【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
The chains in cow14handprickedinXuemajesticmortal body, noinjuresto his body, thiseasilytwinedonhisYingod.
牛十四手中的锁链直直地刺入了薛英伟的肉身中,没有伤害到他一丝皮肉,就这样轻易地缠绕到了他的阴神上。Xuemajesticdetectsimproper, immediatelycontrols the bodyto descendto the underextreme speed, simultaneouslytransfers the bodyin the bone-chilling coldwind sound/rumor, wantsto see clearly the appearance of person of sneak attack.
薛英伟察觉到不妥,立刻控制身体向下方极速降落,同时在凛冽的风声中调转身体,想要看清偷袭之人的样貌。But the cow14appearancesmadeXuemajesticstarein a big way the eye, has not waited forinhismouth‚14masters’shouted the exit|to speak, the cow14have held on the chains that extendedunceasinglycourageous.
但牛十四的样子却让薛英伟瞪大了眼睛,还不等他口中的‘十四爷’喊出口,牛十四已经勐地拉住了不断延伸的锁链。Bewitches the chainsonlyto raisegently, pulls out the XuemajesticYingod, the disciplekeepshisobesemortal bodyto falltobelowsea level.
勾魂锁链只轻轻一提,就将薛英伟的阴神拉出,徒留他那具肥胖的肉身向下方的海面掉去。Xuealsohas the loyalservant, since the servant who severalcanflyfliesfrom the shipimmediately, catchesbody that Xuemajesticdropped from the clouds, hugsto return to the ship.
薛家也是有忠仆的,有几个会飞的仆人立刻从船上飞起,接住了薛英伟从天而降的身体,抱回到船上。ButregardingYingod who the fouryoung masterswere cancelled, theywere helpless, includingasfouryoung mastersanti-notunderthatox headmonsteronemoves of middle rankmember, theycome upalsoto deliver the vegetable/dish, can only lookYingod who eagerlyownyoung masterbycow14controls.
It is not the servantsdoes not dedicate, is the enemy is too powerful, cansnatchyoung master'smortal body, has been utterly loyalforXue Jia.
不是仆人们不尽心,实在是敌人太强大,能抢回少爷的肉身,就已经是为薛家尽忠了。Has the smartpointservantto run up to the flowerto make the jadeinactually the room, wantingpleasefourfewmadamesto rescueyoung master'slife, but after the servantenters the new home, did not have the sound, obviously the flowermakes the jadenot to planto moistenthisturbid water.
倒是有机灵点的仆人跑到花弄玉的房里,想要请四少夫人去救少爷的命,但仆人进入新房后就没了动静,显然花弄玉也不打算沾这趟浑水。In the sky, body and the whole bodyjet blackYingod the ox head14are sayinganythingwith the cow.
天空中,一只牛头之身、全身漆黑的阴神正在和牛十四说着什么。Also is the appearance of XuemajesticYingod, obviously, whathechoosesisintensideghostcommanderlaw the road of ox head.
也便是薛英伟阴神的样貌,显而易见,他选择的是十方鬼帅法中牛头之路。This timeXuemajesticnot is extremely flustered, becausehealsoalwaysenteredin the ox headhellto practicebefore, is goodwith the cow14relations, onlythinks that was the opposite partymade a mistake the time of practicing.
此时的薛英伟并不算太过慌张,因为他以前也老是进入牛头地狱中修行,和牛十四关系还算不错,只以为是对方搞错了修行的时间。„14masters, todayaremygreat happinessdays, youheard certainlythisnewsto comewithIcracked a joke, Iwasbecauseyourexpensive/noblehuman affairswere busy, thereforehas not invitedyou, sincethistimecame, pleasemustdrinkmyoneglass of celebration drinks.”
“十四爷,今天是我大喜的日子,您一定是听到了这个消息才来和我开玩笑的吧,我是因为您贵人事忙所以没有请您,这次既然来了,请一定要喝我一杯喜酒。”Xuemajesticafter all is the respected familyjuniors, spokein good order the polite speech, after all the ox headhellis one of the ownbackers, ifgot into a deadlockwith the opposite partywere not good, moreoverhehas not forgottenjustto feed inDu Kang of helltohimself , the transitasked.
