Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepracticeChapter 174yayuto suffer extreme penalty, the road aheadbrightthisvolumeends
The whiterayspreadsat the speed of light, was caught up with the freezetoall aroundturbulenttsunami, appearedconcentric circleshapes the tsunamito turn into a giantsnow and icelotus flowerdirectly.
The surrounding area the boundary within 200-300li (0.5 km), was frozeninstantaneouslybecomes a glittering and translucent carvingartware, falls gently the snowflake that to fallfrom the skythick fallinglyon the icelotus, changed to a snow and iceworldhere.
The battle between high rankmember, hadto destroydayto extinguish the prestige of place, thewarnorthOcean Wave Sea, usedin one high-gradealmighty troops.
高阶修士之间的交战,本就有毁天灭地之威,发生在碧波海北部的这一战,更是使用了一件上上品神兵。Thattypeattemptsto freezeall, changes to the icecoldinaccessible remote areathe whole world the cold thought that making a surrounding areaseveral thousandli (0.5 km)memberhave the induction, guessed that hadwhatimportant matter.
那种妄图冻结一切,将整个世界都化作冰寒绝域的寒冷意念,让方圆几千里的修士都生出了感应,纷纷猜测发生了什么大事。Butin the center of battle, Du Kang and blade of Xue'erhandLuozehas dissipated.
而在交战的中心处,杜康和雪儿手中的洛泽之刃已经消散。After allXue'eris the almighty troops, theya moment agowhatbrandishedis onlysheprojects, but the illusory image, with the consumption of monsterstrength, the almighty troopsillusory imageis unable to maintainagain, changes into a miraculous glowto dissipate.
毕竟雪儿才是神兵本身,刚才他们挥舞的只是一个她投射而出的幻影,随着妖力的消耗,神兵幻影再也无法维持,化为点点灵光消散。Threepeople of placingpureRuoshuipuddles, was frozen a giantcrystal, Du Kang, Xue'er and yayumonsterking, was not dividedenemy and ourselvessolidificationcompletely.
The cardobserves-
卡察-Firstis the slightsoundresoundsin the ice crystaltogether, is the closefissureappears, Xue'er'ssurroundingice crystalpresented the trace of disruption.
The nextquarter, the weakwhite lightappearsinXue'erbody surface, silentablation of surroundingice sludgeinray, changed to the flowing lightto integrateherwithin the body, quickformed a zhang (3.33 m)widecavityin the surroundings.
下一刻,微弱的白光在雪儿体表浮现,周围的碎冰在光芒中无声消融,化作流光融入她体内,很快就在周围形成了一个丈宽的空洞。HerbehindDu Kang, is also fallingin the ice crystal, such asencountered the dreamdemonto be the same, the cough of short of breathpanted for breath.
The bitter experiencewas too fearful, even ifoneselfareblade of holderLuoze, the position that oneselfwere at was still the main attack directiondirectly opposite, the complementary waves of attackstillfrozen.
刚才的遭遇太可怕了,即便自己是洛泽之刃持有者,自己所在的方位也是主攻方向的正对面,攻击的余波依然将自己冰封了。Atownbody and spiritintensity, after is unable to work looseRuoshuifreezes the solid ice, the whole person like stranded the insectinamber, not only the bodyis hardto move, pondered that was frozen.
以自己的体魄强度,都无法挣脱弱水冻结后的坚冰,整个人就像被困在琥珀中的虫子,不仅身体难以动弹,就连思考都被冻结了。Ifnotin the crowDaoist and bookDaoistseveral thousandli (0.5 km) away can also pondernormally,Du Kang may be been completely spiritlessforeverfrozen, until the end of life.
如果不是远在几千里之外的鸦道人和书道人还能正常思考,杜康可能会在无知无觉中被永远冰封下去,直到生命的终结。Is goodalsohasXue'erbecause ofDu Kang, thistype of solid ice that is madebyheris unable to sealto surroundher own.
The body of monsterstrengthfullis emptynow, althoughthere isalsohas the consumption of boundlessvitalitysupportbody, butthisweakfeelingmakesDu Kang feel quite ill.
