DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#285: The vertical dog commits murder, backlash old lord

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Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice the Chapter 154 vertical dog to commit murder, the backlash old lord sought the subscription 妖诡世界:我能氪命修行第154章纵狗行凶,反噬旧主求订阅 „ The front brothers, the destiny Azure Dragon flies to be really quick, my pursuing not on. “前面的这位兄弟,气运青龙飞得实在太快,我追之不上。 I looked that the brothers your mount prestige is quite courageous, the person is also much longer, can you be willing to take my regulation? ” 我看兄弟你的坐骑颇为威勐,人又长得和善,你可愿捎我一程?” Xue Yingjun was riding in three monster dogs conducts the back to hurry along, simultaneously in the heart calculates must capture several governing dragon beads again, can guarantee oneself enter the second pass/test. 薛英俊原本正骑在三头妖犬背上赶路,同时心中盘算还要再夺取几颗御龙珠,才能确保自己稳进第二关。 Hears some people to call an appearance genially, to ride the person of mount suddenly behind, this is not just oneself, has turned a crazy fat face immediately, said to Du Kang. 冷不防听到身后有人在叫一个面相和善、乘着坐骑的人,这不正是自己嘛,立马扭过一张痴肥的面孔,向杜康说道。 „Do you want to ride my dog? I do not have the opinion actually, but you must ask that they can agree to be good!” “你想骑我的狗?我倒是没有意见,但你得问问它们能不能同意才行!” Treads spatial racing line/traverse three monster dog hears Yanqi who to turn head together, reveals three difference mutual canines fiercely, has to flow the flaming saliva to keep dropping following the lip, in three pairs of dog eyes full is the joy of having a greedy appetite. 踏空奔行的三头妖犬闻言齐齐扭头,龇牙咧嘴地露出三张差互的犬牙,有流淌火焰状的口水顺着嘴唇不停滴落,三双狗眼中满是贪食的喜悦。 „......” Du Kang does not know that immediately by three monster dog or Xue Yingjun appearance being startled, made excuses then said. “……”杜康也不知是被三头妖犬还是薛英俊的面相给惊到了,马上支支吾吾的转而说道。 Brothers' mount seemed like some military might, I suddenly felt a moment ago, I am flying also good, did not ride with the brothers, excuse me, excuse me, my then said goodbye.” “兄弟的坐骑似乎有些过于威武了,我刚才突然觉得,自己飞着也挺不错,还是不与兄弟共骑了,打扰,打扰,我这便告辞了。” Although Xue Yingjun has had the contact with Du Kang outside the dark blue billows city, but two people had not put in an appearance under a Haiyuan Town god impediment at that time directly, therefore he has not seen Du Kang has now been going against the face. 薛英俊虽然与杜康在沧澜城外有过接触,但当时两人在海渊镇神阵的阻隔下并未直接照面,所以他没有见过杜康现在顶着的这张面孔。 This time Xue Yingjun, without recognizing Du Kang is takes away the Yin-Yang fish dragon the thief, on his face still seems to have the smile of cat catch mouse, said quite interesting. 此时的薛英俊,没有认出杜康就是拿走阴阳鱼龙的窃贼,他脸上仍旧带着仿佛猫捉老鼠的笑容,饶有趣味地说道。 Do not worry, my these three monster dogs are the hospitality that becomes famous, it is willing to have your regulation, but its conducting the back does not have the position. “别着急走嘛,我这三头妖犬是出了名的热情好客,它是很愿意带你一程的,但它的背上已经没有位置了。 