【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepracticeChapter 145todayin the palmhandshake the blade, cuts the personalsoto cutmeto seek the subscription
妖诡世界:我能氪命修行第145章今日掌握手中刃,既斩人来也斩我求订阅Sunny day, rolling thundercrack.
青天白日,滚雷炸响。InundatesTien Chiento losein the migratory locustlikelocust plagueto be the same, went into the sea water of surrounding areahundred zhang (333 m)one filling where the other drops, thenwidens the range of attackin the direction of drumbeatgradually, toguardDu Kangto run awayfrom the surroundings.
The sea water in battlefield, firstwas first sent, butto the freezingarrowfreezes a lump of gianticeberg;
The iceberghas not preservedseveralbreathsin the sea level the time, the minute/share of shadowarrow that alsofollowingwas caught up withtreats as the target, the puncturefires atice sludge;
The hotsnakearrowfollows on somebody's heels, after fallingto the floating ice and sea water, shortlywill ascend the magnanimousblazingsteam, the ice pieceat the visiblespeedmelts, the evaporationcausesunder the sea level the rapiddrop, causes the surroundingsea waterto filltoward the middleunceasingly;
火蛇箭接踵而至,落到浮冰和海水中后,顷刻间就升腾起海量的炽热蒸汽,冰块以肉眼可见的速度融化,蒸发使得海平面下迅速下降,引得周围的海水往中间不断填补;Eacharrowlosesto emit the ten thousandpoisonousarrows of over ten thousandox hairpoisonousneedles, dyescolorfully the steam and sea water;
每支箭失都会放射出上万牛毛毒针的万毒针箭,将水蒸气和海水染得花花绿绿;Mayextinguishkills the crescent moonarrow of Yingod, sends out the palemoonlight, nearby illuminatesallwaters within oneli (0.5 km);
After the plum blossomarrowenters the water, immediatelyformsplum blossomtrapped/sleepy, likeplum blossom that open and closeunceasingly, the attemptwill be rapidto wrapinDu Kang that in the watershuttles back and forth;
The pigeoncalled the surface of whistling arrowto reappear the pigeonemptyshadow of monster qiconstruction, in the mouthexudes the continuouscheerfulpigeonwhining noise, evenwere separated bybeyondoneli (0.5 km), stillhadcultivatesis confusednumerouslyby the pigeoncryfor the lowpirate, puts down the weapon in hand, to the endfell into the sound sleep......
The piratesas ifgraspedsometypeto trace the ability of Du Kangposition, howregardless ofhechanged the directionin the sea water, the drumbeat that the rhythmfluctuatedunceasingly, can always guide the arrowto loseto the Du Kangperipheralapproximaterange.
海贼仿佛掌握了某种可以追踪杜康位置的能力,不论他在海水中如何变更方向,节奏不断变幻的鼓声,总是能引导箭失落到杜康周边的大致范围内。Underunceasingbombing that invarioustypes of monstertechniquearrowslose, the Du Kangchoicehas not submerged the deep seato avoidthisbestresponse, insteadis welcomingbombing of fire, turns toward the ships of piratesto be closein the epicontinental seaunceasingly.
在各种妖术箭失的不断轰炸下,杜康并未选择潜入深海躲避这个最佳的应对方案,反而是迎着炮火的轰炸,在浅海中向着海盗们的船只不断接近。yazi in murderous aurarocket the roaringfilial pietyis gallopingcheerfully, is enjoying the presentexcitingtimeexcitedly.
杀气狼烟中的睚眦在欢快地咆孝奔腾着,兴奋地享受着现在的刺激时光。Du Kangunderitsinfluence, onlythinks that canfight the space warfareplace the heroic feelingsto flood the innermost feelings, the conductthenbecomes the hot bloodedimpulsioninevitably, militantbloodthirsty, evenby the wanton bombingto the whole bodyblood, is not willingto make the temporaryavoidancedeep sea the action.杜康在其的影响下,只觉一股可以战天战地的豪情充斥内心,行事便不可避免地变得热血冲动,好战嗜杀,即便被狂轰滥炸到满身鲜血,也不愿意做出暂时退避深海的举动。
The Du Kangformis getting more and more nearto the fleet, fellinfollowed of fireto hide a sea boat of surroundingin the dayquicklybehind.杜康的身影离船队越来越近,很快在天降炮火的跟随中躲到了一艘外围的海船身后。Has the hugefleets of 30steamshipslimited toimpediment of oneselfships, mostly can only be forcedto stop the attack, only thenhas several ships of fireanglestillto continueto launch the arrowto lose, attemptsto obtainmorevictories.
