正如翠星石所言,方正又不缺钱,但万一这个案子就是他接下来要完成的任务呢?毕竟接下来方正只要完成一个任务,应该就可以让小黑带着舰队来支援了。到那个时候,再做什么别的事情就方便多了。 In brief, first had a look to say again. 总而言之,先看看再说吧。
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