DF :: Volume #9

#823: The chapter has a glib tongue

Baohua Police Station. 宝华派出所。 Han Bin received Guo Tianxu call, examines the monitoring video that had personally, the clarity of video is not too high, Han Bin issued Yuhua Branch Station the video, making the technical team help improve the video clarity. 韩彬接到了郭天旭的电话,亲自查看了一下带回来的监控视频,视频的清晰度算不上太高,韩彬将视频发给了玉华分局,让技术队帮忙提高视频清晰度。 Han Bin made a phone call to Li Hui, told him the progress of case, simultaneously two people discussed a following work, Han Bin conducted the first trial to stretch/open Haiqiao, Li Hui continues to look for the whereabouts of screw bolt. 韩彬李辉打了一个电话,将案件的进展告诉他,同时两人商量了一下接下来的工作,韩彬对张海桥进行初审,李辉继续寻找螺丝钉的下落。 Can see from the video surveillance, stretch/open Haiqiao should twist the screw, then, the screw should not fall, but was processed by stretch/open Haiqiao, further set the seeking direction. 从视频监控可以看出,张海桥应该是在拧螺丝,那么,螺丝应该不是掉落,而是被张海桥处理掉了,进一步确定了寻找的方向。 Police station Interrogation Room. 派出所审讯室 stretch/open Haiqiao was beaten on the interrogation chair, the vision is observing the situation the room. 张海桥被拷在审讯椅上,目光环视着屋子。 After a while, the Interrogation Room gate opened, Han Bin and small eye walked. 过了一会,审讯室的门开了,韩彬和小眼走了进来。 The small eye is Guo Tianxu sends to give Han Bin to deliver the video. 小眼是郭天旭派回来给韩彬送视频的。 stretch/open Haiqiao sees the police uniform, the body leans forward, the sound is somewhat moved, 张海桥一看到警服,身子前倾,声音有些伤感, Police comrade, we were pat the video to have the accident/surprise, I have known wrongly, when can put me to leave, well the things to do after death that I also prepared the wife, hope that can deliver her the last regulation, otherwise I definitely guilty for a lifetime.” “警察同志,我们就是拍视频出了意外,我已经知道错误了,什么时候可以放我离开,我也好准备妻子的后事,希望能送她最后一程,否则我肯定会内疚一辈子。” Han Bin sits after interrogating the table, puts on the drinking glass the table, said at a moderate pace, you do not use anxiously, your wife's cause of death cannot investigate thoroughly, the corpse cannot give the family member, we will take care properly, your steadfast the case confession clearly is the proper business.” 韩彬坐在审讯桌后,将水杯放到桌子上,不紧不慢的说,“你不用急,你妻子的死因查不清,尸体不会交给家属,我们会妥善保管,你踏踏实实的将案子交代清楚才是正事。” But...... may I talk clearly, to that Officer Li said that confessed that without other can say.” “可……可我已经都说清了呀,就是跟那个李警官说的,都交代了,没有其他的可以说了。” Said?” “都说了?” Really said that you made me say again, I really do not know said anything.” “真的都说了,您再让我说,我真不知道说啥了。” Han Bin depended toward the chair on, I asked, you answered.” 韩彬往椅子上靠了靠,“我问,你答。” Good.” “好的。” Han Bin routine inquiry, name, sex and age......” 韩彬例行询问,“姓名、性别、年龄……” My name was stretch/open Haiqiao, Zhang, the sea of sea, the bridge of bridge. Male, this year is 33 years old.” “我叫张海桥,弓长张,大海的海,桥梁的桥。男性,今年三十三岁了。” When do you from start to photograph the video?” “你们从什么时候开始拍摄视频的?” stretch/open Haiqiao licked the lip, started from last year, at that time what registered is another number, but that number operation is not very good, but also has signed the agreement with other companies, afterward we changed into the number that the present used, the content of photography are mainly primarily our couples, the matters of some gossips, have not thought that also really did.” 