DC :: Volume #27

#76: To Victor said that thanks

The Kieran voice falls, surrounding youngster move on sāo. 秦然的话音落下,周围的年轻人们就一阵sāo动。 Onlooker is clear-headed, but has not been in the bureau the human body to be deep forever. 旁观者清,但永远没有身在局中之人体会深。 Because, that is...... personally experiences. 因为,那是……亲身经历。 Kieran very clear this point. 秦然很清楚这一点。 Therefore, saying that he continues. 所以,他继续的说道。 Perhaps Victor was once worth loving, after he treated as chess piece us, such love has long ceased to exist, remaining, was only the hatred!” “或许维克多曾经是值得爱戴的,但是当他将我们当做棋子后,这样的爱戴早已经不复存在了,剩下的,只是仇恨!” Perhaps some people will say please tolerantly.” “也许有人会说请宽容。” Very sorry.” “很抱歉。” As personally participated in this time Winter Night Battle me, is unable to forgive him.” “做为亲自参加了这次‘冬夜战’的我,无法宽容他。” Moreover, I also thought on these mouths to say tolerantly, simply has not actually participated in this time Winter Night Battle the person, simply did not have the qualifications to say forgives these two characters.” “而且,我也认为那些嘴上说着宽容,却根本没有参加这次‘冬夜战’的人,根本没有资格说出宽容这两个字。” Kieran words, the vision looked to these youngster. 秦然话语一顿,目光看向了那些年轻人 Even if entered this temporary camp, but on each face brings to be distressed and sad as before. 哪怕进入了这个临时营地,但每一个的脸上依旧带着狼狈和哀伤。 His takes a deep breath. 深吸了口气 Saying every single word or phrase. 一字一句的说道。 These people...... are just speak irresponsibly and sarcastically.” “这些人……只不过是站着说话不腰疼罢了。” Fine words, who will say.” “漂亮话,谁也会说。” But......” “但……” Person of dying?” “死去的人呢?” Who will be responsible for them?” “谁会为他们去负责?” Is the person who these speak irresponsibly and sarcastically?” “是那些站着说话不腰疼的人?” Shall be grateful as a personal favor we?” “还是感同身受的我们?” The Kieran sound seems a battle drum. 秦然的声音仿佛是战鼓。 Rap one by one in these originally on agitated youngster heart. 一下一下的敲击在了这些本就情绪激动的年轻人心上。 Herder station that on a face the bloodstain has not dried. 一个脸上血迹还未擦干的放牧者站了起来。 Daulven, Sillock Your Excellency.” 戴利芬,希洛克阁下。” I want to know the truth!” “我希望知道真相!” This Herder asked. 这个放牧者问道。 I also want to know the truth!” “我也希望知道真相!” Hair is exuberant, the nail is extremely long, the body entangled inhumans of bandage also to look to Mian Yi. 一个毛发旺盛,指甲极长,身上缠着绷带的异人也看向了免一 Truth!” “真相!” We must know the truth!” “我们要知道真相!” Just liking is the dominoes is the same. 犹如是多米诺骨牌一样。 After Kieran overthrew first, a series of chain-reactions appeared. 秦然推倒了第一块后,一连串的连锁反应就出现了。 youngster stations. 一个又一个的年轻人站了起来。 They look at Daulven, Sillock and Mian Yi. 他们看着戴利芬希洛克免一 Three people looked at each other one mutually. 三人相互对视了一眼。 Sillock discontented after looking at Kieran one, immediately on the face full is helpless. 希洛克不满的看了秦然一眼后,随即脸上就满是无奈。 He does not hope that the matter develops toward this aspect, Victor involves was really many, if overthrew Victor Judge honor, that something will become more complex. 他不希望事情向着这方面发展,维克多牵扯的实在是太多了,如果推翻了维克多审判者’的荣誉,那一些事将会变得更加复杂。 But if did not say the truth, present youngster will perhaps not give up. 