DC :: Volume #28

#122: Attempts

Grinning Sloth is the sleepy eyes is still sloppy. 笑嘻嘻的‘懒惰’依旧是睡眼稀松。 Even if in the next quarter was fettered in the midair, such facial expression has not changed. 哪怕是在下一刻被束缚在半空中,这样的神情都没有改变。 The invisible strength imprisoned Sloth body. 无形的力量禁锢了‘懒惰’的身躯。 Just likes is an invisible big hand is carrying Sloth the latter collar, it carried Witch front. 犹如是一只无形的大手拎着‘懒惰’的后脖领,将其‘拎到’了‘魔女’的面前。 Chin that under the hood reveals, is withered and sharp, looks like a protruding crotch must puncture Sloth the top of the head, fettered Sloth opened both eyes, is looking up at this crotch. 帽兜下露出的下巴,干枯而又尖锐,就像是一根凸出的树杈要戳破‘懒惰’的头顶般,被束缚的‘懒惰’就这么睁大了双眼,仰视着这根‘树杈’。 Witch obviously does not like looking up at others. 魔女’显然是不喜欢仰视他人的。 After fettering Sloth, she stands baseless, in the night wind of cold winter, just like is from the demon that goes out in secret, is overlooking the world. 在束缚了‘懒惰’后,她就凭空而立,在凛冬的夜风中,犹如是一位从至暗中走出的邪魔般,俯瞰着人间。 Any with the person who it looks at each other, will be frozen. 任何与之相对视的人,都会被冻结。 Sloth is actually the exception. 懒惰’却是例外。 Because, when that vision glance comes...... Sloth closed the eye. 因为,在那目光扫视而来的时候……‘懒惰’就闭上了眼睛。 If possible, he even wants to have a mirror, lets Witch and own vision looks at each other. 如果可以的话,他甚至想要拥有一面镜子,让‘魔女’自己和自己的目光对视一番。 What a pity is, he cannot achieve this point. 可惜的是,他根本做不到这一点。 Moreover, even if achieved, simply is still useless. 而且,就算是做到了,也根本没有用。 Witch is not one by the person who own strength wound arrives. 魔女’不是一个被自己力量伤到的人。 Even...... 即使…… This is not totally mature Witch is also same. 这并不是完全成熟的‘魔女’也是一样。 According to the speculation of elder brother, present ‚before Witch should be becomes Witch truly the moment. 按照兄长的推测,眼前的‘魔女’应该是成为真正‘魔女’前的一刻。 What they enter is a intercepted time. 他们进入的是一个被截取的时间段。 An extremely essential time. 一个极为关键的时间段。 But through the present observation, Sloth is certain the speculation of elder brother is correct. 而通过眼前的观察,‘懒惰’可以肯定兄长的推测是正确的。 This was easy to do. 这就是好办了。 Sloth relaxes. 懒惰’松了口气。 You know me.” “你认识我。” I dislike your smile.” “我讨厌你的笑容。” The words of question, however in the affirmative tone, Witch lifted the withered palm, that branch finger point such in Sloth under cheeks, then, little glide. 疑问的话语,但是肯定的语气中,‘魔女’抬起了干枯的手掌,那树枝般的手指就这么的点在了‘懒惰’的脸颊下,然后,一点点的滑动。 The blood flows immediately. 鲜血立刻流了下来。 The scar of deep obvious bone from left to right, brings the curve is presenting in Sloth on the face together. 一道深可见骨的伤痕从左到右,带着弧度出现在了‘懒惰’的脸上。 Immediately, languid Sloth becomes fierce fearsome. 顿时,懒洋洋的‘懒惰’就变得狰狞可怖起来。 Especially after Witch specially and corners of the mouth connects the scar, an inexplicable strange feeling presented in Sloth on face. 尤其是当‘魔女’将伤痕特意和嘴角相连接后,一种莫名的诡异感出现在了‘懒惰’的脸上。 Is overlooking Witch is appreciating own masterpiece probably. 俯瞰着的魔女就好像是欣赏着自己的杰作般。 Not only cautious held Sloth cheek, but is cleaning the blood little. 