DC :: Volume #28

#32: Going

Letter/believes and gold/metal in Bohr hand brings salvation to gave the present young man together. 波尔将手中的信和金普度一同递给了眼前的年轻的男子。 Flax color shawl, greyish-green hat, on hat is inserting the Hyacinth feather, then indicated the status of male messenger. 亚麻色的披肩,灰绿色的帽子,帽子上的插着风信子的羽毛,则表明了男子信使的身份。 Promised you, I will rush to border Morsa at the maximum speed.” “向您保证,我会以最快的速度赶往边境摩尔萨。” This time not over two days.” “这个时间不会超过两天。” The messengers guaranteed. 信使做出了保证。 Such guarantee is very effective. 这样的保证是十分有效的。 Not is only because the reputation concerned the career of messenger, because also each messenger was the feudal lord in each territory has the corresponding employment relations. 不仅是因为名誉关乎到了信使的职业生涯,还因为每一位信使都是每个领地内的领主有着相应的雇佣关系。 Said simply, the messenger failed to keep an appointment, does not need the employer to act, the local feudal lord will process the messenger who breaks a promise on own initiative. 简单的说,信使失约了,不需要雇主出面,当地的领主就会主动处理掉失信的信使。 Bon Voyage!” “祝你一路顺风!” Bohr said like this, said goodbye with the messenger. 波尔这样的说完,就和信使告别了。 He needs to hurry to return to Yanan Inn, then, leaves Syka City. 他需要赶紧返回亚南旅店,然后,离开西卡城 In just, the martial law of Syka City relieved, the city gate opens again, even if close to at dusk, is stranded the merchants in city also in abundance goes into action. 就在刚刚,西卡城的戒严解除了,城门再次开放,哪怕是接近傍晚时分,困在城中的商人们也纷纷的行动起来。 If not the Syka City cold climate, these merchants will owe absolutely greatly. 如果不是西卡城寒冷的气候,这些商人们绝对会大亏一笔。 However, even, delaying in time, should still so make these merchants lose much. 不过,就算如此,时间上的耽搁,也会让这些商人损失不少。 Therefore, merchants and others. 因此,商人们等不下去了。 Even if goes out of town at night is not the good plan, they also decided to do this. 哪怕夜晚出城不是什么好打算,他们也决定这样做了。 Bohr is also this. 波尔也是这样。 Although he is not a merchant, but he rushes to time. 虽然他不是商人,但是他赶时间。 Returned to Bohr of inn, is shouting to Ashkano directly: Prepared?” 返回了旅店的波尔,直接对着阿什卡诺喊道:“准备好了吗?” Then, does not wait for own bodyguard to reply, started to inspect personally. 说完,不等自己的保镖回答,就开始亲自检查了。 Does not have the issue.” “没问题。” Water and food, Boss Horuff good intention for us, supplemented some gunpowder and projectiles.” “水、食物,霍鲁夫老板好心的为我们,补充了一些火药和弹丸。” Ashkano is replying. 阿什卡诺回答着。 Very good, we immediately.” “很好,我们马上出发。” Bohr was saying looked to waited for nearby Kieran, an eye of belt/bring inquired. 波尔说着就看向了等候一旁的秦然,目带询问。 „.” “出发吧。” Kieran boarded the carriage directly, Bohr later, Ashkano sits in the position of cart driver, shakes the whip. 秦然径直登上了马车,波尔随后,阿什卡诺则坐在车夫的位置,一抖鞭子。 ! 啪! In the resounding, the carriage left Yanan Inn slowly. 脆响中,马车缓缓驶离了亚南旅店 The Horuff big and fat form appeared in the entrance of inn, he has not said goodbye, Demon Hunter was not familiar with say goodbye, because, no one knows that said goodbye whether parted forever. 霍鲁夫胖大的身影出现在了旅店的大门口,他没有告别,猎魔人不习惯告别,因为,谁也不知道告别是否是永别。 But this does not hinder gazing after of Horuff. 但这并不妨碍霍鲁夫的目送。 Has looked at the carriage to vanish after the field of vision, Horuff turned around to return to the lobby in oneself inn. 一直看着马车消失在视野外后,霍鲁夫转身返回了自己旅店的大堂。 