DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#290: Yin-Yang fish dragon, 3 dragons

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Du Kang opens the eye fiercely, discovered oneself still placed oneself in Dragon Pond. 杜康猛地睁开眼睛,才发现自己仍置身于化龙池之中。 Limpid water surface smooth like mirror, raised the head to look up to lofty of day, lowers the head to overlook the water deeply clean, looking out into the distance square waters all cannot look at the boundary. 清澈的水面平滑如镜,抬头仰望天之高远,低头俯瞰水之深洁,远眺四方水域皆一眼望不到边际。 The fog of curling raises in the pond, places in this pure water within the boundaries, like placing oneself in fairyland. 袅袅的云雾在池中升起,身处于这个洁净的水之境内,如同置身在仙境之中。 „ The inheritance memory of monster is so always grotesque and gaudy, the black ink feather monster crow bloodlines of crow Daoist initially were so, ankylosaurus same “妖怪的传承记忆总是这么光怪陆离,鸦道人的墨羽妖鸦血脉当初是如此,甲龙同样 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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