DC :: Volume #28

#125: Broken!

Order. 一声令下。 Several hundred Player well up to move numerously. 数百玩家纷涌而动。 Broker sits there has not followed the team, but looked at dull to the vision in same place Bohr. 掮客’坐在那里并没有跟随队伍出发,而是将目光看向了呆愣在原地的波尔 Right.” “对了。” Forgot, gives back to you you most important thing.” “忘了,把你最重要的东西还给你。” Broker patted a forehead, pulled out a bulb from the bosom, threw directly to Bohr. 掮客’轻拍了一下脑门,就从怀中掏出了一个玻璃球,径直抛向了波尔 Bohr wants dodge. 波尔想要躲闪 But this time he, simply did not have the dodge ability. 但这个时候的他,根本没有躲闪的能力。 Such was pounded by the bulb. 就这么的被玻璃球砸中了。 The bulb had not been separated, but integration such to the body of Bohr. 玻璃球并没有被弹开,而是就这么的融入到了波尔的身体中。 Remembers! 记忆! Just like the tidal memory, is attacking Bohr violently! 宛如潮水般的记忆,猛烈冲击着波尔 Ahhh Ahhh!” 啊啊啊啊!” Brings the pitiful yell sound, Bohr to kneel down. 带着惨叫声,波尔跪倒在地了。 Atandin! 艾坦丁 He saw Atandin again! 他再次的看到了艾坦丁 He saw arrival Witch! 他看到了降临的‘魔女’! He saw destruction Atandin Castle! 他看到了毁灭的艾坦丁堡 He saw North Continent that the plague wreaks havoc! 他看到了瘟疫肆虐的北陆 Death! 死亡! Endless death! 无尽的死亡! No one can avoid! 没有谁能够避免! Including him! 包括他! Even, he is most pitiful that. 甚至,他是最凄惨的那个。 Because, he is little by Witch cutting. 因为,他是一点点的被‘魔女’切割了。 The body and soul are this. 身躯、灵魂都是这样。 His extracted strength, integrated Witch in body, becomes the strength of opposite party. 他被抽取的力量,融入到了‘魔女’的身躯中,成为了对方的力量。 I...... 我…… Has died? 已经死了吗? Bohr is talking to oneself in a low voice. 波尔低声自语着。 Some he always felt that not right place, was clear in this time thorough explanation. 一些他总感觉不对劲的地方,在这个时候彻底的解释清楚了。 Originally he has died. 原来他早已经死了。 Present he, but resurrected he. 现在的他,只是被复活后的他。 No! 不! Has is not knowing genuine and fake memory him merely. 仅仅是拥有着一份‘不知真假记忆’的他。 Bohr is silent. 波尔沉默不语。 However, quick, he thought of anything. 不过,很快的,他就想到了什么。 2567! 2567! 2567 also there! 2567还在那里! Witch will also appear there! 魔女’也会出现在那里! 2567 have the danger! 2567有危险! Thinks of here, Bohr stood diligently, he retrocedes step by step. 想到这里,波尔努力的站了起来,他一步步的后退。 The strength of fetter vanished, may face Broker, he does not dare to have a wee bit general ideas. 束缚的力量消失了,可面对着‘掮客’,他不敢有一丁点儿的大意。 Solely is not the strength of opposite party, influence. 不单单是对方的实力,还有势力。 Perhaps no one has thought the opposite party can be unexpectedly Revolter leader? 恐怕谁也没有想到对方竟然会是‘反抗者’的头领吧? Moreover, the opposite party must attack vault Zytglogge! 而且,对方要攻击‘穹顶时钟塔’! Attacks this after Witch vanishes, Unique/only and Witch related place. 攻打这个在‘魔女’消失后,唯一和‘魔女’有关的地方。 Is and Atandin 2567 related? 是和艾坦丁的2567有关吗? How to resurrect as for Broker oneself, how also to use time, Bohr simply has not gone to think at this time. 至于‘掮客’如何复活自己,又如何利用‘时间’的,波尔在这个时候根本没有去想。 He only wants to leave here. 他只想离开这里。 In his opinion this is the countless sufferings and hardships. 原本在他看来这是千难万难的。 