【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】Dayclearlikewater, starssea.
天清如水,繁星似海。Fleettravel of Xueinmarine, the celestial phenomenoninfluence that becausefar away fromassociating with people the reason of lead(er), hereis not forgedby the almighty troops, a littleselects the starsto appearin the nighttime sky, realbright moonlightgreatlylikedisc, sprinkledbrilliancesea levelaccording tolikebright and cleansilverland.
薛家的船队行驶在海上,因为远离交人领的缘故,此处已不受神兵锻造的天象影响,有点点星辰在夜空中显现,真实的明月大如圆盘,洒落的光辉将海面照得如同光洁的银色大地。Fills the ghostfoginfleetto dissipate, the redlantern and silk fabrics that on the shipdecoratehave not removed, among the banquetseverywhereiscup boardsin confusion, severalshipguestscompletelyallbylying that the attractionattractson the deck, shout that listenshappilyresemblespain that the Lordshipatticis transmitting, the complexion is quite splendid.
弥漫在船队中的鬼雾已经消散,船上装饰的红色灯笼和绸缎还未撤下,酒席间到处都是狼藉的杯盘,几船宾客尽皆被引力吸的趴在船板上,听着主船顶楼传来的似欢乐又似痛苦的呼喊声,脸色都极为精彩。In the deck of Lordship, nearonetable of biggesttables, liesXuemajesticfacesimilarlyontablehas been madred, on a crazyfatface the blue veinstuck out suddenly, the muscle that coordinatingon the faceto twist, the appearance of whole personturned into a lump of strangeshape.
主船的甲板上,一桌最大的餐桌边,同样趴在桌上的薛英伟脸庞已经被气得通红,一张痴肥的面孔上青筋暴起,配合脸上扭曲的肌肉,整个人的面目都变成了一坨奇怪的形状。Xuemajesticsurroundingsare lying other chock fullguests, somefortunately the faceto the guest who heis unable to transform the posture, althoughin the surface a faceis sad, as ifon the matter to the marriageshipis filled with righteous indignation.
薛英伟的周围趴着满满当当的其它宾客,有些凑巧地将面孔对着他又无法变换姿势的宾客,虽然都表面上一脸悲戚,似乎对婚船上发生的事情义愤填膺。ButXuemajesticalwaysfelt,thesepeoplelookedhas the color of hiddenverydeeppityingtohisvision, makinginhisheart the angermore turbulent.
但薛英伟总觉得,这些人看向他的目光都带有隐藏很深的怜悯之色,让他心中怒火更加汹涌。ButtheseXuemajesticcannot see the guest of face, evenalsowants the fireto be bigger than him, Xuefoursons'brides is a middle rankmember, the appearance, whentodayproposes a toastbig fellow has seen, trulygreatattractiveness.
而那些薛英伟看不到面孔的宾客,甚至比他还要火大,薛四公子的新娘可是一个中阶修士,容貌在今日敬酒的时候大家伙都是见过,确实一等一的漂亮。Naturally, peopleon the scene, sincecanbecome the guest of honor of Xue, is the people of somestatus, the ordinaryfemale is attractively long, to them is also only the toys that shoutingwieldinggoes.
当然,在场的众人既然能成为薛家的座上客,都是有些身份之人,平常的女子就是长得再好看,对他们来说也只是呼之即来挥之即去的玩物。ButXuefoursons'bridesmaybe different, is not only good-looking, is the middle rankmember, is the hundred flowersislandislandLorddaughter, in addition the Xuedaughter-in-law'sstatus, soexistence of position, makessuchsoundin the wedding nightunexpectedlyblatantly.
但薛四公子的新娘可不一样,不仅长得漂亮,是个中阶修士,还是百花岛岛主的女儿,再加上薛家儿媳妇的身份,如此地位的存在,竟然公然在新婚之夜发出这样的声音。Butat this timebridegroomactually was pressedwiththemtogetherin the deck, in the buildinghadanythingnaturallyisobvious, one of the stimulation, was really makestheseviewerswant to stop but cannot, is impatient.
If notthesepeoplealsogets suckedinlifedanger not as one pleases, affected the mood of listening to the piece, theypossiblymovedseveralchapters.
