DC :: Volume #27

#77: Victor must die

After noticing the Kieran vision, there are Paradis that has experienced one time, wants not to think, the direct tumbling, hid Kieran behind. 注意到秦然的目光后,有过一次经验的帕拉迪亚,想也不想,直接一个翻滚,就躲到了秦然身后。 Then, he stands to look up. 接着,他站起来抬头看去。 When seeing behind form, Paradis whole body cannot help but shakes. 在看到身后的身影时,帕拉迪亚全身就不由自主的一抖。 He, saw that shady red form again. 他,再次看到了那个腥红的身影。 Regarding coming from young Herder of Area gem, this shady red form is almost becomes the nightmare. 对于来自宝石的年轻放牧者来说,这道腥红的身影几乎是成为了梦魇般。 Because, that clever. 因为,那偷天换日的一幕。 Really was remembers with eternal gratitude antique. 实在是太古刻骨铭心了。 Even, to a certain extent, subverted his cognition. 甚至,从某种程度上来说,是颠覆了他的认知。 That modern Herder is educated, does not have so-called Spiritual God. 近代放牧者所接受的教育,早已经没有了所谓的‘神灵’。 In fact, in this age, most Mystic people will not acknowledge Spiritual God existence, they only think that is only formidable is deified, becomes Spiritual God. 事实上,在这个年代,大部分神秘侧的人都不会承认‘神灵’的存在,他们只会认为只是强大者被神化,成为了‘神灵’而已。 May be this, more appears shady red skeleton to be fearful. 可越是这样,就越显得腥红骷髅可怕。 Calls it Spiritual God sufficiently the opponent, really exceeded the imagination regarding Paradis. 一个足以称之为‘神灵’的对手,对于帕拉迪亚实在是太超出想象了。 He has defined oneself opponent as the average person. 他一直将自己的对手定义为普通人。 Slightly is at most stronger than the average person a point strangeness. 至多就是比普通人稍强一点的怪异。 Probably is on par with Spiritual God opponent? 像是比肩‘神灵’的对手? He never imagined. 他想都没有想过。 He thinks can also stand here, has not knelt down, is the courage and wisdom is excellent. 他自认为还能够站在这里,没有跪下,已经是胆识过人了。 Naturally, what is more important, in front of him is also standing Kieran. 当然了,更重要的是,他前面还站着秦然 If he? 要是他一个人? Is impossible. 不可能的。 He is the captive of present person, which naturally is Kieran goes, he goes. 他是眼前之人的俘虏,自然是秦然去哪,他就去哪。 Is fair, is right? 合情合理,对不对? Paradis beyond very earnest ponder, while cautious rolls up own body in the Kieran back, making shady red skeleton unable to see itself completely. 帕拉迪亚一边很认真的思考外,一边小心翼翼的将自己的身躯蜷缩在秦然的背后,让腥红骷髅完全的看不到自己。 Kieran Intuition to the Paradis movement. 秦然感知到了帕拉迪亚的动作。 However, has not cared. 但是,没有在意。 He more focused in shady red skeleton. 他更多的将目光放在了腥红骷髅身上。 He the first time is not saw shady red skeleton. 他不是第一次见腥红骷髅 May seem like this type, face-to-face, is the first time. 可像是这种,面对面,还是第一次。 The opposite party in rags, are unable to see as before is what design, the rosary in hand with the opposite party approaches is moving, should form the habit. 对方衣衫褴褛,依旧无法看出是什么款式,手中的念珠随着对方的靠近而不停的拨动着,应该是养成了习惯。 In the body of skeleton, has not remained more flesh, but actually a shady red piece, seems like very strange. 骸骨的身躯上,没有残留更多的血肉,但却腥红一片,看起来十分的诡异。 Soul Fire in eye socket flaming is burning, although seems like very tiny, but actually seems like the flares of two fierce combustion to the feeling of Kieran, but in deep place, then contains some inexplicable strengths. 眼眶内的灵魂之火熊熊燃烧着,虽然看起来十分的渺小,但给秦然的感觉却好像是两个剧烈燃烧的火把,而在更深处,则蕴藏着一些莫名的力量。 Kieran not deeper investigates this strength. 秦然没有更深的追究这种力量。 Now, is not the time. 现在,还不是时候。 What he needs will be makes the opposite party the complete energy place the body of Victor. 