Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepracticeChapter 152Azure Dragonto lead the way, Jupiterdoes not dieto seek the subscription
妖诡世界:我能氪命修行第152章青龙引路,太岁不死求订阅Du Kangstandsunder the dragon a peak in cityhundred zhang (333 m)tall building, overlooksthisbrilliantly illuminatednoisycity.杜康站在龙下城一处百丈高楼的顶端,俯瞰这座灯火辉煌的喧闹城市。Gains a son-in-law the eve of startinginthisdragon palace, under the dragon the citybrightlightscontinuous, will light upeachgloomycornerall night.
The crowdedstream of peoplewriggleson the street, the shop that the stall keeper in streetandfaces the street, whilethesetwentyyearsgrand meetings, is peddlingowncargo the time.
密集的人流在街道上蠕动,街头的摊贩和临街的店铺,趁着这二十几年才有一次的盛会,兜售着自己的货物。Variouscommoditiesall over the countrygatherat this momenthere, to the ordinarymember, thesetransactionsis the important matter that gains a son-in-lawitselfto be worth itselfcaring aboutcompared with the dragon palace.
Becoming a husband of motherDragon King, is the ordinarymember and monster can only at the matter that in the dreamthinks, in comparison, conscientiousplaces the first place more practicalownpracticing and life.
成为一条母龙王的夫婿,是普通修士和妖怪只能在梦里想想的事情,相比之下,还是脚踏实地将自己的修行和生活放在首位更加务实。Although the ocean wavesdragonclanis the monsterclan, butdoes not repelwith the personclancontact, fromsuccessively holdingsuccessfullymounts the person of Takao to see, person/monsterhas.
碧波龙族本身虽是妖族,但并不排斥与人族往来,从历任成功登上龙夫之位之人就能看出,其中人/妖都有。Thereforeunder the dragon the city is also a person/ the monstercoexistencecity, the bustlingperson and monstercrowdin the same place, afterseeingownpleasingcommodity, thenstopsbe calculatingto cut the price.
所以龙下城也是一座人/妖共处的城市,熙熙攘攘的人与妖拥挤在一起,在看到自己中意的商品之后,便停下来斤斤计较地砍着价格。After the wealth in handsquanders, the buyerconveniently may set up a stallto sellowncargo, but the sellerafterselling-outowngoodswill also jointo the stream of people of purchase , the status of sellerandbuyerwill then complete the exchangeshortly.
在手中的钱财花光之后,买家可能会随手摆个摊子售卖自己的货物,而卖家在卖完自己的货后也会加入到采购的人流中,卖家和买家的身份顷刻间便完成了互换。AcrossDaliang, the peripheralvariouscountries, wildmonsterterritory, theseexistencefromall corners of the country, traderegionaloutputshere, does not knowalmighty troops who the genuine and fakemagic artsancient book, all sorts of strange and unusualmagic artsmaterial, the functionvaries......大梁各地,周边诸国,蛮荒妖域,这些来自五湖四海的存在,在这里交易各地的产出,不知真假的法术典籍,千奇百怪的法术材料,功能各异的神兵……Among people, betweenpersonandmonster, betweenmonsterandmonster, althoughhasalertvaguely, but the cityunder the dragonguardsgoes on patroluninterruptedly, today'stransactionkept the superficialorderfinally.
人与人之间,人与妖之间,妖与妖之间虽然都存在着依稀的戒备,但在龙下城守卫不间断地巡逻之下,今天的交易总算维持了表面的秩序。Under the entiredragon the cityeverywhereissuchscene, undercitycompletelydifferentoneprosperoussceneswithpersonclanrule.
If not11 p.m. to 1 a.m , the dragon palacegains a son-in-lawwill soon start, Du Kangalsowantsto stroll, the attemptlooks to meetabout the goods of heart.
如果不是子时将至,龙宫招婿即将开始,杜康也想要下去逛一逛,尝试看能不能遇到合心的物品。Hestands the restaurantroof of cityThree Highsunder the dragon, opens the spiritual eyeto take a fast look around the entirecity.
他站立在龙下城第三高的酒楼楼顶,张开灵眼扫视整座城市。Sees only the destiny under foottheseindividuallifetop of the heads, withis conducting, branches outwisp of the businesstradesin the maindestiny of integratingunder the dragon the city, makingsky over an illusorydestinyAzure Dragonsituated incitygradually the congealingreality, makes threatening gesturesto send out the silentroaringfilial piety.
