DTH :: Volume #8

#737: Having own axe to grind

Chapter 737 has own axe to grind 第737章各怀鬼胎 He He, Fellow Daoist, you in my mainland respective that influence? Your this attire, a little looks like one is actually not very friendly big influence attire!” Peng Fei and Xuan Yuan travel together, searches the bottom, the expression is also very persuasive. “呵呵呵,道友,你是在我大陆所属的那一个势力的?你这身装束,倒是有点像一个不是很友好的大势力装束!”朋飞轩辕同行,一路探底,语气也很婉转。 Xuan Yuan does not conceal, says with a smile: 轩辕也不隐瞒,笑道: Samsara the Heaven's Gate headquarters, think that suspects with the friend master heart, should be the same!” “‘轮回天门总部,想必与朋大师心中所猜想的,应该是一样的!” The corner of the eye of Peng Fei twitches, says with a smile: 朋飞的眼角一抽搐,笑道: Ha Ha, but this poor Daoist has not been short of by you Samsara a people is chased down, but this poor Daoist was also used.” “哈哈,贫道可是没少被你们‘轮回’中人所追杀,不过贫道也习惯了。” Oh? may I ask the master name?” Xuan Yuan feigns to say. 哦?敢问大师姓甚名谁?”轩辕佯装道。 This poor Daoist line does not change name, sits should not be surnamed, I am famous Peng Fei am, among the world who does not know that who does not understand Ah! Peng Fei to sway the whole body fat to be proud, laughs saying: “贫道行不改名,坐不该姓,我乃大名鼎鼎的朋飞是也,天下间谁人不知谁人不晓啊!朋飞晃荡着满身肥肉引以为豪,大笑道: Not by ‚’ the person who Samsara ’ ‚ Six Paths chases down, absolutely is not a promising person, therefore this poor Daoist was also used to it!” “不被‘轮回’‘六道’追杀的人,绝对不是一个有前途的人,所以贫道也习惯了!” What? Are you that famous grave robber Peng Fei? Ancient Sage, the grave of Ancient Great Emperor goes, but may also the whole body draw back safely, whole body Emperor Object, Supreme Dao Artifact is innumerable, unprecedented, latter does not have the future, was known as that are the past and present rob a grave the first person, Peng Fei, the master you?” A Xuan Yuan very shocking appearance, blows greatly flamboyant, flatters greatly, hears Peng Fei greatly crisp incomparable, smiles with Venerable maitreya buddha, pats the big belly saying: “什么?你就是那个大名鼎鼎的盗墓贼朋飞?就连古之先贤,古之大帝之墓都去的,还可安然全身而退,浑身帝物,无上道器数不胜数,前无古人,后无来者,号称古今盗墓第一人,朋飞,就是大师你?”轩辕一副十分震惊的样子,大吹牛逼,大拍马屁,听得朋飞巨爽无比,笑得跟尊弥勒佛似的,拍着大肚皮道: Cannot think that this poor Daoist already in you Samsara, there is a such big prestige, right, was this poor Daoist is, did not need to be startled, beyond non- intention, this was your big chance!” “想不到贫道已经在你‘轮回’之中,有如此之大的声望了,没错,就是贫道是也,不用吃惊,也不用意外,这是你的一场大机缘!” Then this time youdo come for ‚ a burial at sea grave?” Xuan Yuan feigns an extremely excited appearance, passes on the tone channel in a low voice. “那么此番你就是为了‘海葬道墓’而来的?”轩辕佯装一副极其兴奋的样子,低声传音道。 The Peng Fei tiger body shook, looks to Xuan Yuan, has not thought that Xuan Yuan actually also knows this matter, passed on the tone channel: 朋飞虎躯一震,看向了轩辕,没想到轩辕竟然也知道这一件事,传音道: It seems like Fellow Daoist are you also know ‚a burial at sea grave? This poor Daoist also really looked to the person, does not know how Fellow Daoist did call?” “看来道友你也是知道‘海葬道墓’?贫道还真是找对人了,不知道道友如何称呼?” Di Shitian.” Xuan Yuan replied. “‘帝释天’。”轩辕答道。 