DC :: Volume #28

#126: Truth

The screams attracted presented everyone's vision. 惊呼声吸引了在场所有人的目光。 If merely is an average person, perhaps also does not have any , but, sends out Guardian that’ calls out in alarm leader command! 如果仅仅是一个普通人,或许还没有什么,但是,发出惊呼的可是‘守护者’的首领‘令’! In that rumor Witch successor, strength situated in the Giant City peak command. 那个传闻中‘魔女’继承者,实力位于巨大城市巅峰的‘令’。 Nothing is impossible.” “没有什么不可能的。” formidable that you think, in front of certain formidable......” “你自认为的强大,在某些强大面前……” „It is not really worth mentioning.” “真的是不值一提。” Broker said with a smile. 掮客’则是笑着说道。 In that laughter is flooding the contemptuous feeling. 那笑声中充斥着轻蔑感。 Then, Broker is pointing at the surroundings, his saying every single word or phrase: Absolute safety room? Cracking a joke, but is a prisoner's cage!” 然后,‘掮客’指着周围,他一字一句的说道:“绝对安全的房间?开什么玩笑,只不过是一间囚笼罢了!” However outside this small prisoner's cage, but also has a big prisoner's cage.” “而在这个小囚笼外,还有着一个大囚笼。” Their existences, only meet the first floor level to fetter our freedom, will only make us degenerate into......” “它们的存在,只会一层层束缚着我们的自由,只会让我们沦为……” Slave!” “奴隶!” In loud and clear words, Broker the vision looked to Guardian two big Supervision Envoy and eight Inspection Envoy of member, as well as many in eye that Guardian member, he revealed that appeared again a happy expression of ridicule. 掷地有声的话语中,‘掮客’的目光看向了‘守护者’成员的两大监管使和八位巡察使,以及诸多的‘守护者’成员,他露出的眼中,再次浮现了一种嘲弄的笑意。 You know Guardian truth?” “你们知道‘守护者’的真相吗?” „Do you want to know?” “你们想知道吗?” Shut up!” “住口!” Has gotten back one's composure command broke Broker. 回过神的‘令’打断了‘掮客’。 This Guardian in eye brings not mincing matter murderous intent, sneers to say. 这位‘守护者’眼中带着毫不掩饰的杀意,冷笑道。 You are showing off your cleverness in trivial matters.” “你又在卖弄你的小聪明了。” You think that everyone will listen your?” “你以为大家会听你的吗?” „The traitor of your Sir!” “你这个大人的背叛者!” Command was saying lifted the hand. ‘令’说着就抬起了手。 Then, falls layer on layer/heavily. 然后,重重落下。 Immediately, eight Inspection Envoy on straight charged into Broker. 顿时,八位巡察使就直直的冲向了‘掮客’。 After the death, confessed well!” “在死亡后,好好忏悔吧!” Command like this said. ‘令’这样说道。 Regarding oneself eight Inspection Envoy, command has the considerable confidence. 对于自己手下的八位巡察使,‘令’有着相当的信心。 Do not look that Broker brought several hundred people, but mostly is some veteran player, Advanced Ranker only then less than 1/10 quantities, but eight Inspection Envoy, is the outstanding person in Advanced Ranker, facing ordinary Advanced Ranker is almost the Insta-kill degree. 别看‘掮客’带来了数百人,但大都是一些资深玩家罢了,入阶者只有其中不到十分之一的数量,而八位巡察使,则是入阶者中的佼佼者,面对普通入阶者几乎是秒杀的程度。 Clang! 锵! Inspection Envoy of sword Li first draws a sword, the sword air/Qi extends dozens meters! ‘剑之巡察使’李最先拔剑,剑气延绵数十米! Buzz! 嗡! In shivering sound that the air buzz called, a long rifle sling cold glow must pierce the space, straight thrust Broker. 空气嗡鸣的颤抖声中,一柄长枪带着一点寒芒似要洞穿了空间,直刺‘掮客’。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! In the sound, over a hundred arrow Yato fall air-splitting, Broker escape route thorough blocking. 破空声中,成百支箭矢当头落下,将‘掮客’的退路彻底的封死。 ! 