DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#287: Assigns the monster to peep the life, the Shanhe Town dragon

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Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice Chapter 156 life monster to peep the life, Shanhe Town dragon request subscribes 妖诡世界:我能氪命修行第156章命妖窥命,山河镇龙求订阅 The indicator of geomancy compass non-stop swinging in a weak angle, the multi-layered concentric circle of compass along along the anti-clockwise different directional rotation, the assorted weak miraculous glow is also shining through from the writing of different circle level, flashing on and off of building 13 face photos uncertain. 风水罗盘的指针在一个微弱的角度内不停摆动,罗盘的多层同心圆也在沿着顺逆时针的不同方向转动,各色的微弱灵光从不同圈层的文字上透射而出,将楼十三的脸照的明灭不定。 In his two eye pupil deep places, is producing an inverted image respectively inside and outside the body and mind two completely different scenes. 在他的两只眼眸深处,分别倒映着身心内外的两幅完全不同景象。 In the left side virgin hole, is the geomancy compass that in the reality that revolves unceasingly, but in the right virgin hole, a face fluctuates erratically among everybody, the figure is taunting him between the unusual life that the human form and beast shapes transform unceasingly. 左侧的童孔中,是现实中那面不断旋转的风水罗盘,而右边的童孔内,一个面孔在男女老幼间变幻不定,身形在人形和兽形间不断转换的奇特生灵正在嘲讽着他。 Do not consider as finished again, do not consider as finished again, by your in the pitiful strength on me borrowing, calculates does not understand this type has the powerful almighty troops to suppress the destiny destiny, calculates finally, obtains an ambiguous and specious answering tuart.” “不要再算了,不要再算了,以你那点在我身上借用的可怜力量,是算不明白这种拥有强大神兵镇压气运者命运的,算到最后,也不过是得到一个模棱两可、似是而非的答桉。” Not Tathagata consults me directly, so long as you listen to my advice to work, I guarantee you certainly to obtain the result of wish.” “不如来直接请教我吧,只要你听我的劝告做事,我保你一定能得到想要的结果。” This sound is similar to baby clear crying aloud for a while, for a while seems the old person hoarse moan, listens carefully and is similar to the woman to whisper in the sweetheart ear, is concealing the sound of beast roar bird cry, unpredictable contains is letting the unusual seduction that the person cannot bear listen attentively. 这声音一时如同幼儿清亮的啼哭,一时好似老人沙哑的呻吟,细听又如同女人在情人耳边低语,其中又隐含着兽吼鸟鸣之声,变幻莫测中蕴含着让人忍不住倾听的奇特诱惑。 Building 13 brow tight wrinkles, whatever the bean big beads of sweat drop from the forehead, near the seduction to ear turns a deaf ear. 楼十三眉头紧皱,任由豆大的汗珠从额头滴落,对耳边的诱惑充耳不闻。 The monster who this does not have the concrete image is the life monster, inborn has to completely understand and control the life destiny the great power, by the magic arts contract restraint after building 13 within the body, became him to practice divination to look at the air/Qi the ability source. 这个没有具体形象的妖怪就是命妖,天生就拥有看透并操控生灵命运的强大力量,被法术契约约束在楼十三的体内后,就成了他占卜望气的能力源泉。 Assigns the monster the peeping life to be able naturally to be mother Yong doubted that but it is unpredictable, inborn likes controlling the life destiny, and to take all living things poverty-stricken pleasant sentiment, shipping of mishap weal and woe obtains cultivates for the transformation. 命妖的窥命之能自然是母庸置疑的,但其性情变幻莫测,天生就喜欢操控生灵命运,并以吸食众生困苦喜乐之情,不测福祸之运来获得修为的蜕变。 