DC :: Volume #31

#3006: Mutual injury( chicken leg is more cost-effective than whole chicken)

Fang Zheng has to acknowledge, this request is indeed tough. 方正不得不承认,这个委托的确棘手。 Without the eyewitness, does not have any clue, even the trace could not find. Fang Zheng also ran for this reason specially several crime scenes, the result discovery, although the police in this world compared with the vocational level of Conan world must higher a little, helpless where there is a will there is a way & fucking ash ; Cannot stand off these savage fellows. 没有目击者,没有任何线索,甚至连一点儿痕迹都找不到。方正为此还特别跑了几个案发现场,结果发现虽然这个世界的警察比柯南世界的业务水平要更高一点儿,无奈道高一尺魔高一丈—还是敌不过这些凶残的家伙啊。 However, although Fang Zheng had expected that the magical girl attribute world will present some strange enemies, but the enemy of magical girl has generally such savage? 不过话说回来,虽然方正早就预料到魔法少女属性世界会出现一些奇奇怪怪的敌人,但是一般魔法少女的敌人有这么凶残的吗? Even if witch of Madoka that world eats the person not to eat seeks novelty. 就算是小圆那个世界的魔女吃人也不会吃的这么猎奇啊。 Did the situation in this world change? 还是这个世界的情况发生改变了? After all this world in the final analysis in the key words random generation according to Fang Zheng brain, not being able to do well the Xenomorph + magical girl is not not possible. 毕竟这个世界归根结底是按照方正脑中的关键字随机生成的,搞不好来个异形+魔法少女也不是不可能。 Xenomorph VS magical girl ............... 异形VS魔法少女…………… This style was also too strange. 这画风也太诡异了。 After transferring several, Fang Zheng also has, helpless gives up, after all according to the rule, the opposite party a time is one month makes case, then when will commit a crime next time time, oneself look again. The monster of many magical girl world is in that ordinary day does not appear, oneself here likely headless fly runs around is not a matter. 在转了几圈之后,方正也只好无奈放弃,毕竟按照规律,对方是一个月做一次案,那么就等到下次作案的时候,自己再来找吧。很多魔法少女世界的怪物都是那种平日里根本不出现的,自己在这里像个无头苍蝇似的到处乱跑也不是个事。 However, what making Fang Zheng not think, the criminal had not found, oneself actually walked. 然而,让方正没想到的是,犯人没找到,自己却被找上门来了。 Yuki.” 结城。” Stands is looking steadily at him in Fang Zheng front Kirisu Sensei, surface such as cold ice. 站在方正面前的桐须老师盯视着他,面如寒冰。 With me conversation room.” “跟我来谈话室。” If this is the game, then does not need to ask knows, this beautiful attractive beautiful woman Sensei will lead the innocent student to the conversation room in naively, then ties up him, then holds up the black silk willfully to trample the self-respect of youngster, looks that he in depressed and joyful between struggles, then has accomplishing a task with ease the smile of Sir, seduces the present youth youngster ......... 如果这是游戏的话,那么接下来不用问都知道,这位美丽漂亮的美女老师会将年幼无知不懂事的学生带到谈话室里,然后将他捆绑起来,接着举起黑丝肆意践踏着少年的自尊,看着他在苦闷和愉悦之间挣扎,接着带着游刃有余的大人的笑容,来诱惑眼前的青春少年……… What a pity the reality is not so happy. 可惜现实却没有这么美好。 Inquiry, recently did you have to go to Fanhua Street?” “询问,最近你有前往繁华街吗?” ........................... “………………………” son of a bitch. MMP Looks to sit opposite of oneself, serious is gazing at fixedly own Kirisu Mafuyu, Fang Zheng was speechless. But opposite Kirisu Mafuyu holds up the cell phone, showed a secondary picture to Fang Zheng, above puts on Fang Zheng of civilian clothes in the scene that the night lively street wanders. 看着坐在自己对面,严肃的瞪视着自己的桐须真冬,方正都无语了。