DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#282: In the dream dream beautiful, the dragon bead turns oneself in

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Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice in Chapter 151 dream dream beautiful, the dragon bead turn oneself to seek the subscription 妖诡世界:我能氪命修行第151章梦中梦美,龙珠自投求订阅 The mobile shadow like the two-dimensional lifeform, sticks to the bright and clean floor tile approaches Du Kang after screen silently. 流动的阴影如同二维的生物,紧贴在光洁的地砖上无声无息逼近屏风后的杜康 The gauze of light shadow penetration screen in the room only then the Du Kang steady profound breathing, the things that may cause fires beat, above is embroidering the spring evening pornographic picture projection on the rear pure white wall, forms a spring Duke chart of live color unrefined resin. 屋内只有杜康平稳幽深的呼吸声,火烛跳动的光影穿透屏风的纱布,将上面绣着的春宵秘戏图投影在后方洁白的墙壁上,形成一幅活色生香的春公图。 In the dim ambiguous light, seems has a man and a woman two people to be on the chair vertical azure happy, male figure strong, the female charmingly like the water, is in the life the happiest age. 昏暗暧昧的灯光中,好似有一男一女两人正在椅子上纵青欢乐,男子身形健硕,女子娇媚如水,正是人生中最美好的年纪。 On the chart also four maidservants in one side attentive taking care, the maidservant lie in the man behind jogging slow, another maidservant lifts the handkerchief to wipe away sweat nearby the woman, the other two maidservants stand nearby look to be charming, gathers discussed that the room of couple is the detail. 图上还有四名侍女在一旁殷勤的服侍,有一名侍女在于男子身后轻推慢拉,另一侍女在女人跟前举手帕擦汗,剩余的两个侍女站立一旁神色娇羞,凑到一起讨论男女主人的房是细节。 The whole piece chart embroiders lifelike, the person observes and emulates in the one side, just like experiencing personally, places oneself in this romantic picture general. 整张图绣得活灵活现,人在一旁观摩,宛如身临其境,置身于这幅香艳的画中一般。 This spring evening pornographic picture is an extremely famous painting, what embroiders is Daliang second emperor beam Daodi and favorite imperial concubine has sexual intercourse the picture that has because of this emperor the spring Duke chart delivers unique fondness that the official appreciates, spreads with its various related romantic picture albums broadly. 这春宵秘戏图是一幅极为有名的画作,其中绣的是大梁第二位皇帝梁悼帝与宠妃交欢的画面,因这位皇帝有将自己春公图送予臣子欣赏的独特喜好,与其有关的各种香艳画册流传极广。 The spring evening pornographic picture because of the beauty of imperial concubine, is Emperor beam Dao the most famous work, frequently others was traced by the riches and honor in home as flirting the use. Oneself have to become the trend of fine celebrated work. 春宵秘戏图因为妃子的美艳,是梁悼帝最有名的一幅作品,常常被富贵人家临摹在家中作为调情使用。己有成为传世名作的趋势。 Five shadows after seeing this picture, figure, later then transfers the direction then to go to the screen class/flow slightly, climbs up on the wooden screen frame, is wriggling in character who integrated the embroidery. 五道阴影在看到这幅画后,身形微微一顿,之后便调转方向转而向屏风流去,攀爬上木质的屏风框架,蠕动着融入到了刺绣的人物之中。 The shadow takes possession is the female who marks, these five females like given the soul, is coquettish on the screen, the reorganization makeup accommodates, silent teased mutually, then accompanied to depart the screen hand in hand, bringing fragrant wind to fall on Du Kang on bed to vanish does not see. 阴影附身的全都是画上的女子,这五个女子如同被赋予了灵魂,在屏风上搔首弄姿,整理妆容,又无声地相互调笑一番,便手拉手结伴飞出屏风,带着一袭香风落到了床榻上的杜康身上消失不见。 