DC :: Volume #28

#33: Expense

The motorcade goes slowly. 车队缓缓行驶。 The night outside Syka Domain, is very dangerous. 西卡领外的夜晚,是十分危险的。 Not only has various fierce wild beast, time that the robbers and bandits most like appearing and disappearing, even if Viscount that person the unceasing sending out patrol team cleans up, maintained the securities of several main roads. 不仅有着各种凶猛的野兽,还是盗匪最爱出没的时间,哪怕是那位子爵不断的派出巡逻队伍清理,也只是维持了几条主干道的安全罢了。 After Black Disaster, this situation is becomes even more is worse. 而在‘黑灾’发生后,这种情况更是变得越发糟糕起来。 Except that connects the Atandin Castle main road, because has the patrol leader in royal family to be responsible for together, but can also guarantee that beyond certain security, the main roads in other Syka Domain each cities, have become the danger to be incomparable at the night. 除去连接艾坦丁堡的主干道因为有着王室的巡逻队一起负责,还能够保证一定的安全外,西卡领其余各个城镇的主干道,在夜晚早已变得危险无比。 People metropolis choice hurries along in the daytime, at night in lodging in the city, depends upon more people to resist the danger. 人们大都会选择在白天赶路,夜晚住宿在城镇中,依靠更多的人来抵御危险。 If possible, Syka City connects the Atandin Castle main road, few people will choose go on a journey at night. 如果可以的话,西卡城连接艾坦丁堡的主干道,也很少有人会选择夜晚出行。 Because, here is not 100% securities. 因为,这里也不是百分之百的安全。 This time gathered considerable amount of people, some people will not take risk to hurry along absolutely. 要不是这次聚集了相当数量的人,绝对不会有人冒险赶路。 However, even this, is teams of the guards from big caravan is going on patrol as before back and forth. 不过,就算是这样,依旧是一队队来自大商队的护卫来回巡逻着。 Is away from the window, Bohr looks at these to ride a horse, but the guard, the innermost feelings do not have the mighty waves. 隔着窗户,波尔看着那些骑马而过的护卫,内心毫无波澜。 Danger? 危险? Bohr complete was not worried. 波尔完全的不担心。 Looks to sit in opposite Kieran, in the Bohr heart very steadfast. 看着坐在对面的秦然,波尔心中十分的踏实。 Perhaps the night path is very dangerous, so long as follows Devil Flame, what these so-called dangers were considered as? 或许夜晚的道路很危险,但只要跟着‘炎之恶魔’,那些所谓的危险又算得了什么呢? It is not worth mentioning completely. 完全是不值一提的。 Therefore, at this time, Bohr also had the leisurely mood to add the charcoal toward the mud furnace. 因此,在这个时候,波尔还有闲心向着泥炉中加木炭。 The charcoal just filled in the mud furnace, immediately swings piece of sparks, in sparks will soon want in the compartment flutters, packed the teapot of clear water to place on the mud furnace. 木炭刚填入泥炉,立刻荡起了一片火星子,在火星子即将要在车厢内飘荡的时候,装满了清水的茶壶放在了泥炉上。 Bohr from nearby tray, took up placed the silver qualitative tea blade on silk handkerchief, careful cut a small brick tea to get down from nearby bulk tea brick, was hot in the water temperature, will soon seethe with excitement, Bohr put the small brick tea. 波尔从一旁的托盘上,拿起了放在丝巾上的银质的茶刀,小心的从旁边一大块的茶饼上切了一块小茶砖下来,在水温热,即将沸腾的时候,波尔将小茶砖放了进去。 The water rolled two to roll, the small brick tea changed into a tea leaves piece by piece, after more than ten breath, after the water in pot boiled, the tea leaves tumbled directly with the water. 水滚了两滚,小茶砖就化为了一片片的茶叶,十几个呼吸后,当壶内的水沸腾后,茶叶随着水直接翻滚起来。 The tea fragrance fills the air. 茶香味弥漫。 Bohr carried the teapot. 波尔端起了茶壶。 Atandin Castle has the special boiling tea person.” 