呲啦-Puncture of threeDaoist priestseveral-ten feetgolden yellowbladelight by the sea, easilypierced the 34 ten feets in widthironstarwoodensea boat.
三道长达十几丈的金黄色刀光由海中穿刺而出,轻易洞穿了宽有34丈的铁星木海船。Later the bladeturns over, a stroke, the sharpbladelightplace visited, keeps offbeforeitaround the middleallhindrancecompletelyalleasilybursts.
The degree of hardnessendurescompared with the ironstarwooden boatboard of steelin front of the bladelight, does not strive to excelcompared with the mold of paperlakemany, together withmember, changes to the appearance of limbsseparationcompletely.
硬度堪比钢铁的铁星木船板在刀光面前,并不比纸湖的模具要强多少,连同在内的修士,全部化作肢体分离的模样。Thissea boatin the woodenbreaksoundinterrupt of toothacidforseveral, sinksby the middle, twoturning upwardsstancessinkslowlyto the sea.
这艘海船在牙酸的木质断裂声中断为了数段,以中间下沉,两头翘起的姿态缓缓向海下沉去。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
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A formin not far awaybrokenwater of sunken wreck, the whole bodyskincovered entirely the frostbite and burn, the bodyinsertsseveralto be perishedallmiraculousarrowsto loseby the flesh, the shatterfleshis unable to wrap the colored glazecolorjadesteelskeleton, rushes toenemy ranksDu Kangforcefullyisthisappearance.
一个身影在沉船的不远处破水而出,全身皮肤布满了冻疮和烧伤,身上插着几只已经被血肉腐蚀掉所有灵光的箭失,破碎的血肉无法包裹住琉璃色的玉钢骨骼,强行闯过敌阵的杜康就是这副模样。In the tatteredblood of burned blackdamage the granulationtumbles, proliferates the arrow of barbto loseis squeezed outin the fallingwater, revealedvaguely the skeleton that was coveredall,
焦黑损坏的破烂血中肉芽翻滚,遍布倒钩的箭失被挤出掉落水中,依稀显露出来的骨骼被尽数遮盖,Du Kangonlyused several time of breathto restore the injury of physical body. Some member of good luckhad not died a tragic deathinDaoguang the attack, butafter the shipsdestroyfalls in the water, at this timesees the Du Kangappearance, does not dareto go forwardto attack, butsteps on the sea waterto runin abundancetonearbyships, wantsto obtain the rescue of person on one's own side.杜康只用了几个呼吸的时间就恢复了肉体的伤势。有些好运的修士没有惨死于刀光的袭击,只是在船只毁坏后落水,此时见到杜康的模样,也不敢上前攻击,而是纷纷踩踏着海水向附近的船只跑去,想要获得自己人的救助。
A round of salvo, at leastconsumedover a millionteal of silver, buthas not actually caused the fataldamagetoDu Kang, thisto the moraleis an enormousinfluence.
刚才的一轮齐射,至少消耗了上百万两银子,但却没有对杜康造成致命的伤害,这对士气是一种极大的影响。Is goodbecause , the command system of piratewas still revolving, rumble the drumbeatcontinuesto resound, the piratesstartto adjust the sail, dispersesin the differentdirectionseverywhere, in order to avoidreturned toa moment ago the road of thatship.
That aslots ofmemberdied, silk threadsmurderous aurato derivein the sea levelrapidly, gatherstowardDu Kangthisallsetters.