Closing eyes has pretended to be sleeping Du Kang, immediately feels has the foreign matter to enter sea ​​of ​​consciousness, meanwhile the deep sleepiness raid, wants to draw in the dreamland him. 一直闭目装睡的杜康,立刻感觉到有异物进入识海,同时还有一股深沉的睡意袭来,想要将他拖入梦境。 If I expect well, this can be a romantic assassination, makes me come to see quickly, is whose strategic point I!” “如果我所料不错,这会是一次香艳的刺杀,快来让我来看看,是谁要害我!” In the Du Kang heart coldly smiles, without resisting this sleepiness, enters in the heavy fond dream following its pulling. 杜康心中冷冷一笑,没有抵抗这睡意,顺着它的拉扯进入沉沉的美梦之中。 At present a black clear(ly), in an instant, Du Kang has placed oneself in one decorates in the magnificent palace, he wore a clear(ly) yellow emperor casual cloth, is taking pen in hand to review the memorial to the throne before the table tuart. 眼前一黑一明,转眼之间,杜康已经置身于一间装饰华丽的宫殿之中,他身穿一身明黄色帝王常服,正提笔在桌桉前批阅奏章。 An illusory memory floats the heart immediately, is some processing royal government, and domestic and foreign all parties struggles, remembers with harem imperial concubine imperial concubine happy fictionalizing of, glances at as if looks like that a matter, but recalls after carefully, full is loophole logically. 一层虚幻的记忆顿时浮上心头,全是些处理朝政、和国内外各方明争暗斗、与后宫嫔妃欢乐的虚构记忆,粗看似乎像那么回事,但细细回忆后满是逻辑上的漏洞。 These memories attempt to cover the Du Kang original memory, making him think that oneself is true Emperor Daliang, the Shintoism/Divine Dao cultivates for the low member facing this move, perhaps the compiled memory replaced. 这些记忆企图覆盖杜康原先的记忆,让他以为自己是个真正的大梁皇帝,神道修为低的修士面对这一招,恐怕早已经被编造的记忆取代了自我。 But cultivating of Yin God Law oneself step is, making Du Kang with the clothes that putting on named beam Daodi remembered same, but easily plays this role. 阴神法己阶的修为,使得杜康只是和穿上了一件名为梁悼帝记忆的衣服一样,可轻易地扮演好这个角色。 Your majesty, the time, the servants does not cook some tremella fuciformis gold gruel for you early, while when vitality most surges, is about to drink it.” “陛下,时候已经不早了,臣妾为你熬了一些银耳黄金粥,趁着其中元气正是最翻腾之时,快些将它喝下吧。” A gentle summon resounds in the palace, hearing that person only hears its sound, then makes in the Du Kang heart raise dry and hot, cannot bear look up forward. 一声柔媚的呼唤在殿中响起,未闻其人只闻其声,便让杜康心中一阵燥热升起,忍不住抬头向前看去。 Seeing only a pupil, glances the circulation, to smile colorfully to be tenderer than the flower including the spring water, the chest binds the peaceful elegant lotus to bind the chest, a shell emerald green immortal sleeve clothes, among the frown and smile completely the palace clothing beautiful woman of moving soul tender is all walking with a smile toward oneself. 只见一个眸含春水、眼波流转、笑面艳比花娇,胸裹澹雅荷花裹胸,外罩一身翠绿仙袖衣,一颦一笑间尽皆动人心魂的宫装美人正娇笑着向自己走来。 The beautiful woman appearance attire is all elegant, solemn elegant, has the taste of some monster flattering bone to inter the body, only one attracted the attention of Du Kang. 美人样貌衣着皆雍容华贵,端庄典雅,却又带有些入骨的妖媚之味,只一眼就抓住了杜康的眼球。 As for four palace maids who the woman follows behind, although in the appearance makings is also things in their appropriate season each has its strong points, elsewhere placing is also the great beautiful woman, but actually appears before the woman dark however changes colors. 至于女人身后跟着的四个宫女,虽然在样貌气质也是春兰秋菊各有所长,放在别处也是一等一的佳人,但在女人面前却显得暗然失色。 