呼! fiery flame lives baseless, the fresh breeze also blows. 烈焰凭空而生,劲风随之吹起。 The wind helps the fire intensity, the fire borrows the wind prestige. 风助火势,火借风威。 fiery flame of cone-shape, spread goes toward Broker together. 一道锥形的烈焰,向着‘掮客’蔓延而去。 Broker is unable dodge. 掮客’无法躲闪 Not is only his ground gets sucked suddenly, but goes to the trap also to present Frost that first floor congealed, fetters him there firmly. 不仅是他脚下的地面突然深陷,而去陷坑中还出现了一层凝结的冰霜,将他牢牢的束缚在那里。 All around. 前后左右。 Sky and under foot. 天空、脚下。 Was attacked to cover. 都被攻击覆盖了。 Basically is evades not to be possible to evade. 基本上是避无可避。 The most important thing is, these seemingly simple attacks, not only the coordination is close, but also the might is to also be above the imagination. 最重要的是,这些看似简单的攻击,不仅配合紧密,而且威力也是超乎想象。 Protects the Sir!” “保护大人!” Several Revolter alliance members are shouting loudly, the body glittered Advanced Rank Defensive Force Field to keep off in Broker front. 数个‘反抗者’联盟成员高喊着,身上闪烁着入阶级别防御力场就挡在了‘掮客’面前。 However 但是 and pū pū! 噗、噗噗! It seems is general that the paper sticks. 就好似是纸糊的一般。 After these people are contact that sword air/Qi merely, was cut. 这几个人仅仅是接触到那道剑气后,就被切割了。 Even, a wee bit hindrance functions do not have continually. 甚至,连一丁点儿的阻碍作用都没有。 The Unique/only use is the sword air/Qi when touching them, erupted that nearly fourth-order power and influence! 唯一的用处就是剑气在触碰到他们时,爆发出了那近乎4阶的威势! Inspection Envoy of sword is the almost fourth-order powerhouse. ‘剑之巡察使’是几近4阶的强者。 That seven that then are treated equally with him? 那与他平起平坐的那七位? Naturally is the same powerhouse. 自然是相同的强者。 Must face eight almost fourth-order powerhouses, Revolter in the ordinary member heart feels uncomfortable all of a sudden. 要面对八位几近4阶的强者,‘反抗者’的普通成员一下子心中发紧。 They know facing what organization Guardian is. 他们知道面对的‘守护者’是什么样的组织。 But awareness and facing in the true sense like this are different. 可这样的知道和真正意义上的面对却是不同的。 Even these elite backbone members are still this. 就算是那些精锐骨干成员也是这样。 Only has Broker to maintain the beforehand stance. 唯有‘掮客’保持着之前的姿态。 Even, even the words have not stopped, as if simply had not seen that such attack is ordinary. 甚至,连话语都没有停下,似乎根本没有看到这样的攻击一般。 What's wrong?” “怎么?” „To silence a witness of crime?” “想要杀人灭口?” Really is command your attitude.” “果然是‘令’你的作风啊。” Broker is sighing. 掮客’感叹着。 But at this time, Inspection Envoy of spear/gun the long spear/gun has surpassed that sword air/Qi, the lance point will soon want in Broker on the throat. 而在这时候,‘枪之巡察使’的长枪已经超过了那道剑气,枪尖即将要点在‘掮客’的喉咙上。 Distance that this distance almost must die. 这个距离几乎是必死的距离。 Inspection Envoy of spear/gun in eye flashed through a happy intent. ‘枪之巡察使’眼中闪过了一丝喜意。 He does not think he can kill famously Broker. 他并不认为他能够杀死鼎鼎大名的‘掮客’。 So long as can injure to the opposite party is good! 但只要能够伤到对方就是好的! Even a minor wound still calculates! 即使是一点轻伤也算! His long spear/gun, is special, so long as by his long bullet wound, even if damages by abrasion a skin, still meets the blood stream to continue. 要知道,他的长枪,可是特殊的,只要被他的长枪伤到,即使是擦破一点皮,也会血流不止。 He believes that even Broker cannot disregard such injury absolutely. 