The horizonsetting sunpartlyfalls.
天边残阳半落。Plantson the plain that filled the azurewheatblows the warm brawto be intermittent, the wheat blowing in breezefrom far to near, from near to far, seemsfluctuationgold/metalazuresealayer upon layeragain.
种满了青麦的平原上吹起暖风阵阵,层层麦浪由远及近,再由近及远,好似一片波动的金青色海洋。Du Kanggot down the carriage, the stepwalkedon the broadflagstonepath between wheat blowing in breeze, like a handsomewealthy familyyoung master who went out of townto play, mixed in the turnovernear the stream of people of deep poolcity , was not very noticeable.杜康下了马车,步行走在麦浪间的宽阔石板道路上,如同一个出城游玩的英俊富家公子,夹杂在进出临渊城的人流中,并不算特别引人注目。
The running water in roadsidecanalbysummerfiercebakedYang for day, has sentslightly
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