DTH :: Volume #8

#735: Eight immortals crossing the sea

Chapter 735 eight immortals crossing the sea 第735章八仙过海 Eastern Sea Dao Palace. -() 东海道宫’。-() This big influence is in nearly tens of thousands years, suddenly rises, moreover develops rapidly, the disciple is extremely numerous, the financial resource are vigorous, the powerhouse gathers, the vigorous growth, disperses in the four directions, the fame pursues Ten Thousand Immortal Island, it situated in the deep sea, is in the natural Great Dao potential, takes it as the foundation, Impenetrable Gold, the bystander cannot violate, once the big influences of several East China Sea sea areas wanted to attack Eastern Sea Dao Palace, but was blocked by the Great Dao potential finally, flies back without any results, even routs to return, Eastern Sea Dao Palace prestigious. 这一个大势力乃是在近几万年,突然崛起的,而且发展飞速,门人极多,财力浑厚,强者汇聚,蓬勃生长,散于四方,名望直追‘万仙岛’,它位于深海之中,处于天然大道势,以其为根基,固若金汤,外人不可犯,曾经有几个东海海域的大势力想要攻打‘东海道宫’,可是最后都被大道势所阻,无功而返,甚至大败而回,‘东海道宫’声名大噪。 Gradually, Eastern Sea Dao Palace also advanced into entered ‚the East China Sea sea area , the ranks of first-class big influence, naturally must say that compared to Ten Thousand Immortal Island to have the enormous disparity truly. 久而久之,‘东海道宫’也就跻身进入了‘东海海域’之中,一流大势力的行列,当然要说真正比起‘万仙岛’还是有极大的差距的。 But the up-and-coming new influence, tendency progresses by leaps and bounds, many people naturally are also hand down Eastern Sea Dao Palace the great strength, actually the big influence like Ten Thousand Immortal Island, has the status that cannot be shaken in many Rogue Cultivator hearts, this is precipitates after the innumerable years, it has blessed too many people, this is called the inside story, is Eastern Sea Dao Palace incomparable. 只不过后起的新势力,势头突飞猛进,许多人自然也都是口口相传‘东海道宫’的强大,其实像‘万仙岛’这样的大势力,在许多散修心中都有不可撼动的地位,这是经过无数个岁月沉淀的,它庇佑了太多的人了,这就叫做底蕴,是‘东海道宫’无可比拟的。 In Eastern Sea Dao Palace a secret room, two sounds were talking. 在‘东海道宫’的一处密室,有两道声音在交谈。 Had falling of Xuan Yuan?” The cold and gloomy sound passed on together. “有没有轩辕的下落了?”一道森冷的声音传了出来。 No, I also wanted to find Xuan Yuan, Blue Sky Heavenly Water on his body, must know that this should be my thing, now is given by him unexpectedly, I will certainly not let off his.” The incomparably fierce sound passed on together, is very the hatred. “没有,我也想要找到轩辕,‘碧落天水’在他的身上,要知道这原本就是应该属于我的东西,如今竟然被他给得到了,我一定不会放过他的。”一道无比狰狞的声音传了出来,很是怨毒。 That Ji Luori, The Heart of Sea and Black Sky Heavy Water whereabouts how?” That cold and gloomy sound spreads once again. “那‘姬落日’呢,‘海心重水’与‘玄天重水’的下落如何了?”那森冷的声音再度传出。 Similarly cannot seek, Ji Luori, since the day , after breaking the ambush that I have set, since then vanished, I have made Hai Family help, incomparably must look for them!” Mentioned this matter, this together sound became being furious. “同样寻不到,‘姬落日’自从那一日,破了我设下的埋伏之后,从此便消失了,我已经让海家相帮,无比一定要将他们找出来!”一说起这一件事,这一道声音就变得更加的震怒。 