DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#278: The shadow furnace fire, kills the heart to cast

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Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 The scale cloud of horizon was dyed the fiery-red by the setting sun, in the sea level that the microwave fluctuates full is the clear wave light. 天边的鱼鳞云被夕阳染成了火红色,微波起伏的海面上满是粼粼的波光。 The sea day same color magnificent dream scene, making one like placing oneself in a blood-color world, fluctuates the sea boat fragment in the sea water and remnant corpse that flutter, added one point of brutal color for this scene. 海天同色的瑰丽梦幻场景,让人如同置身于一个血色的世界,在海水中起伏飘荡的海船碎片和残尸,更是为这副景象增添了一分残酷的色彩。 A conditions thickly about eight chi (0.33 m) black scale big snake the most body in the sea water, will not only have stretched out the water surface the snake head, looked out the distant turnover the snake core, the multi-colored sunlight was covering blood-color for it similarly. 一条体粗将近八尺的黑鳞大蛇将大半的身体没于海水中,只把蛇头伸出水面,遥望远方吞吐着蛇芯,霞光同样为它镀上了一层血色。 The building 13 stand in the ba snake top of the head, under the ba snake to body said. 楼十三站立在巴蛇头顶,对身下的巴蛇说道。 Last meeting time, I have not really misread, in the person by heart moon/month fox entanglement mostly did not have the good end, my cheap big brother time death disaster crosses.” “上次见面的时候,我果然没有看错,被心月狐纠缠上的人大多没有好下场,我这便宜大哥这次的死劫难渡啊。” Here is Du Kang and looks at the tide to rob the battle battlefield south side beyond more than ten li (0.5 km), when the building 13 have observed to be many here. 此处是杜康和望潮盗交战战场南侧十几里外,楼十三已在这里观战多时。 From cleaning up of Du Kang to fragmentary pirate, to slaughters with the sea that looking at the tide robs at first, again after killing vermilion Meiniang committing suicide, and final heart moon/month fox returns to this life stars, these fell into the building 13 eyes completely. 从最初杜康对零星海盗的清理,到与望潮盗的海上厮杀,再到杀死朱媚娘后的自尽,以及最后心月狐回归本命星辰,这一幕幕全部落入了楼十三的眼中。 All these finished at noon, but the building 13 have waited till the evening here, is actually anticipating the Du Kang rebirth. 这一切早在中午就结束了,但楼十三一直在这里等到傍晚,却是在期待杜康的重生。 But unfortunately, several double-hour passed by, sign that the Du Kang corpse has not only recovered, after he dies has not dissipated, slaughters murderous aura ya zi that hundreds of thousands lives congeal laboriously the wail to rush a moment ago bursts. 但可惜的是,几个时辰过去了,杜康的尸体不仅没有复苏的迹象,就连在他死后都没有消散,杀戮十几万生灵辛苦凝结出的杀气睚眦都在刚才哀鸣着奔溃了。 This means that kills complete failure that the heart condenses, means the thorough death of Du Kang. 这意味着杀心凝聚的彻底失败,也意味着杜康的彻底死亡。 Young master has said that the destiny of this person had the tremendous change, may break away from the control, then observes in its destiny the tribulation to transport the change, will push the boat along the design to look at the moist robber to bring, wants to inspire his disaster. “少爷说过,此人的气运发生了重大的变化,可能会脱离控制,便观其气运中劫运变化,顺水推舟设计将望潮盗引来,想要引动他的劫难。 Now heart moon/month fox the smooth body has died on the body and Lin Chun, Lin Chun has not reactivated, obviously his concise ya zi law killed the action of heart to be defeated eventually. 如今心月狐的应身和林春都已顺利身死,林春也没有复活,可见他凝练睚眦法杀心的举动终究是失败了。 