This is one of the spring evening pornographic picture leads, Consort manor, what rumor its practicing is nine monster fox laws, not only has nine lives, 这便是春宵秘戏图的主角之一,庄贵妃了,传言其修行的是九尾妖狐法,不仅身有九命, The strength of attracting a world male gender is unable to resist, the posthumous name of emperor is to the summary of its life story, be only in the year calls it mourning early young, Emperor beam Dao takes mourning as the posthumous name, naturally is dies the early emperor, his mature collapse Zu passed on a message has very big relations with this woman. 更有一种天下雄性都无法抵御的魅惑之力,皇帝的谥号是对其生平事迹的总结,只有年中早夭才称之为“悼”,梁悼帝既以悼为谥号,自然是个死得早的皇帝,他的壮年崩卒传言就和这个女人有很大的关系。 The ordinary fox is good at attracting the person Yang spirit, nine monster fox are the rumor can absorb dragon Qi to practice, beam Daodi has vigorous country national destiny dragon Qijia to hold, should not fear a person of absorption to be right, but the result of story was he is actually found that died a violent death above the bed, below lived to crack dead, but Consort manor did not know the trace since then...... 普通的狐妖就善于吸人阳气,九尾妖狐更是传言能吸收龙气修行,梁悼帝拥有浑厚的一国国运龙气加持,本应不惧一人的吸取才对,但故事的结局却是他被发现暴毙于床榻之上,下生崩裂而死,而庄贵妃自此之后不知所踪…… This person is really virulent, dresses up Chengzhuang noble concubine intentionally, this is must repeat collapse Yang who a secondary girder mourns the emperor dead to me.” “这人真是恶毒,故意装扮成庄贵妃,这是要给我重演一次梁悼帝的崩阳而死啊。” Du Kang complained in the heart secretly, but deferred to the name in memory, stretched out the arms to grasp on the dragon chair Consort manor who reversed to his arms. 杜康在心中暗自吐槽,但还是按照记忆中的称呼,在龙椅上张开双臂抱住了倒向他怀里的庄贵妃。 Liked the imperial concubine coming to see Us, but you thought that in palace gloomy and cold bored, wanting Us to cross dragon air/Qi to warm-up to you?” “爱妃又来看朕了,可是你又觉得宫中阴冷无聊,想要朕给你渡一口龙气暖暖身子?” Your majesty likes bullying others, anything crosses dragon Qinuan the body, is you to draw the nonsense that these feeling ashamed portrait arranges to the servants, I do not believe.” “陛下就爱欺负人家,什么渡龙气暖身子,都是你为了给臣妾画那些羞人画像编的鬼话,我早就不信了。” Consort manor leaves intentionally goes excessively, pays no attention to Du Kang, when vitality/angry the supercilious look that monster flatters makes the Du Kang heart jump, secretly thought/passage really he cancels the person. 庄贵妃故意别过头去,不理杜康,但生气时那一个妖媚的白眼还是让杜康不禁心头一跳,暗道一声真他么勾人。 Telling the truth, although this Consort manor is only others plays the role, does not know to be able several points of charm of return to original state real person, but even present appearance and makings, in a Du Kang woman still only then a few people may compare favorably. 有一说一,虽然这个庄贵妃只是别人扮的,不知能还原真人的几分神韵,但即便是现在的模样和气质,杜康的一众女人之中也只有少数几人可媲美。 The restraining mind , to continue with pauses and Consort manor to the lines, the Du Kang examination panel through the attribute that the contact investigates. 收敛心神,继续有一搭没一搭地和庄贵妃对着台词,杜康查看面板通过接触探查到的属性。 