如果不是这些人还深陷在命不由己的危险中,影响了听片的心情,他们可能都已经怅然若失好几回了。At this moment, in the atticcabin of marriageship.
此刻,婚船的顶楼舱室内。Foractorboth sides that many audiencecontributed a marvelous show , the performinggap, is holding a dialogue.
为众多观众贡献了一场精彩表演的演员双方,也正在表演的间隙,进行着一场对话。Firstis the Du Kangaurasteadymale voiceresounds.
先是杜康气息平稳的男声响起。„YourIintersect, has not known that yourname, can youtellme?”
After a longspittingbreath, is a soundis charming, conceals the exhaustedfemale voice.
一道长长的吐息之后,才是一个声音妩媚,隐含疲惫的女声。„Young master you are teasingme, youdid not inquire that the clearnewslooksmy, nowis pretending not knowing......”be that as it may, but the womanreturnssaid. „Concubinebodyboudoirmakes the jadenamed the flower, the young mastercancallotherschildhood namejadejade.”
“公子你又在逗我了,你不是打听清楚消息才来找我的吗,现在又在装不知道了……”虽说如此,但女人还是回道。“妾身闺名叫花弄玉,公子可以叫人家的小名玉玉。”„Flowermakes the jade, is really the goodname. Never expected thatIalsopose as a cultured persontoday, made a chapter of flower arrangementto makejadesuchelegantmatter, was really trip has not been made in vain.”
The Du Kangcarefreesoundspreadsby faroutward, oftenmixes with the floweris making the jadesmilestenderly, makesmanyin the fit of temperaudience unable to hold in the angerdirectly, quicklyregained the state of mindpure brightnesscondition.杜康畅快的声音远远向外传出,其中还不时夹杂着花弄玉的娇笑,让不少正在气头上的听众直接憋不住火气,很快恢复了神思清明的状态。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】Xuemajesticwas madinfuriated, monsterstrengthuncontrolledfleeingmoves, ignitedin the top of the headmiserablegreenmonsterfire that just like the essence, looksto be similar to a greenroyal crownfrom afar, looks atdumbfoundedly the surroundingviewer.
薛英伟更是被气得火冒三丈,妖力不受控制的窜动,在头顶上燃起了犹如实质的惨绿色妖火,远远看去如同一顶绿色的王冠,将周围的看客看得目瞪口呆。Xuemajesticthis year over 70 years old, as the middle rankmember, thisage was still the maturity, the naturehad experienceddoes not know that manywomen, nowalsoraisesis waiting on the concubinenumerously, married the flowerto make the jadeto pass through the gatealsofor the benefit that the familymarried,
薛英伟今年已经七十多岁,身为中阶修士,这个年纪仍是壮年,自然早已经历了不知多少个女人,现在也养着众多侍妾,娶花弄玉进门也只是为了家族联姻的利益,Aboutthisknew that severaldays of womenhave no sentiment. Xuemajesticbeforegetting marriedknows that the flowermakes the jadelove historyto be rich, buthedoes not care aboutthis, so long as after getting married , the facehas gotten upgoing, later the freshchild is also owntype, Xuemajesticplayson the preparation and wiferespectivelyvarious.
The big brother the verticaldogoutside the dark bluebillowscitycommitted murdera while ago, does not knowwhat kind ofprovokedSheng, goodto pay the less than halffamily propertyfloating, madeShengbelieve the loyalty of Xue, saved the life of family.
大哥前段时间在沧澜城外纵狗行凶,也不知怎么的就招惹到了盛家,好悬付出了小半的家业,才让盛家重新相信了薛家的忠诚,保住了一家老小的性命。But the loss of family property, can only fillfromotherplace, marryingwithhundred flowersisland, isXue Jiato revive a part of family propertyplan.
但家业的损失,就只能从别的地方填补了,与百花岛的联姻,就属于薛家重振家业计划的一部分。Xuemajestichas feltoneself is a taking the entire situation into accountmatureman, even ifmarries the wifeis the woman of loose and fickle, mayfor the family, oneselfstillbe ableto sacrifice.
薛英伟一直觉得自己是个顾全大局的成熟男人,即便娶得老婆是个水性杨花的女人,可为了家族,自己也可以牺牲一下。Buttoday the matter, reallygoes too far, the flowermakes the jadeunexpectedlyin the wedding night, is in front offullshipguestto wear the greenhattohim, isindividualcannot bearthisinsult, hemustmakethispay the priceto the people.
