【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
The scalecloud of horizonwas dyed the fiery-redby the setting sun, in the sea level that the microwavefluctuatesfullis the clearwave light.
The seadaysame colormagnificentdreamscene, making one likeplacing oneselfin a blood-colorworld, fluctuates the sea boatfragmentin the sea water and remnantcorpse that flutter, addedonepoint of brutalcolorforthisscene.
A conditionsthicklyabouteightchi (0.33 m)blackscalebigsnake the mostbodyin the sea water, will not only have stretched out the water surface the snake head, looked out the distantturnover the snakecore, the multi-colored sunlightwas coveringblood-colorforitsimilarly.
The building13standin the ba snaketop of the head, under the ba snaketobodysaid.
楼十三站立在巴蛇头顶,对身下的巴蛇说道。„Lastmeetingtime, Ihave not really misread, in the personbyheartmoon/monthfoxentanglementmostlydid not have the good end, my cheapbig brothertimedeathdisastercrosses.”
“上次见面的时候,我果然没有看错,被心月狐纠缠上的人大多没有好下场,我这便宜大哥这次的死劫难渡啊。”HereisDu Kangandlooks at the tideto rob the battlebattlefieldsouth sidebeyondmore than tenli (0.5 km), when the building13have observedto be manyhere.
此处是杜康和望潮盗交战战场南侧十几里外,楼十三已在这里观战多时。Fromcleaning up of Du Kangtofragmentarypirate, toslaughterswith the sea that looking at the tiderobsat first, again after killingvermilionMeiniangcommitting suicide, and finalheartmoon/monthfoxreturns tothislifestars, thesefell into the building13eyescompletely.
从最初杜康对零星海盗的清理,到与望潮盗的海上厮杀,再到杀死朱媚娘后的自尽,以及最后心月狐回归本命星辰,这一幕幕全部落入了楼十三的眼中。All thesefinishedatnoon, but the building13have waited till the eveninghere, is actually anticipating the Du Kangrebirth.
这一切早在中午就结束了,但楼十三一直在这里等到傍晚,却是在期待杜康的重生。Butunfortunately, severaldouble-hourpassed by, sign that the Du Kangcorpsehas not only recovered, afterhedieshas not dissipated, slaughtersmurderous aurayazi that hundreds of thousandslivescongeallaboriously the wailto rusha moment agobursts.
但可惜的是,几个时辰过去了,杜康的尸体不仅没有复苏的迹象,就连在他死后都没有消散,杀戮十几万生灵辛苦凝结出的杀气睚眦都在刚才哀鸣着奔溃了。Thismeans that killscomplete failure that the heartcondenses, means the thoroughdeath of Du Kang.
„ Young masterhas said that the destiny of thispersonhad the tremendouschange, may break away from the control, thenobservesinitsdestiny the tribulationto transport the change, will push the boat along the designto look at the moistrobberto bring, wantsto inspirehisdisaster.
“少爷说过,此人的气运发生了重大的变化,可能会脱离控制,便观其气运中劫运变化,顺水推舟设计将望潮盗引来,想要引动他的劫难。Nowheartmoon/monthfox the smoothbodyhas diedon the bodyandLin Chun, Lin Chunhas not reactivated, obviouslyhisconciseyazilawkilled the action of heartto be defeatedeventually.
如今心月狐的应身和林春都已顺利身死,林春也没有复活,可见他凝练睚眦法杀心的举动终究是失败了。It seems like , the young masterneedsto selectoneto supportinseveralalternativereplacecandidatesagain, formulatedtoplans of threeimperial princes. ”
看来之后,少爷需要在几个备选的替代人选中再挑一个来扶持,重新制定对三皇子的谋划了。”Melts the dragonninelawsto spreadbroadly, the yazilawpromotionhigh rankceremonyrequeststo be knownto be nothing unusual, this is also the building13choicedesignslooks at the tideto robto kill the Du Kangprimary cause, so long asDu Kanghadenoughmanymurderous aura, will certainly beginto killownlove, and suicidingbodydies.
