DTH :: Volume #8

#736: Grand feast beginning

The seventh hundred 36 chapter of grand feasts begin 第七百三十六章盛宴开场 Xuan Yuan this stage, places oneself in ‚the Devour years in Restriction, in inside a half year, is equal to outside six months, can be longer, however at the same time to save the Life Immortal coin, on the one hand is also Xuan Yuan cultivates one domination of speed to oneself, he does not hope one sit alone in boredom the practice to be too long, everything should have one, goes too far is as bad as not far enough, sits alone in boredom suitably the practice, in addition carry on heaven and earth informed and experienced, such coordination is best, but is not likely some people, sits dies to close, one sits the sixty year cycle, one becomes aware for several hundred years, this is Xuan Yuan. Feeling.( _ &\; amp \;) 轩辕这一阶段,都置身于‘吞噬岁月’的禁制之中,在里面的半年,相当于外面的六个月,原本是可以更久的,然而一方面为了节省命仙币,一方面也是轩辕对自己修炼速度的一种把持,他不希望自己枯坐修炼太久,凡事都应该有一个度,过犹不及,适当枯坐修炼,再加上自己于天地之间进行历练,这样配合才是最好的,而不是像一些人,坐死关,一坐一甲子,一悟数百年,这是轩辕的。感慨。(_&\;amp\;) But Old Man Tan said that Xuan Yuan does not know good from bad: 贪老头却说轩辕不知好歹: You think that everyone is the same with you, has such high practice talent?” “你以为每个人都跟你一样,有如此之高的修炼天赋吗?” The Xuan Yuan bursting out laughing, he at this moment, from top to bottom, the wise miraculous glow, six soul Qi Qi of his within the body revolve, Battle Qi is vast, is skillful and nimble and resourceful, each light as if had the intelligence to be the same, pasted in heaven and earth, resembles Dragon Sishe, the circling four directions. 轩辕哑然,此刻的他,浑身上下,充满智慧的灵光,他体内的六魄齐齐运转,斗气汪洋,巧而灵动,每一道光都仿佛有了灵性一样,于天地间流转,似龙似蛇,盘旋四方。 He in ‚the Devour years under covering, arrived in front of the classical Chinese literature of that two chaotic ancient time. 他在‘吞噬岁月’的笼罩之下,来到了那两个乱古时期的古文面前。 During Xuan Yuan looks carefully, that each, in the middle of each stroke charm, evolves in heaven and earth Great Dao all takes turn, he calmly ponders deeply thinks. 轩辕细细地看着当中,那每一笔,每一划当中的神韵,于天地大道的一切衍化交替,他静静冥思深想。 The quiet under own innermost feelings, in his cerebellum place, the miraculous glow shine, both hands outlined each of that two ancient Chinese characters, the truth that each stroke, contains, then attentively realized, Great Dao path that outlined, the ditch Tong Tian typical principle, then understood these two characters the meanings. 沉静下自己的内心,在他后脑处,灵光普照,双手勾勒出那两个古字的每一笔,每一划,所蕴藏的道理,而后用心去体会,勾勒出来的大道轨迹,沟通天地道理,而后去参透这两个字的含义。 „Is this grade of feeling, benevolence? Courage? Wisdom? Good? Gentle? Fair? We hope that?” “这等感觉,是仁爱?勇气?智慧?善良?平和?公正?希望?” When the Xuan Yuan experience, some felt that grows among his hearts, this is he to two ancient Chinese characters in the middle , the feeling of the understanding of some information occludes, produces. 轩辕体会的时候,有许多感觉,自他心间衍生而出,这是他对两个古字当中,所包藏的一些信息的理解,所产生的感觉。 Chaotic ancient time, is not trim heaven and earth most turmoil time? Deep these exist, goes on a punitive expedition against mutually, tramples mutually, takes the myriad things life as the dogs and hay worthless thing, the corpse on the ground 1 million, the blood bath, at that time heaven and earth Great Dao and present heaven and earth Great Dao, should differ from, which great person but can be, can under the portray these two ancient Chinese characters, suppress this entrance inside terror to exist? At that time even if were Hong Meng Celestial Emperor has not appeared?” “乱古的时候,不是整片天地最为动乱的时候吗?