The Peng Fei corner of the eye jumps, the corners of the mouth twitched taking down, looks again to Xuan Yuan, the moment, said with a smile: 朋飞眼角一跳,嘴角抽搐了记下,再看向轩辕,顿了片刻,笑道: Originally is famous Samsara Chosen, Di Shitian, well, it seems like we had cooperated, this time ‚a burial at sea grave, thought you Samsara in people of the older generation, will be nosing in secret, you should also know, if wanted a burial at sea grave ’ to obtain anything from that ‚, wanted this poor Daoist not to be possible, otherwise, even if was youSamsara the mainstay came not necessarily to have this poor monk's function to be big, this you should understand!” “原来是大名鼎鼎的‘轮回天骄,‘帝释天’,好好,看来咱们有得合作了,此番‘海葬道墓’,想必你‘轮回’之中的老一辈人,也会在暗中查探,你应该也知道,如果想要从那‘海葬道墓’之中获得点什么,非要贫道不可了,不然的话,哪怕是你‘轮回’的中流砥柱前来未必都有贫道的作用大,这你应该明白的!” This is natural, I also very much want to work with the friend master, wish for earnestly Ah! Xuan Yuan to smile lightly, expressed own good intentions. “这是自然,我也很想跟朋大师合作,求之不得啊!轩辕淡淡一笑,表示出自己的善意。 HaHaHa, that wished us to cooperate happily.” Peng Fei smiled the cheeks quickly to draw to the ear near, the whole body fat swayed, was very happy, surface so, but was having actually another idea in him. 哈哈哈,那就祝我们合作愉快了。”朋飞笑嘴巴子都快拉到耳朵边上了,浑身的肥肉晃荡,别提多开心了,表面如此,而在他心里却是打着另外一番主意。 Di Shitian is Samsara inside Chosen, only feared that will have Samsarain terror to exist at this moment is staring at him in secret, can draw support from this point, withDi Shitian cooperation, if they want to obtain the advantage, needs to work with me, hey, when the time comes draws support from Samsara the strength, has worked oneself to death for me, HaHaHa, wonderful, wonderful, when you died, this poor Daoist happen to can also make a getaway, all treasure were this poor Daoist.” “‘帝释天’乃是‘轮回’里面的天骄,只怕此时此刻会有‘轮回’之中的恐怖存在暗中盯着他,可以借助这一点,与‘帝释天’合作,如果他们想要得到好处的话,就需要跟我合作,嘿嘿,到时候借助‘轮回’的力量,替我卖命了,哈哈哈,妙哉,妙哉,等你们都死光了,贫道正好也能够逃之夭夭,所有的宝贝都是贫道的。” Mother, the dead fatty, made me catch finally, this time I must make your strip underpants not can be left over, any 72 pirate, came compared with you, completely was the floating clouds, only feared that your thing, could be as good as a big influence the inside story, you died, the dead fatty, this time you wanted to be black you, I must make the heart that you want dead have.” Xuan Yuan is having another idea at heart similarly. “妈的,死胖子,终于让我抓到了,这一次我要让你连条内裤都剩不下,什么七十二海盗,比起你来,全部都是浮云,只怕你身上的东西,抵得上一个大势力的底蕴了,你死定了,死胖子,这一次你要黑死你,我要让你想死的心都有了。”轩辕心里同样是打着另外一番主意。 Then, two people have own axe to grind, goes toward Ten Thousand Immortal Island from out of the blue, the group arrive big Taibai Chamber of Commerce entrance, nine day tower peak enters the clouds, with overpowering momentum, is quite grand, grand, the silver fine gold, the pavilions, the magnificently decorated building, carves Dragon Huafeng, the style of ten points. 就这样,两个人各怀鬼胎,朝着‘万仙岛’破空而去,一行人来到偌大的‘太白商会’门口,九道天塔耸入云端,气势磅礴,极为雄伟,壮阔,白银精金,亭台楼阁,雕梁画栋,雕龙画凤,十分的气派。 However when Xuan Yuan and Peng Fei two people must go, actually by many Taibai Chamber of Commerce the powerhouse guarded blocking, did not make them go, in the eye completely was looking down upon. 