DC :: Volume #27

#75: Because......

In the King Hunt heart resents, murderous intent to flood, making this King not restrain itself, the aura of shooting up to the sky, lets in Ring City remaining stagnates strangely. 獠王心中愤恨、杀意充斥,让这位王者再也不克制自己,冲天而起的气息,让环城内残余的怪异为之一滞。 Quick, King Wren and King Perch were involved. 很快的,鹩王栖王就加入了其中。 Three aura fuse together, sky over Ring City as if must be twisted generally. 三道气息融为一体,环城上空都仿佛要被扭曲了一般。 In Ring City strange is rustle trembles. 环城内的怪异们更是簌簌发抖。 shady red skeleton silently looks at all these. 腥红骷髅默默的看着这一切。 It has not been involved, has not advised. 它没有加入其中,也没有劝阻。 Because, this is the three King own things. 因为,这是三位王者自己的事情。 At least, in the strangeness, they must this. 至少,在怪异中,它们必须要这样做。 Fearful aura!” “可怕的气息!” In underground somewhere secret foothold, Paradis after detecting this aura, looks at the Ring City direction, the whole person shrinks the neck, this Herder from Area gem is whispering in a low voice: We robbed a motorcade, is insufficient?” 地下某处隐秘的据点内,帕拉迪亚在察觉到了这股气息后,看着环城的方向,整个人就一缩脖子,这位来自宝石放牧者低声嘀咕着:“我们就是抢劫了一个车队,不至于吧?” Is insufficient.” “不至于。” Should be related with the beforehand explosion.” “应该和之前的爆炸有关。” Like our beforehand robbing, most sends out a mounted scout to pursue, the situation and that's the end not getting.” “像我们之前的抢劫,最多派出一支侦骑追击,就是了不得的情况了。” Ox-head Monster arrived at the corner, is studying the Paradis appearance, pokes head to look Ring City that cannot see. 牛头怪走到了转角处,学着帕拉迪亚的模样,探出头去看着那根本看不见的环城 Expression affirmation. 语气十分的肯定。 Nearby Horse-head Monster also nods. 一旁的马头怪也是点了点头。 Only has Lu Kan to be different. 唯有卢坎不同。 This tall young Herder very vigilant defending near the motorcade, is paying attention to the surrounding all sounds frequently. 这位身材高大的年轻放牧者十分警惕的守在车队边上,时刻注意着周围的一切动静。 This motorcade was too rich! 这支车队太富有了! Has a look at these packed in a box crossing money, equips item. 看看那些成箱的渡钱,还有装备道具 Especially the latter, each can be called is the high-quality goods. 尤其是后者,每一件都称得上是精品。 Let alone item of such high-quality goods has ten fully! 更何况这样精品的道具足有十件! Ten! 十件啊! That is a how big wealth! 那是多么大的一笔财富! Really must get angry for such wealth, is natural. 真要为这样的财富发怒,也是理所应当的。 Young Herder from northern forest has not seen such huge wealth. 来自北地森林的年轻放牧者从没有见过这么庞大的财富。 After all, when north he leaves the forest, most valuable was bearskin, then, was the pants and shoes. 毕竟,在他离开北地森林的时候,最值钱的就是身上的熊皮了,然后,就是裤子和鞋。 As for are more? 至于更多? Very sorry, the northern forest is place of a bitter cold and poverty, does not have many subsidization. 很抱歉,北地森林是一个苦寒、贫困之地,没有更多的资助。 The average person is this. 普通人是这样。 Herder is no exception. 放牧者也不例外。 Even...... 甚至…… Miserably. 更惨一点。 Because, the special inheritance of northern forest Herder, lets their capacity for food is the three times of starts of average person, ten times are not considered as the upper limits, seems like Lu Kan one. 因为,北地森林放牧者的特殊传承,让他们的饭量是普通人的三倍起步,十倍都不算是上限,就好像卢坎一家。 Lu Kan regarding own capacity for food is well aware, 5 adult males add many that does not have him to eat. 