DC :: Volume #28

#127: At the last minute

What is that?! 那是什么?! Each Giant City Player is raising head, looks at the sky. 每一个巨大城市玩家都仰着头,看着天空。 The eye, they recognize certainly. 眼睛,他们当然认得。 But...... 可…… Such big eye, everyone is first seeing! 这么大的眼睛,所有人都是第一次见! Even if there are prepare Broker still. 即使是有所准备的‘掮客’也不例外。 Was witnessing almost occupied the eyes of half of sky, Broker the breath stagnates slightly, but, immediately, he returned to normal. 目睹着几乎占据了一半天空的眼睛,‘掮客’的呼吸微微一滞,但是,马上的,他就恢复了正常。 Really is honored utmost!” “真是荣幸之至啊!” We met once again, Witch your highness.” “我们又一次见面了,‘魔女’殿下。” Is saying, Broker while mold type bowing salutes. 一边说着,‘掮客’一边似模似样的鞠躬行礼。 However the giant eye simply has not replied. 但是巨大的眼睛根本没有回复。 Is looks at Broker and surrounding person. 仅仅是看着‘掮客’和周围的人。 Then, winked winking. 接着,眨了眨。 Immediately, entire Giant City sways. 顿时,整个巨大城市就都摇晃起来。 Everything may become vulnerable! 地动山摇! But is not the pure earthquake. 但不是单纯的地震。 But yes...... 而是…… Fission! 分裂! The crack first appeared in the ground, and turned toward the day vacancy to extend directly. 裂纹最先出现在了地面,并且直接向着天空处漫延。 An individual structure said that the Giant City residence of absolute safety starts to collapse. 一栋栋号称绝对安全的巨大城市居所开始坍塌。 During breath. 呼吸间。 Giant City became the ruins. 巨大城市就变为了废墟。 Remaining? 剩下的? Only has a platform. 只有一个平台。 Lithical platform that gathered Giant City all Player. 一个聚集了巨大城市所有玩家的石质平台。 Also is based in Giant City including these, temporarily leaves Giant City including these. 既包括那些常驻巨大城市的,也包括那些暂时离开巨大城市的。 Everyone look at each other in blank dismay. 所有人面面相觑。 Does not make clear what happened completely. 完全搞不清楚发生了什么 Then? 接着? Most person anything do not know. 大部分的人就什么都不知道了。 They changed to the white luminous spot, vanishes in abundance. 他们化作了白色的光点,纷纷消失。 The surroundings familiar person, the subconsciousness lifts the hand to hold on own ally and companion, but is impossible, the lifted hand can only pass through these white luminous spots. 周围熟悉的人,下意识抬手想要拉住自己的战友、同伴,但是根本不可能,抬起的手只能是穿过了那些白色的光点。 The people do not studiously. 徒做无用功。 I have said.” “我说过了。” Living, isn't good?” “活着,不好吗?” Even if in the prisoner's cage, living isn't good?” “哪怕是在囚笼中,活着不好吗?” Command half paralysis on the ground, twittering is talking to oneself. ‘令’半瘫在地上,呢喃自语着。 Such sound of talking is not high. 这样的自语声不高。 But in this deathly stillness platform, the remaining people all hears clearly. 但在这死寂一片的平台上,剩下的人全都听得清清楚楚。 Or...... 或者说…… Under the strength of people by vestiges, can hear clearly such words. 以‘残余’下人们的实力,能够将这样的话语听得清清楚楚。 What are you saying?” “你在说什么?” Joins to loner newly fully Buler and Galvin of team is puzzled. 新加入到‘独行者’队伍的布莱尔盖尔文满是不解。 What did I say?” “我说什么?” How don't you ask opposite that bastard?” “你怎么不去问问对面那个混蛋?” Command sneered, spat a bloody water to the position that Broker stands. ‘令’冷笑了一声,冲着‘掮客’所站的位置吐了口血水。 Broker was sideways slightly, avoided such bloody water, then, he has turned around just to say anything, fought with the fists to fall to the ground. 掮客’微微侧身,躲开了这样的血水,然后,他转过身刚想要说些什么,就被一拳打倒在地了。 Bang! 砰! Fist sufficient effort. 