然而就在轩辕朋飞两个人要进去的时候,却被诸多‘太白商会’的强者守卫给拦住了,不让他们进去,眼里尽是瞧不起。 Not Taibai Chamber of Commerce written invitation, does not have the Earth Immortal influence, no one can enter, your qualifications do not have, therefore please return!” “没有‘太白商会’的请帖,没有地仙的势力,谁都不能进入,你们两个资格都不具备,所以请回!” Why to let enter? Your this is despised your customers, you do not know that the customer is your parents?” Peng Fei flies into a rage. “凭什么不让进入?你们这是被鄙视你们的顾客,难道你们不知道顾客就是你们的衣食父母吗?”朋飞勃然大怒。 This is several hundred years a time auction grand feast, the East China Sea sea area is vast, the powerhouse are innumerable, this time can participate in the auction not to have the status, the competent person, you want the status not to have the status, wants the strength not to have the strength, but also wants to attend this auction grand feast? If any Amao flatter dog can participate, entire Taibai Chamber of Commerce had already been fully occupied, did not need to do any auction, did the watching the fun congress to be good, was tactful, a bit faster departed, I Taibai Chamber of Commerce were many you not to be many, is short of you to be many.” Guards the standard shop to bully the manner of guest greatly. “这是数百年一次的拍卖盛宴,东海海域何等浩瀚,强者无数,此番能够参加拍卖不是有地位的,就是有实力的人,你们两个要地位没地位,要实力没实力,还想要参加这一次拍卖盛宴?如果是什么阿猫阿狗都能够参加的话,整个‘太白商会’早就人满为患了,也就不用搞什么拍卖会了,搞个看热闹大会就好了,识趣点的话,就快点离去,我‘太白商会’多你们两个不多,少你们两个不少。”一尊守卫标准的店大欺客的态度。 Good, does not select the color to take a look to you are is not good, today this poor Daoist makes you enlarge ones vision, making you know that is not Amao flatter dog can block this poor Daoist.” Peng Fei air/Qi strokes the sleeve, reveals a pair of pig's feet to come, that skin is white and tender, the fat shakes. “好啊,不给你们点颜色瞧瞧是不行了,今日贫道就让你们开开眼,让你们知道,不是什么阿猫阿狗都能够挡住贫道的。”朋飞气得直捋袖管,露出一对猪蹄来,那皮肤白白嫩嫩的,肥肉直抖。 Hey, what's wrong, will also fear that your this dead fat pig is inadequate? Wants begins to come Ah! Taibai Chamber of Commerce six revolutions of Battle Immortal powerhouses completely not to fear. “嘿嘿,怎么,难道还会怕你这死肥猪不成?想动手就来啊!”一名‘太白商会’的六转斗仙强者全然不惧。 At this time, Xuan Yuan directly has blocked Peng Fei, said: 就在这时候,轩辕直接拦住了朋飞,道: Do not be meddlesome, wants to enter inside, I have the means that comes with me is.” “不要多事,想要进入里面,我有办法,跟我来便是。” Today lets off your horse.” Peng Fei also knows, here is Taibai Chamber of Commerce domain, the master are innumerable, begins, only feared that must suffer a loss, a little feels weak at heart. “今天就放过你们一马。”朋飞也知道,这里是‘太白商会’的地盘,高手无数,动起手来,只怕要吃亏了,心里也有点发虚。 This dead fatty, will blow flamboyant...... Relax, has us, you cannot come.” Seven revolutions of Battle Immortal has coldly to smile, at the same time has the characters of other big influences to come, they greet with a smile, please enter in which them, looks at Peng Fei extremely to be uncomfortable at heart, wishes one could to offer a sacrifice to own treasure, looks lackey appearance that they act servilely. “这死胖子,就会吹牛逼……放心,有我们在,你们是进不来的。”