而对面的桐须真冬则举起手机,向方正展现了一副照片,上面的正是穿着便服的方正在夜晚的繁华街头游荡的景象。 Thank God, does not shoot to oneself fortunately and girl the picture that comes out from LOVEHOTEL. 谢天谢地,还好不是拍到自己和女孩子从LOVEHOTEL出来的照片。 „Does explanation, why violate the school to stipulate the nightwalking?” “解释,为什么违反学校规定出去夜游?” ........................... “………………………” How did this want me to say? 这要我怎么说? Fang Zheng helpless sighed silently, told her own to hold concurrent jobs to work as the monetary reward hunter, this time met the request of police department in investigation? This mother said that perhaps was regarded two to get sick directly into the brain, cannot do well comes a family to visit again, oneself were direct the society dead well. 方正无奈的默默叹了口气,难道告诉她自己兼职当赏金猎人,这次是接了警视厅的委托在查案子?这尼玛说出去恐怕直接就被当成中二病入脑了吧,搞不好再来个家庭访问,自己就直接社死了好吧。 Un? Wait ......... 嗯?等等……… This picture is who shoots?” “这张照片是谁拍的?” I.” “我。” ..................... “…………………” Good, thinks a pull people launches, it seems like it was then hopeless. The words saying Kirisu Sensei, you late at night do not go home to loaf in Fanhua Street as Sensei are not quite good ......... Fang Zheng to want actually then, helpless really did not say this time. Without the means that it seems like has to have that move. 好吧,原本还想拉人下水呢,看来这下没指望了。话说桐须老师,你作为老师深夜不回家在繁华街游荡也不太好吧………方正倒是想这么说来着,无奈实在不是说这个的时候。没办法,看来只好出那一招了。 Thinks till here, Fang Zheng sighed. 想到这里,方正叹了口气。 Actually ............... I am ask the girl to play, Sensei.” “其实……………我是去找女孩子玩的,老师。” ...............???” “……………???” Is says something to smooth things over, said something to smooth things over, Sensei you should understand my meaning.” “就是搭讪啦,搭讪,老师你应该明白我的意思吧。” Looks at present Kirisu Mafuyu, Fang Zheng reveals wiped the smile, says & fucking ash ; Sexually harasses beautiful woman Sensei, occasionally plays also to have a unique flavor. 看着眼前的桐须真冬,方正露出了一抹笑容,开口说道—调戏美女老师,偶尔玩玩也别有一番风味呢。 Said something to smooth things over? You?” “搭讪?你?” Facing Fang Zheng’s reply, Kirisu Mafuyu is also dumbfounded, before had also said that reputation of Fang Zheng in class quite, moreover has no action out of the ordinary, has been steady. Does not seem like that type to go out completely the saying something to smooth things over girl's bodgie, when hears this reply, Kirisu Mafuyu does not know how suddenly should respond. 面对方正的回答,桐须真冬也是目瞪口呆,之前也曾经说过,方正在班里的名声相当好,而且也没有什么出格的举动,一直都相当稳重。完全不像是那种会出去搭讪女孩子的不良少年,所以在听到这个回答的时候,桐须真冬也是一时间不知道该怎么反应。 Yes, although is somewhat embarrassed, but invited Sensei confidential oh. After all this said that is not quite of pleasant to hear, moreover I want to go out to say something to smooth things over with the words of appointment, should not be violates the school regulation.” “是啊,虽然有些不好意思,但还是请老师保密。毕竟这说出去也不太好听嘛,而且我想只是出去搭讪和约会的话,应该算不上是违反校规吧。” This ............... “这……………” In brief is this, I will not cause trouble in the school, therefore asked Sensei to feel relieved.” “总之就是这样,我不会在学校闹事的,所以请老师放心吧。” Spoke these words, Fang Zheng does not wait for Kirisu Mafuyu to make anything to respond again, quickly set out to leave conversation room & fucking ash ; Then relaxes. 说完这句话,方正不等桐须真冬再做什么反应,急忙起身离开了谈话室—这才松了口气。 