不仅小心翼翼的捧起了‘懒惰’的面颊,而是一点点擦拭着鲜血。 Really is the spirit is not normal.” “果然是精神不正常的。” Sloth heart sighs woefully. 懒惰心底哀叹。 Through quite many news, he had understood enough many have about at present this Witch information. 通过相当多的消息,他已经了解到了足够多的有关于眼前这位‘魔女’的信息。 Except that consistent acknowledgment formidable outside. 除去一致承认的‘强大’外。 Remaining is crazy and terrifying. 剩下的则是疯狂、恐怖。 Most people regarding the following two beautification, but thinks is formidable extending, but Sloth after first sees this Witch, he confirmed that such beautification, absolutely is not former's extending, but is another definition. 大部分人对于后面的两个修饰,只是认为是‘强大’的延伸,但是‘懒惰’在第一眼看到这位‘魔女’后,他就确认了,那样的修饰,绝对不是前者的延伸,而是另外一种定义。 Inborn race talent and day after tomorrow mutation ability, so long as stands in somebody's front, he can with no difficulty the mood of peeping at opposite party, even remembers. 天生的种族天赋和后天的异变能力,只要站在某个人的面前,他就能够轻而易举的窥视对方的情绪,甚至是记忆。 Moreover, can give the opposite party through all sorts of influences many suggestions. 而且,通过种种影响还可以给与对方诸多的暗示。 But now? 可是现在? He simply does not have on the present woman to feel any normal person proper mood. 他根本没有再眼前的女人身上感受到任何正常人应有的情绪。 What had is only a disorderly exhilaration. 有着的只是一种杂乱的兴奋感。 No! 不! It is not disorderly! 不是杂乱! So-called disorderly is only the average man thinks! 所谓的杂乱只是常人认为的! But in the eyes of opposite party, such is normal. 而在对方的眼中,这样的自己才是正常的。 For example...... 例如…… Draws a smiling face on his face. 在他的脸上画一个笑脸。 This was more attractive.” “这样就好看多了。” Witch said. 魔女’说道。 Has the mirror?” “有镜子吗?” I want to take a look at your craftsmanship.” “我想要看看你的手艺。” Sloth asked. 懒惰’问道。 The sound has the faint trace to be excited, seems like really anticipated that must see that smile. 声音带着丝丝兴奋,似乎是真的期待要看到那个笑容般。 Witch obvious stares. 魔女’明显的一愣。 Then, really pulled out a mirror from the gown unexpectedly, placed Sloth front. 然后,竟然真的从袍子内掏出了一面镜子,放在了‘懒惰’的面前。 Radian is insufficient.” “弧度不够。” Should be curved.” “应该再弯一点。” ‚After Sloth looked carefully, such saying. 懒惰’细细的看了看后,这样的说道。 Then, when Sloth wants to continue anything, Witch the mirror received. 接着,就当‘懒惰’想要继续说些什么的时候,‘魔女’把镜子收了起来。 You think that you can deceive me?” “你以为你能够骗过我吗?” Witch the sound starts becomes sharp. 魔女’的声音开始变得尖锐。 In that disorderly excitement, had/left a sharp mood. 那种杂乱的兴奋中,多出了一种锋锐的情绪。 ! 噗! Without Sloth careful resolution, Sloth the chest was pierced. 没有等‘懒惰’细细的分辨,‘懒惰’的胸膛就被戳穿了。 The palm submerges to Sloth chest Witch gawked staring. 手掌没入到‘懒惰’胸膛的‘魔女’愣了愣。 Why she seems like recalling herself to do that. 她似乎是在回忆自己为什么这么做。 Then, felt, does that no. 然后,又觉得,这么做没有什么。 But the body reserved custom makes her think that oneself should make anything. 可是身体保留的习惯又让她认为自己应该做点什么。 Therefore, she extracted the palm, in Sloth right chest, made up, after letting about becomes the symmetry, she startled withdrew one step, but in the mouth transmitted the laughter immediately. 