艾坦丁堡有专门的煮茶人。” How does not know the flavor.” “就是不知道味道怎么样。” I listened to several merchants in border saying that there boiling tea person liked putting the black mustard in the tea, according to the view of opposite party, seemed like using to serve as contrast the tea hotly the delicate fragrance.” “我听边境的几个商人说,那里的煮茶人十分喜欢在茶水里放芥末,按照对方的说法,似乎是在用辣味衬托茶水的清香。” Are many in Atandin Castle fish food, most famous is the potato cake Riga fish . Moreover, the fish must stand erect, the both eyes most attractive day, stands straight, both eyes stares in a big way, proof this dish is more successful.” “还有在艾坦丁堡的鱼类食物很多,最有名的就是土豆饼里加鱼,而且,鱼必须要直立,双眼最好看天,立得越直,双眼瞪得越大,就证明这道菜越成功。” Bohr is Kieran pours tea, while is saying the related Atandin Castle amusing thing. 波尔一边为秦然倒茶,一边说着有关艾坦丁堡的趣事。 Naturally, Bohr has not forgotten to introduce the present proper business. 当然,波尔没有忘记介绍眼前的正事。 Went to Atandin Castle approximately to take two days and one night from Syka City, we were the night, needed two night and a daytime, but, path Nanhang, we probably needed to spend time at night.” “从西卡城前往艾坦丁堡大约需要两天一夜,我们是夜晚出发的,需要两个黑夜和一个白天,不过,夜晚路难行,我们可能需要多花费一点时间了。” „Different from border Morsa to Syka City is the down country, from Syka City to Atandin Castle, majority is the mountain ridge, only then Syka Domain outpost and Atandin Castle border outpost can rest for us truly.” “不同于边境摩尔萨西卡城都是平原地带,从西卡城艾坦丁堡,大部分都是山岭,其中也只有西卡领的一个哨所艾坦丁堡的边境哨所能够供我们真正休息。” „, In Atandin Castle border outpost also the military compound, it is also ensure we can at night in the important guarantee that on this main road goes forward.” “其中,艾坦丁堡的边境哨所里还有一座军营,它也是保证我们夜晚能够在这条主干道上前进的重要保证。” Kieran is carrying the teacup, is listening to narration of Bohr. 秦然端着茶杯,听着波尔的讲述。 His both eyes looks at jet black out of the window. 他的双眼看着漆黑的窗外。 Regarding Atandin Castle, Kieran has had the understanding in the two days. 对于艾坦丁堡,秦然在这两天中是有过了解的。 Atandin Castle, is the capital of Atandin kingdom, has Atandin Castle of over 1 million population, is not only the center of North Continent economy, political and culture, is the entire North Continent biggest city, even if occupies the southern Cheka Bay of bay advantage , is still inferior and Atandin Castle. 艾坦丁堡,是艾坦丁王国的首都,拥有着超过百万的人口的艾坦丁堡,不仅是北陆经济、政治、文化的中心,也是整个北陆最大的城市,哪怕是占据着海湾优势的南方契卡湾,也依旧逊色与艾坦丁堡 However, compares in this by the city that native venerates, what Kieran pays more attention is the Atandin VI world. 不过,相较于这座被原住民尊崇的城市,秦然更加关注的是艾坦丁六世。 This in Black Disaster under attack, the monarchy of strength surface raging tide. 这个在‘黑灾’侵袭下,力面狂澜的君主。 ‚When Black Disaster happened, Atandin fifth of outstanding ability and grand vision is celebrating own meritorious service, he had not discovered slightly, what kind of disaster this expedition will bring to his kingdom. 黑灾’发生时,雄才伟略的艾坦丁五世正在庆祝着自己的功勋,他丝毫没有发现,这次的远征会给他的王国带来怎么样的灾难。 When this monarchy has gotten back one's composure, the situation is inevitable. 而当这位君主回过神时,情形已经无可避免了。 Even, this monarchy was also struck down by the disease. 甚至,就连这位君主本身也被疾病击倒了。 What is more important, this monarchy Unique/only descendant merely is seven years old, some people in royal family start to eye covetously. 更加重要的是,这位君主唯一后裔仅仅七岁,王室中的一些人开始虎视眈眈起来。 