DC :: Volume #28

#31: Response

Un, this is Viper Sect!” “嗯,这就是蛇派!” Incarnation is the snake, places the darkness. x.” “化身为蛇,寄予黑暗。x.” Kieran light saying. 秦然淡淡的说道。 The darkness and incarnation are the snake...... 黑暗、化身为蛇…… Horuff standing there, in the mouth neutral tone cannot help but is talking over. 霍鲁夫愣愣的站在那里,嘴中不由自主的轻声念叨着。 No one compared with Horuff this retirement the meaning of Demon Hunter clear these words. 没有谁比霍鲁夫这个退役的猎魔人更加的清楚这句话的意思了。 Snake. 蛇。 Does not have a good image in the eyes of all normal people. 在所有正常人的眼中都没有一个好的形象。 It, was given the cold blood and brutal appearance frequently. 它,常常被赋予冷血、无情的模样。 It, was referred to by the generation for the sinister and deceitful image frequently. 它,常常被代指为阴险、狡诈的形象。 Any normal person does not hope and snake hook. 任何一个正常人都不希望和蛇挂钩。 But some Demon Hunter, are willing for the snake. 但一些猎魔人,甘愿为蛇。 Is willing to perch in the eternal darkness, is unable to see the light again. 甘愿栖息在永恒的黑暗中,无法再看到光明。 The Horuff body shivers slightly. 霍鲁夫身躯微微颤抖起来。 Near when his ear echo again he became Demon Hunter, stands before own teacher, distributed pledge 他的耳边再次的回响起了他成为猎魔人时,站在自己的老师面前,发下的誓言 We are not the light. 我们不属于光明。 We are not the darkness. 我们不属于黑暗。 We walked in the death edge. 我们行走于死亡边缘。 Without the glory of praise. 没有礼赞的荣耀。 Without being on everybody's lips of hymn. 没有圣歌的传诵。 We only then the pride of innermost feelings. 我们只有内心的骄傲。 In this moment, he had a deeper understanding regarding the pledge. 在这一刻,他对于誓言有了更深的理解。 „It is not the light, is not the darkness, only in the faith because of heart walked randomly in the death edge, you compared with my old fogy of this retirement, can call it are Demon Hunter.” “不属于光明,也不属于黑暗,只因心中的信念而游走在死亡的边缘,你们比我这个退役的老家伙,更能够称之为是猎魔人。” In the Horuff tone has the admiration. 霍鲁夫语气中带着敬佩。 Because, actually what he can definitely imagine mixes in these Viper Sect partners in Quiet Night Secret Society to face is anything. 因为,他完全能够想象混入静夜秘修会中的这些蛇派伙伴究竟面对的是什么。 The danger is naturally self-evident. 危险自然是不言而喻的。 Once were discovered naturally was the death. 一旦被发现自然是死亡。 But more is actually the suffering. 但更多的却是煎熬。 Is violating the Demon Hunter faith, has to coordinate the Quiet Night Secret Society suffering. 违反着猎魔人信念,不得不配合静夜秘修会的煎熬。 That...... 那…… Perhaps is lives to might as well die. 恐怕是生不如死。 Kieran confident is facing the vision of Horuff admiration, his shaking the head of slowly. 秦然坦然的面对着霍鲁夫敬佩的目光,他缓缓的摇了摇头。 When we choose to become Demon Hunter, all are unimportant.” “在我们选择成为猎魔人时,一切都已经不重要了。” We have made the choice.” “我们早已经做出了选择。” For our family members and friends, does not balk at ten thousand deaths!” “为了我们的亲人、朋友,万死不辞!” Kieran saying every single word or phrase. 秦然一字一句的说道。 This is not lie, but is real. 这并不是谎言,而是真实的。 The real words, are easiest to cause alarm. 真实的话语,最容易引起共鸣。 Horuff was at least infected. 至少霍鲁夫被感染了。 His deep inspiration. 他深深的吸了口气。 Looks down the battle axe in hand. 低下头看着手中的战斧。 He pinched tightly the shaft layer on layer/heavily. 他重重的捏紧了斧柄。 One group of not well-known partners in vanguard silently, in braving the danger of life, is acting as the protective umbrella for them, for their carrying a heavy load vanguard. 