It seems like , the young master needs to select one to support in several alternative replace candidates again, formulated to plans of three imperial princes. ” 看来之后,少爷需要在几个备选的替代人选中再挑一个来扶持,重新制定对三皇子的谋划了。” Melts the dragon nine laws to spread broadly, the ya zi law promotion high rank ceremony requests to be known to be nothing unusual, this is also the building 13 choice designs looks at the tide to rob to kill the Du Kang primary cause, so long as Du Kang had enough many murderous aura, will certainly begin to kill own love, and suiciding body dies. 化龙九法流传极广,睚眦法晋升高阶的仪式要求被人所知不足为奇,这也是楼十三选择设计望潮盗来杀杜康的主要原因,只要杜康拥有了足够多的杀气,就一定会动手杀死自己的挚爱,并自刎身死。 This is also good, his destiny change is the variable that is separated from me to forecast, since occurrence, in my heart has had a strong discomfort. “这样也好,他的气运变化是一项脱离我预测的变数,自从发生以来,我的心中一直有一种浓烈的不安感。 A while ago, he boiled the oil destiny to rise high just like the raging fire in vain again, later fell quickly returns to the original level, all these especially bewildered, making me not look clearly. 前段时间,他宛如烈火烹油般的气运更是徒然再次高升,之后又很快降回到原来的水准,这一切都格外的莫名其妙,让我看不明白。 Such board game piece, if can pass this dead tribulation safely, has the qualifications that made me look straight at to look at one another. 这样的棋子,如果能安然度过这次死劫,就拥有了让我正眼相看的资格。 But if crosses, but, this person is no more than so, before considered me to misread the person. ” 但若是渡不过,此人便是不过如此,之前就当是我看错了人。” Help, the front person saves me, I am look at the tide to rob the owner in courageous tiger hall, so long as you saved me, I will give you hundred times of returns.” “救命啊,前面的人救救我,我是望潮盗勐虎堂的堂主,只要你们救了我,我会给你们百倍回报的。” A weak sound interrupted the building 13 trains of thought that the member who his leaning head, sees a lower part around the middle break slightly, a correct use hand hugs the wound to prevent own internal organs to flow outward, bends down to lie on together the deck, struggles with another hand paddles the water current, to here stroke. 一个虚弱的声音打断了楼十三的思绪,他微微侧头,就看到一个下半身拦腰断裂的修士,正用一只手搂着伤口阻止自己的内脏向外流淌,俯身趴在一块船板上,用另一只手挣扎地划动水流,向这边划来。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Du Kang with looking at the tide robs the time of battle, although is short, but the later pursuit causes the battlefield continuously is several miles, this member cut off the body by Du Kang obviously, goes all out to escape. 杜康与望潮盗交战的时间虽短,但之后的追击使得战场连绵长达十几里,这个修士显然是被杜康斩断了身体,拼命逃出来的。 Has a look at numerous pirate corpse of marine float, as well as owner in courageous tiger hall, because the sea water and internal organs full contact the face of changes countenance, knows that this has many are not easy. 看看海上漂浮的众多海盗尸体,以及勐虎堂的堂主因为海水和内脏充分接触而变色的脸庞,就知道这有多不容易。 The building 13 looked down this strong man, 楼十三低头看了一眼这个坚强的男人, Full is regretted that said. Did not have including three legs, it seems like that the person abandoned, the snake uncle, gives him happily.” 满是惋惜地说道。“连三条腿都没了,看来人是废了,蛇叔,给他个痛快吧。” The ba snake bodies under building ten three embodiment of Buddha stand are freezing, but opens the snake kiss slightly, strong winds of ascension arrived on the body of man, the man also exuded one to wail without enough time, was swallowed by ba snake one. 楼十三身下的巴蛇身体立在原地不动,只是微微张开蛇吻,一股升腾的狂风就降临在了男人的身上,男人还来不及发出一声哀嚎,就被巴蛇一口吞下。 After flesh entrance, ba snake turnover several snake cores taste the flesh the flavor, said discontentedly. 人肉入口后,巴蛇吞吐几下蛇芯回味人肉的味道,不满地说道。 Although is the middle rank member, but this meat too firewood, Young master, I want to eat Lin Chun that corpse that soaked dragon clan the bloodlines , dragon Roucai is in this world can count the delicacy.” “虽然是个中阶修士,但这肉太柴了,少爷,我想吃林春那具浸透了龙族血脉的尸体,要知道,龙肉才是这世界上数得着的美味。” The building 13 deep is so nods, looks to the boundary more than ten li (0.5 km) away said. 