拳头足够的用力。 Broker the whole person fell on the ground. 以至于‘掮客’整个人都摔在了地上。 However, Broker actually does not have any nuisance. 但是,‘掮客’却没有任何的懊恼。 Instead is smiling that continues. 反而是继续的笑着。 But Lawless that shakes the fist without hesitation under is the number fights with the fists. 而挥拳的无法无天毫不犹豫的又是数拳打下。 Until Rachel caught the shoulder, Lawless has to stop. 直到瑞秋拽住了肩膀,无法无天才不得不停下。 At this time, Broker had been hit changed beyond all recognition, did not need systematic covering up, could not see the original appearance. 这个时候,‘掮客’早已经被打得面目全非了,不需要系统的遮掩,也根本看不出原本的模样。 But, he is still smiling. 但,他还在笑着。 You know that I block this fool, to not listen to your laughter.” “你知道我拦住这个傻瓜,不是为了听你的笑声。” Tavern proprietress icy saying. 酒馆老板娘冷冰冰的说道。 Broker is still smiling. 只是,‘掮客’还在笑着。 In that laughter, full is joyful. 那种笑声中,满是喜悦。 Everyone is stunned. 所有人都是愕然的。 Broker the given name, they are know that absolutely is not the lunatic and fool, but at this time, actually exuded such laughter. 掮客’的大名,他们是知道的,绝对不是什么疯子、傻子,但在这个时候,却是发出了这样的笑声。 Actually what happened? 究竟发生了什么 Is worth like this happily? 值得这样高兴? Everyone heart is such question. 每个人心底都是这样的疑问。 „Did we live?” “我们活下来了啊?” Isn't worth happily?” “难道不值得高兴吗?” After the moment, Broker such replied. 片刻后,‘掮客’这样的回答道。 What do you mean?” “什么意思?” Rachel knits the brows. 瑞秋一皱眉。 Was similar to such Rachel that you guessed you also once to contact that fellow?” “就如同你猜测的那样瑞秋你也曾接触过那个家伙吧?” „, Haven't you discovered a wee bit differences?” “难道,你就没有发现一丁点的不同吗?” „Is that type just like world center's general unusual feeling, you not curious why?” “那种宛如世界中心一般的异样感,你难道就不好奇是为什么吗?” Broker is asking back. 掮客’反问着。 The tavern proprietress has not opened the mouth again. 酒馆老板娘没有再开口了。 Others are also looking at Broker. 其他人也都在看着‘掮客’。 Naturally is because, she is the world center!” “当然是因为,她就是世界中心!” Under the gaze of people, Broker said with a smile. 在众人的注视下,‘掮客’笑着说道。 „Is she world center?” “她是世界中心?” Is impossible!” “不可能的!” How she possibly is the world center, only if were she created......” “她怎么可能是世界中心,除非是她创造了……” Swordsmith was saying was saying could not be justified again. 铸剑师’说着说着就再也说不下去了。 The aura of surrounding person is. 周围人的气息则是一顿。 As if was suppressed by a mountain. 仿佛是被一座大山压住了。 Naturally was not she created the world.” “当然不是她创造了世界。” She is being opportunistic obtained now authority.” “她不过是投机取巧的获得了现在的‘权柄’。” Then, to make this authority stabler, she started thinking oneself clever clean these uncontrolled person.” “然后,为了让这个‘权柄’变得更加稳固,她开始了‘自作聪明’的‘清洗’那些不受控制的人。” With Broker words, people complexion sudden change. 随着‘掮客’的话语,众人脸色突变。 They thought initially Witch's Disaster. 他们想到了最初的‘魔女之灾’。 