„ Thisis also good, hisdestinychangeis the variable that is separated frommeto forecast, sinceoccurrence, inmyhearthas had a strongdiscomfort.
“这样也好,他的气运变化是一项脱离我预测的变数,自从发生以来,我的心中一直有一种浓烈的不安感。A while ago, heboiled the oildestinyto rise highjust like the raging firein vainagain, laterfellquicklyreturns to the originallevel, all theseespeciallybewildered, makingmenot lookclearly.
前段时间,他宛如烈火烹油般的气运更是徒然再次高升,之后又很快降回到原来的水准,这一切都格外的莫名其妙,让我看不明白。Suchboard game piece, ifcanpassthisdeadtribulationsafely, has the qualifications that mademelook straight atto look at one another.
这样的棋子,如果能安然度过这次死劫,就拥有了让我正眼相看的资格。Butifcrosses, but, thisperson is no more than so, beforeconsideredmeto misread the person. ”
但若是渡不过,此人便是不过如此,之前就当是我看错了人。”„Help, the frontpersonsavesme, Iamlook at the tideto rob the owner in courageoustigerhall, so long asyousavedme, Iwill giveyouhundredtimes of returns.”
A weaksoundinterrupted the building13trains of thought that the member who hisleaninghead, sees a lower partaround the middlebreakslightly, a correct usehandhugs the woundto preventowninternal organsto flowoutward, bends downto lieontogether the deck, struggleswithanotherhandpaddles the water current, toherestroke.
一个虚弱的声音打断了楼十三的思绪,他微微侧头,就看到一个下半身拦腰断裂的修士,正用一只手搂着伤口阻止自己的内脏向外流淌,俯身趴在一块船板上,用另一只手挣扎地划动水流,向这边划来。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】Du Kangwithlooking at the tiderobs the time of battle, althoughis short, but the laterpursuitcauses the battlefieldcontinuouslyis several miles, thismembercut off the bodybyDu Kangobviously, goes all outto escape.杜康与望潮盗交战的时间虽短,但之后的追击使得战场连绵长达十几里,这个修士显然是被杜康斩断了身体,拼命逃出来的。Has a look atnumerouspiratecorpse of marinefloat, as well asowner in courageoustigerhall, because the sea water and internal organsfullcontact the face of changes countenance, knows that thishas many are not easy.
The building13looked down this strongman,
楼十三低头看了一眼这个坚强的男人,Fullisregretted that said. „Did not haveincludingthreelegs, it seems like that the personabandoned, the snakeuncle, giveshimhappily.”
The ba snakebodies under buildingtenthree embodiment of Buddhastandare freezing, butopens the snakekissslightly, strong winds of ascensionarrivedon the body of man, the manalsoexudedoneto wailwithout enough time, was swallowedbyba snakeone.
After fleshentrance, ba snaketurnoverseveralsnakecorestaste the flesh the flavor, saiddiscontentedly.
人肉入口后,巴蛇吞吐几下蛇芯回味人肉的味道,不满地说道。„Althoughis the middle rankmember, butthismeattoofirewood, Young master, Iwantto eatLin Chunthatcorpse that soakeddragonclan the bloodlines, dragonRoucaiisinthisworldcan count the delicacy.”
The building13deep is so nods, looksto the boundarymore than tenli (0.5 km) away said.
„ Wehave a look atmygoodbig brother. Is acquaintedfinally, when my younger brothermayprobablyfind a warmplaceto treat as the final resting placetohim, the corpsesoakslike this because of being not good.
“那我们就去看看我的好大哥。总算是相识一场,我这个当弟弟的可要给他找一个温暖的地方当做长眠之地,尸体这样泡在海里可不好。Ithought that in the snakeuncle'sstomachis a goodchoice, the snakeuncle, how do yousee? ”
我觉得蛇叔的胃里就是个不错选择,蛇叔,你怎么看呢?”„Young masterwisewisdom, thispropositionspokeinmymindall of a sudden.”