楼十三深以为然地点点头,望向十几里外的地界说道。 We have a look at my good big brother. Is acquainted finally, when my younger brother may probably find a warm place to treat as the final resting place to him, the corpse soaks like this because of being not good. “那我们就去看看我的好大哥。总算是相识一场,我这个当弟弟的可要给他找一个温暖的地方当做长眠之地,尸体这样泡在海里可不好。 I thought that in the snake uncle's stomach is a good choice, the snake uncle, how do you see? ” 我觉得蛇叔的胃里就是个不错选择,蛇叔,你怎么看呢?” Young master wise wisdom, this proposition spoke in my mind all of a sudden.” “少爷英明睿智,这个提议一下子就说到了我的心坎里了。” In the sea level resounded laughing of person of monster, without the means that the building 13 was really happy. 海面上响起了一人一妖的大笑,没办法,楼十三实在是太开心了。 Du Kang this time condenses kills the heart regardless of the success or failure, the building 13 can be the winners, becoming no doubt is a good deed, this means that Du Kang can bring a bigger trouble to three imperial princes, defeated also had other incomes, reinforcing steel that the ya zi law refine, but human world rare treasure material. 杜康这次凝聚杀心不论成败,楼十三都会是赢家,成了固然是一件好事,这意味着杜康能给三皇子带来更大的麻烦,败了也有其它的收益,睚眦法炼出的一身钢骨可是人间少有的宝材。 Du Kang the jade reinforcing steel frame, sufficiently losses of counter-balance building 13 initial investment failure. 杜康的这一身玉钢骨架,足以抵消楼十三前期投资失败的损失。 In the happy talks and laughters, the ba snake conducts the back the building 13 to wind to swim away to the distant place, in this time, the building 13 is turning the head to look suddenly to the south sky. 欢声笑语中,巴蛇驮着楼十三向远处蜿蜒游去,正在此时,楼十三突然转头向南边的天空看去。 - 叮铃铃- Has not seen the person, first hears its sound, first has the clear wind chimes sound to transmit from afar, is tick-tock tick-tock cheerful hoofbeat. 未见来人,先闻其声,先是有清脆的风铃声远远地传来,然后是‘滴答滴答’欢快的马蹄声。 In thin the scale by the sky clouds, sees only the spacious carriage that a fine horse pulls a cart to run quickly in the cloud layer. 透过天空中稀薄的鱼鳞云,只见一辆龙马拉车的宽大马车在云层上奔驰而过。 The silver mane flies upwards in the wind, the fine horse horse's hoof of dragon horn silver scale the place of treading, all a little selects auspicious clouds to produce, decorates the magnificent and expensive four wheels to leave the straight steamroll trace in the clouds. 银色的鬃毛在风中飞扬,龙角银鳞的龙马马蹄所踏之处,皆有点点祥云生成,装饰华贵的四只车轮在云中留下笔直的碾压痕迹。 This carriage places oneself above the cloud layer, is happy in the guest like heavenly palace. 这辆马车置身于云层之上,美好得就像天宫中的来客。 But in the eyes of building 13 looking air/Qi, the after foreign minister of carriage strips layer upon layer, only remains two groups of exuberant destiny to enter his eye. 但在楼十三的望气之眼里,马车的外相剥离层层后,就只剩两团旺盛的气运能入得他眼。 The destiny its one is a threatening three claws Gold Dragon, this dragon is destiny Gold Dragon, had the person lord after certain base industry, the non- common monster dragon may compare. 气运其一为一条张牙舞爪的三爪金龙,此龙为气运金龙,乃拥有了一定基业后的人主之相,非寻常的妖龙可比。 If the building 13 see this three claws Gold Dragon in the ordinary day, certainly goes forward to become friends with immediately, what character has a look at this is, is actually the place of remote desolate to participate in the imperial prince who in some feudal lord country's the dragon palace gains a son-in-law. 若是楼十三在平日里看到这三爪金龙,一定会立刻上前结交,看看这是个什么样的人物,究竟是偏远蛮荒之地来参加龙宫招婿的诸侯还是某国的皇子。 