DC :: Volume #27

#78: Inventory

Kieran hurried back to Ai City at the same night. 秦然连夜的赶回了艾城 Is entering the alley that Leaf Restuarant is at 11 p.m. to 1 a.m, he deeply inspires. 在走进叶之餐馆所在的小巷子时,他不由深吸了一口气。 Mutton flavor! 羊肉的味道! Not a wee bit rank odors. 没有一丁点的膻味。 Had is the pure mutton fragrance. 有着的就是纯粹的羊肉香味。 Kieran the spirit shakes immediately. 秦然立刻精神一震。 Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster were the saliva flowing. 身后的牛头怪马头怪则是口水哗哗的流了下来。 „Is this our new homes?” “这就是我们的新家吗?” Good!” “太好了!” I like here.” “我喜欢这里。” Ox-head Monster very simple saying. 牛头怪很干脆的说道。 I also like here.” “我也喜欢这里。” In good compared with imagination.” “比想象中的好。” On the Horse-head Monster long face had a smile. 马头怪的马脸上出现了一个笑容。 Spoke compared with study me!” “比学我说话!” Ox-head Monster is refuting subconsciously. 牛头怪下意识的反驳着。 Your scholarship I spoke!” “你才学我说话!” Your this having no sense of shame ox head person!” “你这个不知羞耻的牛头人!” Horse-head Monster rebuts with sarcasm immediately. 马头怪立刻反唇相讥。 What did you say?” “你说什么?” Your this long face does not know the long wharf person!” “你这个马脸不知长的马头人!” Ox-head Monster is naturally unwilling to fall behind. 牛头怪自然是不甘落后。 But at this time, Kieran did not have the time to pay attention to two Follower, he approached the front door of restaurant in big strides, pushed the door to walk. 而这个时候,秦然则没有工夫去理会两个随从了,他大踏步的走近了餐馆的大门,推门就走了进去。 Is Mimosa of apron is standing after the bar, looks at Kieran, on the face showed the smile. 系着围裙的含羞草站在吧台后,看着走进来的秦然,脸上露出了微笑。 I came back.” “我回来了。” Looks at the Mimosa smile, Kieran very natural saying. 看着含羞草的笑容,秦然很自然的说道。 First eats meal, first takes a bath?” “是先吃饭,还是先洗澡?” I prepared the mutton pot and hot water.” “我准备好了羊肉锅和热水。” Mimosa bypassed the bar, received the Kieran coat conveniently, hung one side of the bar, vision from beginning to end placed the body of Kieran. 含羞草绕过了吧台,顺手接过了秦然的外套,挂在了吧台一侧,目光自始至终的放在秦然的身上。 As for Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster? 至于牛头怪马头怪 Mimosa saw, but has not cared. 含羞草看到了,但没有在意。 Can monster that follows Kieran to walk, even if fearful, is harmless. 能够跟着秦然走进来的怪物,哪怕再可怕,也是无害的。 Regarding this, Mimosa believes in firmly. 对此,含羞草深信不疑。 First eats meal.” “先吃饭。” Kieran very simple saying. 秦然很干脆的说道。 Un.” “嗯。” Mimosa nods with a smile, entered the kitchen, after the moment, an earthenware cooking pot carried. 含羞草笑着点了点头,就进了厨房,片刻后,一个砂锅端了出来。 Mixes with the steam of fragrance to emit from the vent. 夹杂着香味的水蒸气从出气孔中冒出。 When Mimosa removed the pot cover, that type of fragrance flooded in the entire restaurant all of a sudden. 而当含羞草揭开锅盖的时候,那种香味一下子就充斥在了整个餐厅内。 The white fresh-faced mutton that cooks, slivered the crescent moon piece, loads in the pot. 煮的白色粉嫩的羊肉,切成了月牙片,装入锅中。 The fresh green coriander, shallot and bright red hot pepper, match the Chinese matrimony-vine to embellish on the mutton. 鲜绿的香菜、小葱和鲜红的辣椒,搭配着枸杞点缀在羊肉上。 All around and mutton piece orthogonal thick soup also in gurgle gurgle tumbling. 四周与羊肉片平齐的浓汤还在咕嘟咕嘟的翻滚着。 Kieran takes a deep breath, received the ladle that Mimosa hands over, first scooped up soup. 秦然深吸了口气,接过含羞草递来的勺子,先舀了一口汤。 Tasty! 