DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#292: Clam dragon Wujie and Xue'er

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The peak flood red azure peach drop from the clouds, keep falling to the Du Kang two haunching lower hems, was installed a capacity until a short section of lower hem, raised the head shouts to shout upwardly. 一个个顶端泛红的青色桃子从天而降,不停落到杜康两手撑起的衣摆中,直到短短的一截衣摆被装了个满满当当,才抬头向上叫喊道。 Sufficed, sufficed, two son of a bitch elder brothers you are quick, so many enough we eat.” “够了,够了,二狗子哥你快下来吧,这么多足够咱们吃的了。” On the crotch is standing a grandiose youngster, he observes the situation one around, discovered the peach that oneself have been able to pull to a hook on hand pick the light all, then jumps to jump down from the peach tree, falls few 树杈上站立着一個壮硕的少年,他环视一圈四周,发现自己已将手边能勾到的桃子尽数摘光,便从桃树上纵身跳下,落到少 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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