Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice Chapter 1to seek the subscriptionnear the deep pool
妖诡世界:我能氪命修行第一章临渊求订阅Near the deep poolcity, the Haizhouprovincecityis.
临渊城,海州州城所在。Was builtin the previous dynastygreatlythickervirtuefouryears, completedinHoude18years, stillhas gone through more than 500years of stormy times, sat and watcheddid not knowmanyhuman affairsrise and fall.
始建于前朝大越厚德四年,建成于厚德十八年,至今已经历五百多年风风雨雨,坐观了不知多少人事兴衰。Itwithdark bluebillowscityanddragonundercityandnameHaizhouthreeBig City, isHaizhouonlyoneby the bigcity that the royal governmentgrasps.
其与沧澜城、龙下城并称海州三大城池,也是海州唯一一个被朝廷掌握的大城。InHaizhouthingover ten thousandli (0.5 km), spansin the hugemountainous areas of north-souththreethousand li (500 km)vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, a topographically flathugeplainsituated in the hillsregarding, provides fornear a deep poolcitycollectionprovincein a cityis situatedabove the plain.
在海州东西纵横上万里,纵跨南北三千里的庞大山区里,一片地势平坦的庞大平原处于群山围绕之中,临渊城这座集一州供养于一身的城市就坐落在平原之上。Blazingis hangingcenter the sky, on the plain as continuousas the wheat of line of sightendis in the milk, the afternoonhigh temperaturewill approach the airtranspiration of surfaceto become the appearance of distortion, looksfrom afar,seemedin the wheat fieldto catch fire was the same.
The broadflagging and narrowtamping earthboundary ridge between fields, divide the size the wheat fieldsuch aspaddies.
宽阔的石板路和狭窄的夯土田埂,将麦田分割成大小如一的一块块田地。Hasa large number offarmersin the paddiesbusy, the switchdam, applying fertilizer the weeding...... isoneyear of livelihoodnon-stopbusily.
有数量众多的农人在田地里忙碌,开关水闸,施肥除草……为一年的生计忙碌不停。Canseefromthisscene, is differentfromHaizhoumostcontrolling forcelowregions, neardeep poolcitydomain that is the Daliangroyal governmentdirect management, is the richplace of densely populated.
从这幅景象就可以看出,不同于海州大部分控制力低下的区域,临渊城这个属于大梁朝廷直管的地盘,是人烟稠密的膏腴之地。Along the neatpathby, constructed the widewidthnarrowcanalnear the deep poolcity, has the limpidwater currentfollows the topographyto flow, provides the moisture contentfor the wheat fieldat the same time, alleviated the dryness and heat on path.
沿着规整的道路两侧,临渊城修建了宽宽窄窄的水渠,有清澈的水流在其中顺着地势流淌,为麦田提供水分的同时,也缓解了道路上的燥热。Dádá dá.
A semblancecommoncarriage, goesinleading tonear the path in deep poolcityon, dry and hotmixes withcoolwater vaporsummerwindto blowfullChe the window curtains, puts on the car(riage), carried offin the car(riage) the strangeflavor.
一辆外表毫不起眼的马车,行驶在通往临渊城的道路上,燥热中夹杂着清凉水汽的夏风吹起满车的窗帘,穿车而过,带走了车内奇怪的味道。Du Kangpokes head from the glass, seesthesebusyforms, in the water the construction of farmland, and paddiescommonwheatwant the longthreetimes of wheat ears, is quite happy.杜康从车窗内探出头,看着这些忙碌的身影,水里农田的建设,以及田地里比寻常麦子要长三倍的麦穗,心情极为不错。
„, Hiss...... Tan Huayouslowly.
“啊,嘶……谈画你慢一点。Thisis the scene of person of clancenter, lookstrulygood, Ialsothink the personclan of thisworldandYangChuncheng, Ocean Wave Seapersonclanequallylaborious.
这就是人族腹地的景象,看起来确实不错,我还以为这个世界的人族都和阳春城、碧波海的人族过的一样辛苦呢。Looked that plants the wheat that near the deep poolcity, in the royal governmentalsohas the capable person, Haizhouwas a Daliangmost remoteprovince, the provincecityhassuchscene.