鲜美! After the tip of tongue and cooking liquor touch, a pale actually not greasy flavor starts to extend on the tip of tongue of Kieran, then, coriander, shallot, cooking wine, crane, star anise, Chinese prickly ash and hot pepper the appearance of flavor first floor level. 当舌尖与汤汁触碰后,一种淡却不腻的味道开始在秦然的舌尖上漫延开来,然后,香菜、小葱、料酒、香叶、八角、花椒、辣椒的味道一层层的出现。 It is not towering. 并不突兀。 That of allowing nature to take its course. 顺其自然的那种。 Especially in which Chinese matrimony-vine. 特别是其中的一颗枸杞。 The flavor is pleasantly sweet. 味道甜丝丝的。 Soup gets down, Kieran cannot help but scooped up one spoon, on this time mixed with mutton. 一口汤下去,秦然不由自主的又舀了一勺,这一次上面夹杂了一块羊肉。 The weak mutton non- firewood is not greasy, the just right soft feeling, making the Kieran appetite open greatly. 酥软的羊肉不柴不腻,恰到好处的柔软感,让秦然胃口大开。 Wolfs down, the earthenware cooking pot upper-level mutton all entered in the stomach, remaining is the long Chinese yam, radish and starch noodles. 狼吞虎咽间,砂锅上层的羊肉就全都进入了肚中,剩下的就是长山药、萝卜和粉条。 Long Chinese yam already wadding. 长山药已经绵了。 The radish also brings crisply. 萝卜还带着脆。 The starch noodles are retaining refreshing and smooth. 粉条则保留着爽滑。 Without using the chopsticks, Kieran carries the earthenware cooking pot, took up the ladle to dig up to draw the mouth all food. 没有用筷子,秦然端起砂锅,拿起勺子就将所有的食物扒拉到了嘴里。 After this earthenware cooking pot emptied, Mimosa has carried the second pot. 而当这个砂锅空了后,含羞草已经端来了第二锅。 Meanwhile, two steamed stuffed buns appeared in the hand, handed over toward eager Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster. 同时,两个包子出现在了手中,向着眼巴巴的牛头怪马头怪递去。 „The bits and pieces of mutton pot, I made some mutton fat steamed stuffed buns, words that does not shut out......” “羊肉锅的边角料,我做了一些羊油包子,不嫌弃的话……” Does not shut out!” “不嫌弃!” Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster took immediately, opened mouth to throw. 牛头怪马头怪马上就拿了过去,张嘴就扔了进去。 After bites open the steamed stuffed bun, two strange the facial expression solidified immediately. 当把包子咬开后,两个怪异顿时神情就凝固了。 Delicious! 好吃! They have never eaten such delicious food. 它们从未吃过这样好吃的食物。 Is eats uncooked regarding both most food, occasionally roasts the strangeness, the Mimosa cook, conquered them instantaneously. 对于两个大部分食物都是生吃的,偶尔烤一下的怪异,含羞草的厨艺,瞬间征服了它们。 I pledged that this is the life that I have wanted!” “我发誓这就是我一直想要的生活!” Really was too happy.” “真是太美好了。” Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster strange is saying. 牛头怪马头怪一怪一句的说着。 Lies elite Evil Dog in bar is looks to disdain. 趴在吧台内的精英恶犬则是面露不屑。 Fellow who has not seen the world! 没见过世面的家伙! Elite Evil Dog crawled, stretches oneself, shook wool, then...... lowers the head directly, starts rubbing back and forth on the leg of Mimosa. 精英恶犬爬了起来,伸了个懒腰,抖了抖身上的毛,然后……直接低下头,开始在含羞草的腿上来回的蹭。 Emanation sobbing sound that the mouth continuously. 嘴里不住的发出呜咽声。 Has not forgotten you.” “没有忘记你。” My.” “等我一下。” Mimosa returned to the kitchen with a smile. 含羞草笑着返回了厨房。 The next quarter, carried basin sheep turn/kidnap. 下一刻,就端出了一盆羊拐。 Including the muscle, bringing the sheep of meat to turn makes the eye of Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster shine instantaneously. 连着筋,带着肉的羊拐瞬间让牛头怪马头怪的眼睛放光。 Although poured in the dog basin, but they did not mind that carried the dog basin to eat! 