薛英伟毕竟是大家族子弟,将场面话说得井井有条,毕竟牛头地狱是自家的靠山之一,如果和对方闹僵了可不好,而且他也没有忘记刚刚对自己送进地狱的杜康,又转口问道。„Idelivered a life and deathfoeto the hellina moment ago, but alsoplease14mastershelpteach, mustsufferseveralyearsto maketo be frightened out of one's witshimagain, thismatteryouhelpedmanage, latermyXuewill turntimetoyourbeing filial piety.”
“我刚才送了一个生死仇敌到地狱里去,还请十四爷帮忙多管教管教,一定要把他多折磨几年再弄得魂飞魄散,这事您帮忙办了,以后我薛家对您的孝敬将会翻倍。”Does not raiseDu Kangto be good, raises the Du Kangcow14ona lot to choke with rage, heshakes the wrist/skill, immediately the chains on XuemajesticYingodtwineswas more crowded, sneerswas saying.
不提杜康还好,一提杜康牛十四就一肚子窝火,他将手腕一抖,薛英伟阴神上的锁链顿时缠绕的更加密集了,才冷笑着说道。„FewandItry to get close, thisSirand are youvery ripe? Myfollowing ordersleadsyouto go to the hellto practice, whereaccommodatesyourso manychattyidle talk.”
“少和我套近乎,本大爷和你很熟吗?我奉命带你去地狱修行,哪容得你那么多叽叽歪歪的废话。”Inside a leaf the bloodcloudMibu14 of gatewayfrom the cowopens widebehind, hisdoes not returndrawsXuemajesticto walkinward.
一扇内里血云密布的门户从牛十四身后洞开,他就头也不回地拉着薛英伟向内走去。Xuemajesticis not a fool, sees the cow14pairs of ownattitudes, immediatelyunderstands the gravity of situation, strugglesfuriously.
薛英伟又不是傻子,见到牛十四对自己的态度,立刻就明白了事态的严重性,奋力挣扎起来。What a pity the windinginXuemajesticbewitchingchainsis the almighty troops who the to subdue|gramsghostscultivate/repairspecially, heexhaustscannotshake off the fetter of chainsfull power, insteadon the chainsstartsto burst out the richbloodlight, corrodeshisYingodmakes a debut a burned blacktrace.
可惜缠绕在薛英伟身上的勾魂锁链是专克鬼修的神兵,他用尽全力也没能挣脱锁链的束缚,反而锁链上开始迸发出浓郁的血光,将他的阴神腐蚀出道道焦黑的痕迹。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
绝望之下的薛英伟朝着下方的婚船呼喊道。„Flowermakes the jade, yourmanmustbe seizedbyothers, do youalsowantto see somebody in danger and do nothing?”
“花弄玉,你男人要被别人抓走了,你也要见死不救吗?”In the new home a silence, silentis the flowermakes the reply of jadeobviously, Xuemajestic can only thenshoutto others.
„ Those presentare listeningtome,
“在场的人都给我听着,Youmustseizemynewsto pass on the ox headhell, hasall that to tellmy fatherhere, toldmybig brother, theywill certainly grantyou...... ” the blood-colorgateway in skyto closelayer on layer/heavilyloudly, interruptedXuemajesticsubsequentshoutingcompletely.
The deep bluesea waterwaveas before, the whitesea-birdhas delimitedfrom the sky, warmYangXuangua of winterin the horizon, thissea arearestoredagainsilent, is peacefullikecrossesnothing happened.
The guestslook at each other in blank dismay, obviouslyhas not donehadanythingclearly.
宾客们面面相觑,显然还没有搞明白发生了什么。Thistimewedding banquetis really strange, first was pressedbewilderedlyin the deckspentlongpainfulonenight, but alsotaking alonglistened to a latebride'smidnightsong . Moreover the anotherlead of song was also not a bridegroom, laterwasgets out of troublebewilderedly, the happy pairhad the quarrel, and ox headyama's underlingsentered the stage the bridegroomfinallycarry off.
The guestsdo not clarify the cause and effect of matter, no oneknows that actuallyto haveanything, buttheyknowonlyXuemajesticbeforebeing seized the promise.