卢坎对于自己的饭量是心知肚明的,五个成年男子加起来都没有他吃的多。 But his father? 而他父亲? 10 adult male day of food, are his father one. 十个成年男子一天的食物,就是他父亲一顿的。 His grandfather. 还有他爷爷。 Although already gradually old, every day suns in mountain cave entrance, moves Motionless as if fell asleep was the same, but woke up each time, one must eat over hundred adult male day of food. 虽然已经垂垂老矣,每天在山洞口晒太阳,一动不动的仿佛是睡着了一样,但是每次醒来,一顿就要吃超过百个成年男子一天的食物。 Takes the premise by this, even if Herder headquarters once for a while subsidy, Lu Kan also crosses very difficultly. 以此做为前提,哪怕是放牧者总部时不时的补助,卢坎一家也过得很艰难。 Especially after Lu Kan is in the stage of long body, the surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) can eat, was eaten. 尤其是在卢坎进入长身体的阶段后,方圆百里能吃的,都被吃了。 On the remaining snows and trees, bird not from this. 就剩下雪和树了,鸟都不从这过。 When Lu Kan must taste the tree hesitant is what flavor, the registration of Winter Night Battle started. 就在卢坎犹豫要不要尝尝树是什么味道的时候,冬夜战的报名开始了。 Lu Kan registered without hesitation. 卢坎毫不犹豫的报名了。 To retrieve the statue of bear, to eat one sates the appetite. 既是为了找回熊的雕像,也是为了吃一口饱饭。 But all are happy! 而一切都是美好的! He not only eats very full in the camp, arrived here also to rise sharply the experience, but also knew the good friend. 他不仅在营地吃得很饱,来到这里也大涨见识,还认识了好朋友。 Now the good friend has the matter to leave, he must help the good friend defend this wealth. 现在好朋友有事离开,他必须要帮助好朋友守住这份财富。 No one can approach. 谁也不能够靠近。 Paradis is not good. 帕拉迪亚也不行。 I want to inspect our spoils of war!” “我只是想要检查一下我们的战利品!” Paradis that turns before alley entrance very natural arrived at the box, but has not waited for him to approach in the true sense, was blocked by Lu Kan outside. 从巷子口拐回来的帕拉迪亚很自然的走到了箱子前,但还没有等他真正意义上的靠近,就被卢坎拦在了外面。 That vigilant vision, making Paradis cover the face. 那警惕的目光,让帕拉迪亚一捂脸。 We are one group!” “我们是一伙儿的!” I inspect!” “我只是检查一下!” Will not move heedlessly at will!” “不会随意乱动!” Paradis started the attempt again. 帕拉迪亚再次开始了尝试。 Faces the spoils of war unable to inspect and touch, regarding coming from Herder of Area gem, was really the suffering. 面对着战利品不能够检查、触摸,对于来自宝石放牧者来说,真的是太煎熬了。 In the past several hours, he attempted to be innumerable. 在过去的十几个小时里,他尝试了无数次。 Every is defeated one time. 每一次都是失败的。 He has heard north the forest Herder one-track mind, but where without thinking of these fellow is the dead brain level, but was in the brain was covered with the muscle. 他听闻过北地森林放牧者的死脑筋,但是没有想到这些家伙哪里是死脑级,而是脑子里都长满了肌肉。 Not only does not know flexible, but also knows the brute force. 不仅不知道变通,还知道蛮力。 Big like beforehand several times was the same, placed on the shoulder of Paradis, then, pushed gently. 一只大手如同之前几次一样,放在了帕拉迪亚的肩膀上,然后,轻轻一推。 Tread and tread tread! 蹬、蹬蹬! Paradis that in the average man is the good body, does not have the strength of resistance retroceded again and again seven and eight far, until running upon the end wall is stops. 帕拉迪亚那在常人中都算是不错的身体,毫无反抗之力的连连后退了七、八步远,直到撞上了尽头的墙壁才算是停下。 Feels the ache of shoulder and back, Paradis is grinning. 感受着肩膀、后背的疼痛,帕拉迪亚一咧嘴。 This is Luo Yan, is not you or my.” “这是罗阎的,不是你或者我的。” Lu Kan said very much seriously. 