虽然倒在了狗盆里,但是它们不介意端起狗盆吃啊! Elite Evil Dog seemed feels the idea of Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster, has turned head, started the tooth to two strangely, other five Evil Dog also drilled from the corner, eying covetously looks at Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster. 精英恶犬仿佛是感受到了牛头怪马头怪的想法,扭过头,冲着两个怪异开始呲牙了,剩余的五只恶犬也从角落中钻了出来,虎视眈眈的看着牛头怪马头怪 Regarding five Evil Dog that presents later, Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster complete does not care. 对于随后出现的五只恶犬,牛头怪马头怪完全的不放在心上。 However in looking to elite Evil Dog, is actually looks dignifiedly. 不过在看向精英恶犬时,却是面露凝重。 They can be only different Intuition to this Evil Dog this qualitative. 它们能够感知到这只恶犬质的不同。 But, is this makes them give up food the reason? 但,这是让它们放弃食物的理由吗? Ate the thing.” “过来吃东西了。” Steamed stuffed bun also has, do you also want?” “包子还有,你们还要吗?” When Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster are ready to fight, Mimosa is greeting own security dog, while looked to Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster. 就在牛头怪马头怪摩拳擦掌的时候,含羞草一边招呼着自己的‘护卫犬’,一边看向了牛头怪马头怪 Wants!” “要!” Two strange nod again and again. 两个怪异连连点头。 That sits waits a bit a while here.” “那坐在这里稍等一会儿。” Mimosa said. 含羞草说道。 Good.” “好。” Two strange the little friend like kindergarten are the same immediately, the body sits straightly, calmly is waiting. 两个怪异马上如同幼稚园的小朋友一样,身躯坐得笔直,静静等待着。 Such waiting has not wasted. 这样的等待没有白费。 Mimosa carried two bulk lots steamed stuffed buns to walk. 含羞草端着两大盘包子走了出来。 That that the first floor level piles, the hill same placed two probably strangely front. 一层层摞起来的那种,好像是小山一样放在了两个怪异面前。 You're welcome.” “不用客气。” Mimosa said with a smile. 含羞草笑道。 In fact, two strange not polite, is facing the big steamed stuffed bun in tray, throws toward the mouth. 事实上,两个怪异也没有客气,面对着盘子中的大包子,一手一个的往嘴里扔去。 Looks the speed that two eat meal strangely, Mimosa simply had not been frightened. 看着两个怪异吃饭的速度,含羞草根本没有被吓到。 Every day and Kieran in the same place, Mimosa has been used. 每天和秦然在一起,含羞草早就习惯了。 Therefore, Mimosa very natural and carried two plates of steamed stuffed buns, gave back to two strange heresies while convenient two bowls of sheep Tang. 因此,含羞草很自然的又端出了两盘包子,顺带还给两个怪异端了两碗羊汤。 Also is Kieran eats the bits and pieces of mutton pot. 也是秦然所吃羊肉锅的边角料。 However, two strange have not cared completely, eats delighted. 但是,两个怪异完全没有在意,吃得不亦乐乎。 Sitting of Mimosa smile to the chair of bar on, lifted the hand to trace is eating sheep turn/kidnap Evil Dog, looks two strangeness that ate forgets oneself, the vision put on greedi Kieran again. 含羞草微笑的坐到了吧台的椅子上,抬手摸了摸吃着羊拐的恶犬,看了看吃得忘乎所以的两个怪异,目光就再次放到了狼吞虎咽的秦然身上。 The exchange of no spoken language. 没有什么言语的交流。 But is a look. 可就是一个眼神。 Made Mimosa feel the happiness. 却让含羞草感觉到了幸福。 Mimosa likes the present appearance very much. 含羞草很喜欢眼前的样子。 Does not need to camouflage, does not need to put on airs. 不需要伪装,不需要装腔作势。 So long as makes delicious food, some people will appreciate. 只要做出好吃的食物,就会有人欣赏。 What also has is compared with this better? 还有什么是比这样更好的吗? Naturally is, the person of appreciation was Kieran. 自然是,欣赏的人是秦然了。 Only is left over a restaurant that swallows, the chewing sound, without doubt was makes food the flavor even more tasty, holds one cup of water Mimosa, finished eating a pot in Kieran, after expressing full, immediately handed over the water. 