Everyone can meet, even the slightest misstep the entire Atandin kingdom will fall into the civil war, and even is the collapse segregation. 所有人都可以遇见,稍有不慎整个艾坦丁王国就会陷入到内战,乃至是崩溃离析。 But at this time, the monarchy Unique/only descendant's teacher stood. 而在这个时候,君主唯一后裔的老师站了出来。 This by learned and well-known Court Teacher, hosted a banquet to welcome all royal family entitled people, in the name of inherits kingdom, then...... the person of that arrival, no one is living, including these people personal bodyguards, died in the banquet hall in abundance, then, the opposite party controlled royal family's guard army quickly, starts to clean the royal family in the name of discovered the Black Disaster root, entire one week, over 1500 people were killed. 这位以博学而闻名的宫廷教师,设宴款待了所有王室有资格的人,以‘继承王国’的名义,然后……那次到来的人,没有一个人活着出去,包括那些人的贴身侍卫,纷纷死在了宴会厅中,接着,对方以迅雷不及掩耳之势控制了王室的护卫军,以‘找出黑灾根源’的名义开始清洗王室,整整一周,有超过一千五百人被杀。 The blood Atandin Castle palace was incarnadine. 鲜血把艾坦丁堡的宫廷都染红了。 Blood-color one week! ‘血色一周’! This is the memory of Atandin Castle person. 这就是艾坦丁堡人的记忆。 After slaughtering stops, seven -year-old descendant, becomes the new monarchy. 当杀戮停止后,年仅七岁的后裔,成为了新的君主。 Seven -year-old opposite party with the help of that person Court Teacher, rapid consolidated the situation in entire kingdom, starts south cleaning up to leave behind the cholera root that. 七岁的对方在那位宫廷教师的帮助下,迅速的稳固了整个王国的局势,开始清理南方留下的霍乱根源。 Discussed with War God Temple, sent out one team of temple knights, the army of auxiliary kingdom. 战神殿商议,派出了一队神殿骑士,辅助王国的军队。 Reaches the agreement with Lady of Calamity, established in Atandin Castle first, is a Unique/only temple. 与‘灾厄女士’达成协议,在艾坦丁堡建立了第一,也是唯一一座神庙。 Everyone does not think that this is a child can achieve. 所有人都不认为这是一个孩子能够做到的。 Thinks that is the that person Court Teacher merit. 都认为是那位宫廷教师的功劳。 Then...... 然后…… In this monarchy at age 16, that person Court Teacher died. 在这位君主16岁的时候,那位宫廷教师死了。 Some people said that dies of illness. 有人说是病死的。 Some people said that died of illness. 有人说是被病死的。 How dead, is the that person Court Teacher dignity, all was replaced by the young monarchy. 不论是怎么死的,属于那位宫廷教师的威严,全都被年轻的君主代替。 People also start to call the opposite party are the Atandin VI worlds. 人们也开始称呼对方为艾坦丁六世。 Now 30 years passed by, opposite party dignity. 如今三十年过去了,对方威严更甚。 Atandin kingdom series north-south two places, the remote islands, had not been covered by the brilliance of kingdom, but this has not affected the brilliance of this monarchy slightly. 艾坦丁王国更甚一统南北两地,只有偏远的岛屿,还没有被王国的光辉所笼罩,但是这丝毫没有影响到这位君主的光辉。 People even and Atandin first post it. 人们甚至将其和艾坦丁一世并列。 Because, the opposite party achieved Atandin first, and even is the matter that the following four monarchies want to handle have not actually achieved: South unification. 因为,对方做到了艾坦丁一世,乃至是后面四位君主想做却又没有做到的事情:统一南方。 Naturally, such monarchy of legend, naturally can have many Legend. 当然了,这样传奇的君主,自然会有很多传说 Many of them said simply the opposite party is god's son! 其中不少人干脆说对方是‘神之子’! Which as for this god is? 至于这个神是哪一位? Actually no one can talk clearly. 却没有谁能够说得清楚了。 Regarding this, Kieran actually shows neither approval nor disapproval. 对此,秦然却是不置可否的。 