所以,她抽出了手掌,在‘懒惰’右面的胸口,补了一下,让左右变得对称后,她惊慌的退后了一步,可随即嘴巴中就传来了嬉笑。 Hee hee.” “嘻嘻。” That sound flashes to pass. 那声音一闪而逝。 Witch after Sloth jumped several, pulled up Sloth the right hand, the withered finger, is pinching Sloth finger. 魔女’围绕着‘懒惰’蹦蹦跳跳了数圈后,就这么拉起了‘懒惰’的右手,干枯的手指,捏着‘懒惰’的手指。 She is pinching while asked. 她一边捏着一边问道。 Saw my little bear?” “看到我的小熊了吗?” The sound is no longer hoarse. 声音不再沙哑。 But is clear delightful. 而是清脆悦耳。 If not that dry corpse general facial features, Sloth really thinks oneself ran into a little girl. 如果不是那张干尸一般的面容,‘懒惰’真的会认为自己遇到了一个小女孩。 Very naive that. 十分天真的那种。 Why didn't you speak?” “你为什么不说话?” „Don't you want to play with me?” “你不想和我玩吗?” In the clear sound, resounded a clearer sound. 清脆的声音中,响起了更加清脆的响声。 Witch said a character, on crumb Sloth a section of phalanx. 魔女说出一个字,就捏碎‘懒惰’一截指骨。 Ache transmitting. 疼痛一次次的传来。 But Sloth radically aloof. 可‘懒惰’根本无动于衷。 He is tilting the head looks at to look at Witch, the mouth opened, probably is speaking, but simply does not have the sound to transmit. 他歪着头看着头看着‘魔女’,嘴巴张了张,好像是在说什么话,但是根本没有声音传来。 ! 啪! Witch lifts the hand is. 魔女抬手就是一记耳光。 I have said that the sound is certainly resounding!” “我说过了,声音一定要响亮!” Witch the sound again changed. 魔女’的声音再次的变了。 Becoming Gaokeng and vigor. 变得高坑、浑厚。 Just like one...... man. 宛如一个……男人。 This condition continued very short time, merely after is more than ten seconds, Witch on another when changed Sloth initially to see appearance, opposite party coldly visits him. 这种状态持续了很短的时间,仅仅是十几秒后,‘魔女’就又一次的变回了‘懒惰’初见时的模样,对方冷冷的看着他。 You discovered my secret!” “你发现了我的秘密!” Showing the whites of the eyes of Sloth cannot bear. 懒惰’忍不住的翻了个白眼。 This also uses was discovering? 这还用的着发现? Isn't your the happy self- demonstration? 您这不是开心的自我展示吗? I felt that you made me feel the angry matter in the ponder.” “我感觉到了你在思考一些让我感到恼怒的事情。” Ok.” “算了。” I forgave you.” “我原谅你了。” Deceased person, is worth forgiving.” “死人,是值得原谅的。” Witch was saying lifts the hand to wield. 魔女’说着抬手一挥。 Ka! 咔! Fettered Sloth felt that the nape of the neck place presented an irresistible strength, swayed from side to side 720 degrees his head directly, after transferring two, stopped. 被束缚的‘懒惰’就感觉到脖颈处出现了一股不可抵挡的力量,直接将他的头颅扭动了七百二十度,转了两圈后才停了下来。 But such stop flickers. 但这样的停顿只是一瞬。 The next quarter, Sloth lifts own head, another reversing rotation 720 degrees. 下一刻,‘懒惰’抬起自己的头颅,又一次的反向转动了七百二十度。 I feel my line of sight after replacement clear.” “我觉得复位后的我视线更加的清晰一点。” „Did you say?” “你说呢?” Sloth is tilting the head, showed a smile. 懒惰’歪着头,露出了一个笑容。 After corners of the mouth were cut, stranger smile. 一个嘴角被划开后,更加诡异的笑容。 „Not dead Divinity?” “不死神性?” Witch in words appeared wiped surprisedly, however immediately Witch lifted the hand according to Sloth. 魔女’话语中浮现了一抹惊讶,但是马上的‘魔女’就抬手按在了‘懒惰’身上。 Different from beforehand has not contacted. 不同于之前的没有接触。 This time is the contact of real sense. 这一次是真正意义的接触。 Bang! 