只剩下一片吞咽、咀嚼声的餐厅,无疑是让食物的味道越发的鲜美了,捧着一杯水的含羞草,在秦然又吃完一锅,表示饱了后,马上将水递了过去。 I put the lemon and peppermint, solution You.” “我放了柠檬和薄荷,解油的。” Mimosa said. 含羞草说道。 Un.” “嗯。” A Kieran nod, drank completely. water cup 秦然一点头,一口饮尽了杯中的水。 Then, stands up, took from bar one side hook was his apron, started to carry the spatial pot to enter the kitchen. 然后,站起身,从吧台一侧的挂钩上拿下了属于他的围裙,开始端着空锅进入了厨房。 Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster that afterward finished eating gawked staring, then, studied the Kieran appearance to take up own tray and spatial bowl, moved toward the kitchen. 随后吃完的牛头怪马头怪愣了愣,然后,也学着秦然的模样拿起了自己的盘子和空碗,走向了厨房。 This made elite Evil Dog have a sense of crisis. 这让精英恶犬有了一丝危机感。 Probably the master gives it the wash basin. 好像主人是给它洗盆的。 But it had not discovered. 而它也没有发现。 General idea/Careless! 大意了! In the elite Evil Dog heart sinks, immediately holds in the mouth the spatial basin that finished eating to walk toward the kitchen. 精英恶犬心中一沉,马上叼起吃完的空盆向着厨房走去。 Immediately, the enough spacious kitchen becomes crowded. 立刻,足够宽敞的厨房就变得拥挤起来。 However, Mimosa is actually the smile looks at all these. 不过,含羞草却是微笑的看着这一切。 Mimosa likes this lively feeling. 含羞草喜欢这种热闹的感觉。 Although Kieran departed merely for several days, Mimosa felt experiences one day like a year suffering. 虽然秦然仅仅只是离去了几天,含羞草却觉得度日如年般的煎熬。 But now? 而现在? All restored normally. 一切恢复正常了。 Ding the bell! 叮铃! In the sound of doorbell, Pine Rock this size elder sister half step walked. 门铃的响动中,松石这位大小姐快步走了进来。 Eats!” “吃的!” I must eat!” “我要吃的!” Pine Rock loud shouting. 松石大声的喊道。 Only then sheep Tang and steamed stuffed bun.” “只有羊汤和包子。” Mimosa is facing the frequent guest, very showed a courtesy smile courteous. 含羞草面对着熟客,十分有礼的露出了一个礼节性的微笑。 Then on sheep soup and steamed stuffed bun.” “那就羊汤和包子。” Pine Rock is the custom pulled out one bunch of money, placed on the table. 松石则是习惯的掏出了一摞钱,放在了桌子上。 Quick, food carried. 很快的,食物就端了上来。 Pine Rock has no size elder sister style start to sweep food. 松石没有任何大小姐风范的开始扫荡着食物。 Even if saw walks Kieran that from the kitchen with two strangely is also same. 哪怕是看到了从厨房走出来的秦然和两个怪异也是一样。 Kieran where has food to be important! 秦然哪有食物重要! After eating ten big steamed stuffed buns, this Pine Rock family's size elder sisters slow the tempo. 足足吃了十个大包子后,这位松石家族的大小姐才放慢了速度。 !” “呼!” Was lives finally!” “总算是活过来了!” Luo Ye do you know?” 罗叶你知道吗?” I cross in Ring City simply am not the day of person.” “我在环城简直过得不是人的日子。” Various dangers, felt alarmed and anxious did not say, but also did not eat well.” “各种危险,担惊受怕不说,还吃不好。” Now thinks, I do not want to pass such day for a lifetime again.” “现在想想,我一辈子都不想再过那样的日子了。” Pine Rock voiced the opinions loudly. 松石大声的发出了感叹。 Such sigh, caused Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster resonance immediately. 这样的感叹,马上引起了牛头怪马头怪的共鸣。 Right!” “没错!” Ring City has not blamed simply day!” 环城简直不是怪过的日子!” Does not go back “坚决不回去了” There simply is the remote place general place!” “那里简直是穷乡僻壤一般的地方!” Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster such saying. 牛头怪马头怪这样的说道。 Nod of elite Evil Dog echoes. 精英恶犬附和的点了点头。 Right. 没错。 Country bumpkin who you two have not seen the world. 