What he pays more attention is that person Court Teacher. 他更加关注的是那位宫廷教师 Because the appearance of opposite party, mysterious, vanishes, makes him have an inexplicable familiarity: Player! 因为对方的出现、神奇、消失,都让他有种莫名的熟悉感:玩家 Naturally, Kieran is unable 100% determinations. 当然,秦然无法百分之百的确定。 But over 50% assurances, the opposite party has the issue! 但却有超过50%的把握,对方有问题! Perhaps...... 或许…… That is Broker writing skill? 那是‘掮客’的手笔? Kieran is hesitating, the vision slightly side, looked to front of motorcade. 秦然沉吟着,目光微侧,看向了车队的前面。 When does not know, the entire motorcade stopped. 不知何时,整支车队停了下来。 Several are holding the flare youngster half step runs backward, every time will run several to stop, shouted toward motorcade: Takes the lead, front goes! Meets!” 几个举着火把的的年轻人正快步的向后跑来,每跑几步都会停下,向着身边的车队大喊:“领头的,去前边!开会!” Quick, before these people run up to the carriage that Kieran took. 很快的,这几个人就跑到了秦然乘坐的马车前。 Looks that Bohr this is not the low-grade carriage in Atandin Castle, these are holding the flare, is not youngster that has not experienced not like beforehand such uncouthly shouting, but knocked the vehicle door. 看着波尔这辆在艾坦丁堡都算不上低档的马车,这几个举着火把,并不是什么没有见识的年轻人没有如同之前那样粗鲁的大喊,而是敲了敲车门。 Thump and thump thump. 咚、咚咚。 Your Excellency, hello.” 阁下,您好。” Our caravan teams leader invited Your Excellency to go to meet.” “我们的商队队长邀请阁下前去开会。” With the knock, such words resound. 随着敲门声,这样的话语响起。 Good, I knew.” “好的,我知道了。” Bohr looked at Kieran, after Kieran has nothing to oppose, immediately said. 波尔看了一眼秦然,在秦然没有任何表示反对后,马上说道。 Obtained several people of affirmation answer again backward, that shout made a sound again. 得到了肯定答复的几人再次向后,那喊声再次的响了起来。 Listens shout that is resounding again, Bohr helpless shaking the head. 听着再次响起的喊声,波尔无奈的摇了摇头。 Some people wanted to make up for the loss.” “又有人想要弥补损失了。” Bohr is saying like this. 波尔这样的说着。 Then, does not wait for Kieran to inquire, said on own initiative. 然后,不等秦然询问,就主动的说了起来。 In these days that Syka City delays, each caravan will more or less have the loss.” “在西卡城耽搁的这几天,每个商队都会或多或少的有损失。” Some fellows are not resigned to such loss very much.” “一些家伙很不甘心这样的损失。” Therefore, they hope such loss passing the burden.” “所以,他们希望将这样的损失‘转嫁’。” Passing the burden?” “‘转嫁’?” Kieran was aroused the interest. 秦然被引起了兴趣。 Un.” “嗯。” Big caravan to the small caravan gathers certainly protection expense, the caravans of some temporary compositions like this are frequently dry, particularly the fellows from border Morsa, they regarded custom this ‚’, therefore, some bastard fellows changed oneself principal work, thinks that the sum total charges protection money is a more promising occupation.” “大的商队向小的商队收取一定的‘保护费用’,一些临时组成的商队经常这样干,尤其是来自边境摩尔萨的家伙们,他们更是把这当成了‘规矩’,也因此,一些混蛋家伙改变了自己的主业,认为全额收取‘保护费’是更有前途的职业。” However I had had to do with them before, finally is not very happy.” “而我之前就和他们打过交道,结果很不愉快。” They used my cargo to act as the protection expense.” “他们用我的货物充当了保护费用。” I used their heads to act as the compensation expense.” “我用他们的脑袋充当了赔偿费用。” Bohr nods, explaining, then, Bohr referred to him with a smile behind, is the front of motorcade. 波尔点了点头,解释着,然后,波尔笑着指了指他的身后,也就是车队的前方。 