张海桥舔了舔嘴唇,“从去年就开始了,当时注册的是另外一个号,不过那个号经营的不是很好,还跟其他的公司签过协议,后来我们就换成了现在用的号,拍摄的内容主要是以我们夫妻为主,一些家长里短的事,没想到还真做起来了。” Account number named what?” “账号名叫什么?” Understands the bridge running water. Her name was Liu Xiaolin, my name was stretch/open Haiqiao, our two occupied a character respectively.” Speaking of this, stretch/open Haiqiao sighed one, now she walked, remaining I alone......, but, for her, I later will still operate this account number even well.” “晓桥流水。她叫刘晓琳,我叫张海桥,我们两个各占一个字。”说到这,张海桥叹了一声,“现在她走了,就剩下我一个人了……不过,就算是为了她,我以后也会好好经营这个账号。” Operates this account number altogether has several people?” “经营这个账号的一共有几个人?” Is I and Xiaolin, Dong Wenhuan, our three.” “就是我和晓琳,还有董文焕,我们三个。” Which are you responsible for working?” “你们都负责哪些工作?” I and Xiaolin am responsible for planning and performing, Dong Wenhuan is mainly is responsible for photographing, he will not have the mirror generally.” “我和晓琳负责策划和演出,董文焕主要是负责拍摄,他一般不会出镜。” Whose jumping from an upper story to commit suicide this theme is first proposes?” “跳楼自杀这个题材是谁第一个提出的?” stretch/open Haiqiao thinks, is Xiaolin.” 张海桥想了想,“是晓琳。” „Had you had similar idea before?” “你之前有没有过类似的想法?” stretch/open Haiqiao shakes the head, does not have, I am quite discrete, this theme is good, joke is very full, can attract many fans to watch, but also has certain risk, if were reported that the video may be able the bottom carriage. That account number that I operated before, on regular was reported that at that time the first photography did not understand, eats owed much.” 张海桥摇头,“没有,我这个人比较谨慎,这个题材是挺好,噱头很足,能够吸引不少的粉丝观看,但是也有一定的风险,如果被人举报了,视频就有可能会下架。我之前经营的那个账号,就经常性的被人举报,那时候第一次拍摄也不太懂,吃了不少亏。” When did Liu Xiaolin give this idea?” “刘晓琳什么时候提出这个想法的?” Yesterday afternoon.” “昨天下午。” Specific time?” “具体时间?” This I could not really have remembered, we are the meetings that 3 : 00 pm holds, discussed the editing of themes and some videos of photographing, discussed probably four points about, I was supposing she proposed this theme time, should be around 3 : 00.” “这我还真记不得了,我们是下午 3 点开的会,就讨论拍摄的题材和一些视频的剪辑,大概讨论到四点左右,我估摸着她提出这个题材的时候,应该是三点多。” In the Han Bin book recorded, puts down the pen, you two are the couples, did he have with you before has said this idea.” 韩彬本子上记了一下,放下笔,“你们两个是夫妻,他以前有没有跟你说过这个想法。” No.” “没有。” 11 : 00 pm to 12 points, where were you at?” “昨天中午十一点到十二点之间,你在哪?” I at home.” “我在家。” In family/home who?” “家里都有谁?” On me and my wife two people.” “就我和我老婆两个人。” Without others?” “没有其他人了?” No.” “没有。” At that time, what are you two making?” “当时,你们两个在做什么?” From the beginning, my wife is preparing food, I am replying netizen's commentary, after making the food, we ate meal together.” “一开始,我老婆在做饭,我在回复网友的评论,做好饭之后,我们就一起吃饭了。” Han Bin stands up, takes up a picture from the table, put in front of stretch/open Haiqiao, you have a look at this picture.” 韩彬站起身,从桌子上拿起一张照片,放到了张海桥面前,“你看看这张照片。” stretch/open Haiqiao only looked at one, the complexion immediately changed, this...... this is.” 张海桥只看了一眼,脸色立时就变了,“这……这是。” This is the upper air monitoring of your neighborhood installment, the goal is to prevent the inhabitant throws the trash from the building, just can pat to your family window.” Han Bin is pointing at the person on picture, who is this?” “这个是你们小区安装的高空监控,目的是为了防止住户从楼上扔垃圾,刚好能拍到你们家窗户。”