原本妖力充盈的身体如今空空荡荡,虽有还有磅礴的气血支撑身体的消耗,但这种虚弱感还是让杜康感觉极为不适。five elements boy in five internal organscatches up, communicates the spiritual energyseadiligently, transformsfivelines of monsterstrengthto moisten the drybody, madeDu Kangfeel better, althoughwasfutile attempt, butfinallywas the better than nothing.
五脏内的五行童子一齐发力,努力沟通灵气海,转化出五行妖力滋润干涸的身体,才让杜康好受了一些,虽是杯水车薪,但总算是聊胜于无吧。Du Kang of seasongoes forwardto gripXue'er'shandspirit is willing, Xue'er'sfingertremblesslightly, has not actually shunted.
心有余季的杜康上前握住雪儿的手,雪儿的手指微微一颤,却并没有躲开。Sees that Du Kangstandswithhershoulder to shoulderin the cavity of ice crystal, looks at the yayumonsterkingtotop of the head.
见状,杜康就与她并肩立在冰晶的空腔中,望向头顶的猰貐妖王。Bylike the crystalequallybrightcrystal, in the Du Kangspiritual eye can only see a whiteiceattributemiraculous glow, the naked eyecansee the lifelikeyayumonsterkingactuallyfrozenintheirtop of the headnot far away, is unable to confirmhislife and death.
透过如同水晶一样剔透的晶体,杜康的灵眼中只能看到一片白茫茫的冰属性灵光,倒是肉眼能看到活灵活现的猰貐妖王被冰封在他们头顶不远处,无法确认他的生死。„Shoulddie, the upfrontwas hitby the bladelight of blade of Luoze, he who onlyremains a life, should unable to shoulderthistypein view of the conceptfreeze of lifeandsoul.”
“应该是死了吧,正面被洛泽之刃的刀光击中,只剩一条命的他,应该扛不住这种针对生命和灵魂的概念冻结。”Xue'er'sbody surfaceraytwinklenon-stop, the surroundingice layerwas still meltingunceasingly, transformsflows inherbodyas the monsterstrength, the vitality of nutritiouslya moment agoconsuming.
雪儿的体表光芒闪烁不停,周围的冰层仍在不断消融,转化为妖力流进她的身体,滋补刚才消耗的元气。„Wait a minute, Icanrestore a monsterstrengthagainquickly, when the time comescuts a bladeagain, has not diedwill also die.”
“再等一会儿吧,我很快就能恢复一点妖力,到时候再砍一刀,没死也会死的。”Althoughinsaying the matter of yayumonsterking, butXue'er'smostthoughtsplacedonDu Kang, after hersilentmoment, finallypulls outfromDu Kang the hand, the undulatingsaid.
虽然在说猰貐妖王的事,但雪儿的大部分心思还是放在了杜康身上,她沉默片刻后,最终还是将手从杜康手里抽出,澹澹说道。„The matter, offendeddragon palaceto be killed, youleft, laterwedo not meetagain.”
“等此间事了,冒犯龙宫者被杀,你就离开吧,之后我们不要再见面了。”Respondedheris a longsilence, good long while, Du Kangsaid.
A simplepowerfulcharacter,
简单有力的一个字,As ifmustunder the periodfor the storypictures of twopeople. Althoughexperiencedto oppose the enemya moment agoonetimejointly, but the Du Kangheartlike the bright mirror, two peoplecould not have returned.
似乎就要为两个人的故事画下句号。虽然刚才经历了一次联手对敌,但杜康心如明镜,两人已经回不到过去了。Rests the matter of husbandto settle, when Xue'erinDu Kangwill beset with a crisiswill catch upto rescue, becauseclamdragonWujiemore than tenyearswill support, the repeated difficultiesfriendshipmutually.
休夫之事已是定局,雪儿会在杜康陷入危机时赶来相救,只是因为蜃龙雾界里十几年相互扶持、风风雨雨情义。But the deephappyfriendshipcannot be as good as the betrayal the pain.
