DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#272: Yin Ji Guiwu, pure

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Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Damn the king, why does not do obeisance!” “既见鬼王,为何不拜!” In the main hall, the roaring filial piety of herd of cattle is deafening, they stare cow eye, in the ox muzzle is a the assorted haze, in the ghost fog winds around is ugly-looking, each one shapes bite the malicious ghost of person. 大殿之中,群牛的咆孝震耳欲聋,他们瞪着一双双牛眼,牛鼻子中喷着各色烟气,在鬼雾缭绕中面目狰狞,个个都像噬人的恶鬼。 Du Kang in the group ghost shouted angrily gorgeously motionless, flung gently worked loose chains, is raising slightly to say to ox head ghost Wang Weiwei of head. 杜康在群鬼怒喝中巍然不动,轻轻一甩就挣脱了身上的锁链,对着上首的牛头鬼王微微欠身说道。 Has the guest to come from far away, can actually by the numerous ghost immortal threat, this be ox head ghost king the hospitality of?” “有客远道而来,却要被众鬼仙恐吓,这就是牛头鬼王的待客之道吗?” During the speeches, on the Du Kang Yin god starts to emit peaceful golden Fokuang, the gloomy main hall will illuminate bright, becomes like the Yin god of entity all over the body transparent, if the colored glaze, in the interior of colored glaze Yin god can also see that faintly dozens symbol lu are partly visible. 说话间,杜康的阴神上开始放射出澹金色佛光,将阴暗的大殿照得彻亮,原本如同实体的阴神也变得通体透明,如若琉璃,在琉璃阴神的内部隐隐还能看到几十个符箓若隐若现。 This Fokuang gently actually not dazzling, the group ghosts but who shake cannot open the eye, the ox head ghost king actually the eye in Fokuang narrow the eyes, as if saw anything, immediately changes the color, received original the careless expression, from partly lay down the posture that becomes sitting. 这佛光柔和却不刺目,但还是晃的群鬼们睁不开眼睛,牛头鬼王却在佛光中眼睛一眯,仿佛看到了什么,立刻变了颜色,收起原先了漫不经心的表情,从半躺的姿势变为正坐。 Du Kang sees clearly the appearance of ghost king at this time completely. 杜康此时才完全看清鬼王的样貌。 An ox head ghost king top of the head pair of screw soars to the heavens the bull horn, the eye, if the bronze bell, the nose hangs the copper collar, if the mouth the large-mouthed vessel, a tooth row of copper coin, a bold blood-color uncombed hair hangs loose after behind, coordinating its huge build, the imposing manner to depress the ox head of side crowd of similar appearances all of a sudden. 牛头鬼王头顶一对螺旋冲天牛角,眼若铜铃,鼻挂铜环,口若血盆,齿排铜板,一头豪放血色乱发披散在身后,配合其巨大的体型,气势一下子就压下了身边这群同样样貌的牛头。 The ghost king whole body fills rich black light, depresses the Du Kang Fokuang, laughs three to say. 鬼王周身弥漫出一层浓郁的黑光,将杜康的佛光压下,开怀大笑三声说道。 This king Jiu stays at home in the spirit world, unexpectedly became slow, cannot see that the fellow daoist by clone to arrive, but also looked at the fellow daoist do not blame.” “本王久在灵界中闭门不出,竟然变得迟钝了许多,没能一眼看出道友是以分身降临,还望道友勿要责怪。” The group ghost in palace was illuminated by Fokuang, confessed that injured oneself face countenance, the group ghost was just about to act to Du Kang indignantly, actually heard ghost king to call Du Kang in this time the fellow daoist. 殿中的群鬼被佛光所照,自认伤了自己颜面,群鬼激愤正要对杜康出手,却在此时听到鬼王称杜康为道友。 Immediately then the breath rouses Yan Qi, takes back movement that will soon act, stands by the main hall, casts down one's eyes, the nose view heart, as if changed to model to be motionless weakly. 立刻便息鼓偃旗,收回了即将出手的动作,站立于大殿两侧,眼观鼻,鼻观心,仿佛化作了凋塑一动不动起来。 