Might as well give you to arrange a good position by me, its whole body only then in the belly is also emptying, you can sit in the warm stomach are brought through the first pass/test, perhaps in this world could not find compared with this better entry way. ” 不如由我给你安排个好位置吧,它全身上下只有肚子里还空着,你可以坐在温暖的胃里被带着通过第一关,这世上恐怕都找不到比这更好的通关方式了。” Xue Yingjun was saying happily laughed, lifted the left hand directly, on his index finger, middle finger and ring finger wear three style unadorned dark rings respectively, at this moment he extends index finger, above ring sparkles immediately black light. 薛英俊说着就得意地大笑了起来,直接抬起了左手,他食指、中指、无名指上分别戴着三枚样式古拙的黝黑戒指,此刻他伸出其中的食指,其上的戒指立刻黑光闪耀起来。 „The dog second child, goes to eat this person, this year delivering the fool may be rarely seen, gave him to be happily good directly.” “狗老二,去将这个人吃掉,这年头这种送上门来的傻子可不多见了,直接给他个痛快好了。” With almighty troops's control, the collars between three monster dog rightmost dog head napes of the neck shine immediately, under the instruction, this dog head looks the wild with joy color, Menglie struggles, brings one group of rich scarlet light to be separated from the main body after the head. 随着神兵的控制,三头妖犬最右侧狗头脖颈间的项圈立刻亮了起来,在指令之下,这颗狗头面露狂喜之色,勐烈地挣扎起来,在脑袋后带着一团浓郁的赤光从主体中脱离出来。 After the ray stabilizes, in the sea level had had the alone scarlet dog monster that a build and main body were almost the same. 等光芒稳定下来后,海面上已经多出了一只体型和本体相差无几的独首赤红狗妖。 „The dog second child, you are really lucky, can have this member feast. I thought that this member vitality is pure, the physique is strong, best into the belly food.” “狗老二,你真是幸运,能吃到这一顿修士大餐。我看这修士气血纯净,筋骨强健,正是最好的入肚食材啊。” Yes, the dog second child, after you ate him, may probably hurry, while him also not by complete digestion time , in makes our brothers realize gets into the stomach has the feeling of goods.” “是啊,狗老二,你吃了他后可要赶紧回来,趁他还没有被完全消化的时候,也让我们兄弟体会一下肚里有货的感觉。” On the main body the other two dog heads shout in this time, was urging own brothers act a bit faster, the dog second child whole face discontented color response said. 主体上剩余的两个狗头在此时嚷嚷了起来,催促着自己的兄弟快点行动,狗老二满脸不满之色地回应道。 You have eaten several rounds today , helping me enjoy the mouth addiction to satisfy desires with great difficulty, but also wants to make me care about you. At that time you have not been thinking gave me the warm stomach, now does not even think about it.” “你们今天都已经吃过好几轮了,好不容易让我过过嘴瘾解馋,还想让我顾及你们。当时你们可没想着给我暖暖胃,现在想都不要想。” The scarlet plump dog tongue is licking the lip and canine, the dog second child in courageous however the quiet blue flame that ignites from the body surface, takes a step to flush away to Du Kang. 猩红的肥厚狗舌舔着嘴唇和犬牙,狗老二在勐然从体表燃起的幽蓝色火焰中,向杜康迈步冲去。 Visual a person of dog of front acceleration, Xue Yingjun is looking the color of ponder, as a designated heir of respected family, he is naturally impossible is really a happy angry group of in color temper, the performance was only the camouflage of instinct. 目视着前方加速的一人一狗,薛英俊面露沉思之色,作为一个大家族的指定继承人,他自然不可能真的是一副喜怒行于色的性子,刚才的表现都只是本能的伪装。 This person trade runs up to itself in front of rashly, one feigns possibly to relax his vigilance, refers to erratically has what trap, in the front is waiting for itself. 这个人贸贸然的跑到自己面前,一番装傻充愣可能只是为了放松他的警惕,指不定有什么陷阱在前方等着自己呢。 