他需要的是让对方将全部的精力都放在维克多的身上。 Therefore, he looks at the opposite party confidently. 所以,他坦然的看着对方。 Has the matter?” “有事?” Kieran asked. 秦然问道。 No.” “不。” I am only very curious Luo Yan you.” “我只是很好奇罗阎你。” You are called Luo Yan?” “你是叫做罗阎吧?” Just Daulven Your Excellency did to me had said that although your language and Ring City language is all connected, but the subtle point had the change.” “刚刚戴利芬阁下给我做过介绍,虽然你们的语言和环城的语言是一脉相承的,但是细微之处还是有了变化。” According to Ring City here name, I should call you to be right for the Yama.” “按照环城这里的称呼,我应该称呼你为阎罗才对。” shady red skeleton smiles to say. 腥红骷髅笑了笑说道。 On the face of skeleton naturally cannot display the happy expression, the hoarse sound cannot manifest humorously. 骸骨的脸上自然表现不出笑意,沙哑的声音更是体现不出幽默。 However, what opposite party approximate is to display like this. 不过,对方大致的是想要这样表现。 It seems like offering the good intentions. 似乎是在释放着善意。 At will.” “随意。” Saying that Kieran does not care about. 秦然不在意的说道。 Luo Yan, the Yama to him, is a name. 罗阎,阎罗对于他来说,都是一个称呼。 Similar to 2567 this alternative names. 类似于2567这个另类的称呼。 Regardless how others called him, he as before was Kieran. 无论别人怎么称呼他,他依旧是秦然 As for good intentions that shady red skeleton shows? 至于腥红骷髅表现出的善意? The wizard meeting believes. 鬼才会信。 The opposite party come to here to do, he is clear. 对方来这里干什么,他一清二楚。 But he naturally did not mind that coordinates the opposite party. 而他自然不介意配合对方。 You come for them.” “你是为了它们而来。” Kieran turned around to refer to the fingerplate car(riage) intentionally. 秦然故意转身指了指板车。 Not and not.” “不、不不。” These were only the branch details.” “那些只是旁枝末节了。” Ring City, although suffered the great misfortune, but is not a parsimonious ally, before battled the spoils of war, we may not have the face to come back directly.” 环城虽然遭受了大劫,但并不是一个吝啬的盟友,之前交战时的战利品,我们可没有脸面直接要回来。” If I do that three your majesty I will hang the air-drying outside Ring City...... will be a pity, Ring City also crashed.” “如果我这么做,三位陛下会把我吊在环城外风干的……可惜,环城也崩塌了。” shady red skeleton lays out the palm of skeleton again and again. 腥红骷髅连连摆了摆骸骨的手掌。 Soul Fire in eye socket actually beats again and again. 眼眶中的灵魂之火却是连连跳动。 Not is only observing Kieran, surrounding person. 不仅是在观察着秦然,还有周围的人。 Present Kieran is normal. 眼前的秦然正常。 Two strange, three human are also normal. 身后的两个怪异、三个人类也正常。 Really was I considers thoroughly! 果然是我多虑了! Present youngster is only opening of accident of sorts. 眼前的年轻人只是机缘巧合的开了个头罢了。 All chief criminals are Victor! 一切的罪魁祸首都是维克多 Victor must die! 维克多必须死! Thinks Victor to its deceiving, the destruction to entire Ring City, the speed that Soul Fire in shady red skeleton eye socket beat even more is quick. 一想到维克多对它的愚弄,对整个环城的破坏,腥红骷髅眼眶内的灵魂之火跳动的速度就越发的快了。 The hatred of distortion is releasing in Soul Fire. 扭曲的恨意在灵魂之火内释放着。 Kieran clear Intuition all these, are actually feigning ignorance the sigh of sentiment. 秦然清楚的感知着这一切,却故作不知情的叹息着。 Regarding this, I felt sorry very much.” “对此,我感到很抱歉。” We have never thought Victor will take us as the bait, steals the Ring City wealth.” “我们从未想过维克多会以我们为诱饵,来盗取环城的财富。” However we are lucky, many fellows to dying do not know oneself are dies because of anything.” “而我们还是幸运的,很多家伙到死都不知道自己是因为什么而死。” Kieran is saying lightly, in the tone appeared wiped sadly. 