DC :: Volume #28

#123: Sudden rise

The black cat and Raven, will always be considered that will be the unclear symbol. 黑猫与乌鸦,总是会被人认为是不详的象征。 Their appearances always follow the death. 它们的出现总是伴随着死亡。 Was and death related matter. 或者是与死亡相关的事情。 Also has similar Legend in the Atandin folk, but regarding contacts evil looking Demon Hunter frequently, such Legend is not illusory, but is real. 艾坦丁的民间也有类似的传说,但是对于经常接触邪异猎魔人来说,这样的传说并不是虚无缥缈的,而是真实的。 Therefore, after Superior Evil Spirit of cat appears. 因此,在猫化的上位邪灵出现后。 Edson, Horuff and other Demon Hunter alerts. 埃德森霍鲁夫猎魔人一个个的就戒备起来。 As for shouting of cat Superior Evil Spirit ? 至于猫化上位邪灵的呼喊? Their stone starts talking has seen, a cat calculates anything. 他们连石头开口讲话都见过,一只猫又算的了什么。 Bang! 轰! In the explosion, Demon Hunter dodge in abundance. 爆炸中,猎魔人们纷纷闪避。 In the inner and outer coffin the dark blue mist floods in the surroundings all of a sudden. 棺椁中暗绿色的雾气一下子就充斥在周围。 chī chī scoffs! 嗤嗤嗤! In a sound of ground corrosion, the form in that mist sway stood together. 地面一阵腐蚀的声音中,在那雾气里一道身影摇摇晃晃的站了起来。 Sudden rising! 诈尸了! Demon Hunter looked at each other one mutually. 猎魔人们相互对视了一眼。 Then, put out the respective weapon. 接着,拿出了各自的武器。 Edson ejected one bottle of potion. 埃德森则是抛出了一瓶药剂 ! 啪! In resounding, fresh breeze. 脆响中,一阵劲风。 The dark blue mist was not only blown off, but also inside form also revealed. 暗绿色的雾气不仅被吹散了,而且内里的身影也显露了出来。 Dry corpse appearance. 干尸模样。 Clothing that the wear encoffins. 穿着入殓的服饰。 Miers! 蜜饵丝’! Or yes, that person Witch arrangement Miers. 或者说是,那位魔女’安排的‘蜜饵丝’。 Looks at the past good friend, in the Demon Hunter eye flashed through hesitant, but after merely is several seconds, was replaced by the firmness. 看着昔日的好友,猎魔人们眼中闪过了犹豫,但仅仅是几秒钟后,就被坚定所代替。 The friendship of good friend will not forget. 好友的情谊不会忘记。 The Demon Hunter responsibility, they will also not forget. 猎魔人的职责,他们同样不会忘记。 The specialized matter, gives specialized personage to be done. 专业的事情,交给专业人士去做。 Sloth always thinks like this. 懒惰’一向是这样认为的。 What also has is compared with Demon Hunter is good at coping with evil looking strangely, and so on thing? 还有什么是比猎魔人更擅长对付邪异、怪异之类的东西吗? Even if that evil looking has the Demon Hunter status is still same. 即使那个邪异本身有着猎魔人的身份也一样。 Your bastard!” “你个混蛋!” „Do you know that what you did do?” “你知不知道你干了什么?” Brought the angrily rebuking sound, cat Superior Evil Spirit to run. 带着怒斥声,猫化的上位邪灵跑了回来。 Compared with just coat color, coat color at this moment not only became withered, quite a big piece was bare. 和刚刚的毛色相比,此刻的毛色不仅变得干枯,还有相当一大片秃了。 Ratio this simpler easy?” “还有比这更简单容易的吗?” Referred to the battle of distant place, Sloth has not paid attention to Superior Evil Spirit again, but computation silently. 指了指远处的交战,‘懒惰’没有再理会上位邪灵,而是默默的计算起来。 In the mind seems flooding several mathematical model groups, after known essential factor packing, some probabilities also become clear. 脑海中仿佛是充斥着数个数学模型组般,将已知的要素填充后,一些些概率也变得清晰起来。 Elder brother, the time are not much.” “兄长,时间不多了。” Sloth is informing Kieran. 