Having Dragon King of longlife, although the sentiment of thisfirst loveremembers with eternal gratitude, butwas not worthbeing put down the dignitybyoneself, the dragonwill livein the longfutureto havetoohappythingwaitingexperience, whyto chooseto make the painful the memoryaccompany.
对拥有漫长生命的龙王而言,这段初恋的感情虽然刻骨铭心,但仍不值得让自己放下尊严,龙生漫长的未来中拥有太多美好的东西等待体验,何必选择让痛苦的记忆一直相伴。Sincecannothelp one another in difficult time, forgetsin the rivers and lakeswould rather.
既然不能相濡以沫,倒不如相忘于江湖。Xue'erdoes not hopeDu Kangwas killed, butwantsto return toinJiu, thatis the pureexpectation.
雪儿只是不希望杜康被人杀死而已,但想要重归于旧,那是纯粹的奢望。Lastsseveral monthsdragon palaceto gain a son-in-lawoneline, althoughcannotsucceed the marrying into the wife's householddragon palace, gainssomeAoclanseveral tens of thousands ofyears of hugesavings, is somewhat regrettable.
耗时数月的龙宫招婿一行,虽然没能成功入赘龙宫,获取部分敖氏一族数万年的庞大积蓄,有些遗憾。ButDu Kangis a quitting when you're aheadperson, heto the currentharvest, the strengthor the external objectare satisfied.
但杜康是个见好就收的人,他对目前的收获,不论是实力还是外物都还算满意。Had gained the advantage, by a powerfulfemaledragonrestraint, toDu Kang, thisis notonetypewill not calculate the badresult.
The timepassesinstaticYislowly, the cavity in ice crystalis getting bigger and bigger, reveals the head of yayumonsterkinggradually.
时间在静逸中缓缓流逝,冰晶中的空洞越来越大,渐渐显露出猰貐妖王的脑袋。Ininstance of defrosting, thatface on yayugoodtop of the head, althoughsolidifiessuch asbeginning, butin the angle of viewplace that two peoplecannot see, thatpair of emptyvirginholeactuallyshrinkssuddenly, after the Yingodspreads an invisiblefluctuation, immediatelyrestoresas usual.
在解冻的瞬间,猰貐牛头顶上的那张人脸虽凝固如初,但在两人看不到的视角处,那双空洞的童孔却是骤然一缩,在阴神扩散出一股无形的波动后,又马上恢复如常。Quiet, in the flank of thisgiantice crystal, not a thickice layer that is frozenby not pureRuoshuimeltsquietly, keeps the ice crystalcircular cylinder that a giantpureRuoshuiformsinmiddle, the Du Kangthreepeopleplaces.
悄无声息的,在这块巨大冰晶的外侧,由不纯净弱水冻结成的一圈不厚冰层悄然融化开来,在中间处留出一个巨大纯净弱水形成的冰晶圆柱体,杜康三人就身处其中。Did not haveRuoshui of buoyancyto become the bestlubricant, reduced the friction force between ice crystals, makingthisiciclecontinue the potential of beforehandsubmersion, perishedto the Ruoshuibranchslowly.
没有浮力的弱水成了最好的润滑剂,消减了冰晶之间的摩擦力,让这个冰柱继续之前的下沉之势,缓慢向弱水支流沉沦。All these happen silently, Du KangandXue'er in icicle, as ifdo not haveto think.
这一切都发生得无声无息,冰柱中的杜康和雪儿,似乎对此一无所觉。In the head of yayumonsterkingexposesafter the air, Xue'ercuthisheadon a blade, fullyhalfperson of highox heads„winter”fellin the place.
在猰貐妖王的头暴露在空气中之后,雪儿就一刀砍下了他的头颅,足有半人高的牛头“冬”的一声掉落在地。Has not struggled the resistance, without the bloodsplash, the ox headrollsfallsmediocrerollsto the leg of Du Kangnear, was lifted the footto step onbyhimstopped the movement.
The neatcross section of headbreaktoDu Kang, heonbraving the muscle and skeletoncross section of cold airtouches, can only the sensationtoshare of piercingcoldcold, lift the handto look,did not haveincluding a bloodstain.