他相信就算是‘掮客’也绝对不能够无视这样的伤害。 When the time comes, the fight that this just started, the victory will turn toward them to displace! 到时候,这场刚刚开始的战斗,胜利就会向着他们偏移! Thinks of this, Inspection Envoy of spear/gun the long spear/gun in hand was quicker. 想到这,‘枪之巡察使’手中的长枪更快了。 But when must touch Broker the nape of the neck, the lance point...... leaning! 可就在要触碰到‘掮客’脖颈的时候,枪尖……偏了! The disturbance of no strength. 没有什么力量的干扰。 Is similar his initial goal is there to be the same. 就仿佛他最初的目标就是那里一样。 Adler stares. 艾德勒一愣。 Then, he with astonishment discovered, solely is not his attack, surplus seven people of attacks unconscious was shifted, the ground and inside that Frost even if get sucked into is still the same. 然后,他才惊愕的发现,不单单是他的攻击,剩余七人的攻击也不自觉的被转移了,即使是深陷的地面和内里的冰霜也一样。 Eight Inspection Envoy turn toward there to look in abundance. 八位巡察使纷纷向着那里看去。 Sees only Player that wears the cape does not know when appeared there, such static standing in that but saw his person, actually saw one probably just like the mountain of rock. 只见一位身披斗篷的玩家不知何时出现在了那里,就这么静静的站在那,但是看到他的人,却好像是看到了一座宛如磐石的山般。 In fact, this Player is firmer than the rock. 事实上,这位玩家远比磐石坚固。 Because, sword air/Qi and long spear/gun, fiery flame and Frost do not have the wound to the opposite party slightest. 因为,不论是剑气、长枪,还是烈焰冰霜都没有伤到对方分毫。 Even, even the clothes robe of opposite party does not have a shrink point. 甚至,连对方的衣袍都没有弄皱一点。 Who?! 谁?! The people on the scene are guessing. 在场的众人猜测着。 Then, they saw extremely inconceivable one. 然后,他们就看到了极为不可思议的一幕。 Sword air/Qi! 剑气! Appeared with the former exactly the same sword air/Qi together, cut toward Inspection Envoy of sword. 一道与之前一模一样的剑气就这么出现,向着‘剑之巡察使’斩去。 Grasps the long spear/gun Inspection Envoy of spear/gun is such as by the Thunder Strike repetitive retreat. 手持长枪的‘枪之巡察使’则是如遭雷击般的连连后退。 The arrow arrow that scatters, had the consciousness probably, flies baseless, with the flame of that cone-shape, rewinds to return. 散落开来的箭矢,好像是有了意识,凭空飞起,与那锥形的火焰,倒卷而回。 At the same time the big shield appeared. 一面大盾出现了。 The big shield that completely comprised of the steel, is preventing arrow arrow and flame that fly to one's own side. 完全由钢铁组成的大盾,阻挡着飞向己方的箭矢与火焰。 Ding dīng! 叮叮叮! In a series of impact noises, Inspection Envoy of shield mark silk Motionless, when rewinds the fiery flame hit that returns when the shield, Inspection Envoy of shield was actually struck to fly directly. 一连串的撞击声中,‘盾之巡察使’纹丝不动,但是当倒卷而回的烈焰撞击在盾牌上时,‘盾之巡察使’却是直接被击飞了。 As if that solely is not fiery flame. 似乎那不单单是烈焰 Also has other what strength mixture. 还有着什么其它的力量夹杂其中。 Clang! 铛! That fine steel big shield decline ground. 那面精钢大盾衰落地面。 The person of being sharp-eyed, has discovered the above crack. 眼尖的人,已经发现了上面的裂纹。 Similarly, knows very well Giant City Legend Player, thought of a person. 同样的,一些熟知巨大城市传说玩家,也想到了一个人。 ‘Wisdom King’ Acala! ‘明王’不动 Once Witch under one of the strongest ten people. 曾经‘魔女’之下最强的十人之一。 By person of armies that resists about thousand magics to plant to compose, but is scatheless. 以一人对抗近千魔法种组成的部队,而毫无损伤。 Mirror-counter!” 