DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#291: dragon body has, vast Sea King

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Glittering and translucent carving, the crystal land of no slight defect and fissure in the under foot endless spreading, has extended the line of sight the end. 晶莹剔透,没有一丝瑕疵和裂痕的水晶大地在脚下无尽铺展,一直延绵到视线的尽头。 The heavy/thick fog that the top of the head fills only remains one, in the fog level that similarly stretches as far as eye can see lets fall the next two sturdy mist long columns, with the giant beast that in the crystal land lies face downward links. 头顶弥漫的厚重雾霭只剩浅浅一层,同样一望无尽的雾层中垂落下两道粗壮的雾气长柱,与水晶大地上俯卧的巨兽连接在一起。 As there is a long inspiration sound that does not have, melts the dragon water the mist was torn unceasingly from the sky, was taken and swallowed by the Du Kang giant mouth and nose, lets the body 随着有进无出的悠长吸气声,化龙水所化的雾气不断被从上空撕扯下来,被杜康巨大的口鼻吸食、吞食,让身 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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