看临渊城种的麦子,朝廷里也是有能人的,海州是大梁最偏远的一个州,州城就已经有如此景象了。Reallywantsto go toCapital Cityto have a look, heard that Capital Citycomprised of the cities, placecities and the undergroundcitythree layer structurescloud, does not know that holdsinin addition of monstertechnique, whatappearance the person can the clanconstruct the city? ”
真想去京城看看,听说京城是由云之城、地之城、地下城三层结构组成的,不知在妖术的加持下,人族能把城池建设成什么样子?”In the compartmenthears the throatdull thumping soundsound that was choked, good long whilelater, Tan Huahas liftedjadesurface in the compartmentis lying, after rousing the cheekwas swallowingseveral, the longstretch/leisurelyone breathsaid.
„ Young master, iflikesthesethings, after us , the strength, snatchedthem, whichplacewhen the time comeswants to livelivesinwhichplace.
“公子若是喜欢这些东西的话,等我们以后实力强了,就把它们都抢过来,到时候想在哪座住就在哪座住。Where the young masterwantsto go to any case, Tan Huawithwhere, neverwill be separated, youcannotdrop outme. ”
反正公子想去哪里,谈画就跟着去哪里,永远不分开,你可不能抛下我。”Tan Huais speakingto throw the Du Kangbosom, stares a pair of sparklingsnakechild, the worshipis looking atthisman.谈画说着话就扑到了杜康怀里,瞪着一双亮晶晶的蛇童,崇拜地看着这个男人。
The idea of Tan Huagreedy, overbearingandbarbaric, is actually the typicalidea of thisworldmember.谈画的想法贪婪、霸道而野蛮,却是此世修士的典型想法。Becauseimplants the monsterflesh the reason, in the human nature of membergenerallyhasmonster.
因为植入妖怪血肉的缘故,修士的人性中普遍带有妖性。At first glance, the personality of memberuniversalfrivolousandextremely arrogant, deceitfulandfickle, bullies the weak and fears the strong, indulges the desire......, butwhatrepresentation, mostmonsteressencesare still greedy.
When forbeastwantsto eatmorefood, wantsmorespouses, after becomingmonster, is to hold, sees in worldbeautifulthing, is thinkingmustallswallowin the bellythem, thatisonetypeis unable to suppress, neversatisfiedgreedy......
After Du Kangreviewsoneselfpass through the behaviorsometimes, hefully realized that oneselfhad been affectedsubtly, buthedoes not care aboutthese.杜康有时回顾自己穿越后的行为,他深知自己早已被潜移默化地影响了,但他不在乎这些。No one'smindremain unchanged, evenwithout the experience of practicingmagic arts, otherexperience and choicewill become a personwill still change beyond all recognitionfinally.
没有一个人的心灵是一成不变的,即便没有修行法术的经历,别的经历和选择最终也会将一个人变得面目全非。YesterdayI, tomorrowmyalsonotI, only thengraspsisto face the mostpositive attitude of lifenow.
昨日之我非我,明日之我亦非我,只有把握现在才是面对生命的最积极态度。Inethnic group that worldanyhas the multiplequantity,
世间任何一个拥有复数数量的族群中,Regardless in the inheritanceevolveshas any oddmorals and thought that finally the goalis to survivewell. Thisworldis barbaric, the person the clancanfromdevelop the presentgreat strengthsmall and weakly, thistypehas lasting achievementslikewild animalsamegreedy.
无论在传承还是进化中产生什么离谱的道德和思想,最终目的都是为了更好地生存。这个世界是野蛮的,人族能从弱小发展到现在的强大,这种如同野兽一样的贪婪功不可没。Ifadds onhumanity'squantity, wisdom and unity and cooperationagain, is these humanmembera total ofcharacteristics, molded an unceasinglyoutwarddevelopmententerprisingrace the personclantogether, realized the goal of basingonthisstretch of wildland.
如果再加上人类本身的数量、智慧和团结协作,是这些人类修士共有的特性,共同将人族塑造成了一个不断向外开拓的进取种族,实现了立足于这片蛮荒大地的目标。Tohuman, thisdispositionchangeis the advantageoutweighs the shortcoming.
对人类而言,这种心性的改变是利大于弊的。Du Kanglifted the handto scratchmilkstain of Tan Huacorners of the mouth, felt attached totoucheshercheekto say.杜康抬手擦了擦谈画嘴角的奶渍,爱怜地摸了摸她的脸蛋说道。„The milk of bigmonsteris tasty, likesdrinkingagain, the sheepmonster of thisbreast-feeding perioddoes not meeteasily.”