Right!” “没错!” Is such that you think.” “就是你们想的那样。” Witch's Disaster is she carefully planned, then, she starts to form oneself influence, built entire Giant City prisoner's cage.” “‘魔女之灾’是她精心策划的,然后,她开始组建自己的势力,将整个巨大城市打造成了一座‘囚笼’。” We?” “我们?” Just is convict slave.” “只不过是其中的‘囚徒’‘奴隶’。” She is plundering our harvest recklessly.” “她肆意掠夺着我们的收获。” Chooses the person who can join the influence.” “挑选着能够加入自己势力的人。” Then?” “接着?” She hid in secretly, in the true sense becomes operated all Witch.” “她隐藏在了幕后,成为了真正意义上操纵一切的‘魔女’。” To let all nature.” “为了让一切更加的自然。” I, appeared.” “我,出现了。” Under Witch ten also appeared.” “‘魔女之下’的十强也出现了。” Initial I was a puppet.” “当初的我是一个傀儡。” Ten strong, the majority is also a puppet, what is more pitiful, they do not know the status of own puppet, own ten strong status has not been pleased with oneself.” “十强中,过半数也是傀儡,更可悲的是,他们自己都不知道自己傀儡的身份,还未自己的十强身份而沾沾自喜。” Broker is saying, in the words left for one point to ridicule. 掮客’说着,话语中就多出了一分讥讽。 He raised the head, looks at that giant eye. 他抬起头,看着那颗巨大的眼睛。 Respectable your highness.” “尊敬的殿下啊。” Arrogant your highness.” “高傲的殿下啊。” You have nothing wants to say?” “您就没有什么想说的吗?” „!” “哦!” I forgot!” “我忘了!” You had a wee bit small mistakes, otherwise, did my how possibly station speak with you here?” “您出现了一丁点的小差错,不然的话,我怎么可能站在这里和您说话呢?” Saying, Broker smiled again. 说着,‘掮客’再次笑了起来。 Different from the beforehand chuckle, these Broker is laughing loudly time. 不同于之前的轻笑,这一次的‘掮客’是放声的大笑。 Smiles bends the waist. 笑得弯下了腰。 Smiles hysteric. 笑得歇斯底里。 Damn fellow, by this time, you were still insulting the Sir!” “该死的家伙,到了这个时候,你还在侮辱大人!” Command is angrily rebuking Broker. ‘令’怒斥着‘掮客’。 Broker with pitying the vision looks at command. 掮客’用怜悯的目光看着‘令’。 Pitiful fellow.” “可悲的家伙。” You really think that you are living, because of the mercy of our your highness?” “你真的以为你活着,是因为我们殿下的慈悲吗?” She has not killed you, but is unable to kill you at that time.” “她没有杀你,只是在当时无法杀你。” „Similar to the present!” “就如同现在!” She wishes certainly one could me dead!” “她当然恨不得我去死!” But, she could not kill me!” “但是,她杀不了我!” Because, she had/left a wee bit conditions.” “因为,她出了一丁点儿的状况。” And......” “而且……” Your this idiot, does not have to discover, sunlight and moonlight also in?” “你这个白痴,难道没有发现,阳光和月光还在吗?” Broker full was the ridicule says, to standing after Lawless and others Mimosa bowed to salute. 掮客’满是讥讽的说完,就冲着站在无法无天等人身后的‘含羞草’鞠躬行礼。 Before comparing, to Witch putting on airs, these Broker brings the unprecedented earnestness time. 相比较之前对‘魔女’的装模作样,这一次的‘掮客’却带着前所未有的认真。 Please forgive all that I make.” “请您原谅我所做的一切。” I am have no other choice but to drag into this game you.” “我是不得已才将您拉入到这场游戏中。” Because, you are the key of this game.” “因为,您是这场游戏的关键。” Broker like this said. 掮客’这样说道。 I?” “我?” Mimosa stares. 含羞草一愣。 Then, by the people gaze, is shrunk the body that Mimosa could not bear, wants to become by oneself does not introduce the gaze. 然后,被众人注视下,含羞草忍不住的缩了缩身躯,想让自己变得不那么引入注视。 This appearance may have no persuasive power. 这副模样可没有什么说服力。 „Are you saying this greatly fat sheep?” “你在说这个大肥羊?” Do not crack a joke!” “别开玩笑了!” Command is angrily rebuking. ‘令’怒斥着。 But Lawless and the others are actually looking pensive. 无法无天等人却是若有所思。 Mimosa is not a fool. 含羞草也不是笨蛋。 Is 2567?” “是2567吗?” Mimosa asked low voice. 含羞草小声问道。 Yes.” “是。” He is copes with Witch the key!” “他就是对付‘魔女’的关键!” Broker is saying truthfully. 掮客’如实的说着。 „?” “哦?” An inquiry of doubts appeared near the ear of people. 一声疑惑的询问出现在了众人的耳边。 The feeling of being afraid fills the air in people's mind. 