Waste, cannot handle including this point minor matter, do not forget, you can live today, because of me, otherwise, you flying ash had already annihilated, you must know that Eastern Sea Dao Palace is not only my one supports, I can also make it shortly destroy!” This together sound, if Xuan Yuan on the scene, who can listen is, is not others, young disciple who Immortal Mengyan Gui most loves, Cang Yi, now Eternal Life the day Venerable the character, the strength is as deep as a well, asks the way Quasi-Emperor. “废物,连这一点小事都办不好,你可别忘了,你能够活到今日,都是因为我,不然的话,你早就已经飞灰湮灭了,你要知道‘东海道宫’既是我一手撑起来的,我也能够让它在顷刻之间毁灭!”这一道声音,若是轩辕在场的话,就能够听出是谁,不是别人,正是‘梦魇鬼仙’最宠爱的小弟子,苍易,如今‘永生’的天尊人物,实力高深莫测,问路准帝 „The Cang Yi day Venerable to forgive, the subordinate management is ineffective, heinous crime!” This together sound, is foundation Eastern Sea Dao Palace person, is on one Blue Sky Heavenly Water the disciple of master Bi Yunzi, Qiu Xuanyu, he kneels to bend down in one, motionless, the heart trembles, fears extremely. 苍易天尊恕罪,属下办事不力,罪该万死!”这一道声音,是创建‘东海道宫’的人,也就是上一任‘碧落天水’的主人碧云子之徒,丘玄雨,他跪伏在第一上,一动不动,心头颤栗,极度恐惧。 Tens of thousands years come, he should be frightened out of one's wits, to be hard to go on living again, but Cang Yi by Eternal Life in mystique, making Qiu Xuanyu sacrifice own mortal body, can survive by own soul, and he settled on a goal, passed on him The Heart of Sea Black Sky Heavy Water also to have Cold Dragon Water, that is Hai Ya, the present is only because needed Hai Family some strengths, therefore he anxiously do not seize the shed the Hai Ya mortal body. 几万年过来,他本就该魂飞魄散了,再以难以活下去,但是苍易以‘永生’之中的秘法,让丘玄雨牺牲了自己的肉身,让自己的魂魄得以存活下来,并且他看中了一个目标,传他‘海心重水’‘玄天重水’还有‘沧龙之水’,那便是海涯,如今只是因为需要海家的一些力量,所以他并不急着要将海涯的肉身夺舍。 Hai Family totally does not know, and has not had any condition, therefore did not suspect that relations with East China Sea palace Lord is on good terms, actually that is only an apprentice who Qiu Xuanyu accepts, the true plot hides in the back, among the world does not have that many cheap / convenient to sort, the back of each big chance, has a big calamity, regarding Hai Ya, now within the body Cold Dragon Water is he biggest chance, similarly is also he biggest nightmare. 海家对此一概不知,而且从来也没有出过什么状况,所以并不怀疑,与‘东海宫主’关系交好,其实那只是丘玄雨收的一个徒弟而已,真正的阴谋躲藏在背后,天下间没有那么多便宜可拣,每一场大机缘的背后,都有着一场大厄难,对于海涯来讲,如今体内的‘沧龙之水’就是他最大的机缘,同样也是他最大的噩梦。 I give you again some time, must discover the Xuan Yuan whereabouts to me, Ji Luori, must before ‚a burial at sea grave is born, retrieves The Heart of Sea to me ‚’ Black Sky Heavy Water, that Cold Dragon Water the Hai Ya body seized to abandon to me, this matter made no mistake, so long as you can achieve, you then can not die like my so Longevity, then together pursued Eternal Life!” The Cang Yi spoken language has relaxed, now his in the heart most is worried is his teacher, Immortal Mengyan Gui, he asked Heavens Secret in the extremely extraordinary character to calculate, Immortal Mengyan Gui Nirvana rebirth, strength in restoration gradually, even if restores less than the same day Realm, was extremely fearful. “我再给你一些时间,务必给我找出轩辕的下落,还有‘姬落日’,一定要在‘海葬道墓’出世之前,给我找回‘海心重水’‘玄天重水’,还有将那‘沧龙之水’的海涯身躯给我夺舍了,此事不容有失,只要你能够做到,你便能够像我这般长生不死,而后一同追求永生!”