DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#286: 3 monster dogs, 5 dragon battlefields

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Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice the Chapter 155 three monster dogs, five dragon battlefields sought the subscription 妖诡世界:我能氪命修行第155章三头妖犬,五龙战场求订阅 The guard/shield non-stop like a azure light bulb twinkle, the close golden blade air/Qi non-stop tearing and biting to gnaw to eat this frail cover. 护罩如同一个青色的灯泡闪烁不停,细密的金色刀气不停撕咬啃食着这个脆弱的罩子。 Xue Yingjun puts down is lifting a shield shape Buddhist musical instrument, is maintaining outside the body diligently lasting of guard/shield, enabling it , in ya zi blade air/Qi wears down mutually strives to refuse to compromise. 薛英俊平举着一面盾牌状法器,努力维持着身外护罩的存续,使其能在与睚眦刀气的相互消磨中勉力僵持。 This whole body blue, stomach intestinal fat tall very/straight, the appearance fierce big stomach ghost king are quite at this moment distressed, not only need attach the deep-rooted ulcer of common ya zi blade air/Qi bone facing the Yin god on, but must avoid chasing down of three monster dogs in a panic, was really pitiful to the extreme. 这个全身青蓝、肚腩高挺、面相凶恶的大肚鬼王此刻极为狼狈,不仅要面对阴神上附骨之疽一般的睚眦刀气,还要仓皇地躲避三头妖犬的追杀,实在是凄惨到了极点。 Obviously a moment ago both sides tie excellent situation, but oneself do not observe for a while, by the sinister despicable opponent sneak attack, the situation is turned over immediately, turned into the present distressed stance. 明明刚才还是双方平手的大好局面,但自己只是一时不察,就被阴险卑鄙的对手偷袭,局势立刻翻转,变成了如今的狼狈姿态。 This time made Xue Yingjun realize, anything was called the human affairs to be variable, anything was called the life like the play. 此番着实让薛英俊体会了一把,什么叫做世事无常,什么叫做人生如戏。 woof Woof woof-” “汪汪汪-” The continuous yelp is resounding behind, Xue Yingjun back even can feel to have the blazing sulfur taste breath that emits from the dog nose behind, this is results in the Xue Yingjun Yin god to tingle with numbness exciting, does not dare to slow the tempo. 连绵不绝的狗叫声在身后响起,薛英俊的背部甚至能感受到从身后狗鼻子中喷吐的带有炽热硫磺味鼻息,这更是刺激得薛英俊阴神发麻,不敢放慢速度。 But Xue Yingjun as the old lords of three monster dogs, very clear this vicious dog strong, now it is playing jokes upon himself, can therefore put itself to escape such a long time, if really must begin, Xue Yingjun of pure ghost body condition under could not support several moves in the monster dog and Du Kang jointly, therefore can only suppress the hatred in heart to say. 但薛英俊作为三头妖犬的旧主,很清楚这条恶狗有多强,现在它只是在戏耍自己,所以才能放自己逃这么长时间,如果真要动手的话,单纯鬼体状态的薛英俊在妖犬和杜康联手之下根本撑不了几招,所以只能强忍着心中的恨意说道。 „ The following person of high skill senior, please listen to my word for the time being, I am dark blue billows city Xue Xue Yingjun, the battle cause of today all blames me, is I provokes on own initiative in first you created the present difficulty to the person of high skill. “后面的高人前辈,请暂且听我一言,我是沧澜城薛家的薛英俊,今日的这场争斗起因全都怪我,是我主动挑衅在先才对高人你造成了如今的困扰。 If the seniors can keep my life, I on all governing dragon beads by me will present as a gift, and takes the body of ghost king for your slave as the maid hundred years, can you be willing to accept this proposition? ” 前辈若能留我一条性命,我会以我身上的所有御龙珠相赠,并且以鬼王之躯为您奴为婢百年,您可愿意接受这个提议?” Real? I can consider actually.” “真的吗?