紧接着,不寒而栗的感觉弥漫在众人的心中。 That is one type facing the spontaneous reaction that the food chain peak has. 那是一种面对食物链顶端存在的自然反应。 People subconscious looking around in all directions. 人们下意识的四处张望。 Together form very natural emergence in the eyes of people. 一道身影很自然的出现在了人们的视野中。 By is covering brilliance form, is unable to see clearly, even, witnesses such brilliance, feeling both eyes stabbing pain that can unable to bear, what is more terrifying, the people discovered that their strengths were fettered. 被光辉笼罩着的身影,无法看清,甚至,目睹这样的光辉,都会忍不住的感觉双目刺痛,但更恐怖的是,众人发现他们的力量被束缚了。 The body seems at the back of mountain -like, is unable to stand erect again, becomes creakies in abundance. 身躯更好似背着一座山般,无法再次直立,纷纷变得摇摇欲坠起来。 Broker figure staggers. 掮客身形踉跄。 Plop. 扑通。 Next quarter, such kneels down. 下一刻,就这么的跪倒在地。 „Is this your freedom?” “这就是你的自由?” Command taunt said. ‘令’嘲讽道。 This naturally is not!” “这当然不是!” Following is!” “下面的才是!” ‚After Broker reply, selfish pray 掮客’回答后,自顾自的祈祷起来 „The Dawn successor, the Dawn owner, plague control, Mist direction, passes through ten thousand world the food to swallow Eater, dining etiquette Guardian , I pray to you......” 晨曦的继承者,黎明的拥有者,瘟疫的掌控者,迷雾的指引者,贯穿万世的食材吞食者,进餐礼仪守护者,我向您祷告……” In resounding and clear sound. 响亮而又清晰的声音中。 Sunlight and moonlight connection. 阳光与月光交汇。 Instantaneously, a gigantic gate appeared. 瞬间,一个硕大的门出现了。 Bang! 轰! Diameter over a hundred meters Devil Flame, departs from the front door, shooting up to the sky fiery flame, dashes to the eye in sky. 一颗直径上百米的恶魔之炎,从大门中飞出,冲天而起的烈焰,直扑天空中的眼睛。 When Devil Flame blasting open, everyone heard one to shout miserably. 恶魔之炎炸裂的时候,所有人都听到了一声惨呼。 That say/way floods the brilliance form is being a vibration. 那道充斥着光辉的身影更是一阵抖动。 Then...... 然后…… Wiped the shadow to cover this form. 一抹阴影覆盖了这道身影。 ! 呜! Was cut in the kicking leg of crack void, full was the brilliance form pulls out flies. 虚空被斩裂的踢腿中,满是光辉的身影就这么被抽飞了。 Cracks appear in that brilliance form. 一道道裂纹出现在那光辉的身影上。 The faint trace flame emits from the crack. 丝丝火焰从裂纹中冒出。 Then 然后 ! 啪! The brilliance form seems is soap bubble, blasted open. 光辉的身影就好似是一个肥皂泡般,就这么的炸裂了。 How possibly?” “怎么可能?” Command scared looks at this. ‘令’失魂落魄的看着这一幕。 In fact, solely is not this Guardian leader, surrounding person also helpless looked that. stood erect form that 事实上,不单单是这位‘守护者’的首领,周围的人也不知所措的看向了场中屹立的身影。 Just Witch gave their pressure is obvious. 刚刚‘魔女’给他们的压力可是显而易见的。 But now? 但现在? Such simple was killed? 就这么简单的被干掉了? An absurd feeling appears in heart of people one after another. 一种荒谬感纷纷出现在众人的心底 Is clone.” “不过是个分身。” Was killed directly, what strange also there is?” “被直接干掉,又有什么奇怪?” Broker was saying looked to the form in that memory, very simple holding up both hands, said: Do not kill me, I am useful.” 掮客’说着看向了那道记忆中的身影,很干脆的举起双手,道:“别杀我,我有用。” ...... …… Atandin was unified. 艾坦丁被统一了。 It is not North Continent Atandin in tradition, the south and island, and even are the other aspect of sea, belonged to the Atandin subordinate. 不是传统上的北陆艾坦丁,南方、海岛,乃至是海的另外一面,都归入了艾坦丁的麾下。 All these, altogether used Kieran one year. 这一切,总共用了秦然一年时间。 In this year, he has been waiting for the prompt that returns. 