卢坎很郑重说道。 But I participated!” “可我参与了!” I important component!” “我还是重要的组成部分!” Paradis refuses to admit being inferior. 帕拉迪亚不甘示弱。 Bait, without distribution right!” “诱饵,没有分配权!” „The bait of wartime, is food reserve.” “战时的诱饵,就是食物储备。” Lu Kan very earnest, again is telling north the custom of forest toward Paradis. 卢坎很认真的、再一次的向着帕拉迪亚讲述着北地森林的规矩。 I am a person!” “我是人啊!” Person!” “人!” „, Do you want to eat the person?” “难道,你想要吃人?” Paradis stares. 帕拉迪亚一瞪眼。 Therefore, you lived.” “所以,你才活了下来。” You should feel grateful, then, defends together here, waits for Luo Yan to come back.” “你应该心存感激,然后,一起守在这里,等待罗阎回来。” On the Lu Kan face showed a simple and honest and grateful smile. 卢坎脸上露出了一个憨厚、感激的笑容。 Looks at this smile, Paradis felt oneself must be irritated by the present fellow. 看着这个笑容,帕拉迪亚觉得自己要被眼前的家伙气死了。 What is called food reserve? 什么叫做食物储备? What is called to feel grateful? 什么叫做心存感激? Not is only he doing the matter of bait? 他又不只是干着诱饵的事情? He also has the considerable merit! 他也是有着相当功劳的啊! For example and for example...... 比如、比如…… Paradis wants to point out an example to refute Lu Kan, thinking that may try hard, Paradis suddenly desperate discovery, he probably besides acting as bait, anything has not really done. 帕拉迪亚想要举出一个例子来反驳卢坎,可努力的想了想,帕拉迪亚突然绝望的发现,他好像除了充当诱饵外,真的什么都没干过。 Immediately, Paradis was confused. 顿时,帕拉迪亚迷茫了。 Am I a wartime stockpile? 难道我就是个战时储备? Is facing confused Paradis, after Lu Kan patted the shoulder of opposite party with a smile, before again turns back the box, calmly is waiting. 面对着迷茫的帕拉迪亚,卢坎笑着拍了拍对方的肩膀后,再次走回到了箱子前,静静等待着。 Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster look at this. 牛头怪马头怪看着这一幕。 The meaning of completely not having made noise. 完全没有出声的意思。 They treated as to find relief this. 它们把这当做解闷了。 As for these boxes? 至于那些箱子? They are basic caring. 它们则是根本的不在意。 Regarding these two strange, taking by force Ring City is part of life, does not need to pay attention will obtain anything finally, after three meals a day hits the bean bean to be the same. 对于这两个怪异来说,打劫环城就是生活的一部分,根本不需要理会最后会得到什么,就如同一日三餐后打豆豆一样。 Who will pay attention to the bean bean to yell what? 谁会理会豆豆叫喊什么? Has worn a hat. 或者,戴没戴帽子。 Hits one directly well! 直接打一顿就好! Is holding Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster of such simple idea accidental/surprised and Lu Kan is together well. 抱着这样朴实想法的牛头怪马头怪意外的和卢坎相处不错。 Uncouthly!” “粗鲁!” Barbarian!” “野蛮人!” Squats in Paradis secretly said in heart at the same time. 蹲在一边的帕拉迪亚心中暗道 However, in the next quarter, two strange and two Herder stood simultaneously. 不过,就在下一刻,两个怪异和两个放牧者同时站了起来。 Treads and tread. 踏、踏踏。 The clear sound of footsteps transmits. 清晰的脚步声传来。 The Kieran form entered the line of sight of people. 秦然的身影进入到了众人的视线。 Black strange follows in Kieran behind, is ordinary just like the guard, keeps close. 一身黑色的怪异则跟在秦然身后,宛如护卫一般,寸步不离。 Luo Yan did you come back?” 