秦然淡淡的说着,语气中却出现了一抹哀伤。 This wiped sadly immediately aroused the shady red skeleton resonance. 这一抹哀伤顿时引起了腥红骷髅的共鸣。 I must find this chief criminal.” “我一定要找到这个罪魁祸首。” Three your majesty must tear to shreds him.” “三位陛下也要将他碎尸万段。” shady red skeleton wicked saying. 腥红骷髅恶狠狠的说道。 Naturally.” “当然。” If needs to help, invited Ai City to look for me.” “如果需要帮助的话,请来艾城找我。” I will not be parsimonious.” “我不会吝啬。” Kieran nods, earnest saying. 秦然点了点头,认真的说道。 Really was good.” “真是太好了。” If necessary, I will certainly go.” “如果有需要,我一定会去。” shady red skeleton seemingly is saying happily. 腥红骷髅貌似高兴的说着。 In later in several minutes, Kieran and shady red skeleton by Victor this topic, had the profound conversation, when to leaving, shady red skeleton also somewhat has not given full expression. 在之后的几分钟内,秦然腥红骷髅又以‘维克多’这个话题,进行了深刻的交谈,到离别时,腥红骷髅还有些意犹未尽。 I caught Victor, when executes, certainly will tell your Yama.” “等我抓到维克多,行刑时,一定会告诉你的阎罗。” I will anticipate that shady red.” “我会期待的,腥红。” In such dialogue, shady red skeleton departed. 在这样的对话中,腥红骷髅离去了。 Gazes after shady red skeleton to depart, Paradis then relaxes. 目送着腥红骷髅离去,帕拉迪亚这才松了口气。 I did not suggest to see this fellow.” “我不建议多见这个家伙。” It...... was too strange.” “它……太诡异了。” Young Herder such saying from Area gem. 来自宝石的年轻放牧者这样的说道。 Actually, what he wants to say is fearful. 其实,他想说的是‘可怕’。 However, after seeing the surrounding person, somewhat stated clearly embarrassed, this traded a glossary. 不过,在看到周围的人后,有些不好意思明说,这才换了个词汇。 At least we have the common enemy.” “至少我们有共同的敌人。” Kieran is the reply of Motionless demeanor. 秦然则是不动声色的回答着。 Those present or the strangeness, are not his insiders of this core plan. 在场的人或怪异,都不是他这次核心计划的知情者。 Also because of this, their they can appear here. 也正因为这样,他们它们才能够出现在这里。 Probably changes countenance White Evil Spirit when leaving underground went into hiding. 像是变色的白色怪异早就在离开地下时销声匿迹了。 Ahead of time like brings in three king private treasure houses the treasure to return is the same. 就如同是带着三王私人宝库里珍宝提前返回的度一样。 Kieran will not leave behind that big flaw to give the enemy. 秦然可不会留下那么大的破绽给敌人。 Even if he believes firmly that the person on one's own side can keep one's mouth shut to be the same. 哪怕他确信自己人能够守口如瓶一样。 Because, no one knows, the opposite party will have any strange ability. 因为,谁也不知道,对方会有什么奇奇怪怪的能力。 At least, in just, Kieran confirmed that shady red skeleton should have similar investigation ability. 至少,在刚刚,秦然确认腥红骷髅应该是有类似的探查能力。 And...... 而且…… The opposite party have not given up. 对方并没有放弃。 The split vision of Kieran corner of the eye sweeps the place that the beforehand opposite party has stood. 秦然眼角的余光扫过之前对方站立的地方。 In place that green grass covers, tiny maggot hiding is one of them. 在那青草覆盖的地方,一只细小的蛆虫隐蔽在其中。 Luo Yan, you said that Victor will go?” 罗阎,你说维克多会去哪?” After Paradis hesitated one next, changed the topic very much simply. 帕拉迪亚沉吟了一下后,很干脆的换了话题。 Does not know.” “不知道。” But, where regardless of being.” “不过,不论在哪。” He damn!” “他都该死!” The Kieran sinking sound said. 秦然沉声说道。 Regarding this, Paradis has not refuted, nearby Lu Kan nods again and again. 对此,帕拉迪亚没有反驳,一旁的卢坎则是连连点头。 Rebel!” “叛徒!” Unforgivable!” “不可饶恕!” Herder of northern forest regarding the tolerance of rebel is 0. 北地森林的放牧者对于叛徒的容忍度一直是0。 