DC :: Volume #28

#124: Open!

Kieran looking straight ahead Lady of Calamity, Devil Flame in hand flaming is burning, roaring one after another, reverberates in this mysterious space, all around the scalding hot high temperature twists again. 秦然直视‘灾厄女士’,手中的恶魔之炎熊熊燃烧着,一声又一声的咆哮,回荡在这个神秘的空间中,灼热的高温再一次扭曲四周。 Lady of Calamity is fearing such high temperature. 灾厄女士’惧怕着这样的高温。 Without the wisdom. 没有智慧。 But instinct actually. 但本能却在。 The instinct is telling, how should do. 本能告诉着,应该怎么做。 After hesitant one next, Lady of Calamity chose sitting down. 犹豫了一下后,‘灾厄女士’选择了坐下。 Very good.” “很好。” Kieran nods. 秦然点了点头。 Then, he looks the choice obeys Lady of Calamity pulled out a contract. 然后,他看着选择服从的‘灾厄女士’掏出了一张契约。 Sees the contract, Lady of Calamity anxious is swaying from side to side the body, the mouth sent out shouting. 看到契约,‘灾厄女士’不安的扭动着身躯,嘴里发出了一声声的嘶吼。 Peaceful!” “安静!” Kieran drinks one lowly, Devil Flame in hand flees slightly, the large flame passed over gently and swiftly Lady of Calamity top of the head. 秦然低喝一声,手中的恶魔之炎则是略微窜起,火舌掠过了‘灾厄女士’的头顶。 Immediately, Lady of Calamity peaceful. 顿时,‘灾厄女士’安静了下来。 „Do you want to go on living?.” “你想要活下去?。” „...... Choice death?” “还是……选择死亡?” Kieran light asking. 秦然淡淡的问道。 Immediately, was just peaceful Lady of Calamity another moves restlessly. 立刻,刚刚安静下来的‘灾厄女士’又一次的躁动起来。 The death was fair. 死亡最是公平。 No one is able to disregard. 谁也无法无视。 Everyone is inescapable. 谁也无法逃脱。 Similarly, no one is able to regard it confidently. 同样的,谁也无法坦然视之。 Kieran is this. 秦然是这样。 Lady of Calamity is also this. 灾厄女士’也是这样。 In fact, if can choose, Kieran is willing to use the direct point method: Kills Lady of Calamity directly. 事实上,如果可以选择的话,秦然更愿意用直接一点的方法:直接干掉‘灾厄女士’。 But he thought of Broker Witch. 可是他想到了‘掮客’‘魔女’。 The former is always deceitful, Kieran does not believe that because caught the opposite party intention, such smooth, but present smooth, has trap that’ he does not know inevitably. 前者一向狡诈,秦然不会相信因为自己抓到了对方的‘意图’,就会这么的顺风顺水,而眼前的顺利,其中必然有着他所不知道的‘陷阱’。 Regarding Broker, many several Heart Eye, Kieran does not think again many. 对于‘掮客’,再多几个心眼,秦然也不认为多。 But Witch? 而‘魔女’? Was racked the brain existence that by Broker plans, can be Jane/simple Single Player thing? 一个被‘掮客’挖空心思算计的存在,会是简单人物吗? The answer is the affirmation. 答案是肯定的。 Otherwise, under the time arrange/cloth that Broker does not need to go through the complications greatly choice that Witch has not grown truly layouts. 不然的话,‘掮客’也不用这么大费周折的选择‘魔女’还未真正成长起来的时候布下一个又一个的布局了。 Therefore, Kieran guessed at present this Lady of Calamity the body has what subsequent hand inevitably. 因此,秦然猜测在眼前这个‘灾厄女士’的身上必然有着什么后手。 In order dead the subsequent hand who triggers! 以死亡触发的后手! Naturally, but may also be the contract! 当然,还有可能是契约! In order to provide against contingencies...... 为了以防万一…… The candidate of contract cannot be he. 契约的人选也不能是他。 As for electing whom? 至于选谁? What also had is compares one not to fear the death easily-to-use Follower? 还有什么是比一个不惧怕死亡的随从更好用的吗? Naturally is not only does not fear death, and can be obedient. 自然是既不怕死,又能百依百顺。 