可如果不说出实情的话,眼前的年轻人们恐怕不会善罢甘休。 Even...... 甚至…… Bad! 会更加的糟糕! Because, he believes, had the smart person to know all. 因为,他相信,有聪明人已经知道了一切。 Although has not opened the mouth, but also in the development of observation situation. 虽然没有开口,但也不过是在观察事态的发展。 If really disappoints these smart people, perhaps so-called Herder will become a joke. 如果真的让这些聪明人也失望的话,恐怕所谓的放牧者就会成为一个笑话了。 Solely is not Herder. 不单单是放牧者 Dark Moon Agreement wait/etc. a series of agreements, will become the white paper. 还有‘暗月协议’等等一系列的协议,都将成为白纸。 The whole world, will return to the day that chaos, slaughter. 整个世界,又会返回到那种混沌、厮杀的日子。 Slightly hesitant several seconds, after weighing the advantages and disadvantages Sillock to open mouth. 略微犹豫了数秒,权衡利弊后的希洛克张嘴了。 Luo Yan said right.” 罗阎说的没错。” According to the information that we obtain, this time Winter Night Battle is the Victor layout.” “据我们得到的信息,这次‘冬夜战’就是维克多的布局。” The voice just fell, youngster one in an uproar. 话音刚刚落下,年轻人们就一阵哗然。 Damn!” “该死!” Unexpectedly real!” “竟然是真的!” „Did my elder brother, die in the layout of this bastard?” “我的哥哥,就是死在了这个混蛋的布局中吗?” Killed him!” “杀了他!” I must revenge!” “我要报仇!” ...... …… youngster shout continuously. 年轻人们此起彼伏的嚷嚷起来。 Flowing that some youngster tears cannot bear, but, the next quarter, they wiped tears, saying of clenching jaws. 一些年轻人们眼泪忍不住的流了出来,但是,下一刻,他们就擦干了眼泪,咬牙切齿的说道。 Calm!” “冷静点!” Everyone is calm!” “大家都冷静点!” We have not determined why now Victor does that......” “我们现在还没有确定维克多为什么这么做……” Hadn't determined?” “没有确定?” I told you these fools!” “那我告诉你们这些傻瓜!” He for the Ring City wealth!” “他是为了环城的财富!” In fact, he has the Ring City wealth to run.” “事实上,他已经带着环城的财富跑了。” Sillock also wants to explain, but has not waited for Sillock saying that wipes the dry sound to insert, the shady red form appear here temporary camp. 希洛克还想要解释一下,可还没有等希洛克说完,一抹干涩的声音就插入其中,腥红的身影就这么出现在这座临时营地中。 Sees this to wipe the shady red form, Mian Yi, Daulven and Sillock is critical situation immediately. 看到这抹腥红的身影,免一戴利芬希洛克立刻如临大敌。 After Lu Mo looked at one, the vision looked that again to placed predators on bonfire. 卢默则是看了一眼后,目光就再次看向了放在篝火上的猎食者 To Lu Mo, the barbecue, is more attractive than the bone. 卢默来说,烤肉,远比骨头有吸引力。 Do not be anxious!” “别紧张!” I have no evil intent!” “我没有任何的恶意!” On the contrary, I brought the Ring City three your majesty good intentions, after all, we are the Victor victims.” “相反,我带来了环城三位陛下的善意,毕竟,我们都是维克多的受害者。” Should have same problem, not?” “理应同病相怜,不是吗?” shady red skeleton spreads out both hands, observes the situation all around, then, salutes to Mian Yi, Daulven and Sillock slightly. 腥红骷髅摊开双手,环视四周,然后,冲着免一戴利芬希洛克微微行礼。 The appearance of that skeleton, looks like a gentleman completely. 要不是那骷髅的模样,完全就像是一位绅士。 Why do we believe you?” “我们凭什么相信你?” Mian Yi jing cautious looks at the opposite party, with no trace kept off the size elder sister after behind. 免一jing惕的看着对方,不着痕迹的将自家大小姐挡在了身后。 Fact that because, I said.” “因为,我说的事实。” Moreover, I really want to your disadvantageous words, anyone of you cannot escape.” “而且,我真的想要对你们不利的话,你们谁也跑不了。” Saying, shady red skeleton seems to be ordinary for the certificate, lifts the hand. 