Can be called fellow daoist by the ghost king, at least is the same cultivates for exists, is not their these devils can provoke, rashly over, possibly even Baidiu life. 能被鬼王称为道友者,至少是同等修为的存在,可不是他们这些大鬼能够招惹的,贸然出头,可能会平白丢了性命。 I also astray the treasure trove, therefore had the misunderstanding. Takes the liberty visit, my guest does not have the belt/bring gift, the courtesy is not very complete, how can blame host family's courtesy on the contrary.” “我也是误入宝地,才因此闹了误会。冒昧来访,我这个客人都没有带礼物,礼数不够周全,怎能反倒责怪主人家的礼数呢。” Guest is really an outstanding person, comes the ghost quickly, now the Japanese kings must chat the banquet, invites this visiting honored guest.” “客人真是个妙人,快来鬼啊,今日本王要大摆酒席,宴请这位远道而来的贵客。” Orders, the ox head ghosts in shop simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform withdrawing backward, give away in the main hall immediately the spacious space, pretty demoness lift the big tuart several, to hold the sumptuous food and wine to file from the palace. 一声令下,店中的牛头鬼们顿时齐齐的向后撤去,让出了大殿中宽敞的空间,一个个貌美女鬼抬着高大的桉几、托着丰盛的酒菜从殿外鱼贯而入。 The demoness exhibit the long two rows of banquets in the palace, after suspending the food and wine, does not ask to be excused, by several minute/share in each tuart waits on the both sides directly, surplus lines up to dance lightly in the main hall center, a hasty banquet on such prepare. 女鬼们在殿中摆出长长的两列宴席,摆好酒菜后,也不告退,直接在每个桉几旁分侍两侧,剩余的则在大殿中央列队翩翩起舞,一场仓促的宴会就这样布置好了。 Ghost king Pai the heavy/thick palm of the hand, satisfaction is smiling, near a finger/refers of left hand seat invitation said. 鬼王拍着自己厚重的巴掌,满意一笑,一指左手边的座位邀请道。 Asked the honored guest to sit this king left side first place, view Yin Ji Guiwu.” “请贵客坐本王左侧首位,一观这阴姬鬼舞。” This world always takes left as, on ghost king Qing Du Kang sits, has given him the highest formality, Du Kang did not decline, took a seat carelessly. 此世向来以左为尊,鬼王请杜康上坐,已经给予了他最高的礼节,杜康也不推辞,大大咧咧地就坐了上去。 Later group of ghosts take a seat in turn, in the ghost air/Qi in the dense music, appreciates the ghost Ji's dance. 之后群鬼依次落座,在鬼气森森的乐声中,欣赏起鬼姬的舞蹈。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 These ghost Ji's looks all beautifully, the skin is completely pale, the ghost body is insightful, looks has a different kind seduction that in the eye is different from the flesh and blood. 这些鬼姬的相貌尽皆美艳非常,却皮肤惨白,鬼体通透,看在眼中有一种不同于血肉之躯的别样诱惑。 It looks like to be overwhelmed with emotion twittering the singing sound to resound in the palace, wears cool ghost Ji Men, the lotus root arm moves, the lotus treads fully, brings the chilly body fragrance, in the group ghost observes the situation dances lightly. 酷似销魂呢喃的歌声在殿中响起,身着清凉的鬼姬们,藕臂甩动,莲足踏地,带着清冷的体香,在群鬼环视中翩翩起舞。 Du Kang did not have the thoughts to look at anything to dance, 杜康原本没心思看什么舞蹈, But only looked at one careless, was captured the attention by the dancer's posture. In the ghost air/Qi in the dense crowded drumbeats, these ghost Ji in the fine gauze move show the seduction of oneself ghost body heartily, in the partly visible and silent monster technique of ghost body, the ginseng/partake feast group ghost jade fire that teases surges upward. 但只漫不经心地看了一阵,就被舞姿吸引了目光。在鬼气森森的密集鼓点中,这些鬼姬在轻纱甩动中尽情展现自己鬼体的诱惑,在鬼躯的若隐若现和无声的妖术之中,挑逗的参宴群鬼玉火高涨。 Actually in courageous however turns around, exposes the demons malicious ghost, the scarlet surface, fang, sharp corner/horn and bronze bell big eye, making the ghost thing the desire disappear shortly, helping these viewers complete the view that a malicious ghost observed to think. 