懒惰’告知着秦然 Then, he looked to cat Superior Evil Spirit . 然后,他看向了猫化的上位邪灵 „Do you want to do?” “你想要干什么?” Cat Superior Evil Spirit vigilant looked to Sloth. 猫化的上位邪灵警惕的看向了‘懒惰’。 I am not good at fighting!” “我不擅长战斗!” Sloth is very honest. 懒惰’很坦诚。 I now not suitable fight.” “我现在也不适合战斗。” Superior Evil Spirit is emphasizing. 上位邪灵强调着。 Not and not.” “不、不不。” What my present need is you are you to excel at the matter that.” “我现在需要的是你去做你擅长的事情。” Sloth said with a smile. 懒惰’笑着说道。 Excels?” “擅长的?” „Does role act?” “角色扮演吗?” Superior Evil Spirit stares. 上位邪灵一愣。 Sloth has not said anything, but referred to periphery the startled crowd. 懒惰’却没有多说什么,而是指了指周围惊慌的人群。 That meaning was obvious. 那意思再明显不过了。 ...... …… In that seems like in the workshop general mysterious space, the fight is still continuing. 在那好像是车间一般的神秘空间中,战斗还在继续着。 Even, was more intense. 甚至,更加的激烈了。 War God in whole body armor of that wrap/sets protection is scarred, the movement is also more and more slow, probably old ox draws the broken car(riage). 战神’那套防护的全身甲上伤痕累累,动作也是越来越慢,好像是老牛拉破车般。 Lady of Calamity is different. 灾厄女士’则是不同。 Not only the offensive is getting more and more fierce, but also the speed is getting more and more fast. 不仅攻势越来越凶猛,而且还速度越来越快。 Kieran has been adapting to the new body, simultaneously is looking on fight of both sides. 秦然则是一直在适应新的身体,同时旁观着双方的战斗。 He expected that through looking on such fight, comes the better cognitive present space. 他期望通过旁观这样的战斗,来更好的认知眼前的空间。 Without a doubt, this is the effective way. 毫无疑问,这都是行之有效的方式。 Kieran at this moment can the clear feeling the body become controls freely, these original skill can also use conveniently . Moreover, had a deeper understanding of the present body. 此刻的秦然能够清晰的感觉到身体变得更加掌控自如,那些原本的技巧也可以随手用出,而且,对现在的身体有了更深的理解。 This is completely the body comprised of Divinity. 这是完全由‘神性’组成的身体。 Although the main source and Basic are the original bodies. 虽然蓝本、基础是原本的身体。 But if injured here, loss is not the blood and so on, but is Divinity! 但是如果在这里受伤的话,损失的可不是鲜血之类,而是‘神性’! Therefore, War God put on the thick armor. 因此,‘战神’套上了厚厚的盔甲。 Lady of Calamity concealment in darkness. 灾厄女士’隐匿在黑暗。 These to protect own Divinity. 这些都是为了保护自身的‘神性’。 Where comes as for that armor and darkness? 至于那盔甲和黑暗哪来的? Strength of Faith! 信仰之力 Kieran very definite this point. 秦然十分确定这一点。 Because of each time, when War God when the armor was injured, above will overflow disperses to belong to Strength of Faith the aura. 因为每一次,当‘战神’的盔甲受到伤害时,上面都会溢散出属于‘信仰之力’的气息。 Regarding Strength of Faith, Kieran is not strange. 对于‘信仰之力’,秦然可不陌生。 Therefore, he arranged some subsequent hands. 所以,他安排了一些后手。 But now looks like, these subsequent hands imagination is more useful. 而现在看来,这些后手比想象中的还要有用。 Is adjusting the breath and present body silently. 默默的调整着呼吸与现在的身体。 Kieran adapts to the present body with every effort, while is waiting for the opportunity. 秦然一边尽力适应现在的身体,一边等待着机会。 When Pride a sword cuts, Kieran eyes narrowed, whole person along shadow, nearly quiet drill War God the back, kicks. 