It seems like, went to investigate to probably be careful, really does not have Kirisaki Kyouko calling good, so long as said own two people at appointment, then Sensei should unable to control. 看来以后再出去调查可要小心了,实在不行只好把雾崎恭子给叫上,只要说自己两人是在约会的话,那么老师应该也管不了吧。 After all at night goes out to work violates the school regulation, but went out at night the room is the individual freedom. 毕竟夜晚出去打工是违反校规的,但是夜晚出去开房就是个人自由了。 ............... Thinks is very strange carefully. ……………仔细想想也挺奇怪的。 Probably 16 years old can get married, however 20 years old allow to drink ......... these stipulations really not to know that sometimes should to say any good. 就好像十六岁就可以结婚,但是二十岁才允许喝酒………这些规定有些时候真是不知道该让人说啥好。 Drinks can also be bigger than the issue that 16 years old are pregnant to have a child? 难道喝酒还能比十六岁怀孕生孩子的问题更大? Fortunately, after this Kirisu Mafuyu as if also gives a pretext shocking by that Fang Zheng looked, has not come to ask him to talk again. This is also makes Fang Zheng relax, after all said something to smooth things over this matter to be the personal privacy category, was not in the school prescribed limit, Kirisu Mafuyu wanted saying that Fang Zheng does not know how should say. Although definitely dropped as the matter stands much in the Kirisu Sensei deep down position, but Fang Zheng does not care about this matter specially and that's the end. 幸运的是,在这之后桐须真冬似乎也被方正找的这个借口给震撼到了,再也没有来找他谈话。这也算是让方正松了口气,毕竟搭讪这种事情属于个人隐私范畴,不在学校规定范围之内,桐须真冬想要说方正都不知道该怎么说。虽然这样一来自己肯定在桐须老师内心深处地位下降了不少,不过方正倒也不是特别在意这种事情就是了。 Also, looks that usually is always putting on a serious face not to have the expression iceberg beautiful woman complexion to blush, has several points of charmingly angry appearance, but also is really interesting. 再说了,看着平日里总是板着脸没有表情的冰山美人面色羞红,带着几分娇嗔的样子,还真是蛮有意思的。 After passing through this small interlude, the Fang Zheng’s school life replied again tranquilly. But Kirisu Mafuyu as if also lost heart thoroughly, at least to being on vacation from school time, she had not appeared to look for Fang Zheng’s to be troublesome again. Naturally, this did not say that Fang Zheng had not troubled, for example each student most repugnant ......... cleaning. 在经过了这个小小的插曲之后,方正的学校生活再次回复了平静。而桐须真冬似乎也是彻底死心了,起码到了放学时间,她都再也没有出现来找方正的麻烦。当然了,这也不是说方正就没有麻烦了,比如每个学生都最讨厌的………扫除。 „, Then asked you, Yuki.” “那么,接下来就拜托你啦,结城。” oh, gives me.” ,交给我吧。” Looks the schoolmates who similarly clean up turned around to leave the school, Fang Zheng also threw into the incinerator the garbage bag, then returned to the class to finish the bored class diary, this is having the yawn, stretches oneself leaves the classroom, locked the gate of classroom, then Fang Zheng has turned around, walked in the direction of rooftop. 看着同样打扫完卫生的同学们转身离开学校,方正也是把垃圾袋扔进了焚烧炉里,然后回到班中写完了无聊的班级日志,这才打着哈欠,伸了个懒腰走出教室,锁好教室的门,接着方正就转过身,朝着天台的方向走去。 If wanted Fang Zheng saying that where he compared enjoyed the Japanese school life, then only had two. One is the sailor uniform beautiful young girl who various youth brim with, another was Japanese School can the ascending the sky stage. 如果要方正说他比较享受日本学校生活的什么地方的话,那么只有两个。一个就是各种青春洋溢的水手服美少女,另外一个就是日本学校可以上天台了。 