头颅断裂的整齐断面正对着杜康,他在冒着寒气的肌肉和骨骼断面上一摸,只能感知到一股刺骨的冷寒,抬手一看,连一丝血迹都没有了。Name 】: yabadyy /yayumonsterking
姓名】:窫窳yy/猰貐妖王Rank: Monsterking1 / 3
技能:Body of single layermonsterking/monster
妖王之躯一重/妖属Threelife of single layerdying/lives
三死之命一重/生属God of single layerRuoshui/water
弱水之神一重/水属Transforms the condition: ControlsmoreRuoshuibranches.
蜕变条件:掌控更多的弱水支流。Pūcī- once-
The clawbladespringsfrom the hand, pricks the head that freezes, inonelike the blockingfeeling of universal cuttercuttinganimalleather , the jadesteelclawbladepierced the yayumonsterkingNingshifleshsmoothly, delimitedthreedeeptraceabilitiescompletelyto stopon the hardskeleton.
爪刃从手中弹出,刺入冰冻的头颅,在一阵如同普通刀具切割动物皮革的阻塞感中,玉钢爪刃顺利地刺穿了猰貐妖王凝实的血肉,在坚硬的骨骼上划出三道深深的痕迹才力尽停了下来。„Xue'er'sblade is really sharp, maybe much stronger than my doubleyaziclawbladein name only.”
The blade of Luozecuts the body of monsterkingsuch asto cut the tofu, is notsimplecanachieveby the outstandingmaterialcharacteristics, contains the mystery that Du Kangis unable to understandinevitably.
洛泽之刃切妖王的身体如切豆腐,可不是简单凭借优秀的物质特性能做到的,必然蕴含着杜康无法理解的奥妙。„Youdo not needsoto think highly ofme, the jadesteelin the worldmaterialneutralitymay the rowfirstthree, actuallynot befirmly the worldsharpfirstthree, theyhave nocomparison.”
“你不需要如此恭维我,玉钢在天下物质中性坚可排前三,却不是天下锋利前三,它们没什么好比较的。”Xue'erwasto shout the Du KangstoneElder Brotherbefore, butwas at this moment symmetricbyyou, letsestrangedfeeling that Du Kanghadto plantdoes not adapt.
雪儿以前都是喊杜康石头哥哥的,但此刻却以你相称,让杜康有种不适应的生分感。„Isn't Xue'er, lateryoureally willingto seeme?”
The Xue'ersnoweyebrowlightwrinkle, looks the disfavor, does not seem likein the words that the waitingsolid icemelts, sheis not willingto stayhere.
雪儿雪眉轻皱,面露不悦之色,似乎不是在等待坚冰消融的话,她一刻也不愿意呆在这里了。„Whenyoubecomesuchweak, Ihad said the wordsare not willingto sayagain the secondtime, after thisdistinction, will never meet.”
啪-Du Kangjust nowopens the mouth, a snow whitepalm of the handtohisfan, is coercing the icy blast of snowflaketogether, pulled out a top of revolvinghim, leading the halfcorpse of hisyayumonsterkingto flyupwards.杜康才刚开口,一个雪白的巴掌就向他扇来,一道裹挟着雪花的凛冽寒风,将他抽成了一个旋转的陀螺,带着他向上方猰貐妖王的半截尸身飞去。When the kidney of Du Kang, the profounddeepZhenhaisealtwinklenon-stop, already, in the yayumonsterkingopens eyes the strategy that startsto arrange, reveals the form of hiddenin the cavity.
在杜康的腰子里,玄冥镇海印闪烁不停,早已在猰貐妖王睁眼时就开始布置的阵法,在空洞内显露出隐藏的身影。Dense and numerousrune/symbolLuflutters, the windingdisorderlymonsterstrengthlinerune/symbolLulinks, the compositionis similar to the rivermobilestrategytogether, goesto the corpserapidclass/flow of yayumonsterking.
密密麻麻的符箓飘飘荡荡,曲折杂乱的妖力线条将符箓连接在一起,组成一道如同长河般流动的阵法,向猰貐妖王的尸身湍急的流去。All these happen infast, waitsto hide, whenyayumonsterkingYinshen in corpsewantsto escape, alreadywithout enough time.