宾客们根本搞不清整件事的前因后果,谁也不知道究竟发生了什么,但他们唯独知道薛英伟在被抓走前的许诺。Thereforeon the shipsomepeoplecreate a clamorimmediately, wantsto leavethisplace is apt to get into troubleas soon as possible, wantsto lead a sum of moneywiththisnewstoXue.
所以船上立刻就有人鼓噪起来,想要尽快离开这个是非之地,想要用这个消息到薛家去领一笔钱。Fleetinsuchcoaxedcreates an uproarnoisilystarted, afteronetook one's bearings, discovered that herewas not farfrom the Ocean Wave Seamain channel, was made the jadedecisionby the flower, the road for grain shipmentdrivesto the main channel.
船队就在这样的哄哄闹闹中重新启程了,在一番辨别方向后,发现此处离碧波海的主航道不远,便由花弄玉拍板,转道向主航道驶去。Compares to the dark bluebillowscities of southalsoseveraldaysdistances, only then the hundred flowersisland of half daydistanceleaveshereto be nearer, thisweddinghad/left such bigaccident, thismarriagewastiesobviouslyinadequately.
相比于向南还有几日路程的沧澜城,只有半日路程的百花岛离这里更近一些,这次婚事出了这么大的变故,这门亲事显然是结不成了。Makes the jadeto the flower, nowchoosesto go homeis the bestchoice.
When tohigh noon.
The moodworriedflowermakes the jadeto sitbefore the dressing table, traces the eyebrowto put on make-up, occasionallyglimpses the body that on the bedthathad not diedfrom the mirror, does not hitoneon the air/Qi, eveneyebrowsdrewseveraltimescrookedly.
心情烦闷的花弄玉正坐在梳妆台前,描眉化妆,偶尔从镜子中瞥见床上那具还未死去的身体,就气不打一处来,好几次连眉毛都画歪了。Originallyis only a happiness of dewlove, never expected that the matterwill developpresentthisappearancefinally, the one had only known, did not letonthismanownbed.
本来只是一次露水情缘的欢乐,没想到事情最后会发展成现在这个样子,早知如此,就不让这个男人上自己的床了。Alsois not right, thismanhad said that isplace that the fleetarrived atshould notgo, will causehimto embark.
也不对,这个男人曾经说过,是船队开到了不该去的地方,才会引得他上船的。Therefore, in the final analysis the mistake of Xue, theyset sailrandomly, howoneselfwill run intothisman, howalso the latersequence of events, thistimewith the wedding of Xueyellow, Xuemajesticalsofell a life and deathnot to know.
After going back, howsheshouldconfesswith the father.
In moodily, a familiarcoughsoundresoundsin the back, the flowermakes the jadeto turn headsubconsciously, saw that Du Kang of lying downcorpseon the bedsatdirectly.
正在心烦气躁时,一声熟悉的咳嗽声在背后响起,花弄玉下意识地回头,就见到原本在床上躺尸的杜康直接坐了起来。As if adapting toownbody, coughsseveral, after movingseveralfists and feet, jumped down the beddirectly, walkstowardher.
仿佛正在重新适应自己的身体,咳嗽几声,活动几下拳脚后,就直接跳下了床,向她这边走来。„You, howyoulived.”
The flowermade the jadeto standfrom the chair, fell back on the corner in cabinunderpressing hard on Du Kangstep by step, elegantfacebeautiful facechanging colors, tenderfoot of a pairscarletfruitin the roomarrangedpartly visiblein the skirt, insteadmadeherseemattractive.
花弄玉从椅子上站了起来,一步步在杜康的紧逼下退到了舱房的墙角,一张俏脸花容失色,一双在房内赤果的嫩足在裙摆下若隐若现,反而让她更显得诱人。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】ButDu Kangpinched the chin of womanwith the hand, fullwas the happy expressionlooks that thisfacesaid.
但杜康只是用手捏起了女人的下巴,满是笑意地看着这张脸说道。„Is also thinkingby the presententicesme, youalso are really an intelligentwoman, what a pityIenjoyedforeignerJi'stastein the hella moment ago, now the body and mindpure brightness, has not been shiftywithyoutemporarily a idea, reallypitifully.”