“少爷英明睿智,这个提议一下子就说到了我的心坎里了。”In the sea levelresoundedlaughing of person of monster, without the means that the building13 was really happy.
海面上响起了一人一妖的大笑,没办法,楼十三实在是太开心了。Du Kangthistimecondenseskills the heartregardless of the success or failure, the building13canbe the winners, becomingno doubtis a good deed, thismeans that Du Kangcanbring a biggertroubletothreeimperial princes, defeatedalsohadotherincomes, reinforcing steel that the yazilawrefine, buthuman worldraretreasurematerial.杜康这次凝聚杀心不论成败,楼十三都会是赢家,成了固然是一件好事,这意味着杜康能给三皇子带来更大的麻烦,败了也有其它的收益,睚眦法炼出的一身钢骨可是人间少有的宝材。Du Kangthejadereinforcing steelframe, sufficientlylosses of counter-balancebuilding13initial investmentfailure.杜康的这一身玉钢骨架,足以抵消楼十三前期投资失败的损失。In the happy talks and laughters, the ba snake conducts the back the building13to windto swim awayto the distant place, inthis time, the building13is turning the headto looksuddenlyto the southsky.
叮铃铃-Has not seen the person, firsthearsits sound, firsthas the clearwind chimessoundto transmitfrom afar, is ‚tick-tocktick-tock’cheerfulhoofbeat.
未见来人,先闻其声,先是有清脆的风铃声远远地传来,然后是‘滴答滴答’欢快的马蹄声。Inthin the scaleby the skyclouds,sees only the spaciouscarriage that a fine horsepulls a cartto run quicklyin the cloud layer.
The silvermaneflies upwardsin the wind, the fine horsehorse's hoof of dragonhorn silverscale the place of treading, alla littleselectsauspicious cloudsto produce, decorates the magnificent and expensivefourwheelsto leave the straightsteamrolltracein the clouds.
银色的鬃毛在风中飞扬,龙角银鳞的龙马马蹄所踏之处,皆有点点祥云生成,装饰华贵的四只车轮在云中留下笔直的碾压痕迹。Thiscarriageplaces oneselfabove the cloud layer, is happyin the guestlikeheavenly palace.
这辆马车置身于云层之上,美好得就像天宫中的来客。Butin the eyes of building13lookingair/Qi, the after foreign minister of carriagestripslayer upon layer, onlyremainstwogroups of exuberantdestiny to enterhiseye.
The destinyitsoneis a threateningthree clawsGold Dragon, thisdragonisdestinyGold Dragon, had the personlord after certainbaseindustry, the non-commonmonsterdragonmaycompare.
气运其一为一条张牙舞爪的三爪金龙,此龙为气运金龙,乃拥有了一定基业后的人主之相,非寻常的妖龙可比。If the building13seethisthree clawsGold Dragonin the ordinary day, certainlygoes forwardto become friends withimmediately, whatcharacterhas a look atthisis, is actually the place of remotedesolateto participate in the imperial prince who in somefeudal lordcountry's the dragon palacegains a son-in-law.
若是楼十三在平日里看到这三爪金龙,一定会立刻上前结交,看看这是个什么样的人物,究竟是偏远蛮荒之地来参加龙宫招婿的诸侯还是某国的皇子。Buton the carriageanothergroup of familiardestiny, makinghimponderthesewithout enough time, becausethatisonegroup of good luck in making moneyandlucktransports/fortunes, martialtransport/fortune, good luckandlongevityto transport, person the lordto transport...... each destinyweightexactly rightgathering of beautifully dressed people.
但马车上另一团熟悉的气运之相,使得他来不及思考这些,因为那是一团财运、福运、武运、桃花运、寿运、人主运……每一种气运重量都不差分毫的花团锦簇之相。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】Besideshas seenthisdestinyonDu Kang, the building13have not seen the sostrangedestinyin others again, person who thereforeon the vehiclesits, decidingisDu Kangwithout doubt.