韩彬指着照片上的人,“这是谁?” stretch/open Haiqiao purses the lips, is I.” 张海桥抿了抿嘴,“是我。” The Han Bin issue, had died of suffocation his words, he himself had said that noon yesterday only then they. 韩彬刚才的问题,已经将他的话堵死了,他自己已经说了,昨天中午只有他们夫妻两个人。 What at that time in your hand takes?” “当时你手里拿着什么?” stretch/open Haiqiao is nipping the finger, fell into silent. 张海桥咬着手指头,陷入了沉默。 One second, ten seconds, one minute...... stretch/open Haiqiao lowers the head does not speak. 一秒钟,十秒钟,一分钟……张海桥低头不语。 Han Bin turned head to look at an small eye, this goods are not tacit , can only come. 韩彬扭头看了一眼小眼,这货也太不默契了,也只能自己来了。 Bang!” Han Bin pounded on a table, asked that stretch/open Haiqiao did, I ask your words? Mutes.” “砰!”韩彬拍了一下桌子,质问道,“张海桥,我问你话呢?哑巴了。” stretch/open Haiqiao was also silent the moment, raised the head saying that does not have, I have the problem of hypoglycemia, a moment ago some dizziness.” 张海桥又沉默了片刻,才抬头说道,“没有,我有低血糖的毛病,刚才有些头晕。” Now?” “现在呢?” Now was good.” “现在好了。” „Did that answer my issue?” “那就回答我的问题?” I remember at that time what took is a spanner, right, is sheet iron.” “我记得当时拿的是一个扳手,对,就是一个铁板手。” What color?” “什么颜色的?” Silver.” “银色的。” What do you take the spanner to make?” “你拿扳手做什么?” Twists the screw, my wife proposed plan that jumps from an upper story to commit suicide, she lets I inspect beyond the air conditioning ahead of time machine the rack, has a look to be solid, I took the board to tighten the screw......” speaking of this, stretch/open Haiqiao somewhat sobbed, I remembered very clearly, I have inspected outside each screw on rack, moreover each screw made an effort to screw tight, was feared that she had what accident/surprise......, happened accidentally/surprisingly.” “拧螺丝呀,我老婆提出了跳楼自杀的计划,她让我提前检查一下空调外机的架子,看看结不结实,我就拿着板子将螺丝紧了紧……”说到这,张海桥有些哽咽,“我记得很清楚,我检查过外机架子上的每一个螺丝,而且每个螺丝都用力拧紧,就是怕她出现什么意外……可是没想到,意外还是发生了。” Speaking of this, stretch/open Haiqiao cried, complained about me, I should think of the danger, should urge her do not do that I really did not have to think oneself screwed tight the screw, outside machine the rack will also fall, this broken developer made that what jerry-built project, I must consider them, I must want a justice to Xiaolin.” 说到这,张海桥哭了起来,“都怨我,我应该早就想到危险,应该劝她不要这么做,我真没想到自己拧紧了螺丝,外机的架子还会掉,这个破开发商弄得什么豆腐渣工程,我要告他们,我要给晓琳讨个公道。” Snort.” Han Bin cold snort/hum one, the secretly thought, this goods also are really a talent, arranges, then arranges, obviously is the loose screw, made you talk into obstinately screwed tight the screw, you, did not go, when the crosstalk actor was a pity, perhaps Teacher Guo can also many legacy successors.” “哼。”韩彬冷哼了一声,暗道,这货还真是个人才,“编,接着编,明明是松螺丝,愣是让你说成了拧紧螺丝,你呀,不去当相声演员可惜了,没准郭老师还能多个衣钵传人。” Police comrade, by heaven and earth and my conscience, I was screwing tight the screw at that time, how possibly the loose screw, you cannot falsely accuse me.” stretch/open Haiqiao appears very excited, as if really received the misunderstanding. “警察同志,天地良心呀,我当时是在拧紧螺丝,怎么可能松螺丝,您可不能诬陷我呀。”张海桥显得十分的激动,仿佛真的受到了误解。
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