DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#284: Heteromorphous sorcery, meeting by chance distant relative

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Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice Chapter 153 abnormity sorcery, the meeting by chance distant relative seek the subscription 妖诡世界:我能氪命修行第153章异形妖法,偶遇远亲求订阅 Du Kang both hands stick to by the body, entire portrait/people looks like drill bit tearing air, alone low-altitude flying in sea level. 杜康双手紧贴身体两侧,整个人像一个钻头般撕裂空气,独自在海面上低空飞行着。 Front beyond dozens li (0.5 km) the form of faintly visible Azure Dragon, the Eastern remote sea level place can see that indistinctly the golden flame is luminous. 前方几十里外依稀可见青龙的身影,东方的遥远海面处隐约能看到金色的火焰光亮。 But the battle efficiency of cultivator is not necessarily proportional with the sound that can make, drags in an numerous earth-shaking fight light shadow that entrains in Azure Dragon behind, Si hero and Ji reveal the fight scene of dragon is not striking, has not aroused interest of especially Du Kang slightly. 但修行者的战斗力与能制造的动静并不一定成正比,在青龙身后拖拽的一众惊天动地战斗光影中,姒雄和姬显龙的战斗场景并不算醒目,丝毫没有引起杜康的格外关注。 Du Kang is searching for the appropriate prey, after all first closes three double-hour the time is not long, he needs, to capture the governing dragon bead within limited time as far as possible many. 杜康正在搜寻合适的猎物,毕竟第一关三个时辰的时间并不算长,他需要在有限的时间内,尽可能多地夺取御龙珠。 About thousand people scatter in Azure Dragon behind in a radius hundred li (0.5 km) sea area, like sprinkling a into the sea|nautical mile sesame seed of common, if not the top of the head striking clear light, Du Kang wanted to find these people also really to need to be some time-comsuming. 近千人散落在青龙身后半径百里的海域内,就像洒进海里的芝麻一样不起眼,如果不是头顶醒目的清光,杜康想要找到这些人还真的需要费一些功夫。 At this time his side in several li (0.5 km) several light beams are then pestering mutually, this closes, although starts the moment the time, but the member life is long, many participants, more than ten years ago have even established the ally relations of first pass several days, several months and several years, under forms cliques, erupted many troops to encircle the war of killing. 此时他身边数里内便有几道光柱在相互纠缠,这一关虽然才开始片刻的时间,但修士们生命漫长,有不少参与者们早在数天、数月、数年、甚至十几年前就已经确立了第一关中的盟友关系,拉帮结派之下,爆发了不少的结队围杀之战。 In front of Du Kang is such a team of troops, the member of three Ocean Wave Sea indigenous appearance, are besieging the dragon that a scarlet fruit upper part, beard and hair make the close short braid to tie the guy. 杜康面前的就是这样一队人马,三个碧波海土着打扮的修士,正在围攻一个赤果上半身、胡子和头发编成细密小辫的虬结大汉。 Three Ocean Wave Sea indigenous, the magic arts of practicing obviously have the difference respectively. 三个碧波海土着,修行的法术明显各有不同。 What a frontline person as if majors is the magic arts of some change sea beast, the physique great thick, body surface proliferates him of rough scale, is brandishing the fist violent to hammer the besieged guy. 最前方的一人似乎主修的是某种变化海兽的法术,体格巨粗、体表遍布粗糙鳞片的他,正在抡起拳头暴锤着被围攻的大汉。 