而当‘傲慢’一剑斩出的时候,秦然双眼一眯,整个人沿着阴影,近乎悄无声息的钻到了‘战神’的背后,一脚踢出。 The sharp qi energy emergence of half-moon-shaped, War God on Intuition. 半月形的锋锐气劲一出现,‘战神’就感知到了。 However, War God has not turned head. 不过,‘战神’并没有回头。 Compares in the old opponent, -and-a-half gods do not need to place in the eye. 相较于的老对手,一个半神根本不需要放在眼中。 Is holding such idea War God a fist repels Lady of Calamity at the same time, immediately suffers a loss. 抱着这样想法的‘战神’一拳击退‘灾厄女士’的同时,马上就吃了大亏。 Bang! 砰! Half-moon-shaped qi energy hit in War God the armor that on the armor, that is scarred rocked slightly was shattered. 半月形气劲撞击在了‘战神’的盔甲上,那伤痕累累的盔甲微微晃动间破碎了。 ! 啪! Similar to is a throwing down and breaking porcelain. 就如同是一件摔碎的瓷器。 The armor of smashing falls falls place, then, in abundance overflowing powder. 粉碎的盔甲摔落一地,然后,纷纷溢散。 War God stares. 战神’一愣。 However, Kieran does not have. 但是,秦然却没有。 In the battlefield decides the victory and defeat instantly sufficiently. 战场上刹那足以分出胜负。 Gathers strength for a long time Devil Flame to roar again. 蓄力已久的恶魔之炎再次咆哮而出。 Bang! 轰! In the fiery flame tumbling, War God sent out calling out of pain. 烈焰翻滚中,‘战神’发出了痛苦的嚎叫。 Clearly, did not have the protection of armor, War God is far less than to imagine the firmness. 很明显,没有了盔甲的守护,‘战神’远不如想象中的刚强。 Even, even if wearing the armor War God is still well below formidable in Kieran imagination. 甚至,就算是穿着着盔甲的‘战神’也远远不如秦然想象中的强大 That fight instinct and skill, simply are insult War God this title. 那种战斗本能、技巧,简直是侮辱‘战神’这个称号。 But Kieran not repugnant this point. 秦然并不讨厌这一点。 Because, was this is really favorable for him too! 因为,实在是这对他太有利了! What also has is the ratio faces one to have the enemy of brute force spatially well? 还有什么是比面对一个空有蛮力的敌人更好的吗? Naturally is the opposite party also responded that does not have the skill slowly. 自然是对方还反应迟缓没有技巧。 Bang! 轰! Rumbling! 轰轰! Strikes Kieran that goes well, no longer keeps the hand, Devil Flame just like the shell that projects from the quick-fire artillery, continuous stroking in War God body. 一击得手的秦然,不再留手,恶魔之炎犹如是从速射炮中射出的炮弹般,接连不断的击打在‘战神’的身上。 War God in the body, quick presented the scar. 战神’的身躯上,很快就出现了伤痕。 Divinity starts to drain. 神性开始流失。 The energy is the conservation. 能量是守恒的。 A side loses, a side obtains inevitably. 一方失去,一方必然得到。 Perhaps the ways and means are different. 或许方式方法不同。 But the essence is actually invariable. 可本质却是不变。 Absorption destroys Divinity 0.1% 【吸收毁灭神性0.1%】 Absorption destroys Divinity 0.1% 【吸收毁灭神性0.1%】 Absorption destroys Divinity 0.1% 【吸收毁灭神性0.1%】 ...... …… The continuous prompt appears in Kieran at present. 接连不断的提示出现在秦然的眼前。 Really so!” “果然如此!” „Is this Atandin own derivation principle?” “这是艾坦丁自有的衍生法则?” Is the special rule here?” “还是在这里的特殊规则?” Kieran narrows both eyes. 秦然微眯双眼 He favors the latter. 他倾向于后者。 Because, why only then the latter can explain War God Lady of Calamity rigid fight here. 因为,只有后者才能够说明‘战神’‘灾厄女士’为什么会执着的在这里交手。 And War God after Black Disaster decline. 以及‘战神’在‘黑灾’后的衰落。 That solely is not the follower is diluted and divided thinly. 那不单单是信徒被稀释、分薄。 