Even, he has given the Lawless message. 甚至,他已经给无法无天留言了。 However, until he falls back on the entrance, Broker has not stopped him, thinks so him with a smile, although the facial features were being prevented by the system, but Bohr is certain, Broker is smiling. 但是,直到他退到门口,‘掮客’都没有阻拦他,就这么笑吟吟的看着他虽然面容被系统阻挡着,但是波尔可以肯定,‘掮客’是在笑。 My goal has been achieved.” “我的目的已经达到了。” You completed your mission.” “你完成了你的使命。” Therefore, you free as giving your reward.” “所以,你自由了做为给你的奖励。” Broker is saying superficially. 掮客’轻描淡写的说着。 But tone like this has not made Bohr feel relaxed. 可这样的口吻并没有让波尔感到轻松。 Conversely, Bohr heart sinks. 相反的,波尔心底一沉。 Broker is a qualified merchant. 掮客’是一个合格的商人。 This point is without a doubt, was acknowledged by Giant City in everyone. 这一点是毋庸置疑的,是被巨大城市内的所有人都承认的。 Therefore, Broker is impossible the business that makes to lose money. 因此,‘掮客’不可能做亏本的买卖。 Can resurrecting a price of person...... 能够‘复活’一个人的代价…… 2567 how?” “2567怎么样了?” Bohr asked directly. 波尔径直问道。 He?” “他啊?” Not.” “没怎么样。” I never have evil intent to him.” “我对他从来都没有恶意。” Broker smiles to be lost in thought that then, is beckoning with the hand to Bohr directly , to continue saying: But, something associations have the accident/surprise, if you do not find the way to help him, perhaps he will really have problems, naturally, was not the life issue, but was...... loses!” 掮客’笑出了神,然后,直接对着波尔摆了摆手,继续说道:“不过,一些事情总会出现意外,如果你们再不想想办法帮他的话,他恐怕真的会出问题,当然了,不是生命问题,而是……迷失!” Loses?” “迷失?” Right, loses!” “对啊,迷失!” He will lose in Atandin that world, did not come back again.” “他会迷失在艾坦丁那个世界,再也回不来了。” „To help him, you a bit faster.” “想帮他,你就快点。” Saying, Broker was walking in big strides. 说着,‘掮客’大踏步的走了出去。 that person Registrar follows. 那位登记者’紧随其后。 Is gazing at Broker back, Bohr is sending the information to Lawless, while fast runs toward Harvest Inn. 注视着‘掮客’的背影,波尔一边给无法无天发着信息,一边快速的向着‘丰收酒馆’跑去。 He felt that in has incessantly a trap. 他感觉里面有着不止一个陷阱。 But he thinks that this matter Lawless must know. 但他认为这件事无法无天必须要知道。 Not concerns other. 无关乎其它。 Because only, Lawless and 2567 are the friends. 只因为,无法无天和2567是朋友。 But he and Lawless are friends. 而他和无法无天又是朋友。 ...... …… Drinks quietly, Rachel is a ball, I look at her likely dog, finishes attending the restroom not to wash the hands......” “悄悄去喝酒,瑞秋算个球,我看她像条狗,上完厕所还不洗手……” Takes Lawless of mop to sing in a low voice song that only then know. 拿着拖布的无法无天低声唱着只有自己知道的曲子。 If the floor of under foot is not the material quality issue, Lawless can guarantee, certainly can treat as the mirror to use. 脚下的地板如果不是材质问题的话,无法无天可以保证,一定能够当做镜子用了。 But Rachel makes him drag again three. 可是瑞秋让他再拖三遍。 Drags three three. 拖三遍就三遍吧。 He was also used. 他也习惯了。 Does not have any. 没有什么。 But why was the liquor of his conceals discovered secretly? 可是为什么他偷偷藏的酒又被发现了? He confirmed he hides time, Rachel at all not in tavern, surroundings also no one. 他确认他藏的时候,瑞秋根本不在酒馆,周围也没有一个人。 