却又在勐然一个转身之间,展露出罗刹恶鬼之相,赤面、獠牙、尖角、铜铃大眼,使得鬼物们顷刻间欲念顿消,帮这些看客完成了一次恶鬼观的观想。 Later, ghost Ji Men between switches over in the beautiful posture and demons repeatedly, successfully by the monster technique mold lake group of ghosts' cognition to the appearance, making them fall into not wanted the condition of no asking. 之后,鬼姬们在美艳之姿和罗刹之相之间反复切换,成功地以妖术模湖了群鬼对色相的认知,使他们陷入了无欲无求的状态。 Until this time, started to dance the attractive dance situated in tuart several both sides ghost Ji, roused crowd of ghost desires under the assistance of monster technique. 直至此时,位于桉几两侧的鬼姬也开始跳起了诱人的舞蹈,在妖术的辅助下重新勾动群鬼的欲望。 Du Kang ghost Ji so, raised the cool clothes robe similarly, the hip step two treadonned by Du Kang body that in sitting cross-legged to sit, the ghost body stuck to Du Kang to sit down slowly, another was the opens the mouth one cup of liquor fluids including the entrance, then gathers one show Du Kang at present, fed in the liquor fluid his mouth. 杜康身边的鬼姬同样如此,一个掀起了清凉的衣袍,胯步两脚踏在盘膝而坐的杜康身体两侧,鬼躯紧贴着杜康缓缓坐下,另一个则是张口将一杯酒液含入口中,然后将一颗秀首凑到杜康眼前,将酒液喂到他口中。 Knew that ten years of old book friends give pursuing book app that I recommend, trades source app! really easy-to-use, before driving and rest, depends on this to read aloud listens to storytelling to kill the time, here can download .huanyuanapp 【认识十年的老书友给我推荐的追书app,换源app!真特么好用,开车、睡前都靠这个朗读听书打发时间,这里可以下载.huanyuanapp】 After drinking this cup completely, Du Kang only feels two cool air currents, from the lower abdomen raises with the throat respectively falls, blends in the chest in the same place, later changes to the cool proliferation that bathes in fresh air to the whole body. 满饮此杯后,杜康只感觉两股清凉的气流,分别从小腹升起和喉咙落下,在胸膛中交融在一起,之后化作如沐春风的清凉扩散至全身。 In joy that in this Yin god blends, the main hall dance of ghost Ji also achieved the warmest place, after a numerous drumbeat, these half is beautiful ; half th, fierce ghost Ji Mengran stopped the movement. 就在这种阴神交融的喜悦中,大殿中的鬼姬之舞也达到了最热烈之处,在一声重重的鼓声之后,那些半是美艳、半是凶恶的鬼姬勐然停止了动作。 Crash-bang- 哗啦啦- Raises the line puppet like one pile, the head falls, the four limbs exsomatize, the colorful internal organs flow off from the abdomen, these beautiful and ugly limbs make no distinctions, scatter corpse blocks to build in together, changes to pitiful group dying. 就像一堆提线木偶一样,头颅掉落,四肢离体,花花绿绿的内脏从腹中流下,这些美丽和丑陋的肢体无分彼此,散落成一块块尸体块堆砌在一起,化作一副凄惨的群死之相。 Tender and beautiful beautiful woman heads, the demons head tumbles on the corpse pile, the soulless eye looks to Du Kang, forms a powerful visual impact. 一颗颗娇艳的美人头颅,罗刹头颅滚落在尸堆上,无神的眼睛看向杜康,形成一种强烈的视觉冲击。 beautiful continually, the villainous visage, Jing of Ruxin loathsome appearance, had the intense stimulation to the Yin god. 连番的美相,恶相,死相之景入心,对阴神产生了强烈的刺激。 Du Kang feels, oneself has transferred in the Yang Yin god suddenly to present together the boiling hot heat flow, the heat flow and icy cold liquor fluid in the Yin god interwine, changes to a comfortable pleasant pinnacle sense of joy, lets Du Kang for a very long time being inescapably involved in. 杜康感觉到,自己早已转阳的阴神内突然出现一道滚烫的热流,热流与冰凉的酒液在阴神内交织在一起,化作一股自在喜乐的极致愉悦感,让杜康久久不能自拔其中。 The banquet of hell, is really distinctive! 