After because also the opposite party enters to here for the first time, is not careful the say/way. 还因为对方第一次进入到这里后,不小心着了道。 Lady of Calamity here fights as for War God, for won't affect Atandin? 至于‘战神’‘灾厄女士’在这里交手,是为了不会波及到艾坦丁 If Lady of Calamity also same has the reason like War God, is not the wild beast instinct urges again, Kieran believe this point. 如果‘灾厄女士’也如同‘战神’一样有着理智的话,不是野兽本能再驱使,秦然是会相信这一点的。 Similar to at this moment! 就如同此刻! Roar! Roar “吼!吼” Lady of Calamity exuded the intermittent shouting sound to Kieran. 灾厄女士’冲着秦然发出了阵阵的嘶吼声。 Could not say including a complete spoken language. 连一句完整的言语都说不出来。 Similar to real wild beast general. 就如同真的野兽一般。 Shaking the head of Kieran cannot bear. 秦然忍不住的摇了摇头。 Obviously, that person Witch was really achieves is splendid enough. 很显然,那位魔女’真的是做到足够出色了。 In order to better accepts own investment, made incessantly together the defensive measure inevitably. 为了能够更好的接受自己的‘投资’,必然是做出了不止一道防御措施。 Otherwise, even a fool, in having Divinity, and does not lack under the Strength of Faith premise, certain meeting can have the intelligence. 不然的话,就算是一个傻子,在拥有了神性,且不缺信仰之力的前提下,一定会能够重新拥有神智。 War God is also same. 战神’也是一样。 Opposite party type has the famous performance, fully explained Witch has arranged the opposite party before was clear. 对方这种有负盛名的表现,足以说明了‘魔女’已经在之前将对方安排的明明白白了。 However...... 不过…… Temporarily was cheap he. 暂时是便宜了他。 Also is three groups of Devil Flame, pounded to War God. 又是三团恶魔之炎,砸向了‘战神’。 Different from the beforehand gathering strength. 不同于之前的蓄力。 This time, conveniently however Devil Flame, has reached 6 steps. 这一次,随手而出的恶魔之炎,已经达到了六阶。 In just burning down of Devil Flame, Destruction Divinity broke through 21%. 就在刚刚恶魔之炎的焚烧中,【毁灭】神性突破到了21%。 Destruction: Has this Divinity you, will obtain enforcement in similar behavior, at this moment destroys Divinity is standard, you will obtain similar behavior equal + 2 Authentication.】 【毁灭:拥有着这一神性的你,将在类似行为上获得加持,此刻毁灭神性为‘标准’,你将获得类似行为等价的判定。】 ...... …… Different from growing out of nothing 1%-15% is weak. 不同于从无到有1%-15%都是微弱。 When some Divinity increases to 16%, is small and weak Rank. 在某一神性增加到16%时,就是弱小级别 But when becoming 21%, was standard Divinity. 而在变为21%时,则是标准神性了。 Later can have the new change, Kieran does not know. 之后会不会出现新的变化,秦然不知道。 The present stage 5% increases is a stage. 现阶段5%的提升就是一个阶段。 But this to him powerful. 而这对他更加的有力。 The change of Devil Flame is most direct. 恶魔之炎的变化就是最直接的。 That is a qualitative change. 那是一种质的变化。 Gathers the strength 6 steps and conveniently Attack Power of 6 steps, is no comparison between them radically. 蓄力六阶和随手六阶的攻击力,根本不可同日而语。 Let alone, after gathers the strength change,...... 更何况,还有蓄力变化后的…… 7 steps! 七阶! That is he at this moment strongest attack! 那将是他此刻最强的攻击! , Kieran launched such attack without hesitation. 毫不犹豫的,秦然发动了这样的攻击。 Immediately, the surroundings twisted. 顿时,周围扭曲了。 A scalding hot feeling of burning down soul condenses from the hand of Kieran. 一种焚烧灵魂的灼热感从秦然的手中凝聚。 Roar and roar roar! 吼、吼吼! Seemed like discovered the danger, Lady of Calamity started to retrocede. 