Name 】: Imaginary Yin Ji 姓名】:幻阴姬 Yin God Law 】: 阴神法】: Rank: Class E 等级:戊级 Skill: The Yin god has the hole five heavily / to spend shortly 技能:阴神出窍五重/花开顷刻 Makes the dream to unite the life heavily five 造梦戮命五重 Closely associated four heavy 如影随形四重 harvesting yang and nourishing yin tertiary 采阳补阴三重 The profound and abstruse principles make the ghost double 玄机造鬼二重 Trades the body such as the clothes single layer 换体如衣一重 Enters the step condition: The manufacture dreamland, kills higher boundary in the dreamland, has certain probability to strip rune/symbol Lu who in the opposite party Yin god inscribes to integrate itself in the big terrifying of life and death / fragrant quirk / rune/symbol Ludao / the say/way of this life Buddhist musical instrument...... 进阶条件:制造梦境,在梦境中杀死更高境界者,有一定几率在生死的大恐怖中剥离对方阴神内铭刻的符箓并融入自身/香火道/符箓道/本命法器之道…… Almighty troopses: In calming down bead low-grade 神兵:定神珠中下品 Originally is female, that this spring evening pornographic picture I can accompany her to develop actually well.” “原来是个女的啊,那这出春宵秘戏图我倒是可以陪她好好演一演了。” The panel is unable to distinguish others 's sex, Du Kang not through a feminization name on the sex of arbitrary opposite party, was harvesting yang and nourishing yin this female can have the skill that to expose the imaginary Yin Ji's details. 面板无法识别他人的性别,杜康也并非通过一个女性化的名字就武断对方的性别,是采阳补阴这个只有女性才会有的技能暴露了幻阴姬的底细。 Waits for Du Kang to recover, the plot in dreamland seems to have advanced was very long, sees only Du Kang stands in the main hall center, holds in one grapes that to take off one from the palace maid hand, aims to sitting down exhausted Consort manor on dragon chair throws. 杜康回过神来的时候,梦境中的剧情似乎已经推进了很久,只见杜康站在大殿的正中,从宫女手捧的一串葡萄中摘下一颗,瞄准向瘫坐在龙椅上的庄贵妃一抛。 This purple grape after has put together the streamline path, fell into Consort manor in the red lip of slightly, she is laughing heartily the Bank of China tooth to nip, this juice full grape then splatters the purple-red delightful fruit juice, including two petal slightly reveal full splashes much. 这颗紫色的葡萄在空中划过一道流线型的轨迹后,直直地落入了庄贵妃微张的红唇中,她在欢笑中银牙一咬,这颗汁液饱满的葡萄便喷溅出紫红色的甜美果汁,连两瓣微露的饱满都溅上不少。 Your majesty really throws, comes one again, comes one again.” “陛下扔得真准,再来一个,再来一个。” The palace maid who the side takes care of contrasts the atmosphere at the right moment, beam Daodi who as if Du Kang acts is a marksman who killed the monster king, full is the color of dancing with joy. 身边服侍的宫女适时地烘托气氛,仿佛杜康扮演的梁悼帝是一个射杀了妖王的神射手,满是欢欣鼓舞之色。 Good, We then come, making the noble concubine have a look at Our supernaturally brave again.” “好,那朕便再来,让贵妃看看朕的神勇。” Puts out a hand to wipe on the grape bunch, in the five fingers clamped four grapes, Du Kang stood in the palace Xiangzhuang noble concubine waves the arms about to project, the first even/including four grapes became one row on the platoon, shot in her moist small mouth. 伸手在葡萄串上一抹,五指间就夹好了四个葡萄,杜康站在宫殿中向庄贵妃甩手抛射,一连四颗葡萄就排成一排,射进了她湿润的小嘴中。 „-- Your majesty your quality......” “啊-嗯-陛下你好坏啊……” Consort manor who imaginary Yin Ji acts also immerses in the role extremely, body makes her shake the skirt swayed icy coldly subconsciously, smart stood from the dragon chair, wants to get rid throws the status of pot household utensils. 幻阴姬扮演的庄贵妃也极为沉浸于角色之中,身体的冰凉让她下意识一抖裙摆,一个机灵从龙椅上站了起来,想要摆脱投壶器皿的身份。 Which loving the imperial concubine wants to go? We have not played enough.” “爱妃想去哪啊?朕还没玩够呢。” Moves sideways to arrive in front of the dragon chair, Du Kang imaginary Yin Ji will overthrow on the chair, on the face full is ambiguous smiling. 一个闪身来到龙椅面前,杜康将幻阴姬一把推倒在椅子上,脸上满是暧昧的笑。 