The scarletredYingod who onegroupdoes not have the concreteimage, just nowdepartsfromownbreakingneck, meets the big hand that Du Kanggraspedon the front surface.
一团没有具体形象的赤红色阴神,才刚从自己的断颈中飞出,就迎面遇到了杜康抓来的大手。„Is impossible, howyouwill discover that Ihave not died, mythreedyingYingods 】 Drew close to the deathnaturally, scatterswill only create a Yingodin the corpsealready the false appearance that dissipated, not possibleto be looked throughabsolutelyis right.”
“不可能,你怎么会发现我没有死,我的三死阴神】天然贴近死亡,散落在尸体里只会造成一种阴神已经消散的假象,绝对不可能被看破才对。”„Thinkshiddenwell, mynaked eyeunderstands thoroughly all -aroundangle of view, yourvirginkondowmoveda moment ago, ifthiscannot see, whenyouIam a blind person?”
“自以为隐藏得不错,我的肉眼洞彻相可是全方位视角,刚才你的童孔都动了,如果这都看不到,你当我是瞎子吗?”On the corners of the mouth of Du Kangfullis the happy expression of taunt.杜康的嘴角上满是嘲讽的笑意。„So long asobviouslywait a whileagain, youcanfall into the river of trueRuoshui, no matter whatIorganize, onlyrequiredteatimeto be OKobviously, why......”
“明明只要再等一会儿,你们就能掉进真正的弱水之河中,任我摆布,明明只需要一盏茶时间就可以了,为什么……”Inangryshouting, around the Yingod of yayumonsterkingemerges out of thin airtinyRuoshuirivers, flowsis hittingwithmanyrune/symbolLutogether.
在愤怒的嘶吼中,猰貐妖王的阴神周围凭空出现一条细小的弱水河流,流淌着与众多符箓撞击在一起。Pūpū pū...... symbollulikeprojectile impactsinRuoshui, inseeminglydoes not have a water current of reacting forceto sinkrapidactuallyslowly.
噗噗噗……符箓如同一颗颗子弹撞击到弱水中,在看似湍急实则没有一丝反作用力的水流缓缓下沉。Butconnectstheirmonsterstrengthlineactuallyto interweave a bigfishing net, fitted together perfectlyblocked the way of yayumonsterking.
但连接它们的妖力线条却交织成一张大张的渔网,严丝合缝地堵住了猰貐妖王的去路。Pure black horsedragon beadprofounddeeptown/subduesmonster 】
骊龙珠阵・玄冥镇妖阵】„Thisiciclehas sunkbetween the presentworld and spirit world, so long asdelaysteatimeto be goodagain, waited forRuoshui, Ican certainlyoverturn......”
“这道冰柱已经下沉到了现世和灵界之间,只要再拖一盏茶时间就好,等进了弱水,我一定能够翻盘……”DesperateyayumonsterkingsummonedmanyRuoshui, filled upthis not bigspacequickly, profounddeeptown/subduesmonsterandDu KangandXue'ertotal flooding.
绝望的猰貐妖王召唤出更多的弱水,很快填满了这个不大的空间,将玄冥镇妖阵和杜康、雪儿全部淹没。In continue sinkslowly, on the face of Du Kangis unhurried, hisboth handstieninth stemlast of the ten Heavenly Stemsseal, opens the mouthto sayin a soft voice.
The darkmiraculous glowglittersonsymbollu, a strongsuctionappearsinprofounddeeptown/subduesmonster, the yayumonsterkingChiredYingodwantsto resistsubconsciously, butthissuctionas ifrestrains the Yingodextremely, hebecametall and slenderonebypulling of strength of passivity, fallsinbig net that the strategycomposed.