一尊七转斗仙的存在冷冷一笑,与此同时有其他大势力的人物前来,他们笑脸相迎,将他们请入其中,看得朋飞心里极不是滋味,恨不得把自己的宝贝祭出来,看他们卑躬屈膝的奴才模样。 Walks, the friend master, do not look.” Xuan Yuan is actually indifferent, does this is very normal, otherwise the vast East China Sea sea area, the member are innumerable, words that everyone forces one's way, this grade of auction grand meeting was in great confusion, when the time comes the auction did not use. “走,朋大师,别看了。”轩辕倒是无所谓,这样做是很正常的,不然浩瀚的东海海域,修士无数,每个人都挤进去的话,这等拍卖盛会就乱成一团了,到时候拍卖会真也不用开了。 Waits and sees.” Peng Fei cold snort|hum, has been swaying the whole body meat wave, left with Xuan Yuan. “走着瞧。”朋飞冷哼了一声,晃荡着满身的肉浪,跟轩辕离开了。 Two people quick then arrived at award and punishment main hall, the guard has seen Xuan Yuan, what also has not said that they know that this youth meets has cut to kill deep pirate posting a reward, now can come back, was successful? This matter, only then a small number of people know that regarding them, can see Xuan Yuan to come back, with damn same feeling. 两个人很快的便到达了‘赏罚大殿’,守卫见过轩辕,也没有多说什么,他们都知道这一位少年接了斩杀‘深海盗’的悬赏,如今能够回来,难道是成功了吗?这一件事,只有少数的人知道,对于他们来讲,能够见到轩辕回来,就跟见了鬼一样的感觉。 This youth was actually living, he deep pirate cutting?” “这个少年竟然活着回来了,难道他把‘深海盗’给斩了?” Is impossible, he is only six revolutions of Battle Immortal strengths, how possibly can kill deep pirate in the deep sea sea area ‚’?” “不可能,他才只是六转斗仙的实力而已,怎么可能在深海海域能够杀得了‘深海盗’?” Perhaps failed, ran away.” “也许是失败了,逃回来了。” Also might be has succeeded......” “也有可能是成功了……” I think that should succeed, recently had not heard ’ the news that deep pirate stirs up trouble again ‚ . Moreover the 72 pirate member was cut again and again, many people very much felt at ease.” “我想应该是成功了,最近再也没有听到‘深海盗’兴风作浪的消息,而且七十二海盗成员连连被斩,不少人都很心安了。” Many people talked in whispers, whoop. 不少人窃窃私语,议论纷纷。 Xuan Yuan brings Peng Fei to ascend the life step award and punishment place, sees on the same day that old man. 轩辕带着朋飞直登命阶赏罚处,看到当日那一名老者。 Has seen the senior.” Xuan Yuan bows to salute, Peng Fei long was also reading aloud one fine. “见过前辈。”轩辕躬身行礼,朋飞也着跟着长诵了一声善哉。 He He, deep pirate thinks that had been cut to kill by you? Now receives the monetary reward!” The old man over the face red light, said with a smile. “呵呵呵,‘深海盗’想必已经被你斩杀了?如今来领取赏金的!”老者满面红光,笑道。 Um.” Xuan Yuan deep pirate a wisp of remnant soul draws out, this was together remnant the soul to call out very panic-stricken: “嗯。”轩辕将‘深海盗’的一缕残魂引出,这一道残魂十分的惊恐地嚎叫了起来: I knew mistakenly, did not want to suffer me, I knew mistakenly, making me die happily......” “我知道错了,不要在折磨我了,我知道错了,让我死个痛快……” Deep pirate the sound that remnant soul makes somewhat was insane obviously insanely, the sound is shivering, as if there is extremely fearful thing in Heaven Dao, lets fear that he is from the heart. ‘深海盗’的残魂发出来的声音显然已经有些失心疯了,声音都在颤抖,在天道里面似乎有着极其可怕的东西,让他发自内心的恐惧。 Old men deep pirate a wisp of remnant soul receiving, has then given posting a reward of Xuan Yuan three hundred million Life Immortal coins. 老者将‘深海盗’的一缕残魂给收了进去,而后给了轩辕三亿命仙币的悬赏。 