DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#277: The affections are turbulent, blade edge bone-chilling cold

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Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Du youth, you for the practicing magic arts, the full world massacre person, actually is also thinking must kill me, were you insane?” “杜郎,你为了修行法术,满世界乱杀人也就罢了,如今竟然还想着要杀我,你是疯了吗?” Accident suddenly, making vermilion Meiniang sound instinct soaring, in those days in that pair of charming sexy look may not the color of believing, during the speeches, have the dim wave to ripple completely in the pupil. 骤然的变故,使得朱媚娘的声音本能地高昂了起来,往日那双妩媚的桃花眼中满是不可置信之色,说话间,就有朦胧的水波在眸子中荡漾起来。 Black hair optional hanging loose after behind, a red color beam palace clothing long skirt, that full grasps outlines the attractive curve the waist and above that abundance, a style simple clothes end of mourning period was worn the effect of splendid attire by vermilion Meiniang. 一头青丝随意的披散在身后,一件大红色束腰宫装长裙,将那盈盈一握的腰肢和上方的丰盈勾勒出诱人的弧度,一件样式简单的衣服竟被朱媚娘穿出了盛装的效果。 Disappointed and suffering color, in has not used the cosmetics in the fine jade surface to reappear, the exquisite nose light wrinkle of turning sour, the attractive red lip shivers slightly, has the weeping voice to ferment in the mouth faintly. 失望和委屈之色,在未施粉黛的精致玉面上浮现,发酸的小巧鼻子轻皱,诱人的红唇微微颤动,隐隐有哭腔在口中酝酿。 The Du Kang past pledge of eternal love still reverberated in vermilion Meiniang ear vaguely, but the lover must kill own cruel-hearted words is also so clear, both sound disorderly combination in the same place, changed to the grating static finally, in punctured vermilion Meiniang heart severe pain. 杜康昔日的山盟海誓依稀还在朱媚娘耳边回响,但爱人要杀自己的狠心话语也是如此真切,两者声音杂乱的混杂在一起,最终化作刺耳的杂音,刺的朱媚娘心中剧痛不已。 vermilion Meiniang wants to interrogate why this man must so treat her, but the reason prevented this. 朱媚娘想要质问这个男人为什么要如此对待她,但理智阻止了她这样做。 This suffering woman endured patiently forcefully sorrowfully, like one by the ordinary woman of boyfriend stabbing pain sincerity, was led to let the color of dying by heartbreak the person could not bear love dearly, miserable at present the man of this unfeeling says. 这个委屈的女人强行忍耐下了悲痛,如同一个被情郎刺痛真心的普通女人,带着让人忍不住心疼的伤心欲绝之色,楚楚可怜的眼前这个绝情的男人说道。 You were deceiving me a moment ago, right? Told me, all these were false.” “你刚才是在骗我,对吗?告诉我,这一切都是假的。” Two lines of clear tears fall from the cheeks, in eye that the beautiful woman sheds tears falls into Du Kang, his chest instantaneously like by almighty troops puncture same pain. 两行清泪从脸颊滑落,美人垂泪的一幕落入杜康的眼中,他的心口瞬间如同被神兵穿刺一样痛苦。 When the present woman sees initially is so beautiful, the happy hour that two people spend together in the half year, same keeps showing in the Du Kang mind like the colorful small dish piece back and forth, but in those days was happy, now is the pain. 眼前的女人还是初见时那样美丽,两人这半年中共度的快乐时光,如同色彩鲜艳的碟片一样不停地在杜康脑海中来回放映,但往日越是甜蜜,现在越是痛苦。 Its corresponding, the red light of two people top of the head vibrates fiercely, from the original unusual miraculous glow, turned into the mortal naked eye obvious jubilation red light directly. 与之相对应的,两人头顶的红光更加剧烈地抖动起来,直接从原本的超凡灵光,变成了凡人肉眼可见的喜庆红光。 