Moreover, Rachel does not know that has anything to hide the truth from him, recently always not in tavern. 而且,瑞秋不知道有什么事情瞒着他,最近总是不在酒馆。 Blacksmith and Alchemist Refiner Lemer was also very long has not appeared. 还有‘工匠’和‘炼金士勒梅也很久没有出现了。 Hans and Cole that before daily presented were also mystical. 之前天天出现的汉斯柯尔也是神神秘秘的。 Ramont refused him to explore the proposition of Giant City edge together. 拉蒙特更是拒绝了他一起去探索巨大城市边缘的提议。 Deldel comes to see him and he actually frequently chats. 倒是德尔德尔经常来看他和他聊天。 Really a good fellow! 真是一个不错的家伙! Does not drink! 就是不喝酒! Compares, Bohr is much better! 相比较起来,波尔就要好得多! Lawless is thinking the good friend who just departed, cannot help but smiled, but at this time, in his information column, was the beginning of message bom twinkle of Bohr. 无法无天想着刚刚离去的好友,不由自主的笑了起来,而这个时候,他的信息栏中,属于波尔的消息开始闪烁。 Without thinks, Lawless selected. 没有多想,无法无天就点开了。 After seeing the news the content, the happy expression on Lawless face disappears instantaneously does not see. 当看到消息的内容后,无法无天脸上的笑意瞬间消失不见。 Cold appears like the blade edge aura on this tall robust man. 一股冷冽如刀锋般的气息出现在这个高壮的汉子身上。 Broker!!!” “‘掮客’!!!” He shouted in a low voice. 他低声喝道。 Then, the Bohr second news came. 接着,波尔的第二条消息来了。 The news writing are many. 消息文字很多。 Summarizing is a few words: 2567 were stranded in Dungeon World! 总结起来就是一句话:2567被困在了副本世界 No thinks, Lawless starts to relate Rachel. 没有任何的多想,无法无天开始联系瑞秋 Lawless: 2567 were stranded in Dungeon World, is ghost who Broker that bastard does, but also involves with Witch. 无法无天:2567被困在了副本世界中,是‘掮客’那混蛋搞的鬼,还和‘魔女’有牵扯。 Rachel: When I go back. 瑞秋:等我回去。 ...... …… After brief dialogue, Lawless sits there patience waits. 简短的对话后,无法无天坐在那里耐心等待起来。 The smog of cigar floods in the tavern rapidly. 雪茄的烟雾迅速充斥在酒馆内。 ! 呼! Scoff! 嗤! In the loud breathing, the plate lies fierce tiger phantom that together closes one's eyes becomes partly visible. 粗重的呼吸声中,一道盘卧闭眼的猛虎虚影变得若隐若现。 ...... …… Lawless that fool obtained the news from another idiot that.” 无法无天那傻瓜从另外一个白痴那得到了消息。” Rachel Wu was saying to good friend. 瑞秋对着好友‘吴’说道。 What to do do you plan?” “你打算怎么办?” Wu has not raised the head, offers sacrifices each article Magic Item, while asked. ‘吴’没有抬头,一边将一件件魔法道具献祭,一边问道。 „Do you have confidence?” “你有把握吗?” Rachel does not have the reply asked. 瑞秋没有回答的反问道。 2567 do not have the issue.” “2567没有问题的。” He will not disappoint me.” “他不会让我失望。” I will not disappoint him.” “我也不会让他失望。” Said that Wu kneeling such sits on the blanket, started wishing. 说完‘吴’就这么的跪坐在毯子上,开始了‘祈愿’。 She in wishing return of Kieran. 她在‘祈愿’秦然的归来。 Takes all conditions that she can withstand for price. 以她能够承受的所有条件为代价。 Rachel looks at the good friend, wants to prevent, but actually even a few words say, she can only withdraw from here silently, then, informs her partner to go to Harvest Inn set. 瑞秋看着好友,想要阻止,但是却连一句话都说不出口,她只能是默默的退出了这里,然后,告知着她的伙伴去‘丰收酒馆’集合。 After completing all these, Rachel hesitant, she issued to seal/confer Xinxi...... 