苍易的言语缓和了一下,如今他心中最担心的就是他的那一个师尊,‘梦魇鬼仙’,他请了‘天机’里面极为了不得的人物推算了一下,‘梦魇鬼仙’涅槃重生,实力在一步一步的恢复,就算恢复不到当日的境界,也是极其可怕的。 Immortal Mengyan Gui founded Eternal Life eventually the founder, leads Eternal Life existence, has the extremely deep understanding regarding Eternal Life, now he must destroy Eternal Life to be doomed the priest and disciple the life and death opposition, as incompatible as fire and water. 终究‘梦魇鬼仙’是创建了‘永生’的创始人,主导‘永生’的存在,对于‘永生’有着极深的了解,如今他要毁了‘永生’就注定了师徒二人要生死对立,水火不容。 Many thanks the Cang Yi day Venerable.” The Qiu Xuanyu whole body trembles, this was this life pursued most greatly, even if cannot Eternal Life be able to look like Cang Yi so to survive is so remote, was he pursues. “多谢苍易天尊。”丘玄雨浑身颤栗,这是他这一生最大的追求了,就算不能够永生能够像苍易这般存活这么久远,也是他所追求的。 At that time he got rid to rob Blue Sky Heavenly Water, was lived by oneself for wish some date and time, nourished these long lives by Blue Sky Heavenly Water the day Earth Immortal treasures, however robbed inadequately, instead was injured, was again difficult to seek Bi Yunzi whereabouts, this, with great difficulty sought one River Spirit Body, his mortal body was not, naturally needs to look for a host, Hai Ya then became he seizes the goal of shed, but has not actually thought that three Battle Water that oneself had, were won two types unexpectedly, let his heart drop blood, was in an uncontrollable rage. 当时他出手抢夺‘碧落天水’,就是为了想要让自己多活一些时日,以‘碧落天水’滋养那些延寿的天地仙珍,然而抢夺不成,反而受了伤,再也难寻‘碧云子’的下落,这也就算了,好不容易寻到一个‘水灵之体’,他肉身不在,自然需要找一个寄主,海涯便成为了他夺舍的目标,可是却不曾想,自己所拥有的三种斗水,竟然被夺走了两种,让他心头滴血,怒不可遏。 Was good, now I have the important matter, did not say anything with you, you put best into it.” The Cang Yi form gradually empty, finally vanishes does not see. “好了,如今我还有要事,就不与你多说什么了,你好自为之。”苍易的身影逐渐虚化,最后消失不见。 Qiu Xuanyu has the extremely deep fear to Cang Yi, was extremely fearful, such person, Immortal Mengyan Gui apprentice, Eternal Life the day Venerable, the strength is immeasurably deep, he does not dare to have disrespecting, moreover that ‚the sword of Eternal Life, so long as will branch out wisp of sword air/Qi to tear into shreds, will let him to Cang Yi fear. 丘玄雨苍易有着极深的恐惧,太过可怕了,这样的人,‘梦魇鬼仙’的徒弟,‘永生’的天尊,实力深不可测,他根本不敢有一丝的不敬,而且那一把‘永生之剑’,只要分出一缕剑气就能够将自己撕碎,让他对苍易更加的畏惧。 Xuan Yuan, Ji Luori, I must make you die like a dog, dares with the person who I oppose, must die.” In the eye pupil of Qiu Xuanyu is passing evil and cruel...... 轩辕,姬落日,我要让你们不得好死,敢跟我作对的人,都得死。”丘玄雨的眼眸中透着歹毒…… Nearly one month, like this passed, in this month, Ten Thousand Immortal Island has not looked like, welcomes the tranquility that before storm award and punishment main hall palace main said that eight incomparably coquettish young people, became Ten Thousand Immortal Island focal point, short in one month, they cut to kill the rank from 60 to 68 pirates, plundering were innumerable, it is said that they also met with the second 18 killing immortal robbers, made into the severe wound it, spread by the news, has caused in an uproar of people, has caused a stir in the trim East China Sea sea area, eight people obviously were only Life Immortal Realm Actually can cause heavy losses to Supreme Sky Immortal unexpectedly, frightening. 