除在杜康身上见过此种气运之相外,楼十三再也没有在其他人身上见过如此奇怪的气运,所以车上坐的人,定是杜康无疑。„Snakeuncle, the fatherteachesmeto encounter a difficultysince childhoodnot work as the town/subduesdefinitelytocalmly, wefirststophere, has a look at the goal of person.”
The ba snakestopsimmediately, but also is hiddenmostheadsunder the sea level.
The building13pull out a geomancycompassfrom the sleeve, during the compassrotations, fell into the dense fog of destinyby the sea area, somepeopleinoutward appearanceit, can only seeboundlesssea, in additiondoes not haveitsthingagain.
The carriage in sky after nearbyair zone, slowed downownspeed, after waitingto arrive at the yaziDaoistbody the upper air that corresponds, stoppeddirectly.
The string of beadscurtain on carriagewas raisedby a big hand, gradually before Du Kangarrivesarrives at the horsevehicle door, looks that belowsceneheaves a deep sighto say.
马车上的串珠门帘被一只大手掀起,杜康来到缓步来到马车门前,看着下方的情景摇头叹息道。„Reallywithout the success, myclone, is a good-for-nothingthing, finallyneedsmeto help.”
“果然没有成功,我的这个分身啊,就是个不成器的东西,最终还是需要我来帮一把。”StandssmilesinDu KangSiherohearswordcharmingly, onlysaid that Du Kangis showing offcultivating that cloneintentionallyis.
„ Ifeven the member of middle rankpeak can be calledgood-for-nothing, underthatthis dayreallyhadseveralto be able the pleasantmember.
“要是连中阶巅峰的修士都能称得上不成器,那这天底下就真的有几个能入眼的修士了。Youare aboutto have a look, although the yazilawcanmake the memberplay deadveryfor a long time, the time of butdelayinggrew, plays deadalso to turnreallydies.
你还是快下去看看吧,虽说睚眦法可以使修士假死很久,但拖的时间长了,假死也是有可能变成真死的。Iflost this whiletime, makingyourclonereallydie, do not askmeto complain tearfully. ”
要是耽误了这一会儿时间,让你的分身真死了,可不要找我哭诉。”Siherois the meetinghead of hiddendragonmeeting, todragonninelawknowledgereallydeep, wordsDu Kang that hesaidthinks is not groundless, immediatelynods, jumps upfrom the carriage, fallsto under the howlingwind sound/rumor.
姒雄是隐龙会的会首,对化龙九法知之甚深,他说的话杜康认为不无道理,当下就点点头,从马车上纵身一跳,在呼啸的风声中向下方落去。Siherocarriage appear here timeexactlyhere, naturallyisDu Kangplansvery early in the morning.
姒雄的马车恰好在这个时间出现在这里,自然是杜康一早就计划好的。He the second day of boarding, toSiherohalf real , half fakesaidownsomeinformation, saidoneselfcloneinOcean Wave Seaalsoone, whatpracticeis the yazilaw, is incaststo kill the critical moment of heart, hopes that Siherocancircle a section of long journeyclonealsoto be ableslightlyto board the car(riage) of opposite party.
他在上车的第二天,就向姒雄半真半假的坦露了自身的部分情报,称自己在碧波海还有一具分身,修练的是睚眦法,正处于铸就杀心的紧要关头,希望姒雄能稍微绕一段远路将分身也能登上对方的车。Meetingheadashiddendragonmeeting, there is a greatprospect of namekingorganization system, Siheroalwayslikesdrawing not to have the big influence on cultivate/repair the expertto useforoneselfas the powder of dependence.
身为隐龙会的会首,又有称王建制的宏大愿景,姒雄一向喜欢收拢没有大势力作为依靠的散修高手为己用。Knows after the Du Kangalsostrengthis as goodclone of main body, immediately the great happiness, changed courseto come, to makefully the stance of treating worthies and scholars with courtesytoheredirectly, wanted the Du Kangtrueincomeunder.