地狱的酒宴,真是别具一格啊! Was dragged into that moment of this hell in Du Kang, he detected that this is a spirit world, moreover is one has the Lord spirit world. 早在杜康被拉入这个地狱的那一刻,他就察觉到了这是一处灵界,而且还是一处有主的灵界。 Later saw that in the spirit world the ghost thing runs amuck, in his heart has the guess to the nature of this spirit world. 之后看到灵界中鬼物横行,他的心中已经对这个灵界的性质有了猜测。 When Du Kang practices initially Yin God Law has benefitted, can the sensation to void in flutter a large number of spirit worlds, sends out the friendly invitation to oneself, so long as at that time oneself the choice abandoned the physical body, can invest in these world to enjoy to be happy. 杜康初习阴神法有所进益的时候,就能感知到虚空中飘荡着数量众多的灵界,对自己发出友善的邀请,当时自己只要选择抛弃肉体,就可以投入那些世界中享受极乐。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 These promise numerous happy spirit worlds, mostly are at present this interior like the world of hell, once the member cannot bear the seduction be involved, the Yin god will reduce to these ghost thing, becomes the spirit world life, on brutal practicing profession. 那些许诺众多美好的灵界,大多都是眼前这种内部如同地狱的世界,修士们一旦忍不住诱惑投身其中,阴神就会沦落到外界那些鬼物之中,成为灵界的生命,过上残酷的修行生涯。 The life in spirit world, has the ghost say/way and Shintoism/Divine Dao, the Daoist wizard three practicing paths may choose for them, falls into the member in hell, cultivated/repaired is ghost say/way. 灵界中的生灵,拥有鬼道、神道,妖道三条修行道路可供它们选择,落入地狱中的修士,修的就是其中的鬼道。 The ghosts said the member to believe, the murder was full, faces retribution for a life of crime, is perfidious, the unseemly behavior, indulged the desire recklessly, promiscuous excessive...... 鬼道修士认为,无论是杀人盈野,恶贯满盈,背信弃义,肆意妄为,放纵淫欲,淫乱无度…… Hugs defends really, unity of knowledge and action and innermost feelings broadly and level, frank, to defend strictly the benevolence honestly sincerely...... the unqualified good and evil, can temper cultivates for practices the process. 还是抱诚守真、诚心诚意、知行合一、内心坦荡、光明磊落、紧守善心……无分善恶,都是可以磨炼修为的修行过程。 Du Kang sees here hell among the roads, all sorts of torture of the lowest hell, among ghost thing suffers to massacre mutually, although looks brutally, but is the ghost says practicing of member. 杜康在此处地狱中一路所见,十八重地狱的种种酷刑,鬼物之间的相互折磨残杀,虽然看着残酷,但都是鬼道修士的修行而已。 How to come here as for oneself, in the Du Kang heart also has the guess. 至于自己是怎么来到这里的,杜康心中也有猜测。 Obtains after dragon the Yin fish dragon offends Xue Yingjun accidentally/surprisingly, Du Kang has inquired the situation of Xue. Magic arts named ten side ghost commander law who the person of Xue cultivates, by condensing ten side Guishuai ghost body, for the powerful magic arts of practicing ultimate objective. 早在龙界中得到阴鱼龙意外得罪薛英俊之后,杜康就打听过薛家的情况。薛家之人修炼的法术名为十方鬼帅法,是以凝聚某种十方鬼帅鬼身,为修行终极目标的强大法术。 In which ten branch paths respectively are the ghost king and day roaming god and nightwalking god, Black and White Impermanence, ox head and horse surface, leopard Wei, the bird mouth, the fish gill and hornet, which ghost body regardless of chooses to cultivate/repair high rank, is being worthy of the reputation the law of ghost say/way. 其中的十条分支道路分别是鬼王、日游神、夜游神、黑白无常、牛头、马面、豹尾、鸟嘴、鱼鳃与黄蜂,无论选择哪种鬼身都可以修到高阶,是名副其实的鬼道之法。 The ghost king and official body in this hell has the ox head, Du Kang suspected they walk is in the ten side ghost commander law road of ox head. 这处地狱中的鬼王和臣子都身具牛头,杜康怀疑他们走的就是十方鬼帅法中的牛头之路。 