镜反!” Yes, Mirror-counter!” “是,镜反!” He is ‘Wisdom King’ Acala!” “他是‘明王’不动!” In the shout, coming the person to take off the hood cloak, immediately reveals dressing up that was the ascetic person. 呼喊声中,来人摘下了帽兜披风,立刻露出了属于苦行僧的装扮。 Motionless!” 不动!” „Did you also turn to Broker?” “你也投靠了‘掮客’?” Command the sound becomes low and deep. ‘令’的声音变得低沉。 Enemy who if he most does not want to face besides Broker, but also who? 如果说他最不想要面对的敌人除了‘掮客’外,还有谁? ‘Wisdom King’ Acala is a first place. ‘明王’不动就是首位。 But he has not thought, Broker can actually persuade the ‘Wisdom King’ Acala union. 可是他没有想到,‘掮客’竟然能够说动‘明王’不动联合。 Does not turn.” “不是投靠。” Repays the favor!” “只是偿还人情!” Motionless sound gentle saying. 不动声音平和的说道。 But in such words, several person's shadows appeared in the Motionless side, most remarkable was Swordsmith Esley. 而在这样的话语中,数道人影出现在了不动的身边,其中最引人注意的就要数‘铸剑师艾斯利得了。 In count blacksmith as Giant City, Esley given name regarding Veteran and Advanced Ranker, really likes thunder reverberating in one's ears. 做为巨大城市中数得上的铁匠,艾斯利得的大名对于资深者入阶者来说,真的是如雷贯耳。 They have not thought Esley also stood in Broker in Faction. 他们是怎么也没有想到艾斯利得也站在了‘掮客’的阵营中。 Do not visit me like this.” “别这样看着我。” I also repay the favor!” “我也是偿还人情!” Esley is clarifying. 艾斯利得澄清着。 To be honest, he really does not want such bastard to stand with Broker. 说实话,他真的不想要和‘掮客’这样的混蛋站在一起。 Such bastard is really far-fetched. 这样的混蛋实在是太不靠谱。 He really worried that the opposite party then sold him conveniently. 他真担心对方回头就把他顺手卖了。 But who makes him owe the opposite party the favor? 可是谁让他欠对方人情呢? Side Esley several people are also same. 艾斯利得身边的几人也是一样。 In the eye brings reluctantly. 眼中带着无奈。 Actually has to come. 却不得不来。 After all, that is restrained by the contract. 毕竟,那是受到契约的约束。 Broker never does to lose money to buy and sell. 掮客’可是从不做亏本买卖的。 You think that your was wins steadily?” “你以为你这样就是稳赢了吗?” Command is saying, the vision looked to oneself two big Supervision Envoy. ‘令’说着,目光看向了自己麾下的两大监管使 Rheinster temperately as before. 莱茵斯特温和依旧。 Prison ruthless severe. ‘狱’狠厉非常。 In command under the look, two people walked. 在‘令’的眼神下,两人走了出来。 Very sorry.” “很抱歉。” I do not want to be an enemy with everyone.” “我不想要和大家为敌。” But I must do that.” “但我必须要这么做。” Rheinster full was the apology is saying, body inflation such. 莱茵斯特满是歉意的说着,身躯就这么的膨胀起来。 The blue scale appears on his skin, the bulge of pair of wings from the shoulder blade, temperate both eyes became the cruel and tyrannical vertical pupil immediately, the thick hind legs stepped on directly crack the ground. 蓝色的鳞片出现在他的皮肤上,双翼从肩胛骨上凸起,温和的双眼在第一时间变为了残忍、暴虐的竖瞳,粗大的后肢径直踩裂了地面。 Ka and ka ka! 咔、咔咔! In sound that the floor crushes, that form even more huge, the surrounding person sees that form panic-strickenly, when an opposite angle appears after the top of the head, palpitation retreat that these people cannot bear. 地板粉碎的声音中,那道身影越发的庞大,周围的人惊骇的看着那道身影,当一对角出现在头顶后,这些人忍不住的心悸后退。 Dragon!” “龙!” Great Dragon!” 巨龙!” Had 200 chi (0.33 m) size blue Great Dragon to appear in the Rheinster original position fully. 一头足有两百尺大小的蓝色巨龙出现在了莱茵斯特原本的位置上。 Roar! 吼! Holds up the head, dragon change/transform Rheinster gave out angry roaring. 一昂头,龙化的莱茵斯特就发出了怒吼。 