这一年中,他一直在等待返回的提示。 But, anything does not have. 可是,什么都没有。 But becomes the moment of Atandin seventh in him. 但就在他成为了艾坦丁七世的一刻。 He felt the exchange! 他感受到了互换! Is Wu! 是‘吴’! A gate appeared in his front. 一道门出现在了他的面前。 Regarding this, Kieran feels joyful. 对此,秦然是感到欣喜的。 Although regarding Wu, he has conflicted, but this does not hinder Kieran to acknowledge the ability of opposite party, but when Kieran prepares to tread Entry, a leaf is bigger, seemed is supports the front door appearance of such world in his front. 虽然对于‘吴’,他有所抵触,但是这并不妨碍秦然承认对方的能力,可就在秦然准备踏入门而过的时候,一扇更大的,好似是支撑天地的大门就这么的出现在了他的面前。 Moreover, inside broadcast the Mimosa sound. 而且,里面传来了含羞草的声音。 ...... 还有…… Food flavor! 食物的味道! Kieran is certain, that is food of Mimosa careful preparation. 秦然可以肯定,那是含羞草精心准备的食物。 The delicacy of ten points! 十分的美味! Without hesitation, Kieran chose front door that broadcasts the Mimosa sound. 毫不犹豫,秦然选择了传来含羞草声音的大门。 However, this return must time the Kieran imagination in must be longer. 不过,这一次的返回要远比秦然想象中的还要长。 Moreover, returned way, is he in the vanguard. 而且,返回的方式,也是他在前行。 A stoneway under foot. 一条石子路就在脚下。 Kieran fast vanguard. 秦然快速前行。 Ran for three weeks. 足足奔跑了三周。 Kieran saw the end gate. 秦然才看到了尽头的门。 When he touches the door knob, he heard Broker words, he saw Giant City all. 当他触碰到门把手的时候,他就听到了‘掮客’的话语,他就看到了巨大城市发生的一切。 Kieran looks at the sky to be the giant eye of Witch. 秦然看着天空属于魔女的巨大眼睛。 No hesitation, Devil Flame that gathers the strength lets go. 没有任何的犹豫,一记蓄力的恶魔之炎脱手而出。 Then, he charged into Witch clone. 然后,他冲向了‘魔女’的分身 Strikes effective! 一击奏效! But, many clone and projections appeared. 但,更多的分身、投影出现了。 Bang! 轰! Devil Flame sweeps away. 恶魔之炎横扫而过。 clone and projection are disillusioned in abundance. 分身、投影纷纷破灭。 After the moment, appears again. 只是,片刻后,再次出现。 You need to find her main body!” “你需要找到她的本体!” She hidden there!” “她就隐藏在那里!” Struck to kill her main body, can finish all these, otherwise was unproductive!” “击杀了她的本体,才能够结束这一切,不然都是徒劳的!” Here gave us.” “这里交给我们了。” You go quickly!” “你快去!” Broker points at a Giant City direction to remind loudly. 掮客’指着巨大城市的一个方向大声提醒着。 However, when Broker voice just fell, that direction presented the dense and numerous projections. 但是,就在‘掮客’话音刚刚落下的时候,那个方向就出现了密密麻麻的投影。 Tens of thousands of! 成千上万! Just like a human wall, is preventing the Kieran path. 宛如一道人墙,阻挡着秦然的道路。 Moreover, other directions, started to present the projection of Witch, the perfect number is unable to count clearly. 而且,其它方向,也开始出现了魔女的投影,完全数也无法数清楚。 Their goals are very clear. 它们的目标很明确。 Throws off and tears into shreds the lithical platform. 掀翻、撕碎石质平台。 Let the present enemy die! 让眼前的敌人去死! Really is the bad scene!” “真是糟糕的场面!” Lawless is saying, put out him to press the bottom weapon to seem like very ordinary launcher from the back. 无法无天说着,从背后拿出了他压箱底的武器一个看起来好像很普通的发射器。 Shoulders on the shoulder, Lawless takes a deep breath, touched off the trigger. 扛在肩上,无法无天深吸了口气,扣动了扳机。 Peace!” “和平!” Lawless exclaimed loudly. 无法无天大声吼道。 Whiz! 嗖! Bang! 轰! The glare twinkle, mushroom cloud appears in the end! 