Southern Asia gave you temporarily.” “亚南暂时交给你们了。” I need one to go far from home.” “我需要出一趟远门。” Horuff was saying to own waiter. 霍鲁夫对着自己的伙计说道。 Good boss, gave us.” “好的老板,交给我们了。” Knows the waiter who slightly own boss status, nods, then, after hesitant moment, said: Please pay attention to the security, bon voyage!” 略微知道自己老板身份的伙计,点了点头,然后,犹豫了片刻后,说道:“请您注意安全,一路顺风!” Took up oneself wooden qualitative suitcase, Horuff cracked into a smile. 拿起了自己木质的行李箱,霍鲁夫咧嘴一笑。 Demon Hunter again has not said anything, effort after whipping a shoulder of waiter, turns around to walk. 再次的猎魔人没有多说什么,用力的拍打了一下自己伙计的肩膀后,转身就走。 Although has used the secret method to inform these old friends, but several fellows, but also needs to pay a visit personally is good. 虽然已经用隐秘的手段通知了那些老朋友了,但是有几个家伙,还需要亲自登门拜访才行。 Especially that in the border Morsa bastard. 尤其是那个在边境摩尔萨的混蛋。 Hopes has not drunk to death in Wine Barrel. 希望没有醉死在酒桶里。 Has such idea, the Horuff half step entered in the team of going out of town, quick vanished to disappear. 带着这样的想法,霍鲁夫快步的进入到了出城的队伍中,很快就消失不见了。 Similarly, changed a gray-black cotton material long gown, oneself will bind solid Holleka also to enter in this continuous team. 同样的,换了一身灰黑色棉质长袍,将自己裹得严严实实的霍尔莱卡也进入了这源源不断的队伍中。 He needs to return to Atandin Castle to continue his mission. 他需要返回艾坦丁堡继续他的任务 Viper Sect...... 蛇派…… Eternal Life! 永生 Is replying own faith silently, when treads the city gate, Holleka has turned head to look at behind city, in the city wall, he saw that attribute form. 默默的回复着自己的信念,在踏出城门的时候,霍尔莱卡扭过头看着身后的城池,在城墙上,他看到了那属性的身影。 That is his teacher. 那是他的导师。 Hiding after good a ritual, Holleka retrocedes slightly one step, after integrating path one side shadow, quiet disappearance in same place. 隐蔽的行了一礼后,霍尔莱卡微微后退一步,在融入了道路一侧的阴影后,就悄无声息的消失在了原地。 In the city wall, Superior Evil Spirit is gazing at all these. 城墙上,上位邪灵注视着这一切。 In his side, Sergey and Hove same saw all these. 在他的身边,谢尔盖霍夫同样的看到了这一切。 In the eyes of two youngster has a faint trace to envy. 两个年轻人的眼中带着一丝丝羡慕。 They know, this is one type from the named Viper Sect special skill, is their Lord Emissary, after the improvement, teaches the opposite party. 他们知道,这是一种‘源自’名为蛇派的特殊技巧,是他们身边的使者大人,改良后教给对方的。 Covered the Viper Sect most remarkable characteristics, but was still easy-to-use. 掩去了蛇派最显著的特点,但依旧好用。 Lord Emissary, can we study such skill?” 使者大人,我们能够学习这样的技巧吗?” Sergey asked. 谢尔盖问道。 Naturally.” “当然。” I lord the birth in Viper Sect, our itself is a body.” “我主诞生于‘蛇派’,我们本就是一体的。” You want to study, my with all one's heart guidance you.” “你们想学,我会尽心的教导你们。” Superior Evil Spirit was saying has prepared the good answer. 上位邪灵说着早就准备好的答案。 „Do I lord the birth in Viper Sect?” “我主诞生于蛇派?” On the faces of two youngster appeared curiously. 两个年轻人的脸上浮现了好奇。 Yes.” “是的。” Viper Sect once was the place of origin I lord ‚’, because, Black Disaster the accident of sorts, I lord truly arrival in this world.” 蛇派曾是我主的‘起源之地’,因为,‘黑灾’的机缘巧合,我主真正的‘降临’在了这个世界。” But I lord to always remember that own origin, even to the present, still the same Viper Sect member, just like everyone, is our brothers and sisters.” “但我主铭记自己的起源,即使到了现在,也一样蛇派的成员,与大家一样,就是我们的兄弟姐妹。” Superior Evil Spirit is improving Mist and setting of Viper Sect. 上位邪灵完善着‘迷雾’与蛇派的设定。 