你们两个就是没有见过世面的乡巴佬。 After giving two strange appraisals, elite Evil Dog is shaking the tail, continued lying in the entrance of kitchen, the eyelid drooped, probably fell asleep generally. 给与了两个怪异评价后,精英恶犬晃着尾巴,继续的趴在了厨房的门口,眼皮都耷拉下来,好像是睡着了一般。 Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster obvious detection to despising of elite Evil Dog. 牛头怪马头怪明显的察觉到了精英恶犬的鄙夷。 Two looked at Mimosa not to begin strangely immediately. 两个怪异看了看含羞草没有马上动手。 Is unfamiliar with the people and place. 人生地不熟的。 Also ate others thing. 还吃了人家的东西。 Moreover, looked relates with own Sir not general. 而且,一看就和自己的大人关系不一般。 Cannot begin at will. 不能随意动手。 They prepared to mix ripe, finds out the situation to say again. 它们准备混熟了,摸摸情况再说。 It seems takes by force to be the same outside Ring City, why can that many time not let slip, isn't they knows oneself and other side? 就好似是在环城外打劫一样,为什么能够那么多次都没有失手,还不是它们知己知彼吗? Kieran has not paid attention to two Follower wishful thinkings. 秦然没有理会两个随从的小心思。 He sat in own chair, looks at Pine Rock. 他坐回了属于自己的椅子中,看着松石 Has a business interested, the Pine Rock family?” “有笔生意,松石家族有兴趣吗?” Kieran asked. 秦然问道。 Business?” “生意?” „Before is you, takes by force the Ring City motorcade?” “是你们之前打劫环城的车队吗?” Pine Rock asked. 松石问道。 Un.” “嗯。” I hope that will cross the money and these Magic Item and equipment all changes into Gold Money.” “我希望将渡钱和那些魔法道具、装备全都换成金渡钱。” Kieran has not concealed. 秦然没有隐瞒。 Pine Rock takes the insider, does not need to conceal. 松石做为知情者,根本不需要隐瞒。 Does not have the issue.” “没问题。” A Pine Rock nod. 松石一点头。 Then, this Pine Rock family's size elder sister, knits the brows slightly. 然后,这位松石家族的大小姐,微微一皱眉。 „The explosion of Ring City is you do right?” 环城的爆炸是你搞出来的对吗?” Pine Rock lowered the sound to ask. 松石压低了声音问道。 „It is not!” “不是!” I am wanted to do that but Victor compared with me quicker one step.” “我原本是想要这么做,但是维克多比我更快了一步。” „If not I in dangerous Intuition that in the remote mountain trains, our two have died in that polluted waterway.” “如果不是我在深山中培养出的危险感知,我们两个早就死在了那臭水河。” Kieran very affirmative shaking the head. 秦然很肯定的摇了摇头。 I am eating meal!” “我在吃饭!” Do not raise that place!” “不要提那个地方!” Pine Rock shouted immediately. 松石马上叫嚷起来。 Then just like the latrine pit same polluted waterway, is really makes her turnoff. 那宛如粪坑一样的臭水河,实在是让她倒胃口。 Her whole life does not want to return to Ring City again, the polluted waterway at least needs to occupy half of reasons. 她之所以这辈子都不想再返回环城,臭水河至少要占一半的缘故。 Does not raise, does not represent does not exist.” “不提,不代表不存在。” „It seems like......” “就好像是……” Victor.” 维克多。” Kieran returned on the topic Victor again. 秦然将话题再次转回到了维克多身上。 Victor?” 维克多?” Do not tell me, do you also want to capture him?” “别告诉我,你也想去追捕他?” Pine Rock words, guessed looks at Kieran. 松石话语一顿,略带猜测的看着秦然 Why no?” “为什么不呢?” After all, he stole a Ring City hundred years of wealth!” “毕竟,他可是盗取了环城的百年财富!” Kieran asked. 秦然反问道。 You, since knows that he stole a Ring City hundred years of wealth, then, you do know that now how many people are staring at him?” “你既然知道他盗取了环城的百年财富,那么,你知不知道现在有多少人在盯着他?” The brow of Pine Rock wrinkled. 松石的眉头皱起了。 Can imagine.” “能够想象。” Kieran is replying. 秦然回答着。 