“到了现在还想着勾引我,你还真是个聪明的女人啊,可惜我刚才在地狱里享受了一番鬼姬的滋味,如今身心清明,暂时没有和你翻云覆雨一场的想法,真是可惜啊。”Du Kangtouchedon the face of woman, does not yearn forturns aroundto walktoward the entrance, waswantsto leaveevidently.杜康又在女人的脸上摸了一把,就毫不留恋地转身向门口走去,看样子是想要离开了。„WhichXuemajesticwent, hewas seized the ghost who is you do.”
“薛英伟去了哪,他被抓走是你搞的鬼吧。”Transmits the flowerto make the jadeto closely examine.
身后传来花弄玉追问。„Heinox headhell, there, but the ghostsaid that a practicingbigparadise, said the memberas a ghost, IbelieveXuemajesticsamecertainlyalsowithmeintoo happy to think of home and duty.”
“他在牛头地狱里呢,那里可是鬼道修行的一大乐土,作为一个鬼道修士,我相信薛英伟一定也会和我一样在其中乐不思蜀的。”Du Kangthinks that Xuemajesticbitter experiencewantsto laugh, originallymustexerttoothers'helltorture, finallyfellonhe himself, today the matter, makesDu Kang‚variablereallyfourcharactersto havedeeperrealizing from experiencetolife’.杜康想到薛英伟的遭遇就想大笑,本来要施加给别人的地狱酷刑,最终落到了他自己身上,今天发生的事情,着实让杜康对‘人生无常’四个字有了更深的体悟。ButDu KangandXuecelebrated a holiday, toXuemajesticbitter experience, inhisheartdoes not have the least bitto sympathize.
但杜康与薛家本就有过节,对薛英伟的遭遇,他心中没有半点同情。„But, haven't Iknownyourname?”
“可是,我还不知道你的名字?”Du Kangturns head, sees the flowerto make the jadedependencein the gate of new home along, like an embittered wife who does not hate the husbandto take a long journey, is looking at itselflost.杜康回头,就看到花弄玉依靠在新房的门沿上,像一个舍不得丈夫远行的怨妇,正在出神地看着自己。„Youcancallmeto transfer the buddha.”
“你可以叫我转轮王。”In the Du Kangheartjeeredsecretly, ‚womenreallyhad nofreshacrobatics’, buttoldher owngiven name, then the stridepassed through the cabin, inalong the way the calling out in alarm of servantandguest, leaptfrom the large shipdeparts, flewto the northernhorizon.杜康心中暗嘲道,‘女人们果然没有什么新鲜把戏’,但还是告诉了她自己的名号,接着大步就走过船舱,在沿途仆役和宾客的惊呼中,从楼船中一跃飞出,向北方的天际飞去。
The fleet of under footgetting smaller, the ships on islands and main channel of distant placeare faintly visible, the white clouds of top of the headare getting more and more near.
脚下的船队越来越小,远方的岛屿和主航道上的船只依稀可见,头顶的白云越来越近。In the ox headhell, keepsin the mindrecallingbyscenes that the strength of main bodyfools the cowghostking,makesDu Kangproud, the opens the mouthroaringfilial pietyhas a continuousdragonto recite, tovent the joy of innermost feelings.
This is the first time that Du Kangsawotherhigh rankmember, withoxGuiwangcontactnot onlyto himsaved the clonepoor life is so simple, wasmakesDu Kangknow, besideshe himself, otherhigh rankmemberalsohad the life of great power.
这是杜康第一次见到别的高阶修士,与牛鬼王的接触对他来说不只是保住了分身小命那么简单,更是让杜康知道了,除他自己之外,别的高阶修士也只是拥有更强大力量的生灵而已。Are fewbecause in worldhigh rankmembernumber, hasmostly the mortalto conjectureanddeifyto the legend of thislevel of member, someall sorts ofmysteriousplaces.
因世间高阶修士数量较少,对这一级修士的传说中存在大多凡人臆想和神化,有种种玄乎之处。ThisexperiencemadeDu Kangknow, theseexistedare notin the legendthatupper bodysky overhead, peacefulthinhuman desire, was notunderhopes, the square all roundmoralmodel, theysimilarly are also by the desireabout, life that canweigh the advantages and disadvantages.