Has being industrious and thrifty boss, clearly how it should the maximum benefit. 有着一位勤俭节约的boss,它很清楚该怎么利益最大化。 Originally is this.” “原来是这样。” Two reverent, trust the youngster not slight suspicion of Superior Evil Spirit . 两个虔诚、信任上位邪灵年轻人没有丝毫的怀疑。 Walks.” “走吧。” After these merchants depart, we should also act.” “当这些商人离去后,我们也应该行动了。” In law that after all, King that person just promulgated, but invited north each feudal lord of place, Irene Nord. Syka already late.” “毕竟,那位国王陛下刚刚颁布的法令中,可是邀请了北地的各个领主的,艾琳.诺德.西卡已经晚了一步了。” needs to hurry.” “需要赶紧出发了。” Superior Evil Spirit such saying. 上位邪灵这样的说道。 Complies with the Sir your will.” “遵从大人您的意志。” Two youngster bow to salute simultaneously. 两个年轻人同时躬身行礼。 ...... …… The Syka City stream of vehicles, after the night arrives thoroughly, gradual alleviation. 西卡城的车流,在夜晚彻底降临后,才逐渐的缓解。 After having feudal lord's order, the Syka City city gate has not approached with the night the closure, flares and braziers appeared in the city gate high and low, strengthened guard number were gazing at each going out person, in the meantime, was warning person who wanted to pass through the gate. 在有着领主的命令后,西卡城的城门并没有随着夜晚来临关闭,一根根火把、一个个火盆出现在了城门上下,加强的卫兵数量注视着每一个出门的人,同时,警告着想要进门的人。 The benevolent Syka Domain new feudal lord Sir, allowing the merchants who stay for a long time has not left to leave, but will not make one enter a city at the night. 仁慈的西卡领新领主大人,允许久留还没有离开的商人们离开,但却不会让人在夜晚进城。 This is the Syka Domain custom. 这是西卡领的规矩。 Even it can be said that tradition. 甚至可以说是传统。 Solely is not Syka Domain this, North Continent all territories are this, starting from Atandin first is this, has never changed. 不单单是西卡领这样,北陆所有的领地都是这样,从艾坦丁一世开始就是这样,从未改变过。 Sergey and Hove wear leather armor, the shell the cotton-padded jacket cape, in two people hands on the foot wraps the thick rabbit hair to hide, similarly is the scarf of rabbit hair is preventing the night cold wind. 谢尔盖霍夫身着皮甲,外罩着棉衣斗篷,两人的手上脚上套着厚厚的兔毛皮子,同样是兔毛的围脖阻挡着夜晚的寒风。 Two people both eyes are staring at the darkness outside city. 两人的双眼则是盯着城外的黑暗。 As Mist the Church mainstay, they had known some secret things from Lord Emissary there. 做为‘迷雾教会的中流砥柱,他们已经从使者大人那里知道了一些隐秘的事情。 For example: At night does not permit the tradition that the person enters a city. 例如:夜晚不允许人进城的传统。 After Sun vanishes, although certain people seem like as before are the person, but also is seems like. 当太阳消失后,虽然某些人看起来依旧是人,但也就是看起来而已。 squeak squeak. 嘎吱吱。 The form together does sway walks in the city gate direction. 一道身影摇摇晃晃的向着城门方向走来。 Halts!” “站住!” The soldiers before city gate drank to stop the opposite party, the sword and Bow/Crossbow in hand were lifting. 城门前的士兵们喝止着对方,手中的刀剑、弓弩更是抬了起来。 However, use that such warning has no. 但是,这样的警告根本没有任何的用处。 The opposite party sway are approaching as before. 对方依旧摇摇晃晃的靠近着。 Subconscious, lifts the Bow/Crossbow soldier to want shooting, but the next quarter, their complexions change. 下意识的,举着弓弩的士兵就想要射击,但是下一刻,他们的脸色就是一变。 A feeling paralysis appeared in their body, keeping them from acting as usual. 一股麻痹感出现在了他们的身躯上,让他们根本无法如常的行动。 Sergey and Hove also came under the influence. 谢尔盖霍夫也受到了影响。 However, the responses of two youngster are actually extremely quick. 不过,两个年轻人的反应却是极快的。 