Assigns the monster the life that likes playing with contain all living things who have the destiny, naturally also include building 13 this to imprison its master. 命妖喜欢玩弄的生灵包含所有拥有命运的众生,自然也包括楼十三这个囚禁它的主人。 Since the building 13 believed its one time to mislead at age 13, almost after violating the catastrophe that confiscates family's property to exterminate the clan, the building of old name building Heaven's blessing 13 changed name to 13 as, to warn itself do not forget the life monster forever the danger. 自从楼十三在13岁时听信过它的一次蛊惑,差点犯下抄家灭族的大祸之后,原名楼天佑的楼十三就为自己改名十三,以告戒自己不要永远忘记命妖的危险。 At this time in the ordinary day always the quiet life monster opens the mouth suddenly, 13 has been startled scalp tingles the building. 此时平日里一向沉寂的命妖突然开口,早已将楼十三惊得头皮发麻。 Because assigns/life appearance of monster, means that the life monster saw the building 13 destinies arrived at an important important pass, the choice that now makes may affect his later life profoundly. 因为命妖的现身,意味着命妖看到了楼十三的命运来到了一个至关重要的关口,现在做出的选择可能会深远地影响他之后的一生。 Assigns the emergence of monster to disturb the building 13 judgments, because only then he makes the wrong choice, marched into the result of named death, the compulsion contract that both sides signed can end, assigning/life the monster can regain freely. 命妖的出现是为了干扰楼十三的判断,因为只有他做出错误的选择,步入名为死亡的结局,双方签订的强制契约才能终结,命妖才能重新获得自由。 The resident in within the body is so the standpoint, where building 13 dares to listen to its words. 体内的这位住客是如此立场,楼十三哪里敢听它的话啊。 At that moment shuts the eye directly, meditates the handed down in the family 24 character being puzzled calm air/Qi incantations, discharges outside the heart the sound that the ear is unable to shield as far as possible, enters comes to one's ear the heart, in the patrolling condition that the thing I two forget. 当下直接将眼睛一闭,默念家传的二十四字惑心静气咒,尽量将耳边无法屏蔽的声音排出心外,进入过耳不过心,物我两忘的神游状态中。 Quick. 很快。 The building 13 forgets in the hand to hold the geomancy compass, forgot the front tactical situation intense battlefield, even forgot own present places the destiny a key node, only immerses the mind in the heart, in order to shields all disturbances to make the correct choice. 楼十三就忘记了手中捧着的风水罗盘,忘记了前方战况激烈的战场,甚至忘记自己现在身处自身命运的一个关键节点,只将心灵沉浸在心田之中,以求屏蔽所有干扰做出正确的选择。 A giant compass appears in the dark heart, above Yin-Yang, Eight Trigrams (gossip), heavenly stems, twelve Earthly Branches and other circle levels all entire, in a metal compass clear rotation sound, the indicator frames. 一个巨大的罗盘在黑暗的心田中浮现,其上阴阳、八卦、天干、地支等圈层皆全,在金属罗盘一阵清脆的转动声中,指针就此定格。 „The universe relapse, the Yin-Yang goes against the flow, disobedient high and low, electing of one after next, is this destiny is prompting me to receive the hand promptly?” “乾坤反复,阴阳逆行,忤逆尊卑,下下之选,这是命运在提示我及时收手吗?” The building 13 feel the chin, is not very satisfied with this result. 楼十三摸着下巴,对这次结果并不是很满意。 Si hero and Ji revealed the war of dragon to arrive at the crucial time, at this time hidden in building in secret 13, so long as pushed gently, can affect the war the trend, gave up being a pity. 外界的姒雄和姬显龙之战已经到了关键的时刻,此时隐于暗中的楼十三只要轻轻推一把,就能影响战局的走向,就这么放弃就太可惜了。 