DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#293: Puts up a stage to perform, dragon Nvxuan

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Depends on the background of high rank member, decoded in the clam dragon Wujie mind dense fog forcefully.” “不过是靠着高阶修士的底蕴,强行破解了蜃龙雾界中的心灵迷雾罢了。” „After these he awakens the performance, rescues beautiful is also good for the sentiment drawing a sword hero, painstakingly plans may richly the enemy, cannot manifest his instinct conscience truly.” “这些他觉醒后的表现,不论是为情拔刀英雄救美也好,还是苦心经营富可敌国也罢,并不能真正体现他的天性本心。” Thinks must form the couple with such a stranger, in my heart the association/will raises a terrified feeling.” “一想到要与这样的一个陌生人结成夫妻,我心中总会升起一种惶恐不安之感。” On Xue'er face has and snow and ice equally faint expression 雪儿脸上带着和冰雪一样淡漠的表情 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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