DF :: Volume #11

#1063: The chapter a little circles

From the future detective()”! “来自未来的神探()”! City Criminal Investigation brigade, Han Bin office. 刑侦大队,韩彬办公室。 Han Bin just arrived at the office, tidied up a table, preparation one cup of coffee drank. 韩彬刚到办公室,收拾了一下桌子,准备倒一杯咖啡喝。 Thump thump......” knock resounds. “咚咚……”一阵敲门声响起。 Comes.” “进来。” Creak......” gate opened, wrapped the star to walk from outside, South Korea team.” “咯吱……”门开了,包星从外面走了进来,“韩队。” Han Bin reveals the color of pleasant surprise, package of stars, how did your boy come back?” 韩彬露出惊喜之色,“包星,你小子怎么回来了?” What kind of? Very accidental/surprised? „ “怎么样?是不是很意外?“ Sat down to say.” Han Bin greeted hold/container Xing to sit down, while put out the teapot to prepare to make tea. “坐下说。”韩彬一边招呼包星坐下,一边拿出茶壶准备泡茶。 South Korea team, do not trouble, my time has the duty, you told that several words walked.” “韩队,您别麻烦了,我这次来有任务,跟您说几句话就走了。” Han Bin asked back, you are carry out the task of office?” 韩彬反问,“你这是来执行省厅的任务?” Right, is yellow big Section Chief of Criminal Investigation unit important law case crew leads, I told you, but must hurry in the past.” “对,是刑侦总队重案支队的黄大队长带队来的,我跟您说完,还得赶紧去过去。” Han Bin is not artificial, listens to your meaning, has the matter to with me confess.” 韩彬也不矫情,“听你这意思,是有事要跟我交代。” Cannot say the confession, disclosed a news to you.” “也不能说交代吧,就是给您透露个消息。” You said.” “你说。” „Our time comes Qindao to investigate together the kidnapping case.” “我们这次来琴岛是为了调查一起绑架案。” Doesn't need to keep secret?” “不用保密?” Hehe, before I come, has asked for instructions with yellow big Section Chief, needs to keep secret with others, but does not use to you. Moreover, our yellow big Section Chief has looked for Chief Feng, perhaps this case also needs our two squadron assistance.” “嘿嘿,我来之前已经跟黄大队长请示过了,跟其他人需要保密,但是对您不用。而且,我们黄大队长已经去找冯局长了,没准这个案子还需要咱们二中队协助。” Han Bin somewhat wonders, why doesn't need to keep secret to me?” 韩彬有些纳闷,“为什么对我不用保密?” „The kidnapping case that because we are investigating now, you help.” “因为我们现在正调查的绑架案,您帮了大忙。” Han Bin is a face compels ignorant, he does not know that is what situation, how to help? 韩彬更是一脸懵逼,他都不知道是什么情况,怎么帮忙? Let alone is the kidnapping case, he just drank Guangan Road Police Station to handle a report false alarm kidnapping case jointly, now the office emits a kidnapping case, do these two cases have what relations? 更何况咋又是绑架案,他刚刚喝广安路派出所联手办了一个报假警的绑架案,现在省厅又冒出了一个绑架案,难道这两个案件有什么关系? Should not be right, this case should not have the trick, oneself at the scene, said at that time again the case gave Guangan Road Police Station to handle, that was father's domain, really must have any peculiar circumstance, Han Bin can definitely the earliest possible time know. 应该不对呀,这个案子应该没有猫腻,自己当时就在现场,再说案件交给了广安路派出所办理,那是老爸的地盘,真要有什么特殊情况,韩彬肯定能第一时间知道。 As if saw the doubts of Han Bin, hold/container Xingdao, you still remembers that last year went to Quancheng?” 似乎看出了韩彬的疑惑,包星道,“您还记得去年去泉城吗?” Naturally remembers, at that time you still met us in the train station.” “当然记得,当时你还在火车站接我们。” „Aren't that time you attend the wedding? You saw a behavior suspicious man when the wedding, but also sent his picture to me.” “那次您不是去参加婚礼吗?您在婚礼时看到了一个行为可疑的男子,还发了他的照片给我。” Hears hold/container Xing the prompt, Han Bin recalls that man. 