Four maidservants also arrived at side two people silently, looks at six people of standing positions, is not far with the position of various spring evening pornographic picture people, now only misses the further development of situation. 四个侍女也无声无息地来到了两人身边,看六人站立的位置,与春宵秘戏图各人的站位已经相去不远,如今只差事态的进一步发展了。 Your majesty, you may probably take pity on the servants......” “陛下,你可要怜惜臣妾……” Imaginary Yin Ji rolls up shyly on the dragon chair, puts out grape, person of feeds them to the palace maid who the side takes care, five Zhang Meili's face crowd together, in contrasts of four palace maids, appears the face person of Consort manor to be tenderer than the flower. 幻阴姬羞怯地蜷缩在龙椅上,将葡萄一颗颗吐出,一人一个将它们喂给身边服侍的宫女,五张美丽的脸庞凑在一起,在四个宫女的衬托,更显得庄贵妃的脸庞人比花娇。 From may all......” “自无不可……” ...... …… The palace maid held both hands in Du Kang behind, a palace maid partly squatted by the dragon chair cleans head fragrant perspiration for imaginary Yin Ji, another two palace maids looked at each other in the one side titter. 有一个宫女将双手托在了杜康身后,一个宫女半蹲在龙椅旁为幻阴姬擦拭头上的香汗,另外两个宫女则在一旁对视偷笑。 Du Kang and imaginary Yin Ji as if incarnation for true beam Daodi and Consort manor, sits on the dragon chair together the happy talks and laughters is unceasing. 杜康和幻阴姬仿佛化身为了真正的梁悼帝和庄贵妃,一起坐在龙椅上欢声笑语不断。 Until imaginary Yin Ji seizes the best time, starts picks the oxygen to make up Yin that moment, Du Kang stable such as oxygen for a very long time immovability, let her courageous earth-shaking transformation the color. 直至幻阴姬把握最佳时机,发动采氧补阴的那一刻,杜康一身稳固如一的氧气久久不动如山,才让她勐地变了颜色。 „Are you also sobering? Daring to occupy the old lady to be cheap white/in vain!” “你还清醒着?竟敢白占老娘便宜!” Drank tenderly, broke the movement of surrounding palace maid, four pretty appearances changed to the demons ugly face, referred to puncturing the nail of cold light twinkle, changed to the ghost the body to attack to Du Kang. 一声娇喝,打断了周围宫女的动作,四张娇俏的容颜一齐化作了罗刹鬼脸,指间刺出了寒光闪烁的指甲,化作鬼相之身向杜康攻来。 Especially pushed skin Gu the ghost thing in Du Kang to him behind, the both Yin gods have docked, the pair of sharp claws of opposite party must not allow to send in the middle shortly prick his Yin god, together mighty bell greatly Baohe directly in the Du Kang mouth crack. 尤其是本来在杜康身后给他推皮鼓的鬼物,双方阴神一直相接,对方的一双利爪眼看就要在间不容发之间刺入他的阴神,一道洪钟大吕暴喝直接在杜康口中炸响。 I said, I execute evilly do not invade.” “我说,我诛邪不侵。” The enormous and powerful golden light bursts out from the Yin god, four essential for the ghost thing that the imaginary Yin Ji magic arts make, in in the golden light ghost body collapse most, called out pitifully is fleeing to the distant place does not dare to be close to Du Kang. 浩荡的金光从阴神上迸发,四只本质为幻阴姬法术所制造的鬼物,在金光中鬼体崩溃大半,惨叫着逃离到远处再也不敢接近杜康 The world of this dreamland constitution, starts to fluctuate same like the water surface that the ripples shake. 就连这梦境构成的世界,都开始如同涟漪震荡的水面一样波动起来。 By this simultaneously, in the reality, had wrapped a Du Kang shadow silently, comes in in the golden light of undulating shatter. 以此同时,外界的现实之中,本已经无声无息包裹住杜康的一层阴影,也在澹澹的金光中破碎开来。 Keeps the subsequent hand to be broken the sensation to oneself, in addition own was felt the dreamland that controls gradually to lose control in in the golden light, all these make the imaginary Yin Ji complexion crazily change, she called out in the look change loudly. 