DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#297: room/house Ritu tribulations, Luoze awakes initially

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The wreckage of labyrinth such as the rain, like a grand smoke and fire, illuminated a surrounding area dozens li (0.5 km) region. 迷宫的残骸如雨而下,如同一场盛大的烟火,照亮了方圆几十里的区域。 But room/house Ritu ray is intensely brighter, it like a petite Sun of initial rise, arrived magnificently in the dragon palace paradise. 但房日兔身上的光芒更加耀眼夺目,它就像一颗初升的娇小太阳,辉煌地降临在了龙宫福地之中。 The rabbit of this fiery-red fur/superficial knowledge, in void hopping along, the body surface blazing flame will pass through the space of it place to flaming to burn the distortion the trace. 这只火红色皮毛的兔子,在虚空中一蹦一跳,体表炽热的火光将途经之处的空间炽烧出扭曲的痕迹。 A pair of long ear flings, pair of red bottom gold/metal Tong 一对长长的耳朵甩来甩去,一对红底金瞳的 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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