But on the carriage another group of familiar destiny, making him ponder these without enough time, because that is one group of good luck in making money and luck transports/fortunes, martial transport/fortune, good luck and longevity to transport, person the lord to transport...... each destiny weight exactly right gathering of beautifully dressed people. 但马车上另一团熟悉的气运之相,使得他来不及思考这些,因为那是一团财运、福运、武运、桃花运、寿运、人主运……每一种气运重量都不差分毫的花团锦簇之相。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Besides has seen this destiny on Du Kang, the building 13 have not seen the so strange destiny in others again, person who therefore on the vehicle sits, deciding is Du Kang without doubt. 除在杜康身上见过此种气运之相外,楼十三再也没有在其他人身上见过如此奇怪的气运,所以车上坐的人,定是杜康无疑。 Snake uncle, the father teaches me to encounter a difficulty since childhood not work as the town/subdues definitely to calmly, we first stop here, has a look at the goal of person.” “蛇叔,父亲从小就教我遇事不决当镇之以静,我们先在这里停一下,看看来人的目的。” The ba snake stops immediately, but also is hidden most heads under the sea level. 巴蛇立刻停了下来,还将大部分头颅都隐没在海面之下。 The building 13 pull out a geomancy compass from the sleeve, during the compass rotations, fell into the dense fog of destiny by the sea area, some people in outward appearance it, can only see boundless sea, in addition does not have its thing again. 楼十三从袖中掏出一个风水罗盘,罗盘转动之间,就让自己所处的这片海域陷入了命运的迷雾,有人在外观之,只能看到一片茫茫的大海,除此之外再无它物。 The carriage in sky after nearby air zone, slowed down own speed, after waiting to arrive at the ya zi Daoist body the upper air that corresponds, stopped directly. 天空中的马车在接近附近的空域后,就放慢了自身的速度,等来到睚眦道人尸体正对应的高空之后,更是直接停了下来。 The string of beads curtain on carriage was raised by a big hand, gradually before Du Kang arrives arrives at the horse vehicle door, looks that below scene heaves a deep sigh to say. 马车上的串珠门帘被一只大手掀起,杜康来到缓步来到马车门前,看着下方的情景摇头叹息道。 Really without the success, my clone, is a good-for-nothing thing, finally needs me to help.” “果然没有成功,我的这个分身啊,就是个不成器的东西,最终还是需要我来帮一把。” Stands smiles in Du Kang Si hero hears word charmingly, only said that Du Kang is showing off cultivating that clone intentionally is. 站在杜康身边的姒雄闻言娇媚一笑,只道杜康只是在故意炫耀分身的修为。 If even the member of middle rank peak can be called good-for-nothing, under that this day really had several to be able the pleasant member. “要是连中阶巅峰的修士都能称得上不成器,那这天底下就真的有几个能入眼的修士了。 You are about to have a look, although the ya zi law can make the member play dead very for a long time, the time of but delaying grew, plays dead also to turn really dies. 你还是快下去看看吧,虽说睚眦法可以使修士假死很久,但拖的时间长了,假死也是有可能变成真死的。 If lost this while time, making your clone really die, do not ask me to complain tearfully. ” 要是耽误了这一会儿时间,让你的分身真死了,可不要找我哭诉。” Si hero is the meeting head of hidden dragon meeting, to dragon nine law knowledge really deep, words Du Kang that he said thinks is not groundless, immediately nods, jumps up from the carriage, falls to under the howling wind sound/rumor. 姒雄是隐龙会的会首,对化龙九法知之甚深,他说的话杜康认为不无道理,当下就点点头,从马车上纵身一跳,在呼啸的风声中向下方落去。 Si hero carriage appear here time exactly here, naturally is Du Kang plans very early in the morning. 姒雄的马车恰好在这个时间出现在这里,自然是杜康一早就计划好的。 He the second day of boarding, to Si hero half real , half fake said own some information, said oneself clone in Ocean Wave Sea also one, what practice is the ya zi law, is in casts to kill the critical moment of heart, hopes that Si hero can circle a section of long journey clone also to be able slightly to board the car(riage) of opposite party. 