DF :: Volume #7

#621: Chapter assurance

Bang! ” river Yang pounds on the table, looks angrily at the opposite party, „, we have given your opportunity, should not be besotted.” 砰!”江扬一拍桌子,怒视对方,“施达,我们已经给过了你机会,你别执迷不悟。” Police comrade, I said is the truth, do not frighten me, I am timid.” “警察同志,我说的都是实话,您别吓唬我,我胆小。” river Yangheng, revealed another evidence, „, we go to the property company to investigate, on June 9 that night you were not at home, your alibi is false, which did you go?” 江扬哼了一声,亮出了另外一个证据,“施达,我们去物业公司调查过,六月 9 号那天晚上你根本不在家,你的不在场证明是假的,你去哪了?” I am unclear.” “我记不清了。” You also said on the court, you thought the judge does believe? Before you said accompanies the wife to celebrate the wedding anniversary at home.” “你在法庭上也这么说,你觉得法官会相信?你之前说的可是在家陪老婆庆祝结婚纪念日。” I lied, I relate with my wife am not good. Also, the elderly married couples had any are good to celebrate.” “我撒谎了,我跟我老婆关系没那么好。再说了,都老夫老妻了有啥好庆祝的。” Your lied, may be unable to explain own whereabouts. Even if you really record are unclear, can say to the police directly why must deceive the police.” “你一句撒谎了,可解释不了自己的行踪。你就算真记不清了,可以直接跟警方说,何必要欺骗警方。” Lets go, I do not have a mind to deceive you, is only the fear, feared that I said records is unclear, you will suspect on me, like the present this.” 施达摊了摊手,“我不是有心欺骗你们,只是害怕,怕我说记不清了,你们会怀疑到我身上,就像现在这样。” Han Bin is cold the face saying that that you think well, which that night went?” 韩彬冷着脸说道,“那你就好好想想,那天晚上去哪了?” Shakes the head, my present brain is very chaotic, I the first time am came police station, is afraid at heart specially, anything could not think.” 施达摇了摇头,“我现在脑子特别乱,我是第一次来警局,心里特别害怕,什么都想不起来了。” Han Bin snort/hum said, you meant, we put you, can you think?” 韩彬哼道,“你的意思是说,我们把你放了,你就能想起来了?” Shows the suffering look, shook the handcuff in wrist/skill, police comrade, you really caught the wrong person, I was am unjust, you should put me.” 施达露出委屈的神色,晃了晃手腕上的手铐,“警察同志,你们真的抓错人了,我是冤枉的,你们本来就应该放了我。” horse Jingbo sighed one, „the evidence that we have now has been enough to determine guilt to you, this is your last chance, should not be besotted.” 马景波叹了一声,“施达,我们现在掌握的证据已经足以给你定罪了,这是你最后的机会,不要执迷不悟了。” Aiya...... police comrade, I suppresses, heart bang bang jumping, my body uncomfortable fierce......” makes an effort to grab the chest, on the face shows the painful look. “哎呀……警察同志,我憋得慌,心砰砰的跳,我身体难受的厉害……”施达用力抓着胸口,脸上露出痛苦的神色。 The Han Bin three people of complexions somewhat are ugly. 韩彬三人的脸色都有些难看。 „......” Called was louder, lay on the chair directly, my body is not good, I was uncomfortable, I must go see a doctor......” “啊……”施达叫的更大声了,直接趴在了椅子上,“我身体不行了,我难受,我要看医生……” horse Jingbo complexion gloomy can drop the water leakage, brings to go out him, making the doctor check to him.” 马景波脸色阴沉的能滴出水来,“把他带出去,让医生给他做检查。” Yes.” The river raises the tone to be low and deep, how to think leave alone at heart, but must handle matters according to the stipulation. “是。”江扬语气低沉,别管心里是怎么想的,还得按照规定办事。 Had/Left Interrogation Room, horse Jingbo also lit cigarette, effort pulled out several, was saying to nearby Han Bin, we must make both kinds of preparation, will perhaps die to shoulder.” 出了审讯室,马景波也点了一支烟,用力的抽了几口,对着一旁的韩彬说道,“咱们得做两手准备了,施达没准会死扛到底。” „The evidence zero oral confessions in our hand determine guilt sufficiently.” Han Bin is confident, but the look is not relaxed, zero oral confession determines guilt in the procedure is more tedious, if no no recourse, the police hope the criminal can confess on own initiative. “咱们手里的证据足以零口供定罪。”韩彬成竹在胸,不过神色并不轻松,零口供定罪在手续上要繁琐很多,如果不是迫不得已,警方还是希望犯人能主动招供。 The oral confession of criminal is the extremely important evidence. 犯人的口供是极为重要的证据。 horse Jingbo spat smoke, „, this still will annoy very much troublesome, some were busy.” 