感知到自己留在外界的后手被破,再加上原本被自己感控的梦境正在金光中逐渐失控,这一切都让幻阴姬脸色狂变,她在神色变化中高声叫道。 All these misunderstand, I possibly found fault the person!” “这一切都是误会,我可能找错人了!” The imaginary Yin Ji's Shintoism/Divine Dao cultivates for be lower than Du Kang, in a thorough exchange, he has intercepted the aspiration of this woman through hears sound, roughly did to understand this assassination beginning to end. 幻阴姬的神道修为要比杜康低,在刚才的一番深入交流中,他已经通过闻声相窃听到了这个女人的心声,大致搞明白了这次刺杀事件的始末。 Ocean waves Princess dragon clan azure Luo admires Si hero for a long time, has wanted with his achievement good deed, although Si hero meaning to azure Luo not love, but has not interrupted communication, both sides are still very good friends. 碧波龙族的青罗公主爱慕姒雄已久,一直想和他成就好事,虽然姒雄对青罗并无情爱之意,但也没有中断相互之间的来往,双方依然是很好的朋友。 Banquet that Si hero attended tonight, is azure Luo, for his arrival opens specially. 就连今晚姒雄参加的宴会,都是青罗为了他的到来专门开设的。 Ocean waves dragon Zulong is female, so long as is the dragon female who reaches the big monster peak, has to become a dragon palace to gain a son-in-law the opportunity of lead every twenty years. 碧波龙族龙女众多,只要是达到大妖巅峰的龙女,都有成为每二十几年一次龙宫招婿主角的机会。 This azure Princess Luo is one of the position powerful competitors, although this dragon palace gains a son-in-law cannot struggle an own elder sister, but this does not affect her the position in ocean waves dragon clan, besides six Dragon King, in dragon palace, only then few several dragons can be on par with her. 这位青罗公主就是这个位置的有力竞争者之一,虽然本届的龙宫招婿没能争过自己的一位姐姐,但这丝毫不影响她在碧波龙族中的地位,除了六位龙王之外,龙宫中只有寥寥数条龙能和她比肩。 At the tonight's banquet on the way, azure Luo listens to some people to raise accidentally, a Si Xiongjiang look handsome man brought back to him the other institute in city under the dragon. 在今晚宴会的途中,青罗偶然听有人提起,姒雄将一个相貌英俊的男人带回了他在龙下城的别院。 Also some people saw outside the city, two people ride a fine horse, the manner is intimate exceptionally, in addition this time Si hero begs two governing dragon beads to azure Luo Kaikou, making in azure Luo heart raise the thick sense of crisis. 又有人在城外看到,两人同乘一匹龙马,举止亲密异常,加之这次姒雄向青罗开口讨要两枚御龙珠,使得青罗心中升起了浓浓的危机感。 Although Du Kang is a man, but sex where of member is can rely on the appearance identification, the Du Kang present appearance, possibly is only the false appearance that Si hero covers their ears and eyes outward. 虽然杜康是个男人,但修士的性别哪里是能凭借外貌辨识的,杜康现在的样子,可能只是姒雄对外掩人耳目的假象。 As for is Du Kang begs the governing dragon bead to participate in the dragon palace to gain a son-in-law, cannot guarantee his sex, because the dragon palace gains a son-in-law does not forbid the woman to participate, they are unable to interview through Dragon King of third pass/test. 至于为杜康讨要御龙珠参加龙宫招婿,也不能保证他的性别,因为龙宫招婿是不禁止女人参加的,她们只是无法通过第三关的龙王面试而已。 Some many female member participate in this grand feast, pure, for the dragon bath of Dragon Pond transforms. 有不少女性修士参与这场盛宴,都只是单纯为了化龙池的龙浴蜕变。 Azure Princess Luo who in the heart bursts with envy, pestered Si hero in the banquet at the same time, keeping it temporarily from returning, another side has sent the retainer of imaginary Yin Ji this subordinate, came to take the Du Kang dog's life. 心中妒火中烧的青罗公主,一边在宴会中纠缠住了姒雄,让其暂时无法回归,另一边已经派遣出了幻阴姬这个手下的门客,上门来取杜康的狗命。 