‘冥’那些存在,互相征伐,互相践踏,以万物生灵为刍狗,伏尸1000000,血流漂杵,当时天地大道与如今的天地大道,应该有所不同了,但是又会是哪个了不起的人,能够刻画下这两个古字,镇压着这山门里面的恐怖存在呢?当时哪怕是‘鸿蒙天帝’都还没有出现?” In the Xuan Yuan heart talked to oneself that he has many doubts, obviously now wants to understand these two ancient Chinese characters, is a little difficult, this is because own strength is insufficient, the story is insufficient, two classical Chinese literatures are as deep as a well, only feared that is Supreme Sky Immortal is also not necessarily able to understand these two characters the meanings, perhaps has former sages, the Quasi-Emperor character can be capable of that comprehending 12. 轩辕心中自语,他有许多疑惑,显然如今想要参透这两个古字,还是有点难,这是因为自己的实力不够,阅历不够,两个古文高深莫测,只怕是无上天仙来也未必能够参透这二字的含义,也许只有先贤,准帝人物才能够有那个能力去领悟12。 Xuan Yuan stopped to understanding of these two ancient Chinese characters, present are extremely superficial, wants to understand the chaotic ancient time the writing, where is that easy, before he arrived at the entrance, looks the above that portrays the classical Chinese literature, then in the attainments with own potential mark, evolves, finally obscurely is difficult to understand, but can feel, is one absolute positive force, the boundless Human Dao healthy tendency heads on, this made the Xuan Yuan heart more surprised, at that time had the production of Human Race? Why however in this ancient trace, is containing so strong Human Dao healthy tendency, as if by a train of thought gathering of person, this person should have formidable how? 轩辕停止了对这两个古字的参透,如今的自己太过浅薄,想要参透乱古时期的文字,哪里是那么容易的,他来到了山门前,看着上面那刻画着的古文,便以自己势纹上的造诣,进行衍化,结果还是晦涩难懂,但是能够感觉到的,是一种绝对的正面力量,磅礴的人道正气扑面而来,这让轩辕心头更加的惊奇了,当时不是没有人族的产生吗?但是为何在这古老的纹路之中,蕴藏着如此浓烈的人道正气,似乎是以一个人的文思汇聚而成,这个人该有多么的强大? Potential marks of these portrays, as if in telling a story, just present Xuan Yuan, is unable to explain it, perhaps Yiyi in the words, have been OK, after all Yiyi is Qingming god emperor the peak character who the youngest son, at least its father most approaches that time, perhaps has to it leaves behind many chaotic ancient writing, when that some chaotic Ancient evolutions of heaven and earth Great Dao potential mark. 这些刻画的势纹,似乎在讲述着一个故事,只不过如今的轩辕,无法将它解读,也许咿咿在的话,就可以了,毕竟咿咿是‘青冥神帝’的幼子,至少它的父亲是最接近那个时代的顶端人物,或许有给它留下诸多乱古文字,那有一些乱古之时的天地大道势纹的衍化。 Swallowing Emperor he is skilled in emperor to ban the method, many Restriction traces, evolves from the tumultuous times time, must know that like deep existence, Restriction that arrange comes, even can cut to kill the Great Emperor character, the no small matter, the emperor bans the trace, similarly has together the principle with the heaven and earth [say / way], seeks time to make it come to see, perhaps will have any new harvest perhaps, now you do not intertwine in this!” Old Man Tan sees the Xuan Yuan worried look to be puzzled, access road. “‘吞帝’他精通帝禁手段,许多禁制的纹路,也都是从乱世时期衍化下来的,要知道像‘冥’那样的存在,所布下来的禁制,甚至可以斩杀大帝人物,非同小可,帝禁纹路,同样与天地道有共同之理,寻一个时间让它来看一看,兴许会有什么新的收获也说不定,如今你就不要在此纠结了!”