马景波吐了一口烟,“哼,这个施达还在很会惹麻烦,有的忙了。” Han Bin guessed, he is also hugging luckily at heart, could not clearly recognize the present situation, thinks can clear the charge. To put out some real diagnoses, making him lose heart.” 韩彬猜测道,“他是不是还抱着侥幸的心里,认不清现在的情况,以为可以摆脱罪名。要不要在拿出一些实证,让他死了心。” „If such that you guess, he will also try our luck , to continue to interrogate him possibly to confess.” horse Jingbo sighs, pinches out the cigarette butt, what I fear, he very clear present situation, knows, even if confessed that same will be sentenced the death penalty. That might as well continues dead to conduct the shoulder, perhaps met one nicely perhaps the judge, can escape from a tribulation.” “如果是你猜的那样,他还心存侥幸,继续审讯他可能会招供。”马景波叹了一口气,将烟头掐灭,“我怕的是,他很清楚现在的情况,知道即便自己招认了,一样会被判死刑。那还不如继续死扛着,没准遇到了一个‘善良’的法官,或许还能够逃脱一劫。” Han Bin understands that horse Jingbo meaning, killed three people continuously, without the special reason, he were condemned possible enormous of death penalty, even if he coordinates the police to confess now, may be sentenced to the death penalty as before. 韩彬明白马景波的意思,施达连续杀害了三个人,如果没有特殊的缘由,他被判处死刑的可能极大,即便他现在配合警方招供了,依旧可能会被判处死刑。 Might as well bets simply, refuses stubbornly to acknowledge. 索性还不如赌一把,死不承认。 Is one dies in any case, perhaps can also wrestle a way out. 反正都是一个死,没准还能搏出一条生路。 If is really holding this idea, the following interrogation will be very difficult. 如果真是抱着这种想法,接下来的审讯将会十分困难。 horse Jingbo touches the nose , to continue saying that you know in heart, tomorrow will continue to interrogate. However, must be ready that zero oral confession determines guilt.” 马景波摸了摸鼻子,继续说道,“你心里有个数,明天继续审讯。但是,也要做好零口供定罪的准备。” Han Bin nods, knew.” 韩彬点点头,“知道了。” I give big Section Chief to report, “我去给大队长汇报一下, Do you want to go together? ” Han Bin reveals wipes the forced smile, I.” 你要不要一起去?”韩彬露出一抹苦笑,“我就不去了。” Had not confessed, the case was not the knot, horse Jingbo does not want to go, goes to the estimate also to have no good complexion, but Ding Xifeng is also waiting for the result, he has not resulted in as the heads of two squadrons elects. 施达没有招供,案子就不算结,马景波也不想去,去了估计也没啥好脸色,只是丁锡锋还等着结果,作为二中队的负责人他没得选。 ...... …… Next day, health examination result came out, his is healthy, does not have any issue. 第二天,施达的身体检查结果出来了,他的身体好得很,没有任何问题。 This was equal to having an insurance to Han Bin et al . 这等于是给韩彬等人上了一个保险。 Then several days, the city Criminal Investigation brigade two squadrons conducted to interrogated continually. 接下来数日,市刑侦大队二中队对施达进行了持续审讯。 In the morning, the Han Bin belt/bring person interrogates, gets down the Wu Ma scenery wave band person to interrogate. 上午,韩彬带人审讯,下午马景波带人审讯。 In the evening, perhaps will also come to attack the interrogation. 晚上,没准还会来个突击审讯。 Evidence that although, kills people already very explicit, but his not agrees admitted the crime of murder as before. 虽然,施达杀人的证据已经十分明确,但他依旧不肯承认杀人的罪行。 Ding Xifeng could not sit still, participated in the interrogation, although he interrogated the experience to be rich, but has not pried open mouth as before. 丁锡锋坐不住了,也参与到了审讯中,虽然他审讯经验丰富,但是依旧没有撬开施达的嘴。 Arrived this share , the possibility that confesses again is not big, obviously he was clear, his charge was too heavy, violated three homicides one after another, even he acknowledged guilt too to again good, so long as admitted the crime, will be sentenced the death penalty by the court eventually. 到了这个份上,施达再招供的可能性已经不大了,显然他心里清楚,他的罪名太重了,接连犯下了三起凶杀案,他即便认罪的太对再好,只要承认了罪行,终究会被法院判死刑。 With it, why he also acknowledged. 与其如此,他又何必承认。 Since his innermost feelings decided on this idea, does not interrogate the skill to change. 他的内心既然打定了这个主意,已经不是审讯技巧可以改变的了。 