Was feeling that the incorrect time, prayed directly loudly 在感觉到不对的时候,径直大声祈祷起来 Unsurpassed lord!” “无上的主啊!” I and others listened attentively to your guidance, I and others pursued your will, inferior bow your great, has your name, illustrious world, all our will be granted by you......” “我等倾听您的教导,我等奉行您的意志,卑躬您的伟大,持有您的名,将会光耀世间,我们的一切由您赐予……” Prayed in the sound, the first floor light brilliance appeared on the bodies of two youngster. 祈祷声中,一层淡淡的光辉出现在了两个年轻人的身上。 Immediately, the feeling paralysis vanishes without the trace, two youngster extract Longsword immediately, flushes away toward the person who swaying to come. 顿时,麻痹感消失无踪,两个年轻人当即抽出长剑,向着摇摇晃晃而来的人冲去。 ! 噗! The swayed form, lifted the arm to turn toward Sergey to grasp, however in instantly, by a Hove sword that the arm just lifted slices off. 摇摇晃晃的身影,抬起了手臂想要向着谢尔盖抓去,但是在手臂刚刚抬起的刹那,就被霍夫一剑削掉了。 Meanwhile, Sergey Longsword also passed over gently and swiftly the nape of the neck of opposite party. 同时,谢尔盖长剑也掠过了对方的脖颈。 passes. 噗通。 The instance that the head falls to the ground, the body of opposite party also falls to the ground, did not have the sound again. 头颅落地的瞬间,对方的身躯随之倒地,再也没有了声息。 Looks black dirt blood and maggot that flow out from the chest cavity, soldiers who the surroundings gradually restore wear a look of panic-stricken, Sergey and Hove are the facial color are usual. 看着从胸腔中流出的黑色污血和蛆虫,周围逐渐恢复的士兵们一个个面带惊恐,谢尔盖霍夫则是面色如常。 Pours on the petroleum, burns down.” “倒上煤油,烧掉。” After Sergey inspected the corpse, very simple instruction said. 谢尔盖检查了尸体后,很干脆的吩咐道。 Yes!” “是!” Several have gotten back one's composure the taxi soldiers and horses to reply other day. 几个回过神的士兵马上回答道。 When these soldiers close to this corpse, their mouths cannot help but resounded to Mist pray sound. 当这些士兵靠近这具尸体时,他们嘴里不由自主的就响起了对‘迷雾’的祈祷声。 Before all, they may see with one's own eyes. 之前发生的一切,他们可都是亲眼看到的。 Mist can shelter two teams leader. 迷雾’能够庇护两位队长。 Naturally can also shelter them. 自然也能够庇护他们。 So long as they believe devotionally well. 只要他们虔诚的信仰就好。 But facing frightened, the belief nature is reverent. 而面对恐惧,信仰自然虔诚。 From the beginning, prayed that the sound is very low, but is quick, such pray sound starts in all soldier mouths to resound from the city gate. 一开始,祈祷声很低,但很快的,这样的祈祷声就开始从城门附近所有的士兵嘴中响起。 Because...... 因为…… In the distant place, the forms of many swaying started to appear. 在远处,更多的摇摇晃晃的身影开始出现了。 „, Really expects with the Sir is the same.” “呵,果然和大人预料的一样。” These fellows are really impatient.” “这些家伙真的是迫不及待啊。” Hove sneers sees these forms. 霍夫冷笑的看着这些身影。 Sergey looked to behind. 谢尔盖则是看向了身后。 In there, three carriage is driven slowly by one team of cavalries are protecting. 在那里,三辆被一队骑兵保护着的马车正在缓缓驶来。 The forefront carriage is fought Ramallah by four pure colors, the compartment is constructed by the firm wood/blockhead and metal, on the vehicle door the Syka Family badge is clearly discernible, but unlike before. 最前面的马车由四匹纯色战马拉着,车厢由坚固的木头和金属构造而成,车门上西卡家族的徽章清晰可见,但与之前不同。 Is the War God badge to vanish does not see. 属于战神的徽章已经消失不见。 Naturally, Mist God Emblem has not appeared. 当然,‘迷雾’的神徽也没有出现。 Also not when the time comes! 还不到时候! But two horse-drawn vehicles after this carriage, then wants crude many. 而在这辆马车后的两辆马车,则要简陋的多。 