强光闪烁,一朵蘑菇云就在尽头出现! Immediately, the dense and numerous projections were torn into shreds. 顿时,密密麻麻的投影就被撕碎了。 The people were shocked. 众人都惊呆了。 They stupidly look at Lawless. 他们傻愣愣的看着无法无天 Lawless throws the launcher on the ground conveniently, holds in the mouth the cigar, the crack is opening the mouth saying: Who didn't have trump card?” 无法无天随手将发射器扔在地上,叼着雪茄,裂开嘴道:“谁还没有个底牌?” Yes!” “是啊!” Who did not have trump card!” “谁还没有个底牌!” The tavern proprietress nods, lifts the hand, wine glass appeared in her hand. 酒馆老板娘点了点头,一抬手,一个酒杯就这么出现在了她的手中。 Holds up wine glass, the tavern proprietress has not drunk. 举起酒杯,酒馆老板娘并没有饮下。 Rather, numerous falling in underground. 而是,重重的摔在了地下。 ! 啪! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Blue columns of flame shoot up to the sky, frozen lived in one side sudden Witch projection in abundance, but, more Witch projection comes in swarms. 一道道蓝色的火柱冲天而起,将一侧突然出现的魔女投影纷纷‘冻’住了,但是,更多的‘魔女’投影蜂拥而来。 Moreover, these Witch projection started to fuse unexpectedly. 而且,这些‘魔女’投影竟然开始融合了。 During breath huge Witch projection on charged into the platform that the direct impact flushed. 呼吸间一个巨大的‘魔女’投影就直冲冲的冲向了平台。 Hans and Cole neglected one. 汉斯柯尔忽视了一眼。 The former kept off before latter's body, the latter pulled out a capsule to throw on the ground. 前者挡在了后者的身前,后者掏出了一粒胶囊扔在了地上。 Bang! 砰! The smog raises. 烟雾扬起。 Huge grasps the robot attendance of laser sword and tower shield in the battlefield, in the blue red body, Cole sits well. 巨大的一手持激光剑、一手塔盾的机器人出席在战场上,蓝红身躯中,柯尔端坐其中。 Gave me!” “交给我了!” Cole drove the robot to charge into the battlefield. 柯尔驾驶着机器人冲向了战场。 Huge Witch projected is blocked. 巨大的‘魔女’投影被挡住了。 However, in the shadow, some as if are the thing of ghost start to emit. 但是,阴影中,一些仿佛是亡魂的东西开始冒出。 „, trump card?” “嘁,底牌吗?” Ramont thought aloud in a low voice, turned the Frost double sword in hand, a strange-looking axe appeared in his hand, brandished, ices the tornado that the fire composed to fly to the ghost in shadow. 拉蒙特低声自言自语的,将手中的冰霜双剑扭到了一起,一把造型怪异的斧子出现在了他的手中,挥舞间,冰火组成的旋风飞向了阴影中的亡魂。 The Eccentric looked at one at this time Alchemist Refiner Lemer. 孤僻者’则是在这个时候看了一眼‘炼金士勒梅 Not like the past covertly. 不像以往偷偷摸摸的。 But is frank and upright. 而是光明正大的。 But is also one. 但也就是一眼。 After, he turns to be excessive, to have person of high scroll to hit fully. 一眼过后,他扭过了头,将一个个足有一人高的卷轴打了开来。 Wolf, tiger, lion, elephant wait/etc. beast of prey. 狼、虎、狮子、大象等等猛兽从中而出。 Most noteworthy is that two both feet wyvern also drilled. 最引人瞩目的是,两只双足飞龙也从中钻了出来。 ! 呼! After fiery flame spits the breath, the beast of prey regiment starts to attack. 烈焰吐息后,猛兽军团开始冲击。 But at this moment, a miraculous glow appears from the beast of prey regiment under foot, immediately, the attack and defense of beast of prey regiment exhibit the trend that the straight line rose. 而就在这时,道道灵光从猛兽军团脚下出现,立刻,猛兽军团的攻击、防御呈现出了直线上升的趋势。 Turning head of Raven surprise. 莱文诧异的回过头。 Alchemist Refiner Lemer blinks to him. 炼金士勒梅冲他眨了眨眼。 The fight in platform one fell into the most superheating stage. 平台上的战斗一下就陷入了最白热化的阶段。 Many Player are involved. 更多的玩家加入其中。 Mimosa is no exception. 含羞草也不例外。 While preserves own as far as possible, Mimosa throws scroll. 