黝黑的灵光在符箓上闪烁,一股强大的吸力在玄冥镇妖阵上出现,猰貐妖王赤红色的阴神下意识想要抵抗,但这吸力似乎极为克制阴神,他被毫无抵抗之力的拉扯成细长的一条,落入了阵法组成的大网中。Is depending uponpulling of monsterstrengthsilk thread, rune/symbolLuwas centered onyayumonsterkingto contractfast, mountedin the illusoryYingodone after another, rolledonegroupto congealquicklytruthfully the qualitativesmall ballhim, hisdesperatecallclose.
依靠着相互之间妖力丝线的拉扯,符箓以猰貐妖王为中心快速收缩了起来,一枚一枚地镶嵌进虚幻的阴神内,很快将他团成了一团凝如实质的小球,将他绝望的呐喊封闭其中。„Pleasetwokingsdo not killme, Ihavebigusing, Iam the god of Ruoshui, I......”
“还请两位大王不要杀我,我有大用,我是弱水之神,我……”Withcompletion of seal, the voice of yayumonsterkinggraduallyslightlyinaudible, Du Kangalsoneedswithhearing the sound, canhear the mosquitoto flutter the sameweakcall.
随着封印的完成,猰貐妖王的声音渐渐微不可闻,就连杜康也需要用闻声相,才能听到蚊子振翅一样的微弱呐喊。Enemiesbyseal, butsinksis still still continuing, placesDu Kang in Ruoshuieven the ball of sealfluttersnot far away unable to receive, he can only looktonearbyXue'er.
敌人是被封印了,但下沉依然还在继续,身处弱水之中的杜康甚至连不远处飘荡的封印之球都收不回来,他只能看向一旁的雪儿。„yayuby the seal, the icicle of thissubmersionhas been ableto open.”
“猰貐已经被封印,这根下沉的冰柱可以打开了。”Originallytheyhave had the methodto leavehere, buttopreventyayuescapes, lost the timeto perform in a playhere.
The blade of Luozeappearsin Cher's hands, shelifts the handtopreviousone, this icicle of yayumonsterkingin dire straits, the cardin the snow whitebladelightobserved the crackindestructiblyandoncefirmlytogetheristwopetals.
洛泽之刃出现在雪儿手中,她抬手向上一噼,这根坚不可摧、曾将猰貐妖王牢牢困死的冰柱,就在一道雪白的刀光中卡察裂为两瓣。Not onlyit, the bladelightcontinuesto the peripheralmore than 200 miles in diametericelotusspreads, inrumble the cracksound, thissnow and icemainlandsplits.
不只是它,刀光继续向外围直径200多里的冰莲蔓延,在轰隆隆的龟裂声中,这座冰雪大陆就此分裂开来。„Xue'er, yayudied, howhisbody do youwantto divide?”
“雪儿,猰貐死了,他的这具身体你想怎么分?”Ruoshuicrash-bangflowed in the snow and icemainlandby the crevice that inopens, thereforeattainsball of sealDu Kangsmoothly, turns aroundto ask the type of distribution of spoils of wartoXue'er, actuallyonlyseeswhitevigorousdragonshadow who shoots up to the skytogether.
身边的弱水哗啦啦地流进了冰雪大陆被噼开的裂隙中,因此顺利拿到封印之球的杜康,转身向雪儿问起战利品的分配方式,却只看到一道冲天而起的白色矫健龙影。Inlongdragonrecitedin the sound, Xue'er'sformwent far awayfast.
„ KnowsIhave the dangertime, hurriedlycatches upto saveme.
“知道我有危险的时候,急匆匆的赶来救我。Is just now promotedtoDragon King, hit a difficultfightforme.
才刚晋升为龙王,就为我打了一场艰难的战斗。Althoughfinallyfanmypalm of the hand, but the body of ya yu monsterkingwill remain, Xue'erreallylovesmy...... ”
虽然最后扇了我一巴掌,但还是将猰貐妖王的尸体留了下来,雪儿心里果然还是爱我的……”Looks atXue'erto vanishin the line of sight, Du Kangsighsspookily, took in the seal in hand the spaceironring, the personsurfaceox head that simultaneouslyraisesyayu, is on the one hand grasping the body of giantgoodbodyhorseleg, like a hunter who goes huntingto return home with a full load, fluttersto flyto the direction of Taohua Island......