说着,腥红骷髅仿佛是为了证明一般,一抬手。 Immediately, Sun and Moon rotates. 顿时,日月轮转。 The sunlight vanishes, became the night. 阳光消失,变为了黑夜。 Whooshes the sound intermittently, immediately appears, surrounding person startled, especially those youngster, got hold of the weapon. 阵阵嘶吼声,随即出现,周围的人一惊,尤其是那些年轻人,更是一个个握紧了武器。 Here, back and forth the daytime and night of change makes them suffer loss. 在这里,来回变化的白天和夜晚可是让他们吃够了苦头。 Relaxes, relaxing, should not be anxious.” “放松,放松,别紧张。” I said that I do not have evil intent.” “我说了,我没有恶意。” As I of envoy, what brought is the good intentions.” “身为使者的我,带来的是善意。” shady red skeleton was saying lifts the hand again. 腥红骷髅说着再次一抬手。 Moon vanished, Sun appears again. 月亮消失了,太阳再次出现。 Stands under the sunlight, bathed sunlight shady red skeleton is being the smile seems to be same, showed a fierce smiling face, its language fast slowed down saying: Victor deceived me and three your majesty, he uses so-called Sage Stone As the bait, making us be swindled, when we focus in your intruders, he stole the Ring City treasure house.” 站在阳光下,沐浴着阳光的腥红骷髅仿佛是微笑一样,露出了一个狰狞的笑脸,它语速放慢了的说道:“维克多欺骗了我和三位陛下,他用所谓的【贤者之石】做为诱饵,让我们上当了,在我们将注意力放在你们这些闯入者身上的时候,他盗窃了环城的宝库。” „A Ring City hundred years of wealth, was stolen away by him.” 环城百年的财富,被他偷走了。” Three your majesty thunder are angry.” “三位陛下雷霆大怒。” Did not have the time and energy says anything with you again, therefore, I appeared here.” “没有时间和精力与你们再多说什么,所以,我出现在了这里。” I hope that everyone can discuss calmly.” “我希望大家能够心平气和的谈一谈。” After all, we have the common enemy.” “毕竟,我们有共同的敌人。” shady red skeleton is saying, very sincere toward Mian Yi, Daulven and Sillock again good a ritual. 腥红骷髅说着,十分诚恳的向着免一戴利芬希洛克再次行了一礼。 Ring City wealth? 环城的财富吗? After Mian Yi, Daulven and Sillock looked at one mutually, the heart riddle untied half. 免一戴利芬希洛克相互看了一眼后,心底的谜团解开了一半。 They understood the Victor goal finally. 他们终于明白维克多的目的了。 Naturally, they have not entirely believed shady red skeleton. 当然了,他们并没有完全相信腥红骷髅 However, this did not close the Kieran anything matter. 不过,这并不关秦然什么事了。 In instantly, Kieran that shady red skeleton appears knows that Victor must die. 腥红骷髅出现的刹那,秦然就知道‘维克多必须死’了。 Ring City, the outside world does not have the space that the opposite party survives. 不论是环城,还是外界都没有对方生存的空间。 Thanks. 谢谢。 Very sincere, Kieran after Judge that’ this never meets officially expression of gratitude, takes a step to turn toward another side of the camp to walk directly. 十分诚恳的,秦然向着这位从未正式碰面的‘审判者’道谢后,直接迈步向着营地另外一边走去。 As for conversation of shady red skeleton and Mian Yi, Daulven and Sillock? 至于腥红骷髅免一戴利芬希洛克的交谈? Idea that both sides have not fought again. 双方都没有再战下去的想法。 Said when many also compromises again mutually wrangling. 说再多也不过是相互妥协时的扯皮。 Regarding this, the Kieran a little interest, has not been similar to regarding the three kings of does not have any wealth, looks like does not have in Kieran a wee bit values. 对此,秦然没有一点儿兴趣,就如同对于没有任何财富的三王,在秦然看来就是没有一丁点儿价值的。 