Under recommendation, trades source app to pursue the book really easily-to-use, here downloads .huanyuanapp everyone to go to try quickly.】 【推荐下,换源app追书真的好用,这里下载.huanyuanapp大家去快可以试试吧。】 Two red bean the respective congealment from the nihility of two people top of the head, from appear on respectively bidirectional fly to the opposite party, sticks to twines in the same place continuous, circles without consulting anybody erratically. 两枚红豆分别从两人头顶的虚无中各自凝结而出,自一出现就双向飞向对方,紧贴在一起缠绕不休,径自盘旋不定。 The source of red light turned into two red bean directly incarnadine, the red light that revolving non-stop the Du Kang clothing, incarnadine surrounding sea water, turned into the nuptial chamber of jubilation this battlefield directly. 红光的源头更是直接变成了两颗红豆,旋转不停的这红光染红了杜康的衣衫,染红了周围的海水,直接将这次战场变成了喜庆的洞房。 Like put on the red bridal clothes to this to the rookie of red mythical bird destiny, destiny the strength of invisible marriage affinity arrives at this place, twisted the Du Kang will directly, pulls today to deviate the happy marriage of path. 如同给这对红鸾命定的新人披上了红色的嫁衣,命定的无形姻缘之力降临此地,直接扭曲了杜康的意志,重新扳正了今日偏离轨迹的美满姻缘。 Under the function of magic arts, the whole face pain in the color Du Kang look flashes through the instantaneous confusedness, after waiting to restore to be sober, saw elegant face that at present this covers entirely the tear stains, the past all sorts flashed through in the heart, he felt instantaneously own behavior extremely bastard. 在法术的作用之下,满脸痛苦之色的杜康眼神中闪过瞬间的迷茫,等恢复清醒之后,见到眼前这张布满泪痕的俏脸,往日的种种在心中闪过,他瞬间觉得自己刚才的行为太过混蛋了。 Has such beautiful woman accompanying during one's lifetime, but also there is anything is not dissatisfied. 人生在世有这样的佳人相伴,还有什么不满足的。 Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) bustling place one glass of liquor, great long-term cause pot tea, the desire gully of person is unable to fill up forever, the pursue of desire is endless, more powerful is a strength really more meaningful than the love? 万丈红尘一杯酒,千秋大业一壶茶,人的欲壑永远无法填满,欲望的追求是没有尽头的,更强大的力量真的比爱情更有意义吗? This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 clear(ly) of undulating became aware from the heart raises, immediately, Du Kang could not help and comply with the conscience the opens the mouth to answer vermilion Meiniang issue. 澹澹的明悟从心头升起,当下,杜康情不自禁、顺应本心的开口回答了朱媚娘的问题。 I made a mistake, I should not annoy you to be sad. “我错了,我不该惹你伤心的。 I was also just want to understand, this world origin reason fell, besides the heart all was its thing, nothing compares two lonely heart together more important things. 我也是刚刚才想明白,这世间缘起缘落,除心之外皆是它物,没有什么是比两颗孤独的心一起更重要的事情。 So long as can accompany together life-long with you, I am willing to give up other all, lets what magic arts and ceremony damn. 只要能和你厮守终生,我愿意放弃其它的一切,让什么法术和仪式都见鬼去吧。 These words as if ponder blurted out generally, facing the boyfriend so towering transformation, vermilion Meiniang cannot believe for a while, she pursues cautiously asks. ”这段话仿佛不禁思考一般脱口而出,面对情郎如此突兀的转变,朱媚娘一时不敢相信,她小心翼翼地追问道。 What you said is real? Coaxes my?” “你说的是真的?还是只是哄我的?” Du Kang goes forward several steps, hugs a beautiful woman of scarlet palace clothing in the bosom, deeply attracted her intoxicant body to say fragrant. 