随着大量修士死亡的发生,丝丝缕缕的杀气迅速在海面上衍生而出,向着杜康这个一切的始作俑者汇聚而来。Newbornmurderous aurawas swallowedbymurderous aurayazi one of the Du Kangtop of the head, after ithit a satisfiedloudnose, Du Kangalsosends out a satisfiedsigh.
新生的杀气被杜康头顶的杀气睚眦一口吞噬,等它打了一个满足的响鼻后,杜康才同样发出一声满足的叹息。„Actuallyiswhogivesyourcourage, withouthigh rankmember, daresto askmeto trouble?”
“究竟是谁给你们的勇气,在没有高阶修士的情况下,就敢来找我麻烦?”No onereplied that Du Kangwords, piratesin a more rapiddrumbeat, choicerapidfar away fromhim, simultaneouslybuilds the bowto fill in the crossbowto loseto shoottohimarrows.
没有人回答杜康的话,海盗们在更急促的鼓声中,选择飞速远离他,同时重新搭弓填弩将一只只箭失向他射去。„To me, thesemeaninglessattack.”
“对我来说,这些只是毫无意义的攻击。”Du Kangmovedagain, the footstepslike the passing over gently and swiftlyocean wavesturbulentsea level, flashed throughmostarrowsto losesuperficiallywith ease, the clawbladewill be fewis cut offorknocksto flyordetonateby chancein the frontarrow, arrived in front ofanothersea boatquickly.杜康再次动了起来,脚步如同蜻蜓点水般掠过海浪汹涌的海面,轻松闪过大部分的箭失,爪刃将少量碰巧阻隔在前方的箭或磕飞或引爆,很快又来到了另一艘海船面前。
The goldenbladelightfrom the clawbladeejection, is actually Du Kangold trickheavy, interruptsthissea boataround the middle.
金黄色的刀光从爪刃弹射而出,却是杜康故技重施,将这艘海船拦腰截断。Thistimedestroys the ship, on the shipdiesof the member of bladelightdirectlyare not many, when the sea waterflows in backwardtoward the cabin, faintedmanyboundary not highpirateracket, in an ironcoffin that fulls floaded operation the sea water, theymostlyonly thendied a result.
这次毁船,船上直接死于刀光的修士并不多,但海水往船舱里倒灌时,将很多境界不高的海盗拍晕了,在一艘灌满海水的铁棺材里,他们大多只有死亡一个结局。Surpluswhen the shipdestroyspirate who falls in the water, thenscatters in all directionsto fleetoeachdirectioncrazily, nearbyshipdid not dareon, for fear thathad the shipsto be attacked and sunknexttimeagain, oneselfdegenerated into the food of fishturtlepitifully.
After the secondshipDu Kangstrikes the scuttle, the confidence of piratesfinallystartsto vacillate.
第二艘船被杜康一击凿沉之后,海盗们的信心终于开始动摇了。Thisis the steamship of ironstarwoodenmanufacture, eachisseveral hundred thousandjin (0.5 kg), ishumancangallopin the Ocean Wave Seastorm, as well ascanhitin the monsterasdefending against a siege the treasure of fortress, easilywill be so destroyedtwounexpectedlycontinually.
这可是铁星木制造的大船啊,每一艘都重达几十万斤,是人类能在碧波海风浪中驰骋、以及能在妖怪袭击作为困守堡垒的重器,竟然会如此轻易地被人连毁两艘。If the sinking of firstship, but can also be the opposite partypresses the bottom the maintaining lifeunique skillto comfort itselfbythis, making a move of againthatDu Kang, broke the fantasy of piratesdirectly.
如果说第一艘船的沉没,还能以这是对方压箱底的保命绝技来安慰自己的话,那杜康的再次出手,就直接打破了海贼们的幻想。Du Kangdestroys the attack of ships, clearlyis onlyhisconventionalattackmethod.杜康毁灭船只的攻击,分明只是他的常规性攻击手段。Directs the rhythm of piratesdrumbeat, presentedinstantaneousscattered in disorder, obviouslyhas not expectedoccurrence of thissituation.