Enemy who the enemy who even the spoils of war are unable to provide, most is not worth making a move. 连战利品都无法提供的敌人,是最不值得出手的敌人。 However, quick, Kieran was blocked. 不过,很快的,秦然就被人拦住了。 On you have my son's flavor.” “你身上有我儿子的味道。” „Do you know Lu Kan?” “你认识卢坎吗?” Build big Lu Mo looks at Kieran. 体型高大的卢默看着秦然 Un.” “嗯。” Kieran nods. 秦然点了点头。 There is nothing to conceal, Lu Kan in another side of camp, helping him nurse that two vehicles, Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster treats together there. 这并没有什么可隐瞒的,卢坎就在营地的另外一边,帮助他看护那两辆车子,牛头怪马头怪则一起待在那里。 Naturally, what is more important, the present man and Lu Kan looked like. 当然,更重要的是,眼前的男子和卢坎太像了。 Appearance and attire, besides the color of bearskin different, is almost exactly the same. 模样、装束,除了熊皮的颜色不一样外,几乎是一模一样。 The opposite party said oneself are the Lu Kan father. 对方说自己是卢坎的父亲。 Kieran did not suspect. 秦然一点都不怀疑。 Good.” “太好了。” Can lead me to see him?” “能带我去见见他吗?” Lu Mo asked again. 卢默再次问道。 Comes with me.” “跟我来。” Kieran said, continues. 秦然说道,就继续前行。 Lu Mo grasps to roast half-cooked predators, is tearing eating, while follows Kieran stand forth, in the meantime, has not asked: Can come?” 卢默一把抓起烤得半生不熟的猎食者,一边撕扯着吃,一边跟着秦然向前走去,同时,还不问道:“要来点吗?” Kieran takes a fast look around predators that a that head length felt strange. 秦然扫视了一眼那头长相奇怪的猎食者 Although half ripe, but the flavor is ordinary. 虽然半熟了,但味道一般。 Especially in he also carries Mimosa doing when food. 尤其是在他还背着含羞草给做的食物时。 Also serves a need to elect? 还用得着选吗? Kieran lifted the hand to fish out a watermelon cake from backpack. 秦然抬手从背包中摸出了一个白皮饼。 This deposits food in Mimosa specially-made self-heating model lunch box. 这是存放在含羞草特制的自加热饭盒内的食物。 Guaranteed Kieran can eat steaming hot food at any time. 保证了秦然在任何时候都能够吃得到热气腾腾的食物。 The pancake cover is very very crisp hot m, inside is maintaining a weak feeling, is clamping like inside the pork broom corn millet is the same, the size interaction, brings the cooking liquor. 饼子外皮很脆很烫m,内里则保持着一种酥软感,就如同内里夹着的猪肉糜一样,肥瘦相间,带着汤汁。 Gets down, the lips and teeth keep the fragrance. 一口下去,唇齿留香。 Especially green pepper and egg. 特别是青椒和蛋。 The green pepper should be ahead of time oil, the fat had not only locked in the green pepper unique fragrance, but also makes it crisp. 青椒应该是提前过了一下油,油脂不仅锁住了青椒特有的香味,还让它脆脆的。 The egg, is not the egg, but is the quail egg, after the pork of bulk boils together, is involved, perfect integration to the meat taste, was actually maintaining quail egg own taste. 蛋,不是鸡蛋,而是鹌鹑蛋,与大块的猪肉一起煮出来后,加入其中,完美的融入到了肉味,却又保持着鹌鹑蛋自身的口感。 „After boiling thoroughly, immediately crossed the cold water?” “煮熟后,马上过了冷水吗?” Kieran silently wants to say. 秦然默默的想道。 Although does not have Mimosa such cook, but Kieran has to appreciate Mimosa to make the tongue of food. 虽然没有含羞草那样的厨艺,但是秦然却有着鉴赏含羞草所做食物的舌头。 This makes Kieran be able better tastes Mimosa to make the good food that. 这让秦然能够更好的品尝含羞草所做的美食。 The shortcoming is, he somewhat cannot eat other things. 缺点则是,他有些吃不下去其它东西。 Sucks in air through the teeth and sucks in air through the teeth. 