But that fellow, since planned all these, has found the escape route.” “可是那个家伙既然策划了这一切,想必已经找好了退路。” We should be very difficult to find him.” “我们应该很难找到他了。” Even, fellow perhaps simple disappearance.” “甚至,那家伙说不定会干脆的‘消失’。” Paradis feels the chin to say. 帕拉迪亚摸着下巴说道。 Oneself will substitute the Victor role, Paradis affirmed very, he found the best escape route inevitably, otherwise, like this will not be absolutely risky. 将自己代入到维克多的角色,帕拉迪亚十分肯定,他必然找到了最佳的退路,不然的话,绝对不会这样冒险。 Immediately, surrounding silence. 顿时,周围一片沉默。 Even if young Herder of northern forest knows what Paradis said is the fact. 即使是北地森林的年轻放牧者都知道帕拉迪亚说的是事实。 Even if one year could not find!” “就算一年找不到!” I look for ten years!” “我就去找十年!” I will certainly find that bastard rebel!” “我一定会找到那个混蛋叛徒的!” After silent moment, Lu Kan very earnest saying. 沉默了片刻后,卢坎十分认真的说道。 Straightforward northern forest Herder, the character absolutely is tenacious unyielding, indomitable. 耿直的北地森林放牧者,性格绝对是坚韧不屈,百折不挠的。 But north that person forest Guardian was a face happily patted son's shoulder. 那位北地森林守护者则是一脸欣慰的拍了拍自己儿子的肩膀。 Relax.” “放心吧。” Herder does not seem is so weak.” 放牧者并不像看起来的那么软弱。” These inhumans!” “还有那些异人!” Their back is families, these strengths in seemingly are usually not much, when they join up, absolutely is the colossus!” “他们的背后是一个个的家族,这些力量在平时看起来不怎么样,但是当他们联合起来的时候,绝对是庞然大物!” Victor cannot run away!” 维克多跑不掉的!” North this forest Guardian saying every single word or phrase. 这位北地森林守护者一字一句的说道。 Appears confident. 显得信心十足。 Such confidence infected Lu Kan and Paradis immediately. 这样的信心马上感染了卢坎帕拉迪亚 The latter collected to ask immediately carefully. 后者更是马上凑过去细细的问了起来。 Young Herder from Area gem, displayed suitable being interested to Victor. 来自宝石的年轻放牧者,对维克多表现出了相当的感兴趣。 No. 不。 Said that accurately is to the buried treasure that Victor brings. 更准确的说是对维克多所带的宝藏。 Kieran has not interrupted. 秦然没有插嘴。 Sits there calmly is listening. 就这么坐在那里静静的听着。 The vision is the vague gaze that maggot. 目光则是若有若无的注视着那条蛆虫。 ...... …… We first will certainly find Victor!” “我们一定会先找到维克多!” Even if you occupy are farming the advantage advantage!” “即使你们占据着种种地利优势!” shady red skeleton is listening secretly Kieran and the others through the maggot the dialogues. 腥红骷髅通过蛆虫偷听着秦然等人的对话。 It at this moment repeatedly confirmed youngster really and event relations of Ring City named Yama does not have. 此刻的它再次确认了名叫阎罗的年轻人真的和环城的事件一点关系都没有。 However, will find Victor regarding Herder ahead of time, shady red skeleton actually thinks little. 不过,对于放牧者会提前找到维克多,腥红骷髅却是不以为意。 Because, they have the advantage that Herder does not have: King Perch. 因为,它们拥有着放牧者所不具备的优势:栖王 Although present King Perch your majesty because of beforehand backlash slightly injured, in having opposite party big pile of flesh takes the premise, which wants to lock Victor, is very easy. 虽然现在的栖王陛下因为之前的反噬而略微受伤,但是在拥有对方一大堆血肉做为前提时,想要锁定维克多在哪,还是十分容易的。 Had such faith, shady red skeleton to return to Ring City. 带着这样的信念,腥红骷髅返回了环城 After becoming ruins Ring City outer ring and inner ring, shady red skeleton regarding the Victor hatred again strong several points. 当经过变为废墟的环城外环内环时,腥红骷髅对于维克多的恨意再次浓烈了数分。 But after entering Royal City, looks at that empty treasure house, such hatred really just like essence. 而在进入王城后,看着那空荡荡的宝库,这样的恨意真的是宛如实质。 