Many thanks senior.” “多谢前辈。” He He, this matter you earn, the youth, the old man also has the incident, wants to ask you.” The old men smile to ask. “呵呵,这事你应得的,少年,老夫还有一事,想问你。”老者笑问道。 Senior please say.” “前辈请讲。” You whether intends to becoming me award and punishment main hall recording a name disciple?” “你是否有意向成为我‘赏罚大殿’的记名弟子?” This? I am Samsara in disciple, again becomes Ten Thousand Immortal Island the disciple only feared that is not quite good?” Xuan Yuan too did not understand these matters that hears somewhat is naturally awkward. “这?我已是‘轮回’之中的弟子,再成为‘万仙岛’的弟子只怕是不太好?”轩辕对于这些事不太了解,听到自然有些为难。 This might as well, the so-called recording a name disciple, is you can receive me Ten Thousand Immortal Island blessing, if arrives at certain degree of contribution, may study me Ten Thousand Immortal Island Supreme magical powers, moreover draws back 10,000 saying that Samsara in never abstained from that which school the disciple is, if you are interested, can consider.” The old men beckoned with the hand, he went to mainland, with Samsara the killing immortal has fought, naturally during also understands some customs. “这个无妨,所谓的记名弟子,就是你可以受我‘万仙岛’的庇佑,若是到达一定的贡献度,可修习我‘万仙岛’的无上神通,而且退10000步讲,‘轮回’之中从不忌讳弟子是哪一个门派的,你若有兴趣,可以考虑一下。”老者摆了摆手,他去过大陆,与‘轮回’的杀仙交过手,自然也明白当中的一些规矩。 Boy, hurries to comply, burial at sea grave when the time comes absolute demand Ten Thousand Immortal Island the help, with them together, has blessing of big influence, will make us safe, words that you do not go, I may probably go.” Peng Fei passes on the tone channel hastily in secret, in heart obloquied that this boy one-track mind, has been short to the alert of Xuan Yuan. “小子,赶紧答应,‘海葬道墓’到时候绝对需要‘万仙岛’的帮助,跟着他们一起,有大势力的庇佑,都会让我们安全不少,你不进去的话,我可要进去了。”朋飞连忙暗中传音道,心中大骂这小子死脑筋,对轩辕的戒备又少了一些。 This, soon, ‚a burial at sea grave must be born, I also want to seek blessing of big influence, goes together, can look harvest, since Ten Thousand Immortal Island did not abstain from I am Samsara disciple, I naturally am willing to work as Ten Thousand Immortal Island recording a name disciple.” Xuan Yuan responded immediately, hears the Xuan Yuan words, a Peng Fei face flattery says with a smile: “这个,不久之后,‘海葬道墓’就要出世了,我也想寻得大势力的庇佑,一同前往,看看能不能有所收获,所以既然‘万仙岛’不忌讳我是‘轮回’的弟子,我自然愿意当‘万仙岛’的记名弟子。”轩辕立即回应,听到轩辕的话,朋飞一脸谄笑道: I and Brother Shitian younger brother like brothers, where he arrives, where I must arrive, but also please Ten Thousand Immortal Island also accept me to work as the recording a name disciple.” “我与释天兄弟情同手足,他到哪里,我也要到哪里,还请‘万仙岛’也收下我当记名弟子。” Xuan Yuan scolded Peng Fei shameless at heart, this dead fatty, really with Pig-head Great Emperor is morality moral character best quality goods. 轩辕心里骂了朋飞一句恬不知耻,这死胖子,果然跟猪头大帝是一个德性的极品。 HaHaHa, this nature yes, good, starting today your two, are I Ten Thousand Immortal Island recording a name disciple, this is your status symbols.” The old men sent two tokens to give Xuan Yuan and Peng Fei directly. 哈哈哈,这自然是可以的,那好,从今天开始你们两位,就是我‘万仙岛’的记名弟子了,这是你们的身份象征。”老者直接发了两道令牌给了轩辕朋飞 Book . 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