听到包星的提示,韩彬回想起那名男子。 At that time, Wang Ting's best friend marriage, Wang Ting and Han Bin attended the wedding of opposite party together, Han Bin at the wedding saw a manner strange man, this man about is about 40 years old, sat in the crowd and common, but his action attracted the attention of Han Bin. 当时,王婷的闺蜜结婚,王婷和韩彬一起参加对方的婚礼,在婚礼上韩彬看到一名举止怪异的男子,这名男子大约四十岁左右,坐在人堆里并不起眼,但是他有一个举动吸引了韩彬的注意。 This man smokes, routine pinches the cigarette holder, pulls out does not have the smoke of filter tip, this has not calculated. 这个男子吸烟的时候,习惯性的将烟嘴掐掉,抽没有过滤嘴的烟,这还不算完。 When the smoke attracted quickly to the end, he used the finger to put out the cigarette butt, as if could not feel that the temperature of cigarette butt, looked like this likely to have the burning down fingerprint of consciousness in Han Bin. 等烟快吸到头了,他用手指捻灭了香烟头,仿佛丝毫感觉不到烟头的温度,在韩彬看来这很可能是有意识的烧掉指纹。 The behavior of this man is quite suspicious, but he has not violated the law, at that time in Quancheng, the Han Bin this Qindao police not too investigated conveniently, made the picture of that man to give hold/container Xing, making the opposite party investigate this man. 这个男子的行为比较可疑,但是他并没有犯法,当时又是在泉城,韩彬这个琴岛的警方也不太方便调查,就拍下了那名男子的照片交给了包星,让对方调查这名男子。 Has such matter, I remember that afterward you had sent a WeChat, said that this man has the criminal record, but has served out the punishment, I do not have to pay attention.” “是有这么一回事,我记得后来你发过一条微信,说这名男子有前科,不过已经服完刑了,我也就没在关注。” Yes, I used the facial recognition system to find that male status, his name was Sun Youguo, had the burglary and kidnapping criminal record, in October of the year before last year left prison. Because has served out the punishment, without the case, I , there would be no to pay attention again.” hold/container Xingdun, continued, “是,我用面部识别系统找到了那名男子身份,他叫孙友国,有盗窃和绑架前科,前年十月份出狱。因为已经服完刑,没有案子,我也就没有再关注。”包星顿了顿,继续说, Had a case until the day before yesterday, Sun Youguo from enters our line of sight newly.” “直到前天又发生了一起案件,孙友国才从新进入我们的视线。” He how?” “他怎么了?” On suspicion of kidnapping.” “涉嫌绑架。” Which in kidnaps?” “在哪绑架的?” Kidnapping place in Quancheng.” “绑架地点在泉城。” Why did that come Qindao?” “那为什么来琴岛了?” I examine the monitoring time, saw Sun Youguo in monitoring near the crime scene, thinks that he has the kidnapping criminal record, will investigate the line of sight to put his body, finally traces to discover that he really has the suspicion, likely is one of the kidnapping case suspects, we have traced his whereabouts, discovered that he arrived at Qindao, we also with.” “我查看监控的时候,在案发现场附近的监控里看到了孙友国,想到他有绑架前科,才将调查视线放到了他的身上,结果一路追查发现他果然有嫌疑,很可能是绑架案的嫌犯之一,我们就一直追踪他的行踪,发现他来到了琴岛,我们也就跟着来了。” His present person?” “他现在人呢?” Temporarily with throwing, us came to the Qindao City police station, wants to ask the city bureau to assist to investigate.” “暂时跟丢了,我们来琴岛市公安局,也是想请市局协助调查。” What situation by others is?” “被别人是什么情况?” What kidnapped is two children, goes to the elementary school, in these two child families/home is very rich, the kidnapper had opened the price.” “被绑架的是两名小孩,都还是上小学,这两个孩子家里都挺有钱的,绑匪已经开了价。” How much money wants?” “要多少钱?” „A child 2 million, altogether want 4 million.” “一个孩子两百万,总共要四百万。” Snort, crazed.” “哼,丧心病狂。” Yeah, who did not say.” “哎,谁说不是呢。” Han Bin continues saying that package of stars, you said these to me, thought the case may apportion two squadrons?” 