但今天发生的事情,实在是欺人太甚,花弄玉竟然在新婚之夜,当着满船宾客的面给他戴绿帽子,是个人就受不了这种侮辱,他一定要让这对狗男女付出代价。Xuemajesticfelt the guests who fullChuanare scoffinghimsecretly, the angerbecame confusedhis, letsdetermination that hemadeis unable underto decide.
薛英伟感觉满船的宾客都在暗地里耻笑他,怒火冲昏了他的头脑,让他做出了一直无法下定的决心。Xueis a respected family, XueYingjuncanhave the crazyman (Han)puppetsandthreemonsterdogsas the big brotherin the sideguard, althoughXuemajesticis only a fourth child, butalsohas the card in a hand.
薛家是一个大家族,薛英俊作为大哥能有痴汉傀儡和三头妖犬在身边护身,薛英伟虽然只是老四,但也是有自己底牌的。Hebelieves firmly, so long asdoes not run into the high rankmember, can certainlyoverturnin the fight of middle rankmember.
他确信,只要不是遇到高阶修士,就一定能够在中阶修士的战斗中翻盘。„Isyoucompelsmy, whymustcompelme, liveswellis not being good!”
“都是你们逼我的,为什么要逼我,好好活着不好吗!”Xuemajesticsea of consciousnessdeep place, symbollu of bloodglitteringas one desiresis together stave, a sideblood-colorworldwas opening the fangtohimimmediatelyslowly......
……Hangs all over the redsilk fabrics, pastesinfullXizi the new home.
挂满红色绸缎,贴满喜字的新房之内。Du Kangjustended a fight, will still be being been shivering the flower that non-stopto make the jadeto coverwith the redsilk, arrives at the windowalone, pushes the windowto lookto the top of the headbrightgalaxy.杜康刚刚又结束了一场战斗,用红色绸被将还在颤抖不停的花弄玉盖上,独自来到窗边,推窗看向头顶灿烂的星河。„Almighty troopsrefines the onedaytime of ceremony, whatshouldimplyisarrival of god of livelihood, so long astheyappear, how longregardless ofpresents, dayrises the moonsetisonedaytime.”
“神兵炼制仪式的一日时间,应该暗指的是日月之神的降临,她们只要出现,不论出现多久,日升月落就是一日的时间。”Du Kangthinks the refinementalmighty troopsneedsto spend entire day, withoutthinking ofeven/includingonenightdid not haveto realize, the tonight'stimealso is really long, regardless to the main bodyortown/subduesYueDaorenwereso.杜康原本以为炼制神兵需要花费整整一天,没想到连一夜都没有过完就练成了,不过今晚的时间还真是漫长啊,不论对本体还是镇岳道人来说都是如此。„Itransfer the bow the marriageshiptonighttonorth, not onlyrelaxed the body and mind, andsavedrushing about of distance, whatis more importantwastook away the place is apt to get into troublethisfleet, savedtheirlife, nowdoes good the person of good intention who onlyreceiveda littlereward is not manylikeme.”
“我今晚将婚船调转船头向北,既放松了身心,又省却了一段路程的奔波,更重要的还是将这支船队带离了是非之地,保住了他们的性命,现在像我这样做好事只收取这么一点报酬的好心人可不多了。”Du Kangtheclone , since branching out, onlyassociates with people a queen of clanto have a shorthappinesswith the bluescale, laterina halfyearhas been busy withvariouspreparationbusiness of profounddeepZhenhaiseal, letsthisbodyanger that hasdragonclan the bloodlinesis full.杜康的这具分身自从分出之后,只和碧鳞交人一族的女王有过一场短暂的欢愉,之后半年里一直忙于玄冥镇海印的各种准备事务,让这具拥有龙族血脉的身体火气十足。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】Now the flower arrangementmakesjade, wasmakes the dragonblood that in the bodymoved restlesslysubside.