还有一群不知名的伙伴们在默默的前行,在冒着生命的危险中,替他们充当着保护伞,替他们负重前行。 Some person natural needs like this. 一些人自然需要这样。 They are only the average people. 他们只是普通人。 But does he...... really need? 可他……真的需要吗? Horuff is asking itself. 霍鲁夫问着自己。 This time he thought that he retired, was extremely careless. 这个时候的他觉得他就这么退休,太过草率了。 Another crowd with his same fellow. 还有另外一群和他一样的家伙。 Thought to be OK, dejected sitting cared for the aged under the sunlight. 自认为可以了,就颓然的坐在阳光下养老。 But in fact? 而事实上呢? One crowd of youngster are handling the matter that they should handle for them. 一群年轻人正在替他们做着他们应该做的事情。 The ashamed feeling, raises from Horuff heart. 羞愧感,从霍鲁夫心底升起。 Demon Hunter had to retire a saying. 猎魔人并不是没有退休一说。 However! 但是! He has not arrived at the age of Demon Hunter true retirement, he and these fellows just because of Black Disaster, but becomes escapes the reality. 他可没有到猎魔人真正退休的年纪,他和那些家伙只不过是因为‘黑灾’,而变得逃避现实罢了。 Now? 现在? Do they also want to continue to evade? 他们还要继续逃避下去吗? Has a look at the present fellow. 看看眼前的家伙。 Although looks very mature, but that is only the makings, can the true age big? 尽管看起来很成熟,但那只是气质,真正的年纪能有多大? He when this age, but also is undergoing teacher's training. 他在这个年纪的时候,还在接受老师的训练。 But the opposite party has assumed sole responsibility for an important task. 而对方已经独当一面了。 Other Viper Sect not people? 蛇派没有其他人了吗? Definitely has! 肯定是有的! But why made youngster assume sole responsibility for an important task? 但为什么让一个年轻人独当一面了? Except that present youngster truly is the strength outstanding outside, perhaps Viper Sect loses similarly seriously in Black Disaster, these experienced old fogies, should be the casualty completely, present youngster has to stand. 除去眼前的年轻人确实是实力出众外,恐怕蛇派同样在‘黑灾’中损失惨重,那些经验丰富的老家伙,应该是死伤殆尽了,眼前的年轻人才不得不站了出来。 Viper Sect experience | meeting with the crisis chose the fight as before. 蛇派遭遇了危机依旧选择战斗。 Why isn't Wolf Sect good? 狼派为什么不行? Immediately, Horuff decides. 顿时,霍鲁夫打定了主意。 He must inform these old fogies, Demon Hunter has not withered away! 他要告知那些老家伙们,猎魔人还没有消亡! No! 不! Demon Hunter, will never wither away! 猎魔人,永远不会消亡! The wolf, runs under the sky arrogantly. 狼,孤傲在天空下奔跑。 The snake, goes into hiding...... Eternal Life in the darkness! 蛇,隐匿在黑暗中……永生 Viper Sect does not perish, Demon Hunter forever. 蛇派不灭亡,猎魔人就永在。 But as Wolf Sect? 而做为狼派 He did not mind that brings many asylums to Viper Sect simultaneously, making Wolf Sect again runs. 他不介意给蛇派带来更多的庇护同时,让狼派再次的奔跑起来。 However, this need some time and discernments. 不过,这需要一些时间和辨别。 Regarding Black Disaster some concealment things, Horuff always has certain not good guesses. 对于‘黑灾’中的一些隐匿事情,霍鲁夫始终有着某些不好的猜测。 Viper Sect matter, gave you.” 蛇派的事情,交给你们自己了。” Wolf Sect......” 狼派……” We again.” “我们会再次出发。” Said that Horuff turns around the room that collapses to walk toward oneself, on Demon Hunter of that retirement, erupted a not being able to say vitality. 说完霍鲁夫转身就向着自己已经坍塌的房间走去,在那退役的猎魔人身上,爆发出了一股说不出的生机。 Did not have that heavy being depressed again. 再没有了那沉沉的暮气。 Kieran is gazing at the opposite party. 秦然注视着对方。 He did not have to say anything again. 他没有再多说什么。 