“咩……”As ifheardtwo peopledialogue, in the compartmentresounded the weaksheepcry.
似乎听到了两人的对话,车厢内响起了虚弱的羊叫声。Byray that the glassenters, cansee that behind the compartmentis lying down an appearanceordinarysheep, seems likein the reason of breast-feeding period, insheepmonsterlargeruddytwois infiltrating the pointwater.
透过车窗打进的光线,能看到车厢后侧躺着一只模样普通的绵羊,似乎是处于哺乳期的缘故,羊妖肥大红润的两个奈头中正在渗透出点点奈水。ThisisDu Kangon the road in oncomingdeep poolcity, caughtattackstheirmonsters, becausestill atnursing, Tan Hua is also greedythatfresh milk the reason, Du Kanghas not killedit, remainsto drink the milkto drinksince.
The monsterbody of bigmonsterhad undergone a transformation, the breast milkalsothereforeespeciallynutritiously, ifofteneats, toTan Hua the places of somemonsterbodymanybenefits.
大妖的妖躯已经经过了一次蜕变,奶水也因此格外的滋补,若是常吃,对谈画的妖躯还是有不少补益之处的。Naturally, thisisregardingTan Hua, toDu Kangthishigh rankmember, thissheep's milkeats a flavorto be fresh, hewill drinkonecupoccasionally.
The sheepmonster in corner„”is calling, in the soundfullwas the meaning of entreaty, Tan Huahearsto be somewhat tired , after the brain, immediately the wisp of hairchanges the snaketo send, fleesto the sheepmonsterin front, sprangvenomous fangoneto niponitsleg.
During had the paralysislethargic sleepeffectivenessvenominflowblood, the sheepmonsterfalls intoquicklywas murky, incompartmentalsothereforepeaceful.
拥有麻痹昏睡效用的毒液流入血液,羊妖很快陷入了昏昏沉沉之中,车厢里也因此安静了下来。Tan Huatakes uptwocupsfrom the one side, arrives in front of the sheepmonster, rubs the sheep's milkwith the finger, immediatelyhas the whitemilkblowout, after waitingto meet the fulltwocups, Tan Huareturned tosideDu Kang, gatherednearhisearto saygently.谈画从一旁拿起两个杯子,来到羊妖面前,用手指搓动羊奶,立刻有白色的乳汁喷出,等接了满满两杯之后,谈画才回到杜康身边,凑到他耳边轻轻说道。
„ Young master, Ihave observedsome time, thissheepmonstersimplyhas not given birth, the ability that itproduces milkseems likeinborn.
The Tan Huasnakereturnsseveralvacancies, so long aseats up the monsterto obtaintheirsometalentsor the monstertechniques, was inferior,makingTan Huaeatit.谈画的蛇发还有几个空位,只要吃下妖怪就可以获得它们的某种天赋或妖术,不如,让谈画把它吃掉吧。In this case, the skill of thissheep, Tan Hua can also, lateryoung masterbe ablemomentarily**Tan Hua**...... ”
The cupwas handed the Du KangmouthbyTan Hua, the sweetsheep's milkalong the throat, Du Kanghearsthisproposition, swallows the salivasubconsciously, dranknonethiscup of milk.
杯子被谈画递到杜康嘴边,甘甜的羊奶顺喉而下,杜康听到这个提议,下意识地一咽口水,将这杯奶喝了个精光。Althoughin the milkwas permeated the Tan Huavenom, butregarding the Du Kangphysique, thisinoriginaldrinkRiga the uniqueflavor, makingDu Kangtaste.
虽然奶里被渗入了谈画的毒液,但对于杜康的体质而言,这不过是在原先的饮料里加了一点独特的风味,让杜康更加回味而已。„Thisis not good, youonly have108snakesto send, whyto makethisunimportantabilityevenwhitebe in a position, leaves the monstertechnique that admires.”
„ 108monstertechniques are also listeningwell.