那我倒是可以考虑考虑。” Reply unexpected neat of Du Kang, making Xue Yingjun instinct stare, he also thinks that must ask for a higher pricetag to touch the opposite party, never expected that the opposite party asks a price such lowly, is the sincerity so or speaks thoughtlessly to be perfunctory? These doubts just exuded in the heart, the severe pain of sudden tearing appears from the waist. 杜康的回答出乎意料的干净利落,让薛英俊本能地一愣,他还以为要开出更高的价码才能打动对方,没想到对方要价这么低,是真心如此还是随口敷衍?这些疑惑刚刚在心中泛起,突然一阵撕裂的剧痛从腰间出现。 Lowers the head looked, the Buddhist musical instrument guard/shield does not know when broke a large cave/hole unexpectedly, three monster dog most that dog head has sneaked from the hole, bites on his fat waist. 低头一看,法器护罩不知何时竟然破了个大洞,三头妖犬最中间的那一颗狗头已经从洞中钻进,咬在了他的肥腰上。 In three monster dog pleased vicious looks, the strength running water outflow of Yin god in the dog kiss, short of breath Xue Yingjun holds up the shield in hand to pound to the dog head, pounds also while shouts. 在三头妖犬快意的凶狠眼神中,阴神的力量流水般流失在狗吻之中,气急的薛英俊举起手里的盾牌就向狗头砸去,一边砸还一边喊道。 Person of high skill saves me quickly, I have the private grudges with this wicked dog, it is wants certainly to kill me, after this will enable you to discard one helps efficiently.” “高人快救我,我与这只恶犬有私怨,它一定是想要杀死我,这样会使您丢掉一个以后的得力臂助的。” This dog is aggressive, these rings cannot control unexpectedly for a while, but also asked Young Master Xue to wait a bit, when I controlled the sorcery research to understand this, will immediately save you.” “此狗凶悍,这几只戒指竟然一时控制不住,还请薛公子稍待,等我将这件控妖法器研究明白,马上就会救你。” In the Du Kang tone full is the anxious meaning, but Xue Yingjun turns head to look backward, discovered this just long strolls in in the air, whole face happy expression looks that the person dog wrestles, where has appearance that gives his way out. 杜康的语气中满是焦急之意,但薛英俊扭头向后一看,发现这个狗贼正悠悠哉哉地漫步在空中,满脸笑意的看着人狗相搏,哪有放他一条生路的样子。 In Xue Yingjun heart has the desperate sentiment, the broad big mouth however expanded to the water jar size courageous, bites to three monster dogs. 薛英俊心中顿生绝望之情,一张本就宽阔的大口勐然扩张至水缸大小,向三头妖犬咬去。 Big stomach ghost king swallows the ghost to eat monster 大肚鬼王・吞鬼食妖】 Since the surrender is a dead end, Xue Yingjun can only wrestle a way out to come out by oneself, even the hope is uncertain, should still no longer hope to place on others. 既然投降已是一条绝路,薛英俊只能靠自己搏一条生路出来,即便希望渺茫,也不再将希冀放在别人身上。 Du Kang stops in in the air, looks to tear and bite in a together person of dog mutually, periphery is spying on the vision secretly at the same time, examined the attribute of almighty troops. 杜康停在空中,看着相互撕咬在一起的一人一狗,暗自警惕着周围窥探目光的同时,查看起了神兵的属性。 Name 】: pioneer/monarch Mojin hook three pairs 姓名】:辟魔紧箍圈三对 Rank: High-grade 等级:中上品 Characteristics: 特性: pioneer/monarch demon: Makes by pioneer/monarch Mojin, is good at restraining to have the attribute of gloomy nether world monster extremely. 辟魔:以辟魔金所制,极善于克制拥有阴暗幽冥妖怪的属性。 Tight band: Once puts on this band, wearing is unable to excise on own initiative, only then wears necessary to ward off the master who the Lord of the Rings refers to be possible to take off. 紧箍:一旦戴上此箍,佩戴者将无法主动摘除,只有戴有配套辟魔戒指的主人才可摘下。 Disciplinary punishment: May transform wearing the monster strength to make pioneer/monarch Mojin, wearing the time is longer, gold/metal ferments longer, its might is bigger. 