This story is not complex, but is a love the insane woman, but does not get, wants the lover who massacres itself to be in love with the object. 这个故事一点都不复杂,不过是一个爱而不得的疯女人,想要杀掉自己爱恋对象的爱人而已。 Truly what Du Kang cares, he in the different thing that in imaginary Yin Ji heart hears. 杜康真正在意的是,他在幻阴姬心中听到的另一样东西。 Raises this untidy woman in hand Zhongzhuang noble concubine that perfect face vanishes into thin air in in the golden light immediately, after the mask, reveals, is one also calculates attractively face that but is far from Consort manor. 一把将这个衣衫不整的女人提在手中庄贵妃那张完美的面孔立刻在金光中化为乌有,面具后显露出来的,是一张还算漂亮但与庄贵妃相差甚远的脸。 Perhaps before is Du Kang, knew perfectly well that this is a trap, but also the bold behavior that wants to step into bravely courageous, misleading imaginary Yin Ji into thinking that he is a lascivious person. 也许是杜康之前明知这是个陷阱,但还要勇勐踏入的豪放行为,让幻阴姬误以为他是个好色之人。 Was raised imaginary Yin Ji in hand by Du Kang, then looks cautiously to this man, shows the charm of body diligently, the seduction was saying. 杜康提在手中的幻阴姬,便小心翼翼地看向这个男人,努力展现着自己身躯的魅力,诱惑说道。 Asked the Sir to put me, looked, in I brought in a fond dream share for you......, so long as you did not kill me, wanted me to make anything.” “求求大人放了我吧,看在我为你带来了一场美梦的份上……只要你不杀我,要我做什么都可以的。” I looked that the Sir is also a person who likes the novel story, the girl has the ability of control dreamland, can help you experience in the ordinary day in the dreamland the impracticable fantasy.” “我看大人也是一个喜欢新奇故事的人,小女子拥有操控梦境的能力,可以帮您在梦境中体验到平日里难以实现的幻想。” „Do you want to experience the beautiful woman who one historically brings disaster on the nation and people to surrender? Major religious sect's pure saintesses under you did praise persuasive Chen ring? Keeps aloof to enjoy the common people incense and candle the female Spiritual God to raise its skirt to suspend to you......” “您想体验一把在历史上祸国殃民的美人投怀送抱吗?还有各大教派冰清玉洁的圣女在您夸下婉转陈环?或者高高在上享受万民香火的女性神灵向您掀其裙摆……” Imaginary Yin Ji said anything, Du Kang simply does not have to be earnest is listening, in his hand the five fingers wind five lines of chains to become a weak resembles of solidification her seal, later acts four ghost thing same seals in turn, brought the spoils of war to be separated from this broken dreamland. 幻阴姬说了什么,杜康根本没有认真在听,他手中五指蜿蜒出五行锁链将她封印成一座凝固的凋像,之后又依次施为将四只鬼物同样封印,就带着战利品脱离了这个残破的梦境。 Du Kang that on the bed both eyes shut tightly opened the eye, he sets out to observe the situation in the room, discovered that candle of combustion short a section, has not had any change except this outhouse , the spring evening secret play screen projection of bedside as before. 床榻上双目紧闭的杜康睁开了眼睛,他起身环视屋内,发现燃烧的蜡烛短了一截,除此外屋里没有发生任何变化,床边的春宵秘戏屏风投影依旧。 He puts out a hand to wipe on the forehead, person of four ghost five villains fell into his hand, then two fingers submerge in the imaginary Yin Ji's shadow to pinch to refer to a clip, in has the a dragon shadow transparent round bead to appear in his hands. 他伸手在额头上一抹,一人四鬼五个小人就落入了他的手里,接着两根手指没入幻阴姬的影子中捏指一夹,一枚内有一条龙影的透明圆珠就出现在他手中。 Govern dragon bead succeeded in obtaining like this, it seems like I do not need to wait for Si hero to come back-” “御龙珠就这样到手了,看来我不需要等姒雄回来了-”
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