韩彬继续说道,“包星,你跟我说这些,是觉得案子可能会分给二中队?” This I am not clear, but yellow big Section Chief, since looks for the city bureau assistance, I estimated that should be the city Criminal Investigation brigade, as for is the first lochus, is two squadrons, I am not clear.” Speaking of this, hold/container Xing takes a look outside, said in a soft voice, South Korea team, this case also a little...... complex.” “这我也不清楚,但黄大队长既然是找市局协助,我估计应该就是市刑侦大队,至于是一中队,还是二中队,我就不清楚了。”说到这,包星瞅了瞅外面,轻声道,“韩队,这个案子还有点……复杂。” What complex law?” “什么个复杂法?” hold/container Xing lowered the sound, has a child's status is quite special.” 包星压低了声音,“有一个孩子的身份比较特殊。” You said.” “你说。” That child's father has an elder sister.” “那个孩子的爸有个姐姐。” Han Bin is waiting for his as follows. 韩彬等着他的下文。 His elder sister has a husband.” “他姐姐有个老公。” Your this is not the idle talk, said directly this child had an uncle not on the line.” “你这不是废话嘛,直接说这孩子有个姑父不就行了。” Hehe, said the security separatedly.” “嘿嘿,分开说安全。” Avoids bringing in beast some only. 避免引来某只兽。 Ok, you said.” “行吧,你说。” Elder sister's husband is the leader of Criminal Investigation unit, has the weight/quantity very much.” hold/container Xing reminded, „, therefore, must strive for this case, you must consider clearly.” “姐姐的老公是刑侦总队的一位领导,很有分量。”包星提醒道,“所以,要不要争取这个案子,您自己要考虑清楚。” I knew.” Han Bin patted hold/container Xing the shoulder. “我知道了。”韩彬拍了拍包星的肩膀。 Anything has the dual character, had this relations, Han Bin must carefully treat. 任何事情都有两面性,有了这层关系,韩彬也要谨慎对待。 If can solve a case, naturally is happy, can make a good impression to the leadership of that unit, even can also become the friend. 如果能破案,自然是皆大欢喜,也能给那位总队的领导留下一个好印象,甚至还能成为朋友。 But if cannot solve a case, the victim was killed one held for ransom, then Han Bin must certainly fall minute/share in that leader eyes, will possibly offend the opposite party. 但如果破不了案,受害人被撕票了,那么韩彬在那位领导眼中肯定要掉分,甚至可能会得罪对方。 To put it bluntly, this case has the function of addition, if can succeed the investigation naturally to get better and better, but can also beam with joy in front of the unit. 说白了,这个案子有加成的作用,如果能成功破案自然是好上加好,还能在总队面前露个脸。 If cannot solve a case , may affect the Han Bin future. 如果破不了案,也可能会影响韩彬的前途。 Wraps the star, can say the progress of this case to me?” “包星,能跟我说说这个案子的进展吗?” South Korea team, I can only introduce so many with you, detailed progress............” “韩队,我只能跟您介绍这么多,再详细的进展……就……” Looked that is somewhat awkward to the opposite party, Han Bin beckons with the hand, considers as finished, if really must make us assist to investigate, that yellow big Section Chief will definitely inform the case beforehand, when the time comes is listening is also the same.” 看对对方有些为难,韩彬摆手,“算了,如果真要让我们协助调查,那位黄大队长肯定会事先告知案情,到时候在听也一样。” Thanks South Korea team to understand.” “谢谢韩队理解。” I also do this, how possibly not to understand.” “我也是干这个的,怎么可能不理解。” hold/container Xing a thread of conversation revolution, right South Korea team, our squadron recently how?” 