惩戒:可转化佩戴者的妖力制造辟魔金雷,佩戴时间越长,金雷酝酿越久,其威力越大。 At present tightens gold/metal who in the hook stores up, may explode three monster dogs meets a cruel death. Also calculates that the good attribute, customizes to build for three monster dogs evidently, Xue Yingjun also is really a big good person, first delivered me a pair of Yin-Yang fish dragon, today delivers me a good dog, but also supplemented a dog rope, hopes that later can run into this enjoying doing charitable things big good man.” 目前紧箍圈内储存的金雷,可将三头妖犬炸得粉身碎骨。“还算不错的属性,看样子是为三头妖犬量身定制打造的,薛英俊还真是一个大好人啊,先是送了我一对阴阳鱼龙,今天又送了我一条好狗,还附带了一条狗绳,希望以后能多遇到一些这种乐善好施的大善人。” In another side battlefield, three monster dogs seized an opportunity finally, three dog heads bit on the ghost body of Xue Yingjun this big good man. 另一边的战场上,三头妖犬终于抓住了一个机会,三只狗头一齐咬在了薛英俊这个大善人的鬼躯上。 Instantaneously! 瞬间! The body of big stomach ghost king starts to get older at the visible speed, from strongly becomes feeble, is full from the miraculous glow to the miraculous glow is dark, from big to diminutive. 大肚鬼王之躯开始以肉眼可见的速度老化,从强壮变得衰弱,从灵光充盈到灵光暗澹,从高大到矮小。 However several time of breath, the life span was swallowed Xue Yingjun completely, turns into skinny did not arrive at average man half of heights the dead appearance. 不过十几个呼吸的时间,寿命被吞食将尽的薛英俊,就变成了一副不到常人一半身高的干瘦将死模样。 Was holding in the mouth by three monster dogs the front that arrives at Du Kang, the Xue Yingjun weak opens the mouth also wants to say anything, but Du Kang put out that governing dragon bead that falls from his breaking mortal body, the claw blade wields gently, ended the life of this big good man neatly. 被三头妖犬叼着来到杜康的面前,薛英俊无力的张口还想说些什么,但杜康拿出了从他破碎肉身中掉落的那颗御龙珠,爪刃轻轻一挥,就干净利落地结束了这个大善人的生命。 The ghost body is defeated and dispersed the blue luminous spot to scatter in the wind, Xue Yingjun top of the head assumes the fierce ghost first shape destiny by this governing dragon bead absorption, dyed such as the red of blood. 鬼躯溃散成青蓝色的光点飘散在风中,薛英俊头顶呈狰狞鬼首状的气运被这颗御龙珠吸取,染成了如血的红色。 Commanded the harvest of dragon bead to take out, Dabara did four that plundered, six that in addition Xue Yingjun altogether bestowed, Du Kang currently has ten many governing dragon beads. 将御龙珠的收获全部取出,达巴拉干身上搜刮来的四颗,再加上薛英俊一共赠送的六颗,杜康目前已经有十颗之多的御龙珠了。 According to experience that the former years dragon palace gained a son-in-law, this quantity has been able steadily through the first pass/test. 按照往届龙宫招婿的经验,这个数量已经能够稳稳通过第一关了。 Total number of people that because the participation dragon palace gains a son-in-law probably thousand people over, the first pass/test in ten takes one, only takes hundred people to enter the dragon palace paradise. 因为参与龙宫招婿的总人数才大概千人出头,第一关十中取一,只取百人进入龙宫福地。 If calculates it at the average, even if all participants excluding these hundred people were eliminated completely, these winner each people still only have ten governing dragon beads on average. 若以平均数算之,即便除这百人外的所有参与者全部被淘汰,这些获胜者平均每人也只有十颗御龙珠而已。 The tangled warfare pattern of first pass/test is very difficult to preserve in three double-hour not to mention eliminates to 100, this will cause lots of member in the governing dragon bead insufficient awkward position. 