砰! When Witch the palm touches Sloth, Sloth blasts open directly. 就在‘魔女’的手掌触碰到‘懒惰’的时候,‘懒惰’直接炸裂开来。 Without the flesh and blood flying in all directions. 没有血肉横飞。 What had was the flash changed into the fragment powder. 有着的是一瞬间化为了齑粉。 ! 呼! The night wind has blown. 夜风吹过。 These fragment powders scattered in the nighttime sky. 这些齑粉飘散在了夜空中。 After crossing for several seconds, formed a human form again. 过了数秒后,才再次形成了一个人形。 Retreat that Superior Evil Spirit staggers several steps, facial color ugly looks at Witch. 上位邪灵踉跄的后退了数步,面色难看的看着‘魔女’。 It suffered an unprecedented severe wound. 它遭受到了一次前所未有的重伤。 That threatens the strength of its source. 那是威胁到它本源的力量。 I most insist again twice!” “我最多再坚持两次!” Through the strength of contract, Superior Evil Spirit is informing own boss. 通过契约的力量,上位邪灵告知着自己的boss。 But is seeing Superior Evil Spirit instantly, obviously is the brain not normal Witch, at this time instantaneous responded. 而在看到上位邪灵的刹那,明显就是脑子不正常的‘魔女’,在这个时候瞬间的就反应了过来。 Evil Spirit !” 邪灵!” She is talking over like this. 她这样的念叨着。 A withered facial features beat. 干枯的面容一阵跳动。 Immediately, wipes the white brilliance to start on the body of Superior Evil Spirit to condense. 顿时,一抹白色的光辉开始在上位邪灵的身上凝聚。 Scoff! 嗤! Seemed like the butter to throw in the boiling hot wok with cooking oil to be the same. 就好像是牛油扔到了滚烫的油锅上一样。 Superior Evil Spirit start such melted. 上位邪灵就这么的开始融化了。 At this time, not the dead characteristics as if vanished generally. 在这个时候,不死特性似乎消失了一般。 Moreover, the pain enlarged ten times and hundred times. 而且,痛苦放大了十倍、百倍。 „!” “啊!” The Superior Evil Spirit pain exhales the sound. 上位邪灵痛呼出声。 Witch is looked does not look at Superior Evil Spirit , directly soars Lady of Calamity temple. 魔女’则是看也不看上位邪灵,直奔‘灾厄女士’的神庙。 Here, true Sloth is standing in that Lady of Calamity under statue, the surroundings belonged to Lady of Calamity Priest and follower, then fell into the deep sleep in abundance. 在这里,真正的‘懒惰’正站在那尊‘灾厄女士’的雕像下,周围原本属于‘灾厄女士’的祭司、信徒,则是纷纷陷入了沉睡。 Sees Witch that’ appears, without and other opposite party began, Sloth has the yawn to vanish to disappear. 看到出现的‘魔女’,没有等对方动手,‘懒惰’就打着哈欠消失不见了。 Witch has not pursued. 魔女’没有追击。 She is staring at Lady of Calamity statue, careful inspection. 她盯着‘灾厄女士’的雕像,细细的检查起来。 Then, hesitated to appear on her face. 然后,迟疑出现在了她的脸上。 ...... …… After the moment, Mist Church camp. 片刻后,‘迷雾教会营地。 Can hide the truth from her?” “能够瞒过她吗?” Weak Superior Evil Spirit rolls up in the corner/horn of camp. 虚弱的上位邪灵蜷缩在营地的一角。 This time Superior Evil Spirit was unable to change into the human form, can only exist by the image of small body in the eyes of people, for example: A black cat. 这个时候的上位邪灵已经无法化为人形了,只能以较小身躯的形象存在于人们的视野中,例如:一只黑色的猫。 Cannot.” “不能。” She is only a lunatic, is not a fool.” “她只是疯子,又不是傻子。” I only hope that can delay the time slightly.” “我只希望能够略微的拖延时间。” After all, that is she swallows Disaster the subsequent hand, therefore we in a short time arrange/cloth deceptive battle array confused her is the limit, wanted really to make anything, was insufficient.” “毕竟,那是她吞噬‘灾厄’的后手,我们短时间内故布疑阵的迷惑她已经是极限了,想要真做点什么,根本不够用。” Sloth very affirmative shaking the head. 