DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#294: The dragon palace evening banquet, the Azure Dragon holds the bead

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The star light all in the water, the lights wants to float the day. 星光全在水,灯火欲浮天。 In the starry sky the sparking stars reflect in the mighty waves outmoded sea water, making the water surface seem just like the sky. 星空中闪亮的星辰倒映在波澜不兴的海水中,使水面看起来宛如天空。 The construction on continuous islands lightened the magnificent lights, these flames reflect in the sea water, a star light with flame continuous one piece, seems floats is the same together in the sky. 连绵岛屿上的建筑点亮了辉煌的灯火,这些火光倒映在海水里,点点星光和火光连绵一片,就好似一起漂浮在天空上一样。 The consciousness of Du Kang wakes up from the chaos darkness, opens the eyes, first sees is such scene. 杜康的意识从混沌的黑暗中醒来,睁开双眼,第一眼见到的就是这样的情景。 Oneself are positive 自己正 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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