只见脚下这些个体生灵头顶的气运,正随着买卖交易的进行,分出一缕融入到龙下城的主体气运中,使得位于城市上空的一条虚幻气运青龙渐渐变得更加凝实,张牙舞爪中发出无声的咆孝。Undergoverning in worldnoreason the politicalbook, ocean wavesdragonclanwill not have so operatedthiscityattentively, besidesmagnanimouswealth that the tradecanbring, destinyAzure Dragon that thisenoughpopulationcanbring, shouldalsobe an importantreason.
世间从来没有毫无缘由的治下政册,碧波龙族之所以会如此用心经营这座城市,除了贸易会带来的海量财富之外,这条只有足够人口才能带来的气运青龙,应该也是一个重要的原因吧。IfDu Kangdoes not expectbadly, thisdestinyAzure Dragon the ceremony that will gain a son-in-lawin the dragon palacewill play the vitalrole.
如果杜康所料不差,这条气运青龙将会在龙宫招婿的仪式中起到重要的作用。Cornerfaintsomeunrests in city, thatisSiherootherinstituteis, shouldbehediscovered that after Du Kangis missing the continuing effect.
城中的一个角落隐隐有些骚乱,那是姒雄的别院所在,应该是他发现杜康失踪后的后续影响。Du Kangarrangedrichlyaround the bodyghostfog, toavoidhas possibly swepthereline of sight, hewantsto leaveSiherodistant pointtemporarily.杜康将身体周围的鬼雾布置得更浓郁了些,以躲避可能扫过这里的视线,他暂时想离姒雄远点。Not is only Siherodoes not prepareto participate in the dragon palacegaining a son-in-lawbyoneselfthoroughly, thiswoman was too most critically terrorist, the psychologytwistedabnormally, was powerful.
不仅是姒雄不准备让自己深入参与龙宫招婿,更关键的是这个女人太恐怖了点,心理扭曲变态也就罢了,偏偏还实力强大。Thisis not the woman who clone of Du Kangcanhandle, was worried that dughewill planto make the main bodylook forSiheroin the future, the duplicate/restorescountryimportant matter that the opposite partywill planheis also interestedvery much.
The timepasseswhen the waitingslowly, whenmoon/monthupper culmination, under the dragon the destinyAzure Dragon of citysent out a vigorouslongdragonto recitesuddenly.
嗷-dragon who sendsfrom the dayreciteddepressed the noise of city, in a native of Mancheng/monsterraised the headin the vision that looked , the destinyAzure Dragon that originallyonly thenvariousvirgintechniquescanseeappearedineveryone'seyesdirectly.
The heightthousandzhang (3.33 m), the impressive and dignified manneris threatening, azurescaleyellowcorner/horn, must the long neck hairbe complete, the openeddragon mouthmesosaurusrecited the soundto keepfor a very long time, strongdragon prestigemadein the sky not muchcloudsbe far awayrapidly, under the entiredragon the cityexposedunder the shining of starsandbright moonlight.
It seems the summon of responseAzure Dragon, in the citybrightlight beamsshoot up to the sky, along the straight the scales of pathandAzure Dragonlinks, takes a broad viewsweeps, slightlycountsgreatly, fullyover a thousandsay/way.
好似响应青龙的召唤,城中一道道明亮的光柱冲天而起,沿着笔直的轨迹与青龙的一块块鳞片连接在一起,放眼一扫,大略数来,足有上千道之多。OnDu Kangalsohad the clearlightto connectonAzure Dragontogether, thislight/onlypenetratedghostfog, was completely unmasked the position of his participant.杜康身上同样有一道清光连接到了青龙身上,这光穿透了身边的鬼雾,将他这个参与者的位置暴露无遗。In the governingdragon bead of clearlight sourcehead the handraisesat present, the dragonshadow in beadhad hovered, hisopens the mouthswallowed into it the abdomen, thought aloud.
将手里清光源头的御龙珠举到眼前,珠中的龙影已然游动了起来,他张口将其吞入了腹中,自言自语道。„Todayis in January/one month29, twoalsohasentiretwodays to February/two months, the firstpass/test that the dragon palacegains a son-in-lawfinallyformallystarted.”
“今天是一月二十九,离二月二还有整整两天的时间,龙宫招婿的第一关终于正式开始了。”Waits for the clearlight of allgoverningdragon beadsto be stablewith the destinyAzure Dragonconnection, resounds throughdragon of the world to recite the sound also to stand stillimmediately, itthousandzhang (3.33 m)bodyinin the airis windingrapidly, fliestoward the northernsky.