将近一个月的时间,就这样过去了,在这一个月的时间里,‘万仙岛’没有像‘赏罚大殿’殿主所说的,迎来暴风雨前的宁静,八个无比风骚的年轻人,成为了‘万仙岛’的焦点,短短在一个月的时间,他们就斩杀了排名从60到68海盗,掠夺无数,据说他们还与排行第二18名的杀仙盗碰面,将其打成重伤,以消息一传出,引起了众人的一片哗然,轰动了整片东海海域,八人明明只是命仙境界而已,竟然却可以重创无上天仙,令人心惊。 Suddenly, does not know that has many people to cherish the respect to these eight incomparably coquettish young people, invited to have a friendly chat over a cup of wine again and again, must know that the 72 pirate was always many Rogue Cultivator characters hears the color deterioration, now presented these eight young people, in one month, cut to kill eight pirates, has roused the hearts of many Rogue Cultivator characters. 一时间,也不知道有多少人对这八个无比风骚的年轻人心怀敬意,连连相邀把酒言欢,要知道,七十二海盗向来都是诸多散修人物闻之变色,如今出现了这八个年轻人,一个月内,斩杀八名海盗,振奋了诸多散修人物的心。 Eight Young Master, young, cultivates to be uncommon, making me and others admire, the 72 pirate for the calamity innumerable years, lets all our color deterioration, now eight Young Master, us also feel relieved.” “八位公子,年纪轻轻,修为却是不凡,让我等敬佩,七十二海盗为祸无数年,让我们皆之变色,如今有八位公子在,我们也就放心了。” He He, this cannot be regarded anything.” “呵呵,这算不得什么。” Where, da Young Master was modest.” “哪里,妲公子过谦了。” These pirates, dammit, stop at no evil, cruelly harm nicely, will happen one day, this Young Master must hit to extinguish them completely, but also this East China Sea sea area peace, I and others can also go down in history, how could it not be wonderful?” Hua Xialiu blows greatly flamboyant, incomparably coquettish...... “这些海盗,着实可恶,无恶不作,残害善良,终有一天,本公子要将他们全部打灭,还这东海海域一片安宁,我等也能够名垂青史,岂不妙哉?”花夏柳大吹牛逼,无比风骚…… I and others, although is not the person of East China Sea sea area, but the intention world, did not allow absolutely the generations of these ganefs run amuck, present to this East China Sea sea area, so long as they dare to appear, we by the Supreme big magical powers, destroy it thoroughly, making them always not probably stand up from failure, for everybody throughout the ages, will seek a stable future, no longer will feel alarmed and anxious.” Xiao Pianzi mentioned these words to come, slid, incomparable freely spoken...... “我等虽然不是东海海域之人,但心怀天下,绝对不容许这些宵小之辈横行,如今到这‘东海海域’,只要他们敢出现,我们是以无上大神通,将其彻底打碎,让他们永世不得翻身,为大家的千秋万代,谋一个安定的未来,不再担惊受怕。”萧翩紫说起这些话来,也是一溜一溜的,无比的顺口…… Ha Ha, good, eight Young Master, eight immortals crossing the sea, shows special prowess, coming us to respect eight few immortal one cups......” “哈哈,好,八位公子,八仙过海,各显神通,来我们敬八位少仙一杯……” Lively banquet scene, in Ten Thousand Immortal Island very for a long time already not the congratulations of such scene, eight devil incarnates, one month the action, is really exciting, exciting. 觥筹交错,在‘万仙岛’很久已经没有这样场面的庆贺了,八个混世魔王,一个月来的举动,着实让人振奋,大快人心。 