The heavy blows fall on the guy, the bone breaks the muscle booklet, the four limbs distortion and the injury in neck bone break and chest breakage large cave/hole continuously to appear on the tall and strong body, actually before the next attack approaches rapid healing ; 一记记重拳落在大汉身上,骨断筋折、四肢扭曲、颈骨断裂、胸膛破裂大洞的伤势不断在魁梧的身体上出现,却又在下一次攻击来临前飞速愈合; In two people of depot support, a person extends several feet length the neck, changes for the head of snake head to the venom that non-stop emitting crowded such as the rain, corrodes burned black pinholes on the guy. 后方支援的两人中,一人将脖子延伸出数丈长短,变化为蛇头的头颅中正在对着不停喷吐着密集如雨的毒液,在大汉身上腐蚀出一个个焦黑的小洞。 Meanwhile his both hands tie law seal, controls is falling into the venom in sea water to change into the finger thick or thin small snake, winds ranks that dances in the air is joining to besiege, the damage that but these attacks cause will also be resumed by the guy strange physical body shortly ; 同时他的双手结法印,操控着所有落入海水中的毒液化为指头粗细的小蛇,蜿蜒飞舞着加入围攻的行列,但这些攻击造成的伤害也被大汉诡异的肉体顷刻恢复; Last investor of whole body strange tattoo stops by far in the sea level, in the mouth mumbled, representative feebly, heart rupturing, the confusion judgment and sleepiness are turbulent, sole slipped...... the curse arrived in this process silently on the besieged guy. 最后一个满身诡异纹身的围攻者则是远远停在海面上,口中念念有词,代表着衰弱、心脏爆裂、混淆判断、睡意汹涌、脚底打滑……的诅咒在这个过程中无声无息降临在被围攻的大汉身上。 Initially when these curses can also play the good effect, but in passing of time, quick disturbed the guys unable to achieve. 初时这些诅咒还能起到不错的效果,但在时间的流逝中,很快就连干扰大汉都做不到了。 Du Kang comes time, can see that both sides have hit for a while, besieged the anxious colors of three people of groups to be seen in speech and appearance, in the heart only feared that has conceived to quit. 杜康来的时候,能看出双方已经打了一阵儿,围攻三人组的焦急之色早已溢于言表,心中只怕早已萌生退意。 After all even Du Kang this future can see initially, the besieged guy is seemingly distressed, grasps actually on own initiative, is in addition participating in everyone who the dragon palace gains a son-in-law to capture the governing dragon bead, this fight will tow the gain does not equal the loss again like this, their retreating will be sooner or later matters. 毕竟连杜康这个初来者都能看出,被围攻的大汉看似狼狈,实则掌握着主动,加之参加龙宫招婿的所有人都是为了夺取御龙珠,这场战斗再这样拖下去将会得不偿失,他们的退却是迟早的事。 Really does not have/leave Du Kang to expect, after detecting his being close, in three people of groups the member of incantation loudly shouts immediately loudly. 果然不出杜康所料,在察觉到他的接近之后,三人组中施咒的修士立刻高声大喝道。 In our methods, cannot kill this person, do not waste the time here, steps up to look for the next prey.” “以我们的手段,根本杀不死此人,不要在这里浪费时间了,加紧去找下一个猎物。” Has not waited for the member to say the words, wrestles with guy near body, is withstanding fighting hand-to-hand member instantaneously backward suddenly/violently to retreat of maximum pressure, wants to leave this strange opponent as soon as possible. 还不等修士将话说完,与大汉近身相搏,承受着最大压力的肉搏修士就瞬间向后暴退,想要尽快离开这个诡异的对手。 „To come to come, wants to walk walks, who when you my Dabara do are.” “想来就来,想走就走,你们当我达巴拉干是什么人。” Low and deep twittering is resounding behind, these words are listening to also the distance obviously, but fights hand-to-hand the member actually to feel that a great strength held on own foot neck suddenly, even if puts forth is unable to work loose full power. 低沉的呢喃在身后响起,这句话明明听着还有一段距离,但肉搏修士却感觉一股巨力突然拉住了自己的脚脖,即便使出全力都无法挣脱。 