懒惰’很肯定的摇了摇头。 You should not stand there.” “那你也不应该只是站在那里。” At least needs to give that statue to come one ruthlessly.” “至少要给那雕像来一记狠的。” At least, wants flexure side by side.” “起码,要挠一道子。” Superior Evil Spirit of black cat appearance lifted the claw, sprang the nail. 黑猫模样的上位邪灵抬起了爪子,弹出了指甲。 Useless.” “没用的。” That can only be speeds up our anything not to do, is only the essence of protracted time.” “那只会是加快我们什么都没有做,只是拖延时间的本质。” Sloth shakes the head. 懒惰’摇了摇头。 Regarding this, Superior Evil Spirit useless rebuttal. 对此,上位邪灵没用反驳。 Because, that is the fact. 因为,那是事实。 According to the initial plan, Sloth must destroy Lady of Calamity the statue. 按照最初的计划,‘懒惰’是要破坏‘灾厄女士’的雕像的。 But, seemingly ordinary Lady of Calamity statue compared with War God that’ the god splendor shines statue must firm. 可是,看似普通的‘灾厄女士’雕像比起神辉照耀的‘战神’雕像要更加的坚固。 Even, to a certain extent cannot describe with firm. 甚至,从某种程度上说已经不能够用坚固来形容了。 The concrete point said that is the fifth-order above defense! 具体点说,那就是5阶之上的防御! Regarding such defense, Sloth is nothing means. 对于这样的防御,‘懒惰’是没有任何办法的。 But this also proved that Lady of Calamity the statue is Witch control ‚the Lady of Calamity authority key, a simpler point said that so long as grasped the key, through some ceremonies, Witch can become Lady of Calamity, or is in the true sense Witch. 但这也证明了,‘灾厄女士’的雕像就是‘魔女’接管‘灾厄女士权柄’的‘钥匙’,更简单点说,只要掌握了钥匙,通过一些仪式,‘魔女’就能够成为‘灾厄女士’,或者说是真正意义上的‘魔女’。 Therefore, slightly after the ponder, Sloth found the Superior Evil Spirit dragging time. 因此,略微思考后,‘懒惰’就找来上位邪灵拖延时间了。 Hoping boss can solve that two troubles as soon as possible.” “希望boss能够尽快解决那两个麻烦。” Superior Evil Spirit takes a deep breath said. 上位邪灵深吸了口气道。 „The trouble that elder brother must solve solely is not that two.” “兄长要解决的麻烦可不单单是那两个。” Moreover, to a certain extent, I am not worried about the elder brother.” “而且,从某种程度上来说,我并不担心兄长。” Truly what I am worried is we are unable contact matter.” “我真正担心的是我们无法‘接触’的事情。” Sloth intent has referred. 懒惰’意有所指。 Superior Evil Spirit is silent. 上位邪灵沉默不语。 It knows that Sloth is what meaning. 它知道‘懒惰’是什么意思。 But that is it is unable to meddle, even gives a wee bit help. 但那是它无法插手,甚至是给与一丁点帮助的。 Walks.” “走吧。” We can do, only then at present.” “我们能做的只有眼前的。” Hopes that person Witch the subsequent hand should not be too intense.” “希望那位魔女’的后手不要太激烈。” I am not good at fighting.” “我可不擅长战斗。” Sloth referred to the distant place already the simple funeral that starts. 懒惰’指了指远处已经开始的简单葬礼。 The funeral is Miers. 葬礼是‘蜜饵丝’的。 Although Miers has become Witch- Sloth is unable to confirm that Miers was replaced, is similar to the elder brother 2567 the given name is ordinary. 虽然‘蜜饵丝’早已经成为了‘魔女’-‘懒惰’无法确认‘蜜饵丝’是被顶替了,还是如同自己兄长‘2567’的名号一般。 