Not not only artistic and has the compartment of considerable defensive power, the horse of pulling a cart also only has two, is the nag. 没有既美观又有相当防护力的车厢,拉车的马儿也只有两匹,还是驽马。 However the Sergey vision more is actually gazing at these two horse-drawn vehicles. 但是谢尔盖的目光却更多的注视着这两辆马车。 Because, this is fire seed! 因为,这是‘火种’! Belongs to Mist fire seed! 属于‘迷雾’的火种! And will go to border Morsa. 其中一辆会前往边境摩尔萨 Another following baroness will go to Atandin Castle the carriage. 另外一辆则会跟着男爵夫人的马车前往艾坦丁堡 My main honor inevitable brilliance entire North Continent! 我主的荣光必然光耀整个北陆 youngster is thinking, has turned around, looks to these enemies. 年轻人想着,转过身,看向了那些敌人。 Kills!” “杀!” Bellows, youngster rushes, Longsword in hand is plundering enemy life. 一声大吼,年轻人冲了上去,手中的长剑掠夺着‘敌人’的生命。 This is his mission. 这是他的任务 Goes to regional brothers and sisters to be the same like these. 就如同那些前往各地的兄弟姐妹一样。 Staggering corpse drop down. 踉跄的尸体一具具倒下。 The petroleum pours above, burns. 煤油倒在其上,燃烧起来。 City gate shining is ordinary like the daytime. 将城门口照耀的如同白昼一般。 Such ray, is attracting in the darkness more fellows. 这样的光芒,吸引着黑暗中更多的家伙们。 They start to peep here. 它们开始窥视着这里。 But has not actually gone a step further again. 可却没有再进一步。 These people have the aura, making them shrink back at the sight. 那些人身上带着的气息,令它们望而却步。 Mist no longer has been once Mist. 迷雾’早已经不再是曾经的‘迷雾’。 The opposite party are no longer same as them. 对方早已经不再和它们一样了。 Naturally, gives up is impossible. 当然了,就这么放弃是不可能的。 Several think the intelligent fellow, starts to plan. 几个自认为聪明的家伙,开始谋划起来。 Prayed that the sound and spread to the ear of baroness to the war cries by the vehicle door. 祈祷声、冲杀声透过车门传入了男爵夫人的耳中。 Holds the baroness facial color of books to turn white slightly, she cannot bear is praying in a low voice, when sees to sit in opposite Superior Evil Spirit , feels to feel at ease slightly. 抱着书本的男爵夫人面色微微发白,她忍不住的低声祈祷着,当看到坐在对面的上位邪灵时,才略微感到心安。 In fact, if possible, she does not want to rush to Atandin Castle at the same night. 事实上,如果可以的话,她根本不希望连夜赶往艾坦丁堡 Even, she does not want to go to Atandin Castle. 甚至,她都不想去艾坦丁堡 However, as the Syka Domain feudal lord, she must go. 但是,身为西卡领的领主,她必须要去。 This is the responsibility of feudal lord. 这是领主的责任。 Enjoys the glory, must receive heavily its. 享受荣耀,必承其重。 Let alone...... 更何况…… Raising the head quietly, the baroness just like the young girl the same as look to sit in front Superior Evil Spirit secretly. 悄悄的抬起头,男爵夫人犹如少女一样偷偷看着坐在面前的上位邪灵 The tranquil facial features, the mature aura, the familiar feeling, makes the baroness unable to bear somewhat anticipates. 平静的面容,成熟的气息,还有熟悉的感觉,都让男爵夫人忍不住的有些期待起来。 Goes to Atandin Castle from Syka City, took two days and one night. 西卡城前往艾坦丁堡,需要两天一夜。 Can for a long time treat with Superior Evil Spirit in the same place. 能够和上位邪灵这么长时间待在一起。 Also is excellent. 也是极好的。 Simon.” 西蒙。” The baroness is calling the Superior Evil Spirit name. 男爵夫人喊着上位邪灵的名字。 Irene, how?” 艾琳,怎么了?” Superior Evil Spirit has turned head, asked with a smile. 上位邪灵扭过头,笑着问道。 „After you...... to Atandin Castle, will leave?” “你……到了艾坦丁堡后,会离开吗?” The words to the mouth, the baroness suddenly changed the original words, after the words of this shift topic asked that the baroness cannot help but worried. 