Then looked, Dabara does the image to change in an instant, a glossy carapace does not know when wrapped the whole body muscle, 回头一看,达巴拉干形象转眼间已经大变,一身油亮的甲壳不知何时包裹住了满身的肌肉, But his arm like a rubber same extension elongation 45 zhang (3.33 m) distance, held foot neck that fights hand-to-hand the member. Transfers to me, sexy actress top!!!” 而他的一条手臂如同橡皮一样拉伸延长四五丈的距离,抓住了肉搏修士的脚脖。“给我转起来,肉弹陀螺!!!” As calls out, body that Dabara does zero forward velocity operation, under the rubber arm courageous strength pulls, the build is moved the fighting hand-to-hand member who he is huger than pounds the snake head member to not far away. 随着一声暴喝,达巴拉干的身体在原地旋转起来,而在橡皮手臂勐力地拉扯下,体型远比他庞大的肉搏修士被甩动砸向不远处的蛇头修士。 - 嘎巴- Fights hand-to-hand the member like a sexy actress great hammer, puts from the snake head member slender nape of the neck, since the clear skeleton break sound, a snake head soars high, almost drops in the entering the sea water with the main spot of body simultaneously. 肉搏修士如同一颗肉弹巨锤,从蛇头修士纤细的脖颈上一穿而过,在清脆的骨骼断裂声中,一颗蛇头高高飞起,与身体的主体部位几乎同时跌落入海水之中。 At this moment fights hand-to-hand the member also to recover in the dizziness sound of rotation, lifts the fist to catch rubber of ankle to pound tightly. 此刻肉搏修士也在转动的眩晕声中回过神来,举拳向紧抓脚腕的橡皮手砸去。 Finally was also done by a Dabara of fist hole a moment ago, probably suddenly had one to pound not rottenly, pulls the unceasing rubber body, the fist fails pulls cannot injure its arm slightest again. 结果刚才还被一拳一个窟窿的达巴拉干,好像突然拥有了一副砸不烂、扯不断的橡皮身体,拳砸手扯都不能再伤其手臂分毫。 In laughing wildly sound that Dabara does, fights hand-to-hand the member to continue to be treated as the hammer to fling to final one curses the member. 在达巴拉干的狂笑声中,肉搏修士继续被当做锤子甩向最后的一个诅咒修士。 But learning from another's mistakes of companion, had been cursed the member to look a moment ago in the eye, his mouth spits the incantation to hammer one finger/refers toward the meat, the sharp blade incantation has delimited together calf that fights hand-to-hand the member, this extricates from this attack. 但刚才同伴的前车之鉴,却已被诅咒修士看在眼中,他口吐咒语朝肉锤一指,一道利刃咒划过肉搏修士的小腿,这才从这道攻击中解脱出来。 Where had scruples the companion of leg to fly without enough time, a form of whole body clear light winding had approached him quietly at present. 来不及顾忌断腿的同伴飞到了哪里,一个全身清光缠绕的身影已经悄然逼近了他的眼前。 In his eye of zi wants in the facial expression of crack, Dabara did bathe in fresh air received hardly, he served as maintained life with being split up incantation and state of mind will mourning incantation. 在他目眦欲裂的神情中,达巴拉干如沐春风般地硬接下了,他用作保命用的四分五裂咒和神魂志丧咒。 A big hand held him to cover entirely the bright and clean head of tattoo, only pinched gently, this oval-shape object ruptured like the preserved egg of disruption. 紧接着,一只大手抓住了他布满纹身的光洁脑袋,只轻轻一捏,这颗椭圆形物体就像碎裂的皮蛋一样爆裂开来。 The light beam of connection Azure Dragon vanishes immediately, is representing the death of this participant. 连接青龙的光柱立刻消失,代表着这名参与者的死亡。 The headless corpse that only remains same place is unable to maintain to float the spatial condition again, must fall down in the sea water, was actually done one to pull back by Dabara, after the corpse bosom plunders changes the red governing dragon bead, it conveniently throws in entering the sea. 原地仅剩的无头的尸体再也无法维持浮空的状态,就要栽倒进海水之中,却被达巴拉干一把拉了回来,在尸体的怀里搜刮出一颗变红的御龙珠后,才将它随手丢入海中。 