The tenderlaughter of heartmoon/monthfoxresoundsin the Du Kangheart, surginghisstate of mindfluctuatingis uncertain.
The vermilionMeiniangvoice that the heartmoon/monthfoxuses, as if a deaddemonessis using the hidden bitterness the tunecomplaintunfeelingto kill itself, andmarries others 'sboyfriendin addition, making the audience unable to bearbythisis infectedsadly.
加之心月狐用的还是朱媚娘的声音,仿佛一个死去的女鬼在用幽怨的腔调控诉绝情杀害自己,并另娶他人的情郎,让听众都忍不住被这股悲伤所感染。As the onlyaudience, Du Kangthatis in the killingheartYingod in yazihead, musthave tears streaming down the facebythisfamiliarsoundstimulation, the purespiritual energychanges into the dropdroptears
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