在尽可能保全自己的同时,含羞草扔出来一张张卷轴 Not only formidable but also the quantity are many enough. 不仅强大而且数量足够多。 Even, in certain degrees, Mimosa resisted an attack. 甚至,在某些程度上,含羞草抵挡住了一面的进攻。 But the crisis actually comes quietly. 但危机却是悄然而至。 Command the shadow of under foot charged into Mimosa. ‘令’脚下的影子冲向了含羞草 He does not choose Mimosa intentionally. 他不是故意选择含羞草 Rather, he can look, in Player on the scene Mimosa is weakest, these item, really collapses at the first blow. 而是,他能够看得出来,在场的玩家含羞草是最弱,将那些道具抛开后,真的是不堪一击。 Then? 然后? Appears in Mimosa Kieran, stepped that shadow. 出现在含羞草身旁的秦然,一脚踩住了那道影子。 The shadow twists back and forth, but is unable to be separated from such stepping on. 影子来回扭曲,但根本无法脱离这样的踩踏。 Command must make the attack, the form actually passed over gently and swiftly in him together behind. ‘令’还要做出攻击,一道身影却在他身后掠过。 The sharp palm passed over gently and swiftly command nape of the neck. 锋锐的手掌掠过了‘令’的脖颈。 Superior Evil Spirit after own boss bows, appears in the Mimosa side. 上位邪灵向着自己的boss一鞠躬后,就出现在了含羞草的身旁。 Protects good Mimosa.” “保护好含羞草。” Kieran is ordering. 秦然命令着。 Such as you hope!” “如您所愿!” Superior Evil Spirit bows. 上位邪灵一鞠躬。 Kills the enemy? 杀敌? It does not care. 它不在乎。 Performance? 表演? It does not care. 它也不在乎。 It only cares about the order of boss. 它只在乎boss的命令。 That is the value that it has. 那才是它存在的价值。 2567!” “2567!” Mimosa is calling out in alarm, then, somewhat ashamed lowering the head. 含羞草惊呼着,然后,有些羞愧的低下头。 Mimosa felt oneself held back. 含羞草觉得自己又拖后腿了。 You, done enough was good.” “你,做的足够好了。” Here should not be the place that you should come.” “这里本就不该是你应该来的地方。” In kitchen busy you, is I most is glad to see.” “在厨房中忙碌的你,才是我最乐意看到的。” Kieran is saying lightly. 秦然淡淡的说着。 I prepared food.” “我准备了食物的。” But, may......” “可、可……” It is estimated that did not have.” “估计是没有了。” Saying of Mimosa stutter. 含羞草结结巴巴的说道。 Preparation?” “准备了吗?” Kieran asked. 秦然反问道。 Un.” “嗯。” Mimosa very affirmative nod. 含羞草很肯定的点了点头。 Has not eaten, was really a pity.” “没有吃到,真的是可惜了。” Now......” “现在……” Closes the eye!” “闭上眼睛!” Blocks the ear!” “堵上耳朵!” Kieran saying every single word or phrase. 秦然一字一句的说道。 And, Good.” “哦、哦,好。” Mimosa obedient closed both eyes, blocked the ear. 含羞草听话的闭上了双眼,堵上了耳朵。 Some things. 有些事情。 Kieran does not hope that Mimosa sees and hears. 秦然不希望含羞草看到、听到。 After all, he does not want to frighten Mimosa. 毕竟,他不想吓到含羞草 fiery flame emits from the body. 烈焰从身躯上冒出。 Starts the wreaking havoc surroundings scalding hot. 灼热开始肆虐周围。 Devil Form?” 恶魔化?” I have seen more than once!” “我见过不止一次了!” In Giant City all, cannot hide the truth from me!” “在巨大城市的一切,都瞒不过我!” So long as or has appeared one time, I can know completely!” “或者说,只要出现过一次,我就能够全部知道!” Witch sound reverberation in top of the head. 魔女’的声音回荡在头顶。 I felt relieved.” “那我就放心了。” I make you experience you not to see!” “我让你见识一下你从没有见过的!” Devil Form Kieran nods. 恶魔化秦然点了点头。 Then 然后 Greed, opens!” 贪婪,开!” Wrath, opens!” 愤怒,开!” Envy, opens!” 妒忌,开!” Lust, opens!” 色x,开!” Sloth, opens!” 懒惰,开!” Gluttony, opens!” 暴食,开!” Pride, opens!” 傲慢,开!” Sound like startling thunderclap! 声如惊雷! Opens! 