Stands Du Kang can see inside and outside one clearly, with the death of member, turns into no root duckweed when the destiny that the member top of the head floated immediately, will dissipate with the wind, the governing dragon bead sent out a suction the destiny silent absorption, to the clear bead catch a blood light of undulating. 站在一里外的杜康能清晰看到,随着修士的死亡,原本在修士头顶漂浮的气运立刻变成了无根浮萍,正要随风消散时,御龙珠散发出一股吸力将气运无声吸收,为原本清亮的珠子染上了一层澹澹的血光。 At this moment, Du Kang clearly became aware. 这一刻,杜康明悟了。 All participants are taking up that moment of governing dragon bead, regardless of later is to lose wins, was doomed for the ceremony to make own contribution. 所有参与者在拿起御龙珠的那一刻,不论之后是输是赢,都注定了要为仪式做出自己的贡献。 Naturally is the ceremony succeeds through the winner who three close person of the most important assistance, but elimination it will also become dragon woman to promote the nourishment that Dragon King needs. 通过三关的赢者自然是仪式成功最重要的辅助之人,而淘汰者本身也会成为龙女晋升龙王所需的养料。 No wonder wants everyone to send a bead, originally to plunder the destiny of dead, this ocean waves dragon palace also is really enough the black heart, making over a thousand strengths achieve the person of middle rank peak, for an illusory fond dream hits to live to kill, but must capture the destiny after dying.” “难怪要每人发一颗珠子,原来是为了掠夺死者的气运,这碧波龙宫还真是够黑心的,让上千个实力达到中阶巅峰之人为了一个虚无缥缈的美梦打生打死,还要在死后夺取气运。” But has saying that although such approach is very shameless, is worth me studying.” “但不得不说,这样的做法虽然很无耻,也值得我学习。” The thought rotation, Du Kang wants to understand these instantaneously, continuation stands is seeing a play same place. 念头转动,杜康瞬间想明白了这些,继续站在原地看戏。 But the movement that not far away Dabara does is also quick, he several then kills the snake head member who feigned death to run away, turns the head fighting hand-to-hand member who caught up with the diving sea to escape. 而不远处达巴拉干的动作也很快,他几下便打死了装死逃遁的蛇头修士,又转头追上了潜海逃跑的肉搏修士。 After proficiently the crumb a head, Dabara did in the hand to throw three blood red governing dragon beads, inside and outside Du Kang toward one shouts. 在熟练地捏碎了一颗头颅之后,达巴拉干手中抛动着三颗血红的御龙珠,朝一里外的杜康喊道。 You looked in the one side were very long, wants to contribute an governing dragon bead for me?” “你在一旁看了很久,也想为我贡献一颗御龙珠吗?” No, you spoke incorrectly, is you must contribute four governing dragon beads for me.” “不,你说错了,是你要为我贡献四颗御龙珠。” All dragon palaces gain a son-in-law the participants are the enemies, meets by chance, only then hits with does not hit two choices, failing to agree, in a flash is the life-and-death fight. 所有的龙宫招婿参与者都是敌人,彼此间相逢只有打与不打两个选择,话不投机,转瞬就是生死之战。 Just killed three people of Dabara to do continually, has not paid attention to Du Kang, controls flesh to grow two dragonfly wings from own ji back, vibrated the transparent membrane wing to fly to the Du Kang extreme speed. 刚刚连杀三人的达巴拉干,并没有将杜康放在眼里,控制一身血肉从自己嵴背中长出两对蜻蜓翅膀,震动着透明的膜翅就向杜康极速飞来。 One li (0.5 km) distance in a flash, in this in process that pulls closer the distance, the body that Dabara does changes again. 一里的距离转瞬即至,在这个拉近距离的过程中,达巴拉干的身体再次变化起来。 The body surface was close to the carapace of Yu Shuisheng monster, takes the visible speed to transform into the dark exoskeleton of taking the form of insect, on the arm the ejection has pair of a sickle that seems the praying mantis, on the ji vertebra punctures an sharp front needle, the both feet disassimilation was a pair of long sharp thorn, whole body filled with the combative aura. 