Is a trillionjin (0.5 kg), the volumeendures a ratiolarge-scalemountain range, territory of continuoushundredli (0.5 km) the Ruoshuiinsky, carries the startleddaypotential energyto poundto fallfromthousandzhang (3.33 m)upper air.
重达上兆斤重,体积堪比一条大型山脉,在天空中连绵百里的弱水之域,携带着惊天的势能从千丈高空砸落下来。Under the sea area within hundredli (0.5 km), will fall intoduring the endshortly, the total destructionarrivesin an instant.
下方百里之内的海域,顷刻间陷入了末日之中,灭顶之灾转眼降临。Hundredli (0.5 km)regionsaid that was big, saysslightlybig, Du Kangflewto span the time of teafull power, but to the life of life, thesehundredli (0.5 km)were the trimsky that to raise the head to look up.
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