The entrance of dragon palacenotincityunderdragon, butin the northernsea area, the destinyAzure Dragonwill fly the distances of threedouble-hour, arrives atoutside the dragon palaceparadise in today'sSuninitial rise, will havegoverningdragon beadmostfirsthundredpeopleto receive and instructto enter,
龙宫的入口并不在龙下城中,而是在更北方的海域内,气运青龙将会飞行三个时辰的路程,于今日太阳初升之时来到龙宫福地之外,将拥有御龙珠最多的前百人接引进入其中,During this process, allgoverningdragon beadholderscannotbe separated from the Azure Dragonbeyondhundredli (0.5 km), otherwiseconnectsautomatic shutdown, losesenters the qualifications of dragon palace.
在此过程中,所有的御龙珠持有者不可以脱离青龙百里之外,否则连接将会自动断开,失去进入龙宫的资格。Therefore, thisisoneat the contest that in the movement conducts, more than 1000people of participation/monsternot only need , in the battleslaughtersobtainsenoughgoverningdragon bead, but must guaranteeoneselfdid not fall behindhas the opportunityto winthispass/test.
The Azure Dragonbodyis huge, is quickin the in the airspeedslowreality, quickleftunder the dragon the air zone of city, pulls an numerousclearlight beam to be increasingly estranged, stayspersonnelalsofollowingclearlight the direction in cityfliesone after anotherto the north.
The Du Kangstandlooks farther aheadhigh, the look is also in addition good, sawsomefamiliarformsinclearlightunexpectedly.杜康站得高看得远,加之眼神又好,竟然在一道道的清光中看到了一些熟悉的身影。holdZongyecrowds aroundin a guardturns out in full strengthfrom an inn......
盛宗业在一众护卫簇拥中从一家客栈倾巢而出……XueYingjunis ridingthreemonsterdogs, soarsinin the air......
薛英俊骑着三头妖犬,独自一人飞腾在空中……ByProtectorSpiritual Godprotection, before large numbers ofmonstersoldiers , after the variety, is supporting, certainlyis the disciple of moonview......
被护法神灵守护其中,大批妖兵前簇后拥着的,一定是太阴观的门人……What the bodyhasfourominousbeaststo be in sole possession of the aurais the person of Yinheavenly palace, theyare familiar with come and go freely, maintainscertaindistanceto hurry alongwith the person of periphery......
The juniors in blackVi □ oyflywhile the monster......
黑木岛的子弟乘妖而飞……In the Ocean Wave Sealocalbiginfluence, onlyhasBainot to come the person, becausemagic arts of Baiafterpracticingmiddle rank, will change to the white bonesskeleton the memberwhole person, before the magic artsachievehigh rankis unable the metaplasiato have the fleshagain.碧波海本地的大势力中,唯有白家没有来人,因为白家的法术在修行到中阶之后,会将修士整个人化作白骨骷髅,在法术达到高阶之前都无法重新化生出血肉。Therefore the Baijuniorsgive birth to the descendantto arrangebefore the middle rank, knew that a boneclubis hardto have sexual intercoursewithdragonmonster, Baiwill not always have a joke backfireto participate ingaining a son-in-law of dragon palace.
因此白家子弟生育后代都会安排在中阶之前,自知一副骨头棒子难以和龙妖交合,白家从来都不会自讨没趣参加龙宫的招婿。In addition, what the quantityare morearesomeDu Kangdoes not know the member and monster, theirbodiesglitter the miraculous glow that the coloris varying, someflying, someescape, somegoverningbeasts, somecontrolspiritual energies, pursuerespectivelyforwarddepending on the skill.
除此之外,数量更多的还是一些杜康不认识的修士和妖怪,他们身上闪烁着色彩各异的灵光,有的飞天,有的遁地,有的御兽,有的驾驭灵气,各凭本事向前追去。Afterleavingdragon the range of city , without in the citynot to permit the customrestraint of private war, thesewalked randomlyin the clearlight in the world quicklylook for the goalmutually, attacked brutally.
在离开龙下城的范围之后,没有了城内不准私斗的规矩约束,这些游走在天地间的清光很快相互找准了目标,大打出手起来。Suddenly, variousvast momentumandcolorfulmonstertechniquebrillianceevencoveredunder the dragon the flame in city, rumblecrackis similar to for ninedaysresounds throughthunderouslycontinues.