Therefore, what in the contract a main side writes is the Superior Evil Spirit name. 所以,契约上主的一方写的是上位邪灵的名字。 But final result? 而最终的结果? Has not come as a surprise to Kieran. 并没有出乎秦然的预料。 After Devil Flame roared again, Lady of Calamity regarding the fresh instinct, let choose submitting. 恶魔之炎再次咆哮后,‘灾厄女士’对于生的本能,让选择了屈服。 The name wrote down. 名字写下了。 In the contract flashes through brilliance, changes into a ray, vanishes does not see. 契约上光辉闪过,化为点点光芒,消失不见。 Then 然后 Bang! 砰! Superior Evil Spirit direct blasting open of cat. 猫化的上位邪灵直接炸裂。 Changes into that blasting open of fragment powder. 化为齑粉的那种炸裂。 It seems like the elder brother succeeded.” “看来兄长成功了。” Sloth like this is saying, opened the present front door. 懒惰’这样说着,就推开了眼前的大门。 Waited for a long time Gluttony looks Sloth cannot bear raised the hand referred to behind buried treasure. 等待了许久的‘暴食’看着走进来的‘懒惰’忍不住抬手指了指身后的‘宝藏’。 Buried treasure? 宝藏? No mistake. 没有错。 Is the buried treasure. 就是宝藏。 Here is the Atandin royal palace, the thing after gate, is Atandin royal family many years of saving. 这里是艾坦丁王宫,门后的东西,就是艾坦丁王室多年的积攒。 Gluttony responsible is eats these buried treasure transformation is the energy that Kieran probably needs. 暴食’负责的就是吃掉这些‘宝藏’转化为秦然可能需要的能量。 Now? 现在? Is Kieran needs this energy the time. 就是秦然需要这份能量的时候了。 Goes.” “去吧。” Lifts the hand to touch younger brother's head, Sloth like this said. 抬手摸了摸自己弟弟的脑袋,‘懒惰’这样说道。 Gluttony cheers charged into these buried treasures. 暴食’欢呼的冲向了那些宝藏。 But Sloth immediately starts to draw secret array in the ground. 而‘懒惰’则是马上开始在地面上画起来一个秘法阵 Not with what ink or other pigments. 不是用什么墨水或者其它的颜料。 But yes...... 而是…… Own blood! 自身的‘鲜血’! secret array very complex, and is fine. 法阵十分的复杂,且精细。 Also has Dawn, has Disaster, but also has the Devil aura. 既有着晨曦,也有着灾厄,还有着恶魔的气息。 But what are more is the contract and order. 但更多的是契约与秩序。 Finally, is Kieran Divinity Representative Clever trick Response and blessing and Fraud Contract writing. 最后,则是秦然神性】中代表【诡计】的‘回应’、‘祝福’和‘欺诈契约’的文字。 After Gluttony the digestion starts, these are representing Divinity The writing first shone, then, little entire secret array started to shine. 当‘暴食’的消化开始后,这些代表着【神性】的文字最先亮了起来,然后,一点点的整个秘法阵就开始亮了起来。 The abundant energy starts vigorously with the aid of that like the world contract strength, pours into to even/including shape is unable to maintain, almost wants the nihility in the Superior Evil Spirit body. 充沛的能量开始‘借助’那浑厚的如同世界般的契约力量,灌注到连‘形态’都无法保持,几乎要虚无的上位邪灵身躯内。 In a flash! 一瞬间! Superior Evil Spirit that nihility and almost vanish appeared again. 虚无化、几近消失的上位邪灵就再次的出现了。 It is the cat condition. 它还是猫化的状态。 I also think that I am really dying.” “我还以为我真的要死了。” Superior Evil Spirit of cat is saying like this. 猫化的上位邪灵这样的说着。 After the words sound falls 而在话语声落下后 Bang! 砰! Superior Evil Spirit of cat blasted open again. 猫化的上位邪灵再次炸裂了。 By the condition of fragment powder. 还是以齑粉的状态。 However, immediately appeared again. 不过,马上的就再次出现了。 Then...... 接着…… Bang! 砰! Blasting open again. 再次的炸裂。 After 60 times, such explosion vanished. 一连六十次后,这样的爆炸消失了。 