Also did not need to say anything again. 也不需要再多说什么了。 Viper Sect, has appeared truly. 蛇派,已经真正的出现了。 All these were enough. 这一切就足够了。 Broker in your layout not only had/left one not to expect chess piece that but, with the appearance of this chess piece, vanished chess piece returned to the checkerboard similarly, what can stress reaction in your layout be?” “‘掮客’你的布局中不仅多出了一枚没有预料到的棋子,而且,随着这枚棋子的出现,一枚已经消失的棋子同样返回了棋盘,你的布局中的应激反应又会是什么呢?” The Kieran corners of the mouth go up slightly. 秦然嘴角微微上翘。 He never worried that the opponent will respond. 他从不担心对手会有所反应。 So long as good, definitely will have the trace. 只要行过,就必然会有痕迹。 But these traces, are the clues that he most needs. 而这些痕迹,就会是他最需要的线索。 So long as caught these clues, he can change into passively actively, then, found Broker in this Dungeon World basis. 只要抓到了这些线索,他就可以将被动化为主动,然后,找到‘掮客’在这个副本世界的根本。 He is very curious, why Broker must in this Dungeon World layout. 他可是十分好奇,‘掮客’为什么要在这个副本世界布局的。 Naturally, Bohr. 当然,还有波尔 Thinks of Bohr, after Kieran hesitates slightly, turns toward one side of the yard room to walk. 想到波尔,秦然略微沉吟后,就向着小院一侧的房间走去。 There is the Bohr room. 那里是波尔的房间。 In the room, Bohr is drinking the green tea. 房间中,波尔喝着清茶。 He expected that suppresses the anxiety in heart with the tea. 他期望用茶水来压住心中的焦躁。 However, after drinking two, he cannot bear stands, walked slowly and aimlessly the step in the room, since entire Syka City declared martial law, paced in the room, becomes his custom. 但是,喝了两口后,他就忍不住的站起来,在房间中踱起了步子,自从整个西卡城戒严后,在房间中踱步,就成为了他的习惯。 But another new custom is to go to the Yanan Inn great hall inquiry news. 而另外一个新习惯就是去亚南旅店的大堂打探消息。 The news that just, inquires, made Bohr even more irritable. 只不过,打探到的消息,却令波尔越发的急躁了。 Viscount Syka confirmed the death! 西卡子爵确认死亡! The younger sister of viscount will become the new feudal lord! 子爵的妹妹将成为新的领主! Does not know that the that person new feudal lord, will open the entire territory! 不知道那位新的领主,多会开放整个领地! The time of if delaying is slightly longer...... 万一拖的时间稍微长一些…… Thinks of this, in Bohr heart one tight. 想到这,波尔心中一紧。 This is his poor life hook. 要知道,这可是和他的小命挂钩。 Otherwise, how his Player may care about a Dungeon World aristocrat status. 不然的话,他一个玩家怎么可能会在乎一个副本世界的贵族身份。 Moreover, what is more important, this time is his key point. 而且,更加重要的是,这次是他的关键点。 If can smooth completion, he have the opportunity of staging a comeback. 如果能够顺利的完成,他就有着东山再起的机会。 Even, can catch up with the that person footsteps...... 甚至,能够追上那位的脚步…… Thinks Devil Flame, Bohr thought of recently one of the Syka City. 一想到‘炎之恶魔’,波尔就想到了最近西卡城发生的一起。 Although he does not have the clear evidence, but feeling of his instinct, these things happening in Syka City, should be recently and that person Devil Flame has the correspondence. 虽然他没有确切的证据,但是他本能的觉得,最近发生在西卡城的这些事情,应该是和那位炎之恶魔’有着相当关系的。 But, that person Devil Flame yields the suitable income in these things without a doubt inevitably. 而毫无疑问的,那位炎之恶魔’在这些事情中必然获得相当的收益。 Regarding this, Bohr has no Envy. 对此,波尔没有什么嫉妒 Had envying. 有着的只是羡慕。 One type after strength formidable freedom envying. 一种对实力强大后‘自由’的羡慕。 Meanwhile, such envying, lets his redoubled courage! 