杜康上前几步,将一身大红宫装的美人一把抱在怀里,深吸了一口她醉人的体香说道。 When I have deceived you, the words of your man, compared with the really gold/metal silver must. I and you said, I fell into a sudden enlightenment a moment ago probably inexplicably, that feeling......” “我什么时候骗过你,你男人的话,比真金白银还要真。我和你说,我刚才好像莫名地陷入了一种顿悟中,那种感觉……” Du Kang and vermilion Meiniang like a pair of ordinary crazy male unhappy woman, supports was mentioning the talk between lovers in the sea, vermilion Meiniang mood returns to normal gradually in the comfort of man. 杜康和朱媚娘如同一对平常的痴男怨女,相拥着在海上说起了情话,朱媚娘的情绪在男人的安慰中渐渐平复下来。 Two people top of the head represented the respective marriage affinity lovesickness red bean, finally at this moment dark peaceful, returns to the top of the head of master respectively, goes into hiding vanishes in picking of destiny does not see. 两人头顶代表了各自姻缘的相思红豆,也终于在此刻暗澹了下来,各自回归主人的头顶,隐匿于气运之相中消失不见。 At this moment. 此时此刻。 In a sea area that proliferates the reef, the side full was long has the aquamarine scale to associate with people the encirclement the Du Kang main body, the corners of the mouth outlines to wipe to sneer. 在一处遍布礁石的海域中,身边满是长有碧绿色鳞片交人环绕的杜康本体,嘴角勾勒出了一抹冷笑。 He can the clear sensation, affections to vermilion Meiniang this woman, follow relation among each bodies, in the main body and clone to spread slowly. 他能清晰感知到,一股对朱媚娘这个女人的爱意,正顺着各个身体间的联系,在本体和分身间缓缓地蔓延开来。 Strength that the red mythical bird star moves, before related infiltrated entire Du Kang in the mind through the ya zi Daoist, but can see to vermilion Meiniang killing intent from Du Kang, before this influence, was not intense. 红鸾星动的力量,以前就通过睚眦道人联系渗透到了整个‘杜康’的心灵之中,但从‘杜康’对朱媚娘的杀意就能看出,这种影响之前并不强烈。 But this affections infiltration actually so turbulent, is only the time of moment, made Du Kang in heart have did not endure to kill vermilion Meiniang heart, if continued to leave alone, Du Kang quick will also turn into ya zi Daoist that appearance that wallowed in the love, played in the stock palm. 可这次的爱意渗透却是如此的汹涌,只是片刻的时间,就让‘杜康’心中有了不忍杀朱媚娘之心,如果继续放任不管的话,‘杜康’很快也会变成睚眦道人那副沉迷于情爱的样子,被人玩弄于股掌之中。 Twists my will by the magic arts forcefully, your heart moon/month fox first, these round sparred not to end, and looked at my method.” “以法术强行扭曲我的意志,你心月狐还是第一个,这一回合斗法还没有结束,且看我的手段。” Du Kang behind full black hair is calm, has the faint trace electric current to flee above, his both hands lift in the chest front tie Fudoumyouou to print, on the handsome face starts to reveal that named some dignified facial expression, the opens the mouth however loudly shouted courageous. 杜康身后的满头黑发无风自动,有丝丝电流在其上窜动,他双手抬在胸前结不动明王印,英俊的脸庞上开始显露出某种叫做威严的神情,张口勐然大喝道。 Motionless does not swing, does not doubt the without doubt, in ties the gold/metal elastic center, outside practices the diamond body, the wind blows the sail to move, my heart is motionless.” “不动不摇,不疑不惑,内结金刚心,外练金刚身,风吹帆动,我心不动。” Sound such as thunder sound crack, resembles the lion monster to angrily roar, Hong thick sound wave is Du Kang is the center spreads to all around, causes surrounding associating with people like to be hit and also as if not have by the lightning the courageous beast gaze that may resist is common, the body is unable to move stiffly, drops into the water in abundance. 