知道杜康还有一具实力不逊于本体的分身之后,当即大喜,直接改道向此处而来,摆足了礼贤下士的姿态,想要将杜康真正收入麾下。Du Kangplanned, mustparticipate in the dragon palaceto gain a son-in-lawby the status of double headeddragon, todivulgingandcaring of theseinformation, thenbuiltbandwagonwishto let the town/subduesmountainDaoist and yaziDaoistmeetsas soon as possible.杜康原本就计划,要以双头龙的身份参加龙宫招婿,对这些情报的泄露并不在意,便搭了个顺风车想要让镇岳道人和睚眦道人尽快相会。Todayshouldmeetsmoothly, finally the yaziDaoistencounters the ambush that the observationtiderobsin the halfway, ahead of timeopenedcasting that kills the heart, thishad the presentaspect.
原本今日应该顺利相遇,结果睚眦道人在半路遭遇到了望潮盗的埋伏,提前开启了杀心的铸造,这才有了现在的局面。Is goodbecause , the town/subduesmountainDaoistcomes is not late.
好在,镇岳道人来得并不算晚。Commits suicideentersstepnecessaryonestepas the yazilawmagic arts, was certainly impossiblereallynot to allow a leewayto the death of follower, Du Kangwill have the opportunity that cloneto revive.
The wind sound/rumor that the earhowlsstopssuddenly, under the function of repulsion, the body of Du Kang the extreme speed by soaring to the heavensbeing fallenhoweverchanges intocourageousstatic, suchhoveringin the front of oneselfbody.
耳边呼啸的风声骤然而止,在斥力的作用下,杜康的身体由冲天而降的极速勐然化为静止,就这样悬停在了自己尸体的面前。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
The plank of break, the cutting off limbwreckage of float, the swellingcorpse, covered entirely a surrounding areamore than tenli (0.5 km)sea area, thisto the corpse that supports and common.
The yaziDaoistcalmlylies downin the sea level, vermilionMeiniangbodywas supportedby his handin the bosom, the clawblade of anotherhandinsertsownheart, even ifhas passedseveraldouble-hourtwo peoplenot to separate.
The scarletpalace clothingsoakssticks to herbody, will havetoexquisite the staturepackageoutlined, on the palefacealsohad a sorrowfulness of undulating, the annoying of personlookingloves tenderly, completelynotlike a corpse of dying.
大红的宫装湿透紧贴在她的身上,将玲珑有致的身材包裹勾勒,苍白的面孔上还带有一丝澹澹的哀愁,望之惹人怜爱,完全不像一具死去的尸体。Du Kangpulls outRefining Monster Beadfrom the bosom, received whichvermilionMeiniang, takes in the bosom, in the hearthasownconsideration.杜康从怀里掏出一颗炼妖珠,将朱媚娘收入其中,重新收进怀里,心中自有自己的考量。Laterthenputs out a hand a move, the body of yaziDaoistwill fly highto float offfrom the water surface, floatsbeforeoneself.
之后便伸手一招,将睚眦道人的尸体从水面凌空浮起,漂浮在自己面前。At this time the setting sun of horizon, has fallen intounder the sea levelmost probably, the whole worldis passingdiminblood red.
此时天边的夕阳,已经大半边落入海平面下,整个世界于血红中透着点点昏暗。TwoappearancesameDu Kanghorizontalvertical strokes, facingstand, the setting sunalwaysdrawstheirshadowsis long, the darkpeacefulraycasts light upondimlytheirfive senses, like an abstractoil painting.
两个面貌相同的杜康一横一竖,面对而立,夕阳将他们的影子拉得老长,暗澹的光线将他们的五官照映得半明半暗,如同一幅抽象的油画。Situated intown/subduesmountainDaoistwithin the body‚Du Kang’consciousness, looks atownloathsome appearance, self-ridiculedsmiles.