如今插花弄玉一番,着实是让身体中躁动的龙血平息了下来。Du Kangis a tastefulperson, aftercontrollingthisfleetextinguished and flowermakes the thoughts that the jadecontinuesto play, becauseheneverdoesto forceothers'matter.杜康是个讲究人,原本在控制了这支船队后就熄了和花弄玉继续游戏的心思,因为他从不做强迫别人的事。Butdoes not know that the flowermakes the jadestemming fromwhatidea, unexpectedlyafterwas controlledbyDu Kang, opens the mouthto tempthimon own initiative, aboutcomesDu Kang of safe/without matteridly, cameoneto continuelong timegamesimply.
但也不知花弄玉出于什么想法,竟然在被杜康控制之后,主动开口引诱他,左右闲来无事的杜康,干脆又来了一场持续良久的游戏。Du Kangalsoin the thoroughcommunication, knows the flowermakes the jade the thoughts, butthoughtDu Kangis the lasciviouslasciviousperson, was worried that hemakes a moveto kill people, wantsto betray the appearanceto maintain life.杜康也在深入的沟通中,知道了花弄玉的心思,不过是觉得杜康是个贪花好色之人,担心他出手杀人,想要出卖色相保命罢了。Du Kangis not the person who thattypeignores the former friendship, applause that especiallyaftertwosentimentslike each other, cannot makethismatterto come, now after being well satisfied, has plannedto leave.杜康可不是那种不顾旧情的人,特别是在一番两情相悦的鼓掌之后,更是做不出这种事来,如今心满意足之后,已经打算走人了。„Now the profounddeepZhenhaisealhas realized, tothis/shoulddeparturetime, yazicloneto leavehere is quite far, is not goodto rideothers'marriageshipto go to that farplace, distinguishes here.”
“如今玄冥镇海印已经练成,也到了该离开的时候了,睚眦分身离此处颇远,也不好一直坐着别人的婚船去那么远的地方,就在此处分别吧。”Du Kangturns headto lookto the woman on marriagebed, a white and tendersmall feetdroopsweak getting out of bededge, in the red colorquiltrevealshalfattractivefragrantshoulderandsends the flower of silkdisorderlyelegantfaceto make the jade, is lookingmiserabletooneself, as ifinbeing worriedoneselfwill brutally capture, underpainkiller.杜康扭头看向婚床上的女人,一只白嫩的小脚无力地耷拉下床沿,大红色的被子中露出半个好看的香肩和发丝凌乱俏脸的花弄玉,正楚楚可怜地看向自己,似乎在担心自己会拔掉无情,痛下杀手。【Wordssaid,at presentreads aloudlistens to storytellingeasiest-to-useapp, tradessourceapp, .huanyuanappinstallmentmostupdate.】
【话说,目前朗读听书最好用的app,换源app,.huanyuanapp安装最新版。】Du Kangjustwantsto greetwalks, thinkssuddenly a dizzinessfeelingraids the heart, at presentoneblack, arrived at a newworld.杜康正想打个招呼就走,突觉一阵眩晕感袭上心头,眼前一黑,就来到了一个新的世界。
The blood-colorinternal organs that the witheredtrees that the ugly face of zeroshatterandgloomydistortions, the brokencorpse, the greenjack-o'-lantern of fluttering, the trunk and branchesdistortiondragonties, the blood-colorwaterfall, as well asin the blood-colorriversflutters, change toscenery of the terrifyingto head on.
一张张支零破碎、阴森扭曲的鬼脸,残破的尸体,飘荡的绿色鬼火,枝干扭曲虬结的干枯树木,血色的瀑布,以及血色河流中飘荡的血色内脏,化作一幕幕恐怖之景扑面而来。WhenDu Kangrecovers, oneselfhave stoodin a hell of everywhereterrifyingloathsome appearance.
The bloodcloudtumblesin the top of the head, the black windhas curledblood-stained, proliferates the skeleton the land.