After Ieat the monster , althoughcanobtain the correspondingmonstertechnique, the effect that but the monstertechniquecanachieveis relatedwithmymonsterstrengthnature, quantityandnature, is relatedwith the Yin the intensity of godandphysical body, mostmonstertechniquemightcannot be the intensity of originalmaster,
我吃掉妖怪后虽然能获得相应的妖术,但妖术能发挥的效果与我的妖力质、量、性质有关,与阴神和肉体的强度有关,大部分的妖术威力都达不到原主人的强度,Such being the case, might as wellleaves a positionto the ability that the young masterlikes. ”
既然如此,还不如留一个位置给公子喜欢的能力呢。”Du Kangwas deep during a thought that Tan Huaunderstandsimmediately, fullheadblack hairinheadentanglement, butto becomeGengen the snakesends, spits the snakecorehissingto make noise.杜康陷入了一阵沉思之中,谈画立刻心领神会,满头青丝在头上纠缠而成根根蛇发,吐着蛇芯嘶嘶作响。Under the illumination of sunlight, casts a crowdedshadowin the compartment.
在阳光的照射下,于车厢内投下一片密集的阴影。Compares the initialfullblacksnake, the color and shape that now the Tan Huasnakesendshad very bigchange, only thenthreeare also maintaining the original design, obviously after swallowing the monstertechnique, the foreign minister who the snakesendswill have the correspondingchange.
相比最初的满头黑蛇,现在谈画蛇发的颜色和形状都发生了很大的变化,只有三根还维持着原样,显然吞噬妖术后,蛇发的外相会发生相应改变。Tan Huadirects a jet blacksnaketo sendto jump out, extreme speed of snake mouth of blacksnakein the airincreases, insatiably greediesgenerallikeclose to, onlyonereads without thinkingto swallowsheepmonster.谈画指挥一根漆黑的蛇发窜出,黑蛇的蛇口在空气中极速变大,如同巴蛇吞象一般,只一口就将羊妖囫囵吞枣吞下。When the snakesendsto retracttoTan Huaon, changes the originalsize, startsto have the miraculous glowsparkle of undulatingexcept forabove, witha moment agonot the slightest difference.
当蛇发缩回到谈画头上,又变回原来的大小,除了其上开始有澹澹的灵光闪耀,与刚才别无二致。Butin the compartmentthatewe, was swallowedinto the snakeabdomenlike this.
而车厢里那只母羊,就这样被吞入了蛇腹。Du Kanghugs the bosomTan Hua, sendsto catchthatsnakein the hand, startswithspiritual eyecarefulobserving and emulatingsnakebasic laws 】 Swallowsto eliminate the process of monstertechnique.杜康一把将谈画搂进怀里,一手将那根蛇发抓在手里,开始用灵眼细细观摩蛇母法】吞噬剥夺妖术的过程。Thatis the stomach of Tan Hua, after by the spacemethodfoldsrepeatedly , not the smallstomach, the viscousgastric juicetumbleslike the sea, sheepmonsterbodyinvicissitudes, inthispiecespecificallyaims at the lifefleshin the sea, itwas meltedquicklyonegroup of spotmixedYuanair masses.
A Yuanair mass that turns into the gaseous stateraisesfrom the sea of gastric juice, cansee that crowdedrune/symbolLuwandersin the Yuanair masscheerfully, intheirmovements, thatgroup of vitalities is also getting bigger and bigger.
变成气态的元气团从胃液之海中升起,能看到密集的符箓在元气团中欢快游荡,在它们的运动中,那团元气也随之越来越大。How longalsohas not known, finally, „collapsing”.
A Yuanair mass that the volumereaches the limitblasts opendirectly, in whichrune/symbolLueverywheredances in the airinentire„stomach”, touches the stomachwallto fall intodirectly.
体积达到极限的元气团直接炸裂开来,其中的符箓在整个“胃部”漫天飞舞,碰触到胃壁就直接陷入其中。When the line of sightpenetrationstomachwall, Du Kangarrived at a newworld, like the listspiral structuresymbollusequence of mountain, in the Tan Huasnakesendsis glittering the brilliance.
当视线穿透胃壁,杜康又来到了一个新的天地,一条如同山岳的单螺旋结构符箓序列,在谈画的蛇发中闪烁着光辉。Thissymbollusequenceis notstraightone, but after is the double helixwas analyzedhalf , the single rowstructure of thatspiral loop, makingDu Kangfirstthink of the appearance of humansperm.
The independentsperm and egg are also incomplete, only then after mutuallyunion, canbe a completelife.