Cannot think that these brats can also do concrete deeds with this Supreme Dao Artifact, this time goes back, must well with was old is saying, although these child behaviors were uninhibited, the natural disposition was profligate, but natural disposition pure and good-hearted, always often do not teach them.” “想不到这几个臭小子还能够拿这无上道器干点实事,此番回去,要好好的跟老正说一下了,虽然这几个孩子行为不羁,生性放荡,但是本性纯良,别总是动不动就教训他们。” Yes, but old that person also It's nothing evil intention, a little expects too much, knows that these children were also long the prospect, only feared that he was happier than anyone......” “是啊,不过老正那个人心里也没什么恶意,就是有点恨铁不成钢而已,知道这几个孩子也长出息了,只怕他比谁都还要高兴呢……” He He......” “呵呵呵……” In the deep place of East China Sea sea area, Hidden Dragon ascends to heaven the Great Dao potential Dragon's Tail that together the wise ray direct impact on, is similar to together Tong Tian immortal light, inspires the mind of person, but looks at one, makes people think that during contains the endless wisdom, as if with trim heaven and earth Great Dao friendly feeling. 在东海海域的深处,‘潜龙升天大道势’龙尾那一部,一道充满智慧的光芒直冲而上,如同一道通天仙光,启发人的心灵,只是看一眼,就让人觉得当中蕴藏无尽的智慧,仿佛与整片天地大道相融的感觉。 Xuan Yuan has practiced for enough a half year in inside at ‚the Devour years, finally «Clever God Law» cultivating accomplishment Realm, the strength grew much, what is more important is in the sensibility with this piece of heaven and earth becomes profound, in six months, Xuan Yuan quenchings own keenly intelligent soul by this «Clever God Law», all pure spirit sources, the heterogeneous spirit source consumes completely, reluctantly arrived at accomplishment Realm, it can be imagined, outside this territory the consumption of Supreme magical powers has fearsomeness how, at the same time the prestige can also be boundless, is as deep as a well. 轩辕以‘吞噬岁月’在里面修炼了足足半年,终于将《通灵神法》给修炼到了大成的境界,实力增长了不少,更重要的是与这一片天地中的感悟变得更加的深刻,在半年之内,轩辕以这《通灵神法》淬炼自己的灵慧魄,将所有的纯净灵源,异种灵源全部都消耗一空,才勉强到达了大成的境界,可想而知,这域外无上神通的消耗有多么的可怖,同时威能也是无边的,高深莫测。 While quenching keenly intelligent soul, Xuan Yuan directs this place Dragon Qi to enter the body, quenchings oneself body, is makes his mortal body firm, moreover every action and every movement, have been full of Dragon intent, in that person the dragon, each charm, had the [say / way] rhyme of dragon, sets out, is similar to the dragon is winding its body, Dragon Xiang is vigorous and mighty strides, the dragon near nine days, has filled Ziyun. 在淬炼灵慧魄的同时,轩辕引此地龙气入体,淬炼己身,更是让他的肉身变得更加的坚固,而且一举一动,都充满了龙意,那种人中之龙,每一个神韵,都有了龙的道韵在其中,一个起身,就如同龙在蜿蜒其躯,龙骧虎步,龙临九天,充满了龙韵 Xuan Yuan stands up, is all over the body happy, was more profound regarding the understanding of this piece of heaven and earth, regarding the utilization of heaven and earth Battle Qi, compared with before, will want, to display the magical powers clearly in the future, can maximum limit reduce the consumption of Battle Qi, moreover showed a more fearful might, this was Xuan Yuan this time biggest harvest. 轩辕站起身来,通体舒畅,对于这一片天地的理解更加的深刻了,对于天地斗气的运用,比起之前,都要明白了许多,日后施展神通,可以最大限度减少斗气的消耗,而且施展出更加可怕的威力,这就是轩辕此番的最大收获。 Now is to also comprehend that two ancient Chinese characters time...... 如今也是领悟那两个古字的时候了……
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