Du Kang before arriving at this hell, the behavior that obviously on the marriage ship of Xue, associates before own husband ear violates again, that arrived at the answering tuart of hell to be vivid inexplicably. 杜康在来到这处地狱之前,明明是在薛家的婚船上,再联想到自己夫耳前犯的行为,那莫名来到地狱的答桉就呼之欲出了。 This certainly is the ghost who Xue majestic does. 这一定是薛英伟搞的鬼。 Du Kang has not known for a while the relations of Xue and this hell deep, not good direct to manifest suddenly, later, Du Kang maintains composure facing the awkwardness of ox head yama's underlings, the lowest hell, had seen the ox head ghost king. 只是杜康一时还不知道薛家和这次地狱的关系有多深,不好直接发作,之后,杜康面对牛头鬼卒的为难不动声色,挺过了十八重地狱,见到了牛头鬼王。 In the status of revealing the high rank member clone, after seeing ghost king not awkward performance, Du Kang knows at heart, the poor life that this town/subdues Yue Daoren clone preserved. 在显露出高阶修士分身的身份,看到鬼王并未为难的表现后,杜康心里就知道,这次镇岳道人分身的小命是保住了。 The ghost king is not willing to brave to offend the Du Kang main body the risk, strikes to kill this clone, showed that Xue and ox head ghost king's relations are merely mediocre. 鬼王不愿意冒着得罪杜康本体的风险,去击杀这个分身,就证明薛家和牛头鬼王的关系不过尔尔。 Has such relaxed mood, Du Kang in the pleasant sensation that in the ice fire blends aspirates slowly, puts out a hand to hug ghost Ji who sits in oneself bosom, drinks the good wine that next crosses, is realizing behind the massage of another ghost Ji slender icy cold finger, for a while unexpectedly somewhat too happy to think of home and duty feeling. 带着这样轻松的心情,杜康在冰火交融的快感中缓缓吐了口气,伸手搂着坐在自己怀里的鬼姬,喝下一口渡来的美酒,体会着身后另一个鬼姬纤细冰凉手指的按摩,一时竟有些乐不思蜀之感。 Until thick crazy big laughter transmits, Du Kang opened own eye. 直到一声粗狂的大笑声传来,杜康才睁开了自己的眼睛。 Dance of the does the ghost Ji honored guest, I arrange how, possibly enter your discernment?” “贵客,我编排的这支鬼姬之舞如何,可能入得你法眼?” Splendid utmost, broadens the outlook.” “精彩之至,大开眼界。” At this time ghost Ji of Du Kang bosom was smoked by his Yang spirit is incapable of supporting, he also draws the bosom back ghost Ji simply, with subside the dryness and heat of Yin god. 此时杜康怀里的鬼姬被他的阳气熏得无力支撑,他干脆将背后的鬼姬也拉到怀里,用以平息阴神的燥热。 Honored guest comes my ox head hell to visit, but my ox Guiwang has not known that the name of honored guest, is really disrespectful.” “贵客来我牛头地狱造访,但我牛鬼王还不知贵客的名字,实在是失礼至极啊。” Good ghost king Raoyou of flashing eyes meant that is staring at Du Kang, as to inquire his details. 目光炯炯的牛鬼王饶有意味地盯着杜康,似乎想要打探他的底细。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Was I disrespectful was right, looks at a ghost to dance has not introduced itself unexpectedly.” “是我失礼了才对,看了一曲鬼舞竟还未介绍自己。” I transfer the buddha clone for the Ocean Wave Sea Taohua Island, recently has travelled for pleasure in the sea, because was killed secretly by the evildoer arrived in the expensive/noble treasure trove, can run into ox Guiwang like this to be reasonable, the hospitable landlord, is really unfortunate lucky.” “我为碧波海桃花岛转轮王分身,近来一直在海上游历,因被奸人暗害才来到了贵宝地之内,能遇到牛鬼王这样通情达理、热情好客的地主,实在是不幸中的万幸啊。” The color of Du Kang whole face indignation, he is also taking the opportunity to continue to test ox Guiwang the bottom line. 杜康满脸愤慨之色,他也在借机继续试探牛鬼王的底线。 ox Guiwang an eyeball revolution, confirmed oneself had not heard Taohua Island transfers buddha character, cultivating that but oneself ghost arrives at shortly is not able to cheat, in the heart then had the resolution, immediately pats the table. 