The police also made both kinds of preparation, not agrees confessed, Han Bin and the others the start zero oral confession determined guilt. 警方这边也做了两手准备,施达迟迟不肯招供,韩彬等人着手零口供定罪。 Various procedures, various chapters, various signatures, the entire two squadrons were busy at one week of time continuously, passed through horse Jingbo and Ding Xifeng over and over examination, this turned over to the procuratorate. 各种手续,各种章,各种签字,整个二中队连续忙了一周的时间,经过了马景波和丁锡锋的再三审查,这才移交到了检察院。 In the evening, Han Bin asked the people to dine four seasons, was the celebration settles a lawsuit. 当晚,韩彬请众人在四季餐厅吃饭,也算是庆祝结案。 After getting off work, Han Bin and the others drove to hurry to the four seasons restaurant, besides the 1st Squad team member, Han Bin also invited horse Jingbo and Ding Xifeng, but both Section Chief have the matter, declined. 下班之后,韩彬等人开车赶去四季餐厅,除了一组的队员,韩彬还邀请了马景波和丁锡锋,不过两位队长都有事,推辞了。 This was also good, did not have the leadership, everyone was also more comfortable. 这样也好,没有了领导,大家也更自在一些。 Today's food is Wang Ting prepares personally, is very sumptuous. 今天的菜肴是王婷亲自准备的,很丰盛。 The main course is the barbecue, Takoyaki, fun cake, salad and other garnishing, are joined to the iced beer again, that called a crispness. 主菜是烤肉,还有章鱼烧、可乐饼、蔬菜沙拉等配菜,再配上冰镇啤酒,那叫一个爽。 Several glasses of beer get into the stomach, on the table also lived it up, the people chatted are chatting, unavoidably also mentioned this time case. 几杯啤酒下肚,餐桌上也热闹了起来,众人聊着聊着,难免又提到了这次的案子。 hold/container Xing puts down the beer mug, the complexion slightly red, complained, this time case managed may be really depressed enough, we were busy at being so long, that old boy has not been willing to incur unexpectedly.” 包星放下啤酒杯,脸色有些微红,抱怨道,“这次的案子办的可真够郁闷的,咱们忙了这么久,施达那老小子居然还不肯招。” You think that makes the television, each case can handle smoothly, the air/Qi of lead Overlord sends out, an evidence swayed, the suspect confessed honestly.” Wang Xiao wiped a mouth, a tone of seasoned person said, „can only say the case that you meet are few, several years later, your not to wonder at strange sights.” “你以为是拍电视呀,每个案子都能办理的顺顺当当,主角王霸之气一散发,把证据一摆,嫌犯就老老实实招供了。”王霄抹了一把嘴,一副过来人的口吻说道,“只能说你遇到的案子还少,过几年,你就见怪不怪喽。” yellow Qianqian also participated in the case, however the concrete detail does not understand, asks, that this named why kills people?” 黄倩倩也参与了案件,但是具体的细节并不了解,问道,“那这个叫施达的到底为什么杀人呀?” He did not acknowledge the murder, how also to say the reason of murder.” Han Bin snort/hum, put down the chopsticks , to continue saying that „, but, after these days interrogation, combs the case, I and horse caravan often discussed that also analyzed the reason of homicide person probably.” “他都不承认杀人,又怎么会说出杀人的原因。”韩彬哼了一声,放下了筷子,继续说道,“不过,经过这段时间的审讯,重新梳理案情,我和马队经常讨论,也大概分析出了他杀人的原因。” What reason?” yellow Qianqian is opening the big eye with a curious baby generally. “什么原因?”黄倩倩跟一个好奇宝宝一般睁着大眼睛。 Han Bin drank beer, the analysis said, mentioned the source of this case, but must mention from past forest autumn cloud An.” 韩彬喝了一口扎啤,分析道,“说起这个案子的源头,还得从当年的林秋云案说起。” In the past, forest Qiuyun miscarried to come under a big attack, blamed all things on Boss Guo Xiaoshan in young shepherd boy restaurant, caused Guo Xiaoshan's chain restaurant bankruptcy.” “当年,林秋云流产受到了不小的打击,将所有的事情都怪在了小牧童餐厅的老板郭晓山身上,导致了郭晓山的连锁餐厅破产。” „During this, Guo Xiaoshan also made some counter-attack, for example collects the world Angola Food Company black material, coerces forest Qiuyun to receive the hand by this.” “这期间,郭晓山也做出了一些反击,比如说收集世安食品公司黑料,以此来要挟林秋云收手。” Guo Xiaoshan also said some extreme words, for example, forest Qiuyun miscarries because of the retribution, the onlooker is clear-headed, too close to the problem, forest Qiuyun likely heard at