声如雷音炸响,又似狮妖怒吼,洪厚的音波为杜康为中心向四周扩散开来,引得周围的交人如同被闪电击中、又仿佛被无可抵御的勐兽注视一般,身体僵硬无法动弹,纷纷跌落入水中。 The lion sends technique sound lion roar: Roaring of simulation thunder sound lion, but inside and outside the control body and mind the demon, is practices moral culture defend the unsurpassed method. 狮发术・雷音狮吼:模拟雷音狮子之怒吼,可制御身心内外魔头,乃修身御敌之无上法门。 The sound that here causes although is big, is actually only the tip complementary waves that the Du Kang magic arts strength divulges, this move of true strength mostly has transmitted in the ya zi Daoist body and mind through spirit warm/gentle. 此处引起的动静虽大,却只是杜康法术力量泄露出的点滴余波,这一招真正的力量已经大多通过灵煦传递到了睚眦道人身心内。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 ...... …… Fluttered completely the sea level of sunken wreck fragment and in pirate body, the ya zi Daoist and vermilion Meiniang supported to stand, calmly is realizing the tranquility of this moment. 飘满了沉船碎片和海盗尸体的海面上,睚眦道人和朱媚娘相拥而立,静静地体会着这片刻的宁静。 Closed eyes to immerse Du Kang in affectionately tender feeling, suddenly opened own eye, has the faint trace electricity glow to jump to splash in his eyes, meanwhile has greatly drinks to resound in the ear. 原本闭目沉浸在脉脉温情中的杜康,突然睁开了自己的眼睛,有丝丝电芒在他眼中跳溅而出,同时还有宏大的喝声在耳边响起。 Motionless does not swing, does not doubt the without doubt...... the wind to blow the sail to move, my heart is motionless.” “不动不摇,不疑不惑……风吹帆动,我心不动。” This sound is deafening, has the strange strength of alerting the will of the people, and is accompanying thunder sound, the silk threads electric light flees in the Yin god. 这声音震耳欲聋,却又带着一种警醒人心的奇异力量,并且伴着雷音,还有丝丝缕缕的电光在阴神中窜动。 The numb electric light, same has washed the slight corner in Yin god like the running water, in the ordinary day will hide the thought in gloom washes out, taking along, making Du Kang restore some weak sobriety. 酥酥麻麻的电光,如同流水一样洗涤过阴神中的细微角落,将平日里隐藏在阴暗中的念头冲刷一空,捎带着,让杜康恢复了些许微弱的清醒。 Some of his doubts look suddenly to the bosom woman, does not seem to wanted to understand why oneself will give up killing the thought of opposite party suddenly, but second thunder sound has followed on somebody's heels. 他突然有些疑惑地看向怀里的女人,似乎还没想明白自己为什么会突然放弃杀对方的念头,但第二声雷音已经接踵而至。 Motionless does not swing, does not doubt the without doubt...... the wind to blow the sail to move, my heart is motionless.” “不动不摇,不疑不惑……风吹帆动,我心不动。” More crowded thunder light blasts open on the Yin god, these electric currents interweave the electrical network to fill the air in sea ​​of ​​consciousness, after touching the sea ​​of ​​consciousness boundary, like tide same snapping back to Yin god on. 更加密集的雷光在阴神上炸裂,这些电流交织成电网在识海中弥漫开来,在碰触到识海的边界后,又如同浪潮一样回弹到阴神上。 Roar- 吼- In one like the angry lion roar of stuffy thunder, in jumps comprised of the darling childhood lion the electric light. 在一声如同闷雷的愤怒狮吼中,雷海中跳跃出一只由电光组成憨态可掬的幼年狮子。 This lion lion's head lion brain, four hooves gallop, searches for after sea ​​of ​​consciousness one had not discovered, direct upwardly jumps to leap, jumps out from the Du Kang forehead, changes to a palm of the hand big thunder light young lion in his top of the head. 