罗阎你回来了?” Really was good!” “真是太好了!” Kieran that looks, Lu Kan shouted excitedly, northern forest young Herder is saying, while moved toward Kieran, very natural saying: Defends your thing is not easy, particularly Paradis once for a while wants to turn on the box, but I cannot harm him truly......” 看着回来的秦然,卢坎兴奋的喊了起来,北地森林的年轻放牧者一边说着,一边走向了秦然,很自然的说道:“守着你的东西并不容易,尤其是帕拉迪亚时不时的想要打开箱子,而我又不能够真正伤害他……” Kieran first knit the brows to look at Paradis. 秦然先是皱眉看了一眼帕拉迪亚 The bad vision, making Paradis shrink the neck. 不善的目光,让帕拉迪亚一缩脖子。 I want to take a look.” “我只是想要看看。” Paradis pale explanation. 帕拉迪亚苍白的解释着。 These, my.” “那些,我的。” Kieran very simple is taking an oath the sovereignty of spoils of war. 秦然很简单的宣誓着战利品的主权。 Then, has turned head to clash Lu Kan to smile. 然后,扭过头冲卢坎一笑。 Thanks.” “谢谢。” Kieran is very polite. 秦然很客气。 He can distinguish these fellows is the hidden evil intent, these are also honest. 他能够分辨出那些家伙是暗藏祸心的,那些又是坦诚的。 Without a doubt, present Lu Kan is the latter. 毫无疑问,眼前的卢坎就是后者。 As for Paradis? 至于帕拉迪亚 The opposite party are not the latter, is not the former. 对方不是后者,更不是前者。 Is one uses the convenient bait at most. 至多就是一个用得顺手的诱饵罢了。 Really also has other ideas as a bait? 身为一个诱饵竟然还有其它想法? Kieran is considering, should trade a bait. 秦然考虑着,是不是该换一个诱饵了。 When the Kieran consideration, Paradis that is really fearful and apprehensive. 就在秦然考虑的时候,帕拉迪亚那是真的胆战心惊。 I do not want the assignment of spoils of war, I am......” “我不是想要战利品的分配,我就是……” „The assignment of spoils of war?” “战利品的分配?” You as the bait, the spoils of war distribution right where comes?” “你身为诱饵,哪里来的战利品分配权?” Kieran knits the brows again, broke the words of opposite party directly. 秦然再次一皱眉,径直打断了对方的话语。 SIGMA( Σ(っ …… …… …… …… Paradis is startled immediately. 帕拉迪亚顿时一惊。 He incredible looks at Kieran. 他不可置信的看着秦然 Your really doesn't give me?!” “你真的一件都不给我?!” Paradis stared in a big way both eyes. 帕拉迪亚瞪大了双眼 You is a bait.” “你是一个诱饵。” However you become the bait beforehand status are my captive.” “而你成为诱饵之前的身份是我的俘虏。” As the captive, the self-confidence where you come, can assign the spoils of war?” “做为俘虏,你哪来的自信,要分配战利品?” Kieran disgruntled looks at the opposite party. 秦然不悦的看着对方。 Captives? 俘虏? Paradis stares. 帕拉迪亚一愣。 Then, immediately is dejected. 然后,立刻垂头丧气起来。 He, recalled the most real status finally. 他,终于记起了自己最真实的身份。 Yes. 是啊。 He is a captive. 他是一个俘虏。 Will the captives possibly have the distribution right of spoils of war? 俘虏怎么可能会有战利品的分配权? Hehe, I am a captive. 呵呵,我就是个俘虏。 Paradis lives not to have may the love arrived at the one side, squats there , had no idea of opening the mouth again. 帕拉迪亚生无可恋的走到了一旁,蹲在那里,再也没有任何开口的想法了。 Luo Yan, do we want to do now?” 罗阎,我们现在要干什么?” Leaves here?” “离开这里吗?” Lu Kan very simple asking. 卢坎很干脆的问道。 When mentioned left, Herder of northern forest is somewhat impatient. 当提到离开的时候,北地森林的放牧者有些迫不及待了。 He has to enter underground. 他不是没有进入过地下。 But every enters one time underground, always some are not familiar with. 可每一次进入到地下,总是有一些不习惯。 In underground brings for a long time, he always felt own palm sweats, the breath is impeded. 长期在地下带着,他总觉得自己手心冒汗,呼吸不畅。 Un.” “嗯。” Leaves here.” “离开这里。” In ground had returned to normal.” “地面上已经恢复了平静。” Kieran was saying such words, turn around to walk backward. 