一声开! After Devil Form , the Kieran aura on formidable one time, the body also inflates one time. 恶魔化秦然的气息就强大一倍,身躯也随之膨胀一倍。 After first even/including seven, when Devil Form Kieran opens the fiery flame pair of wings, has blocked the sky. 当一连七声后,恶魔化秦然张开烈焰双翼时,已经是遮天蔽日了。 Hangnails appear on the body of this moment Kieran. 一根根倒刺出现在此刻秦然的身上。 Fierce and terrifying. 狰狞而又恐怖。 What is more fearful, chaos and evil looking aura attack just like the crash galaxy were becoming ruins Giant City. 更为可怕的是,一股股混沌、邪异的气息宛如坠落的星河冲击着本就变为废墟的巨大城市 Immediately, these projections all vanish. 顿时,那些投影全都消失。 Remaining, only then under this aura washout, sends out the main body that cannot believe to call out in alarm 剩下的只有在这气息冲刷下,发出不可置信惊呼的本体 Seven and seven personalities?!” “七、七个人格?!” How possibly!” “怎么可能!” Witch that’ appears from the ruins, is interrogating Kieran. 从废墟中浮现的‘魔女’,质问着秦然 Personality?” “人格?” No!” “不!” This is the return!” “这是回归!” Person is a lifeform of Desire, from being born the wisdom, started born Desire, some people drift with the current, some people constrain the itself. Nature, but I?” “人是一种欲.望的生物,从诞生了智慧,就开始诞生了欲.望,有的人随波逐流,有的人压抑本.性,而我?” Chooses both to unify!” “选择两者结合!” Suppression, communicates!” “既压制,也沟通!” Usually, they disperse the respective enhancement!” “平时,他们分散开各自增强!” If needed, I make them return to my body, becomes my strength!” “需要时,我让他们回归到我的身躯中,重新变为我的力量!” I called this move for......” “我称呼这招为……” Seven predestined times of death!” “七大限!” The emotion all returns, the sound in indifferent Kieran, is not roaring loudly. 情感全都回归,声音不在淡然的秦然,大声吼着。 The huge body non-stop flies a Giant City corner/horn. 巨大的身躯直飞巨大城市一角。 Wanted to hide to the dark curtain in again Witch until this time, she discovered oneself were locked completely. 想要再次隐藏到暗幕中的‘魔女’直到这个时候,她才发现自己被完全的锁定了。 Air current! 气流! Gravity! 重力! Space! 空间! Time! 时间! Was suppressed in this moment. 在这一刻都被压制了。 After first both come from opened Devil Form, again opens seven predestined times of death Kieran. 前两者来自开启了恶魔化后,再次开启‘七大限’的秦然 Latter both are...... 后两者则是…… Broker! 掮客’! Is grasping a golden feather Broker waves to Witch, seems like saying goodbye. 握着一根金色羽毛的‘掮客’冲着‘魔女’挥了挥手,似乎是在告别。 But this was Witch final memory. 而这就是‘魔女’最后的记忆了。 She who is unable to move, looks more and more near, to Kieran that are kicking, the whole person goes black. 无法动弹的她,看着越来越近,对着自己一脚踢出的秦然,整个人陷入到了黑暗中。 Then...... 然后…… Giant City started to crash. 巨大城市开始崩塌了。 By the way of changing into the nihility. 以一种化为虚无的方式。 But immediately, new Giant City appeared. 但马上的,一座新的巨大城市出现了。 Before as if, is the illusion. 就仿佛之前是幻觉。 This moment illusion all vanished. 此刻幻觉全都消失了。 Together vanishes also has the person in platform. 一同消失的还有平台上的人。 Only had to restore Kieran of original design to stand in the Giant City center. 仅有恢复了原样的秦然站在巨大城市中央。 Player 2567 strikes to kill Witch, in system Authentication......】 玩家2567击杀‘魔女’,系统判定中……】 In Authentication......】 判定中……】 In Authentication......】 判定中……】 Respectable Player 2567, you will obtain the new city running jurisdiction!】 【尊敬的玩家2567,您将获得新城市的掌管权限!】
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