就连指挥海盗们鼓声的节奏,也出现了瞬间的散乱,显然没有预料到这种情况的发生。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
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【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】Onespentover a millionteal of silver, is unable to create the effectiveattackto the opposite party, but the opposite partystrikesconvenientlycanmake the shipdestroy the personto perish, thisalsohits.
自己一方花了上百万两银子,根本无法给对方造成有效攻击,而对方随手一击就能让己方船毁人亡,这还打个屁啊。Thisformerleaderand they have said that the magic artsexcelavid follower, acted recklesslyto killthem‚to look atmoistrobber’on the main channelmanypeople, todaytheymustfightoverwhelmingly a war that annihilated the opposite party, tostand erectto look at the prestige that the tiderobbedand so on.
这次出发前首领和他们说过,有一个法术高强的狂徒,在主航道上不知死活杀了他们‘望潮盗’不少人,今天他们要打一场以绝对优势歼灭对方的一战,以重新竖立望潮盗的威信云云。Now the when tactical situation, basicandcomes the situation of reaching an agreementis different.
现在发生的战况,根本和来时说好的情况不一样嘛。Although the piratesare flagitious, butthatistoothers, theyhad not known perfectly wellmustdie must for the consciousness that otherswork oneself to death.
海盗们虽然凶残,但那是对别人,他们可没有明知必死还要为别人卖命的觉悟。Warintent of piratehas vacillated, even ifhas28sea boats, a large number ofarrowslose the reserve, mostmanpowerhave not lost, but the collapse of warstillshortly.
海盗的战意已经动摇,即便拥有二十八艘海船,数量众多的箭失储备,大部分人手还未损失,但战局的崩溃也在顷刻之间。Is goodbecause, looks the high level that the tiderobsas if is very cleartemper, represents the rapiddrumbeat of evacuationto resoundrapidly, spreads to the ears of allpirates.
好在,望潮盗的高层似乎很清楚自家手下的性子,代表着撤离的急促鼓声紧接着就急促响起,传入所有海盗的耳中。Receives the ships of order, the speed of actionfast, does not needto urge, the respectiveadjustmentsail, dispersestoeachdirectionlikeflowers showered on the earth below by a goddess of the skygenerally, must evacuatefrom the differentdirectionssimultaneously.
接到命令的船只们,行动的速度飞快,根本就不需要催促,就各自调整风帆,如同天女散花一般向各个方向散开,显然是要同时从不同方向撤离。„To cometo come, wantsto walkwalks, inthisworldwherehas such cheapmatter?”
“想来就来,想走就走,这世界上哪有这么便宜的事情?”Du Kanglooks around, choseshipmanydirectionsquickly, towardescaping the shipspursuitwent.杜康举目四望,很快选好了一个船多的方向,向着逃亡的船只追击而去。Had the pirate on shipto discover the Du Kangtrail, in the throatsent out the sad and shrillcall, in the scream, there is a fragmentaryseveraldirectionpirate shipto shoot the arrow of sparsemonstertechniquetoDu Kangagain.
It is not ableto prevent the Du Kangfootstepsincluding the 30shipsalvos, presentseveralshipwheelsshootlet alone, but the momenttime, the slowpirate shipwas caught up withbyDu Kang.
A clawwill fallon a rearshipattacks and sinks, was realizingwithin the bodymonsterstrengthhas consumed the mostvoid, with the tremblingChinese zitherpleasant sensation of murderous aura the cursesimultaneouslywelling up, the Du Kangfootstepskeepturning toward the frontto continueto pursue, simultaneouslyin the mouthdiscussedlightly.
一爪将落在最后面的一艘船击沉,体会着体内妖力已经消耗大半的空虚感,与杀气诅咒同时涌来的颤瑟快感,杜康脚步不停地向着前方继续追去,同时口中轻念道。„Mymonsterstrength, mustbe inexhaustible.”
“我的妖力,应当无穷无尽。”Peng, Peng, Peng, Peng, Peng.
After firsteven/includingfiveclawbladecutting to piecesshipsdragon bones|keels, cuts the depressedbrokensound of water in entering the seawaterto resound, Du Kangstopped the footsteps of pursuit.