Xue Yingjun the second child had issued the order to the dog in secret, this attack is only the probe, once discovered that the suspicious phenomenon removes immediately, 薛英俊已经给狗老二暗中下达了命令,这次攻击只是试探,一旦发现可疑的现象就立刻撤回来, The actual situation that must first find out by secret inquiry the clear opposite party can decide that must make a move. But acts Du Kang of fool, had seen this moment aspect is not wonderful, when the dog second child is separated from three monster dog main bodies, panic-stricken desire acceleration certainly fled to the front. 要先探知清楚对方的虚实才能决定要不要出手。而扮演一个傻子的杜康,也早已看出了此刻局面不妙,早在狗老二从三头妖犬主体中脱离的时候,就惊骇欲绝的加速逃往了前方。 But the Du Kang camouflaged speed was really slow, the dog second child four dog hooves fell in the air, proceeded to flee each time gently is half li (0.5 km) distance, pursued Du Kang after several rises behind, the opens the mouth bit to him. 杜康经过伪装后的速度实在是太慢了,狗老二四只狗蹄落在空气中,每次往前轻轻一窜就是半里的距离,在几个起落之后就追到了杜康身后,张口向他咬去。 Desperate, Du Kang takes out the heavenshaking hammer from the space iron ring, to grasp the posture of short hammer to be sideways to the dog second child to pull up, thinks that this wicked dog hides does not hide, after the copper color hammer body hits the dog body, like in hitting an illusory image was ordinary, delimited from the middle of body directly. 情急之下,杜康从宇铁戒指中取出震天锤,以握短柄锤的姿势侧身向狗老二撩去,诶想到这只恶犬躲都不躲,赤铜色的锤身击中犬身之后,如同打中了一个幻影一般,从身体的中间径直划了过去。 Cannot hit, the dog mouth of dog second child on smooth falling to conducting the back of Du Kang, the canine easily tore into shreds the monster strength defense of clothing and body surface, the tight buckle is not willing to relax on the rib. 一击不中,狗老二的犬口就顺利的落到了杜康的背上,犬牙轻易的撕碎了衣物和体表的妖力防御,紧紧的扣在肋骨上不肯放松。 After the dog closes tightly the prey, the custom shakes to tear the wound of prey, now dog second child vicious dog relies on the instinct to do this. 狗咬紧猎物后,习惯甩头撕扯猎物的伤口,现在狗老二这条恶狗就凭借本能这样做了。 But jade just bone was not it can easily shake, several shook cannot pull the next bone, the tooth that instead pressed was painful, swallowed many monster strength from the wound actually. 但玉刚之骨不是它能轻易撼动的,几下甩头都没能拉扯下一根骨头,反而硌得的自己牙齿生疼,倒是从伤口中吞食到了更多的妖力。 But another side, in bite mark that in deeply may penetrate to the bone together, Du Kang not only felt like burning down the ache, wound nearby monster strength vanished baseless part. 而另一边,在一道深可透骨的咬痕中,杜康不仅感觉到了如火烧般的疼痛,就连伤口附近的妖力都凭空消失了一部分。 Unlike played the fool a moment ago, this time injury truly came as a surprise to Du Kang. 与刚才装傻不同,这次的受伤确实出乎了杜康的预料。 In the grief, he controlled the repulsion to change the direction, from sea level parallel advance transformed to the sprint be fully upward. 在伤痛中,他控制斥力改变了方向,从与海面平行前进转变为了全力冲刺向上。 With one clear ka-beng the sound, the Du Kang extreme speed shoots up to the sky. 随着一声清晰的嘎嘣声,杜康极速冲天而起。 The dog second child who until the under foot pursues to the sky cast off by far, Du Kang has free time to examine own injury. 直到脚下向上空追击的狗老二被远远甩开,杜康才有空查看自己的伤势。 Sees only conducts the back, four dog teeth mount confusedly in the ji back, in tearing that in getting rid of the dog kisses, wound tearing of Du Kang expanded several times. 只见背上,四颗狗牙错乱地镶嵌在嵴背里,在摆脱狗吻的撕扯中,杜康的伤口撕裂扩大了数倍。 Inside the body of whirling around, the saliva of three monster dogs delayed the restoration speed of ya zi flesh, making the wound not heal. 