这狮子狮头狮脑,四蹄奔腾,在识海中搜寻一圈没有发现后,就直接向上纵身一跃,从杜康眉心中跳出,在他头顶化作一只巴掌大的雷光幼狮。 As if the mold lake the real and illusory boundary, the thunder light lion fell into Du Kang picking of destiny directly, seeks in many destiny of gathering of beautifully dressed people. 仿佛模湖了真实与虚幻的界限,雷光狮子直接落入了杜康的气运之相中,在花团锦簇的诸多气运中寻找起来。 Gets buried into the flower of head also big good luck in making money the head, the air/Qi of inside mercenary spirit smoked the lion sneeze day after day, makes several thunder Guangcai to alleviate the illness of nose continually ; 将脑袋埋进比自己脑袋还大的财运之花,里面的铜臭之气熏得狮子喷嚏连天,连打出几个雷光才缓解了鼻子的不适; Also is immersed in the flower of military transporting, was actually punctured the whole body thunder light to snap by the blade glow sword air/Qi, good one to struggle gets rid of the pursuit of these destiny illusions ; 又埋首于武运之花中,却被其中的刀芒剑气刺得全身雷光乱射,好一番挣扎才摆脱这些气运幻相的追击; Before duplicate/restores the gathering person lord the flower of transporting, this small lion study was clever, but in the flowers surrounding looked at several inside managing the country and managing political affairs, to manipulate strategically and shamelessly seek gain, the conspiracy open intrigue to change to other flowers the energy ; 复又凑到人主运之花前,这次小狮子学乖了,只是在花朵外围瞄了几眼里面的治国理政、勾心斗角、蝇营狗苟、阴谋阳谋就将精力转到了别的花朵上; What this time he looks is the good luck, the intoxicant fragrant wind fills the air on the flowers, has the happy talks and laughters of men and women to spread faintly. 这次他找的是桃花运,醉人的香风在花朵上弥漫,隐隐有男女的欢声笑语从中传出。 The small lion approaches looked, originally is Du Kang and vermilion Meiniang supports each other in a transforming world day and night, lights a fire to prepare food, bear children and plays a stringed musical instrument to play chess, enjoy the beauties of nature and be content with one's lot very quickly......! 小狮子凑近一看,原来是杜康和朱媚娘在一处幻化的世界里日夜相守,烧火做饭、生儿育女、弹琴下棋、游山玩水、自得其乐……好不快哉! The lion corners of the mouth revealed happily smiles, will dig in the flowers directly, with Du Kang vermilion Meiniang that drinks wine to make music holds in the mouth, only keeps Du Kang that in the illusion lacks the strength to truss up a chicken, is shouting wife's name to the sky desperately. 狮子嘴角露出了得意的一笑,直接将头扎入了花朵中,将与杜康的饮酒作乐的朱媚娘一口叼走,只留幻境中手无缚鸡之力的杜康,冲着天空绝望地呼喊着妻子的名字。 The thunder light lion is holding in the mouth a mouse like the kitten, will extract from the flower of good luck, light/only lion also young vermilion Meiniang goes all out to struggle in the lion mouth, actually by under big mouth brutal biting that is sparkling thunder light. 雷光狮子如同小猫叼着一只老鼠,将头从桃花运之花中抽出,比雷光狮子还小的朱媚娘在狮口中拼命挣扎着,却被一张闪耀着雷光的大口无情的咬下。 After sound, this poisoning people's minds villain then appeared the original form, turns into a burned black red bean. 一阵噼里啪啦的声响之后,这个蛊惑人心的小人便现出了原形,变成一颗焦黑的红豆。 The thunder light lion jumps down from the destiny flowering shrubs self-effacingly, falls to the palm that in Du Kang spreads out, spits the red bean in the hand, then a face happily seeks undeserved credit and rewards to own creator. 雷光狮子摇头晃脑地从气运花丛中跳下,落到杜康摊开的手掌中,将红豆吐在手上,然后一脸得意地向自己的创造者邀功请赏。