After all initially Fang Zheng went to school, the school in China basically does not have this establishment. Although also has the party to lead to rooftop, but basically blocks. To be honest, is idling the bored time goes to rooftop to have a look at the scenery and sky, actually also good ......... is a pity school not this arrangement of China and that's the end. 毕竟当初方正上学的时候,中国的学校基本都没这种设置。虽然也有通向天台的爬梯,但基本都是封死的。说实话,闲着无聊的时候去天台上看看风景和天空,其实还蛮不错的………可惜中国的学校没有这种布置就是了。 Therefore so long as Fang Zheng idles is being all right to do, will go to rooftop to transfer the revolutions, has a look outside scenery, then lies down to come to see blue sky anything, no wonder in the Japanese animation many protagonist like sleeping in rooftop, has to acknowledge that indeed is a sleeping good place. 所以方正只要闲着没事干,就会去天台转转,看看外面的风景,然后躺下来看看蓝天白云什么的,难怪日本动画里好多主角都喜欢在天台睡觉呢,不得不承认,那的确是个睡觉的好地方。 However, shoves open rooftop gate in Fang Zheng, plans to appreciate well the setting sun scenery then goes home, suddenly, thump the sound appeared suddenly, frightens him to jump. 然而,就在方正推开天台大门,打算好好欣赏一下夕阳风景然后回家的时候,忽然,一声“咚”的响声骤然出现,吓了他一跳。 Thump!” “咚!” What situation? 什么情况? Heard this impact noise, Fang Zheng gawked, then he has turned the head, discovered that the sound conveyed from rooftop, therefore he also circled a circle, wanted to have a look what's the matter. 听到这撞击声,方正愣了一下,接着他转过头去,发现声音是从天台后面传来的,于是他也是绕了一个圈子,想要看看到底是怎么回事。 Thump! Thump! Thump!” “咚!咚!咚!” The sound of hit is getting more and more loud, but at the same time, Fang Zheng also heard a woman’s voice. 撞击的声音越来越大,而与此同时,方正还听到了一个女性的声音 „, Really makes the person fire big, really could not bear! That woman is up to mischief! But depends itself to have one's wish lovably a little, does not think laboriously here! Really by enough, that bitch! What idol! Also wants to work as the idol depending on her? Daytime dreaming! Also wants to work as the idol depending on her Kirisaki Kyouko? Also does not look in a mirror ...............!” “啊,真是让人火大,真是受不了了!那个女人搞什么鬼!只不过仗着自己可爱一点儿就随心所欲,也不想想这边有多辛苦!真是受够了,那个碧池!什么偶像嘛!就凭她也想当偶像?白日做梦!就凭她雾崎恭子还想当偶像?也不照照镜子……………!” Un?” “嗯?” Hears this name, Fang Zheng stares, then he pokes head in curiously, sees only the shadow place behind rooftop, a short hair young girl is reading broken, makes an effort is trampling the present cabinet. Although that cabinet is the iron does, but comes to see & fucking ash from the above dent ; Obviously was the achievement of accumulating over a long period of time. 听到这个名字,方正不由一愣,接着他好奇的探出头去,只见在天台后面的阴影处,一个短发少女正在一面碎碎念着,一面用力的踹着眼前的柜子。虽然那个柜子是铁做的,但是从上面的凹痕来看—显然是日积月累的成果了。 That Yuki! The long graceful thinks oneself terrific a little, was really enough! The invitation that others go all out he, had not responded finally completely! Is he a man?! Lovable doesn't such girl's invitation comply? Is this person the brain is sick!!” “还有那个结城!长的帅一点儿就自以为了不起,真是受够了!人家这么拼命的邀请他,结果却完全没反应!他还是男人吗?!这么可爱的女孩子的邀请都不答应?这人是不是脑子有病啊!!” Brain was sick has not really done right by.” “脑子有病还真对不住了啊。” hearing this, Fang Zheng could not bear open the mouth to complain immediately. But hears Fang Zheng’s voice, saw only the body of that young girl to tremble suddenly, stopped, then she has turned the head, is looking steadily at Fang Zheng & fucking ash ; Right, this young girl is not others, is Kushida Kikyou. 