heart.” “郭晓山也说了一些过激的话,比如,林秋云之所以流产是因为报应,旁观者清,当局者迷,林秋云很可能听到心里去了。” forest autumn clouds that is the manager in the world Angola Food Products Factory, is very clear regarding the food of food products factory use, perhaps she had the compunction, this makes her believe after the miscarriage, perhaps is really because of the retribution.” “林秋云是世安食品厂的主管,对于食品厂使用的食材很清楚,或许她本就心存内疚,这让她更加坚信流产后或许真是因为报应。” Then, forest Qiuyun likely proposed with, after hoping, do not use the inferior food production food again, considering cost issue will definitely not agree. Does not want to make forest autumn say is an eyesore, therefore from producing the position of manager was transferred to another post the marketing department to work as the manager her.” “而后,林秋云很可能跟施达提议,希望施达以后不要再使用有劣质食材生产食品,考虑到成本问题施达肯定不会同意。又不想让林秋云碍眼,所以就将她从生产主管的职位调职到了营销部当经理。” „, Thinks forest Qiuyun will stop, but after experiencing the matter of miscarriage, forest Qiuyun changes is somewhat biased she possibly simply not to perceive advice.” “原本,施达以为林秋云会消停,但是经历了流产的事情后,林秋云变的有些偏执她可能根本没有听进去施达的劝告。” I make package of stars go to quality monitoring bureau investigates passed/lived, during that time some people reported that world Angola Food Company uses the inferior food. Afterward because was anonymous reporting, without contacting with accuser, let it go.” “我让包星去质监局查过,那段时间有人举报世安食品公司使用劣质食材。后来因为是匿名举报,也没联系到举报人,也就不了了之了。” „The person in that reporting world Angola Food Company likely is forest Qiuyun, annoyed the fatal disaster for this reason.” “那个举报世安食品公司的人很可能就是林秋云,也因为这个原因惹来了杀身之祸。” Then had some rows cases, hired vermilion Weichao to kill forest Qiuyun, later vermilion Weichao was grasped, in turn threatened to assist him to escape from prison. 接下来就发生了一些列的案件,施达雇佣了朱为超杀害了林秋云,之后朱为超被抓,反过来威胁施达协助他越狱。 During this, for does not expose itself, but also asked ox Xin to aid vermilion Weichao. 这期间,施达为了不暴露自己,还请了牛鑫去接应朱为超。 Is a smart person, he had been threatened one time by vermilion Weichao, he is very clear, so long as vermilion Weichao lives is being he biggest threat. 施达是个聪明人,他已经被朱为超威胁过一次,他很清楚,只要朱为超活着就是他最大的威胁。 Therefore, fainted poisonously vermilion Weichao, and buries alive him in the courtyard of Sun. 所以,施达毒晕了朱为超,并将他活埋在孙家的院子里。 ox Xin and vermilion Weichao situation is very similar, was hired by. 牛鑫和朱为超的情况很相似,都是被施达雇佣的。 Ate suffered a loss, naturally cannot suffer second, to destroy evidence, to be no longer threatened, he killed ox Xin. 施达吃了一吃亏,自然不会吃第二次亏,为了销毁证据,也为了不再遭受威胁,他又杀了牛鑫。 Han Bin described the committing a crime process, those present somewhat were silent. 韩彬描述完了作案经过,在场的人都有些沉默。 yellow Qianqian listens is very earnest, deeply inspires, this may be really deceitful enough savage , his not agrees has acknowledged guilt, can the court really sentence him to be innocent.” 黄倩倩听的很认真,深吸了一口气,“这个施达可真够狡诈、凶残的,他一直不肯认罪,法院会不会真的判他无罪。” First crossed picked to observe the institute that to close says again.” Li zither | Jean shakes the head, with her experience, picks to observe that side the institute definitely to reject for insufficient evidence, does not toss about 2-3 times not to calculate. “先过了捡察院那一关再说吧。”李琴摇了摇头,以她的经验来看,捡察院那边肯定会以证据不足驳回,不折腾个2-3次不算完。 Where zero oral confession determines guilt is so easy. 零口供定罪哪有那么容易。 hold/container Xing also shows the look that worries about, really must words like this, we be busy at work white/in vain!” 包星也露出担忧的神色,“真要这样的话,咱们岂不是白忙活了!” „The evidence that relax, we found determines guilt sufficiently, died.” The Han Bin tone is assured. “放心吧,咱们找到的证据足以定罪,施达死定了。”韩彬语气笃定。 Mouth is hard, is difficult to escape dies, this point he has confidence. 施达嘴再硬,也是难逃一死,这一点他还是有把握的。
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