这次的经历让杜康知道了,这些存在既不是传说中那种上体天心,澹薄人欲,也不是下应人愿,公正无私的道德楷模,他们同样也是会被欲望左右,会权衡利弊的生命。Thisis a goodnews, after isDu Kang, withbeing together of high rankmember, provided a psychologicalpreinstall.
这是一个好消息,为杜康之后与高阶修士的相处,提供了一个心理预设。Being together, did not fear that yourgreedis flaming, feared that younotwantnotto strive foreither, either the fullbrainintentionworld, thisreturned to the Du Kangfamiliarracetrackall of a sudden, makinghimhave the security sensevery much.
与人的相处,不怕你贪欲炽盛,就怕你要么无欲无求,要么满脑子心怀天下,这一下子回到了杜康熟悉的赛道,让他很有安全感。Has the happymood, in the carefreeflight, Du Kangflewonenot to see the endunderlike thisgraduallycontinuously the dark cloud.
The strong windsblow the Du Kangclothingflap flapto make noise, the remotehorizonhears the depressedthunderclap, shortlyheavy rain.
狂风吹得杜康的衣衫猎猎作响,遥远的天边传来沉闷的雷声,眼看一场大雨将至。Nothow long.
The sparkingelectric lightfermentsin the top of the headtogether, scrubbed the body of Du Kangto pass over gently and swiftlyfromhisside, wasstartling thunderclapcrack, the pea-sizedraindropsplashedunder.
一道闪亮的电光在头顶酝酿而出,擦着杜康的身子从他身边掠过,紧接着就是一声惊雷炸响,豆大的雨点泼洒而下。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
The Du KangGold DragonKai'smonsterthunderdoes not fear, naturallycannotbe afraidthisthunder and lightning and wind and rain, buttheypoundin are also very uncomfortable, then the positive governingfigurecontinuesto riseupwards.杜康连金龙铠的妖雷都不惧,自然不会害怕这点雷电和风雨,但它们砸在身上也挺难受的,便直接控制身形继续向上方升去。Across the heavy/thickcloud layer, with the lightning of shuttle, waits forDu Kangto see the solar timein the cloudsagain, has stoodabove the cloud layer.
穿过厚重的云层,和云中穿梭的闪电,等杜康再次看到太阳时,已经站在了云层之上。【Underrecommendation, tradessourceappto pursue the bookreallyeasily-to-use, heredownloads.huanyuanappeveryoneto go to tryquickly.】
【推荐下,换源app追书真的好用,这里下载.huanyuanapp大家去快可以试试吧。】Seesto see, the top of the headsunlightshines, under footsea of cloudssurges, thisis a fewpersonto the institute of beautifulskymagnificent scene.
入目所见,头顶阳光普照,脚下云海翻腾,这是一处少有人至的绝美天空盛景之所。Du Kangis just aboutto continueto hurry alongin the cloud layer, at this timehisactuallytransmits a horse's hoofto tread and wheel rollingsoundbehindsuddenly.杜康正要在云层上继续赶路,此时他的身后却突然传来一阵马蹄踏地和车轮滚动声。Thenlooked,unexpectedlyfourdragonRamallahentrain, the magnificentcarriage of being bedecked with jewelsgoesabove the cloud layer, cocurrentgoeswithDu Kang.
回头一看,竟有一辆四匹龙马拉拽,珠光宝气的华丽马车行驶在云层之上,与杜康同向而去。On the vehicle a goldendragon flagwas blownto stretchby the light breeze, aboveis embroideringninth the subgraphtuartslifelikedragon, lifelike, as ifmustselect the personto bite.
车上一杆金色的龙旗被轻风吹得舒展开来,其上绣着逼真的龙之九子图桉,一个个活灵活现,仿佛要择人而噬。IfDu Kanghas not admitted mistakes, thisshouldbe the nine dragonsflag of hiddendragonmeeting, only thentheirmeetinghave the qualificationsto have.
如果杜康没认错的话,这应该是隐龙会的九龙旗,只有它们的会首才有资格持有。PerhapsnoticedDu Kang, the carriagewhenapproachinghisside, deliberatelyslowed down the speed.
A slenderpalmshoulders the curtain, revealsin a beautifulalsoto bringsomeheroic spiritfaces.