It is not because the monsterstrengthis bad, is notbecauseotherships run far, buteightships that becausewere attacked and sunkbyDu Kangpresented the accidentat the same time.
不是因为妖力不济,也不是因为其它船只已经跑远,而是因为被杜康击沉的八艘船在同一时间出现了变故。Firstbythatshiplucky fellow who Du Kangattacks and sinks, at this timehas sunk the hundred zhang (333 m)deepseabed, butjust the attacked and sunkthatship, is putting up a last-ditch strugglestill at the sea level.
最先被杜康击沉的那船幸运儿,此时已经沉到了百丈深的海底,而刚刚被击沉的那艘船,尚在海面垂死挣扎着。Depth of theseeightin the sea waterin the ships that varies, the strategy on the remainingdeckinscribingwas stimulated, the unificationsends outmistyluminous.
这八艘在海水中深浅不一的船只,残余船板上铭刻的阵法被激发,统一发出蒙蒙的光亮。Theseluminouseasilykills the member who in the shipthesehad not diedcompletely, latercoerces the Yingod who thesememberwere dying, changes toonegroup of dazzlingmiraculous glowsrespectively, shoots up to the sky.
这些光亮轻易杀死了船中那些尚未完全死去的修士,之后裹挟着这些修士死去的阴神,各自化作一团刺目的灵光,冲天而起。In the sky, eightgroups of miraculous glowschange to the strategyeightbasic points, will outline the line of strategyshortly, communicatestwoplaces the gatewaysthento open widefrom the center of strategytogether.
天空中,八团灵光化作阵法的八个基点,于顷刻间勾勒出阵法的线条,一道沟通两地的门户便从阵法的中央洞开。Whatfirststretches out the gatewayis a tailministerhas the octopustentacle of head/number of people, isonebiglumpstickyslippery, quantitynumeroustentaclespestersin the togethersoftbody.
最先伸出门户的是一条尾部长有人头的章鱼触手,紧接着是一大坨黏腻湿滑、数量众多触手纠缠在一起的柔软身体。Waits forthisgroup of lifeformcreeping motionsto separate, appearsin front ofDu Kang, isonelength of body30zhang (3.33 m), endeighttentacleslonghas the giantoctopusmonster of volumehugepersonandbeasthead.
等这团生物蠕动分离开来,出现在杜康面前的,是一个体长三十丈有余,八支触手尾端都长有体积庞大人、兽头颅的巨型章鱼妖怪。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
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The octopuslies face downwardin the sea level, the eyeball that twocookblackis openingDu Kang, butitssurroundingeightfreetentaclepeaks, the person the firstminute/sharemaleandfemale, oldandyoung, the animal headdivides the dhole, wolf, tigerandleopard, eightheadsare also staring atDu Kangcovetously.
章鱼俯卧在海面上,两只黑熘熘的眼球睁着杜康,而它周围八条招摇的触手顶端,人首分男、女、老、幼,兽头又分豺、狼、虎、豹,共八个头颅也虎视眈眈地盯着杜康。Seesby the Du Kangspiritual eye, thisoctopus'sheadsandeightseparately, allhavecultivating of peakbigmonsterare, under the monsterkingis the rareexpert.
以杜康灵眼所见,这章鱼本身的头颅和八个分头,全都有巅峰大妖的修为,在妖王之下已是难得的高手。„Is thislooks at the moistrobberto cope withmysubsequent hand? Alsonotstrongappearance.”
“这就是望潮盗对付我的后手吗?也不怎么强的样子嘛。”„Ilikeyourwildness, todayfights, thislooks atmoistmonsterMonarch to yourheadtake off, makingyouturn into one of my eight, sharesthispowerfulmonsterbodywithme the glory.”
“我喜欢你的猖狂,今日一战之后,本望潮妖君就要将你的头颅摘下,让你变成我的八头之一,与我共享这份强大妖躯的荣耀。”Looks at a moistmonsterMr.'slordlipto be motionless, insteadishiseightlaughsseparately, a few wordschange to the overlappedsoundwave, fills the earlike the demonsoundtoDu Kang.