Was not the strength of explosion vanished, but was Superior Evil Spirit starts to adapt to such explosion strength, will not make him become the fragment powder in a flash, but was the body vanishes somewhere, was again long. 并不是爆炸的力量消失了,而是上位邪灵开始适应了这样的爆炸力量,并不会让他一瞬间就变为齑粉,而是身躯某处消失,接着再次长出来。 After crossing 60 times again, such disappearance did not have. 再过了六十次后,这样的消失也没有了。 Squatting that Superior Evil Spirit of cat clenches jaws there. 猫化的上位邪灵咬牙切齿的蹲在那里。 Damn Broker.” “该死的‘掮客’。” Damn Witch.” “该死的‘魔女’。” To me the opportunity, otherwise my hundred times of thousand times gives back to you.” “不要给我机会,不然我百倍千倍的还给你们。” Superior Evil Spirit is talking over while full is the complaint looks at Sloth. 上位邪灵一边念叨着一边满是埋怨的看着‘懒惰’。 Your this swindler!” “你这个骗子!” You just said that must let the matter that I handle to excel at!” “你刚刚才说要让我做擅长的事情!” Superior Evil Spirit is screaming. 上位邪灵大声嚷嚷着。 „Isn't this you excels?” “难道这不是你擅长的?” Sloth partly depends on the corridor, languid is asking back. 懒惰’就这么半靠在走廊上,懒洋洋的反问着。 Superior Evil Spirit stares. 上位邪灵一愣。 Yes. 是啊。 Keeps off the blade and being a scapegoat for boss, is it excels. 替boss挡刀、背锅,也是它擅长的啊。 Why do you refer to the surrounding person?” “那你为什么指周围的人?” Superior Evil Spirit asked. 上位邪灵问道。 I need to divert your attention, because, I did not determine Broker Witch the subsequent hand, can detect ahead of time ‚’ this point fortunately, they do not have.” “我需要分散你的注意力,因为,我不确定‘掮客’‘魔女’的后手,会不会提前‘发觉’这一点值得庆幸的是,他们没有。” Sloth was saying looked to Superior Evil Spirit , he said with a smile: Moreover, you had not discovered that you did become more vigorous and healthier, formidable?” 懒惰’说着看向了上位邪灵,他笑着说道:“而且,你没有发现你变得更加健壮、强大了吗?” Naturally!” “当然!” But I hope with a softer way!” “可我希望用更加温和的方式!” Rather than this type blasted open approaches the dozens times!” “而不是这种炸裂了几十次的做法!” Nods facing fact Superior Evil Spirit , but the fact, it still is still even uncomfortable. 面对事实上位邪灵点了点头,可就算是事实,它也依旧难受啊。 Because, that is really hurts! 因为,那是真的疼啊! The whole body was exploded the fragment powder! 全身被炸成齑粉! Then, some silent disappearance of body! 然后,身体的某一处无声无息的消失! Arrived it also thinks that now within the body has the innumerable needles to grip to be the same! 到了现在它还觉得体内有无数根针扎一样! „The world of adult, not easy.” “成年人的世界,没有容易。” But......” “但……” Pays must harvest.” “付出就一定要收获。” Then, requests issue of something your reward this is the elder brother makes me convey.” “接下来,请领好你的奖励这是兄长让我转达的。” Sloth such saying. 懒惰’这样的说道。 What do you mean?” “什么意思?” Superior Evil Spirit stares. 上位邪灵一愣。 heart inexplicable merit not good premonition. 心底莫名的优点不好的预感。 You not because in the hidden treasure storehouse in Atandin royal palace, only then such a wee bit things?” “你不会因为艾坦丁王宫的藏宝库内只有这么一丁点东西吧?” Must know that this is to save starting from Atandin first, to sixth, enough more than 200 years, entire North Continent essence!” “要知道这可是从艾坦丁一世开始就积攒,一直到了六世,足足两百多年,整个北陆的精华!” Close your eyes.” “闭上眼。” Enjoys!” “享受吧!” Bang! 砰! Sloth the words just fell, Superior Evil Spirit blasted open again. 懒惰’的话语刚刚落下,上位邪灵就再次炸裂了。 Changes into the fragment powder actually not in a flash. 倒不是一瞬间化为齑粉。 But after swells the explosion. 