听到这里,方正顿时忍不住开口吐槽了起来。而听到方正的声音,只见那个少女的身体猛然一颤,停了下来,接着她转过头,盯视着方正—没错,这个少女不是别人,正是栉田桔梗 I have said that you this way very tired .................. words saying that cabinet may be really hapless.” “我早就说过,你这样下去可是会很累的………………话说那柜子可真倒霉啊。” Looks to be trampled several hollow tills, Fang Zheng was speechless. Perhaps in the future will be discovered even, cannot think absolutely can the till tramples such not be others, is in oneself class that popularity obedient female. 看着被踹出好几个凹陷的铁柜,方正都无语了。恐怕日后就算被人发现,也绝对想不到能够把铁柜踹成这样的不是别人,正是自己班里那个人气乖乖女吧。 ........................... “………………………” However, complained facing Fang Zheng’s, Kushida Kikyou was only coldly visits him, then arrived at his front quickly. At this moment her lovable cheek absolutely did not have in the ordinary day that gentle and amiable smile, instead brings gloomy murderous aura, sees only her to raise the head like this, is gazing at fixedly Fang Zheng. 然而,面对方正的吐槽,栉田桔梗只是冷冷的看着他,然后快步走到了他的面前。此刻她那张可爱的脸蛋完全没有了平日里那种温柔又平易近人的笑容,反而带着一股阴森森的杀气,只见她就这样抬起头来,瞪视着方正 „Did you hear?” “你都听到了?” This rubbish, you called my name, I can also unable to hear.” “这不废话,你都叫我的名字了,我还能听不到啊。” ..................... “…………………” hearing this, the Kushida Kikyou look immediately changes, filled murderous aura. 听到这里,栉田桔梗的眼神顿时一变,充满了杀气。 You, if dares to tell others, I may be unable to forgive you.” “你要是敢告诉别人,我可饶不了你。” oh? Good fearful quite fearful, how if I did say you to be able I?” 呵?好可怕好可怕,我要是说了你又能把我怎么样呢?” I said that everywhere you nearly were violent I.” “那我就到处去说你差点儿强暴了我。” A Kushida Kikyou face sinister aspect at this moment, seeming like looks like the malicious ghost to be common simply. 此刻的栉田桔梗一脸凶相,看起来简直就像是恶鬼一般。 You thought that some people believe?” “你觉得会有人信吗?” Facing the threat of Kushida Kikyou, Fang Zheng does not spare a glance. He in the reputation of school quite, Kushida Kikyou, even if said that can some people believe the issue. 面对栉田桔梗的威胁,方正不屑一顾。他在学校的名声可是相当好的,栉田桔梗就算去说了,会不会有人信还是问题呢。 Naturally, because this is real.” “当然,因为这是真的。” At the same time saying, Kushida Kikyou side holds Fang Zheng’s hand, then according to own chest. 一面说着,栉田桔梗一面抓住方正的手,然后按在了自己的胸口。 oh.” “哇。” Felt that plentiful soft touch, Fang Zheng blew a whistling, but Kushida Kikyou grabbed Fang Zheng’s hand like this, is gazing at fixedly him. 感受到那丰满柔软的触感,方正不由吹了声口哨,而栉田桔梗则就这样抓着方正的手,瞪视着他。 As the matter stands, above is moistening your fingerprint, even the evidence had, I am earnest.” “这样一来,上面就沾着你的指纹,连证据都有了,我可是认真的。” Right?” “是吗?” Hears the speech of Kushida Kikyou, Fang Zheng shrugs the shoulders. 听到栉田桔梗的说话,方正耸耸肩膀。 „, I also come earnest one.” “那么,我也来认真一下吧。” Finishes speaking, sees only Fang Zheng to put out a hand suddenly, holds down Kushida Kikyou on the shoulder, presses her stubbornly in the corner. Then sees only the Fang Zheng left hand to change into the empty shadow to fling together, the next moment, the Kushida Kikyou school uniform unties accordingly, falls in the place. 话音刚落,只见方正猛然伸出手去,一把按住栉田桔梗的就肩膀,将她死死的压在墙角。接着只见方正左手化为一道虚影甩出,下一刻,栉田桔梗的校服应声解开,掉落在地。 You, do you want to do?!” “你,你这是要干什么?!” At this moment, the Kushida Kikyou expression finally changes is panic. But hears her interrogation, Fang Zheng chuckled. 这一刻,栉田桔梗的表情终于变的惊慌失措起来。