The willow eyebrowsalmond eyes, tallvery/straight the bridge of the nose, the lipis meagerandbright red, thisisone makes one unable to distinguish clearly the face of men and womenfor a while, untilDu Kangnoticed when hisbulgeAdam's apple, confirmed that thisis a man.
柳眉杏眼,高挺鼻梁,嘴唇微薄而嫣红,这是一张让人一时分不清男女的脸,直到杜康留意到他凸起的喉结时,才确认这是个男人。In the mansurfacehas the happy expressionto saytoDu Kang.
„ Thisbrother, isparticipates the dragon palacegains a son-in-law, IamSihero of hiddendragonmeeting, if not shut out to boardtogether, rides in a carriageto go, feels betteroneselfto rush about. „
“这位兄台,也是去参加龙宫招婿的吧,我是隐龙会的姒雄,如果不嫌弃可一起上车上来,乘车前往,也好过自己一路奔波。“Siheroextended the slenderattractivehand, evidently, iswantsDu Kangto drawhimto board.
姒雄伸出了自己纤细好看的手,看样子,是想要杜康拉着他上车。ButDu Kang, a drawingthishand, was controlling the repulsionwithout hesitation the direction, fellon the carriagecarefully.
而杜康毫不犹疑地,一把拉着了这只手,控制斥力的方向,小心地落到了马车上。Firststated,Du Kangis not a Nantong, hefemale and maledistinguishestoalsothisnot, looks like the man of rabbitmasterto have no interest, butpurewantsto nose the Siheroinformation.
首先声明,杜康并不是个南通,他对也这个雌雄莫辨,长得像兔爷的男人没有兴趣,只是单纯的想查探一下姒雄的信息而且。Onepage of bluepanelslaunchin front ofDu Kang, thistimepanelinformationactuallylongespecially, can be called the Du Kangentire lifeto see, is next to the length of informationlist.
一页蓝色的面板在杜康面前展开,这次的面板信息却格外的长,称得上杜康生平所见,仅次于自己信息列表的长度。【Name】: Sihero
【姓名】:姒雄【Legendary wild animallaw】: Coincides the soul and the personsoullionmonsterby the secret charm, is pregnantby the YingodYinYang of firelegendary wild animal, mayresult in the legendary wild animalbravecourageousfearlessstrength, exorcises evil spiritsto keep off the potential of ghost, is addicted to the smoketo spit the energy of fire.
【狻猊法】:以密咒将狮妖之魂与人魂相合,以阴神之阴孕狻猊之阳火,可得狻猊勇勐无畏之力,辟邪挡煞之势,嗜烟吐火之能。Rank: Oneselflevel
等级:己级Skill: Smoke and firedomain
技能:烟火领域Legendary wild animaldragonbody
狻猊龙体Exorcises evil spiritsdragon prestige
辟邪龙威Enters the stepcondition: Carves the legendary wild animalincense burner, mademore than ten millionmortalsday and nightburntpresents the firefragrant, burnt the hottribulation to practice successfully the legendary wild animalDharmakaya.
进阶条件:刻狻猊香炉,令上千万凡人日夜在其中燃香奉火,度焚火劫可修成狻猊法身。【hornless dragonkisseslaw】: Swallowssea fishmonsterpill, enabling the memberto have the body of fishpersontransformation, when middle rankimplantsdragonSuiin the jicolumn, will havecontrolJianghai/river sea the strength of water clanbigmonster.
【螭吻法】:吞服海鱼妖丹,使修士拥有鱼人转化之体,中阶时在嵴柱中植入龙髓,将拥有统御江海的水族大妖之力。Rank: Oneselflevel
等级:己级Skill: Waterpalace
技能:水宫hornless dragonkissesdragonbody
水君权柄Enters the stepcondition: Transforms the waterpalaceas the truedragon palaceparadise, andcontrolenoughwater clan, mayin the worship of subordinatewater clancondensehornless dragonto kiss the Dharmakayain the paradise.
进阶条件:将水宫转化为真正的龙宫福地,并统御足够数量的水族,可在福地之中于下属水族的朝拜中凝聚螭吻法身。【Jeeredwindlaw】: Cuts the memberboth arms, takes the pair of wings of replacebird of paradise, when mustcontrol the energy of windgoverningwind, the middle rankdrinksdragonblood, after congealingjeered the windrealblood, will become the skywindlord.