而是胀大后的爆炸。 Then, not the dead characteristics play the role again. 接着,不死特性再次发挥作用。 Superior Evil Spirit appears again. 上位邪灵再次出现。 Then , to continue to swell the explosion. 然后,继续胀大爆炸。 Digestion. 消化。 Is a very marvelous thing. 是一个很奇妙的东西。 A good digesting system, is sufficiently enviable. 一个良好的消化系统,足以让人羡慕。 It is not everyone like Gluttony. 不是所有人都像‘暴食’一样的。 Even to a certain extent, Superior Evil Spirit of death is still hardly same. 即使是在某种程度上来说,几乎不死的上位邪灵也一样。 It, in its person......, did not live to feel to eat to the full and eat the brace and brace evilly for the first time to crack wait/etc. a series of feeling. 它,在它的人……不,邪生中第一次感受到了吃饱、吃撑、撑裂了等等一系列感受。 Then...... 然后…… Circulation repeatedly over a hundred times. 循环反复了上百次。 After all subside, Superior Evil Spirit instinct is maintaining the cat appearance, is holding the head, is curling up the body, shrank in the corner. 等到一切平息后,上位邪灵本能的保持着猫化的模样,抱着头,蜷着身躯,缩在了角落中。 Seemingly small and weak no use pitiful. 看似弱小无助可怜。 The formidable aura is actually partly visible on its body. 实则强大的气息在它的身上若隐若现。 Name: Bloody Mary 【名称:血腥玛丽 Type: Superior Evil Spirit ( anomaly)】 【类型:上位邪灵(异态)】 Quality: 4 + 【品质:4+】 Attack Power: 4 + 攻击力:4+】 Defense Power: 4 + 防御力:4+】 Attribute: 1 st, iIllusion ; 2 nd, Incorporeal Body ; 3 rd, Palm Like A Knife ; 4 th, takes ; 5 th, Super Fast Regeneration ; 6 th, Evil Spirit Intuition ; 7 th, indomitable 【属性:一,幻术;二,虚体;三,手掌如刀;四,吸食;五,极速再生;六,邪灵直感;七,百折不挠】 Special Effect: 1, Shapeshift ; 2 nd, Mystical Knowledge( Expert) 3, Aristocrat Knowledge( Master) 4, assassin profession( Unparalleled)】 特效:一,形态改变;二,神秘知识(专家)三,贵族知识(精通)四,刺客生涯(无双)】 Demand: Submitting.】 【需求:臣服。】 Note: Because of an accident/surprise, but was born Higher Evil Spirit that( anomaly) after swallowing Pillar of Voodoo from Blood Queen Wang Guanzhong, it reached the ordinary Evil Spirit limit, but it was not ordinary Evil Spirit , it very intelligent has not chosen to fuse these at will seems like that formidable thing, chose merely powerfully to oneself, but your feeding, let it become stronger, it has exceeded the ordinary Evil Spirit limit, when you completed an important transformation after it, it by the brand-new formidable stance presented in the world front 【备注:因为一次意外,而从血色女王王冠中诞生的高等邪灵(异态)在吞噬了巫毒之柱后,它达到了普通邪灵的极限,但它并不是普通邪灵,它很聪明的没有随意选择融合那些看似强大的东西,仅仅选择了对自己最为有力的,而你的一次次的喂养,让它一次次的变强,它已经超出了普通邪灵的极限,当你替它完成了一次重要的转换后,它以全新的强大姿态出现在了世人的面前】 ...... …… iIllusion: Makes need Spirit Authentication is not lower than 3- time, Intuition will not be lower than 3 + iIllusion( Authentication through not to receive 2 + steps Spiritual Impact, two Authentication through will not have received 3 + steps Spiritual Impact), when goal for multiple, the spirit and Intuition Authentication will increase to reduce along with the population, but when will work as the goal population the mood will not be steady, Authentication also increases 幻术:制造一次需要精神判定不低于3-,感知不低于3+的幻术(一项判定未通过将受到2+阶的精神冲击,两项判定未通过将受到3+阶的精神冲击),当目标为复数时,精神、感知判定随人数增多而减少,而当目标人数的情绪不稳时,判定随之增加】 Incorporeal Body: Changes into the nihility, immunity all physical