吸溜、吸溜。 Walks lowers the head in Kieran Lu Mo, looks at the pancake in Kieran hand, the saliva seems like the river water the same as flow, sorption saliva that he cannot bear. 走在秦然身边的卢默低着头,看着秦然手中的饼子,口水好像是河水一样流淌,他忍不住的吸着口水。 Really could not hold, lifts the hand to scratch. 实在是吸不住了,就抬手擦一擦。 Otherwise rips the same place the predators meat, forces in the mouth. 要不然就将猎食者的肉撕下来一块,塞进嘴里。 But just he also thought that the delicacy incomparable barbecue, why at this time, did eat seems like gnaws the tree again? 可刚刚他还觉得美味无比的烤肉,为什么这个时候,吃起来像是再啃树啊? Firebrand. 干柴。 Without the fragrance. 没有香味。 Being hard deglutition. 难以下咽。 Can......” “能不能……” Cannot.” “不能。” Lu Mo subconscious opening mouth wants to beg, but Kieran rejected simply. 卢默下意识的张嘴就想讨要,但是秦然干脆的拒绝了。 Lu Mo flexure scratched the head, wants to trade a method. 卢默挠了挠头,想要换了个法子。 For example money. 例如说钱。 But on tracing, he...... does not have money. 可是摸了摸身上,他……没钱。 As one of the northern forest Guardian , the poverty of Lu Mo is well-known. 做为北地森林的守护者之一,卢默的贫穷是众所周知的。 Not is only because the pledge makes him unable to hold strongly is near weakly, but also because of the big belly of his whole family, can depend on the relief of Herder, reluctantly living, was good. 不仅是因为誓言让他不能够持强临弱,还因为他那一家子的大肚皮,能够靠放牧者的救济,勉强活着,就不错了。 Is impossible to have the so-called savings. 根本不可能有所谓的积蓄。 As for snatching thing? 至于抢东西了? Difficult time, Guardian of northern forest will not do that acts to the same Faction person, will violate their pledges, but to hostile Faction? 再艰难的时候,北地森林的守护者都不会这么做,对同一阵营的人出手,会违背他们的誓言,而对敌对阵营 So long as is not the fool, north no one can have the hostility to go to the forest. 只要不是傻子,就没有任何人会带着敌意去北地森林。 Therefore, more often, the Guardian choice of northern forest trades the thing by the thing. 因此,更多的时候,北地森林的守护者选择以物换物。 With animal, strange fur and tooth and so on receiving in exchange living materials. 用动物、怪异的毛皮、牙齿之类的换取生活物资。 But now, he does not have exchange. 可现在,他却没有交换物。 Roasting predators in hand, northern forest Guardian does not think that can trade that white pancake. 手里的烤猎食者,北地森林守护者并不认为能够换来那个白饼子。 What do you have to complete, matter that is actually not able to complete?” “你有没有什么想要完成,却无法完成的事情?” Lu Mo asked suddenly. 卢默突然问道。 Cannot bartering, that only be able to receive in exchange for food with the work. 不能以物易物,那就只能是用劳动来换取食物了。 Appears with him in Ring City is the same. 就和他出现在环城一样。 No.” “没有。” Kieran shakes the head directly. 秦然直接摇了摇头。 He has certainly to complete, matter that is actually not able to complete. 他当然有想要完成,却无法完成的事情。 But matter like this, being doomed is his secret. 可这样的事情,注定了是他的秘密。 Is impossible to inform others. 不可能告知他人。 Let alone, he was used to himself to do. 更何况,他习惯了自己去做。 Rather than depends upon others. 而不是依靠他人。 is that right?” 是这样吗?” A regret of Lu Mo face. 卢默一脸的遗憾。 However, quick, on the face of Lu Mo showed the smile. 不过,很快的,卢默的脸上就露出了笑容。 Because, he saw Lu Kan. 因为,他看到了卢坎 Ran in big strides, the body best pupil had 3 meters Lu Mo to hold 2 meters over Lu Kan, Hahaha laughed: Son, how did you become thin?” 