The hilllandformattackedcomplementary waves outside cityaffect, have the bigpiecehighmountain topto be bevelledone, the ravineraisedsoil of ravinebankedonesection, the flamewreaked havocin the landfrostone after another, the clearlight of governingdragon beadconnectionextinguished.
The dragon palacegained a son-in-lawjuststarted, has revealeditsbrutalside!
The magnificent scene that aboutthousandmiddle rankexpertsmake a move, like a grandsmoke and fireperformance, makingDu Kangappreciate a splendidperformance.
近千个中阶高手一齐出手的大场面,如同一场盛大的烟火演出,让杜康欣赏了一出精彩的表演。Aftertheseroundfightsrandomly, the surpluspeoplestartto turn toward the thingdirectionto disperse, the shopdisperses the scattereddistance, looks for the huntingnewopponentin a more vastbattlefield.
在这一轮乱战之后,剩余的人开始向着东西方向分散开来,铺散出零散的距离,在更辽阔的战场上找寻狩猎新的对手。Looksfrom afar,Azure Dragonas ifdragsto entrainvariationdragonclass of brilliantwing, pullsthesecrowdsto go far awayto the north.
远远看去,青龙仿佛一条拖拽着绚烂羽翼的异种龙类,拉扯着这些人群向北方远去。When the large unitfollows the destinyAzure Dragonis increasingly estranged, incityquantity not manytroops, in turn the great distancefar awayfullwas the alert.
就在大部队跟随着气运青龙渐行渐远的时候,城中数量不多的人马,也依次相隔老远满是戒备地出发了。Du KangsawSiheroform, saw onlyhim not near-earthnot to decoratestronglyin a rear area of person, the mindcompletelyin the person of chase, even the gaze of Du Kanghad not detected.杜康在其中看到了姒雄的身影,只见他不远不近地缀在一个人的后方,心神全部集中在了追赶的人身上,连杜康的注视都没有发觉。Butfollowinghisline of sight, canseethisperson is also the Du Kangacquaintance, isDaliangsomeimperial princeJiXianlong.
而顺着他的视线,能看到此人也是杜康的熟人,正是大梁的某位皇子姬显龙是也。„Siheroalsofoundoneselftarget, wantinghimto be ableallsmooth.”
“姒雄也找到了自己的目标,希望他能一切顺利吧。”Visualtwo peoplego far awaygradually, Du Kangchoseperson not manydirections, the bodysuch as the shell of chest cavity is the same, holdsto pursueto the frontextreme speedinin addition of repulsion.
The leads who afterthisdragon palacegains a son-in-lawwalk, under the dragon the cityquicklyrestorednoise, the transactionstillcontinued.
在本次龙宫招婿的主角们走后,龙下城很快重新恢复了刚才的喧闹,交易仍旧自顾自地继续进行。After all can the dragonfemaletransformintoDragon King, whothisdragon palacegains a son-in-lawiscanbecomeTakaoluck, allrelateswiththem not in a big way.
毕竟龙女能不能蜕变为龙王,这一届龙宫招婿又是谁能够幸运地成为龙夫,皆与他们关系不大。But the tomorrow'slife, with the future that practice is actually the most importantthing.
……Ice-coldsea breezewhenwinding throughSiherobodyboth sides, will automateto make the air current that the turbulent flowspins, is promotinghisbodysilentvanguard.
冰冷的海风在流过姒雄身体两侧时,会自动化作涡流自旋的气流,推动着他的身体无声前行。Withoutputting forth the full power, jeeredwindlaw to control the windwell-knownmagic arts, can still makehisrelaxed and fronttookJi who the divine toolhurried alongto reveal the dragonto maintain not neardistance, has arrived at a broadunmannedsea area.
即便没有使出全力,嘲风法这门以控风闻名的法术,依然能让他轻松的和前方接神器赶路的姬显龙保持着不远不近的距离,一直到达一片广阔无人的海域。FrontJirevealed the dragonfirstto stop the figure, floatinsea level, turned the headto look that had doubtsto saytobehindman.
前方的姬显龙首先停下了身形,悬浮在海面上,转头看向身后的男人疑惑说道。„Youwiththisyoung master, Ihad not as if knownyoubefore, withoutoffendingyou , because Igrowlike a handsomegentleman, makingyouthink that Iam a fruit cake?”