But the choice reveals the dragon making a move itself/Ben to Ji directly is a dangerous decision, so long as because acts, definitely will leave the trace. 但选择直接向姬显龙出手本就是个危险的决定,因为只要出手,必然会留下痕迹。 dragon Qiben is in the say/way of destiny the ultimate strength manifestation of say/way of collection numerous, to with being the method of say/way of destiny has the extremely strong restraint. 龙气本是气运之道中集众之道的终极力量表现形式,对同属于气运之道的手段拥有极强的克制。 Ji Xianlong as the current dynasty imperial prince naturally carries dragon Qi, acts directly the words that in the building 13 methods, is he is unbearable by the consequence that the dragon air/Qi backlashes. 姬显龙身为当朝皇子自然身负龙气,以楼十三的手段直接出手的话,被龙气反噬的后果是他难以承受的。 Reason that arrives at Ocean Wave Sea about one year ahead of schedule, planned that the hand stops Ji Xianlong to marry dragon woman taking advantage of others , is for this reason. 之所以提前将近一年来到碧波海,打算借他人之手阻拦姬显龙娶得龙女,也是因为这个原因。 But now is really a rare opportunity, if Ji reveals the dragon to be struck to kill by others directly, the building 13 will surpass the specification to complete the goal, leading three imperial princes the news that dies to return to Capital City to report after carrying out orders. 但现在真的是一个难得的机会,如果姬显龙直接被别人击杀的话,楼十三将会超规格地完成此行的目的,带着三皇子已死的消息回到京城复命。 Really is to make the person intertwine! Really wants to massacre Ji to reveal dragon stumbling obstacle, but measures the life too well the result not......” “实在是让人纠结啊!真想杀掉姬显龙这个绊脚石,但测命的结果又不太好……” The building 13 sighed gently, went forward several steps to arrive in front of the compass, started to move the turntable of compass. 楼十三轻轻地叹了口气,上前几步来到罗盘面前,开始拨动罗盘的转盘。 No one's future remain unchanged, as one master my very clear this point. This is a rare opportunity, I must grasp it......” “没有谁的未来是一成不变的,身为一个相师我很清楚这一点。这是个难得的机会,我必须要把握住它……” On behalf of the circle level of Eight Trigrams (gossip) was moved two standards clockwise, represents the circle level of heavenly stems to be moved a standard anti-clockwise, represents one of the twelve Earthly Branches to be rotated one fully an indicator that returns to the home position...... then the compass pointed at a brand-new result. 代表的八卦的圈层被顺时针拨动两格,代表着天干的圈层被逆时针拨动一格,代表着地支的一圈被整整转动一圈归复原位……这下罗盘的指针就指向了一个全新的结果。 Like this looks is pleasing to the eyes, the blessing in disguise, knows non- Pok, the darkest before dawn, in the extraordinarily good luck, my building 13 today fought valiantly this, must make Ji reveal the dragon dead here.” “这样看着才顺眼嘛,塞翁失马,焉知非福,否极泰来,上上大吉,我楼十三今天就是拼了这条命,也要让姬显龙死在这里。” After strengthening the faith, the illusion in heart will disintegrate shortly completely, the building in reality 13 also open the eye that has shut tightly finally, starts to dial to begin the compass, will ferment to infiltrate the dust Ji Xianlong a move. 坚定了信念之后,心田中的幻象顷刻全部瓦解,现实中的楼十三也终于睁开了一直紧闭的眼睛,开始拨动起手中的罗盘,酝酿起会将姬显龙打入尘埃的一招。 ...... …… Si hero body in the encirclement of place kerosene wind float uncertain. 姒雄的身体在地火水风的环绕中悬浮不定。 Jeered under the wind, legendary wild animal, tyrant, the hornless dragon kiss to transform among being of sea days illusory monster dragon to run, soaring, the roaring filial piety and neighing. 嘲风、狻猊、霸下、螭吻幻化出虚幻的妖龙之身在海天之间奔跑、飞翔、咆孝、嘶鸣。 