【嘲风法】:砍下修士双臂,取风鸟之双翼替换,可得控风御风之能,中阶时饮用龙血,凝结出嘲风真血后,将成为天空风主。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】Rank: Eleventh of the twelve Earthly Brancheslevel
等级:戌级Skill: Windlord
司灾Jeered the windrealblood
嘲风真血Enters the stepcondition: The gentle breeze of collectionsimultaneous/uniformspring day, the warm wind of summer, gold/metal of windfall, the north wind of winter, swallowsfourwinds and dragonbloodcoincides.
进阶条件:集齐春日之和风,夏日之熏风,秋日之金风,冬日之朔风,吞四风与龙血相合。【Undertyrantlaw】: The egg of long-termraw foodturtlemonster, causes the jibone and ribrecovering from injuriesdisassimilationfor the shape of turtlemonster, whenmiddle rankdeepburied, realized that the pulsation of bottomdragon veincondensesunder the tyrant the realblood, mayobtainto shoulder the mountain the boundlessmighty force.
【霸下法】:长期生食龟妖之卵,使嵴骨和肋骨长合异化为龟妖之形,在中阶时将自身深埋地下,体会地底龙脉的脉动而凝聚出霸下真血,可获得背负山岳的无边伟力。Rank: Eleventh of the twelve Earthly Brancheslevel
等级:戌级Skill: The strength of lost/carryingmountain
技能:负岳之力river chartdevelops the mark
霸下真血Enters the stepcondition: Swallows the essence of magnanimousfifth heavenly stemearth, making the monsterbodygrowto the hundred zhang (333 m)size.
进阶条件:吞食海量戊土之精,让妖躯生长至百丈大小。Almighty troopses: Mountains and riversseal, otherslightly
神兵:山河印,其余略【Name】: Mountains and riversseal
【姓名】:山河印Rank: Onlow-grade
特性:Subduemountains and rivers: Hasto suppresseffect of the countrydragonair/Qi, butgreatlyreducesin the national territory the probability of disaster, the lord of almighty troopsmayresult indragonQihu the body, the godmonsteris difficultto invade.
镇山河:拥有镇压一国龙气之效,可大幅度减少国土内天灾的发生概率,神兵之主可得龙气护体,神妖难侵。Leftcourt discipline: Uses the dragonair/Qias the base, maygrant the official the differentsteps the humanemagic arts, manyarebumper grain harvest, begged the windto pray for rain, quarries a mountainto pave the way, the regulating waterwaysbridging, treated the illness to save the patient, opened the technique of peoplewisdombroadly.
左朝纲:以龙气为基,可赐予文臣不同品阶的人道法术,多为五谷丰登,乞风求雨,开山铺路,治水搭桥,治病救人,广开民智之术。Startledtigerguts: Uses the dragonair/Qias the base, maygrant the military commander the differentsteps the humanemagic arts, manyare the diamonddoes not go bad, invites the godgoverningghost, holds the windto control the thunder, moves the mountainbut actuallysea, works miracles, the technique of Buddhist imageworld.
惊虎胆:以龙气为基,可赐予武将不同品阶的人道法术,多为金刚不坏,请神御鬼,掌风控雷,搬山倒海,撒豆成兵,法象天地之术。Divine Dragonchanges: Can the dragonair/Qitransform is not inferiorinDragon King the body of Divine Dragon, andhas the completeDragon Kingsupernatural power and monsterstrength.
神龙变:可以龙气幻化出不逊色于龙王的神龙之躯,并拥有完整的龙王神力与妖力。nine dragonsspreads out: Melting the dragonninelawsisjumps overtowardsomeemperortakesmountains and riverssealfor the seriesmagic arts that the sourcefounds, rear-driveinBanning Monster Division, andextinguishes the countryafter the moretowardsspreadswidely. Hasmountains and riverssealto practice the dragonninelaws, such as the daywill help, andmayrestrainothercultivationdragonninelaw.
: The dragonair/Qiis insufficient, is unable to appear.
: The dragonair/Qiis insufficient, is unable to appear.
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