“你已经跟了本公子一路了,我之前似乎并不认识你,也没有得罪过你,难道是因为我长得如同一个翩翩君子,让你以为我是个软柿子吗?”Alsodoes not know that in the half yearinJiXianlongexperiencedanything, histemperhad the obviouschange, althoughin the wordssomewhatwas still arrogant, but before no longer, was so wild.
也不知这半年里姬显龙经历了什么,他的性子有了明显的变化,话语里虽然仍旧有些傲慢,但不复之前那么猖狂了。„Whereon you have the wind of gentleman, Ihave not looked, butmyinstinctfeels,youarethisdragon palacegain a son-in-law one of the weakestpeople, the little darlinghands over the governingdragon bead, this can also keep a life.”
“你身上哪里有君子之风,我没看出来,但我本能地感觉到,你是本届龙宫招婿中最弱的人之一,乖乖把御龙珠交出来吧,这样还能留一条命在。”Siheronaturallydoes not havetofromexploding the statusstupidly, saiddirectlyoneselfwereprevious dynastyimperial familyodd/surplusevil, nowwantsto reveal the dragonto actthisnonsensetoJi, butwascamouflages an ordinarydragon palaceto gain a son-in-law the participant, hopingcanmake the opposite partyrelax, even ifa wee bitvigilant.
姒雄当然没傻到自爆身份,直接说自己是前朝皇室余孽,现在想要对姬显龙出手这种傻话,而是伪装成了一个普通的龙宫招婿参与者,以期能让对方放松哪怕一丁点警惕。„Thisyoung mastercomesOcean Wave Seaover six months, the opponent is really one by oneinteresting, beforehad a member who caused the hammerpoundedme, makesIexperienced the person of Ocean Wave Seadespicablesinister, todaymakesmebump intoyou, Iexperience the wildness of person of Ocean Wave Sea.”
“本公子来碧波海半年多,遇到的对手真是一个比一个有趣,之前有一个使锤的修士砸我,让我见识到了碧波海之人的卑鄙阴险,今天又让我碰到了你,我算是见识到了碧波海之人的猖狂。”Jirevealed the dragonair/Qidirectlysmiled, six months agoby the country bumpkin who Du Kangthishe thought that being away fromGold DragonKaistruck the dizzyis the shame of hislifetime, today is actually also saidlookedweakest, mayendurewhat else cannot be toleratedseriously.
姬显龙直接被气笑了,半年前被杜康这个他认为的乡巴老,隔着金龙铠击晕是他毕生的耻辱,今天竟然又被人说看起来最弱,当真是是可忍孰不可忍。JiXianlongputs out a handinfrontone, somefleshto the palmgatheringin the past, congealed a seeminglyrottenfleshlongwhip, waves the arms abouttoSiherodraw off.
姬显龙伸手在面前一摊,身上的部分血肉就向手心汇聚过去,凝结成一条貌似腐烂的血肉长鞭,甩手向姒雄抽去。JiturnedSifamily/hometo obtainthisDaliangworldin the pastcompetently, naturallypossiblydoes not depend upon the almighty troopsto flaunt the prestige, theirhanded down in the family « Jupiternon-cause of death, does not dieby the longevitywithis rottenandworld-famous.
姬家当年能干翻姒家得到这大梁天下,自然不可能只是依靠神兵逞威的,他们家传的《太岁不死法以长寿、不死和腐烂而闻名于世。Ifthislongwhipprojectsinothers, the strength of without the attributerefutingprotects the bodyor the treatment, the enemy will change intoonegroup of rottenmeatlittle whilepitifulanddies.
啪-Inclearwhipsound, Siherobodyis split upto fall into the seaat the scene, under the corrosion of rottenstrength, incompletebrokencorpsebeforefalling insea, changed torottenodorflesh lumpscompletely.
一声清脆的鞭子响声中,姒雄的身体当场四分五裂掉入海中,在腐烂力量的侵蚀下,残缺的碎尸在落海之前,就完全化作了一块块腐烂的恶臭肉块。ButonJiXianlongfacehas not revealed the happy expression, butturns headto looktooneselfbehindnot far away, there, perfectSiherois visitinghimwith smile on the face.
但姬显龙脸上并没有露出喜色,而是扭头看向自己身后不远处,在那里,完好无损的姒雄正在面带微笑的看着他。hornless dragonkisscrystal palacefordeadwater clan 】: Cansummonin the crystal palaceto raise certainly standardwater clan, with resist the fatalinjury, the water clannot, the lifecontinues.