更别提第一关的混战模式是很难在三个时辰内将留存者淘汰至一百之下的,这会使大量的修士处于御龙珠不足的尴尬境地。 This then means, enters the threshold of dragon palace absolutely not to have high of ten governing dragon bead, now obtained ten Du Kang to have admission ticket that entered the dragon palace, then he, so long as the following destiny Azure Dragon flew the dawn, can be received and instructed the paradise smoothly. 这便意味着,进入龙宫的门槛绝对没有十颗御龙珠之高,现在获得十颗的杜康已经拥有了进入龙宫的门票,接下来他只要跟着气运青龙飞到天亮,就可以顺利地被接引到福地了。 The town/subdues mountain Daoist flies from the distant place, two bodies be in perfect harmony are in one friendly, arrange clothes again. 镇岳道人从远处飞来,两具身体水乳交融般融合为一体,整装重新出发。 The safe/without matter feels relieved, Du Kang falls on three monster dogs, conducted the back to fly to the north by this monster, even the leisurely mood squats to pat the scarlet red skins of three monster dog no wools with the hand, enjoys a to rub dog monster the pleasure. 正所谓无事一身轻,杜康落在三头妖犬身上,被这只妖怪驮着向北方飞去,甚至还有闲心蹲下来用手摸摸三头妖犬无毛的赤红色皮肤,享受一把撸狗妖的乐趣。 The three monster dogs under body also send out at the right moment comfortably rumble sound, between both a lord favors the harmony happiness the appearance. 身下的三头妖犬也适时地发出舒服的咕噜声,两者间一幅主宠其乐融融的模样。 But both sides are very clear, this is two strange lives the mutual probe stage that starts to contact, if from now on both's relations if no control class magic arts to intervene, their interactions will determine in this stage. 但双方心里都很清楚,这不过是两个陌生生命最开始接触的相互试探阶段,如果今后两者的关系如果没有控制类法术干预的话,他们的相处模式就会在这个阶段确定下来。 But this was one just killed the monster of former master, even if had Xue Yingjun to it not good reason, but before can easily backlash , the Lord monster, is doomed not to win the Du Kang trust. 但这是一只刚刚杀死了前任主人的妖怪啊,即便其中有薛英俊对它不好的原因,但能轻易反噬前主的妖怪,是注定不会得到杜康信任的。 Although got the incredible label for it at heart, but this does not hinder Du Kang to make an amiable gesture to come out, only listens to him to feel the rough dog skin to say. 虽然心里为其打上了不可信的标签,但这并不妨碍杜康做出一副平易近人的姿态出来,只听他摸着粗糙的狗皮说道。 Really is a good dog, later you mix with me, but haven't I known your name?” “真是一条好狗啊,以后你就跟着我混吧,但我还不知道你的名字?” Master can call me for three gentlemen, gentleman like jade, I, although divides three, but is the knowledge book has good manners the monster, but also after looking, can become friendship with the master......” “主人可以称呼我为三君子,君子如玉,我虽分三首,但却是个知书懂礼之妖,还望以后能和主人结为君子之交……” This is the right hand side of three monster dogs, its voice is temperate, when has not treated the Xue Yingjun cruel air/Qi completely. 这是三头妖犬的右首,其嗓音温和,完全没有对待薛英俊时的暴戾之气。 Should call three young ladies to be right, virtuous young woman such as orchid, others obviously are only mother Gou, how can give the name of man......” “应该叫三小姐才对,淑女如兰,人家明明是只母沟,怎么能起个男人的名字呢……” What this speech is the left-hand sides of three monster dogs, its sound is gentle and charming, it seems like she has oneself understanding of oneself gender identity. 这次发言的是三头妖犬的左首,其声音娇柔,看来她对自己的性别认同有着自己的理解。 Do not quarrel, initially should listen my, calling three monster king Cai to be right, why must intertwine in anything female and male condition, asexual not wanted only to be itself most to be imposing......” “你们都不要吵了,当初就应该听我的,叫三首妖王才对,何必要纠结于什么雌雄之态,还是无性无欲只做自己才最威风……” The middle dog head spoke finally, this seems like no sex person. 