贪老头轩辕愁眉不解,便道了一句。 Um, good, actually this dead pig forgetting, a short time unable to solve here secret, waits for the opportunity time, then brings with the dead pig Yiyi, then has a look to enter here, will have when the time comes perhaps the enormous chance also perhaps!” Xuan Yuan gave up the research to here potential mark, if he was born in the Ancient Sage big aristocratic family, old book reading that many secrets get down, however he closes right up against his natural talent, the luck, own unprecedented courage, fights with all might today's result, was very commendable, now wants him to untie this need extremely strong inside story, existence of long history, can solve the fan, clearly has very major difficulty. “嗯,不错,倒是把这死猪给忘了,一时半会也解不了此处的秘密,等有机会的时候,便把咿咿跟死猪带来,然后看看能不能进入此处,到时候也许会有极大的机缘也说不定!”轩辕放弃了对此处势纹的研究,若是他生于古之先贤的大世家,有诸多秘传下来的古籍阅读也就罢了,然而他只是靠着自己的天资,运气,还有自己的一往无前勇气,拼杀出今日的成绩,已经很难能可贵了,如今要他解开这种需要极其浓厚底蕴,悠久历史的存在,才能够解得出来的迷,显然有很大的困难。 Walks, now also cultivates was similar, should return to Ten Thousand Immortal Island to lead to post a reward, only feared now in Taibai Chamber of Commerce being held auction grand feast, should soon start, at this time, just can catch up, can look wash any good thing.” “走,如今修炼得也差不多了,是该回‘万仙岛’去领悬赏了,只怕如今在‘太白商会’的举行拍卖盛宴,应该已经快要开始,这个时候,刚好可以赶上,看看能不能淘到什么好东西。” Xuan Yuan sighed, cannot untie this place the secret, felt as before was a pity very much, if is just the secret that can solve easily, only feared that was is not secret, for these years, always some people arrived here, always some people discovered here, person but who can solve this place secret, only feared that was one does not have, otherwise, here already degenerated into place of legend , is still not abegging. 轩辕感叹了一声,不能解开此地的秘密,依旧感觉到很可惜,只不过如果是自己就能够轻易就解开的秘密,只怕就不是什么秘密了,这么多年来,总有人来到这里,总有人发现这里,但是能够解开此地秘密的人,只怕是一个没有,不然的话,这里早就沦为一处传说之地了,也不会至今都无人问津。 Xuan Yuan left this place, blue water spirit frog will return to the world that it, then goes to Ten Thousand Immortal Island, he runs out of the deep sea, all the way toward Ten Thousand Immortal Island the direction the line, saw the innumerable powerhouses from out of the blue, calls people friends readily, exchanges greetings to invite, or forms groups, in twos and threes, some Rogue Cultivator, alone leads the way alone, soar into the clouds and mount the mists, performs all goes to participate in this time Taibai Chamber of Commerce this giant auction grand feast. 轩辕离开了此地,将‘碧水灵蛙’送回了它原本所在的世界后,便前往‘万仙岛’,他冲出深海,一路上朝着‘万仙岛’的方向破空而行,看到了无数的强者,呼朋唤友,寒暄相邀,或是成群结队,或是三三两两,或是一些单独散修,独自前行,腾云驾雾,尽皆前往参加此番‘太白商会’这一次巨型的拍卖盛宴。 These people are not the strength strong, is the background is abundant, non- rich is expensive, in the major influence honored and popular characters of this East China Sea sea area, even is not inferior to Ten Thousand Immortal Island, but Ten Thousand Immortal Island year to year blesses these Rogue Cultivator, therefore the prestige is enormous, will of the people condensation, moreover is the place that Taibai Chamber of Commerce can put out a hand, is entire ‚the East China Sea sea area the only chamber of commerce, therefore this kind of auction grand feast, they will not miss. 