No!” “不!” You cannot imagine completely!” “你完全想象不到!” If beforehand Winter Night Battle is dangerous, then at this time, capturing Victor was fatal, even, compared, before we participated Winter Night Battle crossed each family to be similar to the child.” “如果说之前的‘冬夜战’是危险的,那么这个时候,追捕维克多就是致命的,甚至,相比较起来,我们之前参加的‘冬夜战’就和小孩子过家家差不多。” Because beforehand Winter Night Battle is only part of youngster of Mystic various parties goes to participate.” “因为之前的‘冬夜战’只是神秘侧各方代表的一部分年轻人前去参加。” However this time hunt?” “而这一次的追捕?” Is the entire Mystic world!” “是整个神秘侧世界!” The Pine Rock sound raised a point. 松石的声音拔高了一分。 But this time, Kieran had not replied. 而这一次,秦然却没有回答。 He carried the drinking glass to drink one silently. 他端着水杯默默的喝了一口。 Looks at this appearance Kieran, Pine Rock sighs. 看着这副模样的秦然,松石叹了口气。 I, no matter you want to do, but absolutely do not implicate Luo Ye.” “我不管你想要干什么,但是你绝对不要连累到罗叶。” Luo Ye, but......” 罗叶可是……” Wait!” “等等!” Your this fellow is in front of my, said, wants me to help you look after Luo Ye?” “你这个家伙当着我的面,这么说,是不是想要我来帮你照顾罗叶啊?” Really is an irritable fellow!” “真是个别扭的家伙!” „To ask me, can speak frankly!” “想要拜托我,可以直说啊!” Pine Rock is saying, as if thought of anything, immediately an appearance suddenly looks at Kieran. 松石说着,仿佛是想到了什么,当即一副恍然的模样看着秦然 This size elder sister inserts the waist to stand in the Kieran front, is waiting for the request of Kieran. 这位大小姐插着腰站在秦然的面前,等待着秦然的请求。 Ate to the full, you can walk.” “吃饱了,你可以走了。” We take a break today ahead of time.” “我们今天提前打烊。” Kieran points to the door. 秦然下了逐客令。 Thinks discovered all Pine Rock, does not have any was not happy, her walking outward with a laugh. 自认为发现了一切的松石,没有任何的不高兴,她笑呵呵的向外走去。 Tomorrow, Mian Yi can carry out the transaction with you.” “明天白天,免一会和你进行交易的。” Naturally, if you want to ask Luo Ye to me......” “当然,如果你想把罗叶拜托给我的话……” Walks slowly, does not deliver.” “慢走,不送。” Without the Pine Rock words saying, Kieran promoted the restaurant the opposite party, after bringing back the small blackboard conveniently, closed the front door of restaurant directly. 没有等松石的话说完,秦然就把对方推出了餐厅,顺手拿回了小黑板后,直接关上了餐厅的大门。 You go to two buildings to choose a spatial room.” “你们自己去二楼选个空房间。” Said to Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster, Kieran after Mimosa hit a meaningful glance, turns toward the basement to walk. 冲着牛头怪马头怪说了一句,秦然向着含羞草打了个眼色后,就向着地下室走去。 In there, Superior Evil Spirit had waited there for some time. 在那里,上位邪灵已经等候多时了。 Boss.” “boss。” Superior Evil Spirit bends the waist, bows to say. 上位邪灵弯腰,躬身道。 Then, Superior Evil Spirit enters the room that it long treated, after miscellaneous cautious moving things out of the way that these abandon, revealed a downward staircase. 接着,上位邪灵就走进了它长待的房间,将那些废弃的杂物小心翼翼的搬开后,露出了一个向下的楼梯。 Superior Evil Spirit takes a step downward. 上位邪灵迈步向下。 Kieran follows behind. 秦然跟在身后。 After walking for dozen minutes, saw the end. 足足走了十几分钟后,才看到了尽头。 Stands there. 度站在那里。 Sir.” “大人。” With the incomparably respectful stance after Kieran salutes, shoved open that completely the gate that is acted as by the stone. 以无比恭敬的姿态向着秦然行礼后,度推开了那完全由石头充当的门。 Immediately 顿时 Golden light twinkle. 金光闪烁。 Dazzling. 璀璨夺目。 The time of inventory genuine spoils of war . 清点真正战利品的时间,到了。
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