中间的狗头终于发言了,这似乎是个无性别主义者。 Then three of three monster dogs quarrelled, their sex differences started the vigorous debate. 接着三头妖犬的三颗头就自顾自地争吵了起来,就它们的性别分歧展开了激烈的辩论。 Du Kang has not prevented, but seizes the chance carefully to observe their Yin god by the spiritual eye, discovers the Yin god seemingly mutual independents in these three dog heads, but also an internal energy faintly interconnection, clearly was still the same each one body. 杜康对此并未阻止,而是趁机以灵眼仔细观察起它们的阴神,发现这三颗狗头内的阴神看似相互独立,但又有一种气机隐隐相互连接,明显仍属于同一个个体。 Unified consciousness was divided into three, formed present this unstable state of mind, this dog this has the schizophrenia.” “统一的意识被一分为三,形成了现在这种不稳定的精神状态,这条狗这是有精神分裂啊。” In the heart complained secretly, but Du Kang opened the mouth to interrupt their quarrel. 心中暗暗吐槽,但杜康还是开口打断了它们的争吵。 Originally you have your name, dog eldest child who that Xue Yingjun said a moment ago, dog second child and dog third child what's the matter?” “原来你们都有自己的名字啊,那刚才薛英俊说的狗老大,狗老二和狗老三是怎么回事?” That naturally is...... * 3 that he takes takes blindly “那当然是他取瞎取的……” Three with one voice and uniform said, at this time did not have the difference actually again. 三首异口同声、整齐划一的如此说道,此时倒是再没有了分歧。 Good, comes the safe/without matter in any case now idly, you tell your beforehand stories to me......” “好,反正现在闲来无事,那你们就给我讲讲你们以前的故事吧……” both sides on continue to catch up with path to come in this false harmonious atmosphere, hears the similar time the past events of three monster dogs until Du Kang, the front was actually blocked the way by several member suddenly. 双方就在这种虚假的和谐氛围中继续赶起路来,直到杜康将三头妖犬的往事听得差不多的时候,前方却被几个修士突然挡住了去路。 Master, the front these four people I knew, is the tao low stool four young masters of Yin heavenly palace, they is a muscle that becomes famous, since chooses in this blocks the way to compel to stop us, only feared that cannot be friendly.” “主人,前面的这四个人我认识,是阴天宫的梼杌四公子,他们是出了名的一根筋,既然选择在此拦路逼停我们,只怕是不能善了了。” Three monster dogs followed Xue Yingjun time to be long, the nature understanding many Ocean Wave Sea experts, his for fear that Du Kang did not know that front opponent, introduced immediately on own initiative. 三头妖犬跟着薛英俊的时间久了,自然认识不少碧波海的高手,他生怕杜康不认识面前的对手,当即主动介绍起来。 Looks that at present in four grotesqueness and mouths long have the giant fang, the face three scanning tiger seven scanning person of member, wants to understand in the words of three monster dogs quickly the meaning. 看着眼前四个怪模怪样、嘴中长有巨大獠牙,脸庞三分像虎七分像人的修士,很快想明白了三头妖犬的话中之意。 The majoring in cloudy day prayer of Yin heavenly palace was the magic arts of sacrificial offering antiquity four ominous beast chaos and poor strange, the tao low stool and gluttony, takes strength that these four ominous beasts granted for basis, derived a series of related magic arts. 阴天宫的主修阴天祷文乃祭祀上古四凶兽混沌、穷奇、梼杌、饕餮的法术,以这四凶兽赐予的力量为根本,衍生出了一系列的相关法术。 Although these magic arts are extremely numerous, but because is the sacrificial offering class magic arts, therefore all has the extremely clear vein to follow, has the strong ominous beast individual mark. 这些法术虽然极多,但由于都属于祭祀类法术,所以皆有着极为清晰的脉络可循,带有浓重的凶兽个人印记。 