单独的精子和卵子也是不完整的,只有相互结合之后,才会是一个完整的生命。Snakebasic laws 】 Profited from the characteristics of incompletesymbollusequenceon own initiativemutuallyunionunexpectedly, conducts plundering of monstertechnique, is really an idea of talent!
蛇母法】竟然借鉴了不完整符箓序列会主动相互结合的特点,来进行妖术的掠夺,真是一个天才的想法!Thesebelonged tosheepmonsterscatteredrune/symbolLu, afterenteringhere, quickfound the rightposition, piles up one on top of anotherautomaticallyin the same place, mountsin the listspiralsymbollusequence that the snakesends.
那些原本属于羊妖的零散符箓,在进入这里之后,很快就找到了合适自己位置,自动堆叠在一起,镶嵌进蛇发的单螺旋符箓序列中。As ifwas under the instruction of Spiritual God, eachsymbolludrops the correctposition that candisplay itselfto work, fits together perfectlycomplements the correspondingstructure.
仿佛得到了神灵的指导,每一枚符箓都落进了能发挥自己效力的正确位置,严丝合缝地补全相应的结构。Afterhow longdoes not know, thesesurplusrune/symbolLu who when a completesymbollusequenceformation, sheepmonsteris used, change to the miraculous glow, helplessdissipates.
经过不知多久之后,当一条完整的符箓序列成型,羊妖没有被用到的那些剩余符箓,就化作灵光无奈消散。Meanwhile, the complexchangestartsto appearin the reality, thatsnakesent the originalblackscaleto turn into the milky whiteat the visiblespeedall, the snake headfierceappearancealsobecamegentle, turned intoattractivewhitesnakefrom the originalsavagepoisonous snake, in a numeroussnakesentseemsespeciallydifferent.
The snake headwavesto rousein the airsomethinspiritual energy, forms a white lightto sprinkleonTan Hua, is representing the ray that wants the techniqueafter the bodyhigh and lowpassesone, shefeels the differentexperienceimmediately.
蛇头舞动勾动空气中某种稀薄的灵气,形成一道白光洒落在谈画身上,代表着要术的光芒在身体上下流转一遍后,她立刻感受到了不同的体验。Numb, veryrises, sore...... all sorts ofunprecedentedstrangefeelingsburst outfrom the bottom of the heart, makingher unable to bearsneak in the Du Kangbosom, took upanothercup of sheep's milkcoquettish lookssuch as the silkto say.
酥麻,挺涨,酸痛……种种前所未有的奇怪感觉从心底里迸发,让她忍不住钻进了杜康怀里,拿起另一杯羊奶媚眼如丝地说道。„Young master, sheep's milkalsoonecup, youmustdrinkitagain.”
“公子,羊奶还有一杯,你要不要再把它喝了。”„Drinks, thisyoung mastermostlikeddrinking the milk, butneedsyouto feedbyTan Huapersonally.”
“喝,本公子最喜欢喝奶了,但需要由谈画你亲自来喂。”Waits for the cupto hand the Du Kangmouth, thiscup of milky whiteliquidsrumble the bigmouthwere drunkbyDu Kangcompletely.
……When the window curtains of carriagewas openedagain, in the car(riage)saves for a long timestrangeflavorto be sweptby the hot blastagain.
当马车的窗帘再次被打开的时候,车内积攒已久的奇怪味道再次被热风吹走。Du Kangreorganizesownclothes, saw that a thicklongblackbigsnakereturned toitswarmlair, Tan Huastill to competewithnewchange.杜康整理好自己的衣服,就看到一条粗长的黑色大蛇回到了它温暖的巢穴,谈画依然在和身上的新变化较劲。Beforeonlythought that Du Kangwill like, shethenplunderedthismonstertechnique, if by any chance after trulyhad, discovered, the thing that the manliked, hisownerwere not necessarily ableto like.
之前只觉得杜康会喜欢,她便掠夺了这道妖术,但等真正拥有之后才发现,男人喜欢的东西,其拥有者自己未必会喜欢。Temporarilygot out of the entanglement of woman, Du Kangcanthinksomeownthingsfinally.
暂时摆脱了女人的纠缠,杜康终于能想些自己的事情了。Hashim who the naked eyeunderstands thoroughly, does not needto find out the glass, canseedistant placethatpalatialcitythrough the line of sight that canturn round.