做完这一切后,瑞秋犹豫了一下,她将一封信息发给了…… Mimosa. 含羞草 ...... …… Golden sugar is a little few.” “黄金糖有点少。” Needs to replace the eye of feather dragon with the eye of hydra?” “需要用九头蛇的眼睛代替羽龙的眼睛吗?” „The heart of plutonium dragon.” “钚龙的心脏。” „The flesh essence of Devil big feudal lord.” 恶魔大领主的血肉精华。” ‚The lord of primary breath.” “‘原初之主’的呼吸。” Mimosa raw material put in Grand Battle Pot. 含羞草将一份份的‘原材料’放入到了大战锅中。 Duyer Cookbook Test Food Record Regarding the inspiration of Mimosa very big. 都伊尔的菜谱】【关食录】对于含羞草的启发十分的大。 Letting Mimosa can complete with a more appropriate food to the pledge of Kieran. 含羞草能够用更恰当的食材完成对秦然的誓言。 Will not become 2567 implications. 不会成为2567的拖累。 Must become 2567 boosts. 要成为2567的助力。 Now immediately is better. 现在马上就要好了。 Wipes unable to say what color brilliance to start in Grand Battle Pot Emits. 一抹说不出什么颜色的光辉开始在【大战锅】中冒出。 Looks...... steamed stuffed bun that gradually presents, Mimosa smiled to narrow the eye. 看着逐渐呈现的……包子,含羞草笑得眯起了眼。 Had it, 2567 strengths can go a step further.” “有了它,2567的实力就能够更进一步了。” Joyful Mimosa starts to get ready to make table of sumptuous delicacies to greet the return of Kieran. 喜悦的含羞草开始准备做一桌丰盛的佳肴来迎接秦然的归来。 This is the custom. 这是习惯。 Although forms this habit the time is not very long. 虽然养成这个习惯的时间不是很久。 May make Mimosa earnest sufficiently. 可足以让含羞草认认真真。 Does not fold the word, but real duplicate. 不是叠词,而是真的双份。 Treats food, Mimosa is earnest. 对待食物,含羞草是认真的。 Treats Kieran, Mimosa is also earnest. 对待秦然,含羞草也是认真的。 dīng! 叮! The news of information column broke Mimosa, looks that sends in the information that by Rachel, the Mimosa complexion changes, the blanch, figure staggered slightly several steps. 信息栏的消息打断了含羞草,看着由瑞秋发来的信息,含羞草脸色一变,微微发白,身形更是踉跄了数步。 Enough several seconds, Mimosa has met the god. 足足数秒钟,含羞草才会过了神。 , Mimosa ran quickly to the living room. 快步的,含羞草跑向了客厅。 In there, is putting seemingly ordinary backpack. 在那里,放着一个看似普通的背包 Takes up backpack, Mimosa starts to pull out scroll from inside outward. 拿起背包,含羞草就开始从里面往外掏着卷轴 Praying Technique( small)】 x12 祈愿术(小)】x12 Praying Technique (Middle Part) x12 祈愿术(中)】x12 Praying Technique( big)】 x12 祈愿术(大)】x12 Praying Technique( ultra-large)】 x12 祈愿术(超大)】x12 Thick one pile Praying Technique, Includes various ranks. 厚厚的一摞【祈愿术】,囊括着各种等级。 This is Mimosa prepares for oneself. 这是含羞草为自己准备的。 Because, Mimosa knows oneself will often encounter the problem. 因为,含羞草知道自己经常会遇到麻烦。 Therefore, Mimosa prepared these. 所以,含羞草准备了这些。 Naturally, solely is not these. 当然了,不单单是这些。 Lucky spirit potion x3! 【福灵药剂】x3! potion that three bottles are blooming the golden light appears at present, Mimosa had no hesitation, took up one bottle to toss down. 三瓶绽放着金光的药剂出现在了眼前,含羞草没有任何的犹豫,拿起一瓶一饮而尽。 However, Mimosa has not used that pile Praying Technique, But put out a hand to touch again to that backpack. 但是,含羞草并没有使用那一摞【祈愿术】,而是再次伸手摸向了那个背包 One volume of parchment were traced. 