In the antiquity four ominous beasts, the chaos represented ignorantly are crazily simple-minded and ignorant ; The tao low stool represents impenetrably thickheaded, obstinate, adheres stubbornly to own opinions ; The poor wonderful representative has one's wish, recklessly the unseemly behavior ; The gluttony represents endless will satisfy greedily and never. 上古四凶兽中,混沌代表愚昧痴愚、蒙昧无知;梼杌代表冥顽不灵、刚愎自用、固执己见;穷奇代表随心所欲、肆意妄为;饕餮代表无尽贪婪、永不满足。 The tao low stool magic arts that in the cloudy day prayer inherits are numerous, but the member of all tao low stool departments when the cultivation, need to choose one type to hold to read for the core, changes holds reading all sorts in the heart. 阴天祷文中传承的梼杌法术众多,但所有梼杌系的修士在修炼之时,都需要选择自身一种执念为核心,化作执念之种种在心中。 In the later practicing profession, the member must to tally unceasingly holds to read the words and deeds irrigation of request to hold the type of reading, making it gradually take root, germinates, growth, strong. 在之后的修行生涯中,修士需不断以符合执念要求的言行浇灌执念之种,使它逐渐生根,发芽,成长,壮大。 After waiting holds to read is powerful enough, it in turn will affect the cognition of member, the member will transform gradually by the ominous beast descendant of tao low stool aura contamination, 等执念足够强大之后,它将会反过来影响修士的认知,将修士逐步改造成被梼杌气息沾染的凶兽后裔, But the say/way of tao low stool is the impenetrably thickheaded say/way, the follower mostly will lose in own focus, thinks recklessly the world should be self-centered, wrong is not, but is a world. 但梼杌之道乃是冥顽不灵之道,修炼者大多会迷失于自身的执着之中,不知死活地以为世界应该以自己为中心,错的不是自己而是世界。 Is always thinking destroys the old world, the creation keeps in line with the wish the new world, but this idea often can only be marched into the self- destruction by oneself. 总想着毁灭旧的世界,创造符合自己心意的新世界,但这种想法往往只能让自身步入自我毁灭。 Was blocked the way by this biased person, besides the fight, simply does not have other choice. 被这种偏执之人拦住去路,除了战斗之外,根本没有别的选择。 Really is endless, can the endless battle, when the day shine?” “真是一场没完没了,没有尽头的争斗啊,天什么时候才能亮呢?” Helpless Du Kang sighed, controlled three monster dogs to flush away to the front...... 杜康无奈叹息一声,就驾驭着三头妖犬向前方冲去…… ...... …… In the sky full is the jet black dark cloud of tumbling, stuffy thunder crack can illuminate the flake the clouds, the turbulent sea water was mixed the dreadful monstrous waves by the strong winds, the dragon shape empty shadow that four images vary soars in the sea days up and down. 天空中满是翻滚的漆黑乌云,一声声闷雷炸响才能照亮小片的云朵,汹涌的海水被狂风搅动出滔天的巨浪,四条形象各异的龙形虚影在海天之间上下飞腾。 In the place kerosene wind blends to surge mutually, a golden Divine Dragon is unable to make ends meet in besieging of four dragons, although is unable to be separated from this battlefield, but these attacks cannot cause the effective damage to it temporarily. 在地火水风相互交融涌动中,一只金色的神龙在四龙的围攻中左支右绌,虽然一直无法脱离这处战场,但这些攻击也暂时不能对它造成有效的伤害。 In in Gold Dragon Kai Ji in protection to reveal the dragon, this time complexion is quite ugly, this second time was, summoned Gold Dragon Kai this high-grade almighty troops is still not able for oneself to bring the victory for the second time. 身在金龙铠中守护中的姬显龙,此时的脸色极为难看,这是第二次了,第二次召唤出金龙铠这件上品神兵依然无法为自己带来胜利。 