DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#295: In February 2, the dragon raised the head

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dragon recited intermittently, the wave was torrential. 龙吟阵阵,水波滔滔。 The sea level makes trouble, stirs the broken all over the sky galaxy. 海面无风起浪,搅碎满天星河。 Du Kang and Xue'er smile, to soar, in the destiny Azure Dragon lasing toward sky goes. 杜康与雪儿相视一笑,同时腾空而起,向着天空中的气运青龙激射而去。 Two azure rays drop from the clouds to sprinkle on two people bodies, their attire clothing will complete the transformation shortly, turned into the scarlet happy countenance clothing/taking of wide sleeve long gown. 两道青色的光芒从天而降洒在两人的身上,他们的衣着服饰顷刻就完成了变换,变成了宽袖长袍的大红色喜服。 A man and a woman close up in the light of receiving and instructing gradually, in closely mounts in the same place cross-eyed vision 一男一女在接引之光中渐渐靠拢,于紧紧黏在一起的对视目光中最 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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