包星话锋一转,“对了韩队,咱们中队最近怎么样?” Just the same as always, you follow no difference.” “还是老样子,跟你走的时候没啥区别。” Right?” hold/container Xing knits the brows, I had seen Qianqian a moment ago, does not know that is too sudden, always felt that she who I come is not right with I spoke some, not like before naturally.” “是吗?”包星皱了皱眉,“我刚才见过倩倩,也不知道是不是我来的太突然,总感觉她跟我说话的时候有些不对劲,不像以前自然了。” What hasn't she said to you?” “她没跟你说什么?” What said? What matter does Qianqian have?” “说什么?倩倩有什么事吗?” Truly, she some truly changes, I also thinks that recently she has told you.” “确实,她最近确实有些变化,我还以为她已经跟你说了。” hold/container Xing cares saying that Qianqian how, she had what to change, is the body is uncomfortable?” 包星关心道,“倩倩怎么了,她有什么变化,是身体不舒服吗?” Han Bin sighed one, actually, this I was not good saying that should make her own tell you.” 韩彬叹了一声,“其实吧,这个我不大好说,应该让她自己告诉你。” South Korea team, do not frighten me, you jumped over said, I more lacked self-confidence, what's the matter?” “韩队,您别吓唬我呀,您越这么说,我心里就越没底,到底是怎么回事?” Un, she......” Han Bin is somewhat awkward, how is considering to say. “嗯,她……”韩彬有些为难,正在斟酌该如何说。 Thump thump......” outside resounds knock. “咚咚……”外面又响起一阵敲门声。 Comes.” “进来。” yellow Qianqian pushed the door to walk, South Korea team, hold/container Xing.” 黄倩倩推门走了进来,“韩队,包星。” Un, just right that you come, said that what matter?” “嗯,你来的正好,说吧,什么事?” South Korea team, that...... I am look for hold/container Xing, I have a matter to tell him.” “韩队,那个……我是来找包星的,我有件事情要告诉他。” Good, you told him directly, me said that was more appropriate.” Han Bin made an effort to pat hold/container Xing the shoulder, went, at noon we ate meal together.” “挺好,你直接告诉他,比我说更合适。”韩彬用力拍了拍包星肩膀,“去吧,中午咱们一起吃饭。” „.” Han Bin not good feelings, stand up suddenly, arrive at side yellow Qianqian, beautiful, what do you want to say to me?” “诶。”韩彬突然有一种不好的感觉,站起身,走到黄倩倩身旁,“倩倩,你想跟我说什么呀?” yellow Qianqian has not immediately said that also do not leave the meaning of office, arrives at side Han Bin, South Korea team, can you go out?” 黄倩倩没有立刻说,也没有要离开办公室的意思,走到韩彬身边,“韩队,你能出去一下吗?” What, do I go out?” “啥,我出去?” I want to borrow your office, I cannot say in the corridor.” “我想借用一下你的办公室,我总不能在走廊说吧。” Also right, is indeed inappropriate, you chatted...... me to go to other office stroll.” Han Bin takes up the teacup, is taking a stroll the office, just before leaving, but also the door closed. “也对,的确不合适,那你们聊着……我去其他办公室转转。”韩彬拿起茶杯,溜达着出了办公室,临走,还将门关上了。 Wraps star at heart lacking self-confidence even more, beautiful, how? Met what was difficult, told me, I helped certainly you.” 包星心里越发的没底,“倩倩,到底怎么了?是不是遇到什么困难了,告诉我,我一定帮你。” I...... the present difficulty do not know how should tell you?” “我……现在的困难就是不知道该怎么跟你说?” What said that how?” hold/container Xingqiang squeezes out wipes the smile, guessed correctly anything faintly. “说什么呀,到底怎么了?”包星强挤出一抹笑容,隐隐猜到了什么。 I...... I had the boyfriend.” “我……我有男朋友了。” Wraps the star to squeeze out wipes the smile, beautiful, you do not want to say that the boyfriend is I, do you want to give me a pleasant surprise?” 包星挤出一抹笑容,“倩倩,你不会是想说男朋友就是我吧,你是要给我一个惊喜吗?” yellow Qianqian gawked, does not know how should say. 黄倩倩愣了,不知道该如何接话。 Qianqian, you are cracking a joke.” “倩倩,你是不是在开玩笑呀。” I have not cracked a joke, I really had the contact object, was not you.” “我没开玩笑,我确实有交往对象了,不是你。” Who is that? Is more appropriate than me, do you like your? When matter? How I do not know.” “那是谁呀?