而听到她的质问,方正呵呵一笑 Was not you says? Violent you.” “不是你说的吗?强暴你啊。” You ...............!” “你……………!” After all you looked, nearly really owed violently to me, since the fingerprint had, then I thought that made the complete set simply, if otherwise was suspected I had what physiological deficiency, that was really the wound self-respect.” “毕竟你看,差点儿强暴对我来说实在太亏了嘛,既然指纹都有了,那么我觉得干脆就做全套吧,不然万一被人怀疑我是不是有什么生理缺陷,那才真是伤自尊呢。” You ......... you stop quickly, I, I must shout the person!” “你………你快住手,我,我要喊人了!” Saw that Fang Zheng reaches out again oneself, Kushida Kikyou the complexion is pale immediately, shouts, but Fang Zheng actually thinks little slightly. 看到方正再次向自己伸出手来,栉田桔梗顿时面色铁青,大喊起来,但是方正却丝毫不以为意。 I have told you, little girl, do not provoke others casually, but you have not placed my advice obviously at heart, such being the case, then I thought that directly on a class to you are best.” “我早就告诉过你了,小丫头,不要随便招惹别人,但是你显然并没有把我的忠告放在心里,既然如此,那么我觉得直接给你上一课才是最好的。” No, does not want ......... to save a life ......... saves a life ......... wū...............” “不,不要………救命啊………救命………呜……………” However, the Kushida Kikyou cry just exported, the next moment Fang Zheng lowers the head, stops up cherry lips that she opened. But the feeling this violent stimulation, Kushida Kikyou the body trembles immediately, staring that two eyes cannot believe is big, grabbing Fang Zheng’s body that her both hands go all out, struggling of effort. 然而,栉田桔梗的呼叫声才刚刚出口,下一刻方正就低下头去,堵住了她张开的樱唇。而感受到这猛烈的刺激,栉田桔梗顿时身体一颤,两只眼睛不敢相信的瞪大,她的双手拼命的抓着方正的身体,用力的挣扎。 However quick, young girl final defense by Fang Zheng overwhelmingly superior force destroying, the next moment, she is unable to resist the opposite party wild crude offensive likely again, was screaming was swept across ............ Kushida Kikyou to feel by the violent storm thoroughly oneself as if were added the leaf that binds to be common by the storm, fluttering that continuously, shivers, her consciousness gradually becomes fuzzy, then ......... a blank. 不过很快,少女这最后的防御也被方正像秋风扫落叶般的摧毁,下一刻,她再也无法抵挡对方狂野粗暴的攻势,尖叫着被狂风暴雨彻底席卷…………栉田桔梗感觉自己仿佛是被暴风雨所加裹的树叶一般,不住的飘动,颤抖,她的意识逐渐变得模糊,接着………一片空白。 kacha, kacha.” 咔嚓,咔嚓。” When Kushida Kikyou replies again is sober, first maps in her eye, is the sound of cell phone flashing light photograph. She looks to cover at a loss in oneself clothes, as if not know completely should be what to do good. 栉田桔梗再次回复清醒时,首先映入她眼中的,是手机闪光灯拍照的声音。她茫然的看着盖在自己身上的衣服,似乎完全不知道该怎么办才好。 But at this time, Fang Zheng received the cell phone, wore the clothes. 而这个时候,方正才收起手机,穿好了衣服。 This matter is the secret between our two people, you should better not to give me to tell anybody. If you must say, gives me carefully a little, where I know your school, knows that which class you read ........., this was the idle talk. In brief ......... I think that you should understand my meaning, Schoolmate Kushida.” “这件事是我们两个人之间的秘密,你最好不要给我告诉任何人。如果你要说出去,就给我小心一点儿,我知道你学校在哪里,也知道你读哪个班………嗯,这是废话。总之………我想你应该明白我的意思,栉田同学。” Is saying, Fang Zheng transferred handed over the cell phone. 一面说着,方正一面转了转手中的手机。 Hegemonic actions must commit suicide, should you better give me to remember well, understand?” “多行不义必自毙,你最好给我好好记住,懂吗?”
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