Glitters the dragon breath of electric light to ferment in the mouth. 闪烁着电光的龙息在嘴中酝酿。 Opposite everyone saw the electric light in Great Dragon mouth. 对面的所有人都看到了巨龙嘴中的电光。 One is one, everyone is anxious. 有一个算一个的,所有人都紧张起来。 Great Dragon, is not always affable. 巨龙,从来都不是好惹的。 Especially a completely grown blue dragon! 特别是一头完全成年的蓝龙! Feels that dragon prestige! 感受一下那龙威吧! Perhaps can they turn into the trash under the dragon breath? 他们恐怕要在龙息下变成渣渣了吧? Many people such is thinking. 不少人这样的想着。 Then, unconscious is moving toward ‘Wisdom King’ Acala behind. 然后,不自觉的向着‘明王’不动身后移动着。 Ha!” “哈!” Such, making command laugh to make noise. 这样的一幕,让‘令’嗤笑出声。 Then 接着 Right in the face however the dragon breath that comes command will submerge. 劈头盖脸而来的龙息将‘令’淹没了。 Severe pain! 剧痛! Feeling paralysis! 麻痹感! Let command be shocked. 让‘令’愣住了。 Did Rheinster betray him? 莱茵斯特背叛他了? However, immediately, the ache informs him should better to dodge, but at this time, a chains fettered on his hands and feet, keeping him from moving. 不过,马上的,疼痛就告知着他最好闪避,可这个时候,一条锁链束缚在了他的手脚上,让他根本无法动弹。 ‚Did prison also betray? ‘狱’也背叛了? Command true dull gawked. ‘令’真正的呆愣了。 Why he is unable to imagine oneself left and right hands to betray. 他无法想象自己的左右手为什么会背叛。 The spiritual attack that on the black chains has, makes his thorough lost the resistance leeway, fell to the ground. 黑色锁链上带有的精神攻击,让他彻底的失去了反抗余地,就这么的倒地了。 After the moment, the dragon breath stops. 片刻后,龙息停下。 Cut and bruised command looked up to Rheinster and prison. 遍体鳞伤的‘令’抬起头看向了莱茵斯特和‘狱’。 Why is ?” “为、为什么?” Command asked. ‘令’问道。 Sorry.” “抱歉。” I do not want to become the convict.” “我不想要成为囚徒。” dragon change/transform Rheinster full is guilty lowering the head. 龙化的莱茵斯特满是愧疚的低下了头。 Hands over key that leaves ‚’!” “交出离开的‘钥匙’!” My one minute did not want to treat here!” “我一分钟也不想要待在这里了!” Prison on simple were many, had no consideration for face, radically no longer polite. ‘狱’就干脆的多了,撕破脸了,根本不再客气。 The dialogue is completed in a minute. 对话片刻间完成。 The sound is not high. 声音也不高。 However, the person who hears these words, actually eye of belts thinks. 但是,听到这些话的人,却一个个目带思索。 The person here is not rookie, is not the fool. 在这里的人不是菜鸟,更不是傻瓜。 Fully realized Giant City what's the matter they, is fiery in this moment innermost feelings! 深知巨大城市是怎么回事的他们,在这一刻内心火热! Key? 钥匙? Left key? 离开的钥匙? Can leave the Giant City key! 能够离开巨大城市的钥匙! Immediately, the vision of these people changed. 顿时,这些人的目光就变了。 Revolter ‚’ Guardian , looked at this time to command vision, becomes strange. 不论是‘反抗者’还是‘守护者’,这个时候看向‘令’的目光,都变得诡异起来。 Command felt strangely like this. ‘令’感受到了这样的诡异。 Even if he is seriously injured. 哪怕他身受重伤。 Is swaying the body, command stands, observes the situation the surroundings. 摇晃着身躯,‘令’站起来,环视周围。 Most people under such vision, lower the head, does not dare to look at each other with it, but also some are steadfast, Broker most special. 大部分人在这样的目光下,一个个垂下了头,不敢与之对视,但是也有一些是坚定不移的,其中‘掮客’最为特殊。 He is not only steadfast. 他不仅坚定不移。 Also...... 还…… Has the faint trace anticipation. 带着丝丝期待。 You are really bastard!” “你果然是个‘混蛋’!” For you, drew in the checkerboard everyone!” “为了你自己,将所有人都拉上了棋盘!” Command looks that Broker sinking sound said. ‘令’看着‘掮客’沉声说道。 