Victor must die! 维克多必须死! shady red skeleton heart again secretly said. 腥红骷髅心底再次暗道 Meanwhile, its footsteps were even more quick. 同时,它的脚步越发的快了。 It impatient must go to the Tracking opposite party. 它已经迫不及待的要去追踪对方了。 Your majesty.” “陛下。” Enters the king to bring up the rear, shady red skeleton bends the waist to salute. 进入王殿后,腥红骷髅弯腰行礼。 However, three kings have not paid attention to shady red skeleton. 但是,三王并没有理会腥红骷髅 King Wren and King Hunt vision is looking at King Perch. 鹩王獠王的目光都在看着栖王 In the throne, in the King Perch hand grasps belongs to Victor the flesh. 王座内,栖王手中握着一块属于‘维克多’的血肉。 and give a tongue-lashing. 呲、呲呲。 As if the blasting fuse of ignition is the same, these flesh are burning extremely quickly. 仿佛是点燃的导火索一样,这些血肉极快的燃烧着。 The smog fills the air from these flesh repeatedly, was inhaled in the nose by King Perch. 屡屡烟雾从这些血肉中弥漫而出,被栖王吸入了鼻中。 When the last wisp of smog also entered King Perch within the body, presented a road in the eyes of this King, the both sides were the jungle, on an index plate clear writes: Rossas state Highway 63. 当最后一缕烟雾也进入到了栖王体内时,在这位王者的眼中出现了一条公路,两侧是密林,一根指示牌上清晰的写着:洛萨斯州63号公路。 Rossas state Highway 63.” “洛萨斯州63号公路。” He, just after there.” “他,刚刚经过那里。” King Perch saying slowly. 栖王缓缓的说道。 Your majesty, please gives me.” “陛下,请交给我吧。” shady red skeleton said immediately. 腥红骷髅马上说道。 Regarding this, three kings had not opposed. 对此,三王没有反对。 Ring City was destroyed, hundred years of painstaking care has all efforts wasted, but they thorough rejection Ring City, will not reconstruct and find a place on the ruins again, the former wants to be easier without a doubt. 环城被毁了,百年心血付之东流,但是它们不会彻底的舍弃环城,在废墟上重建和重新找个地方重新,毫无疑问前者要容易一些。 But such matter, needs three kings to do it yourself. 而这样的事情,需要三王亲力亲为。 Because, they need to let Ring City knows their existences strangely. 因为,它们需要让环城的怪异知道它们的存在。 Therefore, shady red skeleton becomes the best choice. 所以,腥红骷髅就成为了最好的选择。 Gave you.” “交给你了。” You know how should do.” “你知道应该怎么做。” King Wren represents three king to say. 鹩王代表三王说道。 Naturally!” “当然!” Victor, must die!” 维克多,必须死!” shady red skeleton again redundant say/way. 腥红骷髅再次重复道。 ...... …… When shady red skeleton, Herder and inhumans camp also started return. 就在腥红骷髅出发的时候,放牧者异人营地也开始了返回。 When unlike coming Mist. 与来时迷雾不同。 When returns to the channel must be quite stable. 返回时的通道要极为稳定。 Kieran brings Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster, walks into. 秦然带着牛头怪马头怪,走入其中。 Two strange is drawing the animal-drawn cart while curious looks at the channel. 两个怪异一边拉着板车一边好奇的看着通道。 „Like the corridor.” “和走廊一样。” Ox-head Monster said. 牛头怪说道。 That is the place that because you are occupied by you made that mounts the flour gruel.” “那是因为你把你住的地方弄得黏糊糊的。” Horse-head Monster is refuting. 马头怪反驳着。 At least compares is the fodder corner corner is all good.” “至少比全是草料的犄角旮旯好。” Ox-head Monster ironic. 牛头怪反讽了一句。 When Horse-head Monster also wanted to say anything, at present sudden one bright. 马头怪还想要说些什么时,眼前突然一亮。 When they arrived at Kieran since that mountain on. 它们来到了秦然进入时的那座山上。 Stands on the mountain, looks at the surrounding two strangeness, on the face appeared excitedly. 站在山上,看着周围的两个怪异,脸上浮现了兴奋。 Unlike Ring City limited. 环城的‘有限’不同。 This stretch of the world is very broad. 