他在上车的第二天,就向姒雄半真半假的坦露了自身的部分情报,称自己在碧波海还有一具分身,修练的是睚眦法,正处于铸就杀心的紧要关头,希望姒雄能稍微绕一段远路将分身也能登上对方的车。 Meeting head as hidden dragon meeting, there is a great prospect of name king organization system, Si hero always likes drawing not to have the big influence on cultivate/repair the expert to use for oneself as the powder of dependence. 身为隐龙会的会首,又有称王建制的宏大愿景,姒雄一向喜欢收拢没有大势力作为依靠的散修高手为己用。 Knows after the Du Kang also strength is as good clone of main body, immediately the great happiness, changed course to come, to make fully the stance of treating worthies and scholars with courtesy to here directly, wanted the Du Kang true income under. 知道杜康还有一具实力不逊于本体的分身之后,当即大喜,直接改道向此处而来,摆足了礼贤下士的姿态,想要将杜康真正收入麾下。 Du Kang planned, must participate in the dragon palace to gain a son-in-law by the status of double headed dragon, to divulging and caring of these information, then built bandwagon wish to let the town/subdues mountain Daoist and ya zi Daoist meets as soon as possible. 杜康原本就计划,要以双头龙的身份参加龙宫招婿,对这些情报的泄露并不在意,便搭了个顺风车想要让镇岳道人和睚眦道人尽快相会。 Today should meet smoothly, finally the ya zi Daoist encounters the ambush that the observation tide robs in the halfway, ahead of time opened casting that kills the heart, this had the present aspect. 原本今日应该顺利相遇,结果睚眦道人在半路遭遇到了望潮盗的埋伏,提前开启了杀心的铸造,这才有了现在的局面。 Is good because , the town/subdues mountain Daoist comes is not late. 好在,镇岳道人来得并不算晚。 Commits suicide enters step necessary one step as the ya zi law magic arts, was certainly impossible really not to allow a leeway to the death of follower, Du Kang will have the opportunity that clone to revive. 自尽作为睚眦法法术进阶必备的一个步骤,对修炼者的死亡当然不可能真的不留一丝余地,杜康还有将分身救活的机会。 The wind sound/rumor that the ear howls stops suddenly, under the function of repulsion, the body of Du Kang the extreme speed by soaring to the heavens being fallen however changes into courageous static, such hovering in the front of oneself body. 耳边呼啸的风声骤然而止,在斥力的作用下,杜康的身体由冲天而降的极速勐然化为静止,就这样悬停在了自己尸体的面前。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 The plank of break, the cutting off limb wreckage of float, the swelling corpse, covered entirely a surrounding area more than ten li (0.5 km) sea area, this to the corpse that supports and common. 断裂的木板,漂浮的断肢残骸,肿胀的尸体,布满了方圆十几里的海域,这对相拥的尸体在其中并不起眼。 The ya zi Daoist calmly lies down in the sea level, vermilion Meiniang body was supported by his hand in the bosom, the claw blade of another hand inserts own heart, even if has passed several double-hour two people not to separate. 睚眦道人静静地躺在海面上,朱媚娘的尸体被他一只手拥在怀里,另一只手的爪刃则是插入自己的心脏,即便已过了数个时辰两人也一直没有分开。 The scarlet palace clothing soaks sticks to her body, will have to exquisite the stature package outlined, on the pale face also had a sorrowfulness of undulating, the annoying of person looking loves tenderly, completely not like a corpse of dying. 大红的宫装湿透紧贴在她的身上,将玲珑有致的身材包裹勾勒,苍白的面孔上还带有一丝澹澹的哀愁,望之惹人怜爱,完全不像一具死去的尸体。 Du Kang pulls out Refining Monster Bead from the bosom, received which vermilion Meiniang, takes in the bosom, in the heart has own consideration. 杜康从怀里掏出一颗炼妖珠,将朱媚娘收入其中,重新收进怀里,心中自有自己的考量。 Later then puts out a hand a move, the body of ya zi Daoist will fly high to float off from the water surface, floats before oneself. 之后便伸手一招,将睚眦道人的尸体从水面凌空浮起,漂浮在自己面前。 