同时,这样的羡慕,让他勇气倍增! Aiming at Devil Flame!” “以‘炎之恶魔’为目标!” Perhaps I now am very bad, but I will be such degree one day!” “或许我现在还差得很远,但是总有一天我会达到那样的程度!” However to that time......” “而到了那个时候……” In the idea with mind, in the Bohr mind starts to reappear the form of that woman, immediately, not the restrainable hatred appeared in Bohr heart. 随着脑海中的想法,波尔的脑海中开始浮现出那个女人的身影,立刻,不可抑制的仇恨出现在了波尔心底 Perhaps you have been far away.” “也许你已经远离了。” But in Giant City also has your carry-over!” “但是巨大城市内还有着你的遗留!” They inherited all your, enjoys is far exceeding other Player incomes.” “他们继承了你的一切,享受着远超其他玩家的收益。” Similarly, they will also inherit your hatred!” “同样的,他们也会继承你的仇恨!” Bohr cannot help but pressed firmly between the fingers the fist. 波尔不由自主的捏住了拳头。 However, he does not have the impulsion, instead even more is pondering own plan calmly. 但是,他没有冲动,反而是越发冷静的思考着自己的计划。 But at this time 而在这个时候 Thump and thump thump. 咚、咚咚。 Come.” “请进。” Bohr very polite saying. 波尔十分客气的说道。 Although has not seen the person who knocks on a door, but he knows only then that person will knock on a door. 虽然没有看到敲门的人,但是他知道只有那位才会敲门。 His that person bodyguard never knows that what knocks on a door is, even if he informed were innumerable, was this. 他的那位保镖从来不知道敲门是何物,哪怕他告知了无数次,也是这样。 As for others? 至于其他人? He chooses the one-home courtyard, for is peaceful, no one will come to here, boss Horuff will choose more appropriate place conversation, absolutely will not be here. 他选择独门独院,为的就是安静,没有谁会来这里的,老板霍鲁夫更是会选择更恰当的地方交谈,绝对不会是这里。 But these malicious, will not knock on a door. 而那些不怀好意者,可不会敲门。 Kieran pushes the door to enter. 秦然推门而入。 Bohr has stood. 波尔早已经站了起来。 Colin.” 科林。” Bohr is calling Kieran with the fictitious name. 波尔用假名称呼着秦然 What does your later plan have?” “你之后的计划还有什么?” After true inherit title.” “在真正继承爵位后。” Kieran inquired. 秦然询问道。 Broker, since is paying attention to Bohr, then Bohr has the use inevitably. 掮客’既然关注着波尔,那么波尔必然有着用处。 He does not know temporarily, but does not represent does not exist. 他暂时不知道,但不代表不存在。 I after the smooth inherit title, I want to obtain a higher prestige and position, although my initial idea, but wants to achieve present Basic.” “我在顺利继承爵位后,我希望获得更高的声望和位置虽然我最初的想法,只是希望达到眼前的基础就可以。” Saying that Bohr has not concealed. 波尔没有隐瞒的说道。 Regarding present Devil Flame, Bohr thinks necessity that has not concealed. 对于眼前的‘炎之恶魔’,波尔自认为没有隐瞒的必要。 Solely is not the strength, why because also Bohr very clear Kieran asked. 不单单是实力,还因为波尔很清楚秦然为什么这么问。 The opposite party have oneself plan inevitably. 对方必然有着自己的计划。 But such inquiry, does not hope that plan of both sides has the conflict. 而这样的询问,就是不希望双方的计划有冲突。 „Very good.” “很不错。” The Kieran nod said. 秦然点头道。 This is not perfunctory, but is the real praise. 这不是敷衍,而是真实的夸赞。 loner, without overfulfilling the mission mentality, will be eliminated sooner or later. 独行者,如果没有超额完成任务的心态,早晚会被淘汰。 Even, might as well chooses to form cliques to live well. 甚至,还不如选择拉帮结派活得更好。 Obviously, Bohr understands the meaning of Kieran. 显然,波尔是明白秦然的意思。 He is echoing nod, then smiles bitterly to make noise. 他附和着点了点头,然后苦笑出声。 