话语到了嘴边,男爵夫人突然改变了原本的话语,但是当这句转移话题的话问出后,男爵夫人又不由自主的担心起来。 Cannot.” “不会。” I need to assure your security.” “我需要保证你的安全。” Before and conflict of War God Temple, will make you are the target of public criticism.” “之前和战神殿的冲突,会让你成为众矢之的。” Superior Evil Spirit shakes the head. 上位邪灵摇了摇头。 that person Your Highness imagination is weaker.” 那位冕下比想象中的还要虚弱。” Otherwise is impossible merely is a projection.” “不然不可能仅仅是一个投影。” The baroness relaxes, then, said immediately. 男爵夫人松了口气,然后,马上说道。 As noble birth, and baroness who likes to read, knows the average man are more. 做为贵族出身,且喜好阅读的男爵夫人,远比常人知道的更多。 But we cannot belittle as before.” “但我们依旧不能够小觑。” Spiritual God, never may belittle.” “神灵,永远不可小觑。” Moreover, what I am worried is Ms. that person.” “而且,我更加担心的是那位女士。” Has not said Disaster the name, but the baroness is actually well aware. 没有说出‘灾厄’之名,但是男爵夫人却是心知肚明。 Regarding Ms. that person, the baroness is afraid. 对于那位女士,男爵夫人是心生恐惧的。 She is unable to imagine brought Black Disaster the opposite party, if acts, can be what appearance. 她无法想象带来了‘黑灾’的对方,如果出手的话,会是什么模样。 Perhaps...... 恐怕…… Also is a disaster? 又是一次灾难吧? Looks at the baroness to become the pale complexion, the Superior Evil Spirit gentle voice said: Does not need to be worried, you must lord confidence my main formidable far to exceed your imagination to me.” 看着男爵夫人变得苍白的脸色,上位邪灵柔声说道:“不需要担心,你要对我主有信心我主的强大远超你的想象。” We need copes with these with for the fellow of mortal.” “我们需要的只是对付那些同为凡人的家伙。” Spiritual God matter, gives me to advocate well.” “神灵的事情,交给我主就好。” The words of Superior Evil Spirit comfort, making the baroness feel better a point. 上位邪灵安慰的话语,让男爵夫人好受了一点。 However, immediately, this baroness is worried. 不过,马上的,这位男爵夫人又担心起来。 You left here, won't Syka Domain have problems?” “你离开了这里,西卡领不会出问题吗?” The baroness asked. 男爵夫人问道。 Relax.” “放心吧。” Carl you imagine is more astute, formidable.” 卡尔比你想象中的还要精明、强大。” Moreover, Sergey and Hove are also very good young fellows.” “而且,谢尔盖霍夫也是很棒的小伙子。” If really some people Syka City disturbed at this time, I will only pray for them, hopes they do not regret.” “如果真的有人在这个时候来西卡城捣乱的话,我只会为他们祈祷,希望他们不要后悔。” Superior Evil Spirit said with a smile. 上位邪灵笑道。 Baroness finally thorough reassurance. 男爵夫人终于彻底的放下了心。 Then, she looked to the books in hand. 然后,她看向了手中的书籍。 Although she hopes and Superior Evil Spirit talks, after seeing appearance that Superior Evil Spirit eyes closed maintains mental tranquility, the baroness chose the books in hand. 虽然她更希望和上位邪灵交谈,但是当看到上位邪灵闭目养神的模样后,男爵夫人还是选择了手中的书籍。 The motorcade left the front door of city fast, goes toward Atandin Castle. 车队快速的驶离了城池的大门,向着艾坦丁堡而去。 Before long, submerged in the jet black dim light of night. 不一会儿,就没入了漆黑的夜色中。 After the motorcade leaves, the Syka City front door was closed slowly. 当车队离开后,西卡城的大门缓缓的关闭了。 Syka City that before also slightly made noise obviously, immediately becomes peaceful. 之前还略显喧闹的西卡城,立刻变得安静起来。 However...... 但是…… On leading to the Atandin Castle path, first left Syka City, the merchants motorcade that Kieran was at actually becomes at this time makes noise incomparably. 在通往艾坦丁堡的道路上,最先离开西卡城,秦然所在的商人们车队却在这个时候变得喧闹无比。
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