在翻卷的皮肉内侧,三头妖犬的唾液延缓了睚眦血肉的恢复速度,使得伤口迟迟没有愈合。 For a long time without being injured, only then the dog tooth has the explicit entity, the other spots of body actually escaped into the present world and in the spirit world crevice, this dog how with ghost?” “好久没有受伤了,只有狗牙拥有明确的实体,身体的其它部位却遁入了现世和灵界的夹缝之中,这狗怎么跟个鬼似的?” But the good and evil got rid of the pursuit of dog second child temporarily, in continue fly to escape, Du Kang found time to look at its attribute. 但好歹暂时摆脱了狗老二的追击,在继续地飞逃中,杜康抽空瞄了一眼它的属性。 Name 】: Three young ladies / three gentlemen / three monster dogs 姓名】:三小姐/三君子/三头妖犬 Rank: Big monster 3 / 3 等级:大妖3/3 Skill: The secret is really heavily hot six 技能:三昧真火六重 Swallows the soul heavily six / the head 吞噬灵魂六重/中首 Swallows the vitality heavily six / left-hand side 吞噬气血六重/左首 Swallows the monster strength heavily six / the right hand side 吞噬妖力六重/右首 Swallows the life span six heavily / three to bite 吞噬寿命六重/三首共噬 Three points of body five heavy 三分之体五重 Regards the child heavily five 视死之童五重 Nether world monster body four heavy 幽冥妖体四重 Transforms the condition: Swallows enough life or a high rank member / monster king, enters a hell attribute spirit world deep sleep to transform, the absorption ghost said that the member in the mood thought in the cultivation process sending out, may become the monster king. 蜕变条件:吞噬足够数量的生命或一名高阶修士/妖王,进入一地狱属性的灵界沉睡蜕变,吸收鬼道修士在修炼过程中散发的情绪念头,可成为妖王。 Condition: Wears pioneer/monarch Mojin the hook, the freedom and life and death all in others in an instant. 状态:佩戴辟魔紧箍圈,自由、生死皆在他人一念之间。 Code, this dog as if strong is too much.” “码的,这条狗似乎强的有点过分啊。” Can swallow the Yin god, vitality, the monster strength and life span, can be divided into three, has the virgin hole that understood clearly the death, can shuttles back and forth in the hell and present world, but can also the emitting secret be really hot. 能够吞食阴神、气血、妖力、寿命,可以一分为三,拥有洞悉死亡的童孔,能在地狱与现世中穿梭,还能喷吐三昧真火。 How strong was such monster is enslaved to hold by Xue Yingjun? Du Kang does not think clearly. 这么强的妖怪是怎么被薛英俊奴役抓住的?杜康想不明白。 But he has general plan that wins this fight. 但他已经有了打赢这场战斗的大概计划。 He and between Xue Yingjun also had the causes and effects not, no matter the cause of causes and effects were anything, who was wrong to whom. 他与薛英俊之间还有因果未了,不管因果的起因是什么,到底谁对谁错。 The Yin-Yang fish dragon in the hand of Du Kang, this matter must settle now after all eventually, might as well hit at a later date day, Du Kang elects the time today. 阴阳鱼龙现在毕竟在杜康的手里,这件事终究要有个了结,择日不如撞日,杜康将时间选在了今天。 So-called person dead all things disappear, Du Kang chose killed this neat way Xue Yingjun, ends itself to take the guilt of others thing white/in vain. 所谓人死万事消,杜康选择了将薛英俊杀死这个干脆利落的方式,来终结自己白拿别人东西的愧疚感。 The shuttle in the cold strong winds, Du Kang passed by the light beam that battles or worries to hurry along, does not have the meaning of stay. 穿梭在寒冷的狂风中,杜康路过一个个正在交战或者着急赶路的光柱,毫无逗留之意。 Finally after clouds, his form divides into two, has town/subdues Yue Daoren of governing dragon bead to continue along the original path to fly forward, but the ya zi Daoist stayed in this partial clouds level. 