Melts in mountains and rivers seal in within the body, was in the prohibiting technique by startled tiger guts blocks this void directly, Ji revealed the dragon and Gold Dragon Kai has clearly become the dead pigeon. 融于体内的山河印,更是直接以惊虎胆中的封禁之术封锁了这片虚空,姬显龙和金龙铠分明已成瓮中之鳖。 Temporarily occupies Si hero of advantage not laxly, but is both hands closes up in the chest front, color dim four color light balls are breeding to expand in her two palms slowly, wait for the fermentation that this is striking finally to be completed. 暂时占据优势的姒雄并没有松懈,而是双手在胸前合拢,一颗色彩朦胧的四色光球正在她的两掌中缓缓孕育壮大,等待着这最终一击的酝酿完成。 After fights of 2-3 double-hour, Si hero has found out Ji to reveal on dragon all cards in a hand thoroughly, but is the Jupiter non- cause of death of cultivating the middle rank peak, regards as Gold Dragon Kai who takes advantage of one set. 经过2-3个时辰的交手,姒雄已经彻底摸清了姬显龙身上的所有底牌,不过是一门修到中阶巅峰的太岁不死法,和一套视为依仗的金龙铠罢了。 The ability that these master had displayed in the fight one after several other times, the Si hero very definite opposite party has exhausted the bag of clumsy tricks now. 那些掌握的能力已经在战斗中轮番施展了数次,姒雄很确定对方如今已经黔驴技穷了。 Only waits for the four chaos ball volumes in hand to be likely big enough, Ji reveals dragon human form dragon air/Qi supply, can equip mountains and rivers India , China. 只等手中的四象混沌球体积足够大,姬显龙这个人形龙气供应器,就能装备到山河印中去了。 Four likely chaos poor 】: Under the mix of mountains and rivers seal compromises mixed, farm kerosene wind wants to evolve to the chaos, because actually the quality is not too low completely successful half chaos half four likely condition, although only has some special characteristics of strength of chaos, but can still relaxed ablation world most materials and energies. 四象混沌・劣】:是在山河印的糅杂调和之下,一种地火水风想要向混沌演化,却又因为自身品质过低并未完全成功的半混沌半四象状态,虽只拥有混沌之力的部分特质,但依然能轻松消融世间大部分的物质和能量。 When Si hero is confident, Ji revealed that side the dragon to have some new situations. 就在姒雄成竹在胸的时候,姬显龙那边却出现了一些新的情况。 An immature flood dragon empty shadow reveals on the dragon to soar from Ji, although the scales are immature, the appearance is different, but does not know why made Si hero associate to that destiny Azure Dragon that the city from the dragon departed. 一条幼小的蛟龙虚影从姬显龙身上飞腾而起,虽然鳞甲稚嫩,样貌不同,但不知为何却让姒雄联想到了从龙下城飞出的那条气运青龙。 Does not take the form, but is an excellent likeness, similarly is congealed by the destiny, but one is a city will of the people gathering concentrates, one is a country national destiny some manifests small, the same essence makes them quite similar. 并非形似,而是神似,同样都是由气运凝结而成,只不过一条是一城人心汇聚所凝,一条是一国国运的部分微小体现,相同的本质使它们极为相似。 This is dragon Qi! Ji reveals dragon dragon air/Qi! 这是龙气!姬显龙身上的龙气! Si hero recognized this instantaneously is anything, in the heart secretly thought/passage was not good, in the hand has not fully reached the control limit four chaos to let go likely instantaneously. 姒雄瞬间认出了这是什么,心中暗道一声不好,手里还没有完全达到控制极限的四象混沌瞬间脱手而出。 Although does not know that Ji Xianlong wants to do, but each imperial prince dragon air/Qi is the symbol of their status, choosing to compel outside the body dragon Qi is the action of obvious going all out. 虽然不知道姬显龙想干什么,但每个皇子身上的龙气都是他们身份的象征,选择将龙气逼出体外是明显的拼命之举。 