血云在头顶翻滚,黑风卷过血迹斑斑,遍布尸骨的大地。Havingin a big way, the neckis careful, the green skinhungry ghost who the bellydrumrisesis gnawingto eat the skeleton that the roadsideis falling dead, but the tinyneckalwayskeepsfoodfromswallowing, the hungry ghostanxiousunderkeepssending outhungryweeping and wailing;
有口大、脖子细、肚子鼓涨的青皮饿鬼在啃食着路边倒毙的尸骸,但细小的脖子总是使食物无法咽下,饿鬼急切之下不停地发出饥饿的哭喊;Having the bodyis thin, the whole bodyskinnyghostthingtakes the limbs of personto playin the handat will;
有身体消瘦、全身皮包骨头的鬼物在手里拿着人的肢体随意玩耍;Hasghostdog that the eyesblush, surroundedate the stomachcircleon the corpse;
有双眼发红的鬼犬,围拢在尸体上吃了个肚圆;Has the buildgiantox headyama's underlingsto walk randomlyinsuch asmountainSihai the ghostthing, oftengrasps a sidelittle rascalto throw into the mouth, sends outsatisfiedlaughing heartily;
The groupghostsdeductall sorts ofmiserably, the sad and shrillghostcries from swamp into the Du Kangearwith the deceitfulghostlaughterin all directions, is really goodhellscene.
群鬼们演绎出种种惨相,凄厉的鬼哭和奸诈的鬼笑声从四面八方涌入杜康耳中,真是好一幅地狱景象。WhenDu Kangglances right and left, sonic boomdrinksis resoundingsuddenlybehind.
就在杜康左顾右盼的时候,一声爆喝突然在身后响起。„Frontthatcapableman, yourpracticingtimearrived, followsonemetime.”
“前面那个精壮汉子,你修行时间到了,跟我走一遭吧。”Du Kangturns head, after behindgroupghostsaw that tallapproximatelyonezhang (3.33 m)ox headpersonis grasping the chainsto bringtowardoneself.杜康回头,才在身后的群鬼中看到一只高约一丈的牛头人正手持锁链向着自己拿来。Strange, striking hadn't such stature, howseenita moment ago?
奇怪,这么醒目的身材,刚才怎么没有看到它呢?Is lost in thought that Du Kangfelt that suddenlyat present a flower, the chains of thatblood-stained the unexpected happeninghas put on the body of Du Kang, an arbitrarygreatstrengthtransmitsfromchains that ox headpersonturns the headto drawDu Kangis walkingtoward the front.
正出神间,杜康感觉突然眼前一花,那条血迹斑斑的锁链已经鬼使神差地套上了杜康的身体,一股蛮横的巨力从锁链那头传来,那牛头人转头将杜康拉着向前方走去。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】Du Kangiscuriousaboutall of present, thenhas not resisted, followingpulling of ox headpersoninthiscorpse mountain blood sea.杜康对现在发生的一切都感到好奇,便没有抵抗,顺着牛头人的拉扯走在了这片尸山血海里。
The ox headpersonplace visited, the groupghostwithdrawsautomatically, makes way a path, the grotesqueghostthingstandsby the pathcrowded, looks atrestrainedDu Kangtaking pleasure in others' misfortunes, exudes the intermittentghostlaughter.
牛头人所过之处,群鬼自动退避,让开一条道路,奇形怪状的鬼物挤站在道路两旁,幸灾乐祸地看着被约束的杜康,发出阵阵鬼笑声。TakesDu Kangoneto cultivate/repair, naturallydid not fear that theseghostthing, the ghostlooks athim, healsolooks at the ghost, the images and beforehandbooks of thesemalicious ghostssees11to compare, actuallyalsorecognizedmost, moreoverthesedo not recognize, makesDu Kangbroaden the outlook.
以杜康的一身修为,自然不怕这些鬼物,鬼看他,他也看鬼,将这些恶鬼的形象和以前书籍中所见一一对照起来,却也认出了其中大半,另外那些认不出的,也让杜康大开眼界。mountainghost, the foxghost, the evildoer's disguiseghost, the graveghost, evil spirit, frogmanandghost, produce the ghost, ghost who has hanged himself, the catghost, god of plague and wangliangghost and young childghostandbladeLaoghost, to seize the soul the ghostandthunderghost, the dishevelled hairghostandbigend of ghost and abdomenghostanddeepghostandfierceghost......