The Du Kangbackhandpulls up, in the clawbladesends outthreeDaoist prieststo have more than tenzhang (3.33 m)bladelightimmediately, towardlooking at the moistmonsterMr.'sbodyrules out.杜康反手一撩,爪刃中立刻发出三道长有十余丈的刀光,向着望潮妖君的身上划去。Looks atmoistmonsterMonarchto seethis, not startleddid not get angry, controlsownwolf headtentacleto keep offbefore the bladedirectlyall alone, a hungry wolfroaringfilial piety, the spiritstrength in airautomaticgatheredleaf of a front door that before the bodyis exudingdarkall kindsZe.
望潮妖君见此,不惊不怒,控制着自己的狼头触手直接挡在了刀光身前,一声饿狼咆孝,空气中的灵力就自动在身前汇聚成一扇泛着黝黑色色泽的大门。„Mythisleaf of gateway, after isIobserve and emulate the gate of ghostdom, creates, mayreceiveunder the monsterking the attack of anybigmonster, butdoes not go bad, ifyoucandestroyitinthreemoves, Icangiveyouoneto surrenderIto maintain a livelihood......!!!!”
“我这扇门户,是我观摩冥界之门后所创,可接下妖王之下任何大妖的攻击而不坏,你若是能在三招内打碎它,我可以给你一个投降我活命的……啊!!!!”Looked at the moistmonsterMr.'swordsnot saying that threebladelightsuch ashave ripped the windowpaperto be common, torethatleaf of darkiron gate, fellonitsbody.
After the bladelightcuts offseveraltentaclescontinuously, the ample forceexhausts, was only in sight the moistmonsterMr.'sLordheadto leave behindthreeto enter the deepwound of brains.
The wind of blood and body fluidfrom the woundflewfourto shoot, look atmoistmonsterMonarchto keep offtwotentaclesin the woundfronthastilyflurriedly, was actually afraidbyDu Kangis made up an attackagain, immediatelypassed away.
鲜血和体液从伤口中飙飞四射,望潮妖君连忙将两道触手慌乱地挡在了伤口的面前,却是害怕被杜康再补一记攻击,立刻命丧黄泉。„Thisat all is not the strength that the middle rankmembercanhave.”
“这根本不是中阶修士能够拥有的力量。”Looks at the moistmonsterMr.'sinnermost feelingscrazily the roaringfilial piety, contestsonlyonetime, itwas scared, the remainingtentaclefastupright ejection, the drill the strategychannel that has not closedto the top of the head, preparesto escapealong the old route.
望潮妖君的内心在疯狂地咆孝着,只一次过招,它就被吓破了胆,残余的触手飞快向上弹射,钻向头顶还未关闭的阵法通道,准备沿着原路逃跑。„Youridle talkwere too many.”
A formtwinkle of Du Kang, appearsis looking out the moistmonsterMonarchslipperystickytop of the head, one clawblade in handinphysical body that pricked the under foot.杜康的身影一个闪烁,就出现在了望潮妖君湿滑黏腻的头顶,将手中的爪刃一把刺入了脚下的肉体中。
The bladelight of clawbladepasses the bodyfrom the body of bigoctopus, the monster who thishas not diedfor a whilealsowantsto makein the lifefinalstruggling, in the clawbladebyDu Kanganotherhandwas actually brushedseveralblades, cuts offseveraltentacles that onlyremained, cutto break to pieces the tentaclepeakto call out the headincessantly.
爪刃的刀光从大章鱼的身体中透体而出,这个一时未死的妖怪还想要做生命中最后的挣扎,却被杜康另一只手中的爪刃刷刷几刀,斩断了仅剩的几条触手,斩碎了触手顶端嚎叫不止的头颅。Latertwopairs of clawedgesjointly attack, cuts to piecesshattercorpseblocks the main body of octopus, stoppedthisattack.
The pirates in distant place, noticedlooks atmoistmonsterMonarchto arrive, had slowed down the speed of escaping, butitsshortlybeing defeated, will instead maketheserouted troopsescapewas quicker.