After two peopleleaveis far, insnow and icemainland that thiscrackstwo halves, sixbeautifulformsby the emptyreality, appearedwere fighting the locationa moment ago.
„ Haoseayounger sister, Isaid that will not leaveaccidentally/surprisingly, so long asyour one personfollowedto be enough.
“浩海妹妹,我就说不会出意外的,只要你一个人跟着就足够了。You must callus, for fear thatyourtreasuredaughterhas an accident, nowshereturns safe and sound, only thenyayufell the head, thenyousatisfied. ”
你还非要将我们都叫来,生怕你的宝贝女儿出事,现在她毫发无伤,只有猰貐掉了脑袋,这下你满意了吧。”Sistersteasedto resoundin the surroundings, vastSea Kingactuallydoes not think.
„ Weaffectedherespatial strengthjointly, slowsspeed that the spacesank, Xue'erhad hauled in Ruoshui.
“要不是我们联手影响了此处的空间强度,拖慢了空间下沉的速度,雪儿早就被拉进弱水里了。Reallymustlisten tomyright, your crowd of lazygoods, simplyhave not caredmyXue'er. ”
„ Wantedme saying that was the temper that because your everythingworried aboutforher, fosteredthispureappearanceXue'er.
“要我说,都是因为你这事事都为她操心的性子,才将雪儿养成这种单纯的样子。Nowshewas deceivedbyDu Kangthisfar-fetchedman, don't youlove dearly? ”
如今她被杜康这种不靠谱的男人骗,你就不心疼吗?”„Howloves dearlycan, washehelpsXue'ercross the tribulation of realdragoneventually, can wealsoreallykillhimto be inadequate?”
“心疼又能怎么样,终究是他帮雪儿渡过了真龙之劫,我们还能真的杀了他不成?”Thisis the secret of ocean wavesdragon palace.
这是碧波龙宫的隐秘。Dragon KingandTakao'srelations, areonly ifkills one of them ormakes a move to relieveby the Azure DragonSaintbeast, otherwiseis unable to cut offforever, wherepossiblysaid that restsrests the husband.
The high rankmemberis the extremelyimportantstrength, relates the radicalbreakagewithDu Kang, does not serve the interests of dragon palace.
况且高阶修士又是极重要的战力,与杜康关系彻底破裂,也不符合龙宫的利益。ConsideringDu Kang and relations of heartmoon/monthfox, and face countenance of ocean wavesdragon palace, theycannotkeepin the dragon palaceDu Kang.
只是鉴于杜康和心月狐的关系,以及碧波龙宫的颜面,她们又不能将杜康留在龙宫内。Nowin the namerestsDu Kang, washelps the heartmoon/monthfoxcompleteceremony that disruptedothersmarriage affinity, thisthencancontinueto maintainwith the surface of heartmoon/monthfoxis friendly.
如今名义上将杜康休掉,就是帮心月狐完成了扰乱别人姻缘的仪式,这样便能继续维持和心月狐的表面和气。LatermakesDu Kangknow that through a disasterXue'ertohisfriendship, makingthismannever forgettoXue'er, guaranteed the laterocean wavesdragon palaceencounters the crisisneedsto swing the person the time, Du Kangcancatch upto help.
之后又通过一次劫难让杜康知道雪儿对他的情义,让这个男人对雪儿念念不忘,确保以后碧波龙宫遭遇危机需要摇人的时候,杜康能赶来帮忙。Thisistheycanthink that means that is bestto solvethisproblem, nowlooks like, the effectcomes the goodappearance.
这已经是她们能想到的,最好解决此问题的办法,如今看来,效果来不错的样子。Du Kang and heartmoon/monthfoxanddragon palaceobtain the thing that oneselfwanted, everyoneis very satisfied with the presentaspect.杜康、心月狐、龙宫都获得了自己想要的东西,所有人对现在的局面很满意。
The onlyyayumonsterkinglostall, what a pity the loserdoes not have the right to speak, hedoes not have the opportunityto stateoneselfwrongful treatment.