But, this difference.” “不过,这次不一样。” „The way of this calling person was extremely coarse, should the caravan from Atandin Castle conceive a plan temporarily.” “这种叫人的方式太过粗陋了,应该是来自艾坦丁堡的商队临时起意。” Otherwise, the guards of these big caravans, after should encircle the people of entire motorcade, informs.” “不然,这些大商队的护卫,应该把整支车队的人围起来后再通知。” The Bohr voice falls, Kieran saw that in the motorcade some people were separated from the team suddenly. 波尔的话音落下,秦然就看到车队中忽然有人脱离了队伍。 These were separated from the person speed of team to be quick, and organization was ordered. 这些脱离了队伍的人速度很快,且组织有序。 Almost is instantaneous, the horses of pulling a cart broke by in the main road mountain forest. 几乎是瞬间,拉着车的马匹就和人一起冲入了主干道旁的山林中。 These fellows should from border Morsa.” “这些家伙应该是来自边境摩尔萨。” Bohr very affirmative saying. 波尔很肯定的说道。 Then, Bohr looked to Kieran. 说完,波尔看向了秦然 Colin Your Excellency, how do we want to do?” 科林阁下,我们要怎么做?” Bohr asked. 波尔问道。 Has a look.” “去看看。” Kieran referred to the front of motorcade. 秦然指了指车队的前方。 Bohr stares. 波尔一愣。 According to understanding of Bohr Kieran, Kieran impossible to be interested to such matter. 按照波尔秦然的了解,秦然不可能对这样的事情有兴趣。 Only if...... 除非…… Immediately, Bohr thought of anything. 顿时,波尔想到了什么。 But has not waited for Bohr to ask, Kieran has pushed the door to go down the carriage. 可还没等波尔开口询问,秦然已经推门走下了马车。 watch closely vehicle.” 看好车子。” Bohr was saying to Ashkano, half step pursued. 波尔对着阿什卡诺说了一声,快步的追了上去。 At this time, in the frontline of motorcade, temporarily with the open area that in the carriage gathers, pile of bonfires have raised, a young waiter of accompanying is adding the firewood in. 此时,在车队的最前方,一个暂时用马车聚拢的空地上,一堆篝火已经升起,一个随行的年轻伙计正在里面加着木柴。 The person who more than ten mornings arrives at stands in one side, looks at opposite of the bonfire three people that the brow wrinkles, the vision full is bad, but opposite three people are be with smile on the face. 十几个早到的人站在一侧,眉头皱起的看着篝火对面的三人,目光满是不善,而对面的三人则是面带微笑。 „Do you want to take advantage?” “你们是要趁火打劫吗?” In more than ten people wears montera, puts on the man of cotton coat to exclaim loudly. 十几个人中一个戴着布帽子,穿着棉质大衣的男子大声吼道。 The mood of opposite party very excited, with the roar, the cheeks became red. 对方的情绪十分的激动,随着吼声,脸颊都变得通红了。 But stands in staring that the opponent's back's ten caravan representatives share a common hatred. 而站在对方身后的十来个商队代表同仇敌忾的瞪着眼睛。 If the vision can kill people, opposite three people had died innumerable. 如果目光可以杀人的话,对面的三人早已经死了无数次了。 However, the be with smile on the face three people, have actually not cared a whoop. 不过,一直面带微笑的三人,却是毫不在意。 They first looked at one mutually, then, a grade slightly long man walked. 他们先是相互看了一眼,然后,其中一个年级稍长的男子走了出来。 The hat and same skin qualitative coat of grey rabbit skin, brought the suitable maintaining warmth ability for this man, when lets the opposite party walks, does not need body receiving in exchange of rickets to be warm. 灰兔皮的帽子与同样皮质的大衣,为这个男子带来了相当的保暖能力,让对方走出来时,不需要佝偻的身躯换取温暖。 The facial features of opposite party also handle is quite clean, does not see wind and frost, the beard on chin is entire simultaneously that combs, the gentry cane in hand gently after selecting the ground, the opposite party opened the mouth. 