At this time the setting sun of horizon, has fallen into under the sea level most probably, the whole world is passing dim in blood red. 此时天边的夕阳,已经大半边落入海平面下,整个世界于血红中透着点点昏暗。 Two appearance same Du Kang horizontal vertical strokes, facing stand, the setting sun always draws their shadows is long, the dark peaceful ray casts light upon dimly their five senses, like an abstract oil painting. 两个面貌相同的杜康一横一竖,面对而立,夕阳将他们的影子拉得老长,暗澹的光线将他们的五官照映得半明半暗,如同一幅抽象的油画。 Situated in town/subdues mountain Daoist within the body Du Kang consciousness, looks at own loathsome appearance, self-ridiculed smiles. 处于镇岳道人体内的‘杜康’意识,看着自己的死相,不禁自嘲一笑。 Although for need of magic arts cultivation, but embraces the woman to commit suicide, still disclosed that one type for the stupid feeling to like committing suicide together in the name of love, hopes, I will not have this stupid type again.” “虽然是为了法术修炼的需要,但怀抱着女人自尽,依然透露出一种为爱殉情的愚蠢感觉,希望以后我不会再有这种蠢样了。” Stretches out the palm to grasp to who lie down horizontally, his shadow wriggles fast, climbs up to him along the pants leg, finally changes into a shadow glove to wrap his both hands. 伸出手掌向横躺的自己一抓,他脚下的影子就快速蠕动起来,沿着裤管向他身上攀爬,最终化为一副阴影手套将他的双手包裹其中。 Bends the waist the shadow that the palm searches into also to lie down horizontally, in tries to find out, bends the waist sets out, in his both hands holds completely the peaceful golden clear gravel in broken bits. 弯腰将手掌探入自己同样横躺的影子,在其中摸索一番,弯腰起身的时候,他的双手中已经捧满了细碎的澹金色晶莹砂砾。 This is the Yin god fragment of ya zi Daoist, when he died, these Yin god fragments had not been coerced to go by the tide of spirit sea of qi, but hid in the shadow quietly, is waiting for the uncertain resurrecting opportunity. 这是睚眦道人的阴神碎片,在他死亡的时候,这些阴神碎片没有被灵气海的浪潮裹挟而去,而是悄然隐藏在了影子中,等待着渺茫的复活机会。 【The new chapter renews the slow issue, in can trade on source app to have the solution finally, here downloads huanyuanapp to trade source app, simultaneously reads in the latest chapters of many sites.】 【新章节更新迟缓的问题,在能换源的app上终于有了解决之道,这里下载huanyuanapp换源app,同时查看本书在多个站点的最新章节。】 Closely associated: Has the strength of control shadow, not only can control its person through the shadow, will be by own shadow invasion goods hidden. 【如影随形】:拥有操控阴影的力量,不仅能通过影子控制它人,还是将被自身影子侵染的物品隐藏其中。 vermilion Meiniang apprentice Jane/simple Zhi, was once taken away the workshop through this method. 朱媚娘的徒弟简止,曾经就是通过这种方法被带离作坊的。 Even can be used to hide others, hides own Yin god to be naturally a cinch. 甚至能用来藏别人,藏匿自己的阴神自然不在话下。 A brass color illusory stove appears in Du Kang on hand, he does not remain Yin god fragment one grain in hand pours into the furnace, duplicate/restores searches for again in the shadow. 一只黄铜色的虚幻火炉在杜康手边浮现,他将手中的阴神碎片一粒不剩地倒入炉中,复又再次在影子中搜寻起来。 When Du Kang sets out again, the thing that in his hand this time holds is the black red gravel. 杜康再次起身的时候,他的手中这次捧的东西已经是黑红色的砂砾。 After this is murderous aura ya zi collapses, left behind murderous aura crystallizes, similarly hid in the shadow. 这是杀气睚眦崩溃后,遗留的杀气结晶,同样藏身在了影子之中。 After Du Kang will work off anger the crystallization same investment world copper furnace, abolished attachment of shadow, he stands by the stove, in ascension, but in the azure-red furnace fire calmly waits. 杜康将杀气结晶同样投入天地铜炉后,才撤销了影子的附着,他站在炉子旁边,在升腾而起的青红色炉火中静静等待起来。 The brass color illusory cauldron furnace is revolving leisurely, by the illusory furnace stack, can see that the azure-red world fire is flaminging to burn the combination is being one group of Yin gods and murderous aura crystals, often can also see that has the crystal of bulk unable to withstand such refining up to rupture. 