这些人不是实力超强,就是背景雄厚,非富即贵,都是在这东海海域的各大势力有头有脸的人物,甚至不亚于‘万仙岛’,只是‘万仙岛’常年庇佑那些散修,故而声望极大,人心凝聚,而且又是‘太白商会’可以伸手的地方,是整个‘东海海域’唯一的商会,所以这样一次拍卖盛宴,他们是不会错过的。 It seems like, these time was really an auction grand feast, many people were Earth Immortal, existence of Sky Immortal, in this East China Sea sea area really master quite a lot, should many Supreme Sky Immortal, even was half former sages character bids!” Xuan Yuan sees this, in heart sighed that only feared if one had a liking for any thing, wants to win by own financial resource, will be very difficult, these people's savings do not know that wants abundant many. “看来,这一次真的是一场拍卖盛宴了,许多人都是地仙,天仙的存在,在这东海海域果然高手颇多,应该不乏无上天仙,甚至是半步先贤的人物去竞拍了!”轩辕看到这一幕,心中感叹,只怕自己若是看上了什么东西,想要凭借自己的财力赢的话,会很困难了,这些人的积蓄不知道要比自己雄厚多少。 First returned to award and punishment main hall to say again that 300 million Life Immortal coins were also the money, all also when the time comes again looked, moreover on you didn't have the peerless spirit source of heaven and earth nature production? Each is the rare immortal treasure, at the worst when the time comes again sold was together good, moreover your Azure Dragon essence and blood, was the whole world the immortal treasure that was difficult to ask, if met to buy also does not have money to buy, that sold the blood, few Toshiro!” Old Man Tan said with a smile. “先回‘赏罚大殿’再说,300000000的命仙币也是钱,一切也只有到时候再看了,而且你身上不是有天地自然生成的绝世灵源吗?每一块都是稀世仙珍,大不了到时候再卖一块好了,而且你身上的青龙精血,就是举世难求的仙珍,如果遇到想买却又没钱买的,那就卖血,少年郎!”贪老头笑道。 You did not say that sells kidney? Have I sold you in the consideration been able better......” Xuan Yuan to say ill-humoredly, was not only the rare immortal treasure, he naturally impossible to sell . Moreover the peerless spirit sources of these nature production had the enormous wondrous use, newly obtained deep sea spirit source double bleeding heart glorybower, battled in the deep sea, the force arrangement in oneself, will have the extremely fearful strength by oneself, was remaining, when ‚a burial at sea grave was born, perhaps will have big using. “你怎么不说卖肾呢?我在考虑是不是把你卖了会不会更好……”轩辕没好气道了一句,既是稀世仙珍,他自然不可能去卖,而且这些自然生成的绝世灵源都有极大的妙用,新得到的‘深海灵源’双龙吐珠相,于深海之中作战,布势于自身,会让自己拥有极其可怕的战力,留着在‘海葬道墓’出世的时候,也许会有大用。 Sells the words of blood, can consider actually, but might expose own status very much, but by Di Shitian the status will appear, pours can also convince, after all Xuan Yuan once by Di Shitian the status will appear, accepts the request of Xuan Yuan, can talk into this is one of the Xuan Yuan to his commitment. 卖血的话,倒是可以考虑考虑,只不过很有可能会暴露出自己的身份,不过自己以‘帝释天’的身份出现,倒也说得通,毕竟轩辕曾经以‘帝释天’的身份出现,接受轩辕的委托,可以说成这是轩辕对他的承诺之一。 