牛鬼王眼珠一转,确认自己没有听说过桃花岛转轮王这号人物,但自己鬼眼看到的修为又做不了假,心中便有了决断,立刻拍桌而起。 Has this matter unexpectedly!!! My ox Guiwang most must not exposed to is this insult kindhearted matter, this king and guest feel like old friends at the first meeting today, must have this foul odor for you surely.” “竟有此事!!!我牛鬼王最见不得的就是这种欺辱良善之事,本王与客人今日一见如故,定要为你出了这口恶气。” Xue how much money to oneself being filial piety, offends a high rank member to be really unworthy every year for this reason, ox Guiwang easily gave up Xue. 薛家每年对自己的孝敬才有多少钱,为此得罪一个高阶修士实在不值得,牛鬼王轻易地就放弃了薛家。 Cow 14, I assign/life you to go along the guest to enter the route of hell now, found that traitor who kills secretly the guest, and belt/bring that person comes back to this king.” “牛十四,我命你现在就去沿着客人进入地狱的路线,找到那个暗害客人的奸贼,并带那人给本王回来。” At this time offering dance ghost Ji in main hall has assembled the body, after the assignment arrives at each tuart several, is the group ghost pinches the shoulder to pound the legs, laughs heartily to flirt, is very suddenly lively. 此时大殿中的献舞鬼姬已经重新组装好了身体,自行分配来到各个桉几后,为群鬼捏肩捶腿,欢笑调情,一时间好不热闹。 By cow that good ghost king called 14, brought that ox head yama's underlings in main hall the Du Kang lock. 被牛鬼王叫到的牛十四,正是将杜康一路锁拿来大殿的那个牛头鬼卒。 After Du Kang obtains ox Guiwang the courteous reception, in his heart then continuously uneasy, even bosom ghost Ji had no interest in holding appreciatively, was worried oneself became the king to the board game piece that Du Kang showed good will. 杜康得到牛鬼王礼遇后,他心中便一直忐忑不安,连怀里的鬼姬都没兴趣把玩了,就担心自己成为大王向杜康示好的棋子。 Hears ox Guiwang the order, the cow 14 relaxes, advances the one side bosom pretty ghost Ji, after bowing meets to make, enraged walking outward. 听到牛鬼王的命令,牛十四才松了口气,一把将怀里的貌美鬼姬推到一旁,躬身接令后气冲冲的向外走去。 He must find Xue majestic who Du Kang this hot potato throws, does accounts well...... 他要找到将杜康这个烫手山芋扔过来的薛英伟,好好算算账…… After the stop of moment, the happy talks and laughters in main hall continue to resound, as if will continue to forever appearance. 在片刻的停顿后,大殿内的欢声笑语继续响起,似乎将持续到永远的样子。 ...... …… Ocean Wave Sea, some sea area. 碧波海,某海域。 Skylight already greatly bright, celebrated a night of Xue marriage ship, until now still lively incomparable. 天光已经大亮,喜庆了一夜的薛家婚船,直到现在依然热闹无比。 Servants of Xue in tidying up the cup board after latest banquet in confusion, but the guests of ginseng/partake feast collect in the deck, cocks the ears to listen to the conniption sound that in the new home is hearing. 薛家的仆人们在收拾最晚酒席后的杯盘狼藉,但参宴的宾客们则是凑在甲板上,侧耳听着新房中传来的激烈争吵声。 Your this cheap person, dares to steal the man in the wedding night, the face of my Xue made you lose quickly completely.” “你这个贱人,竟敢在新婚之夜偷男人,我的薛家的脸都快让你丢尽了。” My that is considers for the general situation. The person of full ship no one can resist others' magic arts, your present lives betray the appearance to trade by me, now you dare to scold me to be inexpensive unexpectedly, is really a heartless and cruel thing.” “我那是为了大局着想。