黄铜色的虚幻鼎炉悠悠地旋转着,透过虚幻的炉身,能看到青红色的天地火在炽烧着混杂为一堆的阴神和杀气晶体,不时还能看到有大块的晶体无法承受这样的炼化而爆裂开来。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 The time passes in the copper furnace rotation slowly, the world fire is extracting the strength of Yin god and vitality unceasingly, takes Du Kang as the firewood supplies, finally in the last sunlight vanishes when the horizon, melted liquid of beach luster dark gold/metal the crystal. 时间在铜炉转动中缓缓流逝,天地火不断抽取着阴神和气血的力量,以杜康自身为柴薪供给,终于在最后一丝阳光消失在天边之时,将晶体融化成了一滩色泽暗金的液体。 Yin god and murderous aura smooth smelting as one, the casting killed the base embryo of heart to refine like this. 阴神和杀气顺利熔炼为一体,铸造杀心的基胚就这样炼成了。 The furnace fire extinguishes gradually, Du Kang raises the furnace lid, puts out a hand this group of dark golden liquids will grip, will conduct the next operation. 炉火渐熄,杜康一把将炉盖掀起,伸手将其中这团暗金色液体握住,正要进行下一步操作。 Actually suddenly discovered, the liquid in hand becomes like grasps the sand to be common with the hand, the automation made the golden ball bearing of millet size to fall from the hand, after these tiny gold/metal bead fell remelted, condenses in the same place, changed to a complete beach, as if nothing happened crossed. 却突然发现,手中的液体变得如同用手抓沙一般,自动化作了小米大小的金色滚珠从手中滑落,等这些细小的金珠落回炉中后,又重新凝聚在一起,化作完整的一滩,仿佛什么都没有发生过。 Later Du Kang with wooden barrel, ladle, jade bowl, wooden bottle, copper earthen bowl and other thing 11 attempts, but cannot scoop up the golden liquid. 之后杜康又以木桶,铁勺,玉碗、木瓶、铜钵等物一一尝试,但都不能将金液舀出。 This was the casting kills the next difficult problem of heart, how to kill the base embryo of heart to take out, and condensed the formation. 这便是铸造杀心的下一步难题了,如何将杀心的基胚取出,并凝聚成型。 Does not moisten five lines, wasn't taken by the visible thing? Here also has the law of dealing.” “不沾五行,不被有形之物拿取吗?恰好我这里也有应对之法。” The Du Kang words stop slightly, then sincere said. 杜康话语微微停顿,转而正色说道。 I said, this kills the heart base embryo the body along with my intent, is leaving copper furnace that is pregnant the body.” “我说,这杀心基胚将身随我意,离开着孕身的铜炉。” The voice falls, this beach golden liquid grows a wing immediately automatically, fanned wing to depart the world copper furnace, stopped wriggles in front of Du Kang. 话音一落,这滩金液立刻自动长出了一对翅膀,扇动翅膀自己飞出了天地铜炉,停在杜康面前蠕动不已。 I said, metaphysical said that physical said that but was thing everywhere along the road, you will have a shape, to carry the say/way of slaughtering.” “我说,形而上者谓道,形而下者谓器,但器乃载道之物也,你将拥有道器之形,以载杀戮之道。” This exit|to speak, main body of Du Kang inside and outside several thousand, feels the whole body monster strength outflow immediately most. 此句出口,杜康远在几千里外的本体,立刻感到全身妖力流失大半。 Meanwhile, the town/subdues Yue Daoren present golden liquid golden light puts in vain greatly, emits the dazzling light, illuminates bright the coastal water dim weather. 于此同时,镇岳道人眼前的金液徒然金光大放,放射出刺目的光明,将附近海域昏暗的天色照得彻亮。 When the light restrains slowly, circle lumps, shining, seems gold/metal pill, changes to a thing that in an instant runs jump golden color ya zi, comes into the Du Kang line of sight. 等光明缓缓收敛时,一颗圆坨坨,金灿灿,好似金丹,又转眼化作一只奔跑跳跃金色睚眦的物件,就落入杜康视线中。 At this moment, awareness of Du Kang instinct. 这一刻,杜康本能的知道。 Of ya zi law kills the heart, was built up like this by him. 睚眦法的一颗杀心,就这样被他炼成了。
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