So-called who strikes the first blow has the advantage, latter starts to meet with a disaster, the magic arts that the enemy is unable to put forth are the good magic arts, always understood Si hero who this truth directly changed to want breeding to prepare the pinnacle to four chaos balls likely the idea, will take the lead to attack to make. 所谓先下手为强,后下手遭殃,敌人无法使出的法术才是好的法术,一向懂得这个道理的姒雄直接改变了想将孕育到四象混沌球准备到极致的想法,率先将攻击打出。 This dim four color light balls, in turbulent the place kerosene wind in the world row together the clear trace, along the way the material and spiritual energy excluding space will annihilate completely, will fall to Gold Dragon Kai. 这颗朦胧的四色光球,在天地间汹涌的地火水风中划出一道清晰的痕迹,将沿途除空间之外的物质和灵气全部湮灭,直直地向金龙铠落去。 But Ji reveals the dragon in Gold Dragon Kai's within the body, is separated from that moment of his body in the dragon air/Qi, had started and Gold Dragon Kai's fusion. 但姬显龙就在金龙铠的体内,在龙气脱离他身体的那一刻,就已经开始了和金龙铠的融合。 The time of Gold Dragon Kai region at this moment is becoming relatively seems to be fast, the four of golden light from the dragon scale of imaginary shape shoots, resembles happy as pain dragon to recite the sound to resound intermittently, in Gold Dragon Kai's dragon sends out a nimbler more and resourceful appearance. 金龙铠所处区域的时间似乎在此刻变得相对快速起来,金光从幻形的龙鳞上四射,似欢愉似痛苦的龙吟声阵阵响起,金龙铠的龙目中发出更加灵动的神采。 But in this astonishing momentum, the entire dragon body image actually changed a moment ago the dragon air/Qi flood dragon appearances of alone corner/horn two claws quietly, although did not have beforehand the prestige Yanzhuang shape of Divine Dragon, being expected was mysterious has the divine nature compared with before. 但在这惊人的声势中,整个龙躯的形象却悄然变化成了刚才独角两爪的龙气蛟龙模样,虽没有了之前神龙的威严庄正之形,可望之却神奇得比之前更有神性了。 According to the plan, obtains dragon Qi Gold Dragon Kai who to tear here void prohibiting, pierces void tracks down the destiny Azure Dragon in advance the trail, four that but the straight directly shoots comes at this moment made it do like the chaos ball without enough time. 按照计划,获得龙气的金龙铠将会撕裂这里的虚空封禁,洞穿虚空先行追寻气运青龙的踪迹,但此刻直直射来的四象混沌球却让它来不及这样做了。 Gold Dragon Kai in sensation to fatal crisis. 金龙铠在其中感知到了致命的危机。 Faint trace golden thunder light ferments in dragon mouth, an essence implored, good crop weather, peaceful country and safe people and monster to eliminate the demon monster for the common people bumper grain harvest...... the ordinary desire the dragon air/Qi that was willing the strength gathering to become, changed to gold/metal the source of consumption directly luxuriously, the good fortune has the thunder of unique dragon air/Qi. 丝丝金色的雷光在龙口中酝酿,道道本质为万民祈求五谷丰登、风调雨顺、国泰民安、妖除魔妖……平凡愿望愿力汇聚而成的龙气,直接奢侈地化作金雷的消耗之源,造化出一种独特的龙气之雷。 The mine belt of dragon air/Qi the person clan is passing on the torch the will and growing continually to ferment ball of the thunder light, departs from Gold Dragon Kai's dragon mouth, toward has arrived at the near four chaos balls to welcome likely. 龙气之雷带着人族薪火相传、生生不息的意志酝酿出一颗雷光之球,从金龙铠的龙口中飞出,向着已来到近前的四象混沌球迎去。 - 呲呲呲- The collision places of two balls, do not have the earth-shaking momentum, only then can puncture the person blind eye-catching light shadow. 两球的碰撞处,没有惊天动地的声势,只有能刺人目盲的夺目光影。 