山鬼、狐鬼、画皮鬼、墓鬼、厉鬼、水鬼、伥鬼、产鬼、缢鬼、猫鬼、疫鬼、魍魉鬼、小儿鬼、刀劳鬼、拘魂鬼、雷鬼、蓬头鬼、大头鬼、腹鬼、冥鬼、狰狞鬼……Thisworlddoes not have the inbornghostthing, regardless of the personis beastly, thesehave not repairedforlife, only ifcan the accident of sortsenter the spirit worldsurvival, otherwise the soulafterdyinginwearing down of spiritsea of qiwill return to original stateinto the spiritual energyshatter.
这个世界是没有天生鬼物的,无论人还是兽,这些没有修为的生灵,除非能够机缘巧合进入灵界生存,否则在死后阴魂都会在灵气海的消磨中破碎还原为灵气本身。At presenttheseghostthing in hell, allare the memberpracticeYin God Lawto practice the ghostimmortalbody that the congealmentproduces.
眼前地狱里的这些鬼物,全都是修士修行阴神法修行凝结产生的鬼仙躯体。IfFen Niangzi that Du Kangknows, shecultivatesis the ghostimmortalbody of colorfulghost.
如杜康认识的粉娘子,她修的就是鬼仙中的艳鬼之躯。Eachghostthingrepresented a practicingpath, observes and emulatestheirphysique, toDu Kangis a developmentvision, behavior that grows the Yin God Lawbackground.
每一种鬼物都代表了一种修行道路,观摩他们的形体,对杜康来说是一种开拓眼界,增长阴神法底蕴的行为。Du Kangis actually not thinkingsuddenlywas separated fromhere, insteadwith great interest and groupghostobserved and emulatedmutually.杜康一时间竟然不想着脱离这里了,反而津津有味地和群鬼相互观摩起来。Thishellis a toughhill, Du Kangafterunder the ox headopeningturns around a mountain pass, at presentfinallypresents the differentscenes.
The fat liquorgreat lake that an air bubbletumblesstoppedin the pathfront, a large number ofghostthingwept and wailedto struggle to crawl, was actually forkedin the oil discharge unable to fleewith the yama's underlings of steel forkbyboth sideshand, oftendissipatedonhas ghostthingghostbodyracingKuiinthispotgiantfat liquor.
一个气泡翻滚的油液大湖阻拦在了道路前方,数量众多的鬼物正在其中哭喊挣扎着想要爬出去,却被两旁手拿钢叉的鬼卒叉回油中无法逃离,不时就有鬼物鬼体奔溃消散在这一锅巨大的油液中。Frontox headMousoundMouQisaying.
前方的牛头牟声牟气的说道。„Hereis the wok with cooking oilhell, thisprisonmaypress outinyourheartall sortsto hold the desire, isworldghostsaid that a practicingbigmost precious object, is one's turnyouto press outtoday, seriouslyis the hugegood fortune, but also is staringdoing, goes inquickly!”
“这里是油锅地狱,度此狱可榨去你心中种种占有之欲,是世间鬼道修行的一大至宝,今日轮到你被榨,当真是天大的福分,还愣着干什么,快进去啊!”Turns headto tow the chainsto walkin the shore, but the yama's underlings in ashorecompletelyallgrasp the steel forkto grin fiendishlyare lookingtoDu Kang, obviouslydoes not prepareto makehimalsoononshorepass.
扭头拖着锁链走在岸边,但岸上的鬼卒尽皆手持钢叉狞笑着看向杜康,显然不准备让他也在岸上通过。„Alsogood, mysay/wayto the ghostimmortal has been very interested, tastes the Yingodtodayby the taste that the oilpresses out.”
“也好,我对鬼仙之道一直很有兴趣,今天就来尝尝阴神被油榨的滋味吧。”Du Kanglaughs, onesteptreadstoward the wok with cooking oilgreat lake, enters the oilnot to sinkunexpectedly, the footsteps on the boiling hotfat liquorto walkin the oil level, walkstoward the opposite shorestep by step.杜康哈哈一笑,向着油锅大湖一步踏出,竟然入油不沉,脚踩着滚烫的油液走在油面上,一步步向对岸走去。
The groupghost in wok with cooking oilsaw that the Du Kangdropoildoes not moisten, looked likeseesin the life an onlystraw to graspto be the same, swarmedto well uptohim.
The groupghostassemblesaroundDu Kang, an onlyburned blackpalmstretches outfrom the oilsea, graspsto the Du Kangankle area, wantsto holdhimto leavethispainfulhell, evencannotsucceed, must pull downDu Kang, makinghimtasteby the pain that the oilpresses outtogether.