体表原本接近于水生妖怪的甲壳,以肉眼可见的速度转变为形似昆虫的黝黑外骨骼,手臂上弹射出一对好似螳螂的弯刀,嵴椎上刺出一根尖锐的锋针,双脚异化为一对长长的尖刺,全身上下都充满了进攻性的气息。 With this fully-armed stance, Dabara does the dragonfly wing tearing air, bringing a clear light to change to the remnant shadow, in the hand the double blade intersects to cut together to Du Kang, has the imposing manner that a Du Kang blade is killed violently greatly. 以这副全副武装的姿态,达巴拉干蜓翅撕裂空气,带着一身清光化作一道残影,手中双刀交叉着向杜康直直砍来,大有将杜康一刀毙命的气势。 Attacks facing the opponent in a threatening manner, Du Kang does not have the choice to dodge, but raised an own arm, the azure claw blade ejection, welcomed double blade ruthlessly forward one stroke that Dabara is doing. 面对对手气势汹汹的攻击,杜康没有选择闪躲,而是举起了自己的一只手臂,青色的爪刃从中弹射,迎着达巴拉干的双刀狠狠向前一划。 - 呲啦- Two people forms interlock, has Du Kang still stood in same place moved, but three golden blade light such as cut the tofu the same as cut open the body that Dabara did. 两人的身影交错而过,杜康仍站在原地一动未动,而三道金色的刀光如切豆腐一样切开了达巴拉干的身体。 Even the ache also transmits without enough time, has not splashed including a drop of blood, his double blade, torso, four limbs and wing fell in the sea like one pile of scattering building blocks. 连疼痛都还来不及传递,连一滴鲜血都没有溅出,他的双刀、躯干、四肢、翅膀就像一堆散落的积木一样掉落进了海中。 Crash-bang the sound of water resounds in the sea of under foot unceasingly. 哗啦啦的水声在脚下的大海不断响起。 Du Kang lowers the head looked, these limbs that Dabara does were still also living, at this time is thrown into confusion is splicing itself in the water, for fear that slow one step, welcomed the next attack of Du Kang again. 杜康低头一看,达巴拉干的这些肢体仍然还活着,此时正手忙脚乱地在水中自己拼接着自己,生怕慢了一步,再迎来杜康的下一次攻击。 A clear three red four governing dragon bead that the attraction will fall in the sea together incurs to succeed in obtaining, Du Kang looks that in the panel the body contact because of the information obtained, secretly thought/passage so that's how it is. 引力将一同落海的一清三红四颗御龙珠招到手中,杜康看着面板中因身体接触获得的信息,暗道一声原来如此。 Name 】: Dabara does 姓名】:达巴拉干 Heteromorphous law 】: When this law is founded by the south wild uncivilized nationalities, practices must take the southern desolate over a hundred unique monster bloodlines, after the mystique boils down takes after one again, after the edible, non- dead will obtain the body of heteromorphous not dying, runs into the different enemies, may extract to restrain the ability of opposite party from over a hundred monster bloodlines, after this law is good, sends to overcome the enemy. 异形法】:此法由南荒蛮族开创,修行时需取南荒上百种各具特色的妖怪血脉,再经过秘法熬炼为一体后服食,食用后不死者将获得一具异形不死之躯,遇到不同的敌人,可从上百种妖怪血脉中提取克制对方的能力,此法善于后发克敌制胜。 Rank: Oneself level 等级:己级 Skill: The body of abnormity six heavy 技能:异形之躯六重 The body of not dying six heavy 不死之躯六重 Hundred monster Yin Shenzhou-5 is heavy 百妖阴神五重 Mimicry monster qi five heavy 拟态妖气五重 Enters the step condition: Has reached the magic arts design limit, must deduce the following path. 进阶条件:已达到法术设计极限,需自行推演后续道路。 