Can four of ablation world most material and energy chaos, annihilates the thunder of opposite dragon air/Qi likely slowly, the person the clan tenacious will is also being hard to resist this type from four elephants to the spiritual energy condition of limitless transformation, each wisp of thunder Guangzhi can the destroyed previous quarter launches the dazzling golden light, made clear to oneself once existence. 能消融世间大部分物质和能量的四象混沌,缓慢地湮灭着对面的龙气之雷,人族再坚韧的意志也难以对抗这种从四象向无极转变的灵气状态,每一缕雷光只能在被毁灭的前一刻发射出刺目的金光,昭示自己曾经的存在。 The golden light neighbor several hundred li (0.5 km) night will change to the golden heaven, at this makes life blinding in the golden light, in the air disorder the strength of four shape subside sufficiently slowly, the sea water of under foot as if changed to the translucent golden gelatinous shape fruit jelly, in the eye of patrolling fish the deep sea punctures blindly, the star light of top of the head was covered, the cloud layer was also pierced...... 金光将附近几百里的黑夜化作了金色的天堂,在这足以使生灵致盲的金光中,空气中紊乱的四象之力缓缓平息,脚下的海水仿佛化作了半透明的金色胶质状果冻,将深海中游弋鱼儿的眼睛刺瞎,就连头顶的星光都被遮盖,云层也被洞穿…… In this wave for a while close to wave, both sides not in result in same place waiting attack, but is the respective movement. 在这波一时难分胜负的对波中,双方并没有愣在原地等待攻击的结果,而是各自动作起来。 Gold Dragon Kai two dragon claw grasps on void, will prohibit grasps void makes a debut the clear space fold, then rips furiously, pulls more and more thinly this reinforced space, must be torn to break shortly immediately. 金龙铠两只龙爪在虚空上一抓,将封禁的虚空抓出道道清晰的空间褶皱,接着奋力一撕,就将这片被加固的空间拉扯得越来越薄,眼看着马上就要被撕扯得破碎开来。 Si hero from still bypassed side two balls of deadlock, flies full power to fleeing Gold Dragon Kai, but seems to be late, with a cloth tearing general sound, thin, if the hair silk thick or thin space crevice appears in the dragon claw. 姒雄从仍在僵持的两球侧面绕过,全力飞向正在逃离的金龙铠,但似乎已经迟了,随着一声布匹撕裂一般的声响,一道细若头发丝粗细的空间裂隙在龙爪中出现。 Sees the road of escaping, Gold Dragon Kai's build reduces to the dust size immediately, to runs away. 见到逃生之路,金龙铠的体型立刻缩小至尘埃大小,向其中遁去。 But in this time at a crucial moment, the golden compass that at the same time the rotation kept keeps off in Gold Dragon Kai's front suddenly. 但在这千钧一发的时刻,一面转动不停的金色罗盘突然挡在了金龙铠的面前。 Extension life compass of Lou? Did you also come Ocean Wave Sea? Tears into shreds it to me a bit faster.” “楼家的转命罗盘?你们也来了碧波海?快点给我撕碎它。” Sees this compass, places Gold Dragon Kai abdomen Ji to reveal the dragon complexion crazily changes, cannot bear urge that on the Gold Dragon armored horse flees from here, only felt, at this moment the dangerous spot is even not enough to describe here danger. 见到这面罗盘,身处金龙铠腹中的姬显龙面色狂变,忍不住催促起金龙铠马上逃离这里,只感觉,此刻连龙潭虎穴都不足以形容此处的危险。 Does not need Ji to reveal the reminder of dragon, Gold Dragon Kai before he spoke hit on the compass, but like entering a mirror, Gold Dragon Kai's the body of flood dragon entered in the compass completely, from the side of compass put on like the reflected ray. 根本不需要姬显龙的提醒,金龙铠在他出言之前就直直撞在了罗盘上,但如同进入了一面镜子,金龙铠的蛟龙之躯完全进入了罗盘内,像被反射的光线一样从罗盘的这一面重新穿出。 The front surface then saw Si hero who just rushed to! 迎面便见到了刚刚赶到的姒雄! A Si hero big hand will change to fish for Gold Dragon Kai of dust size, in palm faintly visible, inscribes the mountains and rivers two characters the imperial seals to flash to pass Yang. 