The peacefulgoldenBuddhafireemitsfrom the Yingod, allghostthing that dareto touchDu Kang, just likeflammablecandle, even ifplacesin the oilsea, was still burnt downonegroup of ashesbyBuddhacompletely.
澹金色佛火从阴神中冒出,所有敢于碰触杜康的鬼物,都如同易燃的蜡烛一样,即便身处油海中,也被佛火烧成了一团灰尽。This chapterhas not ended, click[ nextpage] continuesto read- gt;gt;
本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt;【Monstercraftyworld: Ican the kryptonlifepractice】【】
【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】Even so, the groupghoststillone filling where the other dropstoDu Kangroamingto come, only to holdonehas not had the hope.
即便如此,群鬼依然前仆后继地向杜康游来,只为抓住一丝根本就没有存在过的希望。Waitsto give birth toDu Kang of golden lotusto go outfrom the wok with cooking oilhellstep by stepsteps the shore, seenisox headthatwhole facegloomygoodface, hestared atDu Kanga whilestubbornly, saidwickedly.
等步步生出金莲的杜康从油锅地狱走出踏上岸边,看到的就是牛头那张满脸阴沉的牛脸,他死死地盯了杜康一会儿,才恶狠狠地说道。„Practicing of wok with cooking oilhellfinished, Ithink that youcould not wait to enter the nexthell, followedmequickly.”
The ox headgrabs the chainsto take the lead, Du Kangis closing eyesto realizesame placeone a subtle change that passes through the wok with cooking oilanusgod, the corners of the mouthshow an understanding clearlysmile , to continue followingstand forth.
After turning around a frontmountain passagain, an icebergappearedin front of the pathtowering.
再次拐过前方的一个山口后,一座冰山突兀地出现在了道路面前。Oniceberg that the cold windhowls, is havingghostthingin rags, is climbing upon the watersharpiceberg, theirYingodswere frozen the blue and purplestiffly, the movementare frozen.
寒风呼啸的冰山上,正有一个个衣衫褴褛的鬼物,正在菱角尖锐的冰山上攀爬,他们的阴神被冻得青紫,动作被冻得僵硬。Often the has ghostthinglets slipfrom the mountainfalls, collideson the cliff of Zakiarea, finallywas fallenmeets a cruel death, becomesunder the cliff a part of shatterghostcorpse.
不时有鬼物失手从高山上掉落,在一路崎区的山崖上一路碰撞,最终被摔得粉身碎骨,成为山崖下破碎鬼尸的一部分。„Thisis the icehell, thisprisonmayeliminateall sorts ofdistracting thoughts in Yingod, makesitsquietlike the ice crystal, pleaseclimb mountains.”
The ox headbodysoarsto fly, draws the chains to Du Kangpulltoward the icebergon, the Du Kanglip anglestillhas the smile of undulating, the strideto walkupwardly......
牛头的身体腾空飞起,拉着锁链就要将杜康往冰山上扯,杜康唇角依然带着澹澹的微笑,大步向上走去……Later, Du Kangpassed the icebergandmountain of swordsmoothly, the sea of fire, the iron pole and dismembermentpunishment...... and other hells, followed the frontox headto arrive in a palacerefreshing.
之后,杜康一路顺利的度过了冰山、刀山,火海,铁柱、磔刑……等十八种地狱,神清气爽地跟着前方的牛头来到了一座宫殿里。In the gloomystrangemain hall, a best pupilistenzhang (3.33 m), to wear the hugeox headperson of emperorrobeto sit wellon the throne, only12zhang (3.33 m)highox headyama's underlingslike the official, are placedby the main hall, the visionis fixing the eyes onDu Kangmean.
阴森诡异的大殿中,一个高足有十丈、身穿帝王袍的庞大牛头人正在王座上端坐,一只只一两丈高的牛头鬼卒如同臣子,分列大殿两侧,目光阴狠地紧盯着杜康。Onlylistens tothatonlygiantox headpersonto loudly shoutto saylike the mighty bell.
只听那只巨大的牛头人如同洪钟大喝一声道。„Damn doesn't the king, whydo obeisance?”
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