对方的面容也打理的极为干净,不见一点风霜,下巴上的胡子更是梳理的整整齐齐,手中的绅士手杖轻轻的点了点地面后,对方开口了。 „.” “诸位。” We are the merchant, the merchant by the advantage, this is the instinct, is the official duty, but we also hope fairly from heart.” “我们都是商人,商人逐利,这是天性,更是本职,但是我们从心底也希望公平。” Therefore, I have nothing to force everyone's meaning.” “所以,我没有任何逼迫大家的意思。” Just some people left the team, did we stop?” “刚刚有人离开了队伍,我们阻拦了吗?” No.” “没有。” I will not stop everyone to depart, naturally welcome everyone to join us, 20 Gold Puton prices, to everyone are not the numbers of not being able to pay.” “我不会阻拦大家离去,当然更欢迎大家加入我们,20金普顿的价格,对于大家来说并不是付不起的数目。” The opposite party are saying well-organized. 对方条理清晰的说着。 After the opposite party voice just fell, the representative of that seat another side, opened the mouth very much simply. 而在对方话音刚刚落下后,那个座位另外一方的代表,就很干脆的开口了。 Who knows that you haven't prepared?” “谁知道你是不是没有准备好?” Or doesn't have the experience?” “或者说是没有经验?” Opposite party's question received behind the support of merchants. 对方的质疑受到了身后商人们的支持。 Do not crack a joke.” “别开玩笑了。” As the Kate Company caravan representative, I had run for 10 years to border Morsa the path on Atandin Castle, here has what me to be clear.” “做为凯特商行的商队代表,我已经在艾坦丁堡到边境摩尔萨的这条道路上跑了十年,这里发生什么我是一清二楚的。” For example......” “比如……” You once did not gather to certain pitiful fellows correspondingly, similar expense?” “你曾经不也是向某些可怜的家伙收取相应的,类似的费用吗?” The middle-aged people are saying, the gentry cane in hand aimed at the opposite party. 中年人说着,手中的绅士手杖就指向了对方。 Was pointing at the opposite party of nose subconsciously shrinks the neck. 被指着鼻子的对方下意识的一缩脖子。 Except that beyond the instinct, the opposite party had a scare by the status of opposite party completely. 除去本能外,对方完全就是被对方的身份吓了一跳。 Firm that Kate Company, in Atandin have several. 凯特商行,艾坦丁内有数的商行。 The headquarters in Atandin Castle, the range of main operation are the minerals, in the side occupation includes is not restricted in the newspaper, car dealership wait/etc.. 其总部在艾坦丁堡内,主要经营的范围是矿产,副业中包括不限于报纸、车行等等。 Regarding their these merchants, Kate Company said that is the colossus and being overrated. 对于他们这些商人来说,凯特商行说是庞然大物并不为过。 However, truly the one who makes this merchant represent to be fearful and apprehensive, how the opposite party knows that he has done such matter. 不过,真正让这位商人代表胆战心惊的是,对方怎么知道他干过这样的事情。 The opposite party who looks at the faint smile, is feeling behind the same Faction partner's distrust, this merchant represents said immediately: 20 Gold Puton prices regarding Kate Company, are not anything, but regarding our merchants is not the small number!” 看着似笑非笑的对方,感受着身后同一阵营伙伴的不信任,这位商人代表马上说道:“20金普顿的价格对于凯特商行来说,不算什么,但是对于我们这种商人来说可不是什么小数字!” Right, 20 Gold Puton, were too expensive.” “对啊,20金普顿,太贵了。” My this time income is also 30 Gold Puton.” “我这次的收益也不过是30金普顿罢了。” ...... …… Hears behind the shout of merchants, this merchant represents relaxes slightly. 听到身后商人们的喊声,这位商人代表微微松了口气。 He knows, regarding the sensitivity of digital and benefit, making these people support him temporarily. 他知道,对于数字、利益的敏感,让这些人暂时支持了他。 Even if heart has the different kind idea not to raise at this time. 哪怕心底有着别样的想法也不会在这个时候提出来。 But this was enough! 而这就足够了! Enough he as capital of negotiations! 