No wonder must be hit by three magic arts common monsters that for a long time, can deal with the monster body that the curse and venom and fight hand-to-hand to require a lot of time simultaneously to produce, does not know that you can produce to deal with my body of claw blade attack?” “难怪要被三个法术一般的妖怪打那么久呢,能同时应对诅咒、毒液和肉搏的妖躯应该需要不少时间才能生成吧,不知道你能不能生成应对我爪刃攻击的躯体?” The Du Kang under foot, had body of not dying Dabara to do to combine the body quickly, the insect monster body that but was good at attacking a moment ago silent has changed for beach muddy flesh. 杜康脚下,拥有不死之躯的达巴拉干很快重新组合好了身体,但刚才善于进攻的昆虫妖躯已经无声地变化为了一滩肉泥。 It seems like Dabara does to believe, copes member who sharp attacks good, only then changes into the best shape that the muddy flesh avoids to become the genuine muddy flesh. 看来达巴拉干认为,对付锋利善攻的修士,只有化为肉泥才是避免成为真正肉泥的最佳形态。 This group of flesh absorption sea water and spiritual energy extreme speed inflates, changes into the giant palm that flesh tumbles to grasp to Du Kang, was actually soared high by Du Kang, easily avoided. 这团血肉吸收海水和灵气极速膨胀起来,化为一只血肉翻滚的巨大手掌向杜康抓去,却被杜康高高飞起,轻易躲开了。 He has not continued to Dabara does the attack, but somewhat pities looks that he continues to say. 他没有继续向达巴拉干攻击,只是有些怜悯地看着他继续说道。 Magic arts advance is roadless, participates the dragon palace to gain a son-in-law to try one's luck is also a good choice, but your luck really enough fades, ran into me unexpectedly, this dragon palace to trip ended like this.” “法术前进无路,来参加龙宫招婿碰碰运气也是个不错的选择,但你运气实在够衰,竟然遇到了我,这次龙宫之旅就这样结束吧。” Finishes speaking, the giant palm that this muddy flesh composes, starts to collapse by the visible speed collapse from the fingertip, after several time of breath, turned into a beach gradually to melt muddy flesh in broken bits completely in sea water. 话音刚落,这只肉泥组成的巨大手掌,就从指尖开始以肉眼可见的速度崩溃坍塌,几个呼吸的时间之后,就完全变成了一滩逐渐消融在海水中的细碎肉泥。 The claw blade of ya zi law is not good to suffer, this magic arts in dragon nine law were known as that murders first, naturally cannot have unearned reputation. 睚眦法的爪刃可不是那么好挨的,这门法术在化龙九法中号称杀伐第一,自然不会是浪得虚名。 The Du Kang claw blade can kill including the body of own ya zi, kills is also naturally a cinch with its body of strength similar not dying. 杜康的爪刃连自己的睚眦之躯都能杀死,杀死与其力量相似的不死之躯自然也不在话下。 Tears Dabara to do the instance of body in the claw blade, can extinguish kills the cell vitality the blade of blade air/Qi to submerge in his flesh, only the short moment time, this can resist the curse and venom, to strike obtusely, can change over a hundred the monster body of monster characteristics, but also shows oneself most powerful fight stance without enough time, died like this aggrievedly. 在爪刃撕裂达巴拉干身体的瞬间,能够灭杀细胞生机的刀气之刃就潜入了他的血肉之中,只短短片刻时间,这具能抵御诅咒、毒液、钝击,可以变化出上百中妖怪特性的妖躯,还来不及展现自己最强大的战斗姿态,就这样憋屈地死去了。 Du Kang looks that submerges the muddy flesh that scatters gradually, controls this piece of water current to jack by the attraction, takes out large size Refining Monster Bead, loads in it bead completely. 杜康看着渐渐沉没飘散的肉泥,以引力控制这片水流抬升起来,取出一颗大号炼妖珠,将其全部装入珠中。 Finally keeps same place one group of colorful dark peaceful Yin gods, by the Du Kang independent seal in another Refining Monster Bead. 最后留在原地的一团色彩斑斓暗澹阴神,也被杜康单独封印在另一颗炼妖珠内。 This is the first time that Du Kang magic arts that sees the southern wild uncivilized nationalities, he to can smelt over a hundred monster abilities the body of abnormity to be interested very much, goes back to study the flesh and Yin god belt/bring, could understand some mysteries of implication. 