More than 30orredor the governingdragon bead of powderdances in the air the encirclementsideDu Kang, the threemonsterdogs of under footis conducting the backhisracingline/traversein the rearnot far away of destinyAzure Dragon.
The surrounding areainoneli (0.5 km)hasmanyandhissimilarstancepersonor the monstereach otheris alerting, togetherbehind the firstsequencesituated inAzure Dragon.
方圆一里之内有不少和他同样姿态的人或妖彼此戒备着,一起处于青龙后方的第一序列。Theseobtained the experts of dozensgoverningdragon beadsto proveoneselfstrength, even if the rear areais still also havingmanyintensecompetitions, butalreadyno oneselecting that went forwardnot to enlarge ones vision
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