终于在一片云彩后,他的身影一分为二,其中持有御龙珠的镇岳道人继续沿着原先的轨迹向前飞行,而睚眦道人则停留在了这片云层中。 Dog second child who waits for rear to pursue, after rear Xue Yingjun passes through, by the technique of controlling wind spirit warm/gentle in addition holds temporarily, hidden decorates in the cloud layer by far in them behind. 等后方追击的狗老二,与更后方的薛英俊经过之后,才以灵煦暂时加持的控风之术,隐藏在云层中远远缀在他们身后。 Because of the link of governing dragon bead, the town/subdues mountain Daoist is unable to hide own trail, after the injury of back recovers, he stopped the action of escaping directly, has turned around four dog teeth pound to pursuing the dog second child. 因为御龙珠的链接,镇岳道人根本无法隐藏自己的踪迹,所以在后背的伤势痊愈之后,他直接停下了逃跑的举动,转过身将四颗狗牙砸向追来的狗老二。 Silly dog, your tooth wiped out by me, picks to install a bit faster, avoid you ridiculed by your brothers or the sisters.” “傻狗,你的牙被我打掉了,快点捡起来安上吧,省得你被自己的兄弟或者姐妹嘲笑。” Three monster dogs do not have the monster of sex, therefore it will have the young lady and gentleman two names, so that it can transform in the female and male status at will. 三头妖犬是没有性别的妖怪,所以它才会有小姐和君子两个名字,以便其在雌雄身份之间随意转换。 The dog second child hears this saying is not surprised, after all it has opposed the enemy in the beast shape, under the tail has several holes, long does not have the long egg egg to be very easy to be looked clear. 狗老二听到这话也不惊讶,毕竟它一直以兽形对敌,尾巴下有几个洞,长没长卵蛋很容易被人看得一清二楚。 But obtains four dog teeth that repulsion in addition holds is not good to hide, the repulsion is controlling the dog tooth unceasingly the trimming in the air own position, deadlocked the mobile space of dog second child from four directions. 但获得斥力加持的四颗狗牙却没有那么好躲,斥力操控着狗牙不断在空气中微调着自己的位置,从四个方向锁死了狗老二的移动空间。 In several instant time, the snow white dog tooth changes to puncture of four spoken parts light from the body of dog second child, the nether world monster body that the heavenshaking hammer is hard to injure with the root common origin dog tooth, after easily knocked out four passed through the wound, the ample force drainless shoots at the rear sky. 在几个刹那的时间内,雪白的狗牙化作四道白光从狗老二的身体中穿刺而过,震天锤难以伤害的幽冥妖体被同根同源狗牙,轻易凿出了四道贯穿伤口后,余力不竭地射向后方的天空。 „......” “嗷呜……” Has not waited for the Du Kang control potential dog tooth completely to return, the dog second child injured monster body of changed to the scarlet ray on the collapse, was towed to entrain the rearward to fly by a dog head. 还不等杜康控制势尽的狗牙返回,狗老二受伤的妖躯就崩溃化作了赤红的光芒,被一颗狗头拖拽着向后方飞去。 After spanning several li (0.5 km) distance, integrates to the main bodies of three monster dogs. 在跨越数里的距离之后,重新融入到三头妖犬的主体之中。 Ha, the dog second child was killed one time, was too distressed, is degrading the prestige of our three gentlemen.” “哈哈哈,狗老二被人杀了一次,实在太狼狈了,有辱我们三君子的威名。” Second child, although was killed by own dog tooth, this seems very stupid, but we will not sit by and do nothing, you may do not cry......” “老二虽然是被自己的狗牙杀死的,这显得很蠢,但我们不会坐视不理的,你可千万不要哭鼻子啊……” Three of three monster dogs consciousness this as one differentiation, but they do not have a glory co-prosperity, the determination of suffering if either one suffers, instead starts to ridicule dog second child loser. 