大踏步的跑了过去,身高足有三米的卢默一把抱起了二米出头的卢坎,哈哈哈大笑起来:“儿子,你怎么变瘦了?” Hasn't eaten to the full?” “是不是没有吃饱?” Come, eats this!” “来,吃这个!” Saying, takes up the string to burn predators, directly toward Lu Kan mouth stopper. 说着,拿起串烧猎食者,就直接往卢坎嘴里塞去。 Meanwhile, both eyes shines looks at Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster. 同时,双眼放光的看着牛头怪马头怪 That hungry vision lets two strange fine hair straight vertical strokes. 那种饥饿的目光让两个怪异汗毛直竖。 Coughs, cough cough.” “咳、咳咳。” That is a companion.” “那是同伴。” „It is not food!” “不是食物!” Lu Kan difficult saying. 卢坎艰难的说道。 is that right?” 是这样吗?” Lu Mo is saying, the vision looked to nearby animal-drawn cart. 卢默说着,目光就看向了一旁的板车。 This is the Luo Yan spoils of war, he saved me, I help him guard these spoils of war.” “这是罗阎的战利品,他救了我,我帮助他看守这些战利品。” Lu Kan honest saying. 卢坎诚实的说道。 You do right, son.” “你做得对,儿子。” „The formidable of northern forest, needs to be full of gratitude.” “北地森林的勇者,需要知恩图报。” Immediately, Lu Mo nods, is praising own son. 立刻,卢默就点了点头,夸赞着自己的儿子。 The vision is very natural looked to Paradis. 目光则是很自然的看向了帕拉迪亚 He is Luo Yan Winter Night Battle in captive, acts as the bait, but is not very competent . Moreover, always wants to peep the Luo Yan spoils of war, a very far-fetched person.” “他是罗阎冬夜战’里的俘虏,充当诱饵,但是很不称职,而且,总想要偷看罗阎的战利品,一个很不靠谱的人。” Lu Kan is introducing Paradis. 卢坎介绍着帕拉迪亚 This far-fetched person, should break the both legs.” “这种不靠谱的人,就该打断双腿。” Lu Mo is teaching own son earnestly. 卢默认真的教导着自己的儿子。 Nearby Paradis is showing the whites of the eyes, in the heart has 10,000 words, bore forcefully. 一旁的帕拉迪亚则是翻着白眼,心中有一万句话,硬生生的忍住了。 What is called not the competent bait? 什么叫做不称职的诱饵? I do one's best very much! 我很尽心尽力的! Paradis of unstated criticism turns to be excessive, no longer sees the Lu Kan fathers and sons. 腹诽的帕拉迪亚扭过了头,不再去看卢坎父子。 He thinks in the heads of two people are the muscle, belonging type that is unable to communicate. 他认为两个人的脑袋里都是筋肉,属于无法沟通的类型。 In fact, after returning to this temporary camp again, Paradis wanted to run. 事实上,再返回这个临时营地后,帕拉迪亚就想要跑了。 Has scruples Stone of Sioudi The words, he has run without a trace. 要不是顾忌【思欧迪之石】的话,他早就跑得无影无踪了。 However, by the present, Paradis thinks oneself need to discuss with Kieran. 不过,到了现在,帕拉迪亚认为自己需要和秦然谈一谈了。 Luo Yan, I think that I can redeem me with money.” 罗阎,我认为我可以用钱币来赎回我自己。” This does not violate the Herder custom.” “这并不违反放牧者的规矩。” Meanwhile, I after I become the captive, all that experiences, keep one's mouth shut.” “同时,我会对我成为俘虏后,所经历的一切,都守口如瓶的。” Paradis arrives at side Kieran, lowered the sound to say. 帕拉迪亚走到秦然身边,压低了声音说道。 100 Gold Money.” “100金渡钱。” Kieran reported command Paradis to feel price that suffocated. 秦然报了个令帕拉迪亚感到窒息的价格。 Subconscious, Paradis wants to explode the swearing. 下意识的,帕拉迪亚就想要爆粗口。 But has not waited for him to open the mouth, he discovers the Kieran vision from beginning to end not on his body, but looked to him behind. 可是还没有等他开口,他就发现秦然的目光自始至终都不在他的身上,而是看向了他的身后。
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