姒雄的一只大手将变化为尘埃大小的金龙铠一把捞起,手掌心中隐隐可见,一枚阳刻有山河二字的印玺一闪而逝。 This is the mountains and rivers......” “这是山河……” Ji Xianlong shocking shouting has not said, was suppressed with the almighty troops under mountains and rivers seal. 姬显龙震惊的呼喊还没有说完,就被连人带神兵镇压在了山河印之下。 Mountains and rivers seal town/subdues mountains and rivers 山河印・镇山河】 In Si hero's within the body, mountains and rivers seal on steady got down she after going all-out to depress Gold Dragon Kai's resistance after several fierce vibrations, turned head to look to sea level a dozens li (0.5 km) away. 在姒雄的体内,山河印在几次剧烈的震动之后就平稳了下来她在尽全力压下了金龙铠的反抗之后,扭头看向了几十里外的一处海面。 The ball and deadlock of dragon aerial torpedo ball this moment four likely chaos had not finished, in the world soaked completely the eye-catching golden light. 此刻四象混沌之球和龙气雷球的僵持还没有结束,天地间浸满了夺目的金光。 Only acts time one by the dragon air/Qi backlash severe wound building 13, is spitting the blood to ride crazily on the ba snake escapes, two forms are quite striking in this stretch of golden world. 只出手一次就被龙气反噬重伤的楼十三,正狂吐鲜血骑在巴蛇身上夺路而逃,两道身影在这片金色的天地中极为醒目。 Has consumed much in a battle, at this time must suppress Si hero who Gold Dragon Kai and Ji reveal the dragon not to have the choice to pursue strongly, but visual the building 13 are going far away gradually. 在一番争斗中已经消耗不少,此时还要竭力镇压金龙铠和姬显龙的姒雄没有选择追击,只是目视着楼十三渐渐远去。 But in the building 13 hearts that flee is not tranquil, because there is the strength of silk threads naked eye not obvious destiny to arrive on him, finally divided into two, part was the life monster absorbs, part was digested by building 13. 而逃离的楼十三心中并不平静,因为有丝丝缕缕肉眼不可见的命运之力降临在了他身上,最终一分为二,一部分为命妖所吸收,一部分被楼十三所消化。 In changing Ji Xianlong becomes in dragon female's the action of husband to strive big, and affected some Ocean Wave Sea region and buildings of some Capital City snatching the throne patterns by this act profoundly 13, mixed big ripples in the destiny river. 在改变姬显龙成为龙女之夫的行动中出力不小,并以此举深刻影响了碧波海部分区域和京城夺嫡部分格局的楼十三,在命运长河中搅动起了一阵较大的涟漪。 Because studies the destiny class magic arts, the previous behavior met the request of promotion ceremony, his magic arts therefore promoted unexpectedly directly. 由于修习命运类法术,先前的行为满足了晋升仪式的要求,他的法术竟然因此直接晋升了。 I have said that so long as you listen to my advice to work, I guarantee you certainly to obtain the result of wish.” “我说过的,只要你听我的劝告做事,我保你一定能得到想要的结果。” Near the ear, assigned/life the monster still endlessly, the building 13 subconsciousness wanted to refute, when oneself have listened to its advice, but the lip wriggled, finally anything had not said. 耳边,命妖仍然在喋喋不休地,楼十三下意识就想要反驳,自己什么时候听过它的劝告,但嘴唇蠕动一番,最终还是什么都没有说。 Because he himself is indefinite, just now like that impulsive decision, whether received the life monster strange method influence reason. 因为就连他自己都不确定,方才那般冲动的决定,是否是受到了命妖诡异手段影响的缘故。 Thinks that by the strength of sharing benefit half of destiny, the building 13 want to say. 想到被分润一半的命运之力,楼十三想道。 „When not only it seems like entraps me, if the event that encounters itself to obtain benefits, assigns/life the monster is also willing to act.” “看来不只是坑害我之时,如果是遭遇自己能够获益的事件,命妖也是愿意出手的。” ...... ……
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