还有比我更合适,更你喜欢你的吗?什么时候的事?我怎么不知道。” Wraps the star, I know that has been very good to me, but...... something......” “包星,我知道一直对我都很好,但……有些事情……” hold/container Xing waves, beautiful, do not send the good person card to me, such I will be sad.” 包星挥了挥手,“倩倩,千万不要给我发好人卡,那样我会更伤心。” Sorry. Hopes you can find the appropriate your other half, is better than me.” “对不起呀。希望你能找到合适自己的另一半,比我更好的。” I cannot think through, we know are so long, you do not get along with me. How many months I walked, how you found the boyfriend, who is? Do I know?” “我就是想不通,咱俩认识那么久,你都没有跟我好。我才走了几个月,你怎么就找到男朋友了,到底是谁呀?我认识吗?” This...... is unimportant, sentimental matter cannot calculate with the time.” “这……并不重要,感情这种事不能用时间去计算。” That was I knew, who was? Which I missed.” “那就是我认识了,到底是谁?我差哪了。” Yeah, ok, I told you, was Zhao Ming.” “哎,算了,我告诉你吧,是赵明。” Who?” “谁?” Zhao Ming.” 赵明。” magnificence Zi? How this boy...... you had a liking for him, I was higher than him, am more graceful than him, my which point was inferior to him. „ “华子?这小子……你怎么看上他了,我比他高、比他帅,我哪点不如他了。“ You have not been inferior to him, is only we are inappropriate.” “你没有不如他,只是我们不合适。” Wraps star somewhat weak sitting on the sofa, he is very disappointed, but has not hated yellow Qianqian, actually, before coming Qindao, he guessed correctly indistinctly. 包星有些无力的坐在沙发上,他很失望,但并没有怨恨黄倩倩,其实,来琴岛之前他就隐约猜到了一些。 These months he in Quancheng, yellow Qianqian in Qindao, he can feel, yellow Qianqian as if intends to avoid him, has almost not related on own initiative, at that time he thought that yellow Qianqian is alienating him, but he only thinks that the opposite party wants to draw a line, is a vague rejection, has not thought that yellow Qianqian had found the boyfriend. 这几个月他在泉城,黄倩倩在琴岛,他能感觉到,黄倩倩似乎有意回避他,几乎从来没有主动联系过,那时候他就觉得黄倩倩是在疏远他,但他只以为对方是想划清界限,算是一种隐晦的拒绝,并没有想到黄倩倩已经找到了男友。 Wraps the star, you are all right. I do not intend not to tell you, but how does not know to open the mouth, moreover we are in remote, the time grew also broke, has not thought that will make into this......” “包星,你没事吧。我不是有意不告诉你的,只是不知道怎么开口,而且咱们身在异地,时间长了也就断了,没想到会弄成这样……” hold/container Xing shakes the head, this did not complain about you, actually I should know......” 包星摇头,“这不怨你,其实我早就该知道的……” I......” “那我……” You first go out, I think that a person is static.” “你先出去吧,我想一个人静静。” Good.” yellow Qianqian walked several steps, stops, no matter what, we are the good friends, is good to work together.” “好。”黄倩倩走了几步,停下来,“不管怎么样,咱们都是好朋友,好同事。” ...... …… Han Bin stands in the corridor end, drinks tea, while looks to out of the window. 韩彬站在走廊尽头,一边喝茶,一边望向窗外。 Clip clop......” footsteps sound. “哒哒……”脚步声响起。 Han Bin saw that yellow Qianqian walked, the eye socket is somewhat red. 韩彬看到黄倩倩走了出来,眼圈有些红。 Said.” “说了。” yellow Qianqian nods. 黄倩倩点头。 His mood how?” “他情绪怎么样?” yellow Qianqian shakes the head. 黄倩倩摇头。 This matter must solve sooner or later, the long pain is inferior to the short pain.” Han Bin sighed one, you go back, I have a look at hold/container Xing.” “这件事早晚是要解决的,长痛不如短痛吧。”韩彬叹了一声,“你回去吧,我去看看包星。” Han Bin returned to the office, hold/container Xing as before sitting on the sofa. 韩彬返回了办公室,包星依旧愣愣的坐在沙发上。 