这是杜康第一次见到南荒蛮族的法术,他对能熔炼上百种妖怪能力的异形之躯很感兴趣,将血肉和阴神带回去研究,也许能参透其中蕴含的一些奥秘。 Being defeated that as Dabara does, the destiny that his Yin Shentou withstand/top strips the same place immediately, in governing dragon bead absorption by Du Kang hand. 而随着达巴拉干的落败,他阴神头顶的气运立刻剥离出一块,被杜康手中的御龙珠吸收。 What is different from the blood-color governing dragon bead that killing others obtains, what on this bead sends out is the pink light of undulating. 与杀死别人获得的血色御龙珠不同的是,这枚珠子上散发的是澹澹的粉光。 A war obtains four governing dragon beads, Du Kang also calculates that the satisfactory this harvest, receives the space iron ring them, will look for a prey in neighbor again, on him the clear light actually glitters fiercely in this time. 一战获得四枚御龙珠,杜康还算满意这次的收获,将它们收入宇铁戒指,正要在附近再找一个猎物,他身上的清光却在此时剧烈闪烁起来。 This is will soon be separated from the destiny Azure Dragon hundred li (0.5 km) connection range the indication! 这是即将脱离气运青龙百里连接范围的征兆! Du Kang looks up to the north, saw only the destiny Azure Dragon to have long gone, in close to hundred li (0.5 km) remote distance, he can only see the horizon to soar one group of mold lake unclear azure light shadow. 杜康抬头向北方望去,只见气运青龙早已远去,在接近百里的遥远距离下,他只能看到天边飞翔着一团模湖不清的青色光影。 But in nearby dozens li (0.5 km), besides oneself, has no clear light to let fall from the horizon together. 而附近几十里内,除自己之外,已经没有任何一道清光从天际垂落。 Flying really to be quick, it seems like can only pursue one again forward.” “飞得还真快啊,看来只能再向前追一段了。” Du Kang soars immediately, holds to tear the air in in addition of repulsion, to surpass the sound the speed to go through to the north extreme speed. 杜康立刻重新腾空而起,在斥力的加持下撕裂空气,以超过声音的速度向北方极速穿行。 A short dozens li (0.5 km) distance, Du Kang had also bumped into several leaving behind member or the monsters on the road in an instant, but he does not have the choice to stay, but continues to the front pursues. 短短几十里的距离转眼即过,杜康在路上也碰到了几个落单的修士或妖怪,但他没有选择停留,而是继续向前方追赶。 Du Kang has wanted to understand, the destiny Azure Dragon will not stop before dawn, pursues with it in behind snatches the governing dragon bead to be time-consuming, might as well goes to front of Azure Dragon to wait for gains without pains, waits for governing dragon beads to throw on own initiative. 杜康已经想明白了,气运青龙在天亮之前是不会停下来的,与其追在后面抢御龙珠费时费力,还不如跑到青龙前面去守株待兔,等着一颗颗御龙珠们主动来投。 This will make this pass/test cross with ease. 这样会使得这一关过得轻松一点。 But in passed by together the light beam side again, in the light beam that only all over the body scarlet no wool vicious three monster dogs, and dog conduct the back the whole face crazy fertilizer Xue Yingjun, making Du Kang slow the tempo. 但在再次路过一道光柱身边时,光柱内那只通体赤红的无毛凶狠三头妖犬,以及狗背上满脸痴肥之相的薛英俊,让杜康不禁放慢了速度。 The reason does not have it, Du Kang once made jade woman through the flower, achieves the brothers of a different surname with Xue majestic this Xue Yingjun younger brother, so calculates, he and Xue Yingjun can also be the distant relative. 原因无它,杜康曾经通过花弄玉这个女人,和薛英伟这个薛英俊的弟弟做到异姓兄弟,如此算来,他和薛英俊也算得上远房亲戚啊。 The relative meets, where has the truth that did not greet...... 亲戚见面,哪有不打声招呼的道理……
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