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 This thunder light lion essence is only the magic arts imaginary shape, the true elaborative faculty, all behaviors have not been some mapping of Du Kang innermost feelings, naturally cannot obtain true rewarding. 这雷光狮子本质只是法术幻形而成,并没有真正的思考能力,一切的行为都是杜康内心的某种映射,自然不会获得真正的赏赐。 The red mythical bird star moves Du Kang that the technique eradicates, but lowers the head is looking in the hand silent the burned black red bean, in the mind is recalling with vermilion Meiniang all sorts, the affections that even if magic arts in addition holds have abated, is not willing to believe that for a while the passing love is illusory. 红鸾星动术破除的杜康,只是低头沉默地看着手中焦黑的红豆,脑海中回忆着与朱媚娘发生的种种,即便法术加持的爱意已经消退,也一时不愿意相信过往的浓情蜜意全都是空幻。 Small lion where comes, is long is really cute, is this Du youth you give my gift?” “哪来的小狮子,长得真是可爱,这是杜郎你送给我的礼物吗?” vermilion Meiniang puts out a hand to touch the body of thunder light lion, the numb weak electric shock felt that makes her like extremely, held this small lion with both hands hastily, teases happily several, turns the head to look to Du Kang. 朱媚娘伸手一摸雷光狮子的身体,酥酥麻麻的微弱电击感觉让她极为喜欢,连忙用双手将这只小狮子捧了起来,开心地逗弄几下,转头看向杜康 Du youth, this numb small lion felt too comfortable, how you know that I did like this small pet?” “杜郎,这只酥酥麻麻的小狮子摸着太舒服了,你怎么知道我喜欢这种小宠物?” The sunlight sprinkles on vermilion Meiniang face, on her tender face full is the happy expression, this smile and sunlight prick the Du Kang view together, making Du Kang feel somewhat glaring. 阳光洒在朱媚娘的脸上,她的一张娇颜上满是幸福的笑意,这笑容和阳光一起刺入杜康的眼帘,让杜康感觉有些晃眼。 This is I meticulously prepares for you, you like well.” “这是我精心为你准备的,你喜欢就好。” Du Kang forces a smile, inexplicable closely supports into her in a vermilion Meiniang face the bosom, was realizing warm of this body, with the affections of difficult minute/share of genuine and fake, in the heart warns itself secretly. 杜康强笑起来,在朱媚娘的一脸莫名中将她紧紧地拥入怀中,体会着这具身体的温热,与难分真假的爱意,心中暗自告戒自己。 Heart moon/month fox is good at deceiving people, is good at deceiving itself, should not be confused by the present scene, once wallows, you may lose.” “心月狐擅长骗人,更擅长骗自己,不要被眼前的景象所迷惑,一旦沉迷其中,你可就输了。” In the heart knows these truth obviously, but recalled that in the half year two people sincere being in love, Du Kang is unable to determine own choice is whether correct. 心中明明知道这些道理,但回想这半年两人真挚的爱恋,杜康还是无法确定自己的选择是否是正确的。 When drop of tears fall the face, arrives the ejection in vermilion Meiniang fist surface has three colored glaze color jade steel claw edges immediately, silent passed through the lower abdomen of this beautiful woman. 在一滴泪水滑落脸庞时,抵在朱媚娘身上的拳面中立刻弹射出三支琉璃色的玉钢爪刃,无声地贯穿了这个美丽女人的小腹。 Du youth, you......” “杜郎,你……” vermilion Meiniang detects the difference in bosom, lowers the head to see drips the blood after the wound, in the vision first reveals the sad meaning, but quick then transforms into suddenly, finally revealed in the ordinary day firmly the Du Kang familiar gentle color, said to him. 朱媚娘察觉到怀中的异样,低头看到从伤口中淌出鲜血后,目光中先是流露出悲伤之意,但很快便转变为恍然,最后又坚定地露出了平日里杜康熟悉的温柔之色,对他说道。 