After sixDragon Kingcompleted the protectiontask, in the laughtercreated a disturbance the escapingphotodissociationto openhere, ran awayto the dragon palace......
……Did not encounteranyhindranceagain, Du Kangcontrols the strong windsto fly back toTaohua Island.
The under footis the familiarhidden rocksea, the frontisTaohua Islandthatprolongednorth bankplain, the end of line of sightcansee the southhills and forestvaguely.
脚下是熟悉的暗礁海,前方是桃花岛那绵长的北岸平原,视线的尽头依稀能看到南边的群山和森林。Hasassociating with people of assortedscale, hoversin the sea area near Taohua Islandcarefree, sees the form that Du Kangfliesfrom afar, thenloudly sang the song of associating with peopletogether. Theseassociate with people the clansmen of 13clans, and associates with people the communication and friendly exchange of branchhead of the clanafterDu Kangrespectively, theyallhappilybranched outhalf ofpopulationto migrateTaohua Islandon own initiative.
拥有各色鳞片的交人,在桃花岛附近的海域中畅快地游动,远远看到杜康飞来的身影,便一起高唱起了交人之歌。这些是交人十三氏族的族人,在经过杜康和各交人分支族长的沟通和友好交流之后,他们全都欣慰地主动分出了一半人口迁移到桃花岛。NowaroundTaohua Islandsea area, has gatheredhas reached70,000manyassociating with people, theywill construct the residencehere, the captureprey, livesjoyfullyunder the rule of Du Kang, isDu Kangcontributesownbelief and strength.
如今桃花岛周围的海域,已经聚集了多达七万多的交人,他们会在这里自行修建居所,自行捕获猎物,快乐地生活在杜康的统治下,为杜康贡献自己的信仰和力量。Theylived were too sloppy, disappointedowntalentcompletely.
他们原本的生活实在太散漫了,完全辜负了自己的天赋。IsDu Kangteachesthem, only thenworks to create the value, thereforetheyworkindustriously, raising the pearl, raise the sea fish...... isDu Kangcreatesmorewealth.
是杜康教导他们,只有劳动才能创造价值,所以他们才辛勤劳动起来,养蚌珠、种海麦、养海鱼……为杜康创造更多的财富。Has flown the coast that is found in the quarry stone and sand beach, has completed the plain that opens up wasteland, is having the dense and numerousperson's shadows, is bending overto be busyspringcultivating.
飞过遍布乱石和沙滩的海岸,已经完成开荒的平原,正有密密麻麻的人影,在弯腰低头忙着春垦。Theseare the crowDaoist the population of the southeastmountainous areaattacking a citybrokendistrictsnatching.
这些是鸦道人从东南山区攻城破县抢来的人口。Breaking through of consecutivelymore than tencounties, making the islandlastpresentpopulationbreak through350,000, butthisdid not finish, in the future that canforesee, the crowDaoistwill also send.
The populationis the wealth, the management system on Taohua Islandafter the operationimprovement of over six monthstime, has builtbasically, lateronlyneedsto abide by the rules laid down by one's predecessoroperates, canswallow the population and resourcescontinuously, expands itself.
人口就是财富,桃花岛上的管理体系经过半年多时间的运作完善,已经基本搭建起来,之后只需要萧规曹随地运作,就可以源源不断地吞噬人口和资源,壮大自身。In the near future, herewill be newly-built a hugecity, becomesonOcean Wave Sea a radiantpearl.
在不久的将来,这里将会新建起一座庞大的城市,成为碧波海上一颗璀璨的明珠。On the crystalcolormountain range of Taohua Islandmidpoint, the red ocher wallgold/metalmagnificentpalacecommunityis under the setting sunsplendid.
桃花岛正中央的水晶色山脉上,红墙金瓦的辉煌宫殿群落正在夕阳下熠熠生辉。Du Kangdescendstoroomji of main shrineon, after observing the situationislands, is proud.杜康降落到主殿的屋嵴上,环视岛屿后豪情万丈。Hereis the place of ownbaseindustry, undereveryone'sindustriousstruggle, heinthisworld, will certainly have a brightfuture......
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