处于镇岳道人体内的‘杜康’意识,看着自己的死相,不禁自嘲一笑。„Althoughforneed of magic artscultivation, butembraces the womanto commit suicide, stilldisclosed that onetypefor the stupidfeeling to likecommitting suicide together in the name of love, hopes, Iwill not havethisstupidtypeagain.”
“虽然是为了法术修炼的需要,但怀抱着女人自尽,依然透露出一种为爱殉情的愚蠢感觉,希望以后我不会再有这种蠢样了。”Stretches out the palmto graspto who lie downhorizontally, hisshadowwrigglesfast, climbs uptohimalong the pants leg, finallychanges into a shadowgloveto wraphisboth hands.
伸出手掌向横躺的自己一抓,他脚下的影子就快速蠕动起来,沿着裤管向他身上攀爬,最终化为一副阴影手套将他的双手包裹其中。Bends the waist the shadow that the palmsearchesintoalsoto lie downhorizontally, intries to find out, bends the waistsets out, inhisboth handsholdscompletely the peacefulgoldencleargravelin broken bits.
弯腰将手掌探入自己同样横躺的影子,在其中摸索一番,弯腰起身的时候,他的双手中已经捧满了细碎的澹金色晶莹砂砾。Thisis the Yingodfragment of yaziDaoist, whenhedied, theseYingodfragmentshad not been coercedto goby the tide of spiritsea of qi, buthidin the shadowquietly, is waiting for the uncertainresurrectingopportunity.
这是睚眦道人的阴神碎片,在他死亡的时候,这些阴神碎片没有被灵气海的浪潮裹挟而去,而是悄然隐藏在了影子中,等待着渺茫的复活机会。【The newchapterrenews the slowissue, incantradeonsourceappto have the solutionfinally, heredownloadshuanyuanappto tradesourceapp, simultaneouslyreadsin the latest chapters of manysites.】
【新章节更新迟缓的问题,在能换源的app上终于有了解决之道,这里下载huanyuanapp换源app,同时查看本书在多个站点的最新章节。】【Closely associated】: Has the strength of controlshadow, not only can controlitspersonthrough the shadow, will bebyownshadowinvasiongoodshidden.
【如影随形】:拥有操控阴影的力量,不仅能通过影子控制它人,还是将被自身影子侵染的物品隐藏其中。vermilionMeiniangapprenticeJane/simpleZhi, was once taken away the workshopthroughthismethod.
朱媚娘的徒弟简止,曾经就是通过这种方法被带离作坊的。Evencanbe usedto hideothers, hidesownYingodto be naturally a cinch.
A brasscolorillusorystoveappearsinDu Kangon hand, hedoes not remainYingodfragmentonegrain in handpours into the furnace, duplicate/restoressearches foragainin the shadow.
一只黄铜色的虚幻火炉在杜康手边浮现,他将手中的阴神碎片一粒不剩地倒入炉中,复又再次在影子中搜寻起来。WhenDu Kangsets outagain, the thing that inhishandthistimeholdsis the blackredgravel.
After thisismurderous aurayazicollapses, left behindmurderous auracrystallizes, similarlyhidin the shadow.
After Du Kangwill work off anger the crystallizationsameinvestmentworldcopperfurnace, abolishedattachment of shadow, hestandsby the stove, inascension, butin the azure-redfurnace firecalmlywaits.杜康将杀气结晶同样投入天地铜炉后,才撤销了影子的附着,他站在炉子旁边,在升腾而起的青红色炉火中静静等待起来。
The brasscolorillusorycauldronfurnaceis revolvingleisurely, by the illusoryfurnace stack, cansee that the azure-redworldfireis flamingingto burn the combinationis beingonegroup of Yingods and murderous auracrystals, often can also see that has the crystal of bulk unable to withstandsuchrefining upto rupture.