拥有肉眼洞彻相的他,不需要将头探出车窗,就可以通过能拐弯的视线看到远处那座巍峨的城池。Nowis in mid May, the dragon palacegained a son-in-law the conclusionto haveonemonth.
现在已经是五月中旬,龙宫招婿结束已经有一个月的时间。Du KangstaysseveraldayslaterTaohua Islandshortly, the domainleavesbecause of the subordinatepopulationrose dramatically, hope the strengthcontinuously, but the strength the bookDaoist who fliesto entercourageousassumes personal commandsuddenly.杜康在桃花岛短暂地停留几天之后,就将地盘留给了因麾下人口暴增,愿力源源不绝,而实力突飞勐进的书道人坐镇。Main body that the three heads and six armslawthree embodiment of Buddhaunites, thenbringsTan Hua, caught up with the provincecity of Haizhounear the deep poolcity. Sincecrossing over, allactions of Du Kangare profit-centered, allforownpracticing, thistime is also naturally no exception.
三头六臂法三身合一的本体,则是带着谈画,赶来了海州的州城临渊城。从穿越至今,杜康的一切行动都是功利的,全都是为了自身的修行,这次自然也不会例外。Six that the main bodymajors inknowlaw 】 Has practicedto the end, temporarilywas difficult the profit, the main bodystrengthalsothereforefell into the plateau, butafter the tribulation of realdragon, twoclone the stephigh rankdifficultyto reducesignificantly.
His oncomingdeep poolcity, toclone the promotionceremony of yaziRenhe TownmountainDaoistcomes.
To promotehigh rank, theirneedsto put in the hugebattlefieldto murder, needsto enterland featuresbreedingortakes the earthgoodmagical things, near the deep poolcity is the place that cansatisfythemto requestsimultaneously.
想要晋升到高阶,他们一个需要投入庞大的战场杀伐,一个需要进入地脉孕育或者服食土行灵物,临渊城正好就是一个能同时满足他们要求的地方。Neardeep poolcityin the name ofbeing neardeep pool , because here more than 500years ago, in additionis some anchor point that dwelling place of Buddhist immortalsworld that proliferates the monsterinpresentworld, constructed the cityin the pasthere, tosuppresscontinuously the monster who bravesfrom the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals.
临渊城之所以以临渊为名,是因为这里在五百多年前,尚且是某个遍布妖怪的洞天世界在现世的锚点,当年在这里建城,就是为了镇压源源不断从洞天里冒出来的妖怪。It is saidthisis located in the plain in hills, in the fight that a previous dynastymanyhigh rankmemberparticipates, by the crew cuthills, was madeforcefullybaseless.
据说这处位于群山中的平原,就是在前朝一次众多高阶修士参与的战斗中,被硬生生推平群山,凭空制造出来的。Althoughmurderedafterseveral hundredyears of development, inthatbroaddwelling place of Buddhist immortalsstillfilled the assortedmonster, canpromoteto usefor the yaziDaoist.
虽然经过了几百年的开拓杀伐,那个广阔的洞天内依然充满了各色妖怪,可以供睚眦道人晋升所用。Moreoveris also situatednear the deep poolcityinthingvertically and horizontally/able to move unhinderedover ten thousandli (0.5 km), spansinHengduan Shan of north-souththreethousand li (500 km), the land featuresarevigorous.
而且临渊城还坐落于东西纵横上万里,纵跨南北三千里的横断山脉中,地脉最是浑厚不过。Whensuchplace, if under town/subduesYueDaorentakes the breathsoil, the life span that will enterin the land featuresto transformagain , to promote the chance of success to increase dramatically, will usepanelconsumesalsoto be possiblegreatlyto reduce.
在这样的地方,如果镇岳道人服下息壤,再进入地脉中蜕变,晋升成功的机会将会大幅度增加,使用面板时消耗的寿命也可大幅度减少。Althoughassociates with people the monsternumber of paradise is also many, canmeet the need that the yaziDaoistpromotes, the matter that but a placecansolve, whymustrunin two places!
虽然交人福地里的妖怪数量也很多,也可以满足睚眦道人晋升的需求,但一个地方就能解决的事情,何必要分两地跑呢!In summaryseveralfactors, urgedDu Kangfinallythistimenear the tour of deep poolcity.
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