秦然说着这样的话,转身就向后走去。 Becoming the black strangeness from White Evil Spirit, what very clear Kieran said is anything, but did not say a word with. 白色怪异变为黑色的怪异,很清楚秦然说的是什么,但却一言不发的跟了上去。 It did not have the leeway of retreat. 它没有了后退的余地。 It does not hope continued to guard a gate. 它可不希望继续去守门了。 Follows side Kieran, naturally is the best choice. 跟在秦然身边,自然是最好的选择。 Let alone, Kieran at this moment, lets the respect that it is from the heart. 更何况,此刻的秦然,让它发自内心的尊敬。 One crowd thinks the intelligent fellow, had not played with by the Sir above the stock palm. 一群自认为聪明的家伙,还不是被大人玩弄于股掌之上。 That fellow named Victor? 那个叫做维克多的家伙? Just wait. 等着吧。 Matter had not ended. 事情可没有结束。 Guessed correctly slightly Kieran wants to make anything's strangeness, the corners of the mouth curls upwards. 略微猜到秦然想要做什么的怪异,嘴角不由一翘。 But Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster that anything does not know are pulling the hunchbacked beast, is pulling a cart with. 而什么都不知道的牛头怪马头怪则是牵着驼兽,拉着车就跟了上去。 Regarding these two strange, signed the contract, to call the Sir, that was matter for a lifetime, where had what class to consider. 对于这两个怪异来说,签订了契约、叫了大人,那就是一辈子的事情了,哪有什么课考虑的。 Which the Sir goes, they naturally. 大人去哪,它们自然去哪。 In one line, happiest naturally was north forest Herder. 一行中,最高兴的自然是北地森林的放牧者了。 Lu Kan exuded one to cheer, grasped Paradis to pursue. 卢坎发出了一声欢呼,一把抓起帕拉迪亚就追了上去。 Paradis subconscious struggling. 帕拉迪亚下意识的挣扎。 But is completely useless. 可完全没用。 Then, his radical giving up. 接着,他彻底的放弃了。 Captives. 俘虏嘛。 Like this was grabbed, is not cannot accept. 这样被抓着走,也不是不可以接受。 One line is fast, in having guidance of Ox-head Monster and Horse-head Monster, soon found a covert exit|to speak, arrived in the ground. 一行速度飞快,在有着牛头怪马头怪的引导,很快的就找到了一个隐蔽的出口,来到了地面上。 In ground at this moment, has elapsed at night. 此刻的地面上,黑夜早已逝去。 Under bright and sunny, city ruins suburb, particularly peaceful. 艳阳高照下,城市废墟的郊外,分外的安静。 Only then flame and firewood sound. 只有火焰和木柴啪啪的响声。 Build gigantic suburb predators were put on string by giant trees, on which gigantic bonfire places to bake, wears the big man of white bearskin to look at all these attentively. 一只只体型硕大的郊外猎食者被一根根巨大的树木穿成了串儿,放在哪硕大的篝火上烧烤着,身披白色熊皮的高大男子全神贯注的看着这一切。 He changes once for a while oneself meat string, making food be heated evenly. 他时不时翻动一下自己的肉串,让食物均匀受热。 Good place.” “不错的地方。” Food is rich.” “食物丰富。” He is appraising like this. 他这样的评价着。 But the surrounding person does not have one to approve such viewpoint. 可周围的人却没有一个认同这样的观点。 Daulven looks only has half of Herder, in the eye has the pain. 戴利芬看着只剩下一半的放牧者,眼中带着痛苦。 Before came, obviously was one group of vivid good young fellows, but now...... 之前进来的时候,明明都是一群生龙活虎的棒小伙,可现在…… Is uneven the corpse. 连尸体都不齐了。 What is more important, Judge Victor planned all these chief instigators unexpectedly. 更加重要的是,‘审判者维克多竟然是策划了这一切的主谋。 Thinks of this, Daulven cannot bear looks to Sillock. 一想到这,戴利芬就忍不住的看向希洛克 He needs to confirm this point. 他需要确认这一点。 False, he will find the rumourmonger to take a view. 假的,他会找到造谣者要一个说法。 