黄铜色的虚幻鼎炉悠悠地旋转着,透过虚幻的炉身,能看到青红色的天地火在炽烧着混杂为一堆的阴神和杀气晶体,不时还能看到有大块的晶体无法承受这样的炼化而爆裂开来。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
The timepassesin the copperfurnacerotationslowly, the worldfireis extracting the strength of Yingodandvitalityunceasingly, takesDu Kangas the firewoodsupplies, finallyin the lastsunlightvanisheswhen the horizon, meltedliquid of beachlusterdarkgold/metal the crystal.
时间在铜炉转动中缓缓流逝,天地火不断抽取着阴神和气血的力量,以杜康自身为柴薪供给,终于在最后一丝阳光消失在天边之时,将晶体融化成了一滩色泽暗金的液体。Yingodandmurderous aurasmoothsmeltingasone, the castingkilled the baseembryo of heartto refinelike this.
The furnace fireextinguishesgradually, Du Kangraises the furnace lid, puts out a handthisgroup of darkgoldenliquidswill grip, will conduct the nextoperation.
炉火渐熄,杜康一把将炉盖掀起,伸手将其中这团暗金色液体握住,正要进行下一步操作。Actuallysuddenlydiscovered, the liquid in handbecomeslikegrasps the sandto be commonwith the hand, the automationmade the goldenball bearing of milletsizeto fallfrom the hand, after thesetinygold/metalbeadfellremelted, condensesin the same place, changed to a completebeach, as if nothing happenedcrossed.
却突然发现,手中的液体变得如同用手抓沙一般,自动化作了小米大小的金色滚珠从手中滑落,等这些细小的金珠落回炉中后,又重新凝聚在一起,化作完整的一滩,仿佛什么都没有发生过。LaterDu Kangwithwooden barrel, ladle, jadebowl, woodenbottle, copperearthen bowland otherthing11attempts, butcannotscoop up the golden liquid.
之后杜康又以木桶,铁勺,玉碗、木瓶、铜钵等物一一尝试,但都不能将金液舀出。This was the castingkills the nextdifficult problem of heart, howto kill the baseembryo of heartto take out, andcondensed the formation.
这便是铸造杀心的下一步难题了,如何将杀心的基胚取出,并凝聚成型。„Does not moistenfivelines, wasn't takenby the visiblething? Herealsohas the law of dealing.”
The Du Kangwordsstopslightly, thensinceresaid.杜康话语微微停顿,转而正色说道。„Isaid,thiskills the heartbaseembryo the bodyalong withmyintent, is leavingcopperfurnace that is pregnant the body.”
The voicefalls, thisbeachgolden liquidgrows a wingimmediatelyautomatically, fannedwingto depart the worldcopperfurnace, stoppedwrigglesin front ofDu Kang.
话音一落,这滩金液立刻自动长出了一对翅膀,扇动翅膀自己飞出了天地铜炉,停在杜康面前蠕动不已。„Isaid,metaphysical said that physical said that butwasthingeverywhere along the road, youwill have a shape, tocarry the say/way of slaughtering.”
“我说,形而上者谓道,形而下者谓器,但器乃载道之物也,你将拥有道器之形,以载杀戮之道。”Thisexit|to speak, main body of Du Kanginside and outsideseveral thousand, feels the whole bodymonsterstrengthoutflowimmediatelymost.
此句出口,杜康远在几千里外的本体,立刻感到全身妖力流失大半。Meanwhile, the town/subduesYueDaorenpresentgolden liquidgolden lightputsin vaingreatly, emits the dazzlinglight, illuminatesbright the coastal waterdimweather.
于此同时,镇岳道人眼前的金液徒然金光大放,放射出刺目的光明,将附近海域昏暗的天色照得彻亮。When the lightrestrainsslowly, circlelumps, shining, seemsgold/metalpill, changes to a thing that in an instantrunsjumpgolden coloryazi, comes into the Du Kangline of sight.
等光明缓缓收敛时,一颗圆坨坨,金灿灿,好似金丹,又转眼化作一只奔跑跳跃金色睚眦的物件,就落入杜康视线中。At this moment, awareness of Du Kanginstinct.
Of yazilawkills the heart, was built uplike thisbyhim.
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