Such others, the sad words cry two, crying to be comfortable, do not affect to work.” “这么别人,伤心的话就哭两声,哭完就舒服了,不要影响工作。” hold/container Xing puts on a long face, Han Bin, do you say now appropriately these?” 包星哭丧着脸,“韩彬,您现在说这些合适吗?” I said, always compares by your yellow Section Chief reaches an agreement. Regarding a man, the woman is very important, but the work is more important. “我说,总比被你们黄队长说好。对于一个男人来说,女人很重要,但工作更重要。 You two knew that was so long, without arriving at the same place, that explained that you two are inappropriate, actually also has nothing to be a pity. ” 你们两个认识那么久了,既然没走到一起,那就说明你们两个并不合适,其实也没什么可惜的。” South Korea team, are you comforting me?” “韩队,您是在安慰我吗?” Han Bin looked at the surroundings, „does this have others?” 韩彬看了看周围,“这还有其他人?” I am not only sad, but also is a little unwilling, you figure out, which my cannot compare Zhao Ming. Beautifully how long I and knew, how long he came, why Qianqian had a liking for him. „ “我不光是难过,还有点不甘心,您评评理,我哪一点比不上赵明。我和倩倩认识多久了,他才来多久了,倩倩凭啥就看上他了。“ This competition is not meaningful, no matter the ratio won, the ratio lost, will not change the existing result, painful can only be yourself.” “这种攀比没有任何意义,不管是比赢了,还是比输了,不会改变现有的结果,痛苦的只会是你自己。” hold/container Xingca wiped the eye, actually, I felt a while ago, this time came back to be equal to making an understanding, later...... I will not be entangling her again.” 包星擦了擦眼睛,“其实,前段时间我就感觉到了,这次回来等于是做了个了解,以后……我不会再缠着她。” This to you is also a good deed, your condition is not bad, asks you to like her, she also likes your, isn't fragrant?” “这对你来说也是个好事,你条件又不差,找一个你喜欢她,她也喜欢你的,不香吗?” hold/container Xing sobbed, may I like beautifully......” 包星哽咽道,“可我就喜欢倩倩……” Good was good, more said that you more were enthusiastic.” “行了行了,越说你越来劲了。” ding ling ling......” the Han Bin cell phone made a sound, is Ding Xifeng hits. 叮铃铃……”韩彬的手机响了,是丁锡峰打来的。 Hey, big Section Chief.” “喂,大队长。” You come fourth floor conference room.” “你来四楼会议室一趟。” What matter do you have?” “你有什么事吗?” You came to know.” “你来了就知道了。” Yes.” “是。” „, Right, hold/container Xing in your?” “哦,对了,包星在你那吗?” In.” “在。” Comes his also belt/bring. Good.” Han Bin hangs up the cell phone, Ding Xifeng, although has not said anything, since selected hold/container Xing the name, explained that should the kidnapping case that investigates be related with the Criminal Investigation unit. “把他也带过来。好的。”韩彬挂断手机,丁锡峰虽然没说什么事,但是既然点了包星的名,就说明应该跟刑侦总队正在调查的绑架案有关。 Is quick, follows me.” “快起来,跟我走。” Which goes?” “去哪呀?” Sees his listless appearance, Han Bin somewhat expects too much, gives you to introduce a girlfriend.” 看到他无精打采的模样,韩彬有些恨铁不成钢,“去给你介绍个女朋友。” „, Such quickly!” “啊,这么快!” Is quick, washes the face.” From the future detective latest chapter address: https:// “快个屁,去洗把脸。”来自未来的神探最新章节地址:https:// From the future detective full text reading address: https:// 来自未来的神探全文阅读地址:https:// From the future detective txt downloading address: https:// 来自未来的神探txt下载地址:https:// Reads from the future detective cell phone: https:// 来自未来的神探手机阅读:https:// In order to will read next time, you can click below " collection " minute book time( Chapter 1061 a little circles) reading record, next time will turn on the bookshelf then to see! 为了方便下次阅读,你可以点击下方的"收藏"记录本次(第1061章有点绕)阅读记录,下次打开书架即可看到! 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