一卷羊皮纸被摸了出来。 Very worn-out. 很破旧。 No different from these positively abandoned scroll. 与那些积极被废弃的卷轴没有什么不同。 The words that distinguishes carefully, feel a brilliance of moon from above sufficiently. 只是细细分辨的话,足以从上面感受到一种月亮的光辉。 Very slight. 很细微。 Not the earnest words, are unable to distinguish. 不认真的话,根本无法分辨。 This scroll name is: Dean's blessing! 这个卷轴名字叫做:【迪恩的祝福】! This was Mimosa found in some vestige. 这是含羞草在某个遗迹中找到的。 But this naturally is not final trump card. 而这自然不是最后的底牌 Mimosa drank one bottle again Lucky spirit potion. 含羞草再次喝下了一瓶【福灵药剂】。 Then, Mimosa reached backpack the hand again. 接着,含羞草再次把手伸向了背包 Another sheepskin volume was traced. 又一张羊皮卷被摸了出来。 Golden just like the brilliance of Sun! 金色的宛如太阳的光辉! Brings intermittently the Dragon Roar sound! 带着阵阵浅浅的龙吟声! Illusory hour glass phantom flashes to pass on scroll. 虚幻的沙漏虚影卷轴上一闪而逝。 【The blessing of leaf! 【叶的祝福】! After seeing this scroll, Mimosa obviously relaxes. 看到这张卷轴后,含羞草明显松了口气。 Then, Mimosa drank the last bottle Lucky spirit potion. 然后,含羞草喝下了最后一瓶【福灵药剂】。 Quick-moving, 36 Praying Technique After scroll rips open, then yes Dean's blessing, Finally is 【The blessing of leaf. 动作迅速的,将36张【祈愿术卷轴纷纷撕开后,接着是【迪恩的祝福】,最后才是【叶的祝福】。 Blessing reverberation of singing in a low voice in room. 低吟浅唱的祝福声回荡在房间中。 Moonlight. 月光。 Sunlight. 阳光。 Also appears. 同时出现。 Sun and Moon same splendor! 日月同辉! Closes one's eyes pray Mimosa not to discover these completely. 闭着眼祈祷的含羞草完全没有发现这些。 However, others saw. 但是,其他人看到了。 Should be able to stop all rooms, is unable to stop such moonlight and sunlight. 本该能够阻拦一切的房间,根本无法阻拦这样的月光与阳光。 Takes this room as the point, sky over the giant city, presented a crescent moon and a Sun. 以这个房间为点,巨大的城市上空,出现了一轮弯月与一轮太阳。 Crescent moon, bright bright. 弯月,皎洁明亮。 Sun, golden splendor is scalding hot. 太阳,金辉灼热。 Both junction echoes, marvelous resonating started to appear. 两者交相呼应,一种奇妙的共振开始出现了。 ...... …… Knew Rheinster person by the opposite party infects temperately. 认识莱茵斯特的人都会被对方的温和所感染。 That at a moderate pace, the speech courteous stance, making Rheinster very easy to win others 's trust. 那种不紧不慢,说话有礼的姿态,让莱茵斯特很容易获得他人的信任。 But prison different. 而‘狱’则不同。 The ice-cold and ruthless spicy opposite party, most makes one dread in Guardian . 冰冷、狠辣的对方,在‘守护者’中是最让人畏惧的。 However, most people actually look at eight Inspection Envoy. 但是,大部分的人却看着八个巡察使 Compares in these two hidden status Supervision Envoy, eight Inspection Envoy that gets together in make Guardian members focus attention on. 相较于这两位隐藏身份的监管使,齐聚的八位巡察使更让‘守护者’成员们瞩目。 Inspection Envoy of sword Li. ‘剑之巡察使’李。 Inspection Envoy of shield Hack. ‘盾之巡察使哈克 Inspection Envoy of spear/gun Adler. ‘枪之巡察使艾德勒 Inspection Envoy of bow Rhodes. ‘弓之巡察使罗德 Inspection Envoy of flame Cul. ‘焰之巡察使库尔 Inspection Envoy of ice Rosol. ‘冰之巡察使罗索尔 Inspection Envoy of wind Zeke. ‘风之巡察使吉克 Inspection Envoy of place glove. ‘地之巡察使’手套。 