似乎是发现了危险,‘灾厄女士’开始后退。 Already by fiery flame layer on layer/heavily surrounding War God similarly discovered the danger, directly runs toward the entrance of workshop. 已经被烈焰重重包围的‘战神’同样的发现了危险,径直的向着车间的入口处跑去。 There is the direction that leaves. 那里是离开的方向。 However, was too slow. 但是,太慢了。 Gathers Kieran in strength, although is unable to use Devil Flame again, but can actually act on free will, moves sideways directly, Kieran appeared in the front of opposite party. 蓄力中的秦然虽然无法再次使用恶魔之炎,但是却能够自由行动,径直一个闪身,秦然就出现在了对方的面前。 Go away!” “滚开!” War God angrily roars is brandishing the giant both arms to break open Kieran. 战神’怒吼着挥舞着巨大的双臂想要砸开秦然 That huge on the both arms comprised of Divinity the clip is binding first floor obvious Strength of Faith. 那巨大的由神性组成的双臂上夹裹着一层显而易见的信仰之力 This strength lets War God the attack becomes the momentum extremely to be fearful. 这一丝力量让‘战神’的攻击变得声势极为可怕。 Two arms seem like two meteorites to crash to be the same, must destroy the day to extinguish. 两条手臂就好像是两颗陨石坠落一样,要毁天灭地。 But...... 但…… Too slow! 太慢了! Had pressed to the palm of Kieran slowly on the body of opposite party, the degree that the arm of opposite party has not dropped. 慢到了秦然的手掌已经按在了对方的身上,对方的手臂还没有落下的程度。 Devil Flame of 7 steps erupted! 七阶的恶魔之炎爆发了! The entire mysterious space as if presented one to collapse, the first floor black appears in the place that the Kieran palm pressed, then, the scalding hot light ruptured all of a sudden. 整个神秘空间仿佛是出现了一个坍陷,一层黑色在秦然手掌所按的地方浮现,接着,灼热的光一下子爆裂开来。 The high temperature makes the steel in workshop gasify directly. 高温让车间内的钢铁直接气化。 In entire space one static. 整个空间内一静。 Then 接着 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! In deafening sound, War God the half body did not have directly. 震耳欲聋的响声中,‘战神’的半边身躯直接没了。 The remaining half bodies are also melting rapidly. 剩下的半边身躯也在迅速的融化着。 Should the big body, only be left over the altitude of insufficient average man, but also falls down, on the remaining half heads, a big eyeball is only staring in front, at this moment was being surrounded and protected by the flame, just like ruling Kieran of the world. 本该高大的身躯,只剩下了不足常人的高度,还跌倒在地,仅剩下的半颗脑袋上,一只大眼珠瞪着自己面前,此刻被火焰拱卫着,宛如君临天下的秦然 Fraud!” “骗局!” Is the frauds!” “都是骗局!” I and I was swindled!” “我、我上当了!” Like this saying. 这样说着。 Among the life and death, this Spiritual God thought of anything finally. 生死之间,这位神灵终于想到了什么。 What a pity, too late. 可惜,太晚了。 Is the enemy, Kieran will not show mercy. 已经是敌人了,秦然不会手下留情。 Wait!” “等等!” I told you a secret......” “我告诉你一个秘……” Bang! 轰! Has not waited for War God saying that Kieran is Devil Flame that gathers the strength. 没有等‘战神’说完,秦然又是一记蓄力的恶魔之炎 This time, War God withered away thoroughly. 这一次,‘战神’彻底的消亡了。 Kieran does not like with already enemy many idle talk that fights. 秦然不喜欢和已经战斗开的敌人多废话。 Regarding Kieran, the best enemy, was the enemy of dying. 对于秦然来说,最好的敌人,就是死去的敌人。 Let alone, the opposite party wanted to say anything, Kieran was also well aware. 更何况,对方想要说些什么,秦然也是心知肚明。 