三头妖犬的三个意识本为一体分化而成,但它们相互之间丝毫没有一荣共荣,一损俱损的自觉,反而开始嘲笑起狗老二这个失败者。 One group of idiots, shut up to me......” “一群蠢货,都给我闭嘴……” Xue Yingjun closely grasps the palm, the golden electric light flees in all directions from three collars, results in the mouth to spit the white smoke three monster dog electricity, made them honest reluctantly a point. 薛英俊将手掌紧紧一握,金色的电光从三只项圈中流窜出来,将三头妖犬电得口吐白烟,才勉强让它们老实了一点。 Ran for a long time had not seen him to have other manpower support, the one who was probably sincere was a worthless person, first gave him to send the secret really to taste hot, can live to change an opponent, do not waste the time here, if died, the today's sixth governing dragon bead succeeded in obtaining......” “跑了这么久也没见他有别的人手支援,大概率真的是个散人吧,先给他一发三昧真火尝尝,能活下来就换一个对手,不要在这里浪费时间,如果死了,今天的第六颗御龙珠就到手了……” In Xue Yingjun urging, three monster dogs are reluctant, the whole face resented that opened the mouth, three groups of flame spout from the mouth, blend to converge purple one group of monster different flame, resembles slow reality anxious aiming Du Kang to shoot. 在薛英俊的催促中,三头妖犬才不情不愿,满脸愤恨地张开了嘴巴,三团火焰从口中喷出,交融汇合成紫色的一团妖异火焰,似缓实急的瞄准杜康射去。 But in Du Kang several li (0.5 km) away, both hands closes up at this time, an attraction and ball of repulsion balanced standpoint has also fermented to take shape quietly. 而在几里外的杜康,此时正双手合拢,一颗引力和斥力平衡的立场之球也早已悄然酝酿成型。 As the attraction and repulsion in a circumference of several miles gather in the hand of Du Kang completely, the surrounding cloud layer and air current start to become the disorder to get up. 随着方圆数里的引力和斥力全部汇聚到杜康的手中,周围的云层和气流开始变得紊乱起来。 Loses the restraint the air and moisture content disorderly combination in the same place, mixes chaotic cloud Qi who tiny water drops and strong winds compose, derives the complex day. 失去约束的空气和水分杂乱的混杂在一起,搅动出一片细小水珠和狂风组成的混乱云气,衍生出复杂的天相。 The ball of ejection standpoint, is dragging the light of achromatic color, is really hot with the purple secret in the midair meets. 立场之球抛射而出,拖着无色之光,与紫色的三昧真火在半空中相遇。 Looks has the appearance of many skills very much, my time is very precious, hopes that do not tow is too long in the insignificant person.” “看起来很有两把刷子的样子啊,我的时间很宝贵,希望不要在无意义的人身上拖太久。” In Xue Yingjun twittering, the dazzling light from the sky releases, purple Sun will change to the daytime at night. 在薛英俊的呢喃中,刺目的光明在空中释放,紫色的太阳将黑夜化作了白日。 The secret of inflation is really of hot and ball volume invariable standpoint is annihilating unceasingly mutually, the secret is really hot after being corroded about half volume, explodes directly. 膨胀的三昧真火与体积不变的立场之球不断相互湮灭着,三昧真火在被侵蚀近半的体积之后,直接爆裂开来。 The turbulent shock-wave blew off a surrounding area more than ten li (0.5 km) dark cloud, far away from here that the member forces at the nearby battle continuous. 汹涌的冲击波吹散了方圆十几里的乌云,将在附近争斗不休得修士们逼迫的远离此处。 But both sides of manufacture this magnificent scene, are separated by several li (0.5 km) to face one another distantly, performing is the slightest is all lossless. 而制造这个大场面的双方,相隔数里遥遥相望,尽是全都分毫无损。 Projects on this time, in Xue Yingjun heart has to draw back intent, after all he is participates in the dragon palace to gain a son-in-law, does not come and person compares to fight. 