远处的海盗们,原本看到望潮妖君降临,已经放慢了逃跑的速度,但它的顷刻间落败,反而让这些溃兵逃跑的更快了。ThisDu Kanghas not goneto pursue, becausemurderous aura of after looking at the moistmonsterMonarchbodydies, derives, enablingmurderous aurayazi of top of the headto obtain the sufficientsupplement.
这次杜康没有去追赶,因为望潮妖君身死后衍生的杀气,使得头顶的杀气睚眦得到了充足的补充。Itafter a carefreeturnover, attractsDu Kangmurderous aurarocketoneonly, complementedtwo horns of top of the head, changed tocompletefierceyazi, cheerfulgallopingsideDu Kangcontinuous.
它在一个畅快的吞吐之后,将杜康的杀气狼烟一口吸净,补全了头顶的双角,化作了一个形体完整的狰狞睚眦,在杜康身边欢快的奔腾不休。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】On this occasionfrequently, onDu Kangfacebecause offightingfreshwild with joycollectsslowly, insteadrevealed an inexplicablesadtablecontinuouslyinvermilionMeiniang who beyondseveralli (0.5 km)observes, saw that the marinefighthad ended, has not actually looked likein those dayswhengenerallyDu Kanghas the return of posture of victory.
值此时刻,杜康脸上的因战而生的狂喜缓缓敛去,反而露出了一个莫名的悲伤表一直在数里外观战的朱媚娘,见到海上的战斗已经结束,却没有像往日一般等到杜康带着胜利之姿的归来。Thendrowns oneself in the seato come, to wanton own initiativeto urge that owndarlingtidies up the battlefieldas soon as possible, goodsoonto leavethisplace.
便主动踏海而来,想要催促自己的爱郎尽快收拾战场,也好早日离开这个地方。vermilionMeinianginpiece of discoveryDu Kang that is floating the ironstarwooden boatboard, Du Kangturns away fromherto stand, does not knowinunseemly behavioranything.
朱媚娘是在一片漂浮着铁星木船板的发现杜康的,杜康背对她而立,也不知又在作怪什么。„Do youstandto do whathere? Ifwantstome an unexpectedpleasant surprise, butmustenoughhave the intentionto be good.”
“你站在这里干什么?要是想给我一个意想不到的惊喜,可要足够有心意才行。”HearsDu Kang that the loversummonedto turn aroundslowly, reveals a having tears streaming down the faceface, the firmpowerfulwordswill put outin the mouthevery single word or phraseclearly.
听到爱人召唤的杜康缓缓转身,露出一张泪流满面的面孔,将坚定有力的话语在口中一字一句地清晰吐出。„Isaid,mywillfirmlikeiron, will not be confusedbyanyinsignificantlove.”
In hidden rocksea a Du Kangmain body that associates with people the territory, the bookDaoist who is immersed in the booksinTaohua Island, intown/subduesmountainDaoist who rushing tocloudMacheis surrounded by beautiful women, in the crowDaoist who in a city that degenerates into the sea of firekills the monster, alllooks the wild with joycolor, allsaysinthis timewith one voice.
„ Does not dareto kill the woman who oneselfmostlove, does not dareto endownlife, wherecanaccomplishone‚worldall living things to be possibleto killkillingheart’.
“不敢杀死自己最爱的女人,更不敢结束自己的生命,哪里能造就出一颗‘世间众生无一不可杀之杀心’。Flatters mother, nowthiskilledcondensation of heartonlyto missyourmytwohuman lives, youlovedme, certainmeetingis willingto helpmy, right? ”
The red light of two peopletop of the headis sparklingintensely, oftenjumpsprojects the dazzlingflame, as if in someinvisibleexistenceresistance, the yaziDaoistwantsin the crackalsoto followto sayineyezi.
两人头顶的红光在激烈地闪耀,不时迸射出刺目的火光,仿佛在和某种无形的存在对抗,睚眦道人在目眦欲裂中也跟着说道。„Flatters mother, nowthiskilledcondensation of heartonlyto missyourmytwohuman lives,...... youlovedme, certainmeetingis willingto helpmy, right?”
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