You really love oneself some, is not wants my life, if can make you achieve to hope, I am willing to give you oneself this life.” “你果然还是更爱自己一些,不就是想要我的命吗,如果能让你达成所愿,我愿意将自己这条命送给你。” But I really want to know how I must do, can melt your hard ice-cold heart. Let you be able like me to love you, loves my one time firmly purely, even if only then that flash......” “但我真的很想知道,我要怎么做,才能融化你这颗坚硬冰冷的心。让你能够像我爱你一样,坚定纯粹地爱我一次,哪怕只有那么一瞬间……” In vermilion Meiniang eyes the tears twinkle, in the claw blade splits up the naked eye not obvious close blade air/Qi, these blades are at ease the blood to walk randomly in her body, is destroying her each vitality fast, takes to her continuous pain. 朱媚娘的眼中泪花闪烁,爪刃中分化出肉眼不可见的细密刀气,这些刀气顺着血液在她的身体中游走,快速摧毁着她的每一点生机,带给她连绵不绝的痛苦。 In like this weak and pain, vermilion Meiniang put out a hand strenuously, touched a Du Kang this handsome face, cancelled that tear stains, later turned over the wrist/skill, is looking in the hand the salty wet liquid, said with the anticipation gently. 在这样的虚弱和痛苦之中,朱媚娘吃力地伸出手,摸了一下杜康这张英俊的脸,将那点泪痕抹去,之后将手腕翻转,看着手中咸湿的液体,怀着期待温柔说道。 „Did you have the love I?” “你曾经有爱过我吗?” „...... Naturally, has......” in the Du Kang sound somewhat to sob. “……当然,有过……”杜康的声音中有些哽咽。 This Du Kang has not deceived people, although he is a moral behavior wonderful difference rotten person, but under function of red mythical bird star moving, he really immersed in this beautiful being in love, had the emotion that is unable to dismiss from mind with vermilion Meiniang. 这次杜康没有骗人,虽然他是一个人品奇差的烂人,但在红鸾星动的作用下,他真的沉浸在了这一场美丽的爱恋之中,与朱媚娘有了一场无法忘怀的情感。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 „......, but I am not willing to accept others' deceiving and organizing.” “……但我不愿意接受别人的愚弄和摆布。” vermilion Meiniang to the Du Kang words looking pensive, but overhangs the smile to say to him. 朱媚娘对杜康的话若有所思,但还是强撑出笑脸对他说道。 Du Langke has listened to a view of issue of meeting, yesterday I, tomorrow my also I, do not treasure the current present talent am the matter of primary importance......” “杜郎可听过一期一会的说法,昨日之我非我,明日之我亦非我,珍惜当下的眼前人才是最重要的事情啊……” The words have not said, two slender arms then let fall weak, thunder light lion also with dropping in water. 话还没有说完,两条纤细的手臂便无力地垂落,雷光狮子也随着跌落水中。 Du Kang by spiritual eye view it, sees only its mortal body and Yin god the miraculous glow in the close blade air/Qi mighty current clears completely, vermilion Meiniang entered the condition of named death. 杜康以灵眼观之,只见其肉身和阴神全部在细密的刀气洪流中灵光散尽,朱媚娘就此进入了名为死亡的状态。 „The my person of love died, then should be one's turn cuts to kill me.” “我的挚爱之人就此死去了,接下来该轮到斩杀我自己了。” The vermilion Meiniang last words seem like in the words to have the words, but Du Kang has not gone into seriously, but lifted another arm, pricked to the claw blade this oneself heart slowly. 朱媚娘的临终遗言似乎话中有话,但杜康并没有深究,而是抬起了另一只手臂,将这对爪刃缓缓刺入了自己心脏中。 The vitality of body of ya zi is powerful, can achieve the most attribute attacks of hard anti- world, but quick repair, but can kill its method is still not infrequent, the jade steel claw blade that on Du Kang such weapons, after are cultivates ya zi law, realize by chance. 睚眦之躯的生命力是强大的,可以做到硬抗世间的大部分属性攻击而快速修复,但能杀死它的方法仍然不在少数,恰巧杜康身上就有一件这样的武器,便是修炼睚眦法后练成的玉钢爪刃。 