I choose Basic from the beginning, thinks doing what one can, but now chooses extra, is because my is unwilling.” “我一开始选择基础,是自认为的‘量力而行’,而现在选择‘超额’,也不过是因为我的不甘心罢了。” „Before, what to do after I have been avoiding ‚,’ this issue!” “在之前,我一直回避着‘之后怎么办’这个问题!” I in thinking me first went through the present difficulty, after later matter, said, but I neglected, even if my lucky went through the present difficulty, but later will still fall into difficulty again ‚’!” “我只是在想‘我先度过眼前的难关,之后的事情之后再说’,可是我忽略了,就算我幸运的度过了眼前的难关,但之后也会再次陷入‘难关’!” If I do not have large income a time, I will fall into this vicious circulation forever.” “如果我没有一次丰厚的收益,我将会永远陷入这种恶性的循环中。” Might as well......” “还不如……” Wrestles!” “搏一把!” Speaking of this, Bohr seems relaxes, in heart anxious, irritable the feeling, disappears in this moment as if radical disappearance, he with the comfortable stance by the chair, the whole body relaxes, weak, the corners of the mouth had wiped the true happy expression. 说到这,波尔仿佛是松了口气般,心中的焦虑、急躁感,在这一刻似乎彻底的消失不见了,他以舒适的姿态靠在椅子中,全身放松、瘫软,嘴角有了一抹真正的笑意。 Quite relaxed.” “好轻松。” Saying, was finally more relaxed.” “说出来,总算是轻松多了。” Colin do you know?” 科林你知道吗?” Since waking up, knows after own situation, I am very anxious that type of originally to walk in front of everyone, at this moment actually fell behind everyone dropping variance feeling, wanted being killed immediately ‚’ the sense of crisis, making me turn into another person completely, to go on living, I acted servilely, I pondered the ghost legendary creature trick.” “自从‘醒来’,知道了自己的处境后,我就很焦虑那种原本走在所有人前边,此刻却落在了所有人后边的落差感,还有马上就要‘丧命’的危机感,让我完全变成了另外一个人,为了活下去,我卑躬屈膝,我思考鬼蜮伎俩。” I think that I do right.” “我认为我做得都对。” To go on living, what wrong makes like this?” “为了活下去,这样做有什么错?” „What is hapless, each I will bump into you time, every is one time the failure comes to an end, I almost despaired, then......” “但倒霉的是,每一次我都会碰到你,每一次都是失败告终,我几乎都绝望了,然后……” You and I carried out a fair transaction!” “你和我进行了一次公平的交易!” Makes me have the opportunity that has wanted to have!” “让我有了一直想要获得的机会!” However Lawless helps me sincerely, that sincerity real, is not false, I can feel, I suddenly discovered that I also had the friend.” “而无法无天更是真诚的帮助我,那种真诚是真的,不是虚伪的,我能感觉的到,我忽然发现我又有了朋友。” That feeling, is really terrific!” “那感觉,真棒!” Bohr was verbose, that appearance was similar to Lawless, even, but also was verbose. 波尔絮絮叨叨起来,那模样就和无法无天差不多,甚至,还要絮叨。 Lawless is routine suo and hangs the person appetite. 无法无天是习惯性的嗦和吊人胃口。 But after Bohr is constrains leaning to state for a long time. 波尔则是压抑许久后的倾述。 But fortunately, as the Lawless friend, Kieran was used to such suo, does not have any exasperation, his static is listening, then, after Bohr stops, Kieran carried the present green tea. 但幸运的是,做为无法无天的朋友,秦然习惯了这样的嗦,没有任何的不耐烦,他静静的听着,然后,当波尔停下后,秦然端起了眼前的清茶。 Respects Lawless!” “敬无法无天!” Kieran said. 秦然说道。 Respects Lawless!” “敬无法无天!” Bohr carried the teacup without hesitation, bumps after Kieran gently, tosses down, then, is saying with a laugh: I also promise that fellow, goes back to ask him to drink.” 波尔毫不犹豫的端起了茶杯,和秦然轻轻一碰后,就一饮而尽,然后,笑呵呵的说着:“我还答应那家伙,回去请他喝酒。” Hopes that his recent appetite should not be good, otherwise, I estimated stay in the tavern to work.” “希望他最近的胃口别太好,不然,我估计得留在酒馆打工了。” There charge was really expensive/noble.” “那里的收费实在是太贵了。” Saying, Bohr on a peak shoulder. 