But he can be definitely same. 但他可以肯定一样。 that person crazy Witch will not accept the simple funeral absolutely. 那位疯狂的‘魔女’绝对不会接受简单的葬礼。 The opposite party must attract many attention, lets everyone is unable to detect Lady of Calamity change. 对方要吸引更多的注意力,让所有人都无法察觉到‘灾厄女士’的变化。 This is a good news. 这是一个好消息。 Not only explains this process is not short, but also said Witch in this process was very weak, not crazy that but the opposite party displayed will not go through the complications greatly. 不仅说明这个过程不会太短,而且还说吗了在这个过程中‘魔女’很是虚弱,不然以对方表现出的疯狂根本不会这么大费周折。 This is elder brother's opportunity. 这就是自己兄长的机会。 But their existences? 而他们的存在? Naturally is lets own elder brother's opportunity greatly! 自然是让自己兄长的机会更大一点! You determined that can bring the black cat to attend the funeral?” “你确定要带着黑猫参加葬礼吗?” Weak Superior Evil Spirit is reminding Sloth. 虚弱的上位邪灵提醒着‘懒惰’。 You can turn into the white.” “你可以变成白色。” Sloth is proposing. 懒惰’提议着。 I now am the stretcher patient who the average people cannot even be victorious.” “我现在是连普通人都打不过的重伤员。” Superior Evil Spirit is reminding again. 上位邪灵再次提醒着。 No.” “不。” You, so long as exists, does not tolerate to neglect.” “你只要存在,就不容忍忽视。” Believes me, your imagine also wants formidable.” “相信我,你比自己想象中的还要强大。” Sloth is saying while hugged Superior Evil Spirit that became the black cat. 懒惰’一边说着一边抱起了变为黑猫的上位邪灵 Immediately, Superior Evil Spirit heart raised a not good premonition. 立刻,上位邪灵心底就升起了一股不太好的预感。 Hey, do you want to do?” “喂喂喂,你要干什么?” Superior Evil Spirit shouts. 上位邪灵喊道。 Just like the elder brother, I do not like the passive defensive.” “和兄长一样,我不喜欢被动防御。” We must initiate an attack!” “我们要主动出击!” Then, Sloth has lifted up high the top of the head Superior Evil Spirit of cat high, then, is similar to is throws the baseball general, aimed at that inner and outer coffin to throw Superior Evil Spirit of cat. 说完,‘懒惰’就将猫化的上位邪灵高高举过头顶,接着,就如同是投掷棒球一般,将猫化的上位邪灵对准了那个棺椁扔了出去。 ! 呜! Strong winds of Superior Evil Spirit that is incapable of revolting against after ear, is relying on instinct steady falling of cat class on...... the inner and outer coffin. 无力反抗的上位邪灵在耳边一阵狂风后,凭借着猫类的本能稳稳的落在了……棺椁上。 Then...... 然后…… Stands in surrounding Demon Hunter, fell the vision on the body of Superior Evil Spirit in abundance. 站在周围的猎魔人们,纷纷将目光落在了上位邪灵的身上。 Immediately, Superior Evil Spirit scalp tingles. 顿时,上位邪灵一阵头皮发麻。 Makes it what is uneasy, it can transmit an intermittent tiny vibration Intuition to the inner and outer coffin of under foot. 更让它感到不安的是,它能够感知到脚下的棺椁中正传来一阵阵细小的震动。 Moreover, the vibration is getting bigger and bigger. 而且,震动越来越大。 As if...... 似乎…… Dodge opens!” “快闪开!” Brings such shout, Superior Evil Spirit to jump high. 带着这样的呼喊声,上位邪灵高高跃起。 When Superior Evil Spirit of cat soars, the inner and outer coffin that it just touched blasted open directly. 就在猫化的上位邪灵腾空而起的时候,它刚刚触碰的棺椁直接炸裂了。 Bang! 轰!
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