Can in Capital City by oneself smooth Gold Dragon Kai, after how to Ocean Wave Sea, repeatedly runs into the powerful enemy, does the Ocean Wave Sea water want deeply compared with Capital City inadequate? 能在京城让自己顺风顺水的金龙铠,怎么到了碧波海后屡次遇到劲敌,难道碧波海的水比京城都要深不成? The northern destiny Azure Dragon has vanished in the line of sight, calculates that the time should fly the connection about several hundred li (0.5 km) governing dragon bead naturally also to separate. 北方的气运青龙早就消失在了视线中,算算时间应该早已飞到了几百里开外御龙珠的连接自然也随之断开。 To two people of war, only if can catch up with the destiny Azure Dragon, will otherwise lose thoroughly enters the qualifications of dragon palace. 对战的两人除非能重新追上气运青龙,否则将会彻底失去进入龙宫的资格。 Gold Dragon Kai, gives me to use celestial phenomenon to cut dragon blade again a time, I do not believe this time could not have killed this effeminate. Time already not early, if drags again, cannot marry dragon Nvwei the wife, the tour of this year's Ocean Wave Sea fell short thoroughly.” “金龙铠,给我再用一次天象斩龙刀,我不信这次还杀不死这个娘娘腔。时候已经不早了,要是再拖下去,娶不到龙女为妻,今年的碧波海之行就彻底功亏一篑了。” Three imperial princes, I urged you to might as well retreat temporarily. The strength of this person is not really right, feeling that some I cannot see through, for your security considers, retreating is a wise choice.” “三皇子,我劝您不如暂时退去。这个人的实力实在不对劲,有种我看不穿的感觉,为了您的安全着想,撤退不失为一种明智的选择。” Gold Dragon Kai's will not be revealed the gloom of dragon by Ji about, proposed thinks deals at present the most appropriate suggestion of aspect. 金龙铠的意志不会被姬显龙的沮丧情绪所左右,提出了自认为应对眼前局面的最合适建议。 Regarding around the four shape strength in Gold Dragon Kai, hits the body of its imaginary shape bang bang makes noise, has slight hollow to appear on the dragon body unceasingly, but restores in an instant such as beginning. 围绕在金龙铠周围的四象之力,将它的幻形之躯打得砰砰作响,不断有轻微的凹陷出现在龙躯上,但转眼就恢复如初。 „The words that can run I have wanted to run, this piece was prohibited by the unknown strength void, the hidden hiding hiding away shuttle is unable to use, how you told me to run.” “能跑的话我早就想跑了,这片虚空被未知的力量封禁了,隐介藏形的隐遁穿梭无法使用,你告诉我怎么跑。” Also please three imperial princes in addition hold dragon air/Qi temporarily on me, with dragon gas phase and I will have to break open the strength that this prohibits void, later will flee from here is not the difficult matter.” “还请三皇子将身上的龙气暂时加持在我身上,与龙气相和的我将拥有破开这股虚空封禁的力量,之后逃离这里将不是难事。” Hearing to lend dragon Qi, on Ji Xianlong face revealed the hesitant color, for a long time later clenches teeth to be determined to say. 听到要暂借龙气,姬显龙脸上露出了犹豫之色,好久之后才咬牙下定决心道。 Good, depends on the office that you said.” “好,就依你说的办吧。” ...... …… At this time reveals the dragon and Si hero battlefield beyond to Ji dozens li (0.5 km), stands, in the building in ba snake top of the head 13 look at the geomancy compass that in the hand is rotating non-stop seriously, hesitates to say. 此时离姬显龙和姒雄战场几十里外,站在巴蛇头顶的楼十三面色凝重地看着手中转动不停的风水罗盘,沉吟说道。 Dragon palace gained a son-in-law to have unknown uncertainties, beforehand all planned is met to stir by the hidden dragon yellow, but he can in get the winning side with the fights of three imperial princes in unexpectedly, do I want to help his one?” “龙宫招婿出现了未知的变数,之前的所有谋划都被隐龙会首搅黄了,但他竟然能在与三皇子的战斗中占据上风,我要不要帮他一把呢?”
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