damage, face to face when to energy injury, only withstands 30% injuries, and Undercover rank + 5】 虚体:化为虚无,免疫所有物理伤害,当面对能量伤害时,仅承受其中30%的伤害,且潜行等级】 Palm Like A Knife: Both hands such as the blade of the same name is sharp, Authentication attack rank + 1( does not surpass fifth-order)】 手掌如刀:双手如同名刀般锋锐,判定攻击等级(不超过5阶)】 Takes: Body any spot can take the blood and some souls of life, the fast restoration injury and Stamina, drive out the negative condition, when uses the chewing condition, restores speed + 5】 【吸食:身体任何部位都可以吸食生灵的鲜血和部分灵魂,快速的恢复伤势、体力,驱除负面状态,当使用咀嚼状态时,恢复速度】 Super Fast Regeneration: Consumption extremely few Stamina, rapidly restore the vitality, and may consume few Stamina, lets cut off limb Rapid Regeneration( including but not limited to, head wait/etc.)】 极速再生:消耗极少的体力,快速恢复生命力,并且可消耗较少的体力,让断肢快速再生(包括但不限于头颅等等)】 Evil Spirit Intuition: Few Evil Spirit have this skill, but Bloody Mary is different, it not only can let Evil Spirit in the condition of short distance, clear Intuition to the thought of lifeform, but can also in the long-distance range, when the use medium( including but not limited to, mirror and other stamped pass thing) stimulates such condition( by the Intuition lifeform, including but not limited to, human, by the Intuition lifeform be at mood not steady condition, Evil Spirit can easier achieving this point) when face to face to iIllusion and Illusion Realm, Evil Spirit has the considerable high probability to look through 邪灵直感:极少数的邪灵拥有这项技能,而血腥玛丽不同,它不仅能够让邪灵在近距离的状态下,清晰感知到生物的思维,还能够在较远距离、且使用介质(包括但不限于镜子等印照物)时激发这样的状态(被感知生物,包括但不限于人类,当被感知生物处于情绪不稳的状态时,邪灵可以更容易的做到这一点)而当面对幻术幻境时,邪灵有相当高的几率看破】 Indomitable: Mary came across too many things, but its tenacity( was given by you) makes it is bolder with each setback, defends rank + 1( not to surpass fifth-order), any Spirit Authentication, obtains + 1 rank advantages 【百折不挠:玛丽遇到了太多的事情,但它的坚韧(被你赋予的)让它变得越挫越勇,防御等级(不超过5阶),任何精神判定,获得等级优势】 ...... …… Shapeshift: Changes any has seen the human, a kind of person and biological appearance( has the complete ability, and has the aura special characteristics of some distortion lifeform), the distortion lifeform volume cannot surpass ultra-large Rank( blue whale for this moment ultra-large limit) ; When becomes Blood Royal Crown( contractor wears, may choose the Bloody Mary four attribute abilities to take skill)】 形态改变:改变成任何见过的人类、类人和生物模样(拥有自身全部能力,且拥有部分变形生物的气息特质),变形生物体积不能超出超大型级别(蓝鲸为此刻超大型极限);或者变为血色王冠(契约者佩戴时,可选择血腥玛丽的四项属性能力做为技能)】 Mystical Knowledge( Expert): To many Mystic knowledge, becomes even more handy, Mary can learn more knowledge, but this and your giving.】 神秘知识(专家):对诸多神秘侧知识,变得越发得心应手,玛丽能够学习更多的知识,但这在与你的给与。】 Aristocrat Knowledge( Master): Knows well the knowledge that the aristocrats must master, Mary is not interested.】 贵族知识(精通):熟识贵族们必须要掌握的知识,玛丽对此不怎么感兴趣。】 Assassin profession( Unparalleled): When this is Mary or the Mary memory, it gained the enormous advantage, is interested extremely.】 【刺客生涯(无双):这是玛丽还是玛丽时的记忆,它从中获得了极大的好处,也极为感兴趣。】 ...... …… ( Remark 1: Slave Contract, does not need any expenditure) (标注1:奴隶契约,不需要任何花费) ( Remark 2: Strengthens the contract, even were separated from initial Fantos manuscript, it as before is your slave) (标注2:加强契约,即使脱离了最初的范妥思手稿,它依旧是你的奴隶) ( Remark 3: The firm contract, you spend the contract quantity of stunning being dumbfounded, making your relations impregnable) (标注3:坚固契约,你花费了让人瞠目结舌的契约数量,让你们的关系固若金汤) ( Remark 4: contract quantity that Transcendence number contract, you spend has reached the Transcendence degree, the strength of contract from invisible had become visible) (标注4:超凡数契约,你所花费的契约数量已经达到了超凡的程度,契约的力量已经从无形变为了有形) ...... …… Kieran through contract, clear Intuition to the change of Superior Evil Spirit . 秦然通过契约,清晰的感知到了上位邪灵的变化。 Good.” “不错。” Was easier-to-use.” “更好用了。” Kieran is appraising like this. 秦然这样评价着。 Then, he looked to Lady of Calamity. 然后,他看向了‘灾厄女士’。 Originally by Lady of Calamity that’ covers dark, became a black cat at this time, except both eyes scarlet outside, could not see that a point is unusual. 原本被黑暗笼罩的‘灾厄女士’,在这个时候变为了一只黑色的猫,除去双眼猩红外,根本看不出一点异常。 With cat almost. 就和猫儿差不多。 However, is not the ordinary cat. 不过,不是普通的猫。 But yes...... 而是…… Superior Evil Spirit after cat. 猫化后的上位邪灵 Has the obvious intelligence and faint trace unusual aura. 带着明显的灵性和一丝丝非同一般的气息。 Kieran does not know that was the contract had such influence, but after looking at cat Lady of Calamity is rubbing, once for a while also has rolled over, reveals to have the appearance of white fur/superficial knowledge belly own foot kept, he could not bear bend the waist to touch the cat head. 秦然不知道是不是契约造成了这样的影响,但是看着猫化后的‘灾厄女士’在自己脚边不停的蹭着,时不时的还翻过身,露出有着白色皮毛肚皮的模样,他忍不住弯下腰摸了摸猫儿的头。 Then, turns around to walk outward. 接着,转身向外走去。 On cat stallion with. 猫儿马上跟了上去。 And, jumped jumped onto the shoulder of Kieran. 并且,一蹦就跃上了秦然的肩头。 Kieran has not stopped. 秦然没有阻拦。 Both's form opens the door, vanishes does not see. 两者的身影推开门,消失不见。 ...... …… ‚Before Lady of Calamity temple . 灾厄女士’神殿前。 Bang! 砰! Dry corpse general Witch a fist pounds on the wall. 干尸一般的‘魔女’一拳砸在墙壁上。 She confirmed this is one, therefore arrange/cloth deceptive battle array trap. 她确认了这是一个故布疑阵的陷阱。 However, late. 但是,也晚了。 The opposite party have taken away and have the most important spoils of war. 对方已经拿走、拥有了最重要的战利品。 Her plan fail. 她的计划失败了。 However...... 不过…… It is not considered as that the final failure. 并不算是最后的失败。 She has turned around, looked at sky. 她转过身,看了一眼天空。 I remembered you.” “我记住你了。” Has such words, Witch the form disappears in a flash does not see. 带着这样的话语,‘魔女’的身影转瞬消失不见。 ...... …… „.” “诶呀呀。” Really is a cautious excessive fellow.” “真是一个谨慎过头的家伙。” If there is a sleep/felt Broker rubbed the forehead. 若有所觉的‘掮客’揉了揉眉心。 The plan only completed half. 计划只完成了一半。 But at this time, could have ignored so many. 但这个时候,已经顾不了那么多了。 This is the chance of a lifetime that he creates with great difficulty. 这是他好不容易创造出来的千载难逢的机会。 takes a deep breath, Broker look instantaneous is calm and firm, his sound biography to this secret foothold in all directions 深吸了口气,‘掮客’眼神瞬间冷静、坚定,他的声音传向了这个隐秘据点的四面八方 Attacks vault Zytglogge!” “攻打穹顶时钟塔!”
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