The wound that the claw blade makes, the body of ya zi is unable to restore, is unable to heal the wound that to be able year to year to see this point from the Du Kang fist surface. 爪刃制造的伤口,睚眦之躯是无法修复的,从杜康拳面上常年无法愈合的伤口就能看出这一点。 Now Du Kang pricks own heart the claw blade, all organ organizations of tiny blade air/Qi mighty current destruction place visited, this sheet flood that physical body that contains the abundant vitality as just blade air/Qi, was dying little. 如今杜康将爪刃刺入自己的心脏,细小的刀气洪流破坏所经之处的一切器官组织,这具蕴含着充沛生命力的肉体正随着刀气的漫流,正在一点点死去。 Du Kang adjusted an own posture, holds vermilion Meiniang body to raise head to lie down, in the sea level takes office depending on the weak mighty waves caresses on oneself lightly, was realizing gradually the weak physical body, in the Yin god and collapse of monster strength, Du Kang feels fuzzy at present gradually, finally the line of sight grow darks completely, heavy goes off. 杜康调整了一下自己的姿势,抱着朱媚娘的尸体仰头躺在海面上任凭微弱的波涛在自己身上轻抚,体会着渐渐无力的肉体,在阴神和妖力的崩坏中,杜康眼前渐渐发沉,最终视线完全变黑,沉沉睡去。 ...... …… How long has not known. 不知过了多久。 All over the body is fiery red, the figure illusory exquisite fox to jump out from vermilion Meiniang body, after circles several fell on a chip board of float, lowered the head to gaze at the Du Kang corpse, after the moment , the monster flattered says with a smile. 一只通体火红、身形虚幻的小巧狐狸从朱媚娘的尸体中跳出,在空中盘旋几圈后落到了一块漂浮的碎木板上,低头注视着杜康的尸体,片刻后妖媚一笑道。 Really is a cruel-hearted man, for an impractical fond dream, chooses unexpectedly kills own love personally, and suicides dead. “真是个狠心的男人啊,为了一个不切实际的美梦,竟然选择亲手杀死自己的挚爱,并自刎而死。 What is more strange, this god had a premonition that unexpectedly faintly this method successful possibility was very high. 更奇怪的是,本神竟然隐隐预感到了这个方法成功的可能性很高。 Choice that I was prompted by a sudden impulse initially for a while really yes right, you are a potential stock that is worth investing, I do not waste on the body that in vain this raises laboriously. 我当初一时心血来潮的选择果然是没错的,你是一个值得投资的潜力股,也不枉我浪费这个辛苦养大的应身。 Do not think that I do not know, you have been detected anything, never dares to invest in this touching being in love wholeheartedly. 不要以为我不知道,你早就是察觉到了什么,从来不敢全心全意地投入这场感人的爱恋之中。 But do not think that the death can be cut off among us the cause dispute. 但不要以为死亡可以阻隔我们之间的因缘纠葛。 Named vermilion Meiniang a woman, for your magic arts cultivation sacrificed the life, so long as you did not have dead truly, between you and me the fate entanglement will be getting deeper and deeper. 一个叫朱媚娘的女人为了你的法术修炼献出了生命,只要你没有真正地死去,你我之间的命数纠缠将会越来越深。 Even if I temporarily leave today, we a day that would meeting again, I anticipate arrival of that day...... ” 即便我今日暂时离开了,我们总会有再见面的一天,我期待那一天的到来……” The heart moon/month fox jumps up, the form changes to together the fiery-red flowing light, shoots up to the sky. 心月狐纵身一跳,身影就化作一道火红色的流光,冲天而起。 In sky, daytime star present. 天空中,白日星现。 A fiery-red stars ray is greatly bright, in several times courageous however glitter, receives and instructs this streams light/only to vanish in the midair. 一颗火红色的星辰光芒大亮,在几次勐然闪烁中,接引这道流光消失在半空中。 Later, the sky restored the past brilliance. 之后,天空才重新恢复往日的光彩。
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