Ahem, Peng Fei this dead fatty, ‚a burial at sea grave is born, the boy will definitely come, has ancient grave of «Ancient God's Feng Shui Tactics» among regarding heaven and earth decides however is incomparably sensitive, previous time has ascertained my destiny by him by «Ancient God's Feng Shui Tactics», now I evolved ‚a gasified Taoist trinity Unusual Form, grasps the present Heavens Secret not to calculate that grasps itself, does not appear externally the destiny suppression, if he dares, I must make his underpants not can be left over.” “哼哼,朋飞这个死胖子,‘海葬道墓’出世,那小子肯定会来,拥有《风水古神术》对于天地之间的古墓定然是无比敏感的,上一次被他以《风水古神术》窥破了我的气运,如今我已经衍化出了‘一气化三清’的异象,把握现在‘天机’推算不得,把握自己,也将气运镇压不外露,若他胆敢出来的话,我要让他连内裤都剩不下。” Remembers Peng Fei this dead fatty to coerce itself under the big crowd of people, took away person sovereign pen with ‚the People's Emperor seal, the air/Qi does not hit one, feels sorry for this dead fatty only to be able not to look to oneself happily. 一想起朋飞这死胖子在大庭广众之下要挟自己,拿走了‘人皇笔’跟‘人王印’,气就不打一处来,可怜这死胖子只能是给自己找不痛快。 In the Xuan Yuan heart plans, suddenly the laughter transmits together: 就在轩辕心中谋算的时候,突然一道笑声传来: Fellow Daoist, please please do not bother to see me off!” 道友,请留步!” Xuan Yuan is hearing this together sound, feels is a little familiar-sounding, but actually does not know that this person was shouting anyone, continued to tread to be spatial and good, many have not paid attention, only heard this sound to transmit together once again. 轩辕听着这一道声音,感觉有点耳熟,不过却不知道此人在喊谁,继续踏空而行,没有多加理会,只听见这一道声音再度传来。 Fellow Daoist, I said you, slow.” Xuan Yuan stares suddenly, this sound, is not that dead fatty? 道友,我说你呢,慢一点。”轩辕忽然一愣,这声音,不就是那死胖子的吗? Xuan Yuan turns around to look hastily, sees only is really that dead fatty, stage time does not see, this dead fatty became fatter, fat shook, he wore the buddhist monk's robes, was wearing the shining cassock, was very coquettish, the ruddy complexion, smiled is the same with the maitreya buddha, the red light four shot, wants to come this stage day to pass has moistened, the whole body fat oil, does not know that has robbed many ancient graves, snatched many good thing, one was the treasure. 轩辕连忙转身一看,只见真的是那一个死胖子,一阶段时间不见,这死胖子变得更胖了,一身的肥肉直晃,他身着僧衣,身披着金灿灿的袈裟,无比风骚,脸色红润,笑得跟弥勒佛一样,红光四射,想来他这一阶段日子过得太滋润了,满身的肥油,不知道盗了多少古墓,抢到了多少好东西了,一身是宝。 Um? Isn't the master the Buddhism eminent monk? Why will call my Fellow Daoist?” Xuan Yuan has turned around, at this moment his face was covered by the cape, cannot see clearly the appearance, moreover material dead fatty cannot think, oneself have one Di Shitian status. “嗯?大师不是佛门高僧吗?为何会称呼我道友?”轩辕转过身来,此刻他的脸被斗篷遮盖,看不清容貌,而且料这死胖子都想不到,自己还有一个‘帝释天’的身份。 HaHaHa, this poor monk this is says Dual Cultivation, this Fellow Daoist, how long did you come this East China Sea sea area?” A Peng Fei face smiling face is bright, the meat on face rocked, that called prosperous-looking. 哈哈哈,贫僧这是佛道双修,这位道友,你来这东海海域多久了?”朋飞一脸笑容灿烂,脸上的肉晃动了起来,那叫一个富态。 Had a long time.” Hears the reply of Xuan Yuan, Peng Fei at present one brightly, laughs saying: “已经有很长一段时间了。”听到轩辕的回答,朋飞眼前一亮,大笑道: Has not thought that here can bump into the member in my mainland, felt that is really kind, does not know whether to travel together?” “没想到在这里能够碰到我大陆的修士,感觉甚是亲切,不知可否一路同行?” Can with say that Dual Cultivation person of high skill colleague, naturally wishes for earnestly below.” Xuan Yuan feigns a very excited appearance, is actually smiles at heart very sinisterly. “能够与佛道双修的高人同行,在下自然是求之不得。”轩辕佯装出一副很激动的样子,心里却是笑得很阴险。
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