DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#298: Heart moon/month fox tribulation

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The viscous magma Sun that lifts up high in the room day rabbit tumbles, often like same prominences general blazing the friendly wave to spew out, changes to the golden red streamer to scatter in in the air, drags to entrain the gorgeous brilliance. 粘稠的岩浆在房日兔高举的太阳中翻滚,不时有如同日珥一般的炽热火浪从中喷涌而出,化作金红色的飘带流散在空中,拖拽出绚丽的光彩。 Not was only the fire good spiritual energy of violent combustion, room/house Ritu in a short time summons the magnanimous lava material baseless. 不光是猛烈燃烧的火行灵气,房日兔在极短的时间内更是凭空召唤来了海量的熔岩物质。 This giant Sun pounds down, strengthens the big stars artillery of version like an pinnacle. 这颗巨大的太阳砸下,如同一颗极致加强版的大星辰火炮。 Du Kang can forecast, once by it 杜康能预测到,一旦被其 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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