People look at each other in blank dismay, does not know what happened. 人们面面相觑,不知道发生了什么 But they were clear, eight Inspection Envoy get together, the significance of representative is anything. 但他们清楚,八位巡察使齐聚,代表的意义是什么。 Therefore is solemn and respectful and vertical, calmly is waiting. 因此一个个肃穆而立,静静等待着。 About after several seconds, sound of footsteps transmits from the staircase. 大约数秒后,一阵脚步声从楼梯一侧传来。 Cannot see clearly the facial features, on the shoulder stands a person of eagle to walk. 一个看不清面容,肩膀上站着一只鹰的人走来。 When sees that eagle, everyone's breath stagnates. 在看到那只鹰的时候,所有人的呼吸都是一滞。 They were too familiar with this eagle. 对于这只鹰他们太熟悉了。 Even can say, without the selection of this eagle, they are impossible to become Guardian . 甚至可以说,如果没有这只鹰的选拔,他们根本不可能成为‘守护者’的一员。 But can make this eagle stand the person on shoulder...... 而能够让这只鹰站在肩膀上的人…… Leader?! 首领吗?! Guardian member starts to guess. 一个个的‘守护者’成员开始猜测着。 „.” “诸位。” Very sorry, under such premise, met with you.” “很抱歉,在这样的前提下,和你们见面了。” We should a more grave situation meet again.” “原本我们应该再更加庄重的场合相见。” Pitifully, because of some accidents/surprises, we have to be ahead of time the time.” “可惜,因为一些意外,我们不得不把时间提前了。” You can call me for command!” “你们可以称呼我为‘令’!” Please do not call me for leader!” “请不要称呼我为‘首领’!” Because this given name, only then Sir that person is eligible.” “因为这个名号只有那位大人有资格获得。” However we are Guardian of Sir that person.” “而我们都是那位大人的守护者。” Not only Guardian Sir that person buried treasure, and is waiting for the return of Sir that person, but currently also has the intention illegal person stared at Sir that person buried treasure!” “既守护者那位大人的‘宝藏’,又在等待那位大人的归来,可现在又有心怀不轨的人盯上了那位大人的‘宝藏’!” Saying that command comes straight to the point. ‘令’开门见山的说道。 Sir that person, it is no doubt that knows that is Witch. 那位大人,不用说,都知道是魔女 However, command is maintaining the polite name. 但是,‘令’保持着尊称。 Similarly, on the scene Guardian member is also maintaining the corresponding respect. 同样的,在场的‘守护者’成员也保持着相应的尊敬。 To them, Witch is completely a worshipped idol. 对于他们来说,‘魔女’完全就是一位被崇拜的偶像。 Does not need anything to stir up. 不需要什么煽动。 Keeps here people, directly on fighting intent abundant. 留在这里的人们,直接就战意盎然了。 Kills!” “杀!” Guardian member shouted loudly with one voice. 守护者’成员齐声高喊。 Bang! 轰! In tall Hansheng, the explosion took place in out of the door. 高喊声中,爆炸发生在门外。 The front door that should firm not be possible to be destroyed, was blown up directly. 本该坚固不可被破坏的大门,径直被炸毁了。 Broker brought Revolter member to walk grinningly. 掮客’带着‘反抗者’成员笑嘻嘻的走了进来。 Command looks that Broker in eye has the hatred, but, was attracted by the Giant City above Sun and Moon marvelous sight immediately. ‘令’看着‘掮客’眼中带着恨意,不过,随即就被巨大城市上空的日月奇景所吸引。 Sun and Moon same splendor?!” 日月同辉?!” How is this possible?” “这怎么可能?” How can you achieve this thing?” “你怎么能做到这件事?” He incredible shouting. 他不可置信的喊道。
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