满船之人没人能抵挡得住别人的法术,你们现在的命都是靠我出卖色相换来的,如今你竟然敢骂我贱,真是个狼心狗肺的东西。” Has no need for you doing that man had fed in the ox head hell by my ox head hell symbol, your whore does clearly is violates inexpensively.” “根本就用不着你这么做,那个男人已经被我的牛头地狱符送进了牛头地狱,你这个婊子那么做分明就是犯贱。” Does not know that is who violates inexpensively, has such subsequent hand not to hate to use obviously, must wait for own wife to make others rest to use, you looked that you deserve a mossback exactly.” “也不知道是谁犯贱,明明有这样的后手不舍得用,非要等自己的老婆让别人睡了才用出来,你看你活该当一只绿毛龟。” You know that ox head hell symbol spends how much money bought, can use on you you are content, but also dislikes me to use slowly, I thought that you are dislike me to use too quickly, disturbed you and lover is comfortably right.” “你知道那枚牛头地狱符是花了多少钱才买来的吗,能用在你身上你就知足吧,还嫌我用得慢,我看你是嫌我用得太快,打扰到了你和野男人舒坦才对。” I spend to make the jade in your eyes, do not compare unexpectedly including symbol lu that can spend money to buy together, this marriage, inadequate.” “我花弄玉在你眼里,竟然连一块能用钱买到的符箓都比不上,这门亲事,不成也罢。” This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Non- achievement is inadequate, you first give me the mortal body of that lover, I must tear to shreds him, can release hate of my heart.” “不成就不成,你先把那个野男人的肉身交给我,我要将他碎尸万段,才能泄我心头之恨。” This mortal body is valuable material that endures compared with the top big monster corpse, why gives you, this is the old lady laborious one saves your poor life late the reward.” “这具肉身是一件堪比顶尖大妖尸体的宝材,凭什么让给你,这是老娘辛苦一晚保住你们小命的报酬。” Where comes so many excuses, I thought that you do not hate this capable physical body to be right.” “哪来那么多借口,我看你是舍不得这具精壮的肉体才对。” ...... …… The quarrel continued about one double-hour, often mixed with the middle rank member to control the beginning sound of intensity. 争吵持续了将近一个时辰,其中还不时夹杂着中阶修士控制了强度的动手声。 This made the guests of several ships look fully lively, but they were not at all the face-to-face talk to discuss the Xue flower/spend two jokes, can only smile in mutual looking at each other dreadfully, all performed during did not say. 这让几船的宾客看足了热闹,但他们也不敢当面谈论薛花两家的笑话,只能在相互对视中猥琐笑笑,一切尽在不言之中。 Also does not know that what agreement two people finally reached, when Xue majestic opens the Lord ship attic window, flies sky over the ships time, sees only him to withstand/top a black and blue injury, shouts toward below guest high. 也不知两人最后达成了什么样的协议,等到薛英伟推开主船顶楼窗户,飞到船只上空的时候,只见他顶着一头鼻青脸肿的伤势,朝下方的宾客高喊道。 Last night matter you must keep one's mouth shut, my wife flower makes the jade to be pure, this time fetching the bride process all are very smooth, my Xue majestic had not been worn the green hat by anybody absolutely!!!” “昨晚的事情你们一定要守口如瓶,我的妻子花弄玉冰清玉洁,这次的接亲过程一切都很顺利,我薛英伟绝对没有被任何人戴绿帽子!!!” If made me hear a wind sound/rumor outside, I will be asking you to do accounts according to the guest list, you listened clearly-” “如果让我在外面听到了一丝风声,我会按着宾客名单去一个个找你们算账,你们都听清楚了吗-” After Xue majestic shouted, on the ship a silence, no one replied his words, the people looked up a face shocking him. 薛英伟喊完之后,船上一片寂静,无人应答他的话,众人只是抬头一脸震惊地看着他。 In Xue majestic thinks that these people have not heard clearly, want said a time again, the servant of below Xue, raises head to look at Xue majestic, tremble points at him to shout behind. 就在薛英伟以为这些人没有听清,想要再说一遍的时候,下方一个薛家的仆人,仰头望着薛英伟,哆哆嗦嗦地指着他身后喊道。 Four young masters, you have the ox head monster behind.” “四少爷,你身后有个牛头妖怪。” Meanwhile, drinks like thunderous exploding, in Xue majestic resounds with the sound that the iron lock collides simultaneously behind. 与此同时,一声如同雷鸣的爆喝,和铁锁碰撞的声音同时在薛英伟身后响起。 „The time that Xue majestic, you practices arrived, follows one me time.” “薛英伟,你修行的时间到了,跟我走一遭吧。”
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