螭吻・水晶宫・替死水族】:可以召唤水晶宫内豢养到一定标准的水族,用以抵挡致命的伤害,水族不尽,生命不止。Siherolistens the words that JiXianlongspokea moment agoin the ear, hearscausesto hammer the member who he said that immediatelythinks ofDu Kang, becauseDu KangonceHesiheromentionedto lose toJito reveal the hand of dragon.
姒雄将姬显龙刚才说的话听在耳中,听到他说的使锤修士,立刻就想到了杜康,因为杜康曾和姒雄说起过自己败于姬显龙之手。Thatmerrydissoluteman, whileSiherofeastedescapedlast night, thismadeSiheroveryworried.
那个风流浪荡的男人,昨晚趁姒雄赴宴的时候逃跑了,这让姒雄很是苦恼。„Relax, treasure, you, althoughran, butIknow that thisisbecause ofyoualsoinsufficientlybravereason, cannot achieveto disregard the unusualvision of the world, is unable to look straight ahead the innermost feelingsrealemotion.”
“放心吧,宝贝,你虽然跑了,但我知道这是因为你还不够勇敢的缘故,做不到无视世人的异样目光,更是无法直视自己内心真实的情感。”„Jirevealed the dragonto defeatyou, asyourman, Iwill strugglethisface, next timewill letIcaughtyouagain the time, Iwill makehimtoyoukowtowto apologize.”
The footstepsinvoidtreadlayer on layer/heavily, the turbulentgoldenflamespreads out all overimmediatelyfrom the under foot, gushes outto sweep acrosslike the tidetoall around.
The goldenheat waveplace visited, the hotgroup of richblacktoxic smokeandfistsizeinin the airfloat, fluttersandwalks randomly.
金色的热浪所过之处,浓郁的黑色的毒烟和拳头大小的火团在空中悬浮、飘荡、游走。When the fire circlestops, surrounding areaoneli (0.5 km)sea areabybrightflameandbillowingtoxic smokepackage.
当火圈停止之时,方圆一里的海域都被灿烂的火焰和滚滚毒烟包裹。Flamelionsbreedto livefrom the sea of fire, cannot look at the endlionto surroundas far as eyes can reachJiXianlong, in the world of thisflame, bodysingleYingzhiJireveals the dragonappearsis especially tinyandweak.
一只只火焰狮子从火海中孕育而生,一眼望去望不到尽头的狮子将姬显龙包围起来,在这个火焰的世界中,身单影只的姬显龙显得格外渺小和无力。Legendary wild animalsmoke and firedomain 】: The strength of releaselegendary wild animal, forms one openercontrols, to be planned the shapelegendary wild animaldomainby the flameandtoxic smoke that besideshaving the overwhelming superioritystrengthdefeats the domainforcefully, only thenkillsor the heavily damagedopenercanrelieve the domaineffect.
狻猊法・烟火领域】:释放狻猊的力量,形成一个被开启者掌控的火焰、毒烟、拟形狻猊领域,除拥有绝对优势力量强行击破领域外,只有杀死或重创开启者才能解除领域效果。InSiherohandlifts a light ball that mixedbecomesby the scarlet, clear, yellowandblackfourcolorraymixesto reveal the dragonto walktoJistep by step, hatredalmostunquenchablesaying of eyeground.
姒雄手中托举着由赤、清、黄、黑四色光芒糅杂成的一枚光球一步步向姬显龙走去,眼底的恨意几乎难以抑制的说道。„Ithought that youcannot go out ofthisfire circletoday......”
“我觉得你今天走不出这个火圈……”Jireveals the dragonto surgefrom the both legslike the mudcommonhalfrottenshapeflesh, piles up a disgustinghill, the meatmountainis wrigglingandblazing the hotsteamrollto extinguish the fronttoxic smoke, flushes awaytoSiheroextreme speed, whilecoldlysaid.
姬显龙从双腿中涌动出如同泥浆一般的半腐烂状血肉,堆积成一座恶心的小山,肉山蠕动着将前方的毒烟和炽火碾压熄灭,一边向姒雄极速冲去,一边冷冷地说道。„Unexpectedlywhatyoustudymelts the dragonninelaws, I have been very repugnantthisset of magic arts, since particularlyhalf year, youhave hurried dead......”
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