DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#289: Clam dragon, ankylosaurus

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The dragon monster illusion of blotting out the sky headed on, camouflaged the Du Kang field of vision, is fluttering diligently or majestic, or elegant, or graceful, or the fierce physique. 铺天盖地的龙妖幻象扑面而来,遮蔽了杜康的视野,努力招展着自己或雄壮、或飘逸、或优雅、或狰狞的身姿。 Like the whore who cruises in the brothel eagerly, wants to evoke the Du Kang desire, good finally to enter his body, fuses together with it. 就像一个个在青楼里急于揽客的婊子一样,想要勾起杜康的欲望,好最终进入他的身体,与其融为一体。 Meanwhile, Du Kang also felt that the dragon clan bloodlines of own within the body start to be ready to make trouble, that is the incomplete dragon clan bloodline complements own instinct to long. 与此同时,杜康也感觉到自己体内的龙族血脉开始蠢蠢欲动起来,那是残缺龙族血统补全自身的本能渴望。 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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