打到此时,薛英俊心中已有退意,毕竟他是来参加龙宫招婿的,不是来和人比斗的。 Since both sides the strength is close, hit not to have the significance again, might as well give up to make peace, each one sought for the new prey for good. 双方既然实力相近,再打下去已经没有意义了,不如罢手言和,各自去寻找新的猎物为好。 But when Xue wanted to say handsome when two polite speech retreats three golden blade air/Qi suddenly appeared from him behind, such as worthless same has delimited his body. 但就在薛英俊想要说两句场面话退去时三道金色的刀气突然从他身后出现,如断草芥一样划过他的身体。 In the Xue Yingjun incredible facial expression, his body body broke several sections along the blade cutting mark, collapsing scattered one pile, fell on three monster dog broad conducting the back. 在薛英俊不可置信的神情中,他的躯体身体沿着刀刃的斩痕断裂成了数截,坍塌散落成一堆,落在三头妖犬宽阔的背上。 ya zi Daoist silent appears in Xue Yingjun behind, grasps his breaking arm, takes off three rings, set on own finger. 睚眦道人无声无息的在薛英俊身后浮现,抓起他的断臂,将三枚戒指摘下,套在了自己的手指上。 Three monster dog Gangcha realized the difference that bears, wants to turn head to have a look at Xue Yingjun to send what insanity, three collars on its nape of the neck, actually however vibrate courageous fiercely, the zooming stopped the sound several times. 三头妖犬刚察觉到背上的异样,想要扭头看看薛英俊又在发什么疯,它脖颈上的三个项圈,却勐然剧烈振动起来,放大缩小数次才停下动静。 This is pioneer/monarch Mojin the hook exchanges ownerships can have the phenomenon that Xue was Yingjun insane inadequately? 这是辟魔紧箍圈易主才会有的现象,薛英俊难道疯了不成? Only then, grasps the golden shield, the appearance assumes the big stomach ghost king the Xue Yingjun Yin god departs from corpse sea ​​of ​​consciousness. 直到此时,手持金色盾牌,外貌呈大肚鬼王相的薛英俊阴神才从尸体的识海中飞出。 Unlike the road of ox head younger brother Xue majestic takes, Xue Yingjun cultivates obviously is in the ten side Yin commander law say/way of ghost king. 与弟弟薛英伟走的牛头之路不同,薛英俊修的明显是十方阴帅法中的鬼王之道。 This ghost king is different the ghost king name in practicing boundary, is one type has to command the ghost thing to be able inborn ghost class, is the most excellent ghost thing, was known as that is easiest to break through to the ghost king boundary ghost class. 此鬼王不同于修行境界中的鬼王之称,乃是一种天生拥有统领鬼物之能的鬼类,是最上乘的鬼物之相,号称最容易突破到鬼王境界的鬼类。 But this moment this reserve duty ghost king, is grasping the shield Buddhist musical instrument, is resisting the destruction of ya zi blade air/Qi strongly to the Yin god, while flees rapidly, wants to leave the place of this danger as soon as possible. 而此刻这个预备役鬼王,正手持盾牌法器,一边竭力抵御着睚眦刀气对阴神的破坏,一边飞速遁走,想要尽快离开这个危险之地。 How Du Kang will let escape him like this, in the ring by thought communication hand, issued the own first instruction to three monster dogs. 杜康怎会这样放跑他,以意念沟通手中的戒指,向三头妖犬发出了自己的第一道指令。 Saw that this has enslaved your member? As your new master, this is I must give your gift, I believe you can like......” “看到这个一直奴役你的修士了吗?作为你的新主,这是我要送给你的一件礼物,我相信你会喜欢的……” Six items of three monster dogs look at each other mutually, understands quickly present aspect, it looks to Xue Yingjun eyes full is the savage joyous feelings...... 三头妖犬的六目相互对视间,很快明白了现在的局面,它望向薛英俊的眼中满是凶残的喜悦之情……
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