Then, he looked to the surroundings. 然后,他看向了周围。 His loud shouting. 他大声的喊道。 Living isn't good?” “活着不好吗?” Even acts servilely......” “即使卑躬屈膝……” But, we are also at least living!” “但,至少我们还活着!” Such words, making people look at each other in blank dismay. 这样的话语,让人们面面相觑。 They do not understand why command said that but does not wait for people to ponder, Broker uses a higher sound to refute. 他们不明白‘令’为什么这么说,而不等人们思考,‘掮客’就用更高的声音反驳着。 Such lives is also calculating that is living?” “这样的活着还算活着吗?” At most is one group of good-for-nothings!” “至多就是一群行尸走肉罢了!” Guardian , should not call for accurately......” “‘守护者’不,应该准确的称呼为……” Gatekeeper Your Excellency.” “‘看门人’阁下。” You can open the door now.” “您现在可以开门了。” Saying, Broker also resembles mold type good a ritual. 说着,‘掮客’还似模似样的行了一礼。 Command looks at Broker. ‘令’看着‘掮客’。 Then, the vision looked to Giant City above Sun and Moon. 然后,目光去看向了巨大城市上空的日月 With inconceivable existed to break defense inconceivable ‚’!” “用不可思议的存在打破了不可思议的‘防御’!” Such change, the Sir meets Intuition.” “这样的变化,大人一定会感知到的。” Does not need me to open the door.” “不需要我开门。” Sir will come back.” “大人就会回来。” You have not discovered the eagle on my shoulder, already not in?” “难道你没有发现我肩膀上的鹰,早已经不在了吗?” Command the words made the people of many lagging behind discover his difference. ‘令’的话语才让不少后知后觉的人发现了他的不同。 But Broker is regretted sighed. 而‘掮客’则是惋惜的叹息了一声。 Such sigh, making command have the misunderstanding. 这样的叹息声,让‘令’有了误会。 What's wrong, regret?” “怎么,后悔了?” Command sneers to say. ‘令’冷笑道。 No!” “不!” Not and not!” “不、不不!” How will I regret?” “我怎么会后悔呢?” I let off one to treasure the food pitifully, the sincerity that otherwise, I apologize appears fully.” “我只是可惜放过了一个珍惜食材,不然的话,我道歉的诚意会显得更足一点。” Broker beckons with the hand again and again, grinning saying. 掮客’连连摆手,笑嘻嘻的说道。 Food?” “食材?” Laughable.” “可笑。” At death's door is still playing with the cheap trick.” “死到临头还在玩弄小把戏。” Command is ridiculing. ‘令’讥讽着。 He thinks this is Broker, therefore arrange/cloth deceptive battle array. 他认为这是‘掮客’的故布疑阵。 Then, he knelt down on the ground. 接着,他跪倒在了地上。 He felt Sir that person...... 他感到了那位大人的…… Return! 归来! After the moment, everyone Intuition. 片刻后,所有人都感知到了。 Because, was too grating! 因为,太刺耳了! squeak squeak! 嘎吱吱! Such sound floods in entire Giant City! 这样的声音充斥在整个巨大城市中! Then, everyone saw the sky is rotating! 然后,所有人都看到了天空在转动! Then, everyone saw being far away of sky! 然后,所有人都看到了天空的远离! Just like a cover! 宛如一个盖子! When the cover covers, this is a stretch of the world. 当盖子盖上的时候,这是一片天地。 When the cover opened, this stretch of the world was opened. 当盖子揭开的时候,这片天地被打开了。 Was opened by its master. 被它的主人打开了。 This stretch of the world faces directly its master. 这片天地直面它的主人。 Naturally also includes the life of this stretch of the world. 自然也包括这片天地的生灵。 Almost is everyone heart trembles. 几乎是所有人心底一颤。 What did they see? 他们看到了什么? Eye! 眼睛! An eye! 一只眼睛! Eye that winks! 一只眨动的眼睛! As if peeps at from the bottle mouth inward, but eye that winks! 一只仿佛是从瓶口向内窥视,而眨动的眼睛!
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