这片天地是十分广阔的。 At least, the open country one side, does not seem like the Ring City open country to have boundary shortly. 至少,野外一眼看不到边,不像是环城的野外有着‘界限’。 From here to there, is my domain!” “从这里到那里,是我的地盘!” Exciting Ox-head Monster very simple saying. 兴奋的牛头怪很干脆的说道。 Why?” “凭什么?” Is I first sees obviously!” “明明是我先看到的!” Horse-head Monster hit a loud nose. 马头怪打了个响鼻。 Nonsense!” “胡说!” Is I first sees!” “是我先看到的!” The Ox-head Monster forehead withstood/top on the Horse-head Monster forehead all of a sudden, Horse-head Monster did not flinch, both sides left to enter the condition of test of strength, following Herder and inhumans saw this, looked at one curiously, has not said anything. 牛头怪的额头一下子就顶到了马头怪的额头上,马头怪毫不退缩,双方离开进入到了角力的状态,后面的放牧者异人们看到这一幕,好奇的看了一眼,却没有多说什么。 Strange battle? 怪异的争斗? They saw many. 他们见得太多了。 Obeys in the person and inhumans strangeness, has. 服从于人、异人的怪异,也不是没有。 However, Daulven actually walked. 不过,戴利芬却走了过来。 Luo Yan, your Follower needs to go through some formalities.” 罗阎,你的随从需要办理一些手续。” These procedures, are proving their validity.” “这些手续,证明着它们的合法性。” Naturally.” “当然。” They cannot make mistakes.” “它们不能够犯错。” For no reason the matter that any harms the average person, will let them faced with the trial.” “任何无故伤害普通人的事情,都会让它们面临审判。” Daulven said. 戴利芬说道。 Un.” “嗯。” Comes with me.” “跟我来。” Kieran said to locking horns Ox-head Monster Horse-head Monster. 秦然冲着正在顶牛的牛头怪马头怪说道。 Immediately, two tests of strength strange on little darling walked. 顿时,两个角力的怪异就乖乖的走了过来。 Looks at two strange appearances, Daulven satisfied nod. 看着两个怪异的模样,戴利芬满意的点了点头。 He did not oppose that Herder has strange Follower. 他不反对放牧者拥有怪异的随从 But the premise is obedient. 但前提是必须要听话。 When Daulven handles the identification to Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster, in Leaf Restuarant, is truncating the potato Li Jiajia to lift the head diligently suddenly. 就在戴利芬牛头怪马头怪办理身份证明的时候,叶之餐馆内,正在努力削土豆的李佳佳突然抬起了头。 In her mind, wipes the sound endlessly to repeat. 在她的脑海中,一抹声音不断重复着。 Blood, death.” “鲜血,死亡。” fiery flame, destruction.” 烈焰,毁灭。” He came!” “他来了!” Flees!” “逃离!” Flees!” “逃离!” ...... …… In the mind the sudden sound makes Li Jiajia truncate the hand of potato one wrong, almost truncates succeeds in obtaining. 脑海中突如其来的声音让李佳佳削土豆的手一错,差点削到了手。 This makes Li Jiajia angry. 这让李佳佳大为恼怒。 Shut up!” “闭嘴!” I am not Sage!” “我不是贤者!” „It is not the prophet!” “也不是预言家!” My dream is Chef!” “我的梦想是厨师!” „Does Chef, understand?” 厨师,懂吗?” Li Jiajia loudly exclaimed to that sound. 李佳佳冲着那个声音大吼道。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Such sound naturally brought to the attention of Mimosa. 这样的声音自然引起了含羞草的注意。 Teacher, that sound in my mind was also saying that the blood, death and fiery flame and destroyed, has said that he came......” “老师,我脑海中的那个声音又在说鲜血、死亡、烈焰和毁灭了,一直说他来了……” All right.” “没事的。” Some things, need to be familiar with.” “有些事情,需要习惯。” Faces Mimosa, Li Jiajia has not been concealing. 面对着含羞草,李佳佳没有隐瞒。 Mimosa modest smiling, is comforting own apprentice. 含羞草温和的笑着,安慰着自己的学徒。 Then, has turned around, takes up hung in nearby apron. 然后,转过身,拿起了挂在一旁的围裙。 The smile on face, even more gentle. 脸上的笑容,越发的温柔。 He. 他。 Came back. 回来了。 : :
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