说着,波尔就一耸肩膀。 The charge of Harvest Inn is expensive, is almost well-known. 丰收酒馆的收费昂贵,几乎是人尽皆知的。 Although has the free liquor water and drink once for a while, words that but you dare not to lift a finger to help, the blade of that person proprietress is very sharp. 虽然时不时有免费的酒水、饮料,但你敢一毛不拔的话,那位老板娘的刀可是很锋利的。 Although most times, Lawless will keep off in your front, but Lawless also always has being unable to defend oneself time, therefore, goes to Harvest Inn loner to know that prepares 3-5 points along, does not have the mistake. 尽管大部分的时候,无法无天都会挡在你的面前,但无法无天也总有自身难保的时候所以,去丰收酒馆独行者知道随身准备个3-5积分,是没有错误的。 3 points tea drink. 积分的茶饮。 5 points beer. 积分的啤酒。 Can smooth the anger of that person proprietress exactly. 能够恰好的抚平那位老板娘的怒气。 Believes me, the Lawless appetite has been very good.” “相信我,无法无天的胃口一直很好。” However works there, is far less than you now diligently.” “而在那里打工,远不如你现在更努力一点。” After having Lawless took the topic cushion, Kieran also starts to tease. 有了无法无天做为话题缓冲后,秦然也开始打趣道。 Right.” “没错。” Wish us all smooth!” “祝我们都一切顺利!” Bohr carried the teacup again. 波尔再次端起了茶杯。 After Kieran and opposite party clink glasses, drank completely the tea, he put down the cup, the sound unconscious pressure was base and low: „A status of War God follower, to you helpful?” 秦然与对方一碰杯后,饮尽了茶水,他放下杯子,声音不自觉的压低道:“一个战神信徒的身份,对你有帮助吗?” The status of War God follower? 战神信徒的身份? After Bohr one, immediately responded. 波尔一愣后,随即就反应了过来。 Has!” “有!” Although the that person brilliance has dimly, however in Atandin Castle, War God as before is the mainstream.” “虽然那位的光辉有所黯淡,但是在艾坦丁堡,战神依旧是主流。” Many aristocrats, including the royal family, are believing that person.” “诸多的贵族,包括王室在内,都是信仰着那位。” May want to obtain the status of that person follower is not easy, that is not the matter that Gold Puton can handle.” “可想要获得那位信徒的身份并不容易,那不是金普顿就能够搞定的事情。” Bohr very affirmative saying. 波尔很肯定的说道。 In fact, hires Ashkano to take the bodyguard, besides Ashkano strength formidable, is the foster father of opposite party Bohr most regards as important, that person Mona Priest. 事实上,雇佣阿什卡诺做为保镖,除了阿什卡诺实力强大外,波尔最看重的就是对方的养父,那位墨那神父 But very much what is a pity, that person Mona Priest solely is not Gold Puton can move. 但很可惜的是,那位墨那神父不单单是金普顿就能够打动的。 Although most times, the opposite party is willing to look that helps in the Gold Puton face. 虽然大部分的时候,对方愿意看在金普顿的面子上帮忙。 If you know some secret news, help you sufficiently.” “如果你知道了一些隐秘的消息,足以帮助你。” I met some secret existences in Syka City.” “我在西卡城里遇到了一些隐秘的存在。” Should be Quiet Night Secret Society that Horuff said.” “应该是霍鲁夫所说的静夜秘修会。” They and Syka City a series of matter related that person Priest should care to this news recently very much, similarly, after knew at the maximum speed this news, he will not mind that gives you many help.” “他们和西卡城最近一系列的事情有关那位神父应该对这个消息很关心,同样的,在以最快的速度得知这个消息后,他并不会介意给与你更多的帮助。” Kieran saying slowly. 秦然缓缓的说道。 Bohr both eyes one bright. 波尔双眼一亮。 Then, a nod without hesitation. 然后,毫不犹豫的一点头。 I understood.” “我懂了。”
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