足够他做为谈判的资本! Thinks of this, this merchant represents wants to open the mouth. 想到这,这个商人代表就想要开口。 However, Kate Company that person represents actually a quicker opens the mouth. 但是,凯特商行那位代表却更快的开口。 I who therefore, consider for everyone, provided a reserve plan “所以,为大家考虑的我,提供了一个后备方案” First is willing to the person of my defray expenses, I only to gather half, is 10 Gold Puton, second I gather 11, to 20 Gold Puton.” “第一个愿意向我支付费用的人,我只收取一半,也就是十金普顿,第二个我收取11个,一直到20金普顿为止。” How does everyone think?” “大家认为怎么样?” Our propositions are not excessive.” “我们的提议并不过分。” The Kate Company representative spreads out both hands, both eyes has swept the present person. 凯特商行的代表摊开双手,双眼扫过眼前的人。 When saw that these people look at each other in blank dismay, when the look had/left the appearance of guarding, heart cannot bear smiled. 当看到这些人面面相觑,眼神中多出了提防的模样时,心底忍不住的笑了起来。 Especially the fellows of that so-called representative others, look at the appearance of opposite party delay, he is really the fear smiles to make noise. 尤其是那个所谓代表其他人的家伙,看着对方呆滞的样子,他真的是害怕笑出声。 To depend upon one group of motley crew and he negotiates to speak the price? 想要依靠一群乌合之众和他谈判讲价格? He lets this crowd of motley crew internal conflicts. 他就让这群乌合之众窝里反。 However, represents the response as of disadvantaged one side is actually extremely quick. 不过,做为劣势一方的那个代表反应却是极快。 My first!” “我第一个!” Because stands in front of the merchants, depends on the distance advantage, the opposite party one step rushed to the front of Kate Company representative, the appearance that before was filled with righteous indignation, had turned into the smile of flattering. 因为站在众商人前面,靠着距离优势,对方一步就冲到了凯特商行代表的面前,之前义愤填膺的模样,早就变成了谄媚的笑容。 10 Gold Puton handed over. 十个金普顿就这么的递了出去。 The opponent's back's people stare. 对方身后的众人一愣。 Immediately comes in swarms. 随即蜂拥而至。 Quick, the preferential quota did not have. 很快的,优惠的名额就没有了。 Remaining several ran slowly the fellow, the regret of ten points, has to pull out 20 Gold Puton. 剩下几个跑慢了的家伙,十分的懊悔,不得不掏出了20枚金普顿 At this time, no one opposed this price. 这个时候,没有一个人反对这个价格了。 Instead taking pleasure in others' misfortunes looks to respond slowly the person, on the face is reappearing the self-satisfied smile. 反而是幸灾乐祸的看着反应慢了的人,脸上一个个浮现着得意的笑容。 When Kieran and Bohr walk, immediately faces has the evil intent vision of taunt like this. 秦然波尔走来时,立刻面对的就是这样带着嘲讽的恶意目光。 Had not given preferential benefit, you need to hand over 20 Gold Puton!” “没有优惠了,你们需要交20金普顿!” As the representative of disadvantaged side, stood by the Kate Company representative at this time said directly. 原本做为劣势方的代表,这个时候站在凯特商行的代表旁边直接说道。 The Kieran vision has swept the opposite party, then, fell on the body of Kate Company representative. 秦然目光扫过对方,接着,落在了凯特商行代表的身上。 „Do you make me hand over 20 Gold Puton?” “你让我交20金普顿?” Kieran asked. 秦然问道。 Everyone handed over.” “大家都交了。” Was one's turn you.” “轮到你了。” Opposite party very polite saying. 对方很客气的说道。 Kieran nods, the opposite party puts out a hand with a smile, prepares the receive fees, then, Kieran lifts a foot, trampled on the face of opposite party 秦然点了点头,对方笑着伸出了手,准备收取费用,然后,秦然抬起一脚,踹在了对方的脸上 Bang! 砰!
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