Really, he must find that bastard, making that bastard pay with a life to these youngster! 真的,他要找到那混蛋,让那混蛋给这些年轻人偿命! Sillock is facing the Daulven vision, the facial expression unprecedented hesitation on face. 希洛克面对着戴利芬的目光,脸上的神情前所未有的犹豫。 Because, he did not determine that is really the false. 因为,他不确定是真是假。 Subconscious, Sillock looked to inhumans of not far away. 下意识的,希洛克看向了不远处的异人们。 Compares in the loss of Herder, the loss of inhumans is also serious. 相较于放牧者的损失,异人们的损失同样惨重。 Over half deaths and missing. 超过半数的死亡、失踪。 Head as inhumans camp, Mian Yi this moment first two big. 身为异人营的负责人,免一此刻一个头两个大。 Unique/only, the size elder sister is fortunately all right. 唯一值得庆幸的是,大小姐没事。 But this was lucky regarding Mian Yi. 而这对于免一来说就是万幸了。 As for the remaining other? 至于剩下其它的? Also. 再说吧。 The Mian Yi vision and Sillock that heart decides touch, then, both sides have the tacit understanding extremely looked to side. 心底打定主意的免一目光与希洛克一触碰,然后,双方都极有默契的看向了旁边。 Victor matter...... 维克多的事情…… It is not easy to do! 不好办啊! The heads of two camps remain silent. 两位营地的负责人保持着沉默。 But youngster in camp actually cannot like this. 可营地中的年轻人却不会这样。 Lost the good friend and family member's youngster mood to be extremely excited. 失去了好友、亲人的年轻人们一个个情绪极其激动。 Interrogation that they nearly disregard. 他们近乎是不管不顾的质问着。 Why here constantly changing? 为什么这里变化无常? Enemy who why they will meet the far ultra imagination? 为什么他们会遇到远超想象的敌人? Why do all become the difference and reaching an agreement? 为什么一切变得和说好的不一样? Questions appeared in these youngster heart, then, was asked. 一个又一个的疑问出现在了这些年轻人心底,接着,被问了出来。 Puntur mixes in the crowd, remains silent. 庞纳德混在人群中,保持着沉默。 He is a smart person, at this time, will say the answer only to cause a bigger confusion, therefore, in said after Daulven, Herder from Gulf area remained silent. 他是个聪明人,这个时候,说出答案只会引起更大的混乱,所以,在和戴利芬说完后,来自海湾区的放牧者就一直保持着沉默。 Pine Rock wants very simple saying. 松石想很干脆的说出来。 The size elder sister is this comes toward the temperament. 大小姐就是这样直来直往的脾气。 But actually held on by Mian Yi stubbornly. 但却被免一死死的拉住了。 General situation is heavy.” “大局为重。” Mian Yi is advising the size elder sister. 免一劝告着大小姐。 Facing fully is being entreaty Mian Yi, Pine Rock cannot open the mouth completely. 面对着满是哀求的免一,松石完全开不了口了。 However, some people can- 不过,有人可以- „Is general situation heavy?” “大局为重?” Therefore, they do become sacrifice chess piece?” “所以,他们成为了牺牲的棋子?” „Do you arrive at the present also to shield that person Judge Victor?” “你们到了现在还要袒护那位审判者维克多吗?” „Is the fact not very obvious?” “难道事实还不够明显吗?” For own selfish interests, but him who everyone sacrificed, being worth shielding like this?” “为了一己私利,而将所有人都牺牲的他,值得你们这样袒护吗?” The clear sound passed to here, sent out the interrogation youngster to be attracted the attention immediately, they looked to motorcade that the distant place came. 清晰的声音传到了这里,本就发出质问的年轻人们顿时被吸引了注意力,他们一个个看向了远处而来的车队。 Before the motorcade, Kieran confident is facing the vision of people. 在车队前,秦然坦然的面对着众人的目光。 He has no flinching. 他没有任何的退缩。 Not timid. 更没有胆怯。
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