Nothing but is Witch layout. 无非就是‘魔女’的布局。 This layout roughly can be divided into two parts. 这个布局大致可以分为两部分。 Part 1, enters rashly here War God is also not Lady of Calamity half god sneak attack, then, half god absorbed some Divinity, lets War God greatly the vibration at the same time, stared here, started to agitate Atandin fifth to start to the southern attack. 第一部分,就是冒然进入这里的‘战神’被还不是‘灾厄女士’的‘半神’偷袭,然后,‘半神’吸取了些许的神性,让‘战神’大为震动的同时,盯上了这里,开始鼓动着艾坦丁五世发动了对南方的袭击。 Later is Witch long-premeditated Black Disaster. 之后就是‘魔女’蓄谋已久的‘黑灾’了。 Massive deaths, created Lady of Calamity rapid growth. 大量的死亡,造成了‘灾厄女士’的迅速成长。 Meanwhile, War God, for does not lose the follower, starts the frequent development miracle, by the absorption of own Overload Strength of Faith, thus turned into this type to seem like formidable, actually the appearance of outwardly strong but inwardly weak. 与此同时,‘战神’为了不失去信徒,开始频繁的展现神迹,让自己超负荷的吸收‘信仰之力’,从而变成了这种看似强大,实则外强中干的样子。 „The fetter of all living things faith......” “众生信念的束缚……” Double-edged sword?” “双刃剑吗?” Kieran is feeling under God Fire burning down, was thrown mixed qualitative Strength of Faith to change into the purest energy to nourish own body, the Kieran vision is looking to after fiery flame appears non-stop dodge Lady of Calamity. 秦然感受着在神火焚烧下,被抛去了杂质的信仰之力化为最精纯的能量滋养着自己的身躯,秦然的目光看向了在烈焰出现后就不停躲闪的‘灾厄女士’。 At this time, his Destruction Divinity has reached 30% degrees. 这个时候,他的【毁灭】神性已经达到了30%的程度。 Destruction: Has this Divinity you, will obtain enforcement in similar behavior, at this moment destroys Divinity is Fairly Strong, you will obtain similar behavior equal + 3 Authentication.】 【毁灭:拥有着这一神性的你,将在类似行为上获得加持,此刻毁灭神性为‘较强’,你将获得类似行为等价的判定。】 ...... …… By Destruction enforcement of Divinity to Devil Flame, can say, facing similarly incomplete Lady of Calamity, Kieran really can achieve easily. 以【毁灭】神性恶魔之炎加持,可以说,面对同样残缺的‘灾厄女士’,秦然真的是能够做到手到擒来。 Although the speed of opposite party very quick, not like War God general slow like cow, and was implicated by heterogeneous Strength of Faith. 虽然对方的速度十分的快,不像‘战神’一般缓慢如牛,且被驳杂的信仰之力拖累。 But, Devil. The flame can track! 但,恶魔.之炎是能够跟踪的! Lady of Calamity is triggered Devil Flame Special Effect by Kieran gazed at for a long time. 秦然注视了许久的‘灾厄女士’早已经触发了恶魔之炎特效 In addition the present space, is not the broad place, blasting open Devil Flame can make a home game that quickly is flooding fiery flame. 再加上眼前的空间,并不是什么宽阔的地方,炸裂的恶魔之炎很快就能够制造一个充斥着烈焰的主场来。 What is more important, exit|to speak of Unique/only in Kieran behind. 更重要的是,唯一的出口是在秦然的身后。 Said simply...... 简单的说…… In this moment, Kieran has had the absolute advantage. 在这一刻,秦然已经掌握了绝对的优势。 He only needs to begin slightly, can eliminate Lady of Calamity, and obtains the formidable strength again. 他只需要稍微动动手,就能够消灭‘灾